I U U J l a V7 vW v Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE INf ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, SLOP Per Year in Advance. VOL XL COLUMBUb, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER U, 1905. NO. 34 . 1 I I V K7 CONGRESS AT WORK making Body? Organizes and Gets to Work WILLIAMS DEMOCRATIC LEADER Speaker Cannon is -Re-elected and p,ul83 of Last Congress Are Adopt ed After Humorous Speech in Op- " position by Mr. Williams. . Washington, Special-Ctmi'ess con vened with little of the pomp and eirrarr.siariee: of other days. The. presence of so ranch fuss and flowers conflicted with the idea "of the eternal" fitness of things entertained by the eKlor statesmen. ITence, the fonnal ity of the opening session has become a 'somewhat less spectacular affair. However, much fine raiment in the galleries relieved the sombre aspect of the floor, where flowers Avere bare, and the event proved as interesting in aiany respects as of yore. "The following caucus nominations were elected: - ' Clerk Alexander McDowell, Penn svlvania. Sergeant-at-Arnis Henry Cassoin, Wisconsin. -; Doorkeeper R B. Lyon, New York, lostmaster Joseph C. MeElroy, Ohio. -,' - : . Chaplain Rev. Henry N. Couden, Michigan. The rules of -the 'Fifty-eighth Con gress, - including the standing orders lelatina to the consideration of pen sion and elaim bills on Fridays, on motion of Mr. Dalzell, of Pennsvl vania. were ordered continued during the Fifty-ninth Congress. This reso lution will be offered by Mr. Dalzell, when the House is organized next Monday. . ' - : . w. . ; : " Several New Senators Sworn In. USUluglUlN cpct'iui u l lie uciuic Monday several new Senators were sworn in, including , Mr. Frabler, of Tennessee. The credentials of Sena tor Taliaferro, of Florida, were- pre sented by Senator'' Mallory. Sena tors AJiLson and Morgan were appoint d as a committee to wait fnpon the Procirlont frtrotlior With J Similar fuminittee from the house. " The Message Read. President Roosevelt's message to Congress received the attention of the House for two and a half hours Tues day. Its reading was listened to with marked attention and at its , conclu sion the documents was applauded. Preliminary steps were . taken toward appropriating the nee'ded emergency funds for the Panama Canal- Should unanimous consent be refused for its consideration, a special mle from the committee on rules wilUbe available which will put the bill on its passage ; after a limited period for discussion." Mr. Webb, of North , Carolina, - in troduced a bill to have daily reports ttade on the amount of cotton ginned, during the ginning season. In the Senate. The Senate was in session for al most three hours Tuesday and gave praetieially all of its time to listen ing to the reading of the President's annual message. There was a . large j attendance of Senators and; the gal leries were well filled, most of th time with representatives, of the genr eral public. : The document received close attention from both classes', senators following the reading from beginning to end with printed copies in their hands. ' . . Wednesday in the House. ' With an opportunity for unlimited debate on the subject of the, Panama Canal, the House exhausted its ora tory on that 'subject in a session of four and three-quarter hours Wednes day. The bill appropriating $16,500r 000 for the canal work,. which was the subject of discussion, will be read for. amendment' and placed on its filial passage . The feature of the debate was the criticism indulged in by. both