u i) M 14 .Jt rtV .- v V Three Cents the Copy, INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS- Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XI. COLTJMBUb, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 190(5. NO. 37. -- vkA J J; ;in$ "... t ' I . HE SHOT TO KLLL . - . ' " i ' - . ? " - . South Carolina Physician Bent on Murder A SAD TRAGEDY AT LANCASTER - -'" . i ; : s i - - . v7 ;s Fro a Serious Dinictaty -.Results - from . Seemingly Trival Matter Wound ed Man Popular " " 1 -mi-aster.' S. Cit Special. J. Hasei -1 Wit h( rspoon, the popular 'manager of "tlie Lancaster Mercantile Company, oi Mhicli Col.1 Leroy Springs is pres- , .J'J as uuiuum Suut oa,xuajr by Pr.E. S.MfiDaw; a practicing phy- sician of Lancaster, t The difficulty. ouuncd in trout., of the company's . store ana tne paruciuars are aoraiu fultnv.p.: Mr. Witherspoon wr.s standing talk- lliii' U 1 . -jpUIllulTi XlMjtri is, ci xuimui, i ii-.ni lioin lie had ;jusbought some ,otion -lierr UDovyf wlkedjip and a&ed Mr. W ifherspot)!! something the company's, relusal to send a lamp which -he -had ordered. Mr, Witherspoon replied that the doctor 1 1 xa. XV' Mn Wit hi rspoon over4h3 shoulder of fi'i;tns. Avimwas 5anuuisvDeiwen i - Tr-, olrX'Wo t,-t I t ora. knocking oft Mr.' Hoborts' hat- ... . 1 . IV. .. V . A W. MeD;.Browal dVlerk inthe store ran i:p aiid struck MrMcDow, "knock- : . . . . . ' ;uV'im dy, f SC,tw- ' , V , v " u.7t. V r wnicn ne uau uruwii, jinug luree suuis Two of the bullets struck Mr. Wither- one in the body, entering the lumrs, and other hitting Tiim )hhte' wrisf4 One bnlletUtruck"Mrrf Brown! an u:e linger. lr. Geoi-gQ; Heath, manager of the Heath-Jones Company, and others, ran up and stopped tue snooting, Mr. Heath placing himself 'in front "of Mr. W i 1 1 1 ersX)oiv and, beggingJDr, McDo wi not to, sucoi mm agaiiy- J)tm McPow wasrrestedtandjaken- to jail Ijv "Sheriff Junjr p.dolife- ; Vjtherspoon wa carried, to J is home.. Ii" -..addition to a local physician he-is Ixdnrr attended by Dr. Prayor of Ches ter and Dis, Fennel aud Stevenson of Iioik . HilK - the latter having been Lvoncrht to Lancaster on snccial trains." The physicians regard Mr.. Wither- spoorrs condition as being extreme!7 critk-al. They sarHhere'is some hopeJ for Xim however,',-if pneumonia doef not -set nor ; abscesp forms' around' the bullet, which, they think, lodged -in lie ami;. . The shooting has cansed intense ex- t itement here. Mr. itherspoon is .one of the most popular young men in Lancaster, being. a-universal favorite andthe entire community anxiously awaits tidings from his bedside. ; Dr. McDow Is said to be a brother of the late Dr. T. B. McDow -of, Char leston, -who" shot Capt..F. W. Dawson, editor of the .News and Courier. vomig man ot tnis city, commitieu ' tt i.i.-.T I suicide together Sunday by i taking J laudnum and died in a close embrace, tlie deed having been" done in :a house dect ofrwho had tSvopistils;. As soon AIal)ama--l,17G,763, 99.3, 79. 