D VETERAN OF HIE DLACII HAWK, HEXICAN AND THE CIVIL WARS. CAPT. W. W. JACKSON.' Sufferings Vere Protradei and Severe Z Tried EoefjtnoionmJtete'dysWithut JSelief Serious Stomach Trouble Cured by Three Bottles of Peruna ! Cant. W W. Jackson. 705 G St.. N. -V., Washington, D. C. writes: - am'tf ghty-three years old, Veteran f the Black Hawk, Mexican and the XHvii Wars. I am .by profession a physi cian but abandoned the same. f i liSQmeyerik agaij was serloUsiy Gjfectedetth catarrh of the stomach. 7 AUfT4iyiA iiMMIAflMI7filMf ' mevere, ItrUd-every known remedy 4 without obtaining relief. "In desperation 1 began the uie of wur I'eruna. a. oegan to realise immediate though gradual improve- "After iep3three;b)ttles:eTeryt appearance of my complaint was removed, HI I hare no Hesitation in recommend it as an, infallible remedy for, that dis-' er.'VW.1jW.Jack8on ' , Address Dr.SAB.Hartnian President ' of The liar tm an. Sanitarium. Columbus. Ohio. So. 29. Owrj Devotion to Dead Matt. . A remarkable instance of bird in stlnct ; and devotion is reported; from guaker, Nefck? f Early Ja'st'jnonth', Hen "&j$$J. armef there, set several jump traps about, .hisi farm to catch prowlers, ,oth whataverp nature, that liad been playing havoc with his flock of fowls. A day or two" later he mis -u d one ofthe traps.- Bartus Trew, hiieighboin , farmer, ? discovered two owls in an apple tree. One, a large Horned owl, was" in evident dis ess, , Vy4 to -shield! I warm Its aate. To a leg of the dead bird wa hang ing. Brown's Jnmp-trap with chain at? ached.Phlladelphla Record. " r rr w r. It all tferns on will and'exerciser Be fore tEDlngtorsleep' ar few4 exercise bould oe. gone through with open, windows, ihalingthe good fresh air., iA step ladder to run up and down is :.a 'reat Incentive to health ; wind lex-: ercises, rotatory motions, all keep the, Taody lissom aiii prevent stoutness. Then diet has to be considered; too' much liquid should never" be takes with me,2rls; too much" 'taeat Is bad. , .There! is nothing better, for the figure than household work. It takes a great leal to persuade an ordinary woman -that t i continuing these things that make a f success of it, not startins Chicago Post 1 , 7 " The Qlory on Her Head. 2L shower of pattering llttje steps, 'And Ih the room she flies: - - Upon her sunny head there rests A toy, worn halo-wise; A little circlet, olden-hued. Edged with a. baud of red; 'Oh, look "at' met she cries; "I've got A glory on my head!" v x " t ' ' I noI. anoV smile; he patters off; I put my paper, by., . -And listen.-to her far-ioff. voice With a smile that's half a sigh. 4See.gTan'ma!"- shouts the baby voice, "Tou don't heard what I said; ' Ixok at-me; see;-see here; I've got A glory, on'my head J" O baby voice! what truth you speak! A glory so t alight , rithvhelytiriBoeencei J stand ;AVim'hA st1 cfrek the- uleht. - Abashed Ijef ote the sight. My head before that snow-pure soul Is bent,---una son my tread; How Jong Jt is since I hayevvom A gloryon my head! 6,.4 , Charles Willis Thompson, in New YorV .! lit COMES A TIME .TThen Coflee, Shows .What It Has Bee . Or late years coffee has "disagree 1 : jtyitb nje,". writes a matron, from Howe, N. Y ."ifs lightest punishment was to make me , tlQgy'4' and - di?zy, and , it ( , aeemeu to tnicken up myblood. . , "The heaviest was when, it upset my atomach completely, destroying my ap- t petite and making me nervous and irrU table, and ten t me to -my bed.' 'After. 'me' of these atthcksyin4 which ! nearly lost my Jlfe;" .1 rc6nclnded tdqnlt and "try srttn;B6od-Corf ee i ftcnt' right tb ihe spot! I found it . , liot.on.ly .alatable ahd.refresli ' s , lng.beVeraae b4ta food as well. I. ;aw mj ailments, me UoglnessV and , Wxfi& eoodppetiteapd amsrejoicing i tkieh: Iowe .to. the i s5 Fpsflim Food Coffee.!' , Name filvenby T&sLum Co., Battle Creeks IMIch. -v ...v. r -j ; ' Therevs a reason. , Head the little book, "The Road! to WneM:tlillllsaWSfactOl7vc , lowara a neavur-iauen tramp sxeamei 'of my-ibloed.-nirnervotisness and irrj'' ' thatr.VaBpassing:'' ' 5 iabilltr distppeared in fchort order and 60Od thing forjthat vessel ' v: .tjsorery rafllicted ' stomach begau . "going past that It' is ' low' water he Vill&iay t?4ecpW4ran V rebuild' iaaid. 