Republicans and Democrats regarding the incompleteness of the statement of expenditures and estimates furnished by the canal commission. Mr. Hepburn (Iowa) reviewed the canal work, stating that $10,000,000 bad been expended and that particu lar attention had been paid, to hous ing employes on "the isthmus and in lehabitating the machinery the French com nan v had left there. - " In the Senate. . Senator Latimer re-introduced his pood roads bill. "Senator. Simmons in troduced a bill providing for a per manent commission to investigate the executive departments. Senator Over man presented a bill providing for a commission whose duty it shall be o enlarge the foreign market for Amer - ican cotton. ' '" Senator Culberson introduced a bill making it n felony for, air insurance 1 company or any other corporation to contribute money or anything of val ue toward the election of a President v or a Vice-President of the United ;y States.-. . ; - V To Apportion Direct Tax. Mr. William Kitchin has introduced the following joint resolution, propos ing an amendment to the Constitution relating to direct taxes: ' Resolved by the Senate and House of the Representatives of the United States of America in Congress", as sembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein) , that . the- follow ing amendment be proposed to the Leglislatures of the several- States which when ratified by the Legisla tures of three-fourths of the several States shall become, and be a part of, the Constitution, to wit : "Direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States according to the real and personal property-, as assessed for taxation, situated iu each State not belonging to each State or to the United: States." ' For Public Euildinss. Congressman Blockburn hns intro duced a bill appropriating $100,000 for the erection of a public building at Salisbury, and a bill appropriating $50,000 for a public building at Mt Airy. Representative W, Kitchin lias introduced a bill appropriating $30, for a public building at.ITigh Pointl Receiver for Railroads. Cincinnatti, Speeial. An applica tion for the appointment of a receiver for the Cincinnatti, Hamilton & Day Ion Railway and the Pere Marquette Railroad was filed in the United States Circuit Court here by Law rence Maxwell, Jr., circuit Judge Lofton immediately began hearing the application and appointed Attoney General Judson Harmon as receiver for both roads. Insolvency is admit ted. Found in N. C. Papers. Richmond, Va., Special. The State library here is in receipt from London of a complete record of the Virginia House of . Burgesses for 1776 which was .published in the trade papers of. North Carolina instead of those of Virginia, and thus remained undiscov ered for many years. It completes the records of the House of Burgesses and contains the proceedings of a hereto fore unkown "session of the Burgesses. The record is one of , the utmost his torical value. To Reduce Naval Force. - i Washington, Special. Reduction of the American naval forces in Domini can waters form a squadron of pro- - i 3 ! 