AS H Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL XII. COLUMBUS, N. C, THL'IISDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1900. NO. 21. sin J? c mi Ting, ii or tele! days' I re not in im no ton, D-h Mid ?aooo iir pettK' T LiKE THE1RPLACES yVhy Congressmen Strive Hard to Retain Their Jobs a fresh cake of expensive soap for the bather and proceeds to initiate him. The man from Podunk never ex perienced a bath like ;that before. He closes his eyes and imagines he. is lord of a harem in Stamboul. The drowsy gurgle of the water, the ex pert manipulation vinfthe attendant, tHFY 1 FVF !N fiRIFNTAl 1IJXIFRY me scent ot attar ot roses, and the THEY LrvtinuKitniALLUAURi s oft deli ht of fluff blankets antl -t . towels on a downy couch lull him to Palaces Beiner Built for sleep, lie is never disturbed, ile is Marble thousands of dollars worth of flow- fi?1 Tf, rea,rd ? eei'se&J ers from thp cm,.; Luu. 1 dispensed, .with a lavish hand. If ! spared without regard to expense, and ers from the government without ex- $ pending a cent. Medicines Furnished Free. If the feast of good things should upset the, Podunker, he languidly touches the bell at his desk. and sends his faithful colored messenger to the Sergeant-at-Arms, with a request for some medicine. The Sergeant-at-Arms keeps himself solid with the lawmak ers by. looking after their bodily health a : j , -li . i . j i . i tviruu memDer wisnes a suck in it. ne maismerely to turn to his little priv- rcate cabinet, where rare old Bour- Tn ..,1 i , j- ii- i . a Tien,. Wlere They Will Live Like W telephone, bell or per- ; ZTJ'SR f v mj ni sonal call, .When he arouses himself I nnA f u , " - . . . he is rubbed down bv a skilled mas- i-n m.-' -n. . , mo seltzer, quinine, calomel and a hundred other remedies prescribed by the Member From Produnk Leads a life of Luxury, With flunkies to Look After His Crea ture Wants and All at the Expense of the People. Geoiue 'Robert Agnews in the Char- i(1:ie -Observer. A limpso at the luxuries generous- 1 1 1 1 ly, furnished, to themselves by I on- tre-nirii out of the people 's" funds ui;n explain why Congressmen are I servant seur, who is paid, as a "messenger, and if he is a little languid and likes the sensation, an electric massage machine is applied to his sensitive .shoulders and trunk. If his nails need polishing, a manicure is at his service. Then the attendant . helps to dress him and he returns via the elevator to tie hall of the House, jea-dy to cread tlrfc newspaper aHjl write letters to constituents. The morning's pleasures, from the mo ment the overcoat is removed by the until the luneheou hour, -anxious to retain their jobs which v tiiern only $5,000 a year, and itfltKliKl rrniiy us xuuvii xu uiuur n seiuif re-;.' lection. Iney receive nton- thar. $o,000, when comfort and lnxurv arc considered. In no coun- have not cost the Congressman a cent. All at Expense of People. These baths, massage treatments", barber shops, etc., are maiutaim?d at the expense, of the people of tne Unit ed. States. These are about twenty trt in ihc world is the legislative -exquisitely fitted bathrooms on the House side of the Caprtol, each with its attendant readv to adntinisier wie poppv of repose to the weary states man, without money and without price except for the occaskmel Hp. bo.h housed with such imperial dis- i ri - .. i.ainci ttim rne accomodations mat er vl for nearly a century, and i j ln 1 1 i 1 1 s.n two marble palaces-adjacent ii the lnitol, where prodigal ex pfii- is used to add to tlie hodily comfort of the lawmak er'. , Kach f these palaces will cost about $7,000,000 furnished.. The fur physicians. If ,a member should be seriously and suddenly ill, there is usually among his colleagues a prac ticing physician, Avho prescribes for him at government exDense. All members of Congress ejiiov the ''courtesy" of