fiE POLK COUNTY HEWS. feUFORD F. WILLIAMS Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, ..... Six Months, -5 "three Months, . 25 g Always in Advance. PHONE XTc. 2. Thursday, may 16, 1907. TRYON NEWS. t)eath Of Miss Lucy Stearns Marriage Of Otto Oppelt Bond Issue. ritteft for Tbc News. Tfon, May 31th, Miss Lucy Stearns died Monday afternoon at 4 p m at the Mimosa Hotel, Lynn, from heart failure. She liad been seriously ill for only a lew days and her death was a shock to her many friends who were unaware of her serious ill ness. Miss Lucy Stearns was the daughter of D. E. Stearns. Her brother W. H. Stearns, form erly manager of the Mimosa Hotel but now managing a hotel in An nistbn, Ala., was here on a visit last Friday, not thinking that she wa dangerously sick. The interment took place Wednesday morning at the Tryon Cemetery. A Spartanburg special to the Charleston News and Courier, May 9. says Otto Oppelt, of Lynn, N. C. and Miss Olive Pack a handsome young woman of this city, were married to-day in the office of Dr. S. S. Daniel, a den tist of this city, who demonstrat ed that he knew how to pull off love affairs to successful termi nation as well as pull out teeth. The wedding took place under trying and exciting circumstan ces. The race between the young couple to get married and the bride's brother to stop the cere mony was won by the lovers in cui cvcuasu uiusii. xt nau uetiii arranged for Mr. Oppelt and Miss Pack to be married in the dental office. The Rev. D. W. Keller was on hand when they arrived, and just as he was about to be gin the ceremony the brother of the bride rushed in and sought to stop the wedding. Dr. Daniel invited him into an adjoining room, and while talking with the irate brother trying to smooth matters over Mr, Oppelt and Miss Pack were being married in an other room. Mr, Oppelt is in charge of the dye-room of the Tryon Hosiery Co., Lynn. T. C. Poppe, book-keeper of the Tryon Hosiery Co., attended the meeting of the national Schutzen Band of America in Charleston last week. Mr. Poppe was formerly a resident of Char leston. W. H. Smith, Southern Rail way day operator, left yesterday for Florida, via his former home in Knoxville. G. F. Hill, the night operator will succeed him. Mr. Smith has made many friends in Tryon, who regret to see him leave. t Osborne T.iooney, Tryon' s well known barber has been sick for some time, hence the grizzly ap pearence of some of our fellow citizens. The adocates of the bond issue held a rousing mass meeting at the school house Saturday after noon at 4 p m. The meeting was presided over by F. S. Wil cox and speeches were made by L. Ballenger, A. L. Hill, S.B. Talley, G. H. Holmes, R. F, W. AUston, F. S. Wilcox and others and several important converts were made. Geo A, Gash, T. A Sizemore and J, B Pace have formed a company foMhe manufacture of laths and other like building ma tt la's. The mill is-located in the Pacolet Valley on the properity of J. B. Pace. Church Directory. COLUMBUS, N. C Baptist Rev. W. W. Jones pastor, P. O. Address, Campobello, S. C. Preaching 2nd. Sundays at II a. m. and on Saturday before at 2 p. in. Sabbath School every Sunday 10 a. ni J. P. Arledge, Snpt. Presbyterian T. C. Croker, pastor. Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays af II. a in. Sunday School Every Sunday 10 a. m. C C. Hampton, Supt. SECRET ORDER. Knights of Pythias J E. Shipman, C. C J. P. Arledge, K. of R. and S. Meets every Tues. night in hall over P. O. BUSINESS. Livery Stable J. W. Newman, Prop. Columbus, N. C Lawyers J. E. Shipman and E . B . Cloud. . Polk County Telephone Co. J. G Hughes Manager and Miss Ada Walke .Ex. Operator Columbus, N. C. Hotel J. P. Arledge Prop. Columbus, N. C Railroad Station Tryon, N. C Private Boarding Mrs. C. C Hampton T. E. Walker. Lumber Monufacturers Cloud & West Columbus N. C. A twelve horse-power gaso lene engine is being used for -motive power, and the mill is now in operation. C. An Able Sermon. Last Sunday, the following were candidates for Baptism and were Baptised at the Columbus Baptist Church: Misses Nellie Smith, Ola Walk er, May Mills, and Messrs John Smith, and Herman Walker. Mrs. Walker Arledge, and Mr. Wash ington Hill, joined by letter. After the Baptising, Pastor Jones preached a most able ser mon; portraying in his eloquent manner, the life and trials of Joseph. He showed clearly the greatness, of the Almighty and the dependences of the finite man, using Joseph's story as his theme. This was masterly interwoven making one of Mr. Jones strongest sermons. One of the largest audiences that have attended this year, heard Rev. Jones. T Get your Job Printing done at the News Office. The Cheapest place can be found. Give us a trial. To Subscribers . When you see a blue T cross mark like this on your paper you will know that your subscripton expires with that issue. We urge you to renew at once in order that you may not miss an issue. If there is a mis take, or at least, if you think there is, you are earnestly requested to notify us by mail or call at The News. office and let us reason to gether. We guarantee you Will go away satisfied hat that the publishers are look ing to your interest as well as their own. AGENTS I HSYtqhy I AGENTS THE GREATEST BOOK. OF THE DAY k "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" By