Pointed Paragraphs. It is only saffi to give a man au thority when he is grounded in af fection. When a man tries to hide his sins he always finds that his sins hide God. ' Half the enjoyment of being mar ried is thinking what a lot of enjoy ment you had before you were max ried. LIKE A MILD IKTUXVCANT. Effect of Fumes Thown Off from Brewing Vats. Burton-on-Trent, the center of the English brewing Industries, has the peculiar faculty of mildly intoxicating the stranger within its .gates. The resident has, become accustomed to the mildly alcoholic f runes' which arise from the Innumerable brewing vats, but the susceptible stranger finds ex hilaration and finally a mild, form of Intoxication 4n- the .tmosph,ere7-an effect yhich does not wear" off 'for sev eral hours after his arrival. On every hand he big brewing houses are throwing ofrtumeSrfem";the"vats"t)r " malted liquors and while these are Imperceptible to the resident, more than a" thousand atrthenUc; instances'" are said to have been 'recorded of per sons . t2 whom the air has proved to possess properties that both cheer ana Inebriate. --t Just as In certain parts of the west the arsenious fumes from the smelters destroy; yegetaUpa jjand, jmperil .health, the vapors of the English brewing capital destroy the sobriety of the abstainer and fill his head with vagrant fancies. As many visitors to the place are actuated by a desire to : sea for, themselves the great industry which they are doing their modest best to suppress, and as they are thev most sensitive, to the atmosphere of the town, those twho gain their living from the brewhouses take great de light in observing these involuntary lapses from principles. , Modern 6choola Criticized. - Prof. H. C. Annsllng, in a recent address in libndori,r8aid 'that school and college education were mostly de-' BtruptlTe of common sens The clas- . steal school Vas 'not a school oi thought, but of prejudice, and under the present unfortunate system of edu cation It was chiefly the games which promoted alertness, Individuality and common sense. Hitherto it has been supposed that electric light is more injurious to the eyesight than any other artificial light, but Russian oculist who have been closely studying the subject now maintain that, on the contrary, It is less injurious than the light either of eas or candles or any other material. CRUSHED. 'He bade fair to achieve great ar tistic success, didn't he?" "Yes. -t . . . "And, .what blighted bis ambition r "It wasn't blighted. It was crushed." ' -Crushed1! " ' "H9 married a widow who weighed 200 pounds? Cleveland Plain Dealer. . Prejudice is the basest counterfeit of principle. So. 34. Gas Light for Country Homes. 'Small country homes, as well as large ones, may be lighted by the best light known ACETYLENE GAS -it is easier on the. eyes than any other illuminant.: cheaper than kerosene, as convenient as city gas, brighter than electricity and safer than any. No ill-smelling lamps to clean, and no chimneys or mantels to break, t' For light cooking it is convenient and cheap. . 5 ACETYLENE is made in the J hflspnipnt sind niDed -o all rooms i and out-buildings Complete plant costs no-taore than a hot- air furnace. ' V 4. , 0 - t ...... -i-iiksw TV V'li mmm .Automatic Generators make the gas. mey are perfect In construction, renaui?, sum uua sim- - tVur booklet, 'Alteiv Sunset, tells more about ACETYLENE-$ snt free on. requests .: Dealers - m-vi nivcnnn... t me -.-na t nr selllnc nlan on tus " rt an(1 K11 AnUML j ffTYLENE AFPARATCS HRL CO.. ffH:rh, lyera:, CHICAGO, vu.. X i-rmi1, I P1 PILOT 131 , 0YLin02QG n u THE PRICE THE wades. Axle Oil exiner as v h"" r tit 4-t nnr-K- it iilc aui n Wo will send handkerchief to quilt You can pay Write to-day tor our proposition, nrenuoiung uus w w SPOTLESS WASHING MACHINE CO., Inc., 649 Am. Hat. Bank Bldg., RichmcnfJ, Va. IEXTIIE IR N I1III5I Notes of "Southern" Cotton "Mills and Other Manufacturing Enterprises Colnmbns, Ga. The Georgia Manufacturing Com pany, has awarded contracts to L. E. Wooten, for the erection of its new building. This structure will belt wo'- stories high, 48 by 140 feet,, and when it is . completed the com pany's present building will be equip ped as a dry house, with af capacity of from 5 to 10 bales per. day. The, company has also awarded a contract fo'r 1,600 spindles, which are now being installed, increasing the quip ment to 400 spindles for making the hosiery yarns used an knitting hosi ery. About" $40,000 is the cost of these additions and improvements. ,.The annuaL meeting of the, stock- holders and board of directors of the Hamburger Cotton Mills was held Fri day