THE HOME. CIRCLE. . a. Column Devoted To Tired .Mothers. As They Join The Home Circle At Evening Tide. - THE BABY. . "Where did you come from, baby dear? C)ut of the every where into here. Where did you get your eyes so blue? Out of the sky as I came through. Where did you get that little tear? 1 found it waiting when I got here. What makes your forehead so smooth and high? A soft hand stroked it is I went by. What makes your cheek like a warm white rose? I $aw something better tharr anyone knows. Whence that three-cornered smile of bliss? Three angels gave me at once a kiss. Where did you get this pearly ear? Ood spake, and it came out to hear. Where did you get those arms and hands? Love made itself into hooks and bands. Feet, whence did you come, you darling things? ., - - ', . ' Yrotn the same box as the cherub's wings. How did they all come to be you? ! God thought about me and so I grew. Hut how did you come to us,' you dear? God thought about you and so I am here. No heathen god or goddess has ever had iriore ' zealous devotees than fashion, or a more absurd and humiliating ritual, o r,more mortifying and cruel pennance. Eer laws, like those of the Medes and Persians, must1 be . implicitly obeyed, but unlike them, change, as certainly as the moon. .They are rarely founded in reason, us ually violate common s e ns e , sometimes common decency, and uniformly common comfort. ; All the strength of the world and all of it's beauty; all true joy, everything that consoles, that feeds hope or throws a ray of light along our dark jp a t h s , everything that makes us see across our poor lives a splendid gold and boundless future,' comes to us f ron? people of simplicity, those who have made another object of -their desires, than ihe passing satisfaction of selfishness and vanity, and have understood that the art of living is to know ho. v to give one's life. 'Parents m.ld the characters of their chil dren, or leave the molding to ethers thus comforts or pester ments are made! Vf or our 'own homes and the world. Home is, where the heart is. A place our feet may leave but not our hearts. . Home is where, joy, comfort and happi ness reign. Where father whis tles merrily, where mother sings clw-rlly, where children are happy joyous and gay; where the family gathers around the evening lamp, . busy, with books, the needle, the papers and , the playthingstnci basks in the sun shine of each other's love. "Honu is not merely four square walls Of Wood and brick and spacious halls' We would be glad to see all children grow to useful manhood and womanhood. ' They ' should be trained along the lines of in-r dustry." In short the home ought to be a sort of school for manual training, that through this useful occupation, the real bent' of the child's ' mind; might be readily perceived. Not all work, heither all play, but enough ( of both t o make -work and pleasure alike enjoyable and refreshing. .Thus' the child might be trained in use ful 'ays, and obtain physical rig- or rim almost impossible by the 'unusual strain put o n the child inclined to studious habits. ltoDERN living is a complex fair, greatly in contrast with simple modes of life of the earlier Americans and of their inediate descendants. All .the Piiances which have been - in vented notably during the past generation to give heightened comfort t o the home, and to 'Juake labor easier have added to comnlexitv of ; liviner, and itiost materially " to .Jt s cost ow materially, on would MELVIN HILL NOTES Mrs. J. E. Prince and Lewis Smawiy Serious ly ill Two Marriages Other Notes Of Interest. Willie Head went to Ruther f ordton Monday. Grover Pagans made a business trin to Spartanburg Monday. Mrs. j. E. Prince is very sick and is not expected to live. Rev. G. A. Branscom has been sick for quite awhile with acute rheumatism. - ' Mrs. J. T. Westbrook and daughter, Miss Dollie, are visit ing relatives near Brooklyn, S. C , this week. Lee Cocram and Miss Ila Dun- ahoo were married Sunday. We wish the young couple much suc cess all through life. Mrs. M. A. Gilbert fell while coming in at her door and came very near