Thrco Cents the Copy. II. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Priccr$l.oo Pcrrcarinovanco. Columbia, n.c, iin::tM)A, ELECTED GO vm Cori'Isd New York State Against W. R. Hearst by Large Plurality. Protrtdcmpa and Woonsocket. a Re-I publican In Central Falls and Repub lican gains are reported In Pawtuck et, though the city is Democratic. It looks as if D. L. D. Granger, Demo crat, xvill retain his seat in Congress, as will Adin B. Capron, Republican. BES3LTS OF BALLOTIM Ej 0THS?i STATES NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord, N. H.r The Republicans elected Charges M. Floyd Governor over Nathan C. Jameson (Dem.). Congressmen Cyrus A. Sulloway and Frank D. Currier, Rspubl'cans. were again successful. The Legislature will be Republican on joint ballot by over 100 majority, thus insuring the election of a Republican Senator. U?:onty Swept by Party Now in Office 86 Ma:oity int e A Jise WacLwOvth, DeTender o the Beef Trust, One of ue Few to Fall Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Re-- ican Rhode Is'and, Democratic In Ad dition to New York State, There Were Elections Occurring in Forty-one States and Three Territories. DELAWARE. Wilmington. Del. The cans have carried Republl- Delaware and V- OETLAHOMA. 1 Guthrie. Okla. - The constitution of the new State of Oklahoma will be written by Democrats. Vernon whiting, secretary of the Oklahoma Republican uentrai, r uu cedes the Democrats the three dele gates, while Chairman Jess Dunn, or the Democratic Committee, says there will be at least seventy-eight Demo cratic delegates on the. floor of the convention. A Republican managers admit that Ok'ahoma proved a great disapnointinent. The "unknown" quantity of the Indian Territory jwas a concession to the Democrats, but nine OMahojra districts, counted on bv the Republican leaders, were car- ried by the opposition. The Osae JKation elected two Democrats. , TAe Indians as a general rule voted the Democratic ticket. NOVHMBEK 15.19116. i public Sck- Tork City. Charles Evans Hughes, Republican, was elected Gov- ; 'rwov of the State of New York by . tfurality of 3, 3 S3 votes over Will hn; Randolph Hearst, Democratic mid independence League candidate. U' Hearst ran behind his ticket iaXew York, Kings, Brie and Dutch es Counties and in scattering dis tricts throughout the State. In Kings Chanter ran 20,000 ahead of Hearst, in Nov. York County it was estimated ihaVilcarst was from 10,000 to 12, behind tho rest of tha . V V V ticket : . , When notified of his success Mr. Ilulfhco caid: "My feelings' aro not those of elation, but those of respon sibility" " y. "ii. Kearst gave this statement regarding tho election: , t -In view of the result I have only to repeat speeches. against what I have said in my I am enliscted in this fight overnment by trusts and by reduced majorities. Tho Legislate ure remains Republican on joint bal lot. Hudson and Essex counties went Democratic. Newark elected a Democratic Mayor. Eleven Democra tic Assemblymen were elected in Es sex County. As this is United States Senator John P. Drjden's home coun ty, the result may prevent hi3 re election, although a Republican is sure to bo chosen as his successor. In the Congressional election the Re- niiWio-inf. mrrlpf! sit districts and the Democrats four. This is a gain of three for the Democrats over the last Congressional delegation, which was Democrat. In the Eighth District Le Gage Pratt. (Dem.) defeated Henry J. Gottiob (Rep.), and in the Ninth District Eugene W. Leake (Dem.) won over Charles E. Pickett (Rep.). In tho Tenth District James A. Ham Ill (Dem.) defeated Howard B. Cruse ( Rep. ) . This district was r epresent nd in the last Congress by a Demo- elected Burton for Congress, over Marvel. Democrat. . They will - also control the Legislature that will elect a successor