! V un,mui i1"' amii mlfl' ..jq.mi 'in . . ', . ! THE POLK . COUNTY HEWS. , , - ' " . : . ' I JOHN . i SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cae Year, . . Sin Months, . TUri Maths, 'So On Month, . - . . Always is &va. .10 Subscribers to The iW Copfcry, X l .I... witihr whcil, ;&:ir scription expires hy &. Appearance ot a LUK CROSS MARK tyheir paper THURSDAY, AUG. 10, 1905. COLUMBU NEWS. Fritieatiorul Rillv Farmers institute Visit From Tryon Folks--0vh 'Vfe A Misses Florence and Helen Westlake arrivedirpm New York City Monday.' -'V v R. N. Johnson.icf Blackwood, . !. C. is viSitingtrT llrs. T. E. Walker. R. A. Lenard, of Lynn, expects to be here first part of next week,! for tne purpose oi taiang puw ographs. . Mrs. Geo. F. French expects to acoompany Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Stearns "to Cleveland, Ohio. They will leave next week, prob ably Wednesday. I Mrs. E. C. Kirk and little son of Albermarle,N. C, arrived Fri day of last week. fMra. Kirk is yisiting her sister 'Mrs. T. C. Croker, and expects to remain two weeks. J. M. Sanders . and . fori, of Brooklyn -S. Gji were here Wednesday, investigating t he buildings' and Equipments of the Cen t r a I djistcial jbtSljUtfe. They were pleased with what they saw and young Sanders ex pects to attend the Institute the coming session. D. L. McLaughlin, of, Jones- ville. S. C. uncle ol froi, 4. U, McLaughlin, Prihdpal ofCentral Industrial Institute, " visited ' the latter here last weekf; Mr; McLaughlin 4s. prominent mer chant of Jonesville and one of the solons of that town.' 'He was pleased with Columbus and ex Ackerman, PrihcfpaFJcnes ville gradedj'SshoM.- : Prot andM'fsl J. G. McEsufch1 lin anbtheTf two little TiiId!ren, are occupying the girls dormitory. Mr. MoLaugMm haspien-elected principal ttf thntraHndustrial . : -4- pects to visit his nephew again next week, accompanieefby Proi. Institutet'.Lsufehnh Mall assist as teacher an also ' have chargevof the dormitory. Prof. McLauffir?nswa graduate " of . Wofford college Spartanburg, S. C. , and has haS ten years exper idnce .teacher. The annual catalbgiie'for the Ihstitue is n6w inlhe printery and will be re"ady soon. - ... The township 'commltte for the e4u(tidhal" rally at Columbus. Thursday 17th, is doing all in its rx)wer to maxe tne rauy a success and they expect a large attend ance. Hon. C. II. Mebane, Ex state Sup' t of Publicjristructipiii, will be the speaker of v thfr Occa sion. Meeting wil begin o'clock. Program: Iv : Song - . " V ' r- Prayer . - Rev. T. C: Croker Dtjet Mrs. DeVeaux and Miss Alcestis - : Charles : . ' V "' V Address of Iatroductioa W. M. Justice Address Hon. C. H. Mebane SoilZ; . AnnoiteWnt ,Prof J. G. McLaujblin Music "!'v';-;'! .'. J' . " - . ' - v ' W. A. Cannon : CcaatelfB wDixwer - - ' It E. Walker -. ' ' 'y'.- J- R- Foster Dinner tfn ground exerybodyinvited to bring well nllei fetsket S. P. Arledge, Chm'nV .G. Hughes v E. Shipnoftn' Committee fist 'Minnie Arledge . y Wf. J. P.'.-Morri. J S U Patterson, Commissioner of Ajriculture, has larranged to hold a FOTitraV Institute the court houii at Columbus, Friday, V August 25th, 1905. Theaters I The object of a iarmers' insti- 1 aft tute is to forms tocretner tne rmns in. order that they may discuss the subjects relating to their business, such as tlie best methods of using- fertilisers on various crops, the preparation nd cultivation of the soil, stock raising and stock feeding, dis eases, of stock, grain and grans- growing, xrvciun&Y truii .grow ing, improvement of worn sou, etc. H. H. Hume, state Horticul turist; Tait Butler State Veterin- xlv.il, 'ami Franklin Sherman, Jr., Stat'iJ-.Elntomolo.iri&t,, are -. expect ed to be present and discuss ques tions .of interest. Inkaddition to hese gentleman local speakers Vs-ill be present.' Let all the farmers in Folk county attend and ask questions. Here is a chance for the farmers to get business advice free, a .thing for wmcn most other business men are compel icd to pa y dearly Te morning session will begin at ten o'clock and the afternoon session at 1. 