at the offices in the plant. It was decided to add 500 looms to the pres ent plant. Qther new; machinery will be added during the year. , The old dirceors were re-elected af-j ter which the 'following officers were named by the board. President, Louis Hamburger; secretary and treasurer, George Hamburger; gen eral manager, John A., Mitchell. Re ports from the different committees on the board and the officers showed the company to be in a prosperous condition. - Manager Henry Spang, of the Topsy Hosiery Mills, that are be ing built, has advertised for 150 new hands, to which number will be added 75 that will be brought to Columbus from Tupelo, Miss. Work on this, mill is progressing rapidly ana will be completed in six weeks, at which time the work of installing the ma chinery will be started. Bandleman, N. C. Mr. S. Bryant aDi Mf. S. G. New--lin have recently purchased the en tire corporate property of the Ran dleman Manufacturing Company, and, they practically own the 'Nayorni Falls plant, located near their recent purchase. Mr. Newlin is president and Mr.. Bryant-; secretary and treas urer of both corporations, Mr. Bry ant owning the controlling interest in both plants. Their combined in terest is said to be nbt much less than half a million dollars. ; The mills consume 7,600 bales of cotton, with an output of 3,7QO,000 yards of plaids and 750,000 seamless bags an nually. -They operate 16,000 spindles and Q,018 looms and have recently put in place two improved Sampson water wheels of 230 horse power, each' of which greatly reduces the cost of production. . : ... , ". Belmont, N, C. - -wA meeting, was held for organiza tion of a new mill on the 17th. Messrs. A. C. Lineberger, R. L. Stowe, M rN. Hall' and others are the ' incor porators t IWsSriS JStowewahd5' Line- berger were aireq(ed, to obtain a'har . terWork .:wili .begin immediately on the plant for a 10,000 spindle mill' to be plicfa oaf the- Thomasson tract Q9,9tq&. opposite the, railroad from Chroniclenfflt The? nei mili CwmyspintfinelsyatnsOV and : COv'snd will be capitalized at-$125,-0Q0 with privilege pf iwice thd sum. Present, subscriptions - - amount . to ,$110,000. The name of ImDerial Yarn Mills will ; be given' to the new com- , . v (Jaffney. 8. C. ' " v At the stockholders ' meeting ; of the GaffnejjrV Manufacturing Company thereport, ol Mr., Tl , E. i Moore, the recently elected president, wils1 read' and showed y the affairs? of. the con- cetni to be in a'bfostieroua enmHUinri fiy eacn year instead ot once m4 V? as eretotpxe. . At the di- lS jns;.resignation of "J$ Wr;M.rebsterlas- secretarry wa" prsented, anoL. accepted, and Mr. a.!5PQtter.sofG 'as1 m Tsuicies'sor, ; successor -4 . old! OS n n QUALITY llTQQBQ TELLS. SELLS Machine Grease, Belt Grease and Axle Grease of all and Harness Oil. We defy competition wm w w u rnrr nnnnTIOrtl TCCT you at once one of our. famous mm mssaa on thirty days free trial, freight prepaid; Test it thor oughly and if not satisfactory return it to us by freight and we will pay charges, i ne omy mawunc " besides being ball-bearing ten year old ckild can operate it All m whanism enclosed. Washes anything: from lace for it at the rate of 50 cents per week. IN NORTH CAROLINA Uany Newsy Items Gathered From jai Sections. ' Charlotte Cotton Market. These figures represent prices paid to wagons: Strict , middling. :.-: ..lOYz Good middling.. . . ... ....10V Strict middling. . .. .. 1038 Middling.. .. .. .. .. .... ..10y2 Tinges.... .. .. .. .. .... ..9 to 10 Stains i. .. .. .. .. ... .7 to 9 General Cotton Market. Galveston, steady.. ...... 10V New Orleans, quiet.. .. .. .10 Mobile, nominal.. ...... ..10 Savannah, quiet. . . ... .104 Norfolk, steady. . 10y2 Baltimore, nominal.. .. .. 10 New York, quiet.. .. .. ......10.60 Boston, quiet .......... . .10.60 Philadelphia, steady ....... .10.S5 Houston, steady.. .. .. .. ....10 Augusta, firm. . .... 104 Memphis, nominal ........ . .10 St. Louis, quiet.. .. .. ..10 Louisville, firm.. ... ..: .. .. ..104 Freight Trains Collide. - Winston-Salem, Special. A rear end collision between two freight trains on the Winston-Salem divis ion of the Norfolk & Western occur red at Mayodan Thursday , night, blocking the track and delaying the incoming passenger train from Roan oke, due to arrive here at 9:50 p. m., until 3:40 o'clock in the morning The caboose attached to one of the freights "was badly damaged, while two box cars were derailed. One engine was also damaged. The track was torn up for some distance. For tunately both train crews escaped in jury. North State News. Goldsboro, Special : Handy Barnes, a worthy colored farmer of the Wal te