A i :il I i I Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XL COLUMBUS, N. C, TH CRSD AY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1905. NO. 23. . 1 Wo, 1 - . II 60MB EXPLODES Bomb Throwers Get in Bloody Work In Pekin, China THE WAR ON YELLOW FEVER re- lR CHINESE OFFICIALS KILLED iats Car.Conveylng Part of the Mis- N bions Ordered Abroad to Study For- .,. poHtlcal Methods Kill t Four ncr Officials and wounds ex pister and Prince Tsal Tche. Min. By Coble. At thePakin rail-. Lt station as a train carrying one of the (our missions ordered abroad to leaving, a bomb was exploded inside a private car, killing four minor officials u& founding over 20 other persons. e wounded include Prince Tsal Tche, iho heads the most important of the fission, and Wu Ting Fang, lormer lister to the United States, both of 'torn received slight bruises. The per forator of the outrage, who was in jje car, was blown to pieces. ; ' The affiair has created a profound sensation and causes" apprehension re garding the safety of members of the Jrart and leading officials of the gov-v eminent. v. ? r The' government offices and railways ire now strongly guarded. v -, f Million Dollar Fire at Butte. Butte, Mont, Special. Fire causing; a loss of $1,000,000 consumed the en tire business portion of Butte lying be tween the Shodair: block and Renshaw : alley on the south ? side of West Park street, and half destroyed the" public library. The fire started in the forenoon in the Symons store, and by noon the jublic library and several other places Tere burning simultaneous. A geyser of sparks and burning shln snouted across the roofs of other tidings at a, distance; starting fires gat were, however, quickly t extin- pished. The Symons building was allowed to ium and the. firemen ' confined their labors to saving ad joining property. It was long., after noon before the 'Karnes were extinguished, leaving a cass of charred and crumbling ruins. -The following are the large losses: - Manila and York ". kJJ UiUUO - OI.VJW, 'Slocks, owned by the New. York Feal ty Company, $600,000. Library building, $70,000. Osdon block, $50,000. Atlantic building, $110,p00. , , Barrett block, $50,000. Woodworth, $30,000. v-. ' - . ' r. BEATEN AND STONED TO DAETH. Progress of the Yellow Fever From Day to Day. New Orleans. Special. Official port to 6 p. .m.: i New cases, 46; total to date, 2,808. ! Deaths, 6; -total, 365. J :y I. New foci, 11. . . . I , Cases under treatment, 310; dis charged, 2,133. Saturday ended the tenth week of the fight against yellow fever in New Or leans with a record of cases and deaths for the day higher than expect ed. , ' ' While there have been a considerable number of new, foci in the past week", an examination of the maps in the office of the Marine Hospital officer does not disclose any extensive spread of the disease. Many of them repre sent merely the crossing by the disease from one side of a street to the other. As the cases are promptly reported, however, . the inspectors are able to tag them immediately and take due precautions to prevent a spread of the infection. , - i - .. . .-.... If the present rate of progress is kept up, the State board of health be lieves that yellow fever In the country parishes will disappear almost as soon as in New Orleans. : f- Lake Providence, which was a hot bed of fever two weeks ago, is rapidly. driving out the disease. For the fourth day, all the new cases atvTallulah are negroes. Seventeen cases are under tf eatment in the Barataria district In central Louisiana picking and moving of cotton is somewhat handi capped for the want of sufficient labor. Owing to fumigation requirements, dinners are haying ; some trouble ) in getting cars. . .'