Dr. J. William Jonm -. AGENTS REPORTS I f.J C. "Worked one day. received 10 orders. " -?ln ho3re- L R Anders. exaa Workeu one day, got 12 oiders." APPLY AT ONCE TO ygEMARTIN g HOYT CO., AtlftntaG. Subscribe for The News. SALUDA NEWS. Nuniciple Election Melrose Inn Opens Fc The Summer Other News. -Special to The News. Saluda, May 14. The munici pal election went off very quietly O.B.Garren was elected Mayor, by a big majority. Dr. E. B. Golet Q, C. Sooner, E L. Patterson and E. T. Burgess Aldermen, if m John A Garmany has been lfe elected by the new boarh of torn commisioners as city marshal for a term of two years. Mr. many is an excellent officer. Eft i Miss Emma S. Heriot and Mrs McKinsey of Charleston, arrived Thursday to open Melrose Inn, for the summer. Mr. J. H. Sullinan and wifj Mr. McClain, and Mrs. Kninghj of Asheville, are guests at Mri W. C. Robertsons'. Dr. Golet is in New York, visK iting his daughter, Mr. B. JohrU son his assistant, has charge of the pharmacy department this week. 1 The new orpan at the Baptisf church, adds much i ire appear! ance of the church. Miss Grace5 Thorn has been elected assistant; organist. I Sheriff Robertson and wife: ii have returned from Raleigh. Citizen. 6 pi Browning Vs Lee. In the case Browning vs Lee, heard before Judge Justice at Rutherforpton last week, Judge Jnstice dissolved the restrained against J. B. Turner selling his land to the Lee's of Landrum. In the case, G. Browning got an option about 8 or 9 months ago and failed to have it record ed in the Register's office. J. B Turner gave Lee an option on the same land, claiming that the op tion given to Browning was for only six months. Lee had his option recorded at once and Browing his afterwards. Brown ing filed an injunction against Lee, this last court; it was then taken before Judge Justice. The land in controversy is the the cotton mill site chosen by the Lees. J. B. Turner the present own er of the land, has the right to sell this properity to Lee and make a deed for same. Sam Hood Captured. Sam Hood, who has been flee ing from the law for a year and a half, was captured last week near Mill Spring, by one of Sher iff Robertson's deputies. Hood, it will be remembered, was charg ed with larceny and carrying concealed weapon. On hearing the alligations that were to be brought against hirn, he fled to South Carolina, and was not heard of until last week. He had a preliminary hearing and was released on a $200 bond, J. D. Carpenter being his bonds man. A Big Tree. Mr. C. C. Collins an energetic saw mill man of Landrum, tells us that he cut and sawed a white pine tree, out of which he got 10 ttyelve ft. logs, ana 4 ten feet logs, makin a total of 23,000 feet of lumber out oi o c ti ee. This tree was cut on Mr. Jim Green's place in Polk county. Your teeth axe like the stars," he said The maiden's face grew brew bright 'Yourt teeth are like the stars," he said, "They all come out at night." Of all the fruits in the land, That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest ones For Rocky Mountain Tea. For sale by E.E. Missildine, Tryon and A.McMurray, Colum bus. We can do that Job Pr int ing. See us. MILL SPRING HAPPENINGS. Wri'tea for The News. Mill Si . ing, May .14. The "nany friends of Dr. H. H. Edwards are glad to see him out again. W. A. Mills of Green River, was in town last Monday. Several people of Polk county, attended the Old Soldiers Reun ion at Rutherfordton the 10th. Mr. 0. T. Baynard arid little son of Landrum, were in Mill Spring on business; while hfre, Mr. Baynard had the misfortune to loose his fine horse. We are sorry to report Mr. Grayson Arledge's condition no better. J. D. Gibson preached an in teresting sermon last Sunday at Bethlehem. Mr. B. R. Ledbetter of Blan tyre, attended services, at Beth lehem last Sunday. Rev. W. W. Wamock will preach at Bethlehem, first Sun day in June at 11 a m. The District Conference will convene at Rutherfordton May 23rdt We wish our new editor, Mr. B. F. Williams, much success in his efforts to render our County paper interesting to its many readers. H. MELVIN HILL NEWS. Written for The News. Melvin Hill May 14 We are .sorry to note the illness of Mrs. N. E. Jackson. i 1 Miss Fannie Brock, of Finger fville is visiting Misses Ola and Ella Gilbert, si- Mr. and Mrs. S, E. Head, vis ited relatives in Caroleen, Satur day and Sunday. Quite a number of the young people of this place attended ser- fices at Edon Sunday. I '1 Roland Gilbert, who has been attending school at Asheville, Has gone to Arkwright S. C. to irork until school reopens. I The Farmers of this section ae very busy replanting. We are prepared to do all ds os Job Printing. See us before placing your next order. A number of people took in tfe Circus at Landrum Tuesday. I lArtists have no trouble in secur ng-models. The famous beaut -es, have discharged corsets and hae become models in face and fom since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents Tel or Tablets. For sale by E.E. Misildine, Tryon and A. L.Mc Murray, Columbus. ml if, A. Chevalier, spent severa1 da$s in Spartanburg this week on business. BEST FOR THE SOUTH. SEED POTATOES ONE OF OUR LEADING SPECIALTIES. We have thousands of barrels in etock; the best riaine-grown and Virginia Second Cron Seed. Wood's 1902 