IT THE HOME. CIRCLE. A Column Devoted To Tired Mothers As They Joinj The Home Circle At Evening Tide. i MOTHER'S WAY Oft within our little cottage. As the shadows gently fall, While the sunlight touches softly One sweet face 'upon the wall, Do we gather close together, And in hushed and tender tone, Ask each other's full forgiveness For the wrong that each has done; Should you wonder at this custom At the ending of the day, Eye and voice would quickly answer, It was once our 'mother's way." If our home be bright and cheery, If it hold a welcome true, Oiirning wide its doors o greeting- lu the many not the few; If we share our Father's bounty With ttik needy, day by day, ' l is because our hearts remember This was ever mother's way. sometimes when our hearts grow weary Oi our task seems very, long; W'iien our burdens look too heavy, " And we deem the right all wrong. Then we gain a new. fresh courage. As we rise to proudly say; Let us doour duty bravely, r.iis was our dear mother's way." Thus we keep her memory precious, While we never cease to pray, That at last rhen lengthening shadows Mark the evening of life's day, They mayvfind us wailing calmly T go home our mother's way. "'" Woman has yet to learn the purifying and blessed influence sne may gain and maintain over the intellect and affections of the human mind. Though she may not teach from the portico nor thunder from the fprum, in her secret retirement she may form and send forth the sages that shall govern and renovate the world. V Though she may j not gird herself for bloody conflict, nor sound the trumpet of war, she may array herself in , the canopy of heaven and send the thrill of benovelence thru a thousand, youthful hearts. Though she may not enter the list in legal collison, nor sharpen her intellect amid the passions and conficts of , men, she may teach the law of kindness, and hush up the discords and conflicts od life. Though she may not be clothed as? the embassador of heaven nor minister at the altar of God, as a secret , angel of mercy she may teach His will, and cause to ascent the humble but most accepted sacrifice. So great is the mind of a sweet .ninded woman on those around ; her that it is almost boundless. her that we all go in sea- oi sorrow and sickness for id comfort; one soothing :j her kindly hand works .Li. upon the feverish child; rds dropped from her ie ear of a sorrow-strick- do much to raise the grief that is bowing its nvn to the dust in an iie husband comes , n out with the pressure ins and feeling irritable .'.world , in' general, but . enters the cozy sitting ; 'tl sees the blaze of fire, ts his wife's smiling -succumbs in a moment soothing influences - t as the balm of Gilead ounded spirits that are y the stern realities of ij rough school boy -flies i age from the taunts of L-onipanions to find solace in ins iiiothers smile; the little one xuil of grief with its large troubles finds a haven of rest on its mother s breasts and so one. might go on with instance after instance of the influence that a sweet-minded woman has in the i social life with Uieh-she is c6h-' nected. Beauty is an insignifi cant power when compared with her. - ' There is no sadder Sight than a woman who, marrying a man to save him, finds that she has failed in what she has soueht and lost her own life in the struggle. Have we not all seen the gradual degradation of; the woman who is bound to a dissi- pat ed man ? She loses hope arid faith. Shame and despair cover her as with a garment. If she lives with him her conscience is wrung with the horror -of bring ing forth children who shall be like him. However tender and refined her nature, daily contact with what is coarse and butral will debase it. If love for a maid will not make a man1 see the foolishness of sin and abandon it' altogether, lo!ve for a wife will not help hiin in the slightest degee. Love is a powerful stimulant. It appeals to the body, mind and soul of a man and bids him strive for the best. It rouses his ambition, it urges him to industry, it! wakens in him a passion for the noble and beautiful in life. If under the press and with the help of such emotion he does not turn at once with disgust, from what ever evil has been in his past life, there is no hope for him. Corruption has