9 as-, a convevance could be secured .Mr.. Arkansas 50G 870, 9Gii, , 92.9; Flor- 3 ' ' Z - : Double Suicide r 1 5 Kaieigh, iS. W ftpeciai v ipiet y. men. and W H. lIIbbd. U well konwn 14 a,.qustionableiiartetnewry7T" owned bv a nearress, Jane- Beasley. Hood rented the room Saturday night and later took Yiolet there. The wo knocked at the doors and windows butt received no response. She then telephoned for policemen and relatives of Hood. Members of the police force responded at once ami broke operrthe d or r to .find 4hdwoman Hlefldfrndfthc man drawinj? hisrlit tbiw&i. v 1 , i ' '' " V 'iil :ti tTZmL v., were two Ounce! bottles; and, bore the l.bc-1 M a BrieV&fe.drUA.oIf, to his wife, '"enclosing' a ring and 1 ! hri ' 4.;"" , jr i elr. Tl n nnt' era va nn wasnn TOT the , .??..-.. . i u f! Bii Steamer Blown Aslore. t . J p.-,"! r7" - t , J O -,"! - C7" - coast steamer PThistlewpod, from Tamna-fortn Gulf . beachOTfiilereast of PeniSHola oar. whprp !3bA was blown hv the nre- , ' - u i. liPjidftv rpp-n'rdino' JiMvl Tuo-s lett'.here once to go to her assistance, stop- J W"0 CT T'H'.g at the life-saving station to take 'n board the life-saving crews there, in order that the crew might be res man . who owned tlie house noticed j. ck,Uo the IKiicelL en'herttn 471 wlrdl restorell TwJf yery comfortablCfdftune andthe es 2111.1 4W1nVnU fate.wai bevworth not Jes-irthan $50J lit it V" UltillIIlllir 111 " lilt; 1 UVLU. I UbUU) uviuuij nju.v. I vailing gale. The vessel is reported P. Fowler,' chairman othe company a . special assistant district attorney, fr I Winston-Salem, v Special.-This, in a danrbucbMtipn: bumiltfe" investigating conmiitaprteby ithe wtern distnct;ofortli (roH informal couto "rSloOnd 111 K.R&fcb ar-fbf "Stku &ttt cued with less danger. CONGRESS RE ASSEMBLES What Our National Law Makers Are Doing Day by Day. ':- ,-i J - ' y Both Houses Re-Convene. Wh; theenateland" Sousef :6f Representatives! re-convened on Jan uary 4th. Nothinff was done Jon Thursday, however, beyond meeting and adjournment, a" good many mem bers being absent from their seats, j ) -Cham31ark Democracry." ' Champ -'Clark; .Democracy" was expounded to the delight and enter- tainment of the House for three , ... . , . ,r . ; ,,. ll0"re: Friday by MiVlClart, of Mis- sowi .ftnd constitated ,the .feature of the debate on the Philippine tariff w-v .wv sftook fl .wid range"W , durfn ?itS rogress he labeled hig 1.1 beliefs M A. " , a"ve u miMver tu a quesuon as 10 ".u aiuu va uuiwioi xiC jj.co.iij naa. i He talked of the Philippines and fjU yv bnihedilcussed - 4o Q,.. ; ":T: ucuiax vine vrermani laruj. siluuliuii. i ascribed future greatness to what the Treasury included, he said, classi- fvin fros le-s as Doultrv arid &Zf3KZu S2taC . v A , ij x i f i ponies, as household articles V for f, , i .u revenue, n? .cfal Rf Publican President m possib it.v nnlpss thft nnantlfi Rhnnlri fall on f gray 3and rizzled- Speaker, Pricle Joe Cannon.7 J r t-4 - v . ... - DINNERS ASS'N SAYS 9,694,096. . I ? n-fij qj Estimate 9V Cotton i (tinned I to (Dec. '3 3198.6 Per Cent. Picked and 97.3 Ginned.1 ;'" :7 V 7' the- compilation of the report from kg following; names y represent, rspejciivel total ginnedib ent. ida 71,464, 99.4, 99 ; .Georgia-1,667,-SS2, 99.G, 99.1; Indian Territory 292,153, 96 A 94.2 ; Louisana 454,- 440, 99.2, 95. :4 ; tMississippf 1,01V 073, 98.2, 95.C: Missouri 35,G4G, 97.0, 95:6 f North ; Carolina-627,55D, 99:2, 97.7; Oklahoma 279,597, 95.0, 93.8; South Carolina 1,081,806, 99.6, 99 JL ; Tennessee 243,95G," 98.2, 98.7; Texas 2,224,143, ;.97,5,96.6;!Yirginiarand J?,or some time past he' had been ment rr0t,w. 1G7TQQ AQsAi 4 ally wrong, and had ort several occas- Total, 9,694,041. . ' The report is of cotton ginned to Dec. 31, and shows the total per cent, picked as 93.6, and total ginned as The amount ginned from Dec. 13 to 31, inclusive was 402,041 bales. This, added; to the last census 'report, makes 9,694,041.'