OFFICIAL JOURNAL OP POLK COUNTY. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THIN QS. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. VOL. XI. COLUMBUS, N. C. THURSDAY; APRIL 27, 19C5 NO. 1 THE SMITH FAMILY. SAM JONES IS HELD UP. AN EDITOR HAS A FIGHT. SCHOOLS GET $200,000 'NEW, RAILROAD SCHEME. NEGRO RUNNINGTOR OFFICE. Each One of Them Wanted to Lead Threat is Made'That Unless Com- in Prayer. mand is Obeyed, "Either You or I Must Die." Montgomery, Ala., April 20 Uev. Sam P. Jones, of Cariersville, Ga.,: the well un A former resident of Kernersville, now practicing his profession in GreeDS loro, visited his old home the other day and tells an old story with new frills it a attended a revival meeting near his known evangelist and lecturer had an old home and says when the preacher usual experience here today - with another finished his sermon he said - ' niTiil n-nn QmttVt lourt Sri "rnav'0'' i Will iw j"v ,f w whereupon twenty-three Smiths' arose The preacher thought he would be a lit tle more explicit aniL said: I mean tiro John Nnuth. " Twelve Smiths then sat clown, leaving elevea still trying to lead in prayer. Greensboro Record. . m v THANKS .FOR SHIPMAN. Editor Deal of Wilkesboro-Chron- icie Knocked Down by Agent Samuels North Wilkedboro special, 17tb. to the Raleigh ews and Observer. There is blood iu the face of the moon in the state of Wilkes. ' R A. Deal. the. '' - . YW11 . 1 1 minister who threatened his life. Mr. Jones leamss eair.oi. ine. vv iiaesuoro ,urouiu. was in Montgomery enr ute to Tuskegee, is badly disabled, owing lo an assault made Ala! where he tonieht delivered a lecture uPn H"u uy ivevenue umuera oa.uuc ..u His Work as Assistant Commissioner Has Been Appreciated. Tne Council of State yesterday ten dered a unanimous vote of thanks to Mr. M. L. Shipraan, Assistaot Commis sioner of Labor and 1'rinting, for his efficient work in comparing the bids for i Late printing, and ascertaining which was more advantageous to the state. Governor Gleno expressed his pleas ure that so much accurate information had been obtained concerning this ex pensive item of state government. After reviewing the report, Mr. N. B. Broughton, of the firm of Edwards & Broughton, and one of the bidders, said that, the comparison could not have been better made. Mr. Til. M. uzzell, to whom the contract was awarded, said that the report con- i a in aA r.-infnpmftl ilill " ' j-nnCPmiTlCf state printing than had ever been col lected beforehand indicated a vast amount of labor. Raleigh News & Observer. RALEIGH'S PRIMARY HELD. The New" System of Voting Works ; Admirably. " . : storv of the affair whicU 41 snating oia Wilkes from ceuler to circumference runs this way: : '":-'-'r4 In the last isueof the Chronicle the fol lowing editorial appeared, headed: it Graft or .What?" - ; r - ; 'There are some strange reports coming in fron the Lewis Fork section. Six reve nue ;fflcers went un there Monday. Our information. is that - word -was, sent up Saturday and on Sunday the coppers dis appeared, aid thereyeuuer8 found nothing as usual. Our informant-fays It Is com mouly reported and believed that there are about-fifteeu blockade distilleries running pretty regularly, except for a day or so when the officers make their periodical vis lis aud that each distiller puts $30 a month into the 'missionary box so as to receive the proper information concerning visits. "Until last election Lewis Fork was democratic township, but b in vol vi ng many in reveuue matters and promising them immunity from the law and making cot fldential i rraig-ment with others, 1t gave a good majority for Blackburn at -the lat.1 election. Hence this special favor lo that township The other day up in that seclio I the champion blockade slopped bog was killed, wHuhing about 450 pounds and in order to keep off 'suspicion' they filled up some fellows hi d ladies- of leisure and nlnwrf them alnntr the hicrhwavs'to . 'Cuss Among those going abroad for the watts law,' while the hog slayer pro- ther Loudon season there is a large reeded. Our informant says he knows sprinkling of Beef Trust employes, what he is talking about. We d not know It is fact, however, that most of the 'block hnoinmi. in I ha rnitnttr la Anna In tht BPr . J" vsie au Pu" tion and the revenuers are unable to find an tvcioriax on gins. ,ino same coiW. They appear lo look only for-the law might well contain, provision I democratic brand and they are not there. for an export bounty on physi- II'8 ,he republican 'special that, are doing the business." -: - , ; "When Officers Samuels and Hasty : re turned to Wilkesboro from Lewis Fork Wvndhhm. a Methodist ' preacher, whose home is at Dothan, Ala., accosted him on the street and persuaded him to accompany Wyndham to the