to U. S. Senator Alea, Re publican. OHIO. Cleveland. - The indications are that the Republican State ticket has besn elected by a plurality of at least 30,000. In the Congress fight it is estimated that twenty Republicans have been elected and one Democrat. In Cuyahoga County the indications.. are that the Republican state, ticicec has been carried by a safe plurality and that Paul Howland has been elected Congressman from the Twen tieth District. Congressman Bur ton's re-election is certain, as he had no opponent. Attorney-General Wade Ellis, at Columbus, issued a state ment in which he said tho returns in dicated that the Republicans had car ried the State by 40,000. Returns received at 9 o'clock from twenty- three precincts in the First Congres sional District now represented uy. Nicholas Lougworth shows Long worth (Rep.) 3396, Bentham (Dem.7 2489, thus indicating Longwunu a SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, S. C. The election held in South Carolina was without incident and a very small vote was polled. For Governor, M. P. Ansel.' Democrat, and the entire State ticket was elected, the only opposition' being- j. Chandler, who received half a nunarea socialist votes. ocn;u. Democratic Republicans were elected, i five without opposition, the KenuDii CALIFORNIA. San Francisco. Reports, from all leading counties of California show that - Gillett (Rep.1 Is elected Gov ernor by. at least 25,000 plurality. These figures may be increased when full returns come In from Southern California, where the Republican vote was extremely heavy. In San Fran cisco the vote was close, Laugdon (In dependent League) polling nearly as large a vote as Bell or Gillett. WISCONSIN Milwaukee. Wis. Indlcatldnsbased on bulletins from various , parts of t.h a State are that Governor David son, Republican, has won over Ayl ward, Democratic, by 60,000 plural ity, and that the re3t of the Repunn can ticket has pulled through with similar margins. On account of the busy season on the farms the vote all NO. 2.1. tiRIT r N D BLACKBURN BEATEN nvw thp State was light. The Jtte- publicans have elected probably nine, and possibly ten, of the eleven , Con gressmen. If the latter, ther will have gained one Representative over the present delegation. The hardest fight locally was in Representative J. W. Babcock's district, the Third. KENTUCKY. Trmiaville. By a plurality estl- can nominee in the Fourth and Sev- mated at from 7000 to 10,000 Sena- nntv 'districts 'setting only a lianaiui nr Mcfirearv was indorsed ior re- of votes. election in the Democratic State pri- LOUISIANA. s New Orleans. The solid Demo cratic Congressional delegation, se lected at the primaries, is .returned with one exception George K. Fav rot succeeding Sam P. Robertson in the Sixth District. Twelve constitu tional "amendments were voted on the most important being the author ization of an $8,000,000 bond issue by New Orleans to complete ths sew- erage, water ana araiuasu sj-iu-. This was carried by a large majority. I mftrv over Governor J. C. w. Beck- Tiam . -Tn the race fof Governor. VIRGINIA. Richmond. Va. The election Beckham's ally, S. W. Hager, and N. B. Hays; both claimed victory. Neither made a large estimate of plu rality, the. result being uncertain. t Of four close Congressional fights the Democrats have carried one, re electing Swagar Sherley in the Louis ville district. Dr. A. D. James, ex United States Marshal, Republican nominee in the Third District, has Thin is a Republican gain. In th Ninth District J. B. Bennett, Re publican, present Congressman, seems winner. SUte Will end a Solid Democratic Delegation to the Sixtieth Congress , - Sweeping Democratic Victories in the Other Eight Congressional Dis-" Charlotte, SpeciaL Late Tuesdaj night Mr. W. T. Crawford stated thai a conservative estimate tqf iis