. i ' ' v 3 ' 1 V i; : , -, , ' ' Loss at Albany, Ga., $150,000.? -u AlbaAy, Ga., Special. The property loss caused -.by Hhe to-mado - 1 J struck, this Hy-and section i is f con servi auv,ejy estunatea atiou,uuw.vj.ne ginia-OirpUna Chemical Company " meir pianu uviug .esuiuawu ab y,vuu. ii.-- i i i.-.: : ,1 i- ffl.Tn nnii the-Georffia Cotton Oil Company, the a rtesian, City, Ice Company? trie5 Cerf- o, . n:)wnTnTWnv,Th. telephone and telegraph companies were heavy losers. It was" near noon large number, slightly injured are in cluded, in the revised casualty list. All the dead and seriousljr injured are 1-iegroes: Went to , Sleep , on Track. .rPvilIe,,Special.Ar -young -man f Panvillej Special. A Lnameu - uuSC - fe-Unown, killed by train ncaV;i(llf- a flagmaji and had been sent, but to v jflag a jtrainWhUe-waitmg-he The body has nor oeen caueaior,, ana I o.uvuj - . . . . i 1 it is be"inff held for orders; f ! ; -iSii Tvv.. iS I rn v,c,rl0nf tlnp Na York Life I rii n'Ja'flf thp Na York Life LKrr' 1 2. rfW -montns assistant ,.casnier ' "Ti,TY,T-ir-tWa-".H.'Y.ntMrfldyanced to An- HamUton inso far not aceount- a w Mr Hnmi ton. Thomas I ZX J-Vt- -"- , - . 'for $150,000. A meeting of the board Of trilStBGS Wao CillltiU. aUU it wao x- cepted as a fact that 'Mr. McCall s resignation as president win oe iueu presented. , NORTH STATE - .- i , Items of Interest Gleaned From it Various Sections ! FROM. MOUNTAIN TO SEASHORE Minor Occurrences of , the Week- of Interest to Tar Heels Told in Para- graphs. i , , Charlotte Cotton Market. .5 These figures represent figures pad to wagons: V wood middling. .. . .... H.bU Strict middling.. .. .... ....UlU Middling. . ............ ...11 Good middling tinges ........ 11 Ptaips .UYm?k General Cotton Market. New Orleans very steady . .air llrl6 Charleston firm '. . llV4 gavdnnah steady 11 7-16 11 11-je llA . lll2i ;! 11.S5' ll.Vu 12d 11 "11J6 IjalVBStOn Sl.eadV. Mobile-firm. Wilmington steady Norfolk .firm. . . . . BaUimore nominal XT - r , ew. 10 5uiei - xosion, quiet. . us? ,uuy . . ...... . u n- Memphis quiet. ......... f 11 St.' Louis' quiet.. .. .. .... -11 11 11-10. Louisville firm. ' 1134 Cole Famine Threatened .... i - . Salisbur3 Special. What threatens to be a coal famine of serious conser quences is the one that this city finds itself engaging now. There is said to be less than one car lbad for private use among the local dealers. The pub lic enterprises are not better off and unless relief comes speedily there must be a suspension of business. The seems fo be fhe eatest of all uffer. there are no less than? 100 of; theset coaI e d there -g gaid be a day 's supplv alad. " The farm to farmers can get any price for wood and are hardly able to bring it here over the muddy roads. No such shortage in fuel ever was witnessed here. Suicide at