(Eotmtij j f Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VCrtII. COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1907. NO. 3. m i k csii ii m5 of Interest from Many Parts of the State IB . .1 1 "V a ' 1 fl fc U C Ban v I II I V I'M Br VJT-T "-v ' s - i ui i i a a i m a a b m am b b aa i i at)tK li-Ilis VI AH.V1U Ul JUvm AlUJIWiV j? lr t T..4 ance Tcld in Paragraphs The Cot ton Markets. Our Slate at Jamestown. leigh, Special. Commissioner nnsrown reposition commission, a SW. TT 1 . l 1 .i 1 A. i." A. J. - J. i jus i nai it requires constant aicen- m to keep things on the move. The anaemeni or iiie i ransuuriaLiuu ut;- 2. - -O j. a : .1 niiivifinf hoc rAAn L-minK' lOOl IP 1 11 i 1 s. oke of one ear oi' show eases for ortii Carolina which have been loan- U UUlUaUcu seven iiuio. j.ii-h, iu". i i "i i i.: rpi... e official decorators and carpenters ave neen outrageously oenina wua 1 A 1 1 1 1 I i L c an vi me vvui tv.. nu savs viiul ' the freights had been delivered iihin ten days after arrival at the 1 t M A 1 A. 1 -. inlatirai hnd been eomnleted bv the ontraef time, practically all ot tne ill ill "wCaA UlAUa CAUlUibO tYlSllLll ' i : lift lilt-1 II tH ! U' I I ; f V I 1.. ,i ivT ISO of the North Carolina il 1 1 ' 1 " I .11 pttcn mius maKe exmuus ana nave i - .a(ht m-A 4- .1 r Mari - y- P i - t- i it in haying their department corn reh nsive and it will illustrate all aids of textile work done in the late, si me of which will be a sur- lo Mortal uaiuuuas ami iu in a public. The furniture men ave two exhibits and will show ii ai a! a l vr ..ii. r i: i i Ml! Ill v, uvhU iv w ii h i i 1 1 rf ii a i' is rifiwiv i r i. 'ifh i i . i i ill it M All I I ni ii i i: f a istie furniture which will con inc people that they need not send - r - i i Uraud Rapids or anywhere out of rif niaie u irei ueauuiui ucsikus anu Xl'f iittil WlllMUftilBLllll. Thi North Carolina building at the fan.!'-Lown Exposition is to be turned vei' by the contractor May 25th. It s rYnt known whether there will be ;u!v i-c!t!'i!iit's ot ueuication or nor. ThV i.-uWin- complete and fnrmlinwV ,.,, u;., i;i- d;oo ooo rooms have been furnished as i i i t n im "iwi rtAn tti M i I l n n nui' nr j o int Ki nt iwnn ami lliuii iuuiii. Miff, Greorffe Vanderbiit furnished the re- ppp!:ui room throughout all the ar- ti;- in it being the products of the hi'i ; ;tal School, at Biltmore. She lias al her own exuense had this room paneled in oak. She takes a great ilo:; of interest ill the whole affair and Bo loom in any of the State buildings wi!' he more attractive than this one. One of the best known furniture man ufaeturers in the State furnishes an a. - other room and it is hoped that other nniivifaeturers will follow their ex ample and furnish other rooms, as it uives public spirit and at the same time ilustrate in the handsomest fash ion what is being done in the State The North Carolina building will be in charge of some specially appointed persons or person all the time and during North Carolina week, August 12fh to 17th, Governor and Mrs. Glenn w ill be in entire control of it,, as the !, mission will for that week turn tiif b"ilding over to them. It is ex pwted that on Thursday of that week, Mien will be a general reception on a verv lame scale, as that will be uNorth Carolina Dav." A. Large Bequest for Guilford College h Point. N, C, Special. Mr. J ' ' x. one of the trustees of Gutl ' College, has received the encour aews from Chicago that large ' " '. -"t has been left to said college ; ' ; the i'Wle B. Hill estate. Mi " was related to James J. Hill, the ' ''.v magnate, and has relatives in NT 'ii Carolina. North State Notes. splendid monument to Cleveland 11 lily's Confederate soldiers was unveiled on May 10th. Col. Locke ! . was the brilliant orator of the "'r.sion. tate Veterinarian Butler, who ' ' to Polk county to investigate the red case of glanders, finds it was that disease but merely an abscess (-t the tooth. Ihn Bethel a notorious negro was and killed while attempting to " from the convict camp of kVi 1 county near Wake Forest. He ': sentenced to four years for lar He escaped from jail some s ago, leading several other pris- 4 insurance Commissioner Youngmles 1 . 