. 1 Current Events. Ktgroes plan to run a line of steamers from Baltimore to the Jamestown Exposition to accomodate catered persons only. The Omnibus Claims bill was dis cussed in the house for five hours, bat no action was taken. Important demands, among them aa eight-hour day, it is said, will be made of the railroads of the country bv railroad labor. 1.1V V rseiai suXe ta need o pain and yuu that the; Do You Think For Yourself ? you open your mouth like a youn? gulp down whatever food or medi ocre red you ? 4 tt intelligent thinking woman. from weakness, nervousness ng. then it means much to one tried and pi honest r iXfivtN roMPosrTiQM, sold hv cruggtMs Tor the cvre of woman's Ills. j a it Hp Tbe makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, for the cure of weak, nervous, run down, orer-worked. debilitated, pain-racked 'women, knowinr this medicine to be made up at Ingredients, every one of which has the strongest possible indorsement of the leading and standard authorities of the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and In fact, are only too glad to print, as they do. the formula, or list of ingredients, of which it Is composed, in plain E7iglish, on every bottle-wrapper. Jf fJW fe Tlie formula of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription will bear the most critical examina tion of medical experts, tor it contains no alcohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drufs, and no agent enters into it that is -not highly recommended by the most advanced and leading medical teachers and author ities of their several schools of practice. These authorities recommend the Ingredients of" Dr. VffreeST yorite Prescription for the curt" of exactly the ssmo aTTmentTr wic l)kls world-fa Ined medTne HTadvlsed. S & t 4i t? Ho other medicine for woman's ills has any sach professional endorsemen t as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has received, in the un qualified recommendation of each of its several ingredients by scores of leading medi cal men of all the schools aof practice. Is such an endorsement not worthy of your consideration? Hf A booklet of ingredients, with numerous anthorativc profesional endorsements by the leading medical authorities of this country, will be mailed free to any one sending name and add .ess with request for same. Address Dr. IL V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. mm mmmm INDEBTEDNESS OF CITIES. In Excess of That of National and State Governments Combined. The report of Director lorth of the Census Bureau in regard to the finan ces of cities of 8,000 inhabitants and over says: "The importance of municipal stat istics may be noted from the to! low ing facts: Tho indebtedness, less sinking fund assets; of the 148 cities containing over 30,000 inhabitants in 1&03 was $1,10C,S21,G51 and of the 151 ities in 1904 tra3 $1,2228,210.933. The indebtedness of the cities of the lat ter group increased during the year 1904 by $110,083,797. The indebted ness of cities containing 8,000 to 30, 00 inhabitants in 1903 was $173,718. 313. and the last statistics compiled recorded an annual increase of $10, 098,962. The aggregate for the two classes of cities in 1903 was S1.2S0, 39,961. The foregoing, combined nritb other facts relating to' the in crease of municipal debt, makes it certain that the present debt of cities at the United States containing over 8,000 inhabitants is ia excess of $1, 00,000,000, or greater than that of the combined debt of the national and State governments and of the coun ties, school districts and other minor civil divisions. "The payments and receipts of those Cities having a population of 8.000 and over were greater than those of the United States Govern ment in 1902, but somewhat less than those of that government in its last fiscal year. They also exceed the payments and receipts of all Stato and local governments. "In 1900, 33 per cent, of the peo ple of the United States resided in Cities having a population of 8,000 and over, and in a few deca'des over one-half of the people will reside in those cities. The problem of self government is therefore becoming one of city government, and no class of statistics Is of such vital importance as that relating to cities, and especial ly to cities containing over 30,000 inhabitants." Details of the great railroad sy? tern controlled by E. H. Harriman vera shown uu at the Interstate Commeree Commission's iny estima tion. ' '. So. 3-'07. COSTLY PRESSURE. Heart and Xerves Fail