Mooresville. , . - , . - - -Mooresville, Special, A! very -distressing affair occureed here when John Loekwood Atwell, a( well-known citizen, cut liis throat with a razor, re sulting" in death , several hours later. ions threatened to do violence to his family and himself. He had suffered financial loss, and brooding over ; the Outcome made him desparate. He was unable to sleep and diiriug last night got out. of bed three, different sJtimes, each time his wife persuaded him -to quiet down. - & .;4f Tom Dixon Brings . Suit. .a'eigh, Special,-fRev. -.Thomas Ui , lu" V! lm, AU through attornevs here, attached the nhmertv of the.C6rrine' Riinkel'Stoi.k company,, now, in jJuTiiam, JN.u.,ior px-esenting here and . m Louisbirg WllinhMiA Jilaimfc is sn'tnfnnwmpnt' at i : . : - the copvriffht of his: '''The Clansman' ' but which Thaddens Rrpnton of flip Runkel company says' lie" wrote in 40 -days from Dixon s and other novels' 6f : Dr.J. Caldwell's Will. 000 and mav exceed $60,000. Con sideiing the fact that he, was such a great .hearted man, the amount saved is remarkable,-for he did an infinit amount ofjcliarityfpracticeP - ! , "Pita at. fl"h a.rlntt. Charlotte, Special .On Friday af ternoon., fire partially dest roved - the gar, plant, of st the Charlotte 'Co - 7-' ""T r""".". ,VTs V - "'t. ' fe nsoli- ten thousand' -dollars i damage.. :The nlantwas rena.ired.dnnnp. the. mo-ht d by Saturday morning.' was "run ningf jas hsiial. The great reservoii the fire 'reached it4 there is no. tellinsr the disatsrous' consequences. ,1 ; ' ''" :;,:;v- ; - :! Mr Britt Appointed. : rUi M Asheville SpeciaK--Miss Leet," for 1 I , i - ; - ; -. , . in been . ?. .. promoted to cashier to steJ 1 Brill, rwno received nis commission; as I - . . ' . . for the -AsheyM I yhuui uoa rj-ytu -iiuuu . iiicuiii, ; has beemtendered thefassistaht ash- i ier'S place, a transier trom- the held service. ' '' - 1 rni -rt i v STATE COTTON GROWERS Hold Important Session and ; Elect i v . , Ofiicers Good Addresses. Raleigh, Special. The North'' Caro Una Cotton Growers' Association met in -second annual convention, 'Presi dent John S. Cuningham in the chair. After iari address by the president and secretary the delegates disagreed on he adoption of the treasurer's report! Qnlimited discusbion and prolonged irgument followed. Mecklenburg and Onion, counties led in financial show- ng. Forty-severf counties were repre sentedtand ther wasa splendid 'gath- ;ring of citizens.5 Among the thought ful pffrings at-roll call was an Ad dress po Farmers by J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn, . emphasizing the co-oper- itive,; powers of farmers and work ing against the wiles of those who arer aeiitheri)prqducers nor consumers. s The election of a committee, on gov-j srnment followed a heated, contrver- ial't, argument, individual speakers being many times -'on the floor. 'J'A special called ;mee ting in the afternoon '.asted two hours. Informal reports ere made by county delegates. Gov ernor Glenn .