'i.The terls! nearoTr the edgi ''VMV?sf el'dff WnrC-'tt'nHr - herow? l v; I COLORADO. HAS A SODA LAKE. Remarkable Discovery Made In the Heart of 8an Lute Valley. One of the most remarkable dis coveries ever made in the region Is that of a lake of liquid soda in the in accessible desert between Crestone, Col., and Hooper, in the San Luifc valey. The lake is an acre and a quar ter in , extent and lies at the bottom of a little basin valley in the desert On its surface soda crystals hav collected to a depth 61 eighteen inches, the whole lake having the appearance of a body of ice with a hard snow covering. A recent examination by the state school of mines shows that these cry stals are 37 per cent pure soda, purei than most of the commercial soda offered on tthe market. A Denver man. E. M. Falke, has secured a leased of th land containing4 the- lake and is now Installing machinery, which will con vert the native crystals into market able form. There are 4,000 tons is sight. The school of mines experts say that the- soda is a - creation of feld spar. The granite mases of the Sangre de Cristd range stand sentinel on two-s sides of the little valley. The feldspar In the granite .undergoing decomposition, collects in the lake basin, where it is held in check by an impervious clay, and proper condl tlons arefurnished for concentration and evaporation. Record Short Names. Here are some short names. Many years ago there was a . shop kept-in Brussels by Therese O, and there is a Mme. O living with her two children at Molenbeck, a suburb of the Belgian capital. In 1866 among the Belgian re cruits was a young man named O, who could not write, and Tslgned. his name with a cross. In 4he department of Somme, in France there is a village called YSlxUhe Zayder Zee there is a bay caiiea i, ana Amsieraam nas the riyer In the Chinese t province of Hpnan there is a city called U,,and fn France there is river and in Sweden a town rejoicing in the name "of "A. " " "' """ ' " A woman thinks her husband has a fine , mind when heis tickled to death because the baby throws his watch down the bathroom hopper. JTBEK TO OTJTt READEStS. Botanic Blood Balm for the Blood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, alood poison, cancer; eating sores, itching kin, pimples, boils, bone pains, swelling, rheumatism, catarrh, or. any . blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B.'B). Especially recommended for old, obstinate, deep-seated eases; cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, sriyes the skin the rich glow of healths Druggists, $1 per large Dotue, s Domes 6 bottles S5.00. express prepaid. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent m sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, pre faid. ; nTSpermanently cured. JTofltsornervous. ness after flrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerreRestorer,$2trlaI bottleand treatise free Dr. R. H. Klixe, Ltd.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. There are in Germany' twenty-one uni versities. ' , ,. ' t f 'T,rlt Cn Wear Sht One size smaller after uslnc Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet. Inirrowlnsr nails, cortw and bunions. At all druirsrists amd shoe stores,25c. Don't ac cept any substitute. Trial package Fbei by mall. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeBoy, N.Y. Russia has eighty-six general holidays in Mrs.Winslow's Soothlnjr Syrup for Children teething, soften the ffums.reduces inflamma- tion.ailays pain.cureswind colic, 25c.a bottle, Winnipeg. .'Manitoba: is said to be the fastest growing city in the world. ' J do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumo- tionhasaneaaal for coughs and colds. Johs F.BOTEB, Trinity Sprinsjs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1900. . Ihe production of auicksilver in 1904 is estimated at 3391 tons. : ' BABY'S ' TERRIBLE ' SORE ZSody Raw Witt , Hnuior-Caused Untold A-ony Doctor Did No Good Mother ' Dlscoaragedo-Cntlcura Cured atOnoe. "My child was a very delicate, baby. A terrible .sore find humor broke out on his body, looking like raw flesh, and causing the child untold agony. My physician pre scribed various remedies, none of which helped at all. I became discouraged and took the matter into my own hands, and tried Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment with almost immediate success. Before the second week had' passed the soreness was gone, not leaving a trace of . anything. Mrs, Jeannette H. Block, '281 Rosedale Stv ttochester, N. Y." " t , The Ignorant Landsman. : CapL.Kaempf, of the Deutschland was entertaining a little group oi passengers "with "kea stories. c S'Whj is . it,' - said Capt. .aKaempf, " '.. ',--.; - n c ' that landsmen are so ignorant of the sea? - Seaman are not ignorant of the! lauu. ; f vf uuij, - m -iak wnjugu - l- . i . i - knowlAg.Uie; land wen- enougn to avoid it, -that seamen Keep, their snips anoat i2 ?Bnf I landsmenfs f ignorance of the I sea it Is-deplorable." 