!.,' , i 1 '. I , .Work was resumed- Saturday on the levee front. The settlement decided cn byAdam Lorch, the arbitrator, was accepted by both sides and there will be no more cotton labor trouble dur ing the present season. , The country reports were not differ ent from the usual run, Dr. Shayot, of Plaquemines parish, reported the trou bles he - was having with thu Italians on Pointe Celeste plantation and said that they had barricaded themselves in their houses and warned all doctors that they would kill the first one who attempted to enter. The civil authori ties, were consulted and.it was decided to put the whole plantation under strict quarantine until the fever had risap peared and then proceed against them criminally. Determined to Compel Caatro to Act in Better Faith Notes of Southern ' Cotton Mills ; and Other Manufacturing Enterprises -A -A PATIENCE IS FINALLY EXHAUSTED Venezuelan - Dictator Must Disavow Offensive Attitude Toward Trench Charge d Affairs at Caracas or Ne gotations Will Be Broken Off. NORTH CAROLINA CROP BULLETIN A RIOT IN CHICAGO N Paris, By Cable. The offensive atti tude of Venezuela toward M. Taigny, the French charge d'affaires at Car acas, has aroused indignation in offi cial quarters here. Although the Min istry, has not yet taken definite action, it is said in the highest quarters that Premier Rouvier undoubtedly will de mand that Venezuela disavow the of fensive action and adopt a course con formable with the "usual courtesies of diplomatic intercourse. : The Venezue lan authorities' are now seeking to show that their action was directed against M. Taigny personally, and not against the French! governments but officiels here do not accept the distinc tion between M. Taighy's personal and official capacity. , ; ' The semi-official Temps Friday printed a leading article reflecting the official sentiment on the. subject. It said that M. Taigny has been ordered to, insist on Venezuela's withdrawing her positive refusal to deal with him. If the withdrawal is made and Presi dent Castro makes an apology, then the negotiations will continue. If Venezue la does not accede it will be, unwise to Immediately break off diplomatic rela tions by the withdrawal of M. Taigny, since this would leave French inter ests unprotected. The best course would be for France and the .united States to make a joint naval demonstration, similar to that in which Great Britain, Germany and Italy took part. The au thorities here say that exchanges will occur at Washington relative to the mutual interest, involved Jn the, pend-: ing controversies. : . "v , M. Jusserand, the, French ambassa dor to the United States, will sail for New York. . . : . -- ' MAXTON, N. C. - The Observer's correspondent learns from a very I" reliable source of an out-oi-town capitalist who is very. much interested in building a large cotton mill at this place, if a good site can be had and some stock taken by A"axton people. This, we are con fident can be arranged, as there hace been several land owners who have offered sites for, this purpose, gratis, and this means a mill in the near future. One of the locations men tioned above is adjaeent to with the Seaboard and Atlantic Coast Line tracks, which would make shipping easy over either line. We hope to re port something definite on thissoon. i . ' . i ; NASHVILLE, TENN. J Joe B, Morgan and his- associates have obtained a charter, of incorpo ration for the Warioto Cotton Mills, with capital stock of $200,000. This company will take up its proposition for purcnasing and modernizing the Nashville Manufacturing Company plant, which; it has bought under certain conditions pertaining to the present lease. The general plan is to have an equipment of 10,000 spindles 'and 300 looms. - The company was in corporated by Mr. Morgan, Joseph H. Thompson," William Nelson, Edwin vvarner ana m. J. omnn. f f ;" rAYETTEVTLLE, TENN. Weather Conditions Given Out bythe Department Observer. The North Caroline section of the climate and crop service of the De partment of Agriculture issues the following official bulletin of weather V Meeting Broken Up and Stormy Time k Synagogue 3tk CIY- "DOWN WITH M. WITTt week:,:-: -f ? ; f, :..':;,.V;,,;. ,; r,V ;,;; The weather has been generally dry and warm during the greater portion of , the week, . and favorable for farm work, except ; in a . few; counties in the eastern district where heavy rains interf erred with cotton picking and haying. Rain ,was quite general on the 20th and 21st and was very . bene ficial to growing crops. Rain is need ed in the Piedmont plateau, . in ; the v i i extreme western counties, ana in a While Adolphns , Kraus Was Eepprt ing an interview With; M. Witte Meeting Breaks Up In Rioti ' ' 5 Chicago, Special. The police were called to quell a riot' Monday night in the Russian synagogue, Clinton and Judd streets where Adolph Kraus was addressing a Jewish meeting. Several few localities in the eastern portion persons received flight wounds, and; 10 of the ; State. The , temperature in ; the men and women . were arrested. .Mr. extreme western counties, and in a Kraus '' was ' giving an account of his few localities in the eastern portion of interview with M. WiUe, the .Russian tne tate. - ine temperature in tne flt nrtsmailth , at which . he western district has been about nor mal, and in the central and eastern districts about 4 degrees above ' nor mal. s;.v ,:' ,;!.'' J. . tt ;.'