ME POL T. C, CROKER Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES-: One Year $100 Six Months, 5 Three Months, . . . 25 Always in Advance. THURSDAY, JAN. 17. 1907. NOTES AND COMMENTS. We wonder what effect Gov. Glens attitude toward the pro posed State Reformatory for yonthtul criminals, will have; He doesn't seem to favor the move, or rathor thinks it will cost more than it will be worth. It is only too painfully true that public places in our cities and towns, such as the depot, livery stables and other haunts, are the "hot beds" where the seed of crime is promiscously scattered around; These places it is true, are more respectable than the "Pen," but hardly less harmful to a boys charactor. A great many of our boys would be kept from the "Pen" and never need a Reformatory if they were properly kept in at home. A boy has got a man's nature in embryo, and we believe that the best institution on earth to form, not reform him, is the home. The necesity of a State Re formatory for youthful criminals, k a reflection upon the family government of our state, although by tsese lines we do not mean to be understood as opposing the reformatory, but it seems to be a sourse of regret that such an institution should be needed. LYNN NEWS. D. H. Swann is spending a few days in Asheville and vicinity. Silas Fowler has had to take ii few days off from work not being well. T. V. Smith's little son Mack, who had a severe attack of pneu monia is now convalescent- Grayson Newman and wife made a flying trip to Sandy Plains last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Newell will preach in Chapel next Sunday at3;30 p. m. his regular appointment. The Odd Fellows society con templates meeting in their new hall next week. It has been suggested that our school District be made a special Tax District. Miss Minnie Nanny of Ruther ford, county, returned last Sun day after a weeks visit and rest at home. i . H. G. Foster, has been a little indisposed for several days, suffering with an attack of neuralgia. Owing to a misunderstanding, there were no services in chapel last Sunday except Sunday school. Joe. Schmeddings a young German of New York, has been added to the force in the office of the Tryon Hosiery Company. Geo. B. Logan, Manager of the store of Tryon Hosiery Co., has x gone on a business trip north, and will mu6hase their Spring and Sumnfer stojtk while gone. P. D. failfiams of Big Level was in our viljege last Monday With a load of very fine sweet potatoes also can be a n s and tomatoes. If... 11 TFm!' . tlwBv l ..SB 3iL i .111 1 i i rn irn n. v. w - - - . ' KFY HISTORY. We publish by requests following article, which appeared in The Advance, Feb. 12th 1887. The sub. of which is the official career of Judge R. S. Abrams. Columbus, N. C, Feb. 12. Polk county is not large but it affords some facts; one of which is not often the case, if ever in the history of any other county in the State. It was organized in 1855, and the first election for county officers held in August of the same year. There were five candidates for the office of Clerk of the Court. The youngest of whom, R. S. Abrams, was elected by nearly one hundred majority, in a total vote of about 500, bal lots. He was a -tailor by trade, a young bachelor, handsome, aggreeable, and very active and popular among the ladies. He was elected as a Whig, merged then into a "Unionist," and after the "late unpleasantness," affili ated with the Republican party. He was re-elected to the same office at the expiration of each term by am increased majority until last fall and turned over the office to his first successor, John Arledge, on the first Monday of January last, having filled the position of Clerk of the Superior Court continuously over thirty one years. It had come to be believed among many that t "Uncle Bob," as he is fnmilliarly called could not be defeated as long as he wanted the office and had he made an independent campaign in the last election, would very likely have won the race. "Uncle Bob" was one of the promptest-officers connected with the judiciary of this section. His dockets were already: he never had a deputy; and never missed a single day or term of court in the nearly one-third of a century he held the office. His popularity increased among all classes, especially the poor, and the ladies, although he has pre served his "single blessedness" inviolate and even the ancient maidens of the county smile as coyly and sweetly to still win his -attention, as they did prior to passing the meridian of their beauty arid lovermess. Think of "Uncle Bob's lonesomeness now since he has changed his avoca tion! He has became the owner of more than half of this town plots and promises, to devote his attention to building up the county seat of little Polk. This will affiord an item of public in terest which will be communica ted the Advance from time to tim s the publishers seem to have the enterprise of the western portion of the state constantiy before them and the cause of the common people their special care. Jay