30 o'clock. A delegation of prominent business men from Tryon visited Columbus Monday. It is seldom that so many Tryon folks f ayor this town with a visit at one time. In the delegation that was here Monday, were men the writer had never seen i n Columbus before. Me n w ho, whenever t h & y did come to this. place, were al-. ways in a hurry to leave, seemed in no haste whatever Monday, but . had time to walk leisurely about the town inspecting school buildings, etc. and many of them seemed interested in the county commissioners meeting, as they spent a portion of the day watch ing them conduct the business of the county.. The citizens of this town are glad that the people of their neighboring city are becom ing o interested in them, and they hope to be favored by therii with another visit The people of Columbus regret that they did hot know sooner that their neigh: bors were to spend the day with uiem, aucaa treat was never dreamed of by thcl people of this place. Had they known of the proposed visit in time they would certainly have killed the fatted calf and been better prepared to entertain their distinguished guests. Therefore, they wish to apologize for any disappointment me visitors may nave had, but at the sarhe time, they will prom ise that if, fYored , with .. another visit tliey will eneavor t'o make it more interesting. V Get your job printing done at The News ofiices i ' AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Splendid Opportunities For Young Men To Obtain An Edacation And Training h Ag ric'jU'jrs Work. Furnished To Help Pay Thair Expenses. . : , ' The, .young men of North Caro lina- have" umisual opDortunities for education and training in agr riculture. With the completion and equipping of tlie new' agricul tural building at the A. & M. Coll(3ge Raleigh, N; -CJ; the best of opportunities' are provided for young men to secure a training in all of the lines of work dealing wjjth armlife No hie of. educ- airon-detter prepared-for in-the Statje than agricultureand hun- dred:eX3rpung,menshould Avail themsgv The jCloliege opens Sept; & 1905' Scholarship, and work to help pay the expenses are -offered for the assistance of young men who ar depending pn;tyeir. own, resoucesJ Young men over 2 0 years p f age ; are admitted to the Two Year CQse in apiculture w.ith o u t .XAitmnaton. Arithmetic, algebra, english composition and history are required for admission tdT the four year course in agricul ture. . ' Further; informational 'cata logue can be obtained by address ing the professor of agriculture, 'C. W. Burkett, West Raleigh; N. c. - - ' INTERESTING NEWS FROM MILL SPRING. Thoughtful ness Of The Threshers Scrugps, Who Was Reported Killed, U Alive Two Feet FroiYi A Rattle Snake Six Feet Long Other Items. ' Samuel. Go.qnell is clerking for Mill Spring Supply Company. Messrs. ' W. C. Hague and W. P. Edwards have, gone to Spart anburg thisweek. J. J. Lambright is having saw logs hauled to Richard Turner's saw mill this week. The man; Scruggs; who was reported killedpassed through our community Friday enroute to Asheville; V . I Rev. Marion Whiteside and family spent the. night at Moun tain View Hotel last week en- route to Chimney Rock. " MrByder is teaching a ten days singing school at Bethlehem. School opened with about twenty five or thirty scholars. Mr. General Wilson, having spent eight' or ten ' months in Polk has returned o Sheperds- ville Kentucky. The singing school at Big Level closed last Friday. : We under- stand that the protracted meeting will . begin there first' Sunday. Messrs. H. K. Finger ajid , J. N." Mitchell called at Mrs E. h Hague's last Sunday afternoon. The vt lme was sp en t very pleasantly i . t . . , Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Waldrop visited their son Robert and fam ily of South - Carolina last week Mr. Robert has malaria fever. Last report he was convalescent. We are having delightful wea ther, but very warm. Our Tur ners corrcspondeut," mt the naii on the head" when he or she said, 'twas suitable weather fof 'us to sit in the shade and enjy our palm leaf fans. Aren't the men . who go. with the f threshers thpi)hgtful.f .and good?v They know-just when to start out, and thefarmers always welcome them.' They u reach them Jjust A belore the meetings J mountain . ; parties , anq o t n e. r gatherings take : place. anp! ire pare the wheat for .the miller who prepares . the . flour which - is . prepare oy tne gooa. women in various - ways, ucla sjbispuit, pie pastery, calce,' .ejtcrVj-." -4- Your Mill - Spring corxesporid wishes , to;;co:nplimant t the piece published in-a rcchti , issue on , "Immodest' Dressing,' of young ladies in.summcr. I hope the. young "ladies o f