1.1 i l r. fl leciea cruisers 10 a musumi iicci, of gunboats, has been determined up on bv the President. Rar Admiral Roval B. Bradford, commanding the squadron will be ordered North. His squadron 'will be relieved in Momini ean waters by a squadron consisting "of the enviser Dixie, flagship and the gunboato Yankee. Dubuque, Paducah, Nashville and4 Scorpion: - The- Dixie Will eary a, guard of several hundred marines. - !. : !;.V Law Against Betting. - Nashvillej Special. On the firbt day of this month the law enacted by the lasl Legislature, prohibi ting betting on horse races nip on traeks in this State1,, went into effect. .Tuesday 'a race Avas run on the Fair Grounds , track at Shelby Ville, Tenn., on which books were made. . The' race was in tended to test the law. The parties arraying the race Were arrested by the" sheziff cf the county and will be given a hearing at once in Shelby vilfe'. .'v ' A BRAIN WORKER Mast llaye the Kliul or Food That Naur labes ISraln. , 'I am a literary mau whos nervous energy is a. creat part of my stock in trade, nr.rt' oiulinarily I Jiave, little. pa tience with breakfast footU and the extaavagaut claims made of them. But , I cannot withhold my ackuowied'smeut, of. the debt that I owe to Grape-Xuts food. ". : "I discovered long ago that the very bulkVness of the ordinary diet was not calculated to give one a clear head, the power of sustained, accurate think ing. I always felt heavy and sluggish ' in mind as Well as body after eating the ordinary meal, which diverted the blood from the brain to the digestive apparatus. . , ; "I tried foods easy of digestion, but found them usually deficient in nutri ment. I experimented with many breakfast foods and they, too, proved" 'unsatisfactory, till I reached, Grape Nuts. And then- thev problem was solved. . "Grape-Nuts agreed with me perfect ly from ;the beginning, satisfying my hunger and supplying the nutriment, that so many other prepared foods lack. . "1 had not been using it very long before I found that I was turning but an unusual quantity : and- quality of work. Continued use has demonstrated to mV entire- satisfaction' that Grape Nuts food contains all the elements needed by the brain and, nervous sys tem of the' hard working public writ er." Name given by Tostum Co., Bat tie Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville,'! in pkgs. APPOINTMENTS READ OUT North Carolina Methodist Conf erenca ; . Adjourns Several Changes . in Pre siding Elderships. Wilson, Special.- The annual sesion of the North Carolina , Conference of Hie M. E. ' Church, South, which has been in sesion here for several days adjourned Monday noon. The devo tional exercises of the morning were conducted by Rev. A. C. Bundv. A number of committeesf which failed to report Saturday, submitted- their re ports. Bishop Wilson made a brief talk before reading the appointments. RALEIGH: DISTRICT W. II. MOORE, Presiding Elder. : I t Raleigh ';:;r Edenton Street: R F. Bumpas. J. O. Guthrie, Supernumerary. v : Central : C. W. Robinson. E, Pope, Supernumerary . ; 'Brooklyn and Garner: G. W. Star ling. ,. 'V;'; Epworth : C. L. Read. Cary: G. B. Starling. Clayton : J. J. Renn. Smithfield: J. H. Shore. Selma : F. A. Bishop. Kenl: Supplied by R. H.,Whitaker. Wakefield and Mission : Supplied by Jb . 1''. i,ure. Millbrook : G. T. Simmons. Youngsville: D. B. Parker. Franklinton: N. E. Coltraue. Louisburg: L. S. JMassey ; L Tar River. A. L. Ormond. i Gi-anville: J. D. Pegram. Oxford Station: F. M. Shamburger. . Oxford CrrcnitcW. H. Pueket. Raleigh Christian Advocate : T. N. tvey, editor. - Methodist Orphanage : J. W. Jen tins, superintendefit. . Student in Vanderbilt Universltv: 3. R. Rood. x DURHAM DISTRICT J. T. Gibbs, Presiding Elder-" i v Dnrham Trinity: R. C. Beaman. ' Main street: T. A. Smoot. ( Can- Church- M.'D. Giles.! Branson: Supplied by J. W. Aut 'ey. ' - . - - J: -. Mangum Street : E. M. Hoyle. West Durham: J.'IL McCracken. -Durham Circuit r jU4-Fisber. Chapel Hill: M. T. Plyler. Hillsboro: M. M. McFarland. Mount TirzahVJ. B. Thompson. Leasburg: M. D. Hix. ; - Roxboro : K. D. Holmes. C - Milton : J. A. Dailey. ; -Yanceyville: W. H. Kirton. Burlington: E. M Snipes. -Burlimrton Circuit : S. F. Nicks. East Burlington : Graham ' and Haw River; N. C. Yearby. Alamance: C. M. Lance. . Trinity College : J. C. Kilgo, Pres ident. E. A. Yates, lectureship,- FAYETTE VILLE DISTRICT J. B. Hurley, Presiding; Elder, FavetteviUe - ' '- J.'