00 life insurance-company doing u lIJess in North Carolina shall issue sPecia or board contracts or sell s t0ck in connection with its pol- .s" "'is is to prevent rebating and tended to place all citizens. of the e. uPonthe same basis as far as insurance contracts are concern- TAR HEEL CfKP BULLETIN Condition of North Carolina Crops for the Past Week as Given Out by the Department Conditions for Week Ending Monday, May 6. The weather was very favorable during the past week in most re spects. The temperature was slight ly above normal, and the rainfall was also somewhat above normal but was unevenly distributed. Tuesday and Wednesday were fair. On Thursday and Friday heavy rains fell in the eastern half of the State and moderate rains in the west ern half. These rains were in gener al beneficial, but some correspondents report too much rain, the effect be ing to delay farming operations. Some hail -fell but no damage result ed. The remainder of the week was fair. The temperature was highest on the first two days of the week, and the highest temperature reported was 90 deerees on May 1st in Lenoir County, du-ring the remainder of the week, the temperature was moderate except on Friday when the lowest tempera ture was generally reported. A. H. Thissen, Section Director. Greensboro Female College Com mencement. Greensboro, Special. Folowing is the programme of the exercises of the commencement of the Greensboro Fe male College : Sunday evening, May 19. Sermon before Y. W. C. A., bv the Rev. W. A. Lambeth. Monday evening. May 20. Recital by expression students. Tuesday, May 21, at 11 a. m. Bac calaureate sermon by the Rev. W. J. Young, D. D., Richmond, Va. Tuesday, 4 p. m. Alumnae even ing. Tuesday, 8 p. m. Piano recital. ttttder the auspices of the alumnae ss;- t;itun. bv Claude Roberson. u euti-sday morning, May 22, at 9 :30 o V ?.!;. Graduating exercises ; reading o! :hescs; conferring certifi- iratesy ipl4Ttf. Bibles, etc. Literary address at 11 a. m., bv Dr. C Alphonso iMnith, university ot North Carolina. Wednesday, S:30 p. m. Annual concert. A most cordial invitation is ox- tended to the public, especially former students, to attend these exercises. Officers Seize 50-Gallen Still. Fayetteville, Special. Saturday night Sheriff Watson with Deputy Sheriff Culbreth seized one of the big gest " moonshiner oututs ever cap tured in this county, composing a 50-g-ahon stiil and t,LS JO g-Ji'ub of beer, situated at ,he liead of an immense aii berry s.vv.ri in lit ii.lert p.ut ot Rockhsh township. The blocka- ders were evident I3 resting at home, but every thing was ready for the night work of turning: beer into whiskey. Fatally Stabbed. Wilmington, Special Sunday night in the northern part of the city Geoi wr 1 ar- 1 itt ii ge 5rown and itooer: yaiker, an adopted son of Maj. Andrew Walker, an officer of the colored troops in the Spanish-Americrt war from this State, became involved in a difficiulfcv with the result that Walker stabbed Brown to death, a long knife having penetrated the breast between the ribs in the region of the heart. JJrewn ran a block and fell dead in the streot Walker, who is but 15 years of age, made his esea?. Brown was 19. The coroner held an inquest at the city hall and fixed the responsibility of the killing on Walker North State Items. A charter has been granted the In vestment Company of Wilmington. Hugh McRae being the principal stockholder, the capital stock being $200,000. Corporation Commissioner Roger: has gone to investigate complaints made by persons at several points on the line of the Transylvania Railway, between Toxaway and Hendersonville. The Greensboro High School Ath a. 1 I 'l"lll.l letic Association has decided mat no member of the tiiffh school baseball or football teams will be allowed to play until he has signed a pledge stating that he will not under any cir- cumstances take a drink of whiskey while he is away on a tri to play or while the team is together for prac tice, State Veterinarian Butler has gone to Tryon to investigate the cause of