the telegragh and telephone compairies that is, they can seid messages free anywhere in the United States. It is common ru mor that telephones are furnished to members at their residences at re duced rates, and sometimes free. Of course, they are entitled to newspa pers, which are delivered at their bon, .rye, Scotch, and various li quors are nestled. Sometimes plebeian beer is preferred, and it is always 'forthcoming. The sale of intoxicat ing liquor is prohibited both in the Se: ate and the House wings, but this does not prevent a Legislator from obtaining tha inspiration necessary to make eloquent speeches and . prepare For there is just one Avay in which Will Yield Only to U. S. Cuban independence can be secured, In the. action of Senator Zayas and and that is for the Cuban people to General Loynas, who is rebel commis- show their inability to continue in sioners boarded the Denver on Fri- their path of aceful and orderly day and conferred with . Comander progress. - 1 l " Colwell, supporters of the Govern- This nation asks nothing of Cuba ment see only a determination on the save that it shall continue to .develop part of the revolutionists to surren- as it has developed during the past der to no one but American officers; seven years, that - it shall know and that is, to continue the war until it practice the orderly liberty which will stopped by American intervention, assuredly- bring an ever-increasing The rebel commissioners asked for measure of peace arid Drosneritv to protection through Havana for, en- wise laws for 2i billion-dollar Con-' oeautifuL Queen of the Antilies. voys, who wished to confer with him. gress? Our intervention in Cuban affairs The commander explained that as a T , , .. . m will only come if Cuba herself shows foreigner he could not interfere withr not a bilhon-dollar Congress? that she has fallen into the insurrec- -authority. Later", when he returned bnalLthe ox be muzzled that treads tionary habit, that she lacks the 'self- to the palace and told the nature of out tlie corn? Shall the patient ass of restraint necessary to peacefil self- the rebels' requests, he was informed, leg ation be denied his bundle of government and that her contending that the Government would not tin thistles? ay, nay, says the member factions have plunged the country in- thorize such? a visit, from Podunk as he. votes unanimous- to anarchv. It would be hard to imagine a more Iy; for the little perquisite and sal- I solemnly adjure all Cuban a- critical condition than that in which anes lor, servants who make life hear-., tr-; i v A n . , fi. n,- :4.i ,, ,. . , . iu wuu lugemer, lO SlUK ail 1 .yjyvcuiiucui, uuw nuus usiei able tor him m Washington. pdifferences and nersonal nK,tirtr,c countrv which is not military . totalfv mi..:.''. n .1 wvjOTuai amuiliuils I 'J'J xueB are some or tne reasons wny and to remember that the only way unprepared- for war, almost at. the igimeu iium Mame w uamer- that they can pi&sen-e the indepen- mercy of armed bands of revofutio ma- are fighting furiously te retain dence of the republic is to nrevent ists, which are growing in number. their pleasant upholstered seats in Congress. HAS GONE TO CUBA the necessity of "outside interference I n his message to Congress Presi- by rescuing it from the anarchv of ent PJima declared that he had the civil war. I earnestly hope that known of the plot to overthrow the mis word ot adjuration of mine government and murder the executive given in the name of the American! alld the members of his cabinet long. people, the stanchest friends and well before the outbreak of the revolution, wisners ot Cuba that there are in all but that he had deemed it wise to homes and paid for by Lhicle Sam. to ; n,Le ad has S ..'ft Taft and Bacon Go to Point of ,T.r,d! .? it . . ... I iaciauusiv CUllSlUei'l ailU. Wliil ,l i,v-i auhj lut jjuaiiiuu