DON'T MIS5 THIS. , . envy. - . On poof - little two-by-four "paper Waia fellow' whose favorite caper , Was Co viciously throw1tx AU fcv .7 1 1 . . 4 S i . & . a.-..; I once Issued f velume of. ves!" t ,fia shrieked, then, ' between , ms .cursea, 'it fell flat8 fritter!. "" v That's why I am bitter : .; tAfrainst , evenr writer oi verses r- 'Against everj Oh, prince, IT yourfancr Is thymlnfc. v When the bells of success are a-ealminf, ' You will,Jear loud ana bitter The wails, of the. critter rft HTCbose mlamatfed feet' stopped ills, dImb- In every wide field of endeavor The climber will stumble sf greyer,, O'er ,, obstacles .bitterMV. t.i--Hl , Put there by the quitter; v. There's no crime like just being "more clever." - Houston Post. ALL SIClTfOMEW: SHOULD READ MRS.t FOX'S UETTEit In All Parte of the United- Statea Lydla E. Plnkham's Vearetabi rOompound wyF9-te,MW- -v Frankness of Spanish' Walter.. . E. B. Dewhurst, the. Australian ten nls-chanaplon, said at a dinner party la . "American waiters are much supe? riorto those of f Srjain. f Traveling-; if cheap, and; comfortable W Spain; Uv ing Is cheap and comfortable there, but Spanish waiters are; often rude. ' -ff bfey are parttcularlyArude to Ame. leans, and to those . whom they mistake. tfor Americans.' .The oldwbund; yotr see,' still Tankles. rv; .,, - "in' Madrid one day I entered a res taurant and ordered a' cut of beeft The; wait.ef,- fterr'af long Melay ; brought the beef to ;me-r- m iserable'v tough arm rrialv iir ..- anil srislv rnf. CD W T . . , . . . i" falter, said 41. 'is this ;beef. from the black bull they killed, at' the Tmll 1 - I i fight yesterday J',; VThe1 waiter vlc Has EfrectedsSimUar Cut ee. Many wonderful curts of female ills are continually coming .ten" light whichs have been ; brought -about byLydfa, E. -Pinkham's t Vegetable t Compound," and , V, throucrh the" advice of Mrs. Plnkham. of Lynn,"Mass.1 yhich is given to sick" women absolutely free pi chanre. The present Mrs. Plnkham th as' for tventy-flve years made a study of the ills of ber sex ; ehe has consulted with and advised thousands r of ; suffering' i w6men-, who to-clay owe not only their health but even life to her helpful ' advice k.- , . , .' T . 1 Mrst Fannie K Tbx, of 7 Chestnut I 6treet, Bradford, Pa.T writes": Dear Mrs. Pinkham "I suffered for a lonir tim with fmali . twubler and; finally .was" told by myphxsicii&,n . uiaL j. nau a tumor, x cua not want vo submit U .an operation, so. -wrote you for . . ... r - w ... aavice. i receivea your jec-oer ana cua as . 1 j J T - cured.' "My doctor says the tuinor has disap- tared, Ad x am" once m9re-a.well wonjan; x Miieve kJyajA ta: rvninaxa.'a.v. egetaDie t'om , poundis the best meoicine in the woiid,w Jhe.-tetirnpnials whlch we are coii tantlvrjublishinflrfxom mrateful women ' staDHShlb'eofid a ddtfbttthe power of Lj-dia E.lPinkham's Vegetable Com j, pouuu.Tp conquer., ienaaie aiseases . iWonnsuffering.iff?d cany fojan ot looked at me with 'a sneer. . v : ? fltN0,3nonsieur,' he said. 'It iafrom one oi me norses tnai iney Kiaea ai ft A Care - For Stomach Trouble A XTeir , . MetheX'by Aborptl,OB-. KT ISruisi v ,i Do .YouBelch? V,.'!"'!'- i I It means a diseased Stomach. Are you kEruetatiorit,. Heart Pains, Jndigestipn, Dys- pepsia, jsurmng .rans ana ueau vvcikhv in Pit of Stomach. Acid Stomach, v .Dis tended -Abdomen, Dizziness; Colic? ' J J Bad Breath or. Any Other Stomach Tor ture! ;' : ? Let . us -send you a 'box of Mull's Anti Belch 5 Wafers free to convince you that it cures. j . 