section, this county, lost one of his children in a peculiar manner. Several of his small children were ducking each other, in a basin of wa ter, the larger ones being in the to bacco barn. One of the smaller Ones became strangled and the other children decided to give him a dose of medicine to relieve him. They un fortunately prescribed- two quarter grain morphine tablets and it was some time before their parents found it out. AH efforts to arouse the child failed, and it died that night. ' Raleigh News and Observer: In its per" cent, of increase Uh wealtbt agricultures, and population, North Carolina' leads every other State, with the exception of Montana; Oklahoma "exceeds tr in state, but it is not fair to? place- it in comparison. North Carolina is the 'Empire State of the South, and is making more, progress than any of its sister Commonwealth. Its agricultural wealth alone; has in creased iiearly 50 per cent, in the last decade. . V Raleigh News -and Observer: ' The Seaboard Air Line train, southbound, Tuesday afternoon had t two , coaches filled with Italians, bound for South Georgia to work on the railways. Men, women, children and babies were aboard. The "party arrived at Norfolk by steamer from Europe and only one man in the crowd . could speak English; and he was a begin ner ' in " the language. ;t I Chief' G ? ean wood,? a bad c rtcrac ter. who liyed in.. the Bic I v ttction of - Buneoihbe .unty, Pvbbed his wif e -j Monday 4 and it is ? believed the wound is fatal. The -couple had been separated Greenwood went to see the woman, 5 who had begun suit for divorce, and 'tried to kill her but of "pure'f erociousness. A bench warrant' was. issued. for. him, but at last ac count - he had not been arrested. "A hT -v. . : .-" ! Ileiections" of a Bxcielor. If a woman is afraid of a man it is a sign she isn't married to him. wui svmttafnn Anit&ft the tron- ble is that it comes too late in the game to enable a man to borrow mon ey on the strength of it. If the ministers preached how wrong it was to go to church on Sun day there would b millions of men who would insist on going. RAW ITCHING ECZEMA Blotche on Hand. Kan and Aoklea For Tnrea Tear Instant Belief and - ' Spaadr Core by Cntlcnra. : "Thank to Cutieura 1 am now rid of that fearful pest, weeping eczema, for the first time in three years. It first appeared on my hand, a little pimple, growing into several blotches, and then on my ears and ankles. They were exceedingly painful, itching, and always raw. After the first day's treatment with Cutieura' Soap, Oint ment and Pills, there was very little of the burning and itching, and the cure now . seems , to be complete. - (Signed) S. B. Hege, Passenger Agent B. & O. R. B., Washington D. C." ' - ! : Raising a family is 99 per cent, condition arid 1 per cent, theory, with the parents firm believers that the figures are the other way round. FITSpermanently cured. Nofltsorneryous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerreIiftstorer,$2trial bottleand treatlsefree Dr. B. H. KLiyg.Ltd.931Arch8t..PhllaM Pa. There is a -rilja?e in Wales -rhich bears the name of Nowhere. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinc Syrup for Children teething, soften th gums.reduceslnfiamma tton.allays paln.cureswind colic, 25c.a bottle . The Japanese "Hello!" at the telephone is "Moshi Moshi!" or "Ano ne!" Mo not believe Plso's Cure for Coastimp llonhas an equal for coughs and colds. Johs F.BoTB,Trlnlty Springs, Ind.. Feb. 15, 1903. Japanese chopsticks are delivered to the guest in a decorated envelope. . 4.. Telloir Fever and Malaria Germs Are instantly killed by the use of six drops of Sloan's Liniment on a teaspoonful of sugar. Jt is also an excellent antiseptic. Prisoners of war are never spared ia Morocco; they are beheaded. . . Verse. To talk with the wild brook of all the long ajro; v To whisper the wood wind of things we used to know When we were old companions, before my heart knew woe. To walk with the morning and watch Its rose unfold; - , To drowse with the noontide, lulled on its heart of sold; To lie with the night-time and dream the dreams of old. To tell to the old trees, and to each list ening laf. - The longing, the yearning:, as in my boy hood brief. . The old hope, the old love, would ease my heart of grief., . . . The old. lane, the old grate, the old house by the tree. The wild wood, the wildJrook they win not let me be; In boyhood I knew them, and still they call to me. Madison Cawein, in the Criterion. Marriage and Divorce In Japan. They marry early and often in Ja pan. A man aged forty, living In the province of BJzen, has married and divorced thirty-five