on Coffee. A resident of a great Western State puts the case regarding stimu lants with a comprehensive brevity that Is admirable. He says: "I am 5 6 year3 old and have had considerable experience with stimu lants. They are all alike a mortgage on reserved energy at ruinous interest- As the whip stimulates but does not strengthen the horse, so do stim ulants act upon the human system. Feeling this way, I gave up coffee and all other stimulants and began the nse of Postum Food coffee some months ago. The beneficial results have "been apparent- from the first. The rheumatism that I used to suffer tram has left me, I sleep sounder, my nervas are steadier and my brain clearer. And I bear testimony also to the food value of Po3tum some thing that is lacking in coffee." Name gives by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read "The Road to Weliville," the quaint little book ia pkgs. - . .. bbbbSbsbbsBbsbbSSbsb 4 Wholesale Prices Quoted in New York MILK. The Milk Exchange prie for standard quality is 3c. per quart. BUTTER. . Creamery Western, extra. $ 32 ft 33 Firsts 29 ft. 31 State dairy, firsts., i 27 ft 28 Seconds 24 ft. 29 Factory, thirds to firsts... IS 21tf CHEESE. State, full cream, fancy.... IWft 144 Small 134 14 Part skims, good to prime iyft Full skims 2 3 EGGS. Tersev Fancv fll 30 Ptnto Good "to choice 2?5 fa 2S Western Firsts.. ....... 25 20 BEANS AXD PEAS. Benns Marrow, choice 2 30 Medium, choice 1 lft 1 85 Red kidney, choice 2 1 2 3.V Pp 1 47 1 SO Yellow eve.... .. 203 ft 2 1 Black turtle soup 2 10 (2) 2 15 Lima, Cal 2 95 3 00 FRUITS AXD BEHR1ES KRKSIT. Ar-oles Greening, per bbl. 1 50 ft 3 00 King, per bbl 2 00 ft 3 25 Ben Davis, per bbl 1 50 ft 2 50 Cranberries. C. Cod, per bbl 4 00 ft 9 00 Jersey, per bbl 0 00 7 00 LIVE POULTRY. Spring chickens, per lb.... 01 Fowls, per lb ft 14 Roosters, per lb.... ft 10 Turkeys, w lb ft 14 Ducks, per lb ft W Geese, per lb 10 11 ligeons, per pair - 25 DRESSED FOULTT.V. Turkeys, PfT lb 11 ft 17 Chickens. Pkila, per lb.... IH ft 25 Fowls, per lb K ft 13Vi Gease. spring, per lb 8 0. 15 Ducks, spring, per lb 8 (a. 15 Squabs, per dozen 1 50 4 75 HOPS. State. 1900. choice 21 23 Medium. 1905 9 (d 11 Pacific Coast. 1906, cilice. . 10 17 Prime to choice, 1905.... 12 14 ITAY ANP 8TB AW. Hav, prime. Der 100 lb.... 1 10 1 15 No. 1, per 100 lb. 1 00 1 05 No. 2, per 100 lb 9.3 (a) 1 00 Clover mixed, per 100 lb. 75 ft 1 00 Straw, long rye CO 65 VEOETAnT.F.5 Potatoes. Stat?, ner bbl... 1 37 1 50 Jersey, per bbl..- 1 25 1 45 . Sweets, per bbl.... .... 1 .30 (St 3 50 Tomatoes, per carrier 2 00 (3 5 00 Egg plant, per box 2 00 (3 i 00 Squash, per bbl 75 (9 1 25 Peas, per basket ($100 Peppers, per carrier.... . . 1 50 (5 4 00 Lettuce, per basket 50 ( 3 00 Cabba?es, per ton 9 00 fd2 00 String beans, rer basket. . . 2 00 (o 8 00 Onions, Ct.. white, uer bbl 2 00 (at 5 00 Orange Co.. per bag 75 (5) 1 50 Carrots, per bbl 1 25 63 1 75 Beets, per bbl 1 00 (a), 1 23 Turnips, per bbi 63 (a) 80 Celery, per doz. bunches... 15 ft 50 Okra per carrier 2 50 ft 3 50 Cauliflower, per bbl. . . J . . . 3 00 ft 9 00 Brussels sprouts, per qt... 6 ft. 12 Parslev. per 100 bunch is.. 1 00 ft. 2 50 Pumpkins, per bbl 50 ft. 1 00 Spinach, per bbl 1 25 ft 1 50 Watercress, per ICO bunches 1 00 ft 1 50 Kale, per bbl 90 ft 1 00 Shallots, per bbl ft 1 50 Radishes, per basket 1 25 ft 2 90 Parsnips, per bbl 1 25 ft. 1 75 Horseradish, per bbl 5 50 Q 6 50 GRAIX. ETC. Flour Winter patents. ... 3 60 ft 3 75 Sprinsr patents 4 10 ft 4 90 Wheat. No. 1 N. Duluth.. ft 88 ?4 No. 2 red 79 ft 80 Corn, No. 2 white ft 50 No. 2 vellow ft. 49 Oats, mixed 39 ft 39 Clipped white 40 ft. 44 Lard, city 9 LIVE STOCK. Beeves, city dressed 1ft 9 Calves, city dressed....... 8 ft 14 Country dressed 7 ft 12 Vi Sheep, per 100 lb 4 50 ft 6 SO Lambs, per 100 lb 8 00 ft. 8 50 Hogs, live, per 100 lb 6 85 ft 7 10 Country dressed, per lb. . 