1 s:- X Nothing eleejlike it known. It's sure and very pleasant. ; Cures by absorption;-Hai-mless.f JNTo j drugs, j Stomach Trouble can't be cure,d clherwise so says Medical Science; Drug, won't 4P--they eat up the Stomach and make 'yott worse. , Wb know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers cure and we want yduto.know it, hence this Oner, xnis oner may not appear ugaiu. - the. bull ,gMV; . Not .Quite "Prlceless., Among the rare pieces which'caused ; hot bidding at 'a cbfn sale In New York the-other Mayf was Van , old New jf Hampshire cent oi ; xms coin f Is ddwnfln!the catalogue as Vprleeless" and Vunlque." , The buyer, had to lay r"nn HBII.MI tn ePL - DOiSKSSlUU. ' ! There were 1800 guests at amajv riage feast at Sevignac, near Morlaix, 1278 GOOD FOR 25c. 144 Forma a Hill. That Covers. About i' -.'.)' Twelve Acres. ,5 Probably the largest sawdust pile In the wprld is the. one at . Cheboygan, Mich.' This is the product of one' mill operated by the W. & A.' McArthur Company. yl. The : mllP. being ! run - by: a water power had no way of disposing ,of its sawdust: The company was not permitted to dump it into the river and for a J few years an attempt f was made to burn it. ? There was so mucn smoke that the village passed an ordinance prohibiting that form, of de struction. As. a consequence it was simply' hauled out into a vacant field and during the thirty years of its growth' has ' acquired monstrous 1 pro portions. ' It is ' a hill -1,030 feet long, S75 feet wide, and ranges from 20 to 50 feet in height. - - . . ' The hill covers some twelve acrea I ? Is almost entirely white and Nor way pine - sawdust, because this x mill did not cut hemlock except for the last two or three years before it was closed down. The pile is undoubtedly rotting, a, ittle at. the. bottom, but It is ; w , preserved and v bright when . it is dug Into, the' top and sides haying crusted over form a protection- for the sawdust; underneath. Ih its present state it : contains rather . t too much moisture' to , admit of , being used for fuel without 1 treatment by some prc Brittany andjSO servants waitedron " ThrrefafboVe-defbr5ii V.c.Tn lnin rtnan ' field. f : uUj t 4--.1. i- . 1. t 3 ,s I . ... . . . .. ; FITS permanently cured. No tits or nervous ness after nrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, i&irlai bottle antltreaUsefree . I K li A ft iSend this coupon with your name and address and your druggist's name andlOc. in stamps or silver, and we will supply you a sample free if you have never used MullV Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also send you a cer tificate. good for 25c. toward the pur chase of more1 Belch Wafers. You will I find them invaluable for stomach trou- Die; kroree oy, aDsorpnon. - Address , Mutt's Grape Tonic Co" 328 . ,3d Avef,;1tock Island, 111. , Give Full Uddrtu an Write Plainly, A MAMMOTH SAWDUST PILE. Admiral Uichborn v. .