ma jori ty is 800. He has surely carried Bun combe by 600; Haywood; by 800; . Transylvania by. 40; Rutherford 50i to 600- Bntt has. earned (uneroKee, j Henderson and McDowell by small' majorities. Britt is not yet ready to admit his' defeat, though conservative Demo crats feel sure that Crawford carried the tenth district by 500 to 800 ma jority. - In i the eigtb district Chairman Vanderford places Mr. R. N. Hack ett's majority at about 1,000 over E. Spencer Blackburn, the Dresent in cumbent. Mr. Hackett's estimated and certain majorities are : Stanly 200; Cabarrus 250; Kowan 1,1UU; Iredell 935; Allegheny lou. Alex ander is in donbt, though a small majcrrity is thought to be Hackett 's. In duced from what he had two years ago. Hughes ( Dem. ) defeated George - h. Burke (Rep.) Jacob Hauseling, Democratic candidate for Mayor of Newark. wa3 elected over waiter , corrupt corporations and will fight it ! crat. in the Sixth District William to tl;o end. . ' . "But I will serve in the lead or In tie ranks, just exactly as the people desire, and as earnestly and loyally in ono placa as in the other. "The psoplo have decided to retain. the Republican party in power. wtn ir.riVp tho ffctht in tho ranks. 'therefore, and as a private citizen I o my best to promote the interests of my fellow citizens." Wiltfani'R. Hearst carried all five boroughs of Greater New York, and vest to the Cron:; with a plurality of 72 ''27, divided as follows: Manhat tiT the Bronx. 58,133; Kings, i . : I ri .11.11 lliftJUU W v v " re-election by a ma3ority mucn re- . - d ofr auiGtly. with lit- !tle interest exhioitea in xne ovate, which is safely Democratic, The Re publicans will probably win out in -. ., . tmm.1a tVi1i let tne wmtn uonsress uiaun-i, Vx.. nominally Republican, by a aimm Ished plurality. ILLINOIS. "Chicago. Illinois is Republican by about 125,000. Cook County in which is Chicago, gave a Republican majority of about-40,000. Speaker Cannon was re-elected to Congress in the Danville, 111., district by a plu- 13 tt -o Kiun nnA crcsrcm w miitv of 6000. 1 ho Legislature Tompkins, Independent Citisen. Tho Republican, insuring the retrn ot nt ?n in th Senator Cullom. Tho Hearst leader T?rtwj rS JMprmPii nn.'i srhool board, concede the defeat ! of their local leaeue. but express great satistaction WEST VIRGINIA. . , Wheeling, W. Va. Partial returns from scattered counties in West Vir ginia show the probable success of all five of the Republican Congressional omlnees by the following pluralities . Hubbard (Rep.), First District, 3000 or more; Sturgis (Rep.), Second Dis- PENNSYLVAXIA. PhiladelDhia. By a landslide in f.iis- OnpscE. 672S: Richmond, 851. "' Hughes camo to the Bronx with 126f:46. , t. Tho feature of the voting was tho lig poll for Mr. Hearst in the largo cities and in the manufacturing town?.. . Such cities us Buffalo, Rocnester, Elmha, Oswegcf Rome and Pough- fcee-.uicvgaYC materially reaucea ns publican majorities. In the western vart of the State this Republican de fection extended into the rural dis tricts also, such counties a3 Catta raugus, Chautauqua, tho rural-districts ot Erie and other counties nearly cutting tbe normal Republican majority in half. . , lluehcs carried all the up-State counties with the exception of Che muBs, which gave Hearst 300 plu rality; Hamilton, which gave him 11 6-, Niagara, which gave him 300 plurality, and Schoharie, where the Democratic- candidate got a plurality in. the State of New York above Westchester the vote 4 wa3 almost 100,000 lees than two years ago for Governor. Hughes received 70,000 less than Higgin3 in 1904, and Hearst received about. 