our. county hayeread the piece understand ingly and, those .who have f p) lowf ed the fashion will blush for themselves and purchase ,new costumes. Ladies, you will find dress, material -at any of the stores; call on the merchants at once. Author, I hope your piece will be copied throughout the United States. . ; , . .. Mrs. W. P. Edwards heard her little two year old daughter, call her, while playing in the yard last Sunday morning, saying; ' 'Mamma pretty, mamma pretty1 She; then heard the little watch dog hark notifying her that there was danger. On goings to .t I the child, she discovered .large ia m - a J KattiesnaKe lying m aoput two feetlof her darling: She sticceed ed in killing it. It measured1 six f.eejt1 and had thirteen rattles -'arid iaivnutton. Auntie can imagine jtchat she feels a- cold current of blood ? circulating through her tbody as she-thinks df;th6 danger little Nellie was m. Mammas, when you hear your little ones call fromampng .the floweas and grass in the 'yard, pjeasedd' ftOt; failoj !ay asicjg your worK anu tatw ume ro re; Spond to the sweet" voices las they say ' 'mamma" and finish' Hie Rpntence in their ihocent wavJ You might-reacWfem fiWfAiavd fTiPirlivPs: w :u' Xi Chattel , mortgage ; blanks, writing paper and envelopes for A NEWSY LETTER FROM LYNN. Hammett Purchased !Silas Fowler Property Improvements At Mill Visitors To And pro-Keep Eye On Educational Rally. Rev. T. C. Croker preached en- chapel Last Sunday evening. t. C.',We3tall is contractingor : . i i;,.o .Flat some worK iu ms Rock. Miss Irene Steadman conducted Sunday School last Sunday, Supt. SwaAn being absent. ' ; Miss M. Thompson is taking a few days off for rest, spending a short time in Hendersonville. MtesjMira. , Hicks Jt is visiting relatives- and friends in Spartan burg, S.C. this week. Keel? your eye on the dates for tbfi Educational meetmcrs next week. Don't let them be in vain. Capfc 'prwvr of: the firm - of Fielder &!Briwn, pf Spartanburfcr wasja' visitor4"bur tovri-this; week: " :vr; : -l 1 W F . : . Swann an d wife made a short business trip to Hendersonville last, Saturday returning Sunday. Mrs. John S. Thompson and children visited their old home place near Mill Spring last Satur day and Sunday. V Grayson Newman and wife were quite indisposed last week, but facl to1 report they are both able jf or duty again. B.jF.t.Capps visited Toxa way last week and reports that -there :aife many people visiting in that ion.,- : t. Willie Westall, of Asheville; visitfedhis mother, brother sisters and other friends and relatives in lynn last Sunday. ; x I i ! , .;V, ... .'i , y F. A; Thompson Esq., is erect- iiig more cottages on his premises io rent, yv natis neeaea is some large cottages? , . ' ; j v : V.-' C'- l Claud Cannoriv'of Spartanburg, S,. t:.; visited F: ' L. -Weaver and riamily last -Sunday. I returning Mon,ddy hidrriihg.' I 1 " -: Rev. ? W? fe'Minter, Principal ,gi the Westminster school, made a shbrt but very interesting edu cational talk in chapel' one night Jasweek; ; ; v t;T- tP-- MilJs of .Tryon, , passed thro(ugh our town this week in rpute for -Forest City -to attend t District Conference of the M. E. chmcii souths -r Almost every day valuable im provements are noticable about the Hoisery Mill : the tank on mill house the elevated walk-way to ttew mill, etc. - ''Si !'yi--:-! 'SS j .Mrs. -Wm Sheppard has been quite sick with fever but at this penciling she is very much better. It is hoped that she soon will be fully recovered. "r Miss Violet Wood, of Spartan burg, S. " C. , paid Misses Lillie arjo Lizzie -Weaver several days fVisif and we susrject they had a good time. ' " W. r Hammett has purchased the Silas - Fowler cottage;- the higiest: improved elevation in nn. " We suspect Mr Hammett wants the fairone$: to look to hiniV riopt Mr4.ni4fof C, andiss Mabery, pf outh Carolina; aev visiting G. B . Ajtoold.;arwi r f armly; - -T h e two i ?v Ijoc Hammett -and J. C: Foster df-Inma oars t6nbny?.ias week; en route s :fof Fruitland Institute. They -were going over to furnish some roomsih dormitory f or'their rpiiwattena scnooi at. that : m for.CalveH,of Spartanbririr- Sx C., passed" through bur town wo oaiux uay enroute IOK that 'tSeErabbf thei mayor's tfrienfik' acOmpaniedlhinxH V1evsuspect itttrt thin'aybistoorw ot the owls and wangdoodles, ' to attempt to'visitun iri:that?rec-ion f 1 IE JOSEPH NORWOOD, 'Pres. JOSEPH