-' o-ru-na Praises P All j3tugeits, ;50c?iper box, or by-mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted Dr.B.H.KuHB, Ltd., !M Arch Bt., Phi la.. Pa. Hagout of -bear has become a popular ; 1 To Chr a Cold In Oie Vy Take' Laxative Bromo Quinine- Tablets. Drucjprists refund money if it fails to cure. E. ve signature ou each box. 25e, FOUR YEARS OF AGONY. Whole Foot Xothlnif But Troud Fleth Had to Use Crutches "Cuticura Kemediea Best on Earth 'ln the year 189& the side of my right foot was cut off from the little toe -down to the heel, and.! the ; physician wno had charge of me was trying to sew. up the side of my fiot,Vbut with no success. At v Mahomet's tomb is covered with jewels last my whole foot andwayvup above my iered untold agonies for four years, and lned4t with a view to extracting the chemicals which it contains, but as yet nothing has -been done in this direction. ; There is . no question but that It has a considerable chemical value and prcltobly the time will come when some one will find a way of working it up profitably. I :,. Cut es Blood, Skin Troubles, Cancer, Blood Poisons ; Greatest Blood Purifier Free. ( . If your blood is impure, thin, diseased hot or full of humo. if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncle4,, eating sores scrofula, eczemaf, itching, ri3inprs and lumps, KoblMMl In rainh. i.l.J J;tr i. I. -ll nf . . . i 1 i .. t -v. f $ i ' " I uitcicui, uuj sivioai auvi ait o.iuua ui i SCaDDy, pimply 'SKIU, ixjut) puius, vatuiu, Jpstlthink what an outrage "It is to be ointments. 4 llcouldlwalk only with Lrheumatism.or any blood or, skin , disease, robbed of aU the benefits otthe services by continuous cougbinz throughout the ;1i:on2rega$ion,;whcn.AntiHQripmeJ4.guara ireu iu cure, coiu pverywnere. cxs. F, VV. Diemer, 11.' D.t manufactnrer, pringlieldMo. u . - W " Hk' 3 - -5-A company has s been forpned in Greece - ior Duying up unsold currants. r A narnteed Cure For Piles lllchinif, Blind;BleedfnsrftProtrudinff niNs. Druff3i9ts areauthorfzedto refund money II- Pazo Ointment fails to cure In G to 14 days. 50c. crutches.v-Ih two weeks afterwards 1 saw , a changeaa jnyUimb. .Then 1 began using Uuticnra'Soap" and Omtment often during the day, and kept it up for seven months. when my limb ewaa healed up just the sameas if lnever had Tr trou Die. Mt ifl eightiBonths how" since I stopped using Cuticura Remedies, the best on God's earth. I am working at the present day after five years of suffering. The cost of Cuticura .Ointment and Soap was only $6, but the doctors' bills were more 'like $600. John M. Lloyd, 718 S. Arch - Ave., Al- UancerHDhio J una 21 r 19Qa---w . "prompUyV; communicate . -.with Mrs. ' Pinkhana. at Lynn , Mass.r. She asksf 'nothing Jn.return.fpT heradvice It If ..'-Absolutely free nd 'tq thousands of, Vom&h has proved to be mbrb 'pittoiout : ? Increase Velds Per Acre .. A W T mil ' " f f.- Pisces Ourefor Gonsnmptlon Is an Infallible 'medicine for 'cou'ghs ' and co!d3. N. W, aaMUBL, QceaaGrove N. J.. Jb'eD. 17, '19(W. . Thq . Hindoos? are' "i. boycotting foreign sugar. - v6 s jas Itch cured -lid'. 88 minutes fey Woolfordte Sanltariti Lotion ; . never falls. Sold by Druggists. 1 Mail orders ' promptly filled by Dr. DetchohV CrawfordsvIlle, Ind. fl. - r-r-r The. new Italian, postal stamps will not Dear the 7 monarch's -bead - . take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B B.) aooord inff to .directions- . Soon all soresi heal, aches and pairs stop, the blood is-made cure and rich, leaving the skin free i from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skfn.v At the rsame time B. K B. improves the digestion, ures dvsDeosia. strencthens weak kidneys. Just the .medicine lor old people, as it 'gives them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 ber large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free and "prepaid by writing- Bloody Balm Go. Atlanta, Ja. uescrme trouble and special r free, medical advice also sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. ;is es pecially advised for "chronic, deep-sated cases or impure piooa ana,stin ais iase. JMany, people think that the church and cures after all else fails is'aDon'VWork'duh.