-.- -; ".' ..' Har Street : D. II. . Tuttle. Fayetteville Circuit: V; A. Royal 1. Hope Milis: T. J. Dailey. Cokesbury: L. H. Joyner. . Sampson: D. A. Watkins. Bladen : E. B. Craven. ! Buckhorn: J. IT. Buffalo. . Dunn: J. A. Lee. 1 V Duke: J. M. Daniel. Newtpn Grove: N. H. Guy ton. Pittsboro:. C. P. Jerome, Haw River: E. E. Rose. Goldston : C. ,0. Durant. Siler City: R. W. Bailsy. Carthage : R. II. Broom. Elise: J. W. Hoyle. . 3. Sanford: J. H. Frizzellc. . Jonesboro : J. C. Humblet , Lillington: Supplied by L. B. Pat Hsball. R O CKINGH AM DISTRICT J. N. Cole, Presiding Elder. v Rockingham Station: Jj E. Under wood. ' " Roberdel: A. J. Groves. - Richmond: N. L. Seabolt. - -Mtv Gileadi S. T. Moyle: ' Pekin : W.- A. Jenkins. 'Trov: W. R. Rovall. ' " Montgomery:. Supplied by W. J. F; .Stub"jr.. ' . Aberdeen: D.N. Cavhiib. - Hamlet: Ruf us Bradlej'. , St." -John and Gibson : - 5.- B: ' Mc Call. ' ' Laurinburg Station: R. A. Willis. Mnxton and Caledonia j E. Mc- Whorter. Red Springs: S. E. Mercer. Rowland : J. W. Broadley. Lumberton: Z. Paris. Elizabeth: W. Y. Evertoa. Robeson: J. M. Ashby, R, W. W. Townsend, Supernumerary ; cpn1. Sunernumerarv. H. WTT,MTNGTON DISTRICT M. Brawshaw, Presiding Elder. Wilmington " ' . Grace: N. M. Watson. . p;fK Street- A" MeCullcn. Market and -Bladen Streets : A. J. Parker. . Scott's Hill: Y. E. Wright. Onslow : D: CGeddle. .. ... - - Jacksonville and R ichlands.: R. K. Grant, v - ' Magnolia: W. E. Brown. Kenahsville : J. W. Mavtl.i. Burgnw: W. F. Sanford. . ; riinrnn r A. S. BafneS. Whiteville and Chadbura : t J. T. I Draper. :v -;-.; 'Columbus : C. -W. Siith. Carver's Creek: Supplied bv J. M. Marlowe. " ' iWaccamaw: L. E. Sawyer. Shallotte: J..M. WiSght. ' - . -Town Creek: A. D. fSetts. New River: To be Supplied, bv J. C.nVhedbee. ' ' 1 1 Student at Vanderblt:. J-M.CnU breth: . 5 " . " ' NEW BERN DISJIRICT- E. II. Davis.J Presidius EldeS-. ' - - New Bern Centeuar: G. T. Adams. Goldsboro -t. Panl, W. L. CuRinggim. . Bt. John : W. P. Constable. I 'Goldsboro Circuit: Supplied by.J. M, Carraway. xi Mount Olive Circui: P. Greening. (Mount Olive and Fatfson : J. W. Pot ter -V':, j? -. y LaGrange : H. E,' Tipp. Hookerton: J. P. 'f ate. . Snow Hill : J. M. Benson. v ' Kinston: J. D. Bufidy. ; Dover:;W. A. Foryes. Grif ton : L. S. Ethelidge. , ; Craven : G. B. Vrester. Jones : Supplied byf F. S. Becton. Pamlico: D. A. Furell. Oriental: J. J. Boozier. : Carteret : W. A. Pffand. Morehead City: RjjH. Willis. Beaufort : II. M. lijire. Atlantic: C. C. Brjjthers.- Straits: Supplied fy B.. F. Watson. . Ocracoke and Portsmouth : To be sibplied by E. W. ?ad. ''' Missionary Secret ry: R. H. Wil- . NVASHINGTON STRiCT R, B. John; Presding " Eldl-. ;''- ' (x v Washington Statical: Ll E. Thomp son..: : Bath : J. M. Lowdi V - Aurora: J. H, M.iGiles. Swan Quarter: ipplied by W. II. L. McLaurin. . Mattamuskeet : Jj E. Saunders. Fairfield: 3. Y. 01. - . , Greenville : J. A. ffiornaday. Farmville: - W. W Galloway. - Orimesland and IJanceboro : B. E. Stainfield. Bethel: E. C. Sel Tarboro: R. C. Chiven. v -Robersonville : P B. Holder. Elm City: J: L. guinlej'. Rocky Mount: Ffest Churchy W. S. Rone. , , ; - North and SouthsRocky Mount: R. Nashville: H. df. Stamey. Spring Hope: AVS O. Davis. Wilson Station: 1 D. Swindell. Fremont: D. L. Irnhardt. Wilson Circuit: IT. J. Browning. WARRENTON DISTRICT G. F. Smith, Presiding Elder. Wai-renton : W . y. Rose. Warren: B. C. Allred.. ; Ridge way -. L. M. Coffin. Henderson ami Mission: L. L. Nash, R. D. Daniel. f . Littleton : G. B. fFerry. Weldon: H, A.