30,000 les3 than Her rick. Complete returns will .prob ably show that. more than 110,000 voters above the Bronx am not any part in the campaign, which is an unusual thing, when the intensity of the political light Js considered. Tho Legislature is Republican, in the Senate there will be thirty-two RoDublicanE. eleven Democrats, seven Independence; League, and one dis trict ia in doubt. The Assembly will have at least 100 Republican mem bers and the Democrats and Inde pendence League combined about every part of Pennsylvania Edwin S. Stuart, Republican candidate for Governor, was elected by a majority of near 80,000 over Lewis S. Emery, Jr., fusion candidate. In Philadel phia the City party went down to de feat. Samuel P. Rotan, the organi zation candidate for District Attor ney winning by a majority of 40, 000. In the thirty-two Congressional districts the Republicans have won twenty-six and the Democrats six. The Prohibitionists polled a little more than 50,000 votes. Homer L. Casele, the Prohibitionist nominee for Governor, announcad that he would give up politics for good. There was no 'disorder in Philadel phia: The police obeyed the Shern law, and did not go within fifty feet of the polling booths. ' ICUKUCi UUl CAJI too t - n over having accomplished the down- trict, by 1500 or under; Gains (Rsp.) fall of the Democratic ticket, partic- by 3500 to 4000; Woodyard CRsp.) ior.iv r.ihhnn for Sheriff.- by 2000 or under; Hughes (Rep.), in ' KANSAS.- Kansas City. Returns from Kan sas show heavy lossas for Hoch (Rep.), candidate for Governor, who ran behind his ticket. Hoch's vote in Topeka is 2600 less than in 1904. Indications are that he will win by less than 20,000 plurality. , TENNESSEE. Nashville. Tenn. Reports , show tw Patterson (Dem.), for Governor, is receiving the- usual off year major nio in Middle Tennessee, which indi cates his election by 15,000 to 20, nnn Avont. for Railroad Commis sioner, is running along with him, ularly Gibbons for Sheriff MISSOURI. St. Louis, Mo. Indications seem to point to the return of Missouri to the Democratic fold. Democratic leaders claim the election of the cn-j-o. ctnto ttrVPt. hv 25.000. with a large majority in the next Legisla ture, both in tho Senate and in the House. Tho Democrats regain all of the seven Congressmen they lost In the slump of two years ago, and prob ably one more, though it will require later returns to confirm this. It looks now as if the Democrats will have probably thirteen of the sixteen Congressmen in the next House of Representatives, a gain of eight. The State Legislature will be in accord . Lin. " nM n UVvllr Y11U UUVCluvi X- Mia.. by 2000 or under; Hugces tKep.;,m tho Fifth, by 3000 or more. The I Legislature, will be Republican, with the present joint ballot majority of 57, Insuring the re-eiccuon ot dbh to Elkins. MICHIGAN. . " a , Detroit, Mich. Based on scatter ing returns received, at 8 o'clock the Republican State central tomumiBe estimates Governor Warner's major ity at about 100,000. Ho has car ried by a majority of C47 the cities of T.ansine. Hillsdale and Adrian, which he lost in 1904 by 172 votes. The vote Is only about two-thirds that of 1901. MINNESOTA. NORTH DAKOTA, Wflrp-n. N. D Preliminary return! show that Pisk has been elected Judge of thp. State Sum-erne Court over Knauf, the Republican nominee. For I novornnr Searles (Rep.) and the I e f tho ttennblican ticket is Later returns may show that Sfiarles had a close call. Burke mpm.K for Governor, carried Fargo by a big majority. IOWA. tios Moines. Iowa. As nearly as 'mk h told from early returns from Iowa Governor Cummins will be wtpri the third successive time by a safe but comparatively smaii Blackburn has. carried Wilkes by 900; Wautauga by 40;; Ashe by 250, (reduced from 400 two years ago), Caldwell by 66 and Surry by 400. There' is hardly a reasonable doubt but that the Democrats will return ten Democratic Congressmen to the Sixtieth Congress. Returns are incomplete, but the re ports are generally to the effect that the vote was