COLUMBUS NEWS. Coming and Going In" The County Seat. ... C. F. Taffe, wife and son of Jacksonville, are registered at tbe Columbus Hotel. F. M. Stearns, of Cleveland, 0., who has been making his an nual visit to Log Cabin Inn, left Monday for Ohio. Messrs. N. B. Hampton and A. L. McMurray attended the Republican convention at Greens boro Monday and Tuesday. v Mrs. S. Shokes and daughter of Jacksonville, who were spend ing the summer at the Hotel returned home Saturday owing to sickness in her family. Mrs. Anderson and family, of Greers, S. C, who have been spending some weeks in Colum bus, leave next week for Spar tanburg, where they will make their home. W. S. Croker of Charlotte, who is now foreman of the Char lotte Chronicle came home Sat urday to stay until he has recov ered from a severe attack of pleurisy. We wish him a speedy recovery. V At a meeting of the. town com missioners held Monday it was ordered that the plank walks be repaired where, needed and the streets worked. It will take about two weeks to get the lum ber for the repairs. Rev. W. W. Jones filled his regular appointment at the Bap tist church Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. The con gregation was large in spite of the rainy weather and the ser mon was given close attention? An informal musicale will be given in the auditorium , of , the court house on Friday evening. Miss Blanchev Hill, Miss Mmk Mips Clfarles; Miss Johnson and JVfiss Louie Anderson will assist in the program. There will be no admission fee and everyone, i$ordially iterated. The icecream supper given on Saturday- night at the court house for the benefit of the or gan fund-of the Baptist church was a splendid success consider ing the short notice given to the public. About $36.00 was clear ed. The success af the under taking is due largely to the un tiring efforts of Mrs. T. C. Hampton. jTRYON HAPPENINGS. Bonds Voted for Nunicipal Improvement Death, of Dennis Lankford Personals Tryon, N. C. July 11. Miss Lucia Talley of Columbia S. C, is visiting her brother S. B. Tal ley. The Lanier Library building has been equipped with a heat ing apparatus by the Cobb Co. Dennis Lankford, a son of J. W. Lankford, who has been a telegraph operator in Georgia for some time, died here on July 4th. fHe married Miss Dolly Hollings- worth of Hendersonville about a year ago. . . Miss Burchie McFarland is vis iting friends in Asheville. x J. B. Hester attended the Bankers Association which met at Toxaway last week. J. F. Blowers one of the man agers of the Southern Bell Tele p hone Co. , of Spartanburg was in the city Monday. Miss Ruth McFee visited rela tives in Hendersonville last week. The $8,000 bond election for municipal improvements, held June 30th was carried by a small majority. The fact that it would carry was a foregone conclusion, hence a small vote. The returns showed; For bonds, 27; Against, 2; Not voting, 18; majority 7. 'The Misses Blair of Spartan burg, are among the many sum mer guests at "Woodlawn." r Miss Maude Hicks of Spartan fa u r g , is visiting the Misses Smith. Mrs. R...C Moseley of Colum bia, is isVhere spending some, time with - her parents, Senator arid Mrs: T. T. Ballenger. W. H. Collms has resigned as agent for the Southern. Railway and been., succeeded by W. S. Nettles, .formerly agent here. Miss Julia Penniman of Ashe ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. B. Engel. M. SANDY SPRINGS NOTES- pod Weather For Crops New Bridge at Island Ford Personal Notes. Sandy Springs, July 10. We are still having nice growing weather and local showers. John Johnson and' Rev. J. B. Arledge visited relatives around Sandy -Springs recently. Miss Ola Gilbert visited Miss Nora Erfnce Sunday. ' John Clement an d wife, who have been visiting relatives in South Carolina, have returned home., The contractors have commen ced to build a bridge over Broad river 'at Island Ford. . ..Miss; Leila Davis visited the Misses Owen recently. The choir from Buck Creek church South Carolina met at Sandy Springs Sunday for a song service. :T. W. Bradley of Saluda, will sing at Sandy Springs the third Sunday