glanders existing there. It is a very dangerous and deadly disease, and is communicated to human beings. It is the first case reported in North Carolina in almost a year. This State is remarkably free from it. COURT 111 1 111 Court Decides That Druggists Must Not "Black-List" OLD PRACTICES AT AN END Decree of United States District. Court Pereptually Enjoins it From Continuing Operations. Indianapolis, Ind., Special. The so called "drug trust" Avas perpetually enjoined from continuing its opera tions by the entering of a decree in the United States Circuit Court for the district of Indiana on the com plaint of the United States govern ment filed by Joseph B. Kealing, United States district attorney. The defendants, 92 in number, who are the members, officers, directors, agents and attorneys of the Nation al Association ot Ketail Druggists, with the National Wholesale Drug gists' Association, tri-partite proprie tors "black list manufacturers," "direct contract proprietors," f ll'lwtl AOfl 1 1 i(nt'l,nif iMiOUVltlf AVC! and Charles C. Bombaugh, are pre- petually enjoined from combining and conspiring to restrain trade in drugs, fix prices by agreement, black list retailers who cut prices, or to re fuse to sell to any retailer on equal terms. All publication of black lists is forbidden and all contracts and agreements covered by the charges and declared void. The direct contract- serial number plan is prohibited as well as the secur ing of the adoption of schedules for the sale of drugs. Charles G. Bombaugh was charged .i rt a j " i a in the bill or complaint wun being engaged in printing and circulating lists called black lists, which contain ed the narries of druggists throughout the country who sold proprietary ar ticles and medicines at prices less than those which the alleged combina tion ordered. As charged, he mailed a list each month to every retail and wholesale druggist in the United States who be longed to the association, of those ac- ivilii-u l' inv.. UJOwi.iiiiv-ii. vi. w.v eased of cnttinp priT.d V suit of this, these " aggressive cut ters" as they were called, Could not buy goods. It was further charged that those accused bf cutting prices on proprie tary medicines, were unable to pur chase any kind of drugs from the members of the several asociations. All such practices are perpetually en joined. HEIR TO SPANISH THRONE. Young Queen Gives Birth to a Son and There is Great Public Rejoic ing. Madrid, By Cable. The neAvs that the direct male succession to the throne of Spain had been assured by the birth Friday of a son to Queen Victoria sent a thrill of rejoicing throughout the country and at night the happy event is being celebrated from one end of the land to another. Mother and child are both doing well. The hurried departure of royal mes sengers form the palace at 10 o'clock to summon the courtiers and the mem bers of the diplomatic corps gave the first indicatiof that the birth was im- minent The usual gathering outside j the Palace court yard was soon swel- led by immense throngs of the excit- ed populace, who watched the con tinued stream of brilliantly uniformed personages driving up to the royal residence and tried to identity the in dividuals. When the event was finally announced there ws great public de monstration of iov. Congratulations were later received from all. parts of the world. Lynchburg Box Factory Burned. Lynchburg, Special. The box fac tory belonging to R. E. Mitchell, in the East End, was destroyed by lire entailing a loss aggregating about $5; 000, with $2,600 insurance on- stock, building and equipment. It is be lieved that spontaneous combustion caused the fire. Three nearby dweil- inffS ignited, but the firemen saved them. Entire Train Leaves Rails. Chicago, Special. One woman was killed, and three score other persons injured in a wreck on the Chici- go, Burlington & Quincy Railroad at the crossing of that line with Hamlin avenue in the southwestern part of the city. The woman whose life was lost was Mrs. Mary Miller, widow of Thomas Miller, formerly traffic man ager of the Burlington road. Fully 40 passengers were injured, but in j so slight a manner that they did not report their injuries to the police. Idaho Miners Arraigned on the Charge of Murder HAYWOOD CASE ! :GAN FIRST Defense Motion For Bill of Particu lars Overruled, Judge Declaring It Came Too Late Moyer, Pettibone and Orchard, Charged Jointly With Haywood for Murder of Former Governor Stuenenberg, Will Be Tried as Circumstances Dictate. Boise, Idaho, Special. By overrul ing the motion of thi defense for a bill of particulars setting forth what -slt!?,: former Governor Frank Stuenenberg, I 1 1 -l , vn-v I , . 