8l& 10 BUSINESS OUTLOOK IMPROVED. Labor and Facilities Are in Demand For Trade Expansion. New York City. It is not difficult for even moderate optimists to see improvement in the market outlook. There is nothing new in the country's prosperity conditions they simply stand pat. Men in everyi branch of business, everywhere, are making money. Ordinary limits are far sur passed. Actually the chief difficulty to-day is to obtain facilities whereby to meet the requirements of trade ex pansion. This is true upon the great railway systems only more conspicu ously than elsewhere relatively the proportion exists in virtual universal ity. In all important departments we outrun supply. Capital Is short of la bor, using all available, having need for vastly more than can be com manded, and labor is short of time offers of employment, appeals for help, running stupendously beyond what all the men in all the hours can anywhere near supply. This is the cause, the gist, the meaning, of what is so much called "the embarrassment of prosperity." To folks unligbted by the superior wisdom of profes sional Wall Street this sort of thing might hardly be hooted at as calamit ous for security vajues, but so it has been for a full year past. Wherefore, the hearty reception extended here at the New Year's opening to a few signs that some sentimental change appears. am No Dullness in West. It is especially noticeable in dis patches from the West that there was less than the customary lull in busi ness during the holiday season, while bargain sales are rapidly disposing of the moderate supplies remaining on hand. SAVING OF $10,000,000. MS! rr. m 1 1 B m 1 mm ML Th I AXATIVE or Known Quali There are two classes of remedies; those of known qual ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting gently, in harmony with nature, when nature needs assist ance; and another class, composed of preparations of unknown, uncertain anc inferior character, acting tempo rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural funcons unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of tte remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup, in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the remedy has thercf yre met with their approval, as well as with the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence, containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character. There are two classes of purchasers; those who are informed as to the quality of what they buy and the reasons for the excellence of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go elsewhere when a dealer ofrers an imitation of any well known article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know, and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy. To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional integrity and tho good will of their customers too highly to offer imitations of the Genuine Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects, one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on tho front of every package. Price, 50c. per bottle. One size only. cottoimI "VI IVnl USE TAYLOR'S 5ft Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein gj Coughs, Coldsv LaGrippe all Throat and Lunir Troubles. for 80 years. All DruggUta. 2c, nature's Great ;raedy for Thoroughly tested tOc and Si. 00. lucre Aetur Vie Id a Per Acre Values Above Par 9wl B2fc A A. LB Tl I mi It is a well known fact that nrtrt 2f0th?,r CT0 pScSwiSvS: finlSrolina ertiliaer Will brln rlirH9 J?08? Price ou the fc ittke ?G,"thy strong, wcld ye e-ped. early cotton. fWy oou on we initt nmDa at the bate as and tip ends of the branches of the cotton plants, by liberally uslcg " Yirgiflia-Caroliaa Fertilizers. They contain all tho materials nee'ea ary to iiupplv to your land the Sit fe SSe? from it "j vuiuvHiwo year afror v... tuui vini'in nr" . n oto ' m r ..... 8Ub- stltute from your dealer. Virginia-Carolina Cbemlaa Co Biehmond, Va. Atlanta, Oa. Norfolk, Va, Savannah Qa Durham, N. C. MonfiSSirv Ai Charleston, P. C. Memphff, Tent " Baltimore, Md. Shreveport, l" Hogless Lard None anywhere near so good, so pure, so eco nomical, so satisfactory. U.S. Government Inspected. So. 3-'07. Light SAWMILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, APSfTA BIO MONET MADE bynvents clIlnKoHr "NERVE B1TTF.BIE8" at ftB.Ou !! one or two a dny yon nuke a day wage, whl f 15 to 15 hit aold Id one day by a live hustling; agent. Write for partlcnlar. XKHVF. BATTERY COMP'Y.Llna Oblo. Pains at the waist, back, front, or side, are nearly sure proof of female trouble. Some other signs are headache, pressing down pains, irregular functions, restless ness, cold limbs, nervousness, etc. These pains may be allayed, the system braced nd the womanly functions regulated by the use of o Wine of Mrs. Annie Hamilton, of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: "Cardui saved me from the grave after three (3) doctors had failed to help me. It is a good medicine and I recommend it to all suffering women' For sale at all druggists, in $1 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-pasre Illustrated took