INDEPENDENCE ALL THINGS Subscription Price, 31.00 Per Year in Advance. COLUMBUS, N. C, TH UK AY, DECEMBER 21, 1905. VOL XI. N0.35. ncCents the Copy JlRUPTEDRl)LfR 0 KiGliTIER THAN THE BOMB Russian Revolutionary Leaders Issiije ivsaniTesio ueaanug the Treasury Bankrupt ITEMS OF STATE NEWS. Supreme Court adjouried at Ral flio-h on Fridav for the term, bavin filed nine cases, none of which are of special import ' The State Labor Commissioner finds that there; are 229. more miscel laneous factories in; the State this year than there were last year. 1 he secretary of State finds that the total number "of corporations chartered is 697. BODY NOT TO BE EXHUMED WORK OF CONGRESS 0rdexiug Their Followers to Cease t Our National Law Jlakers Are Doing Day by Dsj. Tndgo Watts Denies Petition of Fi delity Mutual Insurance Co. to Have Body of Dargan, the Dead President ; of Independent Oil Company TafcenlOVERING'S RESOltelON Up for Examination $25,000 ?ol-hereas, the timate of the . in onPRtimi Cotton crop made and published y m Quistl0n- . , ' , M Agricultural Department on Cheraw, b. U, fepec laLine "Jmber fourth indicated: taken by the .1 idelity . Muon in the United States- for the tiial Insurance Co., ot Fniiedeipnia, u,n of. llineoen, hundr&l and five aneftort to have the . body ot U0Dernjnetenh hundred and'six of ten Keith Dargan, the late ' president o 0n ono hundred" and ixtv-s'even U J 1. X ' 1. . . 1 1 Si, . heii the Independent Utton beeoun voinsandei?hfc hundred arid eighteen nnfld Said to-be CoYering Up Sff before Judge Watts, of the Gnata mti in the VarB-us ! eicitshy Proceeds of Foreign ?n tant a? Mr. McKa 8 lodge Coiirt, who refused the petition first- of December nii Kns-o Money to Pay SK- ? i gStOXSSSSt " SWSC feL? Tho hrinrd acted ut)on the sugges tion of Governor Glenn, that an exhib - tn , - rs-rAnr- 4n . TTttorlv 1 if h mndo at the various lairs in jew T)--TJ 1 A Av A . Ill -XU.rf , W w ' J v w - , . .. v . nzardom-Withdrawal of 'AH England next autumn. I pany, whose repartee I suicide ne b. ?ve h - dred . ndg- - i ,, tt Tr T'r TVf. i some luuinus-uuu tauBcu a uiviuiuii weiont nnn Bans ueposra m uuiu uu "f" N York arrived sensation, exnumed, iaiiea oaiuru. ereas the census retfas- of ft eminent Said to be Covering Up mvJ!! Judge WatU, of the Circubn ginned in the Variftus States Deceits L Document a Sudden and Terri'hlfi EloW. ifll.The Dio- Attornev General Gilmer said he , x u.v--: V -. ,d d. for the term letenat orgamzaiions .mougu . Vednesday or" Thursday of next Yiroie govcumucuL i"- " week, as it is well up witu us opm to the camp of the official government ions. durihff the night, issurm- a manuesio, ,ftlinmimpn Wfl m-de to the followinjr the form of the regular im- . . . State Convention that the perial doeumcut, declaring the bank- Baptist University, for Women ruptcviof the Trcasurv, ordering tho would publish, beginning .next week a Uletaria army everywhere to refuse paper to be known as The Bulletin, pioktana a j frt . This institution now has 3oft students. to ray raxes, oj. a.y u.u.a, .v, . . board of asriculture re For the purpose of bringing but in-"" formation showing the existence of a" civirpension list, the House asked the President for the number of civil em ployes of the government ,who ., have reached the age of 70 years. . Senate Passes Canal Bill. - The Senate on Saturday passed the Panama Canal emergency bill. A snbstitue for Mr. Bacon amendmenl offered by Mr.. Hale, was accepted. It specifically requires that Congress shall bev supplied with a detailed, esti mate of all salaries except those paid to laborors, skilled and v unskilled. Otherwise the bill was passed as re ported from cemmitteel During the day Mr. Hale made the authorized announcement that Mr. .bishop 's duties as a 'press agent'. -. would be discontinued. " . . - meteen in the The Supreme Court has nnisaea The attorneys argued that the tesi hearing of arguments at this term. m0Uy set forth m the afiidavits . wfthe entire season as estimated by ist on tne laymcui ui .av.i wtod th resolution ouei w iu'i'l,J o'V silver, aiid to withdraw all theiil priating $750 specially for the pay 1iH).