- -1 Taylor's Cherokee Bemedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen la Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption,. and all throat and lung troubles. At drug- .gistsa$c..)o. and ,$1.00 per bottle.,, . j ' Japanese Diplomat 'n Londoa The' Jap is by "nature a di plomat, writes a correspondent' of .M. A. P. Getting into debt is an easy, way of going to the devil. . , 810 lteward. '9100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to :eara that there is at least one dreaded dis pose that science has been able t cure in all its stazes. and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Care ii the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional t reatment. Hall's CatarrhUure is taxen inter received Vien v proposal?, w this fall." - T I fl . " ".The: persistent." fellow!.: -What'i his name?--leveland'Teader "Here in our midst , the Viscount Hay ashl waV long a respected figure, but nally .acting directly upon the blood and mu vi fomilio'riU th cous surtaxes of the system.thereby destroy ing the foundation or the disease, ana giving t Emaciated by Diabetes; Tortured f VIth Cravel aWd Sidney Pins. ; i i OilOfTliesdlts j- - tc:'S pf liberally using bur l ertfft torsi is topay off a mortgage on the old farm. Read the fol lowing- ironvftlessrar W berry oon,owners ox ine Maxnoua Fruifc Farm. J)urant, iiss.: rlt strawberrl Vt?f5 Jlixers rries, on which were -used.' youi Eight Mi-yervagaw!sjBtiia.piaoe t "1 I 'K Pr acre It was then. 1 V ll considered to have been worn. I vT 4 : yitSinia-Colinariiliri .under.peaBnd;F)plvQlibta5S, . v we can now growAjmost ady-thmgVarid- haveHDeetr pffered " v;. $35a per ac rof he-place. Wo i. .: v . experimeAted Witih, a .great, . - many brands bt . fertilizers. '"'. ( but find the highest pet-cent. r'Vaa?Ai3T " Nnw linn'tmn t.Vil-nlr ' JVirginia-Carorfna' Fefrtiazers wouwenaote you xjopayx a . -mortgage if you had . ona ' Well; uWt use any 6tBer. v Vlrglnla-Carollaa Chemical Gov Norfolk. V a. . . Durham, TJ.V T . -. . . Charleston's. ' v . Baltimore. Md. ' Atlanta; Ga; - v ? .avannah.ja8i tU the man" who has familiarized u with Japan, an4 done most' to adyance her cause among ,us,- Is undoubtedly the Barou Suyematsu. ' As one of the crowd of Toung Japan," who, as the outcome of the "revolution sought a hew life in Europe ' young Suyematsu ("with more than .. one of the generals ,whp;h.ayit.met.Kuia.jaerony- made Cambridge his alma mater, and then returned to Japan. -As the sou- the patient strength by building up the con stltution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, iend for list ot testimonials. Address .1. P. J CuJiKv & Co., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druprgiats. 7ao. x . fJt Taka Hall's ramily.ri lis for constipation Rl Admirars TVords Carry Weight Hear-Admiral Hichborn ? is ;,one - of the best' known officers- of our navy. His statements concerning Peruna ; will have much weight as they go out m the world. What he says is echoed by T many other officers of high standing.