-llumble. Roanoke" RapidsSand Rosemary i J; T.- Stanford. - .Roahok'e V Supplied by W. B. Hum ble..-:-. f-V.--: ::.r-y y- Enfield and Halifax : n. B. Ander- son., r'-v -. - n - ; Battleboro and i Whitakers: R. F Tavlor. A Scotland Neck :k J. E. Holden. Ilobgood: J. J? Porter. AViliimston anoi' Hamilton : P. L. Kirkton. n Gaiysburg: J. 0. Johnson. Northampton : v. II: Sutton. v Rich Square: 5. C Thompson. Conwaj'1: W. 3$. Craven. Murfeesboro: P D. Woodall. Harrellsville : C. A. Jones. , Bertie: W. C. plerritt. Littleton Femlle College: J. M. Rhocler, president ELIZABETH ITY DISTRICT J. H. Hall, Presidiijg Elder. Elizabeth City J First Churchy A. P. Tyer. . City Road: HM. North. Weeksville Station:' E..N. Harri son. : - --. & . ' ; Pasquotank Ceuitr'W.'Tr Usry. ';' Camden t R. LtjDavis. - - - . . Majcoeki'B- Black;' .: , Currittick' : IIM M.- Jackson. North Gates: fW. H. Brown: k " ; Gates: T. A. ykes. . Pefquimans: Jj. Church:- . - Hertford: N.H.. D. Wilson. Edenton : L. Trl Howard. PlvmoutlL": LJ-'B: Jones: Roper: S. A.Cotton. Pantego and Belhaven: W. E. Ho- cutt. - ' ? . Dare: P. B.:3Robinson. , Roanoke Islaild: E. R. Welch. Kitty Hawk : To .be supplied by J. F. Halliford. n Hatteras andCennekeet : Bruton. v Columbia: AW. Price. -Director C?rcspondence of Vanderbilt ijniversity : J inggim. , - 3 - . . Chowan:' Wm. Towe. R. A. School L. Cun- Misfiionerv m Cubar ' R. Exporter. . p. S. Hurse transferred to West Texas Conference.,, ... A. R. Surraft transferred to West era North Canpina Conference. ; r " ' NOT TB-B FIRST TIME, Eva Yes, w went out in the beau- iliul somen ujrest cnemui and Jack nroposed. WnfriHnP Tl'fn! T ' SUDDOSe that was another? "chestnut. Chicago News." . r. NOT REDUCE ACRES Harvie Jordan Issues Letter to Cotton " Growers NORMAL PRODUCTION AND PRICE i President Harvie Jprdan Issues Cir . cular to Planters Stating That a Re duction From the Present Estimat ed 27,000,000 Acres Will Not Be 1 Asked, But That the Association . Urgently Insists on No Increase. Atlanta, Ga., Special. President Harvie Jordan) of the Southern Cot ton Association, issued the following letter to the farmers of the South re garding a reduction in cotton acreage for '1906. The letter savs m part: ' 'The Southern Cotton Association will not ask the farmers of the South to reduce the cotton acreage for 1906 less than that planted in 1905. The as sociation does ask and insist with all the force at its command, however chat the acreage planted in cotton throughout thebelt in 1905 be not in creased during the planting season of 1906. Let' the watchword of. every Southern fanner be " diversification V and through that agency - produce an abundance of food supplies to main tain each farm. i 'The ; present estimated twenty seven million acres planted in cotton i? suificient under normal conditions to produce enough cotton to meet the demand for the American staple. Any material increase in the cotton acreage for 1906 will tend to stagnate the cot ton market and depress prices below their legitimate value. The legitimate law of supply and demand is the only true medium of regulating fair and legitimate