in July. NEWS FROM AB0UNE. Bloom- Wheat Crops Good First Cotton ' - Personals; Aboline, July 10. The wheat crop is good in this section. Rob ert Ridings threshed fourteen hundred and sixty bushels. SALUDA SEASON. Saluda Popular With New People Some Prominent Visitors Pearson-C h u rc h . Marriage - Saluda, July 10. -The weather despite the rain, has been such that visitors are flocking in. Prominent among the arrivals are strangers, those who have never experienced a summer here, yet having heard of the de lightful climate have -come to en joy i t also. This is an ideal evening, verandas all full enjoy ing the cool evening breezes. Many are promenading, while fromhe hotels are wafted the sweet tones of the orchestras, making it an ideal summer night. Prominent among the visitors we notice Col. Aldrich of South Carolina, counsel for the S. A. L. and the Southern Railway, Judge W. L. Welikendivision counsel Southern Railway, Kn6xville, Tenn., and Col. Elliott, counsel for the Columbia Street Railway. Giles W. Pearson of Melrose, and Miss Annie Church came up last Sunday evening and drove to Heatherly's Heights, where Rev. J. W. Heatherly pronounced the words which bound the two hapy hearts together as one. C. C0LLINSVILLE NEWS. Mrs., Griswpld visited her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Sunday. ; jmproVe the land. C, W. Williams buys a Reaper The News Appreciated Along the R. F. D. Route. , Collinsville, July, 11. Miss Minnie Cantrell of Boiling Springs, S. C, is visitingher sis ter Mrs J. O. Bishop. C. W. Williams has bought a r self-binding reaper. We are glad to see Our neighbors taking hold of improved machinery. Peas are being sown where wheat was cut for feed and to THE HOME CIRCLE. Thomas Hayes is visiting his son near Cowpens this week. W. Y. Miller h ad a cotton bloom the 2nd of July. r Tjie people are glad to get The News by the R. F. D. on Thurs days. May it continue to be on time with the county news. W. Good resolutions need more winding than an eight-day clock. The best way to keep boys at Jiome is to make it an object for them not to go out t o seek amusements, for these they will have. Every farm ought to be made a. very heaven on earth for. its inmates. Not alone the farm house either but all houses in the land. Learn each child's nature and then work some home charm to keep him in your circle. ; Childish rage unchecked will, after a while, become a hurri cane. Childish petulance wi U grow up into misanthropy. Childish rebellion will develop into the lawlessness of riot and sedition. If you would ruin the child, dance to his every caprice and stuff him with confection? ery. Before you are aware of it that boy of six years will go down the street, a cigarette in his mouth, and ready at any cor ner with his comrades to com pare pugilistic attainments. The parent who allows the child to grow up without ever having' learned the great duty of obedi ence and submission , has .pre pared a cup of burning gall for his own lips and appalling de stuction for his descendants. A little love, a little wealth, A little home for you" and me; It's all I ask except good health, Which comes with Rocky Moun tain Tea. - ' Subscrib6:FbrrTHE:NEs SILAS P. HOUSEft ETE-SI GET, SOCIALIST, Rufherfordton, N. C. , -I: Also first k class jewelry .an optical shop in Ruth erf ordton. t f SPECIAL SATES SOUTZEBtf BaILwaY. National Educational Association Conven tion July 9-15, 1906. San Francisco and Los Angeles, Califoania. . Tickets sold June 24 to July 6th inclusive: Final limit Sept. 15. 1906 prior ' to Midnight of which passengers must reach orignal start ing point. For further information apply to the undersigned. Rate from Asheville J77.50 for round trip. ' v . Summer School of the South, June 19th to July 27, 1906. Knoxville, Tenn. Tickets will be sold June 17th, 18th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, 30th, July 7th, 14th, 15th, 1906, with final limit' 15 days in addition to date of sale one first class fare, plus 25 cents for round trip. Rate from Asheville' 4.25. National Grand Lodge of United Brothers of Ff iendship and Sisters of the Mysterious, Lexington, Ky. July 30 Aug. 3, 1906. 