Utter' room in a hotel. Nosoomr were the two in Wvndbam's room than the preax;lur turned to Mr. Jones, after first locking the door, and placing the key thereto in his pWket and said: " J ,"Q d has directinl me to go to Dthan, (Xln ) and get married, and to take you with me to perlorm the ceremony. Then we are to conduct a meeting in Dothan, after which we will return to Montgomery and eonduct a meeting here. V 'If you don't assent lo this either you or I must die." v , At thin mome it a bell boy knocked at the door and informed Mr. Jones that he was wanted at the teleplione. Excusing himself he managed to leave the room and needless to say. did not return, lie was followed to the depot, however, by Mr. Wyndham, who whs arrested there by De tective Payne. Wyndham, who' is a form er inmate of an insane asylum, aud who has been three times divorced from the wo man he wishts to wed again, is held at police barracks as a suspicious character. It is not known at this time last what disposition of his case wid be made. - All This Fund has Been Disbursed Asheville North Carolina to be One The G. A. R, , Witnesses ah Inter- by, the Treasurer. .- - Terminus.. ..1 . esting Scramble. 'State jreasujer B. R. Lacy has com- L A railway connecting Asheville with A special 'from Newport News sava" pleted the disbursements of the school Weaverville, the educational town ten that at the meeting of the departments lunu urwmijwu u ine puonc scnoois J mnes norm or. tnis city ana tne gateway 01 worth Uarolina and Vire-mia of . th of the various .counties. This sum is I to the "Yancey cprinty section, over Grand Array of the Republic yesterday comosed of the $!00,ooo which was dis-j which there , has been much talk the I there .was a hot fieht between Chn n tributed per capita,and the $i00,000 to I past few years, and toward -which there I Osborne, prominent white man 5 - at' increase the school terms to four i has been directed much enererv and la Phoebus. Va. . and iRnkn Pnwoii nvin.Aj. mpnths.- This is the only disbursement bor, is practically an assured fact, and of New Bern, for the office of command to schools made d tiring the year by the the dream of .the people of the northern er, the 'negro loosin g fby only three -stale treasurer. . . - . ; ' section of Buncombe for a railway seems votes. The stecial foilnw-' ; vv; The county to receive the largest ap-1 to be shortly realized. ' . . . Newport News Va.,:ApriL'l9.---Deiv ' portloBment for school purposes was I It was learned from an authoritative partmentof Virginia and North CaWw Wilkev which was given $5,73.23. sources that the road will be built by lina, Grand Army of the Rebublie h'ptft Dare county receives the smallest J the Asheville and Craggy Mountain its annual encampment in the theater" amount in the regular per capita dis-1 Railway Company, commonly known as of the National Soldiers' Home at Hamp- bursement, this being only $242.80, but the Rowland Improvement Comf)any, ton today. About 100 delegates 'were' the supplemental amount It gets in- the' steam road from the terminus of the ii attendance. 5 Capt. John C. Fowler',' preases Its total to 2,54a.90, which I trolly line in Charlotte street to Heaver 1 oi mchmond, department commandpr-. makes it tne' largest distribution in pro- j Dam, and that in all proBabilitV work presided over the sessions of the en- 4 county will be commenced in ten days. : ., ' J I campment. Just before adjournment - A committee of citizens-of Weaver- this evening the following officers for vllle'has for some: time been engaged the ensuing year were elected; ; ; in securing rights of way between the Commander, Charles H.' Osborne, new bridge across the French ""Broad Phoebus, Va.; senior vice "commander, -rMoscow, April 18 -The supreme court river, four miles below , Asheville, and Isaac Powell (colored),-; New Bern, N today impose I ; the death sentence on the . town of Weaverville. ; and, so sue- C, junior vice commander, Lewis Dal- Kaleipff, who killed Grand Duke Sergius. cessfully has this work been accom- ley, Norfolk, Va.; medical, director, Dr; sTheonly jierso is present through the plished that, with the exception of two James P. Carter, Norfolk; ehaplain, trial w-re membero of the entourage of the or three properly owners, deeds grant- Henry Rook, Portsmouth; assistant late Grand Duke Sergius and counsel, of ing rights of way. for 1 the oad have adjutant, A. - A. Hager, JPhbebus; wno n two were assign! k ivaieien. i ne been sifimeu. " ueiegaies to national convention en- Two surveys nave bee made for the campment at Denver, Dr. James P. Carf proposed road, it is said, but as yet no ter, Norfolk, and Frank M. Worth, Na- seiection has been made as to .wich tional Soldiers' Home; alternates, W. route will be adopted. It is probable, A Parsons, Richmond, and Francis Mc-" however, that a station will be built Cabe, SoWiers' Home. . . , almost in tne heart of the town. There was a hot fight between Os- The road will be operated for the ac- borne and Powell for office of Com- pas- portion to population.' Dare pays only $1,400 in taxes. Slayer of Sergius Sentenced. prisoner's mother was riot admitted, but remained in the corridor. ; - I When Kaleieff was arraigned he replied, "I am not a criminal and vou are 'not my judges. I am your prisoner. . We "have " a civil wai ; I am a prisoner of war, nQt a crimiBaU' .