-its from the 1 - gold., - ' -The manifesto 'is -a terrible indict mcnt of the manner in which the bureanseracy has brought the country to rlna:icial ruin, asserting that the government has squandered not only the's income; - but ' the pro ceed of the foreign loans on railroads, the ai-my and the fleet,4 leavhig the wji'lo, without schools or l-oads. No Money to Peed Soldiers. '.. It is declared that there -is no money to feed the soldiers and that ef-er'-vhwre there are insurrections of the besrsar and starved troops and sailors. The manifesto even charges the gov ernment with using v the deposits in the government savings banks -to spe iotc nn tViA bourse and with the savings Dants in mem 01 premiums uu r . crops. For several years tnis uu. bursements has been made on account of exhibits. to State lairs. a. charter is oranted the Atlantic ComDanV. of Raleigh $125,000. principal based entirely on hearsay ana ior u Agricultural DeDartmeiit had been reason the court would not be jusune thau girmed. and 4 in ordering the .body exhumed. ereas neither the plckiriir nor making his decision, Judge Va of cotton inj the State stated that he did not feel that ied, or in any other of gthe cotton the court's, business to confirm thtyuei states of the Uisitcd States rumors and that the tacts in tne caJbmpleted ty the first of Decem- as presented by, tne peuuoneis, ' and that-therefore the estimate not justify an order for the re-openthe A?ricUitural Department as of the grave, inasmuch as the act- yield of CQttQn injthe gtaes was brought by individuals. Had is plainly an understanding request came from the solicitor J ud, likelv to misifiad, anilfdamage the Watts stated that it would, in ton interests of the United States: probibilty have been granted. i - ' One of the attorneys of the petithereaSf in various other . States ers stated that the company wonld the picking , anc ginning is gin action at once along other 'linet nofc to have progred toward secure the desired end. It is, probLpletion eyen as fullv ain tbe four that the company will make an e1rtea named the amount of cotton to enlist the interest of the sohcitc ed uto the first 0f December The hearing of the case has s s that the, Agricultural Depart- vived,to no small extent, tne "nt's estimate of , the yiegd is unques- est which attached to uie A""nablv an underestimate;: and noul lin Charles E. Johnson, J. J. Thomas, Herbert W. Jackson, James the Independent Cotton Seed . Oil Uvhercas it is a matterlof the first H. Pou, Thomas F. Womack, J. b. pany. the suicide of Robert Iveith ortance to the people oj the United gau iuc jjicsucm, - uie luai mey ue suppjieu wim a were hundreds of thousand dolyQ aecUrate estimate i this sea short, and the sensational ruiaotf. M tn : , Thp Jfnn,: v.. it the effect that Dargan did notjMmn1i.pj hv th, cPnSiti VnVJ nrt5 suicide and that he was still aiiveu Representatives of the' UnitetT: the time of his death, o uPIiites pf America in Congress assem- Dortch. A fire T illlC nu . , . oi'gamzed ai capital insurance company is Rockv Mount, with $50,000 stock. The insurance commissioner lavs that this is paid up and tuai there is also $rJ,ouv surplus. . i.x- I loatVi if was said that he had raad, The feature of the annual p at. : f hypnotism r7 : "rftuvhi such rlntq jus mnvi'in Jiic nnfn- onnvpnt.lnn of the county superinten