taken hold of him; sin is so inherent that the inspiration of love cannot save him, nor anything else save the chastisement of God. THE CALL OF MOTHER. You are tired tonight. ;You ex pected this morning to nave an "easy day" but you have answer ed to the call of "rriother" until the sun is set and its departing glory almost makes you long for the beyond. Now there are the children to be put to bed. Your limited circumstances may not permit you to have a nurse, but remember, you can not keep them with you long ' and your patient service will be richly re warded. Go. lovingly, prayer fully; you know not when the last time may come. Death wounds deeply, even if we have been kind to our friends. Comb the golden jangle carefully, smooth the pillow and straigthen the little dream-dress and laying your cheek close by your little darling, listen to "Now I lay me," and then wait patiently for the ruby lips to slowly ask God for some wished for toy. ; Kiss a fond "good-night." In short, lock the door of the day gently and leave the child heart-happy. Let none of the shadows that come with rpper years slant athwart the youthful threshold of the soul. The weary foot that rocks the cradle may be lulling a future president or governor. Rock on fond mother: sing your lullaby. God has use for the frail humanity that smiles in its infant dreaming. Never let discontent enter your happy home. Keep a cheerful tone and a helpful hand and answer the call of mother. A Few Pointers Regarding The Construction Of New Roads. Make the new road of uniform width. Construct the road with an easy grade, even if it does make the distance somewhat longer. Take care regarding the drainage of ,th road bed. Do not be too sparing in the use of culverts and t jhng. Jjlave the right-of-way for tne hew road surveyed. Keep the roads back as far as possible- from the rail roads. Clean up, as far as practicable, after the road has been completed. Do not leave unsightly heaprof debris behind. All smart up-to-date women ,of to-day, ' ' . Know how to bake, wash, sing and to play; V 1 Without these talents a wife is. N G . , . ' Unless she takes Rocky,. Moun- tain Tea. LAND DEEDS and Chattel Mortgage blanks for sale at The News Office. This is the season listlessness, headaches and spring disorders. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a sure preventative. Makes you strong and vigorous. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Legal Notices. i::;:-ofi'OE;:::;:: Sealed proposals for buil ling a public school house at Mill Spring, will be received by J. R. Foster Chairman Board of Education, until 12 O'clock on Friday ' April 20&. At which time said bids will be opened and contract awarded. The right to reject any-or all bids is reserved or to accept any bid ether than the lowest. Plans and specifications can be "Seen by applying to J.-R. Foster or W. M.-' Justice Mill Spring. N. C. - This April 3rd 1906. W. M. JUSTICE, 4-19 Secretary Board of Education. SPECIAL EATES SOUTHERN BAIL WAY. The following special rates are pffered. United Confederate Veteran Re-union: New Orleans' La. April 25-27, 06. Tick ets sold April 22-24, 1906. Final limit, leav ing New Orleans April 30th. By personally depositing tickets with Joseph Richardson, Theatre Arcade, not earlier than April 26th or later than April 30, 1906 and payment of fee of 50 cents, extention' will be given to leave New Orleans not later than Midnight May 21, 1906. Rate from Asheville fcrr round trip $14.90 : Imperial Council, Ancient Arobic Orde Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, May 7-10, 1906. San Francisco-and Ixs Angeles, California. Tickets sold April 24th to May 4U1, inclu sive. Final limit July 31st, 1906, prior to Midnight of which passengers must reach origual starting point. Rate fron Asheville 375. 50 for round trip. National Educational Association Conven tion July 9-13, 1906. San Francisco and, Los Angeles, Califoania. Tickets sold June 24 to July 6th inclusive. Final limit Sept. 15. 