-'.-Twelve witnesses were exam ined. Prior to passing sentence the presi-1 commodation of both freight and ctans. that 'the Japanese are not only tricky." We have noticed that- also that they generally manage to turn the odd trick. Raleigh, N. C, April 21. A secou primary will be held in Raleigh nex Tuesday to nominate a mayor, a police justice, a tax collector and in the second division of the first ward a member or the executive committee.' s - - The only official .named by-he city at large who received a majority yester day was W. W. Wilson, the present city clerk. The vote for clerk was Willson 850, Jos. S. Correll 544. , Mr. Yerkes manifests touching In the second primary the two candi svmpathv with Chicago. It is dates receiving jhe highest vote will noteworthv, however, that Mr. run again, i ne vote oo mayor wusjus. I. Johnson 706, Frank Stronach 567, J S. Wvnne 226. For police Justice the race is trol of the street railway situation tweeo Thomas Badger, who got r29 votes jn that city a ru R ( Rpptrwlth. who received 389. 1 - t c.h. senark 37i. R. G. - Reid - Tho Supreme court s labor law 92, M. B. Barbee63. " decision rendered by Alton B. The second race for tax collector is I Parker as Chief Judge oft he New between C. F. Lumsden. with 578 votes, York Court of Appeals. Perhaps and Jno. S. Jones with 372. Geo. S. Ter- j dg0 parker should not be blam rell received 279 and H. J. Heileg -26. - , r t , ... tt. UAUn eu. however, as ho rendered the In the race for alderman Wm. Boy Ian cu ,Tr . ; got in by one majority in the first ward decision after he had been made a and J . jSherwood Upchurch has one ma- president inl candidate and he na- jority In the second division of tbe rfuranv looked with a lenient eye General .BatianotT complains they were red m the face. Editor Deal, though having been sick in bed for several days, had gotten up and gone down to the postoffice to get his mail.? He is a small, frail mau, but of great courage. Samuels and Hasty met him and Samuels accosted him with the query: 44 Who is the author of that damned lie?' -Deal replied: Jl don't know as I have to give it unless I want to." - ' - "It is vour own damned lie,' replied Yerkes never exhibited any of this Samuels, swinging his big- fist full into tenderness when he was in con- Deal's Jace, knocking him down. - . It was at once seen that Deal.; was sense less, but Samuels jumped on him beating dent asked Kaleieff if he would repeat the crime if he were given his liberty. , He re- plid, Withut.doubt I would repeat it if ordered by the revolutionary committee,1 to which I am attached." 1 When sentence of death was , passed Kaleieff shouted: . - Execute yur judgement as orxmly as I have acted before the eyes of all." Tb) date of the execution has not been sengers. It will be broad-guage and will be operated by steam locomotives. lv By the terms of the rights of way, granted by property owners, the com pany is obligated to complete the road within eighteen months. It is believed that with the completion of the road to Weaverville it will be mander, the negro losiDg by. only three votes. . - - - The women 's . Federation v of Clubs is discussing - the ques- -tion, 44 What is the best preven tive 6f divorce?'' If-we were con-" extended to -tilted we should venture to eug- Burnsville, in Yancey county, a distance gest three good meals a day served of forty miles. MR. GUDGER IN RALE1GH. Prominent members of Congress believe that the stand-patters have won a victory over President The Congressman Visits Capital Roosevelt, and that no tariff revis- ion will be accomplished at the next session of Congress. Perhaps that is just as well; - No adequate re- City on Professional Business. at home every day irv the year. It is unkind to suggest . that a presidential candidate posessed of the fire aud enthusiasm of Vice President Fairbanks would have1 to go hunting on an ice-breaker ; Congressman J. M. Gudger," Jr., spent after polar bears. yesterday in the city and left for his j ..- ... : q home in Asheville on an early train this TU7i- : . xu r . 