Kay. Polk County Betterment Association. Editor News: Please announce in your estee med paper that there will be a meeting of the Polk County Betterment Association held at Mill Spring, N. C. on Saturday January 26th 107 at 10:30 o'clock a. m. All teachers are earnestly urged to attend as pre all friends who favor the betterment of the public school houses and grounds of Polk County. By order. Maggie V. Hague, Mary R. Justice, Pres. Secy. January 15th 1907. The Daily Herald of Spartan burg chronicles the sad news of a homicide which occured in that city late Saturday night. It is the more sad to the people of this section, becauseof the past that one of the boys who figured in the tragedy was a nefghbor and well known here, having, only a short time ago, been a student in school here. It is reported that the knife which ended the life of a young man by the name of McCall, was in the hand of Bob Newman, son of W. H. Newman, of Landrum. dined at Mr. J. C. Powells last Friday on their return from Mr. Leandrew Thompson's Mr. and Mrs. V. Hyder were at church last Sunday, all were glad to see them, especially glad ty see the little babe. Misses, Minnie, and Cora Bris co and Addie Green spent last Saturday night at Rev. W. W. Womacks. Of course some young men went down there to add to their enjoyment eseorted them to church Sunday morning, all re ported a good time. Mr. Thomas Williams teacher o f Big Level School attended church at Lebanon last Sunday, Mr. D. Elliott accompained him. Mr. Thomas Wonack and Miss Bertha 'Ruppe, were happily mar ried, at the home of the bride's parents, Dec. 26, 1906, at 2 p. m. They are a happy pair and we wish them to remain so, on dud on forever. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Womack were at church last Sunday. Mrs. Womack had the pleasure of meeting a goodly number of her relatives on that day. Rev. Womack 's son and daugh ter, viz, John and Candas, with their families visited home and loved ones Xmas. Revs. J. E. Womack and H. L. Powell visited relatives here Xmas. Mr. Womack is attend ing school at Rutherford College. Mr. Powell at Wofford College. The former returned Jan. 5th arid the latter returned Jan. 7th. We wish the young men much success during this new year. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Edwards visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Nathan Shehan recently. Miss Mary Gibbs, was accom panied to Rutherfordton Jan. 9th by her nephew J. H. Gibbs, to be treated in the Sanitarium for what is supposed to be tumor something similar, We wish her a speedy recovery. We are the recipients of some beautiful weather just now. How these beautiful days re minds one of God's light and love. "God is love." God is light, and there' is no darkness in him. Mrs. V. Hyder is visiting her parents this week. Builds up waste tissue, pro motes appetite, improves diges tion, induces refreshing sleep, gives renewed strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rocky Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by A. L. McMurray. The way to do a thing is to go at it and do it. If there is a par ticularly disagreeable task before you, begin with that and so save yourself several hours of dread. aside from having it done the sooner. Ihe men who have suc ceeded in life have been able to turn the spare moment, whieh most of us frivol away, into pro ductive work or thought. Even in one's hours of relaxa tion one often meets with an idea in reading or conversation, which would be valuable if stored away. Instead it is often forgotten, make a note of it in your mind at the time, put it on paper at the first opportunity. Swett. That's the house the Doctor built, The biggest house you see; Thank goodness he don't get our money, For we take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale by A. L. McMurray. FOR SALE. A very fine Kentucky mare, excellent buggy nag and the fast est harness horse in Polk county. Also a fiirst class saddle mare, work anywhere, Both are sound, of approved age and fine looking. E. McQueen Salley, Tryon, N. C. Executor's Notice. Hi ing qualified as executor of the will of Mr: . Eliza Giles, deceased, late of Green's Creole township, Polk county, N. C. , this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before Iec. 8 1907 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediatepa) ment. D. H. Houskr. Executor. This Dec. 8 1906: Land For Sale, The Bivings, or old "Poor House," tract of land, lying between Mill Spring and Pea ridge is for sale and will be sold either ?s a whole or in tracts to suit purchases at a very early date. This is a good and well situatexl tract of land and very desirable: Correspond ence is solicited with intending purch. sers, who are requested to write me within the next three weeks at the address given below. SOLOMON GALLERT, Care of Yarboroagh Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. Land Entered. W. R. Turner enters 50 acres of land more or less in Cooper Gap and White Oak town ships. Polk county joining lands of Joseph Melton, Huston Ruppe, J. B. Turner and the heirs of Jas. Jackson (deceased) and others on both sides of Green River, also the river bed, beginning on Mrs. Hamilton's line, known as the Crease place or Joseph Melton corner, F. M. Burgess, Entry Taker. Filtered Dec. 14, 1906. Land Entered. J. N.. Searcy an.' I. 