.'.,',;,-i W":. ' There has xbeen little, if any, im provement in the cotton crop during asked justice for the Jews through Mr. Witte's good offices. ' ' ' - 4,We may trust the word of Mr.; Witte that he will do all within his poyrer tq armetiorate the suffering Jews. Mn. iYio. njooir if hns nrtnirnpA in onen I Krau -was savins when " suddenly a rapidly, and in some counties , the member of a Jewish socety sprang, to bulk of the crop is open; in Balden, his feet. . " .. . : ' Duplin, ; Halifax and- Northampton do you trust a Russian' politician ?" counties, where the rainfall was de- ne shofuted. " ' ncient, vne warm, ux wcatucx xxtt0 Before Mr. Kraus had time to an- causea tne oons to open premavureiy, while in the extreme northeastern portion of the State and in Sampson and Anson counties the heavy rains have done some damage . to, open cot ton and retarded picking; it is gen erally reported that the - bolls are 'swer there was a shout from several : hundred men and women in" the audi ence. ' ' -- 1 " . "Down with Witte!" . ;i f "Down with tyranny!" came ths shouts. 4 While the excitement was at .,The. Elk Cotton Mills, are under stood to have planned the erection small and the lint . short, and that its height, the doors of the. synagogue of a dam to develop power whicn wui there will be no . top crop, owing , to were lpcked and some one telephoned be converted into electricity and fur- shedding. No further reports of dam- . ; Tn - mitlk 14- nishoil to onerate a $60,000 . cotton acta W nrmv wnrma have been recei- I . . - - j -w J 1 MV J . ' , Pif rmr Vin iftmnciTlV iltitATlfls I .1 wn to-iII OTroi-trrullflrA. Hfl lift- adding tc, its present plant. , low the average, and in some places were,on,hand.r The pleaders were Charles Iceman, the well-known very light, h u , ; 1 ; -iu: - U reed;ande meeting was.disperse cotton mill manager, living at McColl, ' ' Tobacco is about all cut and curing by officers withv drawn; clubs. tO. Vj.,3 1UIC1C.;u uiiaiui'nutcif i continues J M. IS generally xepuxicu, os i; r . . : being formulated at Cheraw, S. C, for oniv a-fair crop, and of inferior qual i ')H 'ToEny SingaporDicks. ; ' il i. J? ..11 ni I .. . n t l. J .1 tne oreanizaiion ox a xuuuu mm cum- itv: mucn oi u is Dumt anu . peu.cu, ; umdon nabla-The eovernment s - Vuuj : ' ana tne reniaiiiviei mM 17.8'rtl intention to purchase; he docks at, Sin- V- -"CHARLOTTE Ne" hoc ';2fwS' has-been an open ecretfoVj CHARLOTTE, N. C. , v Peas, , turnips,1 sweet potatoes,, and mma anA 'tr.nod A charter has quite recently been late corn were benefitted by the rain, SrT obtained for another cotton mill here but in places are; needing more ram. T-.f.Z Masked Mob Takes Negro Under 60- Dsy Sentence From Jail ai. w" liamston, W. Va.; j . Williamston, - W. Va., Special... Breaking into the jail here Sunday an armed and masked mob of "white ribbeners" took out Moses Lovern,ya negro serving sixty days for assault ing James Butler. Taking Lovern and James Blackburn, the only other pris oner, across the river in a boat, .upon landing, the-mob beat, whipped and stoned Lovern until he was presuma bly dead. ' Both prisoners were ' re turned to "Jail. Lovern will die. Black- bum gave the names' of eight men m the mob and Prosecuting .- Attorney Shepard has issued warrants them. , for City of Birmingham Floated Unin , jured. Savannah- Ga'., Special. The steam er City of Birmingham, of the Ocean Steamship Company's line, which went ashore near Che mouth of the river here Saturday, was floated Sunday and came to her dock in 4 this city city. ThA voacoi a iminiured.' She was Against Greene and Gaynor. Montreal, Special. A decision against Colonel J. F.