dents was a report by Superintendent Tirr: J f Purnhpr and. -TOO, Kaiu I.1XVX.' .. , -a -xi'T2" rr w 1 oolipra under contract covering up its chronic eutn u . Lr 0xQ nnd one interest on the immense debt by the had DroKen iu? """ZC w. .all. proems of fte io whid. to" other counties to teach He eaU a a las? exhausted.0 The rich, it is ed on the State Permtendent for further declared, have-already taken a nilmg, putUng on , the q black list - .tlrio. Vipir nil tp.afhers who do this, so tueu cei S Lto securis anld and Ufieates . will be cancelled. . are sending, them abroad. The only salvation for the f?owvtry, according to the manifesto, -ife the overthrow of mesmerism, as had also his roiecisuch data as mayMn his opin who was with him ax me nmc "cLneera saMtoha-dod.-.Nrtm 4r7f o tUe season7 crop, and to the effect that Dargan, when tteTh the same on tie tenth" day coroner's jury viewed the body, nineteen hundred and six, not dead dui merei m notism. It' is a fact that neither ..the oner nor any of the jurors toucneu cor sonn e or existence vi wm. "-p'i its financial revenue,, must , be stop- The document is signed by the mem bers cf the "vVorkinsinen's Council, the committee of the Pan-Russia Union and the central committee ol the Social Democrats, Social Revolu tionist sand-Socialists, of -Poland. Caught The Government Napping This great step of the revolution- anes wincn throws u.n iuc i,e,- wjth a full anp complete t ot the method Uy which the is arrived at. nnl nf 1tp A. the body or made any examination. he various reportX comprising 'rhev were, io umj - mate is I .. i. I . f - 1 1 ii 1- ll,n .rt-k-m 1 is The board of education appomis sion, railroaded lurougu uc That the un of twenty what is known as the first $100,000 ap- Ucre his body was. One ot the argu-j dollnrs is herebf appropriate nronriation from the treasury lu ments or me auunic xx .. t any money-m f He treasury P ' , , . 11 f fnnrippn 1 . . of 1ip hparinff was' " .ii J xisu appiupiiaiffi, as a spe- detray the 'expenses . of ' 1 . -wt tt t1 I jj xt v..w Vioon Hinnv ot the... si . Buncombe flew I reponea T"r.inaJorV . . , . OS0 and Craven $1,UUU. M best citizens in mis -nate spent tour fiours Thurs towns and counues "."'.'""""niscnssui;: the f aiiama anal Lights on at Spencer, r the reality of his death ana mis F"yy appropriatiorl! ; bill, and Cnopr. Svrecial. Ttie electric arc :0n obtains now without any aimmn -!-"-" - ? x J , 1 eft-PPt lio-hts in Kpencer were nuucu ution. for the first time weanesuay u.s" vxx.x" v- r- and .the streets, which diu " -. fields, are brilliantly t?Lli-a Ti,tt plPitrift svstem has been U"ULCU. x.i- j . :i in course of construction since April nf th s vear. The waier adjourned the bill was still nsideration. Thfcre were set by Messrs. Teller, Scott and and they were followed by Lvnchburg Nearly Cut Off Lynchburg, va bpeciai. rcep debate m which all phazes fnr n sinde wire to Danville and an-pntroversy were:;iexploited. other to Washington, Lynchburg waTa u y e anes wmcn iiuxmvs u.i xxv. tt-e,- x- tnis year. : iuc v r-v7 - . , , u:;"nw,mnniMtioir ' uuuus t"- cauai -, battle to the government, was prepar- noweing put in by the Spencer cut off by telegraphic commumca tioiu ed with sucb secracy .that tne amw; Water Company is weu unQer,w. ties were taken olt their guaru auu u ;en attempt to prevent us puuu nnf pi' wtir.n flip npwsnaDers. The revolu tionary leaders expect that it will be followed by reprisals and arrests, but all this has, been foreseen. iue u-au-ers laid their plans deeply before issu ing the manifesto. The new commit tees of the various organizations have been olaced "in the third and. fourth decree. If one set -of committees is pat behind the bare, another will take its place and carry on the work. ' The Leagde of Leagues, was not asfr f hp manifesto, being re- v U l ' mill A. A. A V ing $10 000 Loss in Cotton Mill Fire. Albemarle, Special.