breaking her leg, but she is improving very fast. Miss Lena Fagans arid Miss Hattie Walker were visitors at our Sunday School Sunday. They reside near Blackwood, S. C H. E. Head and daughter, Mis& Meldora, visited Louis Smawiy Saturday. The latter has con sumption and is not expected to live. Albert Turner and Miss Luna Gilbert were married Sunday. We hope the young couple will be as happy all through life as they looked they were Sunday. hardly believe until he had stud ied the matter for himself and discovered beyond a question that today a man cannot support a wife and bring up one child, living in a comforting and not at all lavish manner, upon what his ancestor would have considered sufficient to rear a large family. He cannot do it on what it cost his ancestor of only two genera tions ago. As men and women are educated.and taught to think for themselves, they,? will no longer follpiy blindly the Jead of the so-called ' 'fashionable bell wethers, but will recognize the charm of independent modes o f thought and life, and will permit themselves to live according to their own ideals and in their own ways. They will see the folly of attempting to imitate the methods of the millionaire on the income of the average business or pro fessional man, but will live their own lives,, happy in doing the things which they really care, to do, instead of - the things which they do just because somebody else does them. The woman who looks forward to a time when the lightening of household cares will give her time for mental development should begin the lightening-u p process at once. There is always a best way to do things. The benedict who gave his wife an easy , lesson in saving time on the disn-washing b y pitching the china and the fragments of the feast all into hot water together may not have struck the best way. But if the dishe3 came out of the scrimmage clean and unbroken who could dispute his assertion that it was better than spending an hour in scraping the plates. Figuratively speaking there is a ! great deal of time wasted in scraping the plates in magnify ing trifles -i n getting ready to do something. The real business of the day is crowded through in some way, but there are so may other things that are given un - due prominence that by the time the day is over the poor house mother is a bundle of nerves and weariness, But it isn't always so. The years that have opened nearly every avenue in the busi ness world to women have taught many of them to apply business methods in the. management of a home. Good rules of actionsget the answer wherever they are ap plied. If concentration is a ne cessity in an office it is equally important in the home; for where it is properly applied it enables one to accomplish the best results with the least labor. IMMODEST DRESSING. A Sensible Article On The Immodest Dressing Of Women During Summer-'-- Ought Not To Be Dressed In Peek -A-Boo Lace Or Gauze. . . : Now that summer weather is approaching I wish tq beg our fair women not ' Jto dress as many of them did last summer. They then seemed to imagine that the more the dress exposed the per son the more stylish it was. If arms, shoulders and bust, were not bare, they were covered with the flimsiest peek-a-boo lace o r gauze. The sight was embar- rassmg to naraenea men, ana called- forth many half sneering comments. One of these under- dressed ladies, a visitor to a-Geor-- gia town, was leaving the pres" ence of a group of men, when one of them said as he bowed to her, Lhope to see more of you, Miss Blank, before you leave town." "I don't see how he can well see more o f her, commented an other man in a low voice! , . Our good women are yery scornful of their fallen sisters.' Why, then,- do they strive to, im itate and outdo them" in dressing immodestly ? Do they think this style of dress is admired by men? If so, it is a mistake! It brings uo no thought of a woman's purity and delicacyqualities j that to women are a s grace a ri d fragrance to a flower. Recently I heard a young man say that it made him feel ashamed for cer tain fgirls when he was in their company, they had