UJ. upcu viuia imiU house. But the bill goes to the Caif-I iroi ana is paid bv the good-nat O A A A - oergeani-ai-Arms.. As the session draws to a close theii Poduik "statesman finds he has rnada1 a nttmber of good friends among his colleagues, and it pains him to think Hostilities be acted upon, rid if so acted upon tion Cuba's permanent independence, hei biiih largely by day labor under the duecl ion of the superintendent of There ate Russian, Turkish, Roman that he .must be separated from them and Swedish bathing arrangements, for several months while he is plod- all administered by skilled attendants ding away in his dingy law otfice at who do nothing else and who are de- Podunk. So a junket is arransed. scribed officially as laborers, messen-' either by special Pullman train or by gers or clerks. Some of these bath special rovernmcht steamer. forfh ' 7 . 1 the' .wild the Panama Irains and furnished of the old-time attendants, who de- and the Sreeaiit-at-Arms has charge veiopeu especial skiii, and who re- ot them, seeing that the members arc) i . , , , , , , , , i aiicuuaius are paiu iiueiai aiuiira, i purpose OI inspecting ;,,;iiu.,fl,An0ef.n;V;,ll,J.,00 but through the -method adopted by n est or Porto Rico,or ,.,;,.,;. a; Congress in paying them, it h im- canal. These junketing 1 1 : iZ? Possible to tell what they get. One staemsr are luxuriously ii.wm in naif . auu lasting coiisirnciion, lie t.apitol. who lias everv incentive ... , , i . ' "riucj i (ll.i0 w o. j ionune, is suppose to nave receivea gars, etc., that money will bnv. Future Full of Promise. 1 When the new House and Senate w Vii,v xuaoici, lUC oTll- Mfinn a von fin colorv. nn.l tJrv, The o., .,,1.1 IIoc- T0 I " ... " I aiv. uni cl Cul I 1 1 i; .... u -r.'' Jul ualucI w uiu.ivr an; iliauer uv iUlliTLeSS W1LI1- 1 . ii it i . . . i . J 1 - i h i in tiia nraKP Ma rnpr ennn is envipr i- l i.a. j n :ii i - - -J " ' .. I paiaces are eompieiea mere wm oe a by his fellows. It is a poor year when hAftor nnrmrtimitv- ho Snri,Tif( he cannot make $2,000, working only at-Arms to ean-v out his plans for the SIX months. mmfnrt of the lawmakers. He is The member from Podunk, if he is cramDed now. but when he will have 1' - . TT I 1- 7 wise, soon discovers that tne nouse everything handy. In the first place, restaurant is a pleasant place, with each member will theii have a stately ,.!.j 4- - tt.i.. wlulwu;' u oince. ntted witn new manosranv xur- c. . uum ed t time t of ind They ; ndv.paintin-s circuiostances it is perhaps m aw w, .u ;p i, ie' c. ? s paintings. r,lP.. tn ,(-,?. ni,cf . . . mere wm oe 4iu ot these omces m tit-bits on his plate Avhieh are un known to the vulgar horde. The my sterious word goes down to the cook, and he outdoes himself in fashion out regard to other branches of the jHveniment. .The Presideut, for ex ample, has nothing to say for or asrarast the expense and eould not stop it if he would. If Congress saw fir to make the pillars of these pal- an's ij. nisper and ehaleedonv. there PR6TEGT AMERICAN INTERESTS Ques'ada Forwards President's "Sol emn Warning" to Executire at of the law. He knew, he declared, that the con- peimanent success as a republic are spirators were all of the political assured. partwwhich is opposed to him. it was Undfr the treaty with vour ev-l-.not ' ' he said until one of the erament, I as Presideit of the Unitec plotters came out in open rebellion estates, have a d5wr in this mattei that he had ordered the arrest ot sev- which 1 cannot shirk. The third ar- tin! a sip 4U4- I l - - ' ' tt Ttrv.i. t-1 nA v neaiy explicitly COn- to interfere for, the mairrtenance in to be -Put Under U. S. Flag Unless Hostalities Cease. eral of the head conspirators. Minneapolis Ready to Sail For Cuba. Philadelphia, Special.