- Gaynor and Cap tain B. D. Greene, the American con tractors" wanted In the United States on charges of defrauding the govern ment. was" handed down by Judge Ouiment in the Court of the King's Bench. It is the general belief among legal men that Greene and Gaynor have reached the limit of their re- A. A. 3 1 sources m ngntmg against extradi tion. " The defense still has two weeks in which to-bring further proceedings to. act as . a stay. The decision given today was on a writ of habeas corpus based upon the content that Judge La Fontaine, the commissioner who held them for extradition, had no authority to act in the case. - Judge Ouimet's decision quashing tho writ of habeas corpus holds the original order for extradition Issued by Judge La Fontaine. ... r ,; ;-s D9nald McMaster, acting on behalf cf the United- States -authorities, has notified Judge La Fontaine to make every preparation for extradition, s ' Rock Island's Mexican - Extension. . . Mexico City, Special. It Is rumored In railroad circles that the Rock Island Company is seeking-an --outlet" to - the Pacific coast of Mexico and is contem plating? c tho A extension r of I , Its road through 'the State of Sonora with that idea in view. The Sierra Madre road, Slain in Political Clash. Havana, By Cable. Official dis patches 5 received Friday afternoon from Cienfugos announced the killing of Congressman Enrique Villuendas, leader of the Liberal party and the most able orator of the lower house, and the chief of police of Cienfugos, during a conflict between the two political parties, the Liberals and the Moderates. The government advices say the police had information that within the. hotel in, which Villuendas resided a a quantity of arms had been deposited, and they went to the hotel to investigate .the matter. As the po lice ascended the stairs they were met by a party of Liberals, who fired on them, killing Chief of Police Illance. The nolice returned the fire, ; ; Killing I '-9 .-ill- X. with a capital of $300,000. The in- Corn will be a light crop in xne east- corporators are Messrs. E. A. Smith ern district, ana an; average? u nnA a tt WoeTiinim"nf tins r?tv. nnVi the central and r western j .districts. ikl A J. A-m. - UlJU M LAX A-M. m w W m a , and T. CF. Cox, of Taunton, Mass. simply facing the result of the new strategic situation in the farrJEast, .and providing her navy ; with convenient r Mr. Smith is president of the Chadwick and Hoskins mills and Mr. Washburn is the Southern agent, of the Saco-Pettee Machine shops, the Crompton & Knowles Loom Works, docks at Singapore, which, is the cen tre of the far East! - , s The Japanese alliance permitted the parties connected with two ; cotton mills that are desirious of locating here, provided the proper encourage ment la' received, tme ,t company; is Villuendas and wounding several oth- I anxious to erect a $250,000 mill, if ers. Intense excitement prevailed at $150,000 is invested by localcapital, Cienfueoa and Havana, ine govern- i ,0 i tinn finn WnPiTt. i il 111 M 4-V. A .rn.nU rVllVl I V ? ' ment aumonues lew iu icoun. the affair may have upon the election of members of the election boards, which! will be held Saturday, as tne news snread throughout Havana the Liberals and Moderates are rapiaiy- gathering in their respective ciuds, an it. is feared that unless tne leauex H vp wi a a v counsel a clash may result A dispatch, from uiemugos says ma. about six persons were Kinea ana ao wounded" during the conflict Much fodder has been cut and saved during the week? a little .has been ruined by rain in the eastern , portion ot the. btate. mucn oi, tne -vme witndrawal of flve battleships froxnhe 't2 JU Cniia seas; and therWW intention in yieias axe oemgcuxcu. , moa n, n,A tn.flnab anv battle and other enterprises and is a man of : toes are m good condition, ana t ;h7 ,3 three chuis affairs. It is an enterprise whose sue. ;are fewer, reports of rotting; sweet ! e SSSi cess is assured; , r , - potatoes are doing weu. n tne rxvu- i r sui-r T 7;-; mont region and in. the. extreme west- and tne Australia' squaaruu wm i-. HOUSTON, TEX. em counties it his been top dry.jior lmain as beforeT.v 't , Inquiries have been receiver from fw.v3 -meaawuuu:C,6 1 . . I 1, ,n io m nrHitinn some OatS. rve. I -r, , - or .urin Ko, miTi chased at a price to be fixed by Ahe ar bitrators now in the far East, of which board Sir Michael Hicks-Beach is'the umpire, and Great Britain will have one of the finest naval bases -Jn'ithe' world and one which In the event of with $25,000,capital, anxious. to re- ." 