prices for our great staple product. ' ' V ' President Jordan closes the letter with a strong appeal to the farmers to plant an abundance of small grain, corn and. side crops and urges them to raise more hay, cattle and hogs, that the farmers may become self-sus- .taming. ' Ramey Acquitted of Murder. Manassas, Special A. J. Ramey, on trial here for, two days charged with the murder of Luciau Beavers last August,' was acquitted. Beavers, who , seemed to be . half .crazed with drink, made an attack on the family of a neighbor, who called in Ramey 's assistance. Beavers followed Ramev home, where, Ramey claimed, he killed , Beavers in ; self-defense. Th( commonwealth's attorney was as sisted at the trial by A.' B. Nicol, of Alexandria, and J. J. Davies, ot Man assssv' "Tlie .defense "was "represented hv John 'Johnsoni of Alexandria ; Thomas P: Lion and Robert A. Hutch ison, of Manassas."- ' ' ' ' - ' - ' Senator Mitchell Dead. Portland, Ore. Special. United States Senator John H. Mitchell oiied at the Good Samaritan Hospital, in this city, at 11:40" o'clock Friday forenoon, death resulting from com plications which f oliowed the removal of four teeth at a dental cfiifee. Thurs day morning. A hemoniiage ' of un usual severity followed the removal of the teeth and, despite the appli cation of th most powerful styptics known to : dental science, the flow of blood could not be stayed. r. Coal Famine in Norfolk. , Norfolk, Special. Norfolk is threat ened with a soft-coal famine. There is plenty - of hard coal, but there are coastwise vessels, including the big schooner Thomas ' W. Lawson, having a capacity- of 100,000 -tons,- waiting cargoes at the Nor f oik and Western piers,-;'here There -is- no. steam coal at . t he city-.: piers.:- .In addition . to these,5 there; are six big - barges. ;t wo or three three-masted schooners : and several large steamers off the pier. Leaky Schooner Puts Into Charleston. Charleston ;S. .x-.C., ; Special.rThe; schooner James D. Dewell, Captain Hammond, lumber-laden from Satilla river, Ga bound for New York put in 'for harbor, having sprung a leak Friday night off Frying Pan Shoals. She met the gale and high seas off Frying - Pan and strained her beams. She will be repaired here and proceed on her voyage. Store Building Wrecked. Saluda, Special. A furious wind hasrbeen sweeping over the mountains in this section Sunday and consider oV1o a-mno'P will likp.lv result. One UU1V UUl".v ... . . , . . . stoSe buildimr here filled with general merchandise was blown down and a vacant storehouse lioved from its foundation The former belonged Ho Mr. T. C Fohner ahd' the stock was worth about $2,000. v The loss on goods is probably $500, while the building, which was a large new struc ture,' is a total wreck. The vacant house is the property of Mrs. Conner and is damaged about $25. Ttl STATE NEWS Items of Interest Gleaned frors Various Sections FROM MOUNTAIN TO SEASHORE Minor Occurrences cf the Week' T Interest to Tar Heels Told in Para Ciaphs. - Charlotte Cotton Harhsi. Market steady.. Loy middling... .... ..... . Strict lowr middling. .... . Middling. . . : . . .-. ..... . . Strict Middling. . . . ... . Good middling. .'. . . , ' . General1 Cottcn Market. 1034 11-54-11' Atlanta, steady . . .. . . 