4- il" .J'j. MS i K I ... j . i. I Judge Fremont Woodj of the District 4.2 i -r: . Judge Wood held that the request Df Haywood's counsel for a more ex- phcit statement of- the charges against the prisoners it an early stage of the proceedings, jln cases where oiiis or particulars are auowaoie, Judge Wood, who is to preside over the trials of the aeciised miners, de- clared the motions fe ' made before the indictments are Meadede' to and before the cases are t for trial. Haywood i the wmt 'of four men accused of complicity in the mnder of Stueneneberg, to be tried. The othersJvMoyer, Petti bone and Orchard, the last cf whom is said to havl made a confes sion, wirP be tried as circumstances dictate, following the conclusion of the proceedings against Haywood. The prisoner his counsel and the J attorneys especially retained to hand le the case and plead the cause of the accusing State, are ready for the long ordeal in court. The first, and one of the greatest, tasks of court, is to pro- cure a jury and that will be com- menced Thursday morning as soon as Sheriff Hedgin has intoned the formal cry. opening the conU- The victim of the-Caldwell assas- sinalion, long a coipicious figure ia J . . ' o - T O ijl, Jl thf State, wa. possibly known to jiundreos ot citi- zens ot Adair comity, and personal alignment and paitasanship on the labor question in wfiieh the prisoner m -m i t n. X U n -a and his co-deiendanfs were lor a Jong time active leader! is general, so that it is a difficult" task to find men free from the disqualifications that ii r ii ii l i. ii-- uuni mem ior me ipgn amy ui jurur. Many men who -know the comment well, and who add? to their calcula tion the farther handicap of appre hension of future violence for revenge take the extreme vijpw that it will be impossible to ret H lury, but the weight of opinion m against this ex treme conclusion. V One of the counsel for the prisoners says "The broader thap Scone of the case offered by the Stajte, the better we :fhall be satisfied. 7 Nearly 40 correspondents for press associstions and nevspapers have come here to report the case, and special wire arrangements have been made for the transmission of the des patches. Killed by JMve Wire. . . Si i Greensboro, N. (S Special. Ernest Keech, of this city", was killed at 1 . . m w a Lhattanooga, xenim by coming in contact with a livefwire while at work on top of a telephone pole. News was received here by Ms mother, who re sides on Walker avenue. The body will arrive in the cfty Thursday after- soon and will bell taken to the old home at Tarboro for interment. Tlu young man was 20 years of age and was well known Mere. He was em ployed by the East Tennessee Tele phone Company, f Chattanooga. Anchored Because of Fog. New York, Spejcial. The steamer Baltic, which sailed Friday in re ported aground of Sandy Hook. The fog is very heavy n that vicinity and the only possible communication with the steamer is ; by wireless. The White Star line people report that the Baltic is no aground but has anchored because pi the dense fog. R Explosion Causes 18 Deaths. Johannesburg, 'Brans vaal, By Cable. An explosion occurred at the Mod-der-Fontein gold fiine. Three whites and 15 natives were killed. la Drownd in $ub of Water. Spencer, N. C.,f Special. A 1-year old child of Jolnf Botts, an employe of the Southern Railway Company at Spencer, was drowned m a tub of water at the home near Spencer Thursday afternoon. While about her household duties the mother left the child playing in tjjie yard. Returning a few minutes later she found it