-Friday morn- it. fire broke out m or unuei covered by insurance. . Saturday morning with the North anq.eoiment bondsytwas passed CV. mi APronnt ot a sleet storm. i"Wp 200 linemen at work here on the sysipublican membrs ' Of the tern are restoring the circuits. Many caucus .Mbndajdunanimous- of them went-to ureeusuuxu, . in favor of admitting Ok where the worst vx "ir wt tue Indian $erntory as to have been experienced. ' and by a vote.ctf 110 to 03 In favor of admy;ting Anzo- Tive Men Blown to Atoms. Mexico as ontate. tsoth xl,B iU . J questions are to be con- Birmingham, Ala.... opecim. -one bill. The fffly opposi ...r'. i i mixms house, or upper shop and ing" department of the Dupont pow nuncnue program ws;s airectea L m - tning Arizona ani Mew Me garded with some jealousy vy r .gik . uh go lPt-t nizaiions which claim to landlordship of .this buildin wim i K-frp j..;iia - Wilted eia-ht miles north ol0n the recomnendation in UU IMCXXCIX uv. J." I XX1XXXJ, 13 X 1 ill " r . 1 ' .Hour 'a nnrma npecnerp to, 1 Salisbury's New Hotel. Salisbury, Special-Salisbury's new v. of l,p rorner oi AAVl'-w' - ; 1 etrnots. Will .A. ...4a Ia AT1M I 'M 1VI1 ... . l U Alir 11TI H III 1 1 J-UV'U f a great wuue. fr--..r co liirmingnaxu, uic surance regulation occupied n II r. It' III! I . . . J t-' 7. .5 -T TniK I it I iiiiiiis. ,?xv" i mi - inf mn . wm.i mi i M i Jt- - "... c 'v,w;v1p dftAth. ine-ei" 32-iin inursaay wunout a .l.aui. vx)-u . . ...... - 1 1 . . I , . i vmniDrnn;. iihl xi 1 a. uun"v - be bearing th(f brunt of the revoumon rooms, nave """rJ My I , -V, miles The men who wer . and to belntitled to the fruits thereof A yet its owners havA '"ased U m heard for 15 miles . ine .rlse then adjou&ed. TbP T,m1pfariat ders claim to have w. S. Nicholson nas oe.xi Canal ia lm. absolute knowledge that the .govern- contract for heating ; it uy department, "and while it has eration by theSenate Fri- ment has just issued $135,000,000 in wm install this appax at u K,' le not to allow much powaemx Tillman occupied the paper money.- t)ndr .tne j,;OTO;tp in these separate room jjneu iu luatj suujwi ii.. i ;. u -itnr. of even . - , t..v.m ntcannAar. U1 uj . - - . - xt.- vi uie press law, wr.r -; ..- .. .. . 2,500 jewelry a-v6co paper which printed tne manaCStU w . f qnp,,;al Thre Lpi i,Cplf liable to eight Houston, Texas, Special, inrei ,,..1.1. Knid he gave way ao questions i l- . . a t a a oriii iv ii l v v . i i i xin llltiv " months '.imprisonment and $1,500 fine. kaes containing jewelry, watch Now must come the test of the govern- P t0 the value of $200 ino- into smithereens. errupted by otljier Senators indicate any antention ot he passage of; the appro- opposing th(f passage of V TTipnf-. ' tviwor It develops that among the papers of M. Ki-ustlieff, the president of the executive committee of the V orkmen s Council, seized at the time of his ar rest were documents .which furnish evidence1 of a well-planned conspinc to seize and carry off Premier Witte wagon disappeared from an express The packages were left under the seat while the driver stepped across the street. When he returned gone. They were consigned to jew elry firms in Houston and were about to be delivered. A similar event oc- a nackace val- CUlIcu. last " 4 Damaging Sleet Storm. - - Greensboro, Special-Practically iso-i-x-j : xt, 'nteiAa1 world, fireens- ldlCU. X1U1U LUC VUlSiuu 7 : I - J boro on Friday and Saturday . was ued at $1,100 disappeared. xi. rnp nf i hp worst sleet 1 tnrTnHt- hiis experienced for years. River Steamer bun. V Vf U.U V r J " Telen-aphic and telephonic communi- Pittsburg, Special. The