1 Tickets will be sold July 29-39 and Atfgust 1st, final limit August 5tb, 1906. Rate8 one fare plus 25 cents. Rate from Asheville $10.15. u"'? Peabody College Summer Schools for Teachers: Vanderbilt University Biblical Institute, June 10 August 10. Tickets will be sold June 10-11-12-18 1906. July 2-9-16 1906, with final limit 15 days from date of sale. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents. Rate from Asheville $10.50 University Summer School, June26th-27th, 1906, Athens, Ga. . Tickets sold June 23-24-25-26-30. July 2 9-16 1906, with final limit 15 days from date of sale. Rate one first class fare plus 25 cents. Rate from Asheville $6.85 South Carolina Retail Hardware Associa tion. Columbia, S. C. June J.2-14, 1906. "m" For further information call on, or address, the undersigned. :'- J. H. WOOD, ' District Passenger Agent, So. Ry. -Asheville, N. C. We want Your- Wife to come to our storend see our line of cook stove jupt .received, 4 Just re ceived a large shipment of the best make of the Mason patent fruit jars, prices . low,. too. 0.' '" ': .. s " 1 Plenty of ice cream freozers, the "Peerless Iceland" brand, manufactured by people who know how U make an ice cream freezer. Don'frsuffer for something to refresh yourself when you can buy freezers and 'ice at small cost We are headquarters for lawn swings, lawn mowers, screen windows and screen doors. . ' :' ;' ' : We are making some special drives on prices of crockery and glass ware for the next thirty, days. f ; V - " Watch this sjace from time to time and be benefitted thereby. J1 Write, call,.phone, wire or holloa for No. 9. TOTRYGN SUPPLY GEO. A, GASH, Manager. G0MPANJ, TRYON, Nt C. Farmers Farmers ! ! ir We have the Agency for and carry in stock TH E P I TT SBURG W I RE FENCE THE P RF CT FENCE. Can fence with this cheaper than with anything else. We invite you to call and examine same. - v -'- J: " "' ' ' THE TRYON SUPPLY CO., mmMM- LOG CABIN INN PEN A L L THE YEAR. Mrs. M E. STEVENSON, Proprietress Columbus, A. C. THE BLAKESLEE las and laGolino IkKSDIkIISS Vertical Engines 2H.P. 4H.P. ; Every Eiglne All the Latest lapreve- eeitt. Alwiyt ready for mm. Safe, RaQable, Ecrbi- leal. Nolselatt. POSITIVELY SAFE. ThflM hem an mdmIaIIt MmmntMided for eral farm um, aa they can b eaatly usaaported rra PMC lO PUM30, BZIU KUTTU8B UIO BOH IWWNt mita conomlcal power poutbU for ronninf pampa for m&ll w&tenrorka it stem ( (or drlring fed mil), corn ahellera. rnnnlnir shnma. i imiii Mitantorat aiidjiiaAbitterT of a-ay kind nqnlrin amau powac eana ior aataiogne ana price uac. WHITE, EUXESUE L7G.ClE!ahLT,UL rJ" rTv THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE .COTJSISES- COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC SCIENCE MANUAL TRAINING MUSIC LITERARY CLASSICAL SCIENTIFIC PEDAGOGICAL Three Courses leading to degrees. Special courses for (raduates of other colleges. Well-eauiDoed Trainine School for Teachers. ; Board, laundry, tuition, and I fees for use of of text books, etc., J 1 70 year. For free-tuition students, $12$. . Fifteenth ! annual session begins September 20. I006. To secure board in the dormitories, all free- tuition applications should be made, before July 15.' - Correspondence invited from those de. siring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog land other information, address. D. McIVER, PresIdonttv GREENSBORO, N. C. Advertise in The News. 'mm 1 nill I . Ihl 1 L'UU I 1 hAMV 1 m 1 1 jj1 iyio GG3TYQ write for our bis FSKB OIOTCLB eatalocM showing the most complete line of Mrr4 BICICXESb TIKES and SUNDRIES at PJUC23 BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer ia the world. , rrom MnwUL at mnr tnct. - a . . . m - - m a ffiaa or on any kind or terms, nnm you nave nceirra ow pmpine aw loguea UlustraUns and aeacnDing every kum os nign-faae ana wajiaot bicycle, 01a patterns ana tatesc moocia, ana icara m w rennii.uww w FBIOKS and wonderfol now offers made possible by selling from factory riois nit it vTiii urn DO HOT BUY A BUY THE !-. 