( addressed the uneeting nrith,,his .usual force and character Itie enthusiasm. - it Mr: Continued .balloting resulted in the lection of ( the government committee J is tollOW34. "Ashley Home, Clayton; EL Ci Dock'ery, Rockingham; S. B. Alexander, Charlotte ; A. C. , Green; Wake; Dr. R H. Speight, Edgecombe county, it was voted oy tne conven lion i o pi ace an matters 01 tne, jstate, Association in tne nanus 01 tne com mittee," this Applying to officers'" sal- inis.'and by-Jaws. Run . Over By Engine. Spencer, 3 bpeeial. W." R. Davis, iged about 24 years, a switchman for the Southern Railway Company on its yard at this place, as run over, by an sngine, and , sustained, injuries which are expeeted , to "result in his death. Young Davis was riding in front of a switch ? engine on ' a siding - near the uain line track. Just as northbound passenger train No. 36 was approach ing ata a rapid rate, he jumped from bis .position and fell under . the Joco aiotive, which passed over his legs, both of .which wer practically mashed ff. ' One arm was also horribly ma'ngl ?d and other injuries inflicted upon his body. The. unfortunate s man was at mice carried to a hosnitai in Salisbury 11 1- ii . . l' t ' T - V - and, wniie everytnmg possiDie is ne ing done to save . his life, death lis momentarily expected. Davis came to Spencer from Greensboro. Dinner' to Chair Salsmen. ,;; Hiirh Point, Special. At the -El- wood Hotel the Tomlinson Chair Man- ufacturing Company gave a, dinner in honor of its salesmen and office force whiel proyed, to be quit$ fan enjoyable occasion to those present. An. elabor ate bill of faie had been 'prepared by Manager Plitmmer and about 30 plates vvere laid. After the dinner .the; crowd repaired to the spioker and, between puff related many incidents ofthe past year, ' and rnade plans' for'naxt year'swork. The j dinners, are given Bach year by the Tomlinson people. , Large Increase in Winston Tobacco Business. . Winstbn-Salem;? SpeciaJ: The .ship ments"' of '(manufactured' tobacco uast month, aggregated 3,7P9,679 pounds, this beinsr an increase of. 777,459 , pounds over December, 1904, ;the ship ments that month amountmg to 22lJ pounds. The stamp sales at; the local office were as follows:. Far De cember, 1904, " tobacco, $175,932.23 ; spirits,- $16,697.46 ; cigars, ' .? $94.50 ; total, $192,724.19; for December, 1905, tobacco, $22,580., $22580,77; spirits, $12,719.75 ; cigars $75.74 ; total f 283, 574.26." v ' j'tiU'.t -:- 5 . . Suspected of Robbery. Spencer, Special. Chief of . Police John R. Cruzon arested two unknown ' tramps here, who t were suspected of being the parties who robbed Baggage Master b, M. omitn in oaiisuur jijl tlay morning. The men, who are con firmed hoboes: fill thteescripUon" of the highwaymen who robbed Smith at Hie'noint of a pistoliThey were given jt hearing in Salisbury, but for lack of evidence! were turned loose.5 "The men claimed Baltimore as. their home and gave their names ;asGeorge ura ' 1- 1 A. - ' Der and Augustus juuiw. , , .j t Tit- - ' ; .V 13' Forsyth Pays r $160,000 State ' and Of this v amount-' the State gets, about OOO.The' 6es to the county and i divided un der the heads of railroads, county pur poses and education. ; Memento of Thomas Carlyle. ' ! , A farmer in Monitoba wears on his watch' chain a blackened metal, disk with - an i interesting history. . Some thirty, years ago : the farmer was a ticket agehti in- a railway 'station in Dumfriesshire.; One day, Thomas 'Car lyle took a , ticket fpr a short run by rail ' and laid down a shilling. The clerk," eager to!obtaih a souvenir of the famous countryman, secured the1 coin ultimately, aitnougn , sorely against the grainy he was driven to 'part1 with thetreasure3 Carlyle- shllllng4, But it would not stand ; the . ringing .test Somebody had palmed on the "sage of . Chelsea" a? spurious shilling.