steamei 1 vnoi ntive Works Donbled T?iehmond, Special. PreparationWtion bill, bu he critised Kichmona, y RicWs of the canaf commission are being made to enlarge the ru its transactiis. .When Wd plant of the American LocomoJadjoiirned the fcili was still ITvp works to almost double its prea there was afi agreement I . ThP nlant is now worK Saturday. ent caicA. r , devoted foua. and three- t Av and night, wnu a x. -r- ,5 i . H ius. Tx hfl5 laree orderars io a uveiu ueuaic about 2,400 men. It has larg . rf j,. ingur for locomotives - :nies. No ; conclusion was buildings at once. committe reference m.j. hmce feature $f the Presi v Receiver for miww. t.e ,vh'ich isl the mattei rinoinnatti, Special. An applieaiderationt and the debate Hnr, for the appointment ot a receive Saturday cation was cut off for the Dest pan Twilight same m v v."' 1,p lfl-r. due to broken -wires and SeHamil xt O ; tIp AlAnnntrnhe a rivei 1 Pn mad was meu KICK. ilUt xj. m i o .. . I xw"'- v H. W Railway an4 the Pere Marquett e indulged itself - again ton rtaiiwaj,r" , ... xi, : TTr.;pln,rt fpr,f-Af 'fmtr linnrc LiiV W All W 1 VAtVll V Vl-iAVUl falling poleS. 1 This damage was tem porary repaired and all wires, were1 soon ih fair working order.; Inestim- able dnmne was ' done to trees "and f olao e crushed beneath the weight , oi icy tendrils. ; Street car service was seriously hampered and a general dis comforture ensued. Jud; by Lawk many time! termed an . J IO nconinCf With tiieil I OUtoc I "lrfilllL UOUlk xxcxv ine cxevv ux. xu--A-A4.lil. titopII. Jr.. circuit lives by hurrying, iu xwx. x. i rence -;iiw' vi .1 t,;, Vi lives. u,yyiu & v it t afi;Qfpiv beffan hearing th boat and t-emgo - . ;M TSpp&ted AttoneUate andEsiaterest of . a wanted the Lnmber- &rf Judson Harmon asrecexTihad appreclbly d,min- . tnA- i625.000 . wh roads. Insolvency is aonuiuouaay recess was Art .Nfinil !l Mlim. IY1W11U4 wnvv I I IJ1 . 1 I T . . tUU JA.XJ.W."-7 -.X : 11 R. C. Lawrence Demg tne .. piuwii ted. stockholder. tcussion of Inderal con- lancet It wflsl the fourth Lrsday to January 4. Treasury's Cash Balance $138,490,001. Washington, Special .--Saturday ' statement of the Treasury balances, exclusiye of tbe gold reserve, shows available cash balance to be $138,490- 001 ; gold $87,663,270. . . Honor Beethoven's Memory, v Berlin, Special. The 235 anniver sary of the birth of Ludwig Van Beet hoven was generally observed Satur day here, and a -wreath .was placed ou the statute of the greatcomposer. '' .Young Squirrels Adopted by Cat.' A coon cat belonging to . Norris Smart of West Windsor, Vt, has three kittensf about three weeks old. A few days ago she adopted two young gray squirrels and appears to think, as much of them as she does of ner kit tens. . . ' i Books Written v In . Prisons.' V A publisher was talking t, about Oscar Wilde's stranga book, "Do Prov. fundis," witi- its pathetic decoration ' ,of arbird beating Its wings fagainst the. bars of a cell. " . . . ' . ."Wilde's is "not'the first good book: to have been written in jail," ne saW. "Jail, in fact, seems Ho'"1 be' .'"good place j. to. , write -books. , in, Xiterary; men surprise themselves thfere.' i"John Biinyan wrote vJPilgritos;Proui gress' in jail. . ..;,-.'(.'