05; GTlSboro Pwar, rf of the itghesl atratefap ceive assistance . from . local , cap tal. "ea- . ,,, 'ht- .04: New- , ' . -. r:!- Mti-U .the soil is in condition some oats, rye, and wheat have, been sown. Clover is in trood condition; cabbage is a fail ure, peanuts are ripening and a good vroo is expected: apples are specking and falling, and will.be only a iair. - The following rains nave neen.re: An investigation of the propositions is being made, as it is admitted that Houston needs a large cotton mill. fTreensboro .20 : Lumberton .04 ; berne .24; Weldon .24. A. H; ,Teheis-( sen, Section Director. I Out For Governor of Alabama. Monteomery. Ala.. Special. Dr. R. M. Cunningham, of Ensley, Ala., Lieu- fsnsnt nriTOrnnr of Alabama, an- tcutui V- ; w . v. nrmnced his candidacy for . governor of the State in a letter which The Ad vertiser will print. The Lieutenant, Governor, in - his communication, shows his position on an me yuuii questions now being agitated In State V : GASTONIA, N. C. The new Monena. Millr"fis now com- plete, as iar as outward nppearances tre concerned. It has added consider ably to the attractiveness of the other two mills -Modena los. 1 andi- North State News., Tne people of the. State, wiUe inr teresfed to know that the. number of students now registered m w -,tMJArrtf flwn ty is greater, by nearly 50, than iapsea.i.mS iwuw, Building Collapses.. :vBuffalor'Srial.Withra?crasn that could be heard, .for. hlocks, a threQ-story! fbrick building nder;foursej ofcon struction on West Ferry Street col- versit oming fro'm-New Yorkrto -sail on toward thecoast.jit Issaid;imay be polItics and points to his own politi- Tuesday with Boston a cargo of cotton tor. taken Over by ; the Rock Island peopl e. thus giving them the desired outlet. cal record; v v, 0 t0nnM has ever been .before with it thirty bricklayers, ana earpen- . l . . . Tha who were at work In .andcon-iop though the best street on the Mil had to be crossed by the luilding.; The f - u - ky. windows and.the roof are now! com- per auuut rt-n.:- Plted, and there remais nothing to Jnnl "Wi wtJT be done but io put in the machinery. ThttJ is beinr brought ir now and will soon ue msiiineu. a ii uml, wm -v. il n; nf IIip fprm 4 I readv for operation by the time its employy since the opening of ne tfrm, f6ar moters; had planned for Jitno be- an, additional mSlruc y v-1 W partment oi to assist in promoters ton. SPEAY, N. C. George Dixon Knocked Out. Philadelphia, Special George Dix-; on. the former 'feather-weight cham . Associated Press Directors. ; : New York, Special. At' thej annual meeting of the Associated Press held It is announced that the American organized Pion, , ,was kneckedt .. out in the at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, '.J the fol- SOf nn A rnnnrl 1 nf What Was tO ' nave been a six-round bout by Tommy Mur-, Phy, of New York, at the National Ath letic Club. The contest was spirited 'while' it lasted, although it could be seen that Murphy was master of the situation from tho stsrt. The first louDd was a .sparring, contest,' but In the second Murphy,, assumtd the ag gressive, and' succeeded in flooring Dixon early, in the, round. Later, af ter an exchange v t46f Kbldws, Murphy drove aleftto the solar: plexus and Dixon went down and out. Court. House Burned-and 8ix;Murder Indictments Lost. New Madrid. ..Mo., Special.-f-The irtwine' rilrertjir-' I were re-elected for the ensuine three vears: - ... Messrs. GenrE'e ThomDSOn. St. Paul nianatch! Charloi H. Grasty Balti more News : W. L. 5 McLean, Philadel- nhia Bulletin: W. R. Nelson, Kansas City Star. Adolph Ochs, of the New York Times; was also elected for threevears to .take ihe place of Whitelaw Reid. New Yc--k Tribune, who declined re-election on rount of absence abroad. - . After transacting some routine busi ness the meeting adjourned. Mikasa's Commander Attempts Sui- . i wu Thread Company will be i Toklo. By uapie.