'lnBremenl bne day, I feaw:a'farm er lodking at f the shipping1 in the har- .. bor. ' A. longshoreman' wasVexplaining me snipping ,io nim jp inauy i neara tne longsnoreman say:( , , " 'It , is .low !watei now, sly.' The farmer 1 took his - pipe" 'out oi liisrmoutli and' pointed t it - solemnly m7"i)BEP :,water. hd V6h.M observed W h narf who waa Vaiking.VTnv speaking meta ,pnoricaiiy.now."' i-a "Ah!" rejoined the other, "I thought ; you were getting a bit mixed." Chi- A WOMAN'S MISERY.'; lira. John XaRue, of 115 Fatersod Avenue, Paterson, N. J., says: "I wai troubled for abou nine years, and what l . Bur fered no one will ever know. I used; about every; known reme dy that is said to'be good for kidney com plaint, but without derlT ing permanent relief. Often when alone in the house the back 'ache has been so bad that it broughthears-to my eyes. The pain at times was so intense that I was compelled to give up my household duties and lie down. ; There were head aches, dizziness and blood rushing to my head to cause bleeding at the nosef The first box of Doan's Kidney Pills benefited me so much that I continued -the treatment The stinging pain ' in the small of my back, the rushes ,of blood to the head and other symptoms disappeared." : .. ' Doan's Kiny Pilla are for sale by all dealcrs50 cents per box. Foster-Mil-1 burn Coi, Buffalo, NJ Y. - - Lobster Races the Latest. ) i Learned men of science gravely lis tened to a lecture in the Paris muse um of natural history this week giv ing the .report of a lobster race which has just been held, says a Paris spe cial to the Kansas City Journal. The contest took place off the Isle of Man. A number of young and spry lobsters each with a number attached to "its tail were dropped in the sea. ; ::'s 1 The winner that is, the competitor which so. far asknpwn, traveled far thest from;, the starting point, was fished - up thirteen and one-half miles away three days later. The lobster race was got up with a view to ascer taining certain questions relating to the distance ,these .crustaceans are likely to travel within a specified time. It was not ascertained how many finished; but ' the truth of the reports are now vouched for. Odds and Ends; t k When the landlord raises the rent he expects the tenant to raise it also. How wonderfully developed must be the furniture mover's bump of destruc tiveness! . A woman never judges a man's abil ity as a liar by the compliments he. hands her. . Cure For The Dluos ONE UEDICINE THAT HAS CEVER FAILED Health7 Fully Restored and the Joy of Lire Regained When a cheerful, brave, light-hearted woman is suddenly plunged into that perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is sad picture. It is usually this way : ' She has been feeling " out of sorts " for some ' time ; head has ached ' and . back also ; has slept poorly, been quite nervous, and nearly fainted once or twice; head dizxy, and heart-beats very fast ; then that bearing-down feeling, and during her menstrual period she is exceedingly despondent. Nothing nleases lier. Herdotrrt rh vs r.hi L - np'.yo have dyspepsia ; you will be au ngni. soon." But she doesn't sret " all rieht." and hope vanishes ; then come the brood ing, morbid, melancholy, everlasting BLUES. , W v ..-r. ; . ; Don't wait tin til your sufferings have driven you to despair.'with your nerves all shattered and your courage gone, but take Lydia E. ' Pinkham's Vege table Compound. - See what it did for Mrs. Rosa Adams, of 810 12th Street, Louisville, Ky., niece of the late Gen eral Roger Hanson, (S. A. ' She writes: . Dear Mrs. Pinkhani:- ' . " I cannot tell you with pen and ink what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. 1 suffered with female troubles, extreme lassitude, the blues nervousness and that all-gone feeling. I was advised to try, Lydia E. Pinkham's, Vegetable Compound, and it not only cured my female' derangement, but it has restored me to perfect health and: strength. The buoyancy of my younger uays nas renirnea, ana J do not suf fer any loneer with despondencv. as I did h. fore. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's 7co-n- I t.vi. n. ic , . P .uuu.,aiclc,uia - if vou have'Rom d.nrn,nt i I .. . : w. m iemaie organism . write i Mrs, FinKnam, Lynn, Mass., for advice. 7 ;-:cozley7'l ivir Is a sure, cure for all Liver Troubles : and a ' preventive of Typhoid ; and other fevers. ( Grandparent Good for Parent (Baby - : Ask Your Neighbor A 50c. and $1.00 per bottle "at Drug Stores., . ; ---mmmMwmmmmmmmmmwwmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmwmm There are some people rho think that Heaven will reward them for giv ing the church a dime for a dollar en tertainment. The strange thing is that a man who is satisfied with so little in himself de mands so much in others. Many men are trying to straighten the universe with fingers . that have done nothing else but get things into a tangle., , President Roosevelt, in an address to Long Island doctors, condemned Panama talebearers and praised Gen eral Wood. GYLIHDSn ft msssL . -m- , crraaes. Axie vii aiiu &xuiic99 . . u r either as to quaUty or price. Write for Our catalogue. We can save you money. . : CASaETTY Oil- COMPANY, WhvlHe, Tenn. I Ell Bliin-l To hter advertite the feutk'e BuiaNi OoUcf. four tcholanhlpa are ox fered yotinc pewoas of this eoaaty aIMM ootk. WEITB TODAY. - - , r . V, ii'l. - - - .... mm. . -i .. - 4h.aftaMa 11 awellinr la 8 to days : effecta a pcrmancat cure ren f ree.Nothlncaa be fairS Write Dr. H. H. Grean't Soni, SaeelaUsts. Bu O Atlanta. CI Bo. '29. v." ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Sixty miles from Baltimore at the base of the Blue. Ridge FOR YOUNC LADIES Mountains. Established 1809, Incorporated 1816; Healthful mrt yiQQW location, large shady lawns, modern equipment throughout Anu raiddta Students may pursue either the Classical or the English Course; graduation' is attainable in either. Music,,Painting and Domestic Econ omy, are branches of special ? interest in their respective departments. Pros pectus sent on application. Address Sister Sjprlor, Si. JosapK's Academy, Emmlttburi, Maryland " CEST FOII Le CANDY jf )ZtZrZzT i or wI troubles, appendicitis, biliouaness, bad breath, bad Wood, wind oa the atomach, bleated bowels, foul month, headache, indigestion, pimples, pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness, When your bowels don't move yo,u ? ick- Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It ifS ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking ET3 today, for yott will never get weil and stay well until you get your bowels SrA- Zl2nl lvvice' ta,rt with Cascsrets today under absolute guarantee to core or refunded. The genuine tablet stamped CCC. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Comeanv. Chlearo or KVnrV , mm f WW Flavor I t ' jr- Vljr 4 ' f " 1 Ttey Rea,y 5enre r i : 9 R IfiCs Sl n' LivncK Tongues' Va! Loaf ! j J 5 Yfi Boneless Chicken Dried Bee! . tih3H&T ( B-Iket Beef : Soups'. u:- . ;C: 6 ' fff JeIlied Hock ' BeJked Beans If if LI !Cx3 , The BookJM -flow to Hake &od Thine H n H H n in n n n n n n ' SMS) II SS SSSBT BBSS BMSJ tJSBl I u u un o U U 14 u u u u u u lMen and women die every year, thousands of vuem wao mignt just as well live. it is ineir on v i-- -v A ic ; OjJ3 e??lckhey don't take the proper medicine. You mustnot OQ U SJ the tost if sick, for your life is at state. G&h6 beWbut 5bcw aft JL' D hings do not permit the disease to run along without treatment , Ow enwS 0D tt5f v UW unecKers TSTj nwvelous a chronio or fatal diseases. . known ( l- 'We want you to try 1 iuecEers. we want you to use this medicine be cause it has merit, be- it Will do you eood. because mnnt an Ojn : conmieiKs to search the system. It willnndbutwhat Tis inrfdiZffSS " "tT- th bottom of every ordinarr diaeaaa andTnairr tvl v inside it goes rj nUn drussrist for a sample hfJ6"- l on your - rTn i - it. ji ti . . . ; -" i ' . - .:. i ijfcin f i if ii.i i fiiiiiKr lyniriaTAjiav Chocltor Rnnrrl Cfi T.TO TC SS wnfJ6' ?r dl??3 or oneof our f uU DoC J i J fL j I'L 1 H ' iSlV.i?! rds, printed In colors, with OCjQ JO- WiW to?!1: blUd FREE: Itherefuses' JCC n Tl ' - . furnish same, writs n vra.n v El n ' i . Chkw, BDon .uiu'u u n n The railroads in