- . v . , : T ' What the Admiral Says. Philip Hichborn, Rear-Admiral of the U. S. Navy Washington, D. C, writes:, 'After tJteu8eorieruna,fora8hort period, I can nolo cheerfully reeom mendyonr valuable remedy to.any one who is iii need of an invigorat ing tonic P-'Philip Hichborn. M r& i . An Ever-Present Foe. ' The soldier and the sailor are especiailj subject to catarrh. . In the barracks and" on the field Peruna is found equally effica cious to overcome this physical enemy. I taken in time it will prevent colds from develoDine into catarrh..' Even after a cold fhas settled in some organ of the body Pe runa can be rehed upon as an etticacioui" remedy to promptly overcome it. Peruha iwill I relieve' catarrh', whether acute or chronic, but a few doses of it taken: in . the ? first stages' of the diseasa will be more effective than when the dig ease has become established.' IFor Vour SFamily and Vour !3orse The Best Antiseptic Known. em: ;1: TRY IT FOR Rhoumato Strains, Sprain and Enlargements. Price, 25c, 50c. and SS.OO. - Dr. EARL 8. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mass. PRICE, 25 Cts flPF THF mO aw wwiu. l I w we us .IMOiNEDAY MiPltJF Mm n nr tf4u. I IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I won't sail Antl-6r1plne to a d ealr who won't Cnarantfe It C1I for Tour MOKET BACK IP IT DOESN'T CUB! V. TT. Oietner, H.JD., Manufacturer, Springfield, 2ft During' the' month ' of Septembei " "kenry oxile, cobbler, b Hammonds port, N. Y.,'aysr Sincerpodn'sKid- ?CuejlTO kn44ioneWUTe inanyear M-law of .Matqute Ito,bere. was iu.ea xn iSglryBu'twefV- had. Jnaticu mission, ,the baroroappeaxed Great Britain.; tf ; 3 ' Old defaulted or unsaleable ftocka and bonds. Beiuai&ders of estates bopKht. All unquoted or un listed aectuitiea dealt in. No cliarvo for valuing old securities. Valuable book ou old securities pre sented to bolder of any extinct atock not mentioned therein. It. S.nVTllK. Uoomb 4o8 ire So. 4-'06. - - rsi 6fct wntat AIL tl6 tAIL. iril hti Best Cough Syrup. Taatea ooO. Dae fJ Irl In time. 8old by druggi'ts. 3H GOTTO'W We desire correspondent s In all tbe smaller towni and villaKes of the South. Men who can control spot and option business will receive a liberal salary ana commission, istaoustiea issv. . Frederick K. Fish, Jr. & Co., 44 & 40 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. It afflicted with weak eyes, ue ( mi 1 SWT MOPtcromery, . v Mempnls, Tean, . fihreveport. La. kidney trotible ii 11,badf .rrcotldj not Jtsl Persistent and Ua agony. to lift ""anvtmnsrr'- Gravel. aches, dizziness o1 torrirlo.i n Hti. . :trfk flnwn frnni'lfift .. . . -4- -i : tP-100 poundsi. feDbcters told me I bad riab5tes.jandt..couWhovUye.- I ;etc?hedRiidhilVsyhW,I began , using v Doan'a Kidney Pills, but- they 'jciffrejdne eight years ago, and Kve been we'lever.since. -;a 't- '..; ''.gbbyl at? 4ealers.Sr50 cents a box. .1. '. mHenV:ngsli.8tatesman who- vUTfei ttbb3'country; duTinlg ithe past jjunrmer:.was;iaiKngwiia ineuas a-uuui v theationarcbaracteristtcs of " Amerl 't csngaTetspaion that Vltbe eerneT 3?s;;xne jnpst-truiy nu 'Hnbri'i'heVittiieiis;. of the United among ;us two seasons" ago,, and rapid ly became a - familiar figure in Lon don drawing rooms Thompson's Eye Wate "Cy" Sitloway t Would5 -Dig Em Up. "Cy'Sillpway 'the .tall' New 'Hampr shire congressman, Vwajfj ( visiting a friend who" was making extensive imv 'proVementronbls'sta when; tbe jtpllqwiDg incident occurred r Tnere waa. a, scarcity,, qi tsa,na ana oaml which was needed to fill in an excavation,; and f his ' host masked' tber congressman: , f.