-The crew of the cruiser Minneapolis; lying at the Cuba of a government adequate foi aEftl4JRyy J&$t W6S husfty . me protection of life, property anal ?nKaseu ra loaaiug stores ana provis individiwil HhprKr l ions aboard in preparation for Bail- Mr. Quesada, the Cuban Minister The treat conferrin thk . ing, probably for Cuba. In addition to Washington, on SaUtr4ay forward- the supreme law of the land and to, the vessel's regular cemplejnent of Ad to President Palma Mr. Roosevelt's furnishes me with ibfe rio-bt ih meu 200 marines are also to b6 taken. letter to him, iu which he made sol- fea ot fulrillmgTthe obligation thai " report, n mat me xenne . . . . tl I am under to protect American in See which was put into commission emn warning that intervention wguld terestg i P ivraencan m- only recently will also be dispatched follow unless there was permanent The infdi-mation nt hand show? peace and a discontinuance ot the that the social bonds throughout thi to Cuba. destiietiou of American property on island, : - - - Dispatches from AVashington and Cuba and information from official 'u of men who have the United tales Treasury at their disposal. Old Capital Not Bad. Until the new buildings are ready, the House palace and the Senate pal ace will contain ninety-nine suites of two rooms each. A Senator's office will be 16 by 25 feet, with high ceil room in the Senate ine". and his secretarv will strutrcle ougreKsmen and Senators must in cacies to Suit the jaded paiat alo in a roora 12 bv 23 .feet in iniggie along under the hardships the 1odunk stateman, whose pre- SlZe. The dining roo; t lite il under the anitol is sometimes itrse, there is no comnarison he- pot-liquor excellent nutrition in it- with an ornate ellipitical ceiling. The I I i i i i . i I . . ' . ween iwesent conditions and those e? ui not arrogant in its preten- Jrlousc dining-room will be the same rueh will prevail ;when the palaces slons- 1 he member discovers also a size on the second floor with a ceil- ' legislation have 'been completed method of buying choice Havanas a ing two stories . high. The dining- . New Election in Louisiana Baton Rogue, La Special. After a week's counting of ballots it was determined that there was no elee- mi i stored with their treasures of ,lttle under the regular rate. room .will be finished in ornamental plaster, with paintings aud sculpture, reian rugs, marble baths, statues, , . Kinr in His Committei Room. WUC2, iUUIlldlUS, mural Tn liic .nmm.'rtoi. vnnm tko Pnnnt If -..JIT U UK P Mtiitma-s. mahoffanvi desks, feather I i . . i-i . TT J .,,- ' , , " ' - ' lawgiver reigns a mne King, lie Sirs gress. fflicaes, velvet carpets, 5 and; so; n. Qt cu -'-ju. ji ... t.. u..:u: :n v. i. rit n'iKi; . t - ' ' ; , 1 " ouuu ujuuuuguiij ucfii niiii an- i xn win uimuiiig win uc a gieut ru I'utiiu uicu mniianc iu e.iiari ;i l j.- ; w 1 . . i . . , , .. . y. n c . .. ; 1 nqutj urass inmmings. xxis cnair is tunaa, not as large as the uapitoi ro- . wmiuii xiuin me.r piebeui sur-1 biff TOOmv ' ani softlv iinholstererl. f Kf V,K, J-. 5U. uimgs, after all,1 assisted as 'they pjn Jw, J nT 'ZI r?, . Jft liv nn- nrrV,.. f flnWVirf o - - .t"""""- " . I V"JiliiS vl IJUlC Ullc malUlc. ' 21)1)11)" a,...u i ' i . i ' mi, inivi mums flie.uuuii- miuie Mutuary,-- ami muiai aecora- un wuiniiicu uu are lorever u e x:A i TT . . , ghnp- - , . . . I '"S3? me wuia. ti gineu arusis uons. iieavy marwe intramural stair- --i n t I urousrnt 10 as mncrnn esnecianv tnr wnro toi i oiw vihra t tho nfta.t auiiuL:ydpiioi.f , .: I the Purpose nf i Hdnrnino- the wnlU I rl folm olootr. k w;,l. i j r " Mi.w bnvi, v-tv t uiuia v xii. uc ijx w , i.v,i - ... . .. - 1 i island have been so relaxed that life, property and individual liberty are no loncer safe. I have received authen tic information of injury to and des truction of American property. 