NORWOOD, DK. EARLE GRADY, R. E. JOHNSTON, j. 1j. hester, . e. e..missildine, j. o. wilson, " b: l. ballenger. - We wish to announce the and to state that we are now open for support accorded us in this organization and trusted to us, however great or small, will have our personal attention and we shall you to the best of our ability. We cordially invite you to confer with us. BIG CUT We have just completed taking stock and find that we have ' too many goods on our shelves which we have decided to close out at greatly reduced prices in order to make room ;for our new mi of goods. ?. ; Mb For the next sixty days-we I yard Calicos at 4, 5,and6cts per per .yau, apiaimeieiyteottu. xvuu yi yaru, aim ju omer ary goous m" proportion. v' " ,v - ' ; l , ..t Shoes, ' bbth ' ladies' and gents', at 90cts,s $1.00, : $L25 ' $1 50 $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75; .These shoes formerly sola "? " $1.25 to $3.00 per pair. . , , 1 1 Be sure to inspect these goods before you buy or you. will lose a bargain. M ' Don't forget that our line of groceries are always fresh and the best that, money can buy. . When in Columbus we, invite you to make our store head quarters .whether you want to . buy anything or not. No trout U to show goods. ' Thanking you for your trade the past year and hoping for a continuance oi tne same, we remain. i ours to please. A I; vMc Phone No. 13. : INFERIOR PRINTING o ; Like goods of an irifenor -quality, : is a detriment : to every 2 ' business man.' i A piece of printing that has a cheap, rag- ged, slop shop look is never read but is tossed into the waste J-;.-basket: as soon as; received.'v'..-:The-;Bill He.a'd,-' Letter 'Hea'd;' J Envelope, Statement, etc., that; is not neatlv printed causes J people to think that the merchant who uses inferior printing : t e probably deals in inferior merchandise, and so they purchase , J 5 elsewhere. Did you ever think of that, Mr. Business Man?. Get your printing .done here where the cost is reasonable ? nnd Vi r nnnl'ftr' T7,TrC"T' T S h Phone No; C O ranifo ... v j have jror sale dj v aeaier. Insist on having tne Granite 8 1 a t e ; take no o t h e r i If your dealer should not carry a stock of these mowers, write and we will give you the nune of the nearest deal er that does. The best is the cheap-i est in the end. our xx THE GRANITE STATE MOWING MACHINE CO., Hinsdale, N. H than the products of any other brand! Besides several Gold Medals, they won the only Grand Prize for vegetables at St. Louis Exposition. gST If you intend to try Burpee's, Seeds, we will mail free oar Complete Catalogue of 178 page, wih beautiful colored plates and illustrations from photographs taken at our famoul F OS.DHQOK Farms,, the largest Trial Grounds in; America; n Write TO-DAY 1 W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. Job Printing; at THJE NEWS Office in THE NORTH CAROLfNA state jonnm mm mDuaf rial colleg -COXT3aSES- LITCRARY CLA88IOAL 8CIENTIFIO r . PEDAGOGICAL Three Courses leading to degrees:- Well-equipped Training School for Teachers. 5 i i1".. Fornon-reiidenU.of lbjsute,$i.9a Fourteen tlgmuSThtr rv195- To seture board the dormitories, all ftee-; dnJt 'ere'Jn,y I5th.; ConcsiiUence invited lr;om th.se desiring competent teachers and stenographers, , For catalog an? other, information, address CHARLES D. , McIVER,, Preoldent, GREENSBORO. N. C?- - Advertise in i '"OF 'TRYliN 3iO.OOO T. T. BALLENGEU,. Vice-Pr ESTER, Cashier. T. T. BALLENGER E. C. WILCOX, ' W. C ROBERTSON incorporation and organization of The Bank of T for business. :' We feel a deep appreciation f.r ii.. i. ep appreciation f.r tl,e on. solicit your. further patronage Bust will offer good Outing at yard,, good Jeans at 20 and 25cu MURRAY, ooluaibus, N. G. t IPO : a L U M B U S v N . O Sfafd Laivn ovofs givens continuous 'satisfaction for thirty- PRICE SALE! two years. A every easy running Mower. Fitted with our special ; triple gear and ball bearings; unlike any other driving device. Cutting knives made of . selected tempered steel; the bed knife being ex tra hard. Designed es pecially for -; cemetery and terrace work. Material used is the best obtainable; every mower warranted. MANUFACTURED BY SEEPS GROW AND WIN MORE PRIZES seed growers, phh ann PHU - COMMCROIAC . , D.OME8TIO SCIENCE MANUAL TRAINING MU8IO v ' IE mm sale at the xsews omce. by himself.

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