1 1 vision could be expected from the Uornin. He spent some time in the J " ? " . B"mtiUliIlg wlg wu" present Congress and if none is office of the .secretary of state look- WUA J"H1U1' yiu., muiiy ot ntfomntpH tho nnnl will innnrA Ing up a number of land grants and Democratic maiority in the Pu,f. V " j- s ' . . . .. next houses - - m fourth ward The electiOD was orderly and the Australian ballot system work ed satisfactorily. Eve Surprised Him. "And now, Johnny," said the Sunday school teacher' "is there auyihing -you don't understood about Eve and the ser- Pnt?" " - .-CA"" l -i - r "Yesw . . "Well, what?" "How'd Eve kent fr m havin' a fit when she seen it comiu'?" Detroit Tribune. ' : on the claims and wishes of labor agitators. . f, . the The JJ. S. Supreme Court, has delivered a knockout blow . to the labor unions- The court, inthe case of .a New York law which limited the working day of em ployees in bakeries and -confec tionery shops to ten'hours; has de cided that no State has the right to place an arbitrary limit on the working day of those engaged in healthful occupations.- This i eauivalent to declaring unconsti- ls in New York for Treatmentand tutional in advance the eight hour GLENN WILLIAMS SICK. labor law which the labor unions have been beseech iug Congrees to enact. Bv inference, the United States ... . . ' Considered Seriously Sick. Three big cases against N. Glenn Wil liams, the big Yadkin county distiller, which were to have Been tried , at Greensboro Federal court, have been transferred to Charlotte for trial in June. 1 Supreme Court - holds . that, by i nese cases have been contmueu uum virtue of its right to protect Wie ume to time since iytw. ' health of its citizens a State . may One case is for alleged rectifying tt4lJ" VA ' franfi, f.. i.ttnc, tion 551 of place an arbitrary limit on the th i - a ..k lihpi anit nrnrkinfr dav in those industries on a bond for over $15,000. The cases had been set for trial last Wednesday,, but Tuesday morning a statement was filed with Judge Boyd from Dr. 8omers, of Winston, stating that the defendant, had consulted him Monday, and finding'himto be seriously ill had hurried him at once to Dr. . Os ler, the New York scientist. Tbe cases were on this account transferred. .1 -- which, are fui: " manifestly, .iiuhealth- . When Governor Ha,nley of In j;n oova ho nvr saw the in- side of a saloon his friends don' know: whether :to take it as a joke or a hint..; - V- ' . . . him ov r the head and face. Hotel Keeper Wehb.irn rushed to Deal's a'd when Hasty'drew a Colt's pist 1 and exclaimed: 4,Ldare any man to touch Samuels. Re is giving th damned scoun drel what he deserves." . But this did not hold back the crowd. Brave Mich Vannoy and Or U. Davis pulled Samuels off. An outraged public at once assembled and it looked as If the revenuers would be dealt with on the spot, but wiser counsel prevailed." The revenuers sneaked off to the mayor and begged to submit, but the mayor would take no submission and bad them arrested and placed under bond to appear before him on the 21st. By dark thestreets at Wilkesboro were alive with mad men from the country dis tricts,' and it was with difficulty that vio lence to the revenuers was prevented. Next Saturday trouble is feared .when the revenuers are tried for the assault on Deal. Messrs. Fioly and Hendren,. W, W. Barber and 1. W. McNeill are to prosecute, while it is said tho new convert, H. Greene, will defend. This loots Ulce an other clapter in the Yerkes eighth district contract with the distillers. ' The Watts law a d the Federal laws are defied. It is time for President Roosevelt and Governor Glenn to take hld. " ; Pointed Paragraphs. We all think we got the worst of it. It does not take up any more timi to be polite then disagreeable. 4 It is not what you say, but bow you say it. It means friends or enemies. . -Don't neglect work that is really impqrt ant for reform work that doesn't amount to anything.. - ' - - It is the ihvolu itar y impulse of , nine in ten when picking up a postal card to turn It over to see what is written oo it. i Those women who look 4,as if a wind could blow them away" can usually sweep and dust all around their heavier sisters, Occasionally a person is smart enough to accept a favor and get things twisted around t;i hA HPfima to be the one who is con- f erring a ben efit. Atchison Globe. ty Bank ' . Yesterday afternoon Mr. Gudger call ed on Governor Glenn for the purpose of Some of t he Republican; states- J filing an application for the pardon of men are . taking seriously tne p"" a-euaivj, uuo u,u aCi xuS .'