..l r i"De foe laid the plans 'for- 'Robin " ison Crusoe during a"";teTm' "of . con." finement imposed 5 on t him for . tha, writing ;J of a" pamphlet' calledf 'Tim -Shortest Way 1 With ,the .Dssentera. "Leigh Hunt wrote 'Riming in jail. '. "Sir . Walter Ralergli during - his ' r fourteen .years t imprisonment ; In thej ; Tpwer of' London, wrote' his excellent' ' 'History of the World. -' !f :"Silvio Pellico- ahdTassoeboth did ' their best work in jail." St Louis Crlobe-Dwaiocrati i jThe mackr.elf fishery, , has practically extinct 'in "NeWfou bees ewfoundland waters for the last quarter century. i hi 30 DAYS FREE PRACTICilL TEST. ; Vo will send you at onoe one of our famous on thirty days fre trial, freight prepaid.' Tesf It thor oughly and if not satisfactory return itto us by freighiarid we will pay charges. ; The only machine that is lubricated, besides being ball-bearingtten year old child ;n operate it. . ' All rrc1ianism nrlr?fx1 Wash nn7Viinor fmm un handkerchief to quHfT You can pay'fOr it 'at' th'e:rater of 50 "cents pel feekV Write to-day for our proposition, mentioning this paper, to. ji v-ilil iloO rif SPOTLESS VASHIKS MACHINE CO., Inc., 649 An. Hat. Bank Bldg., Hichcicnd, Ya. i 'V L CYLINDER G bf;aiianD$ el dl Friaoo. MotfMQ llTQQiQ THE, PRICE TELLS j "THE QUALITY SELLS. Machine Grease, Belt Gre,ase and Axle. Crease of all TadeS. ; Axle Oil and Harness Oil. W At fv rnmrtiitinn' either as to quality or price. Write for pur catalogue. . We can .save you money. NY, Nashville, Tinhi"''M s grades, price. CASSETTY OIL COMPAN A g3 TO;: ALL TIE 17 0- suiisuwiyivus it kin 1 ' 1 1 For a limited time we will give absolutely free of criargs 7 senpnon iwortn ou cents; to - A NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. v j This great semi-monthly farm paper goes twice every month fno' v;t ; 50,000. Southern homes. It Is edited by Southern men and women to" v suit Southern conditions, and is just; what our termers, need.1:' It, an swers free of charge any question a subscriber may ask and its'advico ' is given in a plain, practical way which' any farmer can understand ;r All departments of farm life are covered, Including delightful home''" and -children's pages. Sample copies free at our office.1' ?J4 ' i '? IF YOU ARE ALREADY A SUDSCRinER TO 0U0 PlFZn 1 renew now, and add only 10 cents to our regular subscription piico and. we will GIVE you the Southern Agriculturist for a year nn a n r ii am p f n iii i 9 UUnt UUNUH hf U k 9 lib EL. ' .Whether you are a new or old subscriber, add ONLY 85 CENT3 W'i to our regular subscription price and, Jn f addition to. our paper, f we will send you the following three papers .all for. a full year: Southern Agriculturist, regular price. ..... .....$0.5U Southern Fruit Grower . .............. i.... l50 ill ' Couthern j Fancier (poultry) 1 Total regular price ... ........ . , . ... .$1.50 0: By applying two coats of WKIGHT'3 CONDE27SH0 SMOKE . - .vu M iv .vvx .UP XXXCtfcb HUH UtJIlH tlxrough. the isalt. It will be thoroughly smoked, will have a delicious flavor and will -keep solid and sweet and free from " insects tarouffix t&e, entire summer. , . . Wright's GpudeisseSfSkdKe ia a liquid smoke and contains nothlne kxembm'&a.tHt' tiMikinitA ny Duriixxis mcfeory wood, it 13 put up ia sauaref Quart bottles- on v.- eah witHfc metal cap.- SOLD , IN BULK. - A bottltrlU Bttoite -a barrel of meat (280 lbs.) For sal by all drusslsts at 75o. Every bottlo guaranteed. Ak"dhirst? for FREE BOOK, 'The -New Way" Be j?ure to set tho oaaiaev WBJ.GliT'a CONDENSED SMQKE. Made only by ! , Kowu, y,lJ.r-s J THE E. H. VKiGriT CO., Ltd., 1 03 W. Fourth St, Kansas City, MdL BOLD AND GUAILAJSnCEED 13Y .i -' Confirem as Public Printer. Washington, Special.--Tlie Senate 'A in executive, session confirnjed thetfol. ; lowing nominations: . Charles A. Stillings, kassacnuset'ts;' ' ' ' to be.Publie Printer, - i JHenry W. Funjiss, Indiana, minster ta Haati'.'.'- - '-WjMyva- -inods- v( : Postma sters : ; , ; . , v, .,. . J , ; Georgia Rutledge ' A Griftin, Quit. ' , ' man ; Thomas "K.; Hensobn Sylvester; 1 i Walter. I.. 6ooperV Svlvania. . - . .. Alabama Ella GT. Nix Fort4 Payna! ' South. Carbxina-Wm..:l .C.:iiBrowni. Helton. - " -

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