-H IWhat shall I. use tfr fill that hole? -1 Oh, if yoU baven't the dirt, fill in with some of these diggers," and cover' them deep,'; answered Cyy.T . " Yes,"i spoke up one of the diggers, an-begorra, nixt election : time. ye l be 'round diggin' us v. v - i' t 1,j. y. V - . 7"i r i---'v. j .t :-'rwhy, vsaid tneBmoni-'iniexpiana- 1 s v R. -, : 1 Toilet Ahtisepfipp WhitehV'the-teliiiuriAes 1 'isnort tells' me that he was .entranced 1 15 Uythe;reply Jaadap the; pro- triKTjor OI a-UOlci iu iicuias&a wucu asKeu ll inere were auj quuji xu men - .and by direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated arid 'Catarrhal conditions'caused by f emittirie-ills. ' n ; . Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and gerrai- ciaatfcaiitiesnirilikeatiytning else. At all drusrsrists. v cents At all druggists. .Fv P.n'fTo., Boston, Mass. ' HIghe4hiarktUttl4 V, miu wi saw -r Ill 1 11TC ft LvDYJ fcdvertlr In every town If Mil I CU 'No oartvassins. Good j)v, 8ti d j &timifo& reply. MTi(Vws ref erred. . iQULVERt T-.&.K1DD, Dept. D , aiUledge villa. Ga. - 4 be 1 fegulaf iiuisance "roundherd. d"y cook.comrflams that she can't throw a. piece ui Luasu uui ui wmuuw wuui out four Qfrnve fat quail flghtlhg-to , see which; shall get on it-' " Woman'Sii nome t;ompanion. .. 1 iaugtterf :of. Fur t3me. H k , . "What a .gap there must be in t2r ranks of squirrel and rabbits' a u&sycfits. thkt. yqar.T' said, the natur taltstf "Nearly, every , womanyou e? is. w-rapped, in fur, and squirrel, and the most popular., i Of ; course he, .r squirrel' "ia 'gerluine, jbuf , therei isn't?' I aUfthehltefurso '.arid iiel in em at .meaium price.- : it caeixainiy 'l3'. emusjig. to 6e "a" Jjugbkty dame J decked' in th ;kfti.W6n;iflensJye bunr.r; or j taxQ"jMcat.'rKew YorV -ui-ivTHE; LITTLE A. Klcbty Good Sort A little widow . ,Tho better class of drnggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments-and high integrity, who devoto their lives to the welfare of -their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and ; purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance; Twith;i physicians' v prescriptions and scientific: formula. Drufeeists of the better class 'manufacture manv excellent , remwliea. but always under original or ofiicinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. 1 r iney are tne men to deal with when in need.of anything in their line," wrhicb usually: includes I I .' 1 I i " ' - flt.fl.Vl fl ftrrl 1.1mn lOfl O l- H pnmonnnriini 4iiitia .1.. .T j ii J" j. a un" . ' 'i 1 " if " . . 7. vwi.vuuiuu oujuuw wj.a jui.Db-viiao3 Lurmauy ana me nnest auu ? u. ..; r; 'ii uijh aiwwco uu preparations ana many useiui accessories ana remedial appliances. . ;:;. r ?. :-. Al'T The earnme.of affair living, with the aatisf action whir.n ftrUps fmm VnAwa nf 4V,A unofiti wiuow - u - conferred unon-their natrons and ftssistanoft tn . bmSa; : -iT . ?t . If. . -"-"w .-v uivuivm uiuiVDUWU, 10 UauailY.UiUt ?! 