1 It is, tion in the Democratic primary, third sources all make plain, the tact' mat in my judgment, imperative ior tne district, fhr railroad - commissioner. the veiled threat will prove-an immen- sake of Cuba that there shall be an jfoiie of the candidates had a ma- 4. ' A immediate cessation of hositilities and ioritv and a new election will ha . . . . ... . . . , , . some arrangement which will secure necessary. Henry Hunsucker, W. L. n,;tl,1V auiBU 11 i3 l""v the permanent pacification or tne is American property has been devas- land. tated, American liberties threatened, I am sending to Havana the Secre- arist unlace thorn i on mmefTifitfi tary of War, Mr. Taft, and the As . . . , , , , n sistant Secretary of State, Mr. Ba cnange, manners wm ue laimeu xium && h& representatives of the cruisers now in Cuban waters thig Government who will render and the whole island will be put un- gUch aid as is possible toward these der the American flag. . ' ends. I had hoped 'that , Mr. Root, ATr Tft ami assistant Secretary the Secretaiw of State, c6uld ave Foster and J. J. Meredith are the can didates. 1 . - - Two Killed in Collision. Anniston, Ala,, Special. Two men; were killed in a head-on collision be tween a freight train and . a work train three miles north of Attalla stopped in Havana on his return from J on the Alabama Central division of South Amerjca, but the seemmg im- thd LoUisvine ond Nashville Railroad. mmence oi the crisis ioraias iunner i i. : i- v, j tf :nin.,,..f!An I .1.. i men icpun iuc matici ui uiki.suiw.. i.ckij. J Pinmtn- n.M ArSffln ' Wh f Throusrh vou I desire in this way to r r;' Bacon started Sunday for Cuba to an 'investigation of the ririlct. On will swins-. for bv it Pies'fUit Roose- -n .:ii :aa communicate with the Cuban Govern . . ment and with the Cuban people, and Air. itooseve.t s tetter to Mr. yue- a(,Cordingly I am serving you a copy sada, written Friday night following 0f this letter, to be presented to Pres an all-day conference on board the 1 id en t Palma, and have also directed Mavtlower at Ovster Bay, is as fol- its immeAaB publication Anniston. The cause of the collision is not known here. THE NATIONAL GAME. ; Tl,. n j t -l i I uic ouuumi" iuc nuns anu h M I n SresSmai1 om UU, ith their art; Occasionally, when an ed. iL ' JC1 II a ' 1 J Pecially.line. painting is in need of - From the .iiouse palace to the Cap "ucii w.mM CiUt;iieilceh Ulli che Her. tho Pnnnl- rniMrrpennon ia1 ,ml W tn V,o Kl.a J,. Hb,L , i 6 unde' r6; TT finds a Place for ifc on the was wiU-be cut a subway, with a complete Lts Af! WS n? fU Iy .nti th-R his mmittee room. , Some of .these electric tramway system, supplied mLiM i i S l"' . .i1S Paintings are the work of American with luxurious little cars for the use .i'ty apt m learmg all aout the masters,- for which Congress paid as of lawmakers. The careworn member i A; V !u I Lu as $25,000. They represent in- from Podunk, if he-wishes to escape " J 'uiu la ulku amx inai i c.::. ii : l l : . . . . .- . .. i iiuuiu sotuca iiuiii liik m;ii iiiii;ii fi i- i i lie iiuiAuuiiiiicrs ui ilia C f i y Uin!tmas P, its mTa7 b Pr- torj-, artfully calcinated to J He finlsa the smouldering fires of patri Ln"1 " Pce, reaav to the breast of the man from Podunk. across to the Capitol or to the Senate ni. ne is oosequiotiKiy aa- scenes from the national his- the impounijties of his constituents ! 11 1 I 1 11 1 J 1 i ' . f.j, 1 f 'fl ti - 7 i loO artiuny caicmated to arouse can aesceaa iu an elevator, step int;o ni r' 'o- iJ , He n"dsAa the smouldering fires of patriotism in an upholstered car and be whisked At home, in Podunk. the elect of palace. There he can emerge in an- hesf? Kit rAA Ar.ain c...;!,. his fellows is readv to drink out of I other elevator nearly a n narter of a viu, vl iuuia fcl . .iciuiuiJ.,1 , i I i a ; take Wia nvoroADi nnMiof .omi U tin dipper, or even from the old mile away from his tormentors. The him flip oaken bucket. But at the Capitol he public at large