so little cov ering on their bodies. Think of women who would ; deem them selves insulted if their purity were called in question dressing in such a manner as to embarrass even a' man of the world! -In decency's and morality's sake, dear women, try to dress in a way more worthy of your5 better sense and taste and of the res pect o the men, whom it is, said I women dress t o please. Refor mer of the Sunny' South. J ' j Get your job printing done at The News office. Tori watson's; AGAZIKE ( ; ; ; "The Magazine that lias an Idea Back of it" You have heard that Hon. Thos. E. Watson of Georgia has begun the publication of a magazine ? - ; , ? , Vou know who Mr. Watson is? He's tht man who wrote "ITie Story of "France," Life of Napoleon," and "The Life and , Times of Thomas Jefferson." He wail the People's Party candidate for Presi dent last year. : First number of Tom Watson's Magazink will be published Feb. 2Kr For sale 'at all news stands price . ioc. By mail $i.oo per year. You will miss the most interesting 128 page magazine in America if you fail to get this number. Ask your newsdealer for Tom Watson s Maga- zine -or, better still, send a dollar for a year's subscription to TOM WATSON'S MAGAZINE, !V 121 West 42nd Street, I New York City, N. Y. rw V iccAPric Royal Elastic Felt Mattress. Is the concentrated downy effect of six layerS of felted cotton of selected quality. In the concen tration there is no hardness.' ; They are soft at first, and remain so . through years of constant. ,use.' Write for -free booklet,. "The Royal Way to Comfort" If your dealer hasn't it, write us-. PRICE We prepay PRICE G15.00the freight. 0I5.OO ONI MONTH'S TRIAL FREflT. Old, Sores, Itching Piles,. I iilftl .Skin Diseases . :. ABSOLUTELY CURED. " '; HEFLMITSAtrVEi SB nd0 CENTS A BOX. fiA v. all Druir&rists. 'i Take no other. ; Old Family Remedy TSytvn. v IL... 1 1 f -Wi 1 0 LULU J eeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeoe,eeeeeee.oeeeeeoeeee.oeeeo6oec O 9 . t and o I o TRYON TRYON, S i i OP E N A MM- M. b. OUR CLUBBING RATES. (We have made arrangements whereby ..we. can offer the following , clubbing rates to those who want any of the papers in the list below. These rates are very low and we must have cash in advance. Look the lis over and Uien send us your order. V ' ; The XtlanU Constitution. ( the great Soutlierii weekly) and The News, $12$ The Sunny South and The News, I 25 The Semi-Weekly Observer and The , ! VNews . . v . ... . . .;. . ... I 50 The Progressive Farmer: and The -. ; ; . News ... ....... . . 1 50 The Farm Journal five years and The News -tone year!: . . . . I 50 Send all ; orders to j i THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, k ; f , Columbus, N. C -. strain. Egffa for hatch-" ,. iug and stock for sale. SCOTCH COLLIE SHEPHERD PUPPIES, Thoroughbred stock at moderate tfirms. Address GEORGE E. WHITESEL, HARRISONBURG; Rural Route 6. VIRGINIA. Every Ivery pain in the breast, dif- Jult . breathings . , palpitation, ittenng or dizzy spell means it your heart is straininer it- alf m its effort to keep in notion. This is dangerous. - fome sudden strain from over- . ciciuuu ur excuemenr win v cknpletely exhaust the nerves, - o rupture the walls or arteries olthe heart, and it will stop. -il k 1I i.L!- a. t 1 . . . vciicvc mis xerriDie strain ar oie with Dr. Miles' Heart .. Cbe.. ; It invigorates and stengthehs .the heart nerves aiT muscles, stimulates the hrt action, and Telieyes the pji and misery. ' x ; 'ake no chances : make vour r hqrt strong; and vigorous with -is luiics xicart .vure. V ' suffered terribly with heart d!s- ai,i, - I have been treated by ' dilrent physicians for : my trouble ' wi out results. I went to a physl cia in Memphis, -who claimed that I d dropsy of the heart.. He put th X-ray on me, and in connection ,wi his medicine .he came near xnrJi- , Ant upT-lsh of me. Some time before f thi a Mr. Youngr, ; of St. Loui was j f In ir town. Ila t saw my condition, , am recommended Dr. Miles' Heart JCu to' me. I gave it little attention I 0)1 eluded to try it, and am pleased ' to Ly three bottles cured me. I CHAHLES GOODRICH. r - A " ' Caruthersville. Mo. L- Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by youkjruggist,-who will guarantse thr.t thefst liottle will benefit. If It falls he il refund your money. . Mik;Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Ache Cream Ffeezers Screen Doors and Windows. SUPPLY COMPANY,.