1 w ; l" ! ': Auaujr xiuuio uauy, wu. a ney ; an now tnai cyrup oi , a.: neighbor of mine. I I u -s A'Sa : 14 u "wuem laiauve remeay ana tnat it cives universal aatisf action. and thprefnr thev try, Orape-Nuts when ;l f are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed t)Urchastrs . of the choicest persuaded me to iny stomach was so weak that it Wonld not retain food of any .other' kind,' writes a grateful woman. from .'San r 7 T " wmo. un4 jucauBiiuw Bbbcuueu uy uinousness ana constipation ana rI0f weaknm-6 the liver and bowels, arising j from irregular habits. -indigestion, or oyer;eaung, nat tnere is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial-in nts effects as .Vyxup .0tig8rnd.they w glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. , - v Owing to the excellence of Svruri of Ficsthe uriivcrail Rrt.tisfaftt.5nri' wriMi it la .- rA . . . . . , . , . . . -- . r?mSSi!e?iwaJ? P.!11?:6" itt nandmgVou .the; genuine article bearing the full r ig eyrup J ax. printed on the front, of, .every j package. , Pmm trr - 1 I Ir! V K 1W 1. 1 I M. Ii III I'.RKiaH riT rt in OVn rAM-C M AM 4--a.m.1 a. L k. I. 1 . . 1 . ' 1 Bernardino Co.CaL i "I had been ill and confined to; niy- bed jwith f eyer and nerybyr protratipn fortthreelong, months f terrthel birth of my; second boy- We nvere in despair HQtll the Uttlerwidc'ff advice T)rought , 4'I liked , Grape-Nuts iood f rom j the .beginqing,? and tin- am incredibly ;(short timeit gave, m'e suchstrength thatIL was able'foleave my? bed hnd: enjoy nly three goodmfeals arday3 In tvro months t ihy weight- ihcredsed f roih ' ninety-fl ve iu xxo pounus, my. nerves iiauk sieuaiea tlbwjft fand-srj 'felt, readyf'orVnythin j-T9iBt amazdifto see m gain a rapidly. 4irid still jmore so "when they, heard that Grape-Nuts Alone 'ago ijrouglrtvtlielchangei i .p.Mh ? i , -My four-year-old boy 'had eczema. very bad. 'last sprins$and lost liisan-- S"nd; peeyi'shI -put liini on ;a diet $t n.-Ux'xrS'-svt-K'i4--- ' . -. ij b ''.tiui u.ur.ojLoenent rfiinpriv nti ,tvnwh tii. J .t i. i , ' i Mvr,H-.U-v"i-"JB reiusneti aropejp. s . , . - . V T rJ v"",ljv VU1WU6U uc uruggisw, i wnuui lb may ' ne , uurcnaseQ every Pamproyea jrorn 'tnQpegmning.iTni , ; n - v '&j:jYai'ftageB omy,' avxne regular nnce.ot hftv cents ner bottle, but aa excentions jeczenia iilsappeared,and?owbe;is, " existat is ecessary to inform the public of the facts in order that all Wv der.liri or return and rosy; with a delightfully soft. dear I . . ,anyamitat?on,whtch may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full nam of the fJomnanv ' 'Lji - i t. .is v.t,uiu iuuucy, anu iu iubure go w one ox me Deuer ctass or ut ugsis sw?eu you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices ' 'W- ?r imitatidns have been made, tried f and condemned, but there arp ;indi7iauai druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles oi tne proiession ana wnose greed gets the better of their judgment, aridQwhd; do' riot hesitate V:t0 recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit , Such preparations -sometimes have the name " Syrun of Fics,,--or "FiV"Svrnn'?,fln,nf onmA r,irQf;Li Mn, . f ' punctilious fag , syrup company,- printed1 on - the -package, but they, never have the full name of v thempanypalifornia Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the ackage,; ;-The imitations i T-tZyn ; 'if oi me uiiiornia JJig ttyrup uo. print f Sxf P"nS five and jnisle ig fL, r-tu W.0?'? " be iar or email, for. if the dealer .resoi reVetf -.-try Fdstumo.f Ba ttf e CreelC Mfdtr lt ' J ?; V4 . U i nitTA fl n aa cam T. J. 1 tint. Tbook, 4The Road to .WellvilleMn pkgs. '7 -

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