wives, and is now married to a thirty-sixth. The reason he assigns for his extraordinary fickle ness is that he has a younger sister oi extremely rancorous and jealous dis position, who, from the moment anew bride enters the house, institutes a system of ' . persecution which soon drives the unhappy woman to ask her husband for a divorce, which is an easy and inexpensive process in the land of the Rising Sun. London T AT. Drove Into Swarm of Bees. Joshua Willitts, mail carrier be- t tween Wrightstown , and " Bordentown, one afternoon, near Chesterfield, drove Into a swarm of bees. The horse, wagon and the driver were literally covered with bees, and Willitts thinks It was nothing short of a miracle that himself and horse were not stung to death. Bordentown "cor respondence Philadelphia Telegraph. The church will have to love folks more and figure less to win the world. i V WRONG SORT -Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and - -Bread May Be Against YonFor a Time. ' . .-- , - -. .. ' A change to the?right kind of food can lift one from a sick bed. A lady in Welden, III., says: , l; "Last, spring I became bedfast with severe stomach trouble accompanied by sick headache. I got worse and worse until I became so. low . I could scarcely retain any food at all, although I tried every kind. J had become complete ly discouraged, had given up all hope and thought I was doomed' to starve to' death, till one day my husband .trying to find somethingl could retain brought 'home some; GrapeNuts. "To my iufprise the food agreed with me, digested perfectly and without dis tress.: I- began to gain strength. s at, once, my flesh (which had been flabby) grew firmer, my health improved in every way and every day, and in a very few weeks I gained 20 pounds in weight. liked Grape-Nuts' so well that for 4 months I ate no other food, and always felt as well satisfied after eating as if I had sat down to a fine banquet. ' , ' "I had no return of the miserable sick stomach nor of the headaches that I used to have when I ate other food. I am now a lyell woman, doing all" my: own work again, and feel that -life is worth living. - - . , ;v "Grape-Nuts food has been a godsefid to my family; it" surely saved my ' life and my two little boys have thriven ca ;it wonderfully ,M Name given by Pos- i turn Co.; Battle Creek, 31ich.! There's a reason. Oet the little book, 'The Road to : TVellTille," in each pkgy . ajpaajBH 4Bmbv aMaal " . - sbbbsbsbI ' a mid iuw w w A Time When Women Dread Diseases-Intelligent Women d 1 ttu iwiui The "change of life" ia the most critical period of a woman's existence, and the anadety felt by women as it draws near is not without reason. Every woman who neglects the care of her health at this time in vites disease and pain. When her system is in ft deranged' condition, or she is predisposed to apoplexy, or congestion of any organ, the ten dency is at this period likely to become active and with a host of ner- vons irritations, make life a burden. At this time, also, cancers and . tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning; symp toms as sense of suffo cation, hot flashes, head aches backaches, dread, of impending evil, timid-r ity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, const' pa-' tion, variable appetite, , weakness and inquie tude, and dizziness, are promptly heeded by in telligent women who are ; approaching the period in life when woman's great change may be expected. - . These symptoms are all just so many calls from nature lor help. The nerves are crying" out for assistrnce and the cry should be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound was prepared to meet the needs of womans system at this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weakened nervous system. It has carried . thousands of women safely through this crisis. . ' For special advice regarding this im portant period women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., and it will be furnished absolutely free of charge. - Bead what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com pound did for Mrs. Hy land and Mrs. II inkle : ' , M,, . .r Dear Mr Pinlrlmm " I had been suffering with falling of the womb for years and was passing through the Change of Life. My womb was badly swol len; my stomach was sore; I had dizzy spells, Bit-- ueauoutts, anu. was very nervous. Lydia E. 1.1 I. A fiaanan's TcgcraDie Dead soldiers drav no , pensions. - Watching; the Southland. : TVe are promised an entertaining and vain-, able series of articles under the head of "The Great Southland" to appear soon in the Nat ional Daily Bevlew. A staff writer for