dead in the tub. uuun uj. .uair cuiuuv, eiearea ine th-g gtate where he has a wife and wno were reiurmng nome irom uie way for the trial of William D. Hay- gix children He had been working annual meeting of the Imperial Coun wood, .secretary of ti Western Fed- tip firp wtM of the Ancient Arabic Order of Ii ill BY QUIT lilt Murder Maniac Works Havoc in Boarding House AN INDISCRIMINATE BUTCHER A San Francisco Carpenter, Suddenly Becoming Unbalanced Goes Through Boarding House Dealing Death Right and Left With a Double Barrelled Shotgun. San Francisco, Special. Walter Charlie Davis, a carpenter in a fit of insanity shot and killed six per- 80ns at 414 Pierre street in this city Davis and his victims all reside with ducted ay boardiuu. hous'e. Davis C7 a home wflg m Fai.mville, near Visalya, nm. wifVi Q A rill- W(1.ll!irrfiiiP,1 "swPn. Davis, who sl t in the same' room with young n R h d w E BeKYX rose sbortlv after 5 o'clock and shot his L ;oom mate After killing Bush A Beard. Davis took a box of shells from a shelf and talked down the i,i,vflv wHavp hp met Mrs. Lillie Crothers a boarder, who had heard tbe first'two shots and had come to her doorway to find out what was the remaining shell, shot Mrs. Or- zon Bush. M. E. Vinton, a govern-- ment surveyor who had recently come here from New York, was killed as he lav in bed. Orzon Bush, Sr., heard the shooting and rushed up stairs where he was v.-ii iinoto, v,..t Bush made a desperate fidit for his life His body was fOUnd as it had alten at the head of the stairs. Seventeen-year-old Annie Bush came runni ' into the hallway and met Davis. He turned the gun upon the ffirl, aiming at her head. The girl fOUnd voice to say, " Please don't kill me." and the shot drop- per from Davis hands. i can't do it," he said. "You I X Vail V WV IU IR CKI1U. i UU a good girl. Besides, you Mk l gfce mv own child, and I would see xer face if j killed vou." U hen the policemen came to arrest 1 , 'un j i , ms he fought like a demon and a r)av I ,11 - Ct- . (XI riot call was turned m Seven offi- cers responded m an automobile. Two officers engaged Davis in conversa tion while the others got behind him and pinoned his arms. He was then removed to the detention hospital. Exposition Secures Loan. Washington, Special. Secretary Cortelyou and Assistant Secretary the air and fell directly on the de Edwards of the Treasury Department molished locomotive. Nearly every held a conference with officials of the person in the dining car was instant- Jamestown Exposition Company, President Tucker, Chairman Johnson and Mr. Elyson of the board of gov- ernors of the exposition being pres- ent. Details of the proposed loan of $400,000 by the company were sub- mitted4and approved. This fund will enable the company to pay off all out- standing obligations and leave a bal- ance sufficient for proper operating expenses. Unearthed Land Frauds. Seattle, Wash., Special. Six secret service operatives ars working in western Washington unearthing a series of land frauds that are declar ed to be more astounding in their far reaching character than the discov eries made in Oregon or California. A secret service operative in the con fidence of President Roosevelt has just been sent to the coast to take charge of the work and assemble the evidence that has been accumulated for presentation to special officers of the Department of Justice. Tot False Imprisonment. Chattauooga, Special. Capt. J. F. Shipp, Sheriff of this county, is de fendant in a damage suit brought for $2,500 on ac-'iunt of false imprison ment of Mrs. Bertha Brown, a high ly respectable resident of Hill City two of the Sheriff's deputies are charged with personal responsibility for the false arrest, and the Sheriif is held to be accountable for their acts. Robbers Hold Up Butte, .Mont, Special. Train. The north coast limited, east bound train No. 22 on the Northern Pacific Railway, was held up by two masked men near Welch's Spur, a siding 18 miles east of Butte at 2:15' Tuesday morning. Engineer James Clow was shot and killed and Fireman James Sullivan was shot through the arm. Without making an attempt to blow up the ex press ear, as was evidently intended, the robbers jumped from the engine and ran down the mountain side, dis appearing in a gulch several hundred yards from the track. 