'V. Hollinsworth, -nters 200 acres of land, more or less in Greens Creek Township 1.1 Polk count) ; comensihg on Mart Cornwells land then to Weaver land then with Abrams land to J. M. Putnams land thence with same to the beginning. F. M. Buryess, .Entry Taker. Kntered Jan. 1st 1907. Lard Entered. T. G. Egerton, enters toe acres til land, more or less in Cooper Gap township, Folk county, N. C. on waters of Walnut cree - , joining the lands of J. P." and T. G Kgerton, P. D. Williams, Emily Whitesides land and others. F. M. Burgess, Entry Taker. Entered Jan. 1st 1907. V Land Entered. J- N. Searcy and E. W. Iloliinsworth enters 200 acres oi innd more- or less 0:1 the waters of the red spring branch in Polk county in Columbus township joining the Stearns land aud the Long Jand now lohn Cudds aud the O. C. Bridges and Brown Nance land. F. M. Burgess, Entry taker. Entered Jan. 1st 1907. ' Land Entered. A. G. Burton and Z. B. Rodgers enters 75 ocres of land more or less in Greens Creek township on waters of Creek adjoining a home land and the Geo. Collins land and ethers beginning at A. G. Burtons and Z. B. Rcd gcrs beginning corner. F. M. Burgess, Entry taker. Entered the 9th day of January 1907. Legal blanks for sale at The News office. Subscribe for The News. I hfo Br C a N ITAS (ft EV- y - r UP, rma , - . . . . . ' i "THE LOVELY KIND" The best Chewing Gum manu factured a delicious flavor that is healthful and lasting. Sold by all Drug, Grocery, Con fectionery and Cigar Stores, Res taurants and Hotels. 5 cents per package. SANTAS CHEWING GUM CO., Ltd. Battle Grsek, Mich. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Not j I In The 9 S Tryst I Anyone nng a sketch imd description may quickly ascertain onr o:!'non free whether an invention is prolinbly. piUiitaMe. Communicn- -L0stJ,cIltJdt!!,t5a1 HANDBOOK on Patenta sent free. OLIost acency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special ti'ice. without charK9, in the lv"slYV Scientific JfMcati. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lnrirest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. & a bViiiii r J?Jith8' L BO" by all newsdealers. ?filJNN & Co.33,Broadav New York Branch Office. 636 F 8U Wash i n ton! D. C. Mk ofTryon Capital $10,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $3,OOQ OPPICEES ; JOSEPH NORWOOD, Pres. E. E. MISSILDINE, Vice-Pres. J. B. HESTER, Cashier. n rireatcxs : J. B. HESTER, E. E. MTSSfLDINE, J. O. WILSON, " B. L. BALLENGER. JOSEPH NORWOOD, D. E. CONNER, J. G. HUGHES, F. P. BACON, Your Business BARGAINS' Remnants of last Years Stock must Go. Quality good but quantity must be reduced to make room for new stock. The Bargain is yours. The sacrifice is ours x Your for trade in the New Year. A. L. McMURRAY, Columbus, N. C. OLR JANUARY OPENING WILL BE ATTRACTIVE. MANY NEW PLPILS WILL ENTER. SOME WILL COME IN QLLBS. CAN'T VOL JOIN P WRITE FOR PARTICLLARS Spartanburg Business College. Spartanburg, - . q BURPEE'S Mailed FREE to all who want This Thirtieth Anniversary Edition is a bright Lover and Colored Plates it shows, painted from unequaled merit and Six Novelf ies in WKITE TODAt! the Verv dav vou rpnH this - - - - : -; " . ...... W. ATLEE BURPFF it CO.,0 - ' j j REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I have some good BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE to offer prospe2tive PURCHASERS. If you have any real estate to sell LIST it with me. I represent several good Insur ance Companies and would like to INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. J. F. WILLIAMS, Columbus, N, C. NOTICE Last Call for 1906 Taxes. All persons owing taxes and failing to settle will be visited" by me, or a rigid deputy, immediately after this Call is made and levy made upon property in every case when settlement of the taxes are not made in full. All who wish to avoid all this trouble and cost are requested to meet me and settle promptly. I mean what I say the taxes must be paid. So meet me at: Shields Precinct, Tuesday, January 22 1907 Mill Spring, Wednesday, " 23 Lynch Witesides, Thursday. " 24 Tryon at Mayor's Office, Saturday, Jan. 26 1307 Lynn at Post Office, Tuesday Jan. 29 1907 Coiumous, Mon. Feb. 4 1907 Taxas received at Saluda any day except Sunday. . W. C. ROBERTSON T. T. BALLENGER. VW-Pr. " T. T. BALLENGER E. C. WILCOX, W. C. ROBERTSON Is Solicited. For THE NEW YEAR Catalogt the BEST SEEDS h book of 168 pages and tells the plain truth. With nature. Seven Superb Specialties in Vegetables of ... 1 ncn. jjl kuaik s j yew riorai n onaer. Seed Growers, PHILADELPHIA, pa! . v.. ...j. t. . iicjiiiuu uus paper arm auureij i arWrt;mr,f n.t: u: j . j j Sheriff. if This Januray 3rd, 1907.

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