will of course be ex- lucre- pvnnrf vnuAM f u;. l finds that Anolinaris. White Rnrlr I eluded from the tramwav. The subwav JrVA' uaiuvio gicci xiiijU. vui- i x 7 1 liallv. have him. e.ut his mstie loeks I Oreat Bear and half a dozen other, I will be richly tiled, ventilated and lre him an electric shampoo and a -mineral; waters are necessary. His warmed by the same power that pro- "assase and hand him over to the secretary . araws noeraiiy on those peis tne trams ana Drimanuy ngntea. ''m of the baths supplies, which are paid for, of Warm in Winter;Cool in Bummer. course, Dy tne Treasury. They are I A new power-nouse, designed to placed in a refrigerator, with plenty I ventilate, light and heat the Capitol of ice and during the hot months are j and the two legislative palaces is now 1 steady growing prosperity. For four i.uiiauuicu ill- CliUllllUUS IjUailLlklcS. J-ll piutcsa ,.ui uuuum nu The "general public '""discovered long distant, at a cost of $2,000,000. All ago that expensive mineral water was lhet appliances will be underground, free at the Capitol, and many a thirs- With the new power-house completed Revel in Marble Baths. Juese baths are the iov of a' Con ... v m ... tniiJi UU ICiUIi J-V lows : ' ' - '". ' The Presidnt's Letter. Oyster Bay, Sept. 14, 1906. My Dear Senor Quesada: In "this crisis in the affairs of the Republic of Cuba I write you not merely because vou are Minister of Sincerely yours, ' THEODORE ROOSEVELT, Senor Don Gonzalo de Queseda the Cuban Minister. Money and Troops Given to Palma. Havana, Special. President Palma Cuba accredited to this country, but has been granted by an extreme meas- Decause you and l, were , irepuentiy ure of- Congress te power to triple drawn together-at the time when the ., . y . , , , United States itnervened in the af- thf force of rural guards, to double fairs of Cuba with the result of mak- the force of artillery, and the right ing her an independent nation. Y611 to appropriate all public funds for know that I never have done and the vigorous prosecution of the war. never-shall , do anything in reference The" critical situation by which the to Cuba save with sincerest regard ... , ... . . for her welfare. . life of the Cuban Republic, is threat- You also known the pride I felt cued has not been modified by the when it came to me as President of I events of the past twenty-four hours. the United - States to withdraw the American troops from the Island of 4 Cuba and to . officially proclaim her independence and wish her godspeed in her carreer as a free republic. I desire now,, through you, to say a word of solum warning to your peo ple, whose earnest wellwisher "I am. For seven jTears Cuba has been in a condition of profound peace aifd of 'lufitts them oftener than he ever pitied with the tub and tea kettb enmo lr iviri ',uo ltHJ iigi 11 1 L1J . J.1& --i.iiu iU uivesiiu niuiseii 01 I 'US frir.4- l :n.i 1 i.. B"'ujcni.o, ana ms xaiimui neiu- !Ue rolls as' a "lnbnrer" wranc bim Ul fi -Vilo. - m . 1 1 1 1 yt - "'i.eieamy lurosn towei. lie ITT o im V O 10 tllp fv-ip-nntir noc; ollo.1 n t,ntl, 1 o -o waoin taiiu u 17, l ill -v 13 a, suiiu uiock. oi wuiiesi , nble. Vol ni-itiniiol-rr V.'. . r ' and fitted vith gleaming silver 1 "rough which gushes filter- hot or cold water. The attendant after ty hanger-on regales himself at the public expense. Sometimes, the wife of the mem ber from Podunk wishes to shine a little socially at small expense. Then he works the graft of the Botanic Gardens. A government employe drives to the member's house in a government wagon and deposits a load of choice ; cut flowers, potted plants, etc.,, from the. government gardens. After, the dinner, Mrs. Po dunk enhances her reputation for charity by sending flowers ;to - the poor, - in the course of a winter influ- the Capitol will be overhauled and a new ventilating system