1906 prior to Midnight of which passengers must reach orignal start-; ing point, ror further mlnrmation apply to the undersigned. Rate from Asheville $77.50 for round trip. ' General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Greenville, South Carolina. j . Tickets sold May 14th, 15II1 and 16th. Rate, .one first class ticket plus $2.00, for round trip. Rate from Asheville, N. C. Southern Baptist Convention and Auxilary Societies. May lo-l5th, 96. .Chattan ooga, Tenn. Rate one first class fare pluss 25 cents for round trip. Rate from Asheville 7.60. Tickets sold May 8th 9th-loth, 1906. Final limit Io days in addition to date of sale. Quarto Centennial Exercises, Tusi.eege Institute, Tuskeege, Ala. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents for round trip. Rate from Asheville 512.80. Tickets will be sold April 2nd and 3rd, final limit April 8th, 1906. Summer School of the South, June 19th to July 27, J906. Knoxville, Tenn. lickets will be sold June 17th, ism, :19m, 23m, 24th. 10th, July 7th, 14th, 15th, 1906. with final limit 15 days in addition to date of sale one first class fare, plus 25 cents for round trip. Rate from Asheville $4.25. National Grand Lodge of United Brothers o( Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious, Lexington, Ky. July 30 Aug. 3, 1906. rickets will be sold July 29 39 and August 1st, hnal limit August 5th, I900. Kate one re plus 25 cents. Rate from Asheville 10.15. lVahodv Collene Summer Schools for 'leachers: Vanderlilt University Biblical Institute, June 10 August lb. Tickets will be sold June 10 11-12 18 1906. July 2-9-16 1906, with hnal limit 15 days from date of sale. Kate one nrst class larc plus 25 cents. Rattj from Asheville ,$10.50 University Summer School, June 2&tu-27tli, 1906. Athens, Ga. Tickets sold June 23-24-25-26-30. July 2 9-16 1906. with final limit 15 days from date of sale. Rile one j first class fare plus 25 cents., Rate. frin Asheville '$6.85 The" following raks are arranged on the Certificate Plan. Annual Meeting Baptist Woman's Missionary Society, Durham, N. C. April 10-12 1906. South Carolina Retail Hardware Associa tion. Columbia, S. C. June 1214, I96 MnrtK nnmlina Federation of womans clubs. Charlotte, N. C, May 1-3, 1906. Grand Lodge of N. C Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Goldsboro, N, C, May 8-11 I906. Royal Arcanun Grand Conncil of N. C. Wilmington, 'N. C, April IO-I2. Oasis Temple, Order of the .Mystic Shrine, April nth. 1906, Columbia, S. C. Grand Council of N. C, Independent Order of Red Men. May 2-4, 1906. Raleigh, N. C. State Board of Medical Examiners & N. C. Medical Society, May 23rd June 1st, 1906. Charlotte, N. C. Grand Charter, Royal Arch Maspns and Grand Cominandery, Knights Templars Charlotte, N. C, May 8-12 1906. j Annual Tournament, So., Golf Association May 2-5 1906. New Orleans, La. For further information Call on, or address, the undersigned. J. II. WOOD, District Fassenger Agent, So. Ry. ' r Asheville, NfC; :- E. B. CLOUD Attorney At Law, c. . COLUMBUS, N. Office in court house in upper court room to the right, i v ';-vA. good whiter laying ; strain. Eggs for Lately : ing. and stock for sale. SCOTCH COLLIE SHEPHERD Thorougbbred " stock: moderate terms. Ad dresi ' : GEORGE E. WHITESEL; HARRISONBURG, . Rural Route 6. . VIRGINIA. BARRED' PLlftfll- ROCKS To The : We have just received a car of nails and ' barb wire,1 and are in a position to quote you prices on this class of goods. We handle the celebrated Pittsburg wire fence, which is the best wire fence manufactured today. The price at which we can sell it, when you consider quality, (and quality is what we all want when turning over the dollars of our daddies,) will surprise you because of its -cheapness. ' V. ' . r ; -: '. '-V ; ' - V ' '. L '- Hoes, plows, plow steel, rakes, shovels, wagons, buggies, sewing machines, builders hardware and building material, lumber, .paints, oils, varnishes, paint brushes, and in fact most anything kept by a first class general hardware store, you can buy from us. We also carry a complete line of crockery and glassware and at low prices. Write or phone No. 9, when iu-eed of anything in the hardware line. THE TRY-ON STJ GEO. A. GASH, Manager. warmers! THE THE P E RFECT FMCE. O Can fence with this cheaper than with anything else. We invite you to and examine same. - THE TRYON SUPPLY CO., T-RY0N-N- c- call LOG O PEN Mrs. M: E. AGENTS I fSfflSR i AGENTS THB OKEATKST BOOK. OF THB DAY "CilRIST IN THE CAMP" - By Dr. J. William Jonm AGErT BBPOHTSl W. C. "Woaiced on