. . - u i j three years in the penitentiary for man- proposition of the whiskey, dis- , T, . : . tillers and the brewers that there LKm;: : ;n.OJ nu I "vuuuu vital uu nor OVUVV.UV.U , WJ be imposed a tariff -on coffee, agreement of the solicitor and counsel They admit that such a tax would! for the defense, the latter being- Mr. prove a hardship to the poor peo ple but they think it would yield ine rostjiince oinciais ; wno were under 1 circumstances which left - little doubt lof - the-ir guilt are stilP at large and un tried! '-., - His Grief, 'John," "said Mrs. Twicewedyyoa are a brute! Ton doa't express any , sorrow that my mother is dying, I don't believe you'd more-revenue without sacrificing the interests of the 4infant in- du8tries.n i ep, 1 would, Maria," answered the brute cheerfully." "I often fiud myself greying over the .: death of , your first husband," , ; ' , An Idea of te Lossr ' , i . We. read the report that 2y0, 000 men were killed and wounded-on r both sides in the battle of i-Mukden,, without fnllv ' m Gudger. The sentence as imposed at care li a11 mv re,alives diedl" the February term of the Madison coun ty court. The charge against the pris oner' was aiding and abetting -in the killing of a white woman by the name of Rachel Shelton. The shot that kill ed the woman was 'bred by Andy Hans ley, who really shot at another man with The Senate committee on Inter- j whom he and Ephriam Hensley were state Commerce is now holding engaged in a row. Andy Hensley suc- dailv sessions witli : the purnbse . :of ceeded making his escape and has realizing what thpse; awfui:4figures ut ex uwwu vauum lueau. titirtj are a. lew aius U) me jmagl , The contention is that Ephriam really nation. Two hundred thousand casual had very little if anything to do with ties equal: r ' ' ' - -i ' the killing, further that he is antild and Thfee"hundred Iroq'ouis Theatre dis inoffensive man, being 1 years old and asters. -iU. i- :r,Ju that whatever degree of guilt his may A hundred . and fifty Slocum disas be he has already been sufficiently pun. ters. : ; - - " ished. - "f : " Eighty Johnstown floods: " " s The governor has as yet taken no ac- Thirty Galveston floods. l-- -tioninrhe matter.- Along with the ap- .The 1 total population men. women plication filed by Mr. Gudger is a recom- and children of a city like'Mineapolis. recommending to Congress such railway rate legislation ' as will least annoy " their friends, ' the railway magnates. ' Mr. E. H. Harriman has already! picked his candidate for Presi dent for, 1908, in the person ot Charles Warren Fairbanks. This means the opposition of Mr. P. Morgan to Mr. Fairbanks and sev eral, aspirants for high preferment i are seeking the favor of the rail- mendation from the solicitor of the dis- ; The population of the states of 'Idaho trict that the pardon: be granted. "Also and Newada combined. . 1 .;. endorsements on the application from a The entire Boer, population, of. both number of citizens who are familiar with sexes and all ages, of the two South, Af- thecase. . ' - rican republics which resisted the whole lasc nignt congressman uuuger uu i power oi me oriusn mpire ior over way king. Of. course .the people a conference at the Yarborough with two years. -Collier's Weekly. are not; to do-consul tea in tne se- lection of a Republican candidate for President. 1 - ; . Mr. M. L. Shipman, assistant commis sioner of labor and $ printing, who : is chairman of the democratic executive committee oLthe Tenth' congressional district, and directed the strenuous cam paign last fair in which Mr. Gudger Senators who have come ; to Washington to hold railway fate I increased majority. Post. hearings declare their belief that there will be no extra session next The president has taken j- Costliest Pup in the World .vi ne cosuiesi pup in tne . worm is schedul ed to reach America lathe next few days. - This collie puppy, Southport Sculptor, was re-elected to congress by a greatly I was purcnaseu in England by bamuei Un-; termyre, and is now on its way to- Amer ica. " . V On its arrival here it will be taken lo tbe steps kennels of the. owoef at Grevfitnn.r. thn news TT - - country..' piace oi -..jur, unvermyre, -Ine or fall. It is, of course, impossible to prevent - any legitimate to make predictions o?i this ,T sub-1 regarding his - hunting;: exp dog was 700 - pounds ject with certainty, but it may be fromgetting into print. In the $8,500. t"; T' -J asserted without the slightest mean time he must not' be sur- ' Mr. Untermyer has ievef seen HlV dog doubt that at the present time the prised if the newspapers describe which he has paid ouuhis big sum of n - ! f. . , . ' - r , money and will not until it rtaches Ameri- President expects to call Congress his shooting flying; bears ,-; on the w familiav with lhl- bench rec- in extraordinary session some time wing and other 'equally -improba- ord of the puppy and the purchase on the in October - bio feats of prowM8.';;-: '-:r:; v- advice of Ms agents In England; V V - (