light all over the State. Democrats Save ha . Tenth." Asheville, Suecial. The Democrat are again victorious 'in duucoiuub county. While the official returns are not all in, it is certain that the entire Democratic ticket has beer elected in Buncombe by an average majority of 600 to 700. The official count may relt in a much larger majority. , Indications are that Crawford has' carried Buncombe by 500 to 600 ma jority. He carried the six Ashevilla precincts by 331. These sisx precincia . two years ago gave Gudger, tor Con gress 500 majority. Chairman u: t!i." Sevier, of the Democratic county ex- ecutive committee, says tnai the average majority in Buncombe will be 800 to 1,000. At 10 o'clock Tuesday 'night little information had been received from other counties in the district. Chair man Lee telephoned from Waynes- vile that Haywood had given Lraw fdTd 800 majority. He also said that reports from some precincts in Jack son county indicate : that Crawford will have 125 to 150 majority. Republicans are claiming that Britt is elected. Chairman Lee says that Crawford is elected by 1,000 majori- ty. a( nno ninralitv. but the opponents of St. Paul, Minn. Returns received cummins say he will be lucky to get CONNECTICUT. New Haven. All five Republican Representatives will be returned from Connecticut, end uoiim . wooaruu, Republican, of New Haven, is elected Governor by a majority not much les3 than in the Roosevelt tidal wave of 1904: The Republican State tick et majority will probably range irom 15,000 to 20,000. Both Senate and Houso of Representatives in the Gen eral Assembly will be overwhelming ly Republican. Archibald McNeil has, however, defeated Allan W. Paige for Senate in Bridgeport. Represen-tative-at-Large George A. Lilley, ran nhpftd of the State ticket. In Anso- nla, the Democratic labor canaiaaie, Stephen 'Charters, is elected Mayor, and in Derby the Democratic nomi nee, A. F. Howe, is elected 'Mayor. At 11 o'clock 145 towns out of 168 elve R. S. Woodruff, Republican, for Governor, 40,059; Charles F. Thayer, Democrat, 27,799. The Connecticut Congressional delegation, all Repub licans', is, at large, George L. Lilley; First District, E. Stevena Henry; Sec ond District, Nehemiah D. Sperry; th Tifiitrtot. E. J. Hill, and Fourtn In New York City the Judiciary j DiatrIct Edwin M. Higgins. Nominators' ticket received scanty . ' MASSACHUSETTS support. Tho Tammany juageaic all elected. Tho Assembly and Sen ate division in New York City will be about the same as it is now. ; Grady defeated Rock easily. " In ths State the Republicans have orricd their usual number, of Assem blv'mcn and Senators, and -the -Legislature will be largely Republican. The latest figures make this the prob able division: . Assembly, Republi cans, ninety-five;. Democrats, flfty five: Senate, Republicans, thirty-two, Tbo hardest Congressional fight n : will be RepnWican Congress Still Republican. : Washington, D. C The Sixtieth Congress will be Republican. The majoritv in the Honse will be about 86, a falling off of 28. In the FifLy niTith it was 114. The House will stand as follows: Republicans ...... i . ........ 23G Democrats . l o u Republican majority. . . . ... . 86 I The Republicans expected more of a cut in their majority. The Demo crats gained one in Maryland, two in Illinois and one in New Jersey. John Da'zell is re-elected in th9 . Pittsburg district after a hard fight. He has normally a large majority, but his opponent was popular with organized labor and made a strong I TUTtBpresentative Wadswortfc. Chair l a i. a o-riniiitiirfli (Hommittee. who opposed the Meat Inspection bill advocated, by President Roosevelt, was defeated Tiy -Peter A. Porter In the Thirty-fourth New Yonc District. He was nominated by the Democrats and Independents. "Marse Sydney" muqq, onu ui.u a I vMci of the House, won