day, recelred 10 orders." Al. "Receired Pros. 1 o'clock, old f by alsht." Va. "Sold 14 in 12 hours." L. P. Sander. Txas "WorVd one day, got IS orders." APPLY AT OHCI T THE MARTIN SHOTT CO., Atlanta, G THE BLAKESLEE ias and lasolino Vertical Engines 2KH.P. 4H.P. Every ( Engine War ranted. All the Latest Imnrnve. nents. Always ready for usa.i ' Safe, Reliable, Econom ical; Noiseless. POSITIVELY SAFE. These sizes are especially recommended for gen eral farm nse, as they can be easily transported from place to place, and furnish the most reliable and e"nomical power possible for mnning pnnips for small waterworks systems; for driving feed mills, corn shelters, running churns, cream separators, and machinery of any kind requiring small power. Send for catalogue and price list. WHITE, BLAKESLEE KIFG.CO.eirniingham.Ala. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 5w-j Trade Marks rtfiJy iaWiT Designs v r VrrPi Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention ta probably patentable. Communim tlons strictly eonUdei'tfaL HANDBOOK on PatenU sent free. Oldest agency for eecurinj oatenta. Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelrt . tyecial notice, without charge. In the . Scientific fluicrican; A handsomely lllvstrated weekly. Tireest clr " eolation of any scientifle Journal. Terms, 13 a - year : four months. fL Sold by all newsdealers. lilUIIII gCo.36'6 flew York IrV 11 Partners of Polk PPLYGOMPMY, We have the Agency for and carry in stock PITT SB URG WIRE PENCE CA ALL THE STEVENSON, Columbus, A. C. ot In The Trast "THE LOVELY KlilD" The best Chewing Gum manu factured a delicious flavor that- is healthful and lasting. . . Sold by all Drug, Grocery, Con fectionery and Cigar Stores, Res taurants and Hotels. 5 cents per package. .. SANTAS CHE17IK6 6UU CO., Ltd. Battla Crwk, Cfci Dr. J. LI GEER, DENTIST, Rutherfordton, N. C. SILAS P. HOUSER EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST, Rofherfordfon, N. C. 4 k Also fiirS'Mewelry and optical shop' in Rutherfordton. HOLLISTER'S llounf ain a Iluggef s 4 ( ; A pusy Meaicine tot ousy reopie. Brincsoldeh Health And fienewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation. IndipestSon. Liter and Kidney. troubles. Pimples, Eczema. Impure Blood. Bad;Breath. Slufnrish Bowels.-Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea ia tab let form. '35 cents a box. Guanine nade by Hollxstkk Dkuq Com pa NT. WadlsapTf U. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SaUC2TPE0PLE B IN w ''." .... , 1 TRYON, N. C. YEAR. Proprietress, x ' BUY THE Q l SEWING machine:. Do not be deceived by. those wbo ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine cad . be bought from us or any of bur " dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. , WC MAKE A VARIETY. " . THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The DouUl e Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Itomo the best Sewing Machine to buy. - - Write ffirNRnilliRfl howlnc th dif ferent ctylea ( iiiiiuiui uiiivuuiiiw SwinrMaoblne W man u fact urg and prices before pureaailag THE REV HOME SEWIR. DiWIKS CI. ORANeC. MASS. X Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, 111-, Atlanta, Oek, St. IjOuis,Mo., Dallas.Tex., San Franeiioo, Cat OUR CLUBBING RATES. We have made arrangement hereby we can offer the following clubbing- rates to those who want any of theacers-in the list below. These rates veiJpw and we must have cash in advaQceLr iJxrok; the list over and then sendous yourdrder. . -v fthe Atlanta Const kut ion (the gretr; Southern weekly) and Th'Jjew?,' $i 25 Tri -Weekly Constitution itfd "The News . The Weekly Cbnstituton, The Sunny South and The News: . 1 . 1 50 1 50 .Tie,TTri.Weekl7 Conkftutidn, Th e ! ?. Sunny South tfhdTifV. News . . ' The-anny .South and f he News, f The Semi-Weekly Observer and The NEWS . . . . , ' . , i . . The Pxogressive Farmer and The News . . . .... . The Farm Journal five years tad The News one year. . . .V. . Southern Agriculturist and The News Tom Watson's Magazine and The News ........ The Commoner (Bryan's paper) nd The News. . . . . . . . The thrice-A-Week World and The News. ... . . . . . . . I 50 x 50 1 50 Send all orders to - , THE POLK COUNTY NEWS, COLUM9US, N.' Farmers!! INN I mm a Z. . SP 75 50 -ib r -