1 tin mm SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those -who a4-'J vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine- ftf 120.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealer from $15.00 to $18.00. WC MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength er weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Hoxue the best Sewing Machine to buy. Writs fflrr.IRP.lll 1RR HUIUIUI Uiliuui-iuiu Sewing; MaohinM w manufacture and prices before purehaataf ahowina; the dif ferent styles ef the m mom imumtim a: ' eaANac; masb. " : ' 1 88 Union Bq. N. Y., Chicago, IU., Atlanta, Oe St. Louia,Uou, Dallaa,TexM Saa Fraaeiteo, 0i m direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. vtt&tlt Cf APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Pey the rratxkt and allow IO Days Free Trtl and make other liberal terms which no ether house in the world will do. You will learn everythimr and get ntach vals able information by simply writing us a postal. fto make money to suitable young mea ; S0.B0 P0JGTBniE-Pn00FinS8 W kl all u 1 x- yrwrM ion Th "TOE LOVELY KIIID" The best Chewing Gum manu factured a delicious flavor that is healthful and lasting. V ' Sold by all Drug, Grocery, Con fectionery and Cigar Stores, Res taurants and 'Hotels. - 5 cents per package. . . , ; $ - imm c:Eui:3 cocsui Crc:X 7 NAILS. TACKS OR CLASS CQmCO per pan. To introdsoo Wo Will Soli rou a &sustntp womt let Pslx for Only -Li out the ais (CASH WITH ORDER M.6B) NO ttORE TROUBLE FR0U PUNCTURES. Dcnlt of tc veara ermerience in tire making. No danger from TnOKN9i vAt TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. . r Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual usa. Over StYenty-fhjs Thousand pairs sold last rear. C22lPTt3ttl Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and Used inside wiutaspeoai Quality of rubber, which never becomes porsus and which ctoses up small punctures without allowing the air to escape, wc nave bu v TiZT Xr les being given by several layers of thin, specially Kit Wottse the tkrnbbetsai "A" and puncture stripe H" aad "D.m also rtm strfy -XT' to prevent rim enttlns. This tire wlU amtlast auay e snake SOFT. ELASTIC KAST BIDIKCk if rmncttiTie resistine aualit or soft roads is overcome by the patent ' Bach Basket Weave They weigh 1 1 lavers of tl sensation commonly felt when riding on aspha treave" tread which prevents all air from heir "Basket weave" treaa which prevents au air irom oeing '.A V M m iMia.axvwi 4-r salt eiMAM Ya ewi1e V4m fM ttiaialaai saueesed out between ine ure ana me rem m wvw"s UreaU.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we m making a special factoy ork to the rider tfonly Oo per pain All orders shipped same day letter is received: We ahip dd.D. on approval. IDU UU IK we will allow a easta dlsoount of 5 percent itnereDy masing tne price m.oo per pairj u jqbkn FUIX GASH WITH OBDKR and enclose this advertisement, we win aiso sena one nicxci Slated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal wnctareclosers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). .Tires to be returned it ODB ; exoense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We a pertlAeltoble money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your TotmMfUr. B..v.ri&n ht Frrisrht A Pent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair af SeseUreTvouIri " wear bettn. lrtVger aad took thanknvUrevou we know that you wttl be so weU pleased toTwh waa bScle will give us your order. , We want you to send ua a small trial orderatence.liencethisremarble r-L vemlfs, aad Zn&-LiVUlGi. ewTthing In ie Wcycie line are sow pyus HMiers and resair mem. wruc im wr uuc duwmm vatawzw. prices charged by dealers and repair mem. ie are sold by ns at half the usual . - t . ..I.I .juIa.. V W . HIVP VIIIWU CIV T?fIIKBl m BQ flDY bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone uutU youknow the new a&4 wonderful ers v ainakinT lt onlyata a postal to learn everything. Vrite it KQ W. 1 1 if n run n nu 1 1 I wonderful oners we arc soauux. - - : - itlllD GYGL5 Gn"?r.!lYt C::.1."JL"

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