out in Turovinnrt desDite a vigorous by the Democratic state rsaaouar tsrs indicated a landslide for Jonn 3on, Democratic candidate for Gov ernor. The first two precincts out ?u the Stato heard from show decided D3mocratic gains. Dodge Centre, Minn., gives Johnson liu ana uic Rep.) 102. This same preciDCt two "ears ago gave Johnson 58 and Dunn (Reo.) 147. Twenty-eight scattered nrecincts In the State, including some In Minneanolls and St. Paul, give Johnson (Dem.) for Governor, Cole (Rep.) 1209;'gaiii for Joson over two years' ago of 684. J. w. Lawson. manager of the nress bureau of the Republican State Central Com mittee, at 8 o'clock, wired the' Cole people in the State tnat me eiuciwu was a landslide for Johnson. A message at 10:30 Tuesday night loritv Some estimates are made of says Rutherfordton gave Crawford 500 majority, and tnat Mcjuoweii naa gone for Britt by 150. It is apparent that- the tenth dis trict is close and conservative Demo- crats here do not think brawiora has defeated Britt by more than 500. more than a working majority, Insur- The result of the solicitorship contest half that. Cummins sustained bsve.o losses in the southern part oi iu ctto Thft entire State ticket will Ttti -with Htfrnmins and the Legislature will be Republican by v COLORADO. Denver, Col. Buehte?, the Repnb Acan candidate, carried the State by j rom 15,000 to 30,000. His majority ? nnnwr Gountv was 10,000, and though Democratic gains in other ,Qrt of the State were expected to offset thi3 somewhat, the Adams eup- porters ware disappomtca. , ing the return to the United States Senate of J. i'. uoiuver. IDAHO. Tfao ia ah o: Scattering return indiMtn that a landslide has over taken the head of the Republican ticket in the north and central por- on of the State. Ada County has gone against Governor Gooding by a rtrpri votes. It seems quite nortnin that Goodine will be defeated VVl w-w unless he makes up his losses in the I wnrmnn counties. The remainder ot ! the Republican ticket is elected. in the fifteenth -judicial district, com posed of Buncombe, Madison and Transylvania counties, is in . doubt, . Guv Roberts, the Democratic candi- date, telesraphcd from Marshall that Madison went asramst him only JUU. If this is correct, Mark Brown, the Republican candidate, is defeated. A telephone message at 11 o'ciock Tnesdav nisht from. Waynesviile savs Crawford ys 'majority in Haywood is 876, with two small precincts to hear from. Four townships in Jack son count v eive Crawford a majority of 190. Crawford reduced the Repub- Lincoln, Neb. Indications are that lican maiority in Bryson City, Swaii .rn T . ahn'rfon KenilDUCan DOIB . rn . . J tr NEBRASKA. i fight against; Samuol Gompets and and aithough'he made heavy gains In jority in the vme unu outside mill towns, he was unable to nois. . q Jersey, overcome the normal Republan plu- John Ut, Gomp. ralltv. Gerry urown, tn iuucy-.- "'--;t;v onnr mioritv. WYOMING. Cheyenne, Wyo. The entire Re publican ticket, headed by Governor 3rooks, was elected by majorities of not less tban auuu. .wi,.. cans also elect the member ofCon eress and the Legislature, waich will olect a United States bsnator. - A tnoo for Oovernor. has Deen eieciea bv a plurality slightly In excess of the 9000 returned for Governor Mickey , vpfr aeo. The rest of the Re- I miihiiMn tate ticket i3' probably elected. The returns Indicate Repub lican gains in the country district and Democratic gains in tue ujwu. tho State was in the Tinriy-iouiuii District, vhere James, W. Wadswortn was defeated by Peter A. Porter, who ran on a Democratic and Independ ent ticket. Wadsworth was chair man of the House Committee on Ag ricnlture and opposed President ... . t l . Aiaoran 1 1 v nuuu Uiajwi'1 ence League candidate -LXixl Longworth, the ant-Governor, who was also npmln-, was another ated by