for Women. If you need Medical Ad vice, describe your symptoms, stating ace. and reply will be sent in plain sealed envelope. Addresf: Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. Bl The danties of the great are the ! The man is a fool who when ask- tears of the poor. Horace. "WORLD'S WONDER COTTOX A new speclPs: first sold last spring ; was planted by 100 different farmers ; has pro duced from 2 to 5 bales per acre; highly pro line ; big boll, small seed, good staple; E. Humphreys, Godwin fcCo., Memphis, Tenn. ed for his opinion gives it. Punch. SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. Jewels worth $50,000, which wer2 lost by a Cuban couple on a railroad train, have been recovered. Itch enred in 30 minutes bv WoolforrVs Sanitary Lotion; never fails. Sold by Dnig cista. Mail orders promptly filled bv TV E. DetchonMed.Co.,Crawfordsville,Ind. $1. Of all men sailors suffer most from rheu Katism. By Supreme Court's Decision on Im ports. "Washington, D. C. The Supreme Court rendered an opinion that Im ported merchandise should pay duty at its weight on entry, and not at its weight at the time of withdrawal. The Circuit Court of Appeals held to the contrary, and the Government stood to lose some $10,000,000 by refunding the difference in weights on tobacco, sugar, wood, etc. How' Thl? We offer One Hundred dollars Reward for tvy caae of Catarrh tnac canuo ij cured b battti catarrh Uure. ' nr. Chksb Co., Toledo, O. 1e, the undersigned, bav lenown J Cbeney lor the iast 16 years, and believe him r erlectly aonorable ia all business transac lion and financially ablo to carry out aav obhKations made by their firm. ledouBOAI' Wholesale Druggists, To- VN aiding , Kixjtan A Mabtix, Wholesale DrugKists, Toledo, O. Hall's CatarrnCureUtakenlateraally nk. ingdlreotlyupont be blood aud mucuousvar. faces of the system. Testimonials sent free, rioe, 75c. per bottle, hold by all Druggist J ake U all's Family Pills tor constipation'. Victory gives no account of her ac tions. Curtis fciBatavian. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums, reducesinflamma f .on, allays pain, cureB wind colic, 25c a bottle Vice begins in mistake and ends in ignominy. The Rambler. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Di-uggists refund money if it fails to cure, fc. W. Grove's signature ib on each box. 2i.c, j All is soon ready in an orderly house. German. Better suffer for truth than profit by falsehood From-the Danish. Piles Cured in 0 to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. R. C. Fowler, an alleged swindler, was captured in Philadelphia. FITS, St. Vitus' Dance :Nervous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phiia., Fa, Vanity, that divine gift that makes a woman charming. Lord Bacons-field. Doctors and Remedies Fruitless Suf lered 10 Years Completely Cured by Three Boxes of Cuticura. "When 1 was about nine years old small sores appeared on each of my lower limbs. 1 scratched them with a brass pin, and shortly afterwards both of those limbs be came so sore that 1 could scarcely walk. When 1 had been suffering for about a mouth the sores began to heal, but small, scaly eruptions appeared where the sores had been. From that time onward 1 was troubled by such severe itching that, until 1 biiea.nie accustomed to it, I would scratch the sores until the blood began to flow, i'his would atop the itching for a few days, but scaly places would appear again aud the itching would accompany them. After i suffered about ten years 1 made a renewed effort to effect, a cure. The erup tions by tnis time bad appeared on every part of my body except my face and hands. The best doctor in my native county advised me to use arsenic in small uoses and a salve. 1 then used to bathe the sores in a mixture which gave almost intolerable pain. Jn addition 1 used other remedies, such as iodine, sulphur, zinc 'salve, ; 's Salve, Ointment, and in fact 1 was continually giving some rem cdy a fair trial, nver using less than one or two boses or bottles. All this was fruitless. Finally my heir began to fall out r.nd I was -apidly becoming bald, i used 's but it did no good. A ie.y- months after, having used almost everything else, i thought 1 would try Chfticura Ointment, naving previously used Cuticura Soap and being pleased with it. After using three boxes 1 was completely cured, and my tyair was restored, after fourteen y3ars of suffering and u expen diture of at least $50 to ?60 in vaini en deavoring to iind a cure. 1 shall be glad