12 15-16 12 12 IS ii :m ' li n-ie 11 5-8 -12 12 WS 1'2.6('; 12.60 -12.S5 ,12 i-i er. 12 1-S . Galveston, steady. . .. . . New Orleans, steady .... .Mobile, nominal . . . , Savannah, stead . . ; . Charleston, fiim. . . . . . . "Norfolk, steady. . . . . . . . altimore, nominal , . New York, quiet ....... Boston, quiet . . . . . . . . Philadelphia, quiet . . . Augusta, steady. . . . . Memphis, steady. . Wants to Show North. Raleigh, Special. The special feat-5 are of interest at the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture was a. address before it by Gevernor Glem, -The Governor earnestly urged that a small appropriation be made to carry, an exhibit from North Carolina," one that would illustrate its resources, in dustries" and ; opportunities, to thr orthera and New England States fo two months in the fall - 6fvl90(, the . pui-pose of this being to induce peoxrles m that section who are seeking homes to come" to North Carolina to located He presented a plan for the Wrk arwfc aetion will be taken by the BoaitC Governor Glenn alsa urged thai; efforts .be ; made to attract - des irable immigi-ants .to the State, mer. who .would, purchase farms and go tee work" in the building of North1 CatW linan. - 1 - NOR . Suit for Damages. Asheyille,' 'Spec ja. Mrs. . CatIienH A. Cole, of; this count has institute . -suit against Thomas Redmond, of FIa4 Creek township, "for .$20,000 damages; for alleged lander and for the aliena- tion of the- affections of the plaintiff's husband by reason of this slander- , -The complaint in the casa .h'aii, been ; filed and." is' a sensational document-. ; . In substance it; alleges that ihe; !?-: ;, f endant, knowing' the plaintiff. t-O-b an jbohest, . honorable, and upright wt- man,-cirejiilafed andv caused to be cir- C1ll.1r.Pn Sl.TnlPvmit ivo-nnrfa . TnohnAtiif . ' ly -damagiug the ? plaintiff rs" reputa: ' tioh and assaulting her-character. IVJ. -is alleged that v the defendant's, mir-r pose in this was to separate the plaia tiff from her .husband and that "as a. ": result of the reports. ho. has aba ndoi' ed her. Therefore 'by reason' of this i anguisli caused and the injury inflicts ; ed,. $20,000 damages are required. ; Meet, in Charlotte on Ninth. .... -Charlotte, Special. :At the instance of President RM': Miller, -Jr.V yre- Cotton Manufacturers Associatiuiy called a meeting oftha board Of gi?ir-':i ernors to be held in Charlotte on tire -ninth instant, whenv the proposition submitted by J. .A. Brown, of Ck&I-' burnr representing the Southern . Cot-' ton Association, will be considered. It is stated that the proposition submii-r ted by Mr. Brown, which was a pbtis to get together to regulate .the prir of coitort was seemingly f easable. att ' Pi-esident Miller agreed to' call togpili er the board of governors' of the as---:'- submitted to them', as.v well. Uti. Brown will be -invited to be present Body of Drowned Boy Found. New Bern. Sneeinl. The hn7v.F William H. Rogerson, Jr., a boy of JC who was drowned on November 18lb was found one quarter of a mile from where he fell overboard from the tug ' .Edmund Parkin, on which he was an employe. The coroner, Dr. D. Jones, was notified of the finding1. Tlie iorce at' Sullivan's mills -discoTeretl the body and made the report. Mr. W. B. Blades, the: employer of , the young man notified the doctor to tarn ' over the body to the undertaker f&r burial, and the- company would feear the e.xptnse. - - " ..Four Torpedo Boats. v Morehead City, Special.-4 Four Hs. ted States torpedo boats, the PortCTV Dupon,- Blakelyjahd Roger, are in tlis port en route to Charleston. . One wiil coal here and all ' will leave ' at 4 o 'clock. There are also in the harfcux one house- boat, Roxana. fionx Kw York to Florida, and yacht Iuia frwua, New York to Cuba. . y

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