the Democrats, has run rdX Gompers. , The pro of the ticket. me nexu rrVintl workingmen forced py e ' , ""r-r.TrC-i, against majority in both houses, and tnis win mm to re w re-elected The Sure the election of United States 1$. Ja& her . Senator W. Murray Crane, of Dalton. Presidt s a figure in nia r.aniTjaiK". . - s NEVADA Pom tcav. Vote counting, which Tron4rtin2 slowly. Indicates a Dem snvpr nartv victory. Sparks, I fimrornnr is runniue ahead of Mitchell in all quarters. Returns Raruett for Congr?s3 n u WMta W Sioux Falls, S. D. Reports rrom and Sweeney for Justice of the ba the State are meagre, owing to .the preinQ Court in the lead. rn.;n nnnntv tickets. I II CO ni- r . 'lete returns indicate the election of j 9 Republican Congressmen and th9 1 lepuhlican State tiCKet uy SOUTH DAICOTA. NORTH CAROLINA. Raleleb. N. C. Returns maicatc a than 35,000. RHODE ISLAND. Providence, R. Lrne eiecuoa the atiti-pass issHe Robert Baser, w , : TEXAS. , Austin. Texas. Notwithstanding TnTTiea H. -Hisslns, Democrat, uu- , the Socialist aiu uut du RoosoveltV, Meat Inspection bin last ernor oy a P111 tZZ n ceed in breaingu " - winter. He had a sharp controversy uith tho President. - RTiresenlativd G corge Southwick, of Albanv, aTid.Represntative James S. bheuniatt, of Utica, had very hard light n. 'v . , NEW JERSEY. Trenton, J.-New Jersey -elected u. RcpubUcan Atxambly and. three , .dni. irnhft riRmosrats hope to r . 7, vorTr ntv. tWrty-flyo WJln. , tot of Joseph W; BM. lOUO OYSr iuBiWt;iuuv"v i cf Wisconsin, iu"-"' ; . I iu Onnnh Iran LUU,lCOOiu"' . of last year and the cities are ac-ir-nnTtTioAfrpt to be Democratic. Re turns indicate that the Republicans will control the Assembly, outside towns which were considered doubt ful having been carried, by tem. .. - -r-v kiumi r'nn tn KOpuuntau " . Attempts w-" times to defeat Babcock, but .lwava; failed. Tue letv are'oppooe mittee. many they' htve .AiiPTit. weather, the toxai vois c. i.the electSfta 'a.-sniall, Jmpara-cratic 4o Votes, all told, 133,000 of whica -resent th combined vote u the .ubl5caTi, the -Reorganized Renuo-Hcan,- Socialist, the -Soclallst-Tabor nd the Prohibition parties. Tc next t lc'pfnra vnll be iiemocrauu nomratic maiority in North Caro Una of over 40,000. In the Eighth District Hackett (Dem.) defeats Blackburn fRep.) by about 500. In tbe Tenth Crawford (Dem.) won by over 1200, making all districts Dem- vrti-'rafrelv, terc baing oniy a -narre of the Rublic?rs to fee on nera i&'S. FLORIDA. .Tarirennvme. Fia. All the D?mo cratic Congressmen - of Florida are re-slscted, and the State ticket Js caied bv a decided majority. -:. The vote was light. Returns indicate the defeat ot the Drainage Constitutional -onendrjt'int br a vota on the 5-vi :ti5r t to.t'Jir... county ,v68 votes. A Sweeping .Democratic .Victory in the .State. ' " The Democrats " have ' eertainly swept the - State and they are the proudest of their defeating Blackburn ' for Congress in the 8th district. Dem ocratic; State Chairman Simmon's closing his headquarters at midnight, told me "the story of the day s work lin these words: "We have carried pverv congressional district. We have increased our majority over the majority against Roosevelt by from 40,000 to 50.000. j. ; m The legislature will most probab-; lv be even more strongly Democratic thsn it now is. It .'-is probably the creates victory. cvtfr.vonan the State in an ofi-veiir. TIjis .result is due chiefly to Uie fact that the State is 4tronsly Democratic, but also ii part to the flasi-arit and open interference of ' Fedciaroffice holdeis and as are svlt to ex-Senator Marion Butler, who has beeoma fhe Republican lead- cr. .Gnili's'ElCcticn Conceded. ; : Boston, SpcciaLTlic Globe, -Dem ocratic, j G-ild. concedes t!ic election - of '4 rS -v k 7',

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