Missouri obtained a temporary injunction in Kansas City to prevent the enforcement of the max imum rate law. . ' Muravieff has resigned as head of the Russian peace plenipotentiaries, and it . is regarded as certain that M. Witte will succeed him. It -is reported that General Stossel has been arrested and that Admiral Kruger will leave the service. M. Delcasse has outlined his views on France's foreign relations, saying he regards Great . Britain as the best ally of the Republic. Five hundred Chinese were drowned by the collapse, of a mat shed. of dl KINDS d cQ Priooo. THE PRICE TELLS, : THE QUALITY SELLS. Machine Grease, Belt Grease and Axle Grease of all . r!t s TT-t.t, ri W Aefr rnmnetltion MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.. TULANE UNIVERSITY OW LOU 181 AN A. ' Its adrantagea for practical Instruction. . both t In ample laloratorlefl and abundant hospital ' matriala are naualld. -Fre access is given to th gTtat Charity Hospital with 900 beds and f 80.000 patient annually. , Special instruction is ; given daily at the bsida or the slck.' The next session begins October 19th. 1905. For. caUlorue and Information address ; PBOr. S. B. COAILXB. M. D.f Dess, P.O. Or a war 861. NEWOHLBmLA. OlliRf S P E CIA LT Y 3 4 r 5 1 Thris two iilltr sltlrtt for fire dollars. . illADe TO" YOUR MCASURf , , .,-1 Write for samples and .measurement blanks. hH MODEL SHIRT CO.' J Dept. 8, Iadlauapellat Iud 7IIH C017ELS win ao. We know of no remedy in the U. action in the permanent cure of most all D . , , ;::.f v,,- .'t'j -,'Ti v 7? r SlJSL;17 Anvr)lu(unn.n.i.i t . j H i w ua j. no uHLLer nun i.ta -' mm m w-m , Oviwl' .i V KwUete Coamy, Wiiuton-Sktem, K. a rt ' V V- ' Bi . M ' mm : mm ' mm-i mm' mm - mmm g n n ri"ri-ri"-ri-ri--rTr mJ UMl a' Va-vtjua UJ b - L , 1 55 hmmmm VI I J I 11 I Ml n n n n n n r-i n n MAY ck f USED FROM THE f g Weigh ing tKt Baby. Physicians, nurses, pharmacists wV .cuciiiiaia uirougnout trie world ' endorse Cuticura Soap because of its delicate, medicinal,- emollient, sanative, and antiseptic properties derived from Cuticura, the great , Skin Cure, united with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors. For preserving, purifying, and beauti fying the jskin, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet and bath Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cufr cura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, Js priceless. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth. Two Reap in one at om prfc nmely, MtdWiMl and Toilet Soap for S5c. Pottr Drug tc ChwTcm. f Sole Prop.., Bostoa. MtSitA in, toCin & Btbft Skin, Stmlp, and Hair." Cs'af) Orchard ;: WATER Nature's Greatteiy . ., , ; , . FOR . DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE CONSTIPATION Stimulates the Liver, regulates the Boweli .-- and keeps the entire system in a healthy ; ooadltioa. ' A. Natural Product with a record of aCen tury. II afflicted try it. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. GRAB ORCHARD WATER CO,, LOUISVILLE. KY. You want only the best Cotton Gin M aii d h i n e r y Ask anv exDerienced ih'li t nknllt , v Pratt jEaqle,8mith Winship, Munger ' i We would like to show -i, you what thousands oi tt '"lifelong: customers say. t j f. .Write for, catalog and testimonial booklet. Continental Gin Co 1 ' srkaa.iA4. : Tar sH Atiniita Ga Birmingham, Ala. . Memphis, Tenn., Dallas, Tex. FOR WOMEN troubled with ills peculiar to. their sex, used as a douche tt .""""erms, cesaful. Thoroughly cleansei, to1181""? inai stops discharges, heals tattSri, soreness, cures leaconhoea and nasal wtar urt : Paxtina' is in powder form to be dal Water, and ii farmore cleansing, healing, germu. and economical than liquid antiseptics lor u TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL AJSW Fole at druggists, 50 cents a box. . Trial Box and Book of Instructions i-rsa, Tmc R. Paxtom Company bostoh- i , 1 r, , , , ' . ill i I L. U . Sot lin?f,? Kentnckr. (2) of iten who were, drafted T t3)ol mDtliers oi soiuwi- -,--f theirT denied pension on jceonto n beFel i marriage (4) of men vhor, ( 9UcH 1 eral army, or (6) the nearest . spldiprs or sailors, no ttorne7 Washlnarton, 'r m afcrtMn. -f?,.i ..111. tuts imui i wwanji "OyO1 Concentrated MBBBnSBBBBHMSSBSSBSSSBaSSSSa kj I aVncasfafsi'siiTITyv s) I'm HOC 1 U I .veimne," fuund.ln each pkg. ,. . cao Journal. - . M M '