io write to any one who may be interested in iny cure. B. Hiram Mattingly, Ver million, S. Dak.. Aug. 18, 1906." How poor are they that have not patience ! Shakespeare. Always to Be Depended Upon. When a person gets up in the morning with a dull headache and a tired, stretchy feeling, it ia an almost certain indication that the liver, or bowels, or both, are de cidedly out of order. At such times Nature, the wisest and beat of all doctors, takes this means to give warning that she needs the help and gentle assistance which can best be ob tained from that old family'remedy, Brand reth's Pills, which has been in use for over a century. They are the same fine laxative tonic pill your grandparent used, when doctors were few and far between and when peo ple had to haTe a remedy that could ab solutely be depended upon. Brandreth's Pills can be depended upon and are sold in every drug and r"dicine stcwe. either .plain or sucax-ccatec. Cabbage Plants! I -m now iirtvvrM to fiH cr1r for n Cclobrated CABBAGE PLANTS in any qumtit desired. EARLY JKKSEY WAKEFIELD Earliest and best sure header. am:ll type. CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD-About ton rtay later than Early Jersey's, also a ure header of fine izo. SUCOESSIOV-Bet known nre hiding varlftr C large flat cabbage, later than Charleston Wakenald. These plants r from the very bert tested seeds and grown in the open air and will stand severe col l with out injury. All orders are filled from th name bede that 1 am using for my extensive cabbage farms, bat Wfaction guaranteed. Prices f. o. b. hera. packoi In light lozei: SHOfor 81,01. 1,003 to 5,03 ) at 81.50 per M. iJ,033 to 10,033 at St. 35 per UK. Special price on Iargor Tintitis. All order Vir I 0. O. D. when not asoompaarel by remittance. CHAS. M. GIBSON. Young's Island, S. C. CABBAGE Plants! CELERY Plants!, ann all kinds of garden pUtit,Can now furnish all kinds of cubbage cants, crown In the onea air and srul stand great cold, tirown frost rds of th j mt reliable seedsmen. We use (he some plants oa our thotuana acre truok farm. Plants carefully oounted and properly peek ed Olerr read v last of Des. Lenuoe. ouion and Beet plam. same same or earlier. Reduced ex r res rates promised . which, when effective. will give us Hi) per cnt. les than mercnndlse rates. Prices: Small low l.SU per thousand, large lot tl.00 to 1.23 per thouan J. P. O. B. Meg-a-tt. 3. C. Arlington white Spine Cucumber Seed 6w euts per pound, e.O. B.. Menetts. S. 0. The Catted States Agricultural Department has established an Experimental Station on our farms, to test all kinds Of Tesetable especially Cabbages. 1 he results of thee experiment we will be pleased to five you at any alma.-Yours respectf ully.-W. 0. BLlTCH COMPAKY, MKfiUSTTs, mm. SAM JONES LIFE AND SAYINGS BY HIS "WIFE Agents are coining money. Send 50c for Canvassing Outfit and Contract for territory. B 00 J. B. NICHOLS & CO., T&NT AGENTS WANTED aArT Virtue conquers envy. Motto of the Scotch Earle of Galloway. UTTERLY WORN OUT. Vitality Sapped by Years of Suffering "With Kidney Trouble. Capt. J. W. Hogun, former post master of Indianola, now living at Austin, Texas, writes: "I was afflicted for years with pains across the loins and in tho hips and shoulders. I had headache also and neura.gia. My right eye, from pain, was of little- use to constant flow of iinne kept my system depleted, caus ing nervous chills and night sweats. After trying seven different climates and using all kinds of medicine I had the good fortune to hear of Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy has cured me. I am as well to-day as I was twenty years ago, and my eyesight is perfect." bold by all dealers, fi bos. Foster-Milburn Ca me for yrs. The h; v cents a Buffalo, John White & Co. LOUISVILLE, KY. Established 1837 Elf best market price paid for raw FURS and Hides. Vool OB SteasaHaJesb Droosv CURED GiV33 Quick BallAsT - gss Removes all rwelUnsr In 8 to 20 days ; c fleets a permanent cure In 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment en free, rtotmnscan be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green's Seas. Specialists. Bex B Atlanta, Ga. I HICKS' I CAPUDINE IMMEDIATELY CLRES HEADACHES Breaks up COLDS IN e TO IS HOURS A Birmingham firm which makea a specialty of hand whistles has a metallic design reputed to "carry" a distance of two miles, which has re cently been adopted by the police force in many of the large towns. ... J

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