installed, which will heat each room indepen dently. Automatic thermostats will keep the temperataures constant and in warm weather cool air will be forced into the myriad of rooms. The same system will be installed of course, in the Senate and House buildings. . ' - When the weather beeomes hot to ward the end of a long session of Congress, Apolinaris lemonade, in enormous quantities is prepared by years this . peace and prosperity have obtained under her own independent government, iler peace, prosperity and independence , are now menaced, for of all possible evils that can be fall Cuba the worst is the evil of an archy, in which civil war and revo lutionary disturbances will assured ly throw her. v Whoever is responsible for armed revolution and outrage whoever is re sponsible in any way for the' con dition of the affairs that now ob taiiAi, as ;an enemy to Cuba, and doublyj heavy is the responsibility of the man who, affecting to be the friends of the country's inde pendence, takes any step whieh will the culinary department in either end- jeopardize that independence. Persistent rumors are still afloat that President Palma wishes to resign his office, and is only restrained by the pleadings of Government heads in the Cabinet and Congress. It is asserted that President Palma wept when he saw American marines from the Denver land in Havana on Friday, for Th that demonstration he read the handwriting, on the wall by which the fate of the republic is sealed There is no effort to conceal the fact" that Palma himself asked the American Government for aid, nor that the Government would rath- er surrender to the United States than to the insurgents. President Palma 's wife, whose fa- ther, the late President Guardiola, of Honduras, was murdered by revolu tionists, is said to be urging his re tirement. In the event of his jesigna- tion Vice-President Capote, will as sume the Presidency. This would not relieve the . situation in tne slightest degree, as : Capote is ,as unpopular with the Liberals as is Palma. ,, . Overall and Walsh are the onljf bachelors on Chicago's payroll now. It is announced, that Patsy Dono van will again manage Brooklyn next season. ... . Jake Weimer wants to be the best batting pitcher in , the National League. , ' " After "winning fifteen straight games the New York Americans were defeated by Boston. The Lynn, New J England League Club, has released outfielder Dono van, late of Oswego. The Toronto Club has signed out fielders ' Medensaul and George Ban non, late of Montreal. A lot of Walter Clarkson's old col lege friends think that he is good enough for any league. The Chicago National League nine, by defeating Pittsburg, won its one hundredth victory of the season. Jimmy Collins is practicing wiUri his Boston American ' team, but': a. -limp still keeps him out of the game. The work of the pitcher Mordecai Browne, of the Chicago Nationals. will stand out in the history or 1906. When Flynn, of the Holy Cross College, joins the Boston team there will be five college players on the team. . " ': A triple play unassisted was ac complished by First Baseman Murch, of the Manchester Club, of the New England League, in a game witt New. Bedford. - , : .. Jack Kilf oyle and Charles Sowers, owner" of the Cleveland Baseball Club, announce that they . will pre sent $5000 to their, players if ther win the pennant.' r, When catcher Klings work for the Chicago Nationals is considered from all points of view it will be seen to approximate in brilliancy and effect iveness that done by rioted perform ers of two decades ago. Insurance in Franeei. v France has now forbidden by law tht insuring of the lives of children undea 12 yean of age. i , - fvJi. - 111V vluiOC VI ti VY 111 LCI 111 11 U- vi"j luti...-.uv w . he water supply, produces ential legislators some times obtain the Capito Th )tezr3Zt pro: it