paper is just completing a tour which has extended over half a dozen States. This is recognition from the northwest which will be of value to the South. The Daily lleTiewls a comparatively new $l-a-year daily newspaper published in Chicago a condensed news review as the basis for a daily paper that is essentially clean and up lifting. It has had marvelous success and its circulation reaches into almost every State. The appearance of this ser es will be wel comed. We are assured the articles will be in sympathetic spirit and will be given an im mense circulation, The Dai:j Keview Is unique in its wonder fully low price and the fact that it is so edit ed as to be readable in any part of the coun try. The essential news is summarized and the paper has features which make it valu able in any home. A Frame Homo 100 Tears Old. A frame house can be kept in good order for a hundred years, if painted with the Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paint. It won t ncel to be painted more than once in ten to tifteen years because the L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead, and gives, it enormous life. 'our gallons Longman & Martinez L. & M. "Paint mixed with three gallons linseed oil will paint a house. W. B. Barr, Charleston. W. Va.. writes: "Painted Frankenburg Block with L. & M.: stands out as though varnished." Wears, and covers like gold. . ,itt Sold everywhere ' and Dy Longman & Martinez, New York. Paint Makers for Fifty Years. A serum for hay fever is used by physi cians in the Island of Heligoland. Wise farmers never . attempt . to raise their crops in the political field. ; . y LOST 72 POUNDS uJ-'a Wa Fat DrlfUngr Into the Tata! Stasea t of Kidney. Sleknesst ; f . . tin Melvin li Page , Page Optical Co.; Erie Pa. writes t "Taking tod many Iced drinks in Netv Tork In 1803 sent me home with a terrible attack of kidney troubled ' I had ' ac'Dte ' congest '4QP aba'rp pain . In the back, headaches? and' attacks of d'a- -. - tfTOVA mm - .I1U the - languor ; and sleeplessness 6f the wasted from 104 to 12 pounds. At the time I started using , Doan's ; Kidney Pills an abscess was, forming, on my right kidney. The trouble was quickly checked, however, 'and the ' treatment cured me, so that I have been well since 1806 and weigh 188 pounds." " Foster-Milburn . Co., Buffalo,' N T. For , sale by all druggists. Price, 50 cents per box. . Jets and Flashes; V. On the dav JS a tool he begins to acquire wisdom. - So many of .us are anxious to do away-with vicesin our neighbors. .Culture enables pronunciation of depot by calling it station. Most DeoDle ATTAtf a 4 rVWvv W thing of doubtful propriety that can- ' - - Are vitcir experience DBIQOl J .- T.l t -wHuuoBonMDDataatuoanBoooiQDtf f1f :: "yr T ' "u,1! and con" treatment with Lydia E Vha: hapv tolrt!0 4 1 tomsleftme and lhS tLe Change of Life, aSfi4?; reoommandmg your medicine to all , tm. Another Woman's Case. Vegetable Compound, and I decided tofrn 1U1U VU W 11 ba VO l Trw arfrlm v s '. niaaemeawell wnmnn ji v. j toms soon disappeared. I "I adviseeverj woman at this period of to take your medicine and write you for li nce."-Mrs. Lmie HinkJe, Salem' Ind. What Lydia B. rinihas Vegetal Compound did for Mrs. Inland and Mrs. llinkle it will do for any woica at this time of life. AC nas COnonpreri rmi'ti neaitn, and prolonged life in cases thai utterlv baffled nfc m I -- - w j. , . wnpocsq Succeeds Whcrs Others Fai the i5?r13.hTMi?nn my boweli. HscdIIt I aSsred ntol4 misery witilnteTni pVe. Thuta jvu m. msa iree iroul u VUB tail monHIlf. YfA an tA f KU U kalf A i , 4W www m vruyu vi luucnuj uumauilj B. F. Fit bar, fiouu wKan, Palatable, Potest. Taste Good, Do God, Kerer Sicken, Weaken or Orips. 16c. S,S0e. Xtrir old In bulk. The cennine tablet lUmptd CCd Gnaranteed to care or your mosey back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chictjo oiH.Y. 61 AHIIUAL SALE, TEN IflLXlOl BOIES FOR WOMEN their sex, used as a douche is.?1?? J oreneas, cures icuvu.uu-. lw4 in m rnxtint is in powaer ionn w wnnid water, and ia fafmore cle.nsmg, hea hng, jena and economical than liquid anusepi1" , TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPtwiAu v For ale at druggists, M centsa boi Mruu dox ana dwk -- a.A inlure-anj"'--;-. them ov iil.H- Ui'al.i tJ eccrs where All tut r'J-i . nTll If THEREIS MONEYf C0J H n Write for free catalog. I. A. Maddeu So. 34. If "afflicted rith weak eye una Thompson's Eye I . . Ill ViOK BOOK glVIU6 6S- lor ooujm" w , 'alio Tor Katteumh" 'crytlii l ,??5'r t. Htr&S and all P'-Jm- euro IIJ 71a . J r. CO, .131 Iaaia ret. 4'- i ' . . -.. :-

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