1 Swift Running Excursion Spe cial Totally Demolished MANY MORE INJURED WILL DIE Special Train Carried 145 Shriners and Friends Returning From Los Angeles Locomotive Struck De fective Switch While Running 50 1 Miles an Hour, Turning Somer sault. Santa Barbara, Cal., Special. Tir- tv-one dead and a spnre tninred rim- Drise the casulties o the wreek fct Honda Satnrdav of the TsrnfliHa sn, train of New York and Pennsyl- i i n j i r xl i ia of the Mvetlc Shrine, the Nobles of the Mystic Shriners al Los Angeles. The train carrying 145 Shriners and friends from Ismailia Temple, Buffalo; Rajah Temple, Reading, Pa., and neighboring cities was rushing northward at 50 miles and hour on the Southern Pacific coast line when the locomotive struck a defective switch at the sand-swept sea coast siding of Honda near the waters of the Pacific T' m fi ra"rfa t i ii. . i i The locomotive turned a sumersault m? the yielding - sands. The cars swirled through the air and landed on the fiery mass of wrecked steel. The coaches were crushed to debris, and took fire. The flames were soon extinguished by uninjured persons from the rear coaches. As Honda ls isolated it was not till late Sunday ""U1.u ,. u eoueetea. ine bodies ot victims now he m ,SaGnta TBa.rba. alld.ft2!ir more are at San Luls 0blsP- S 10 uTea ,many or w,nom are emmy hurt, and some of whom may die, are in two sanitariums at San Luis Obis po. The wreck occurred at 2:35 o'clock one hour and 45 minutes after the party had left Santa Barbara, where I 11 1 j . . 1 L I Jg1..-? t seeing. Tne statement that the train was making a terrifie speed when if f , . . , . out y the tact that it covered the Gl ' -.j . , c , Uavu WJ- ajl VV1VVU lldl IV J 1 UIU 1 HUlUl Barbara to H(mda m m The loeomotive in leayi th lg tore up the track, twisting the huge steel rails into fish hooks. The bag gage car half buried itself in the sand on the right side of the locomotive. It was smashed almost to kindliny wood- The dinine car. in which Were 32 persons eating luncheon, leaped into I ly killed. Scores were scalded bv steam escaping from disconnected pipes. The rear coaches rushed on the first wreckage, jamming it on those who might otherwise have escaped. Several pinioned in the debris were roasted alive. Engineer Frank Champlain was pitched with the cab 25 feet beyond the engine. He got up nd ran a mile, l ?lllrt n a seemng netp oeiore ne discovered that his arm was broken and that he was severely scalded. Only two of the nine men of the dining car crew are numbered among the dead. The re mainder, though cooped up in the nar row kitchen and pantry, sustained only cuts and bruises. A last call for luncheon had just sounded a few minutes before the disaster. Embezzler Surrenders. Charlotte, N. C, Special. The ex pected happened Saturday morning when Mr. Franc H. Jones, the default ing assistant cashier of the Charlotte National Bank, suddenly appeared c. the city and voluntarily surrendred himself into the custody of the Unit ed States officers to answer the charge preferred against him. that of embez zlement. Mr. Jones arrived on South ern passenger train No. 44, which came in a few minutes before 6 o'clock . He was accompanied by his wife and his attorney. Mr. C. D,. Ben nett. A preliminarv hearing: was" given him Saturday night, and he was released on a bond of $10,000. $380,000 Improvement Bonds. Richmond, Va., Special. The Rich mond, Fredericksburg & Potomae Railroad Company sold $3S0.0C0 of 3 1-2 per cent 40 year gold bonds to the Richmond-Washington Company to provide funds for the Richmond, Frederisksbunr & Potomac portion of the cost of double tracking the belt line around Richmond, and to buy new rolling stock. The Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac will pur rhwsm immediately 100 ijew stee1 rv-al cars and 200 new steel underframe box cars. On July 1 next the per diem hire of freight cars will be in creased from 25 cents to 50 cents. 51 I 1