-A W iy , of establishing a Jill- from ;Sasebpsaysinax: y'jrr-.x. Iaichi, commander of the ni-ratea jmi ira co mnrle an attempt to commit sui . . - -A ; i cide after an address to me Burvivu mnrcii n hv inmnine iruiu o. Ma wfts severely woundea the head and Is now reported to be In a critical conaition iu sebo naval hospital. I were at work in-andon-i tructure. A score of the n were lnj ' . The mei classes' ever enrolled in the institution. 1 lrV when the west wall went down. The fact that there are so many new frrylng'with1 1 a portion oi the front students -has i made , it t necessary .to f DUildinE and 1 a UBection of. he i ' V - 1L. .nninn 'nf tVlO 011- f . ' .11 rm 1. ikn.a -rrr ri a tint SOrlmlR Wail. 11131 Uiwo naa wv of life -was , due ; to4 th; fact ; that mathematics, and also one fthe mass of bricks fel out towards the - .-v - t ;"' T-'- " '-street'-' Oi;isit av-. -1 I - rwit L . ane;ucwtvcuu- -r ---t, - Afmtit to lExtilOde Jail, H T of Ashevilleis to ;bq dedicated; Sun-1 f:i ,r" -v - - - . - pt .Asheviue ist w r Somerville, N. . J., Speclal.-Anh at nv. November 4th. - iU. i . mill - . I tempt was maae. ipr tne secuuu w u vtf I i a siovei. .aamaiiB u.un-, v"vr" i? our tt6tcir?4 o release tne -unsouers and woolen yarns; An equipment of brought against tne, cityj oiuey, Un yth6OUI1ty ifew telL., iffi jS,W contractea xeye ui ' ibv a shot fired by an outside watcn' city-s negligence, in emptymg..; m'ai, A11 tne prisoners, injlhe lall were age within 100 feet of his. residence. ffir0toptlyfseclfedlncelli n ;;t .1 . ! The -negf whoas :Hlled-by X l-j .A ..j " ' :) Spray are interested in,vthe new enter- pi-se. ' Ex-Goyerjior OTarrall Dead, ; Richmond, Special. Former Govern or Charles T. O'Ferrall, of Virginia, died in this , city at 10 o'clock Friday morning from nervous prostration. He Xti- Escorted Himself to Penitentiary. Nashville, Tenn., Special. -W. A. Lauderdalte ) . ;: .Textile Notes. .. The Colinton Cotton - Mls, at Wal terbt ,r-fi, ' ;S. i C, were sold ) at auction in that city recently? jmkr ordei; ot: thentedratea i piscr)ct'urt.Afor, John.F. Luc.-ts, iwesljent of ew maaria,.,.m ov"-T:"0 f wrne!d 1 convicted In Lauderdalte court house -here; was burned atsan Barfleld,$ craea iu enru, i,.'e;i wnmTip. 'ThA'flrfi i noiinfVf of manslaughter and sentencea trt aerve one vear m .prison. arriK is thought to .; have been incendiary; Many tax and' drainage recordsf were destroyed, but the other records were 6ved. Six murder trials are pending, but all indictments returned to ; this term were burned, which make con tinuances necessary. Nashville and went at once to the peni tentiary. At Ripley, Barfield got the pa ners committing Wm:toprison,-: bought his own railroad ticket and came to Nashville unattended. fi.Vhoor. in falling health tor about aj $531);!. k v,,v -nrinn to "his death had been the CoHetoii ; Bnkmg Comny, ;.c year, uuk uw confined to his bed for only a m.onin. the last three days of. which he was un conscious. Owing to paralysis or the throat . he-;was unable to take nourish ment Governor -O'Ferrall served in the Confederate army rising- from the rank of private to that of colonel and wasXtorfsix terms - Representatlvejn Congress fromthe seventh Virginia district He .was 65 years old. ihe purchaser. The upset price as.f.ited tt $45,000 by tha ; jc-iurt. There werev two ot! -e r bi- ; t .: ; ' f. i ! The Monroe (N. ; C. v. Cotton Mills !wiU add ' looms 'and' discontinue mak 5n varns. It is hoped to have the changed ' condition in operation by February loth. . v freight train s Newton se ago ; wasKnowu . i vJt j-p. st. ljouis, ..japecia.r-A et, ?v His skin had a. rattlesnake j hue .and med ass i-ro .-aoIayI Viff in the springtime. , t . - ii. viiy; Lsi: wiLx-xf t . tiivrwjo i"- r.r .t- - . . libnenn -A. j. onores, w, viajrwu 1 iThevtrastee qf I4vmgstone College j frtThe . asSa!lant . t Was -Vehpt by UvrAr of Salisbnrir. ;have 'purchased I ' iv - enXt- ' a- portrait hc ofrv attrteaa nrobbf nlgtno a ,ori4o h he rilaced-4n their vlibrary -;5.V; -.y i "., ''..',, t. , negieto .be.piac p. taDtM io lynch 'the egro,-cut werV built e heart a scream.: Hejs&tli? a.w.w. "S" "and 'running and Urea and ttenegro fell. .-. - 1. - niw .' v . .. - . .. v ,1 Arfsrrwarlaw RVinnwr TearnM . that his KutnerioraiiM.-; s- - . . ; -.- Mr Mclntire, proprietor of the wife was the victim, who was found In Mock House, at Thomasville, is dead. 1 a faint on the sidewalk. ;

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