-1 GABtM L L TiB sre Columbus, C. THE SnART SET A Magazine of Cleverness Magazines should have a well-denned purpose. ", - . '. j. . v Genuine enteriaimnent amusement , and mental recreation are the motives of The Srmrt 'ikt; the,;vvt lr ' MOST SUCCESSFUL OF OABAZIMfS Its Nivels (a complete one in each number) are by the moit - brilliant authors of : both hemispheres. . ! ' Its Short Stories are matchless clean , and full of human interest. - -v Its Poetry covering the entire field of verse pathos, love, humor, tenderness -is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day. y- v ,; r-k;r 'y- Its Jokes, Witticisms, Sketchct, etcM are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. 160 PA8ES DELI8HTFUI READIM1 ' No pages are wasted on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions. Every page will interest, charm and refresh Subscribe now 2.50 per year. Remit in cheque, P. O. or Express order, or registered letter to THE SMART SET, 45a Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B. 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Th Double: Feed combined with other strong points makes the Near Horao the best Sewing Machine to buy. W mannfaetora and prices before puronadag THE RE EOUE JEUIRJ nUflmE O. ORAM4C, MAS. . ' SS Union Sq. N. Chicago, I1L, Atianta, Oa . St Loul,Ha, Dalla,Tex.,San FiuAclaoovXM 1 i s o o t i i t r . r fa c. V oc i A- JAS. mM&RRfS ATTORNEY AT LAWi iJocated: in Grand Jury Room' . 5 . . TV ! Court House ovtr Clerk Gffifc; , GOLUiVIBUS, Hi Hi' Offlca : Hm. 7. RiNtM; . 14. UNIVERSITO ; OF NORTH 0AE0LINA. 1 1789-1905 " Eeftd cf tht SUte't Ed&e&tle&al Systii. DEPARTMENTS' ; ' : :. CoLLKGIATE, EUINEKRING, ' ' y. Graduate j f;- Law,''-? ' MEOICINE; ;1 i 'PHAltMACV Library contains 43,000 .volumes'. cV v'.,f water works, . electric Ugbls central . 4 . Mieadng system. New dormitories," M-' gymnasium- Y. fM;&'i-A:li-XJ'A. 667 STUDENTS, t The Fall term' begins' W" bept. 11,1904. Address.4;V Francis P VENABLEkiWlr' '- v CHAPEL ;? Advertise ill The News; -: Legal Notl&sT NOTICZOP II0ETOAC3 112. ; T By virtue of the power contained in a cer tain mortgage executed by T., C. Hampton.. , V and wife to JrC'E." Gray to secure avinebted''' -f ness of one hundred and sixty five (t6$;'co) dollars, as evidenced by three notes for 153 00 ' " ' ; , ' "" each -of even 4ate therewith which, mortgagi; J. Zx'J " is of record in Polk county in Book No-. I, page 546 of the records of mortgages for Mff '..:;r .:'': . county and default having ,been made iinrtfe.:';;; f vil payment ef two of said VotesV'i will ; ' r ;' '; v' j .J;," i 0&Hond&rAiigut?t within the legal hours of sale, ouer;for sale WJ. .: . the highest bidder for cash, for the' purpose of r ; satisfying said notes with interest, cost "and '-'"if:-' expenses acded, the property conveyedjby said ' - ; mortgage and described as follows: V- . v First tract, known as part oftbrTalia Keller f lands and bonnded as follows: " " ; ; " 7 Beginning on a rock near ' the! o'ld Pacolet fr 'l church place on F. A. Thompson's; line, " ; tbence;N 78 yds. toa rock, .f thence Ef io M , H. Weaver's line, thence S with said line to 3 tne corner 01 1 nompson ana weaver's iir.c, thence Norih with Thompson's lin 'to.t&t- 7innm?. contamtntr A acres morc ftr Iec '. - Stcond (ract, being a pert "bj" the Julia" ; 5 Keller lands beginning on aock; ihieirinn. K iti 'th. -r 1 ingcomerofthe first tract, and runaiNi5, r j 140 yds. to a rock, thencVw, a .ttbmpj6nl ' ' v ' ""vi '""- uu sitiu, iiuc- oao me vornjer acres more or less. ; H. E.Gav . fp-e- ;'' Mortgagee. n . .... - - -Iftis July; 7th, loe. near ine a racoiet cnarcb place on the Ve"st ' 1 side of the oad theiSei;with.mti:n;' 'k A son's line it thj l)eeinninffAni5 H -T v V-' ' ; ' V ! r 1 ;r;. . . i . u5; v ' 1 ."! i - a-;-; ii ' T'