- m ' rt .. The Sun's Calendar. . v The Baltimore, Md.f Sun presented o its readers its usual attractive caK endar lor, the year 1906. The form, of this ' calendar was 1 adopted many' years ; ago, and has been 'adhered' to; because it has been found to be most convenieht.lt presents on a single shee in compact form and in large; plain type the entire year, so that &" future ' !..: 1 -I 'i - ' . . aie can oe .ascertained ax a eriance without hunting for another calendar,' henrst leaves; of which have not been torn off. . The.wSun calendar gives, the oays .01 ine .montn, tne days ,01, the, week j and; the5" phases of the' mbon.' The Sun distributes: this (Calendar to its readers as a Christmas gift. The bun Almanac is a New Year's gift' to subscribers, which will be; ready? for distribution in ; a few weeks,, as soon as the great size ' of the edition will, nenmti - - o;!,.-'iJr- nr .sih A. Vast quantities of copper disapptai constantly in China from one cauat ) ; v 30 DAYS besides being 'i",it.f All mechanism handkerchief to quilt , ;iJ(qujnpajt oJX at the' fateHof -56 1 cents per week. Write to-day for our proposftlon7mentioning this paper, to: tiU iu' s o I SPOTLESS WASHING F.1ACHIHE COl, Inc., 649 Am. NatJBank Bldg., Richmond, Va. i t CYLK'DEil& the price; tells; THE either as to; quality or price., , yrite for our catalogue". " We can save you money. , CAS SETT Y OIL COMPANY, NasrVvllle,' Tenti ' U ' rr m mi n ; T . tti i-r. ..'-ll I ror a Jaliuicu umo vtc win give ausuiuictYixicc w vu46 to eyeryi NEW yearly subscriber to our jpapelr a yearns !sub-.i , ,v. scription (worth 50 cents) ..tOiT V,, Uwn'mi no !4 a :iu;l 1 . ( - This great semi-montmy Jarm paper ;goes..iwiceieyery, monui,uieq4:. lt 50.0QO Southern ; homes. It- la 'edited 'by Southrnf mraBpf ( ,omen- to : . . t ni 'sijiit Southern, conditions, and Is, jupt; whai ourj 'lahners ,nfeft, It'im'-j'. . 'Ti swers free of charge any question a subscriber may ask and itff advice 1 r is irfven in a plain practical way which ahy farmer" can ilhdCTstand? Ai,' ' : j All J departments; of farm! life' are. covered, including dMgtftd ' homo " and children's pages. I'f Sample copies free at our office. ''.ulnr i a ''; ' , ' : , , . iAt-- ut , turnnwa , ;0-' i irvnii' Aor Ai ncAnv a ciincrniprn Tft nnn PAPER nuiiU:-! ic-vnil APF Al nPARY A SUBSCRinER TO 'OUn ? PcFER-i yi-' . , .renew now, and add, only 10 cents to our regarsubsc-ripUonpiJce ; 'and we will GIVE you the Southern Agriculturist tor ( a y eat i j f fl v s'V i '"-rJO'R-E'lV.'piip'EHR-pU ;1' Whether you are a new' or old subscriber; adt6Jra''; . I -to our, regular subscription price! and, in;addidon 'to'p."' y1',' liwill send you the folio wing; three .papere alia'lu11;-yia. 't v4:4; Southern Agriculturist, -regular ?prlce... ...... ,.-T.$p.5tl, i l , . Southern Fancier (poultry) .. Total, regular p.ricp ; ; B ., . ,4tf . -;; i - il!.i By applying two coats of WtMCTST'S COSEWSTD smoke directly to , the! meat with a brush after' the meat .has gone through the Ealt, lt Wlll,b-thoronchly,'mofced, will have") a, delicious ' flavor, audi vrlU 1 keep solid and . pweet, .and iree Irom. insects through the entire ?sumiari s i .:'' '''" 1 la a Hn-nlrl mnV vnfn.t TinfM-nlT J-rfTit; "OPTlfit la Dbta.tHe(l : ,liy burning hickory wood.' It Is pnt up In sauare cuart bottlas only, each with a metal cap. NEVER SOLD IN BOLIC A bottla wlll.smoko a-barrel of dee-t. ... (280 lbs.) For sale y all druggists at 75o. Svery bottle scaranteed. Afik drafnrtst for ttrre BOOK. rThe Now Way." Bo sure to get the EeaiuacYEIGIlTS 0 CONDENSED SMOKE. Made only by I, THE E. H. WRSCHT CO., Ltd bOLD AND BLIND MEN SKILLFUL FISHERS) ' ' i Singularly i Suited 'for Thosoj Sport , ..:yJji! .Sight. Three blind men fished skillfully -side by side,: ina lauhefi bffJ AngleseaJ drawing in black bass and flounders at?therateoti)hei;d minutei .-Theyl never4 missed a r bite. T.hey neyerj failed to land a fish. Only the capH tain had to bait theV hooks 'for them! - ' -but thethe t cjaptaln , baits ,Jhej . hooks of all d6ei4 seas ahglers as W mlet The IghtlesWHrid, Smiling,' eala, that .blind fishermen rfwere . riot rare; that in the institution where they'li-ys-ed a full third of the inmate's fishedJ They--pointed Out 1 that s fishing4 is a. sport. slngularlyi'uitedlorfthe .WlndV To sit stillto tcat,ch fish, by ;'feeltng; them on the line'Ms; indeed; 'the5 only sport5 Where the;blind axe at 'no'Idis- adYantagevi,FlyVflshinguot.co - beyond them, oq .account, of the dif-U f. ficltrties ' of the cast.; ' Side by side ' ini , the f rocking iaTunch; f hauling dn rtho. , , bass and flounders briskly, eir.facea ; growing redder and redder with, sun- jburn, the three blind men fishedandf' -smokediand'chatted:and atUherdaj'a : 'epd.U was found, that they .adtSev. eraily caught jnore fish" " tthan , any . other ;tneh aDbardAcip''' Cron ' ;icle.?r-l.'i" nif inhmlst- '-tiv.t' TAfClNG IT 5 CHEEkFUL ?1 i'"1 "S'hedeclared ' she' toaild 'only J be a sisterrto me."t)Hi5CHm i.?' . ,1.'! I j.-"Y?lVPu donfttseem s,-cast dowp. kboit it." -', ;; .; bK6Vti iitilatW-hW'ife redeemv" Ipg features.! ?. Brothers aren't expee& ejd. f&'i go; very, long oh.? flowers Jand r theatre tickets 'and candy." " : s FREE PRACTICAL TEST,- We will send you at Jonce one of our famous . ; i. : j SPOTLESS u tmH"f on thirty days' free trial, freight prepaid Test it thor oughly and if not siatisfactory return it to us by freight and we will pay charges. S The only machine that is lubricated. uii baTl-bearin g ten "year old child can operate enclosed- . Washes anvthine-from lace of all lUHDS al all Prices, -5H" QUALITY . SELLS. f . W Machine Grease, Belt Grease and Axle -Grease of all grades. -fAxle Oil and Harness OiL ,.:.We defy competition, ' i i i fl ': A L'L'M EV7 w i , -m h , m . f . SUBSCRIBERS 1. mUa ;Vi.r.rt1,-i4-rtlTT; -T-Ai r-P. Vi-rt -i At nASHVIUEr-'TEIUIESSEE.V . 1 l, 4 I J n f -HnVlr, ';'-',-Jl'l''-' tl v. t HP I i "-'X t (ii i t-t - l - fl' J. i A Ll"l J I : 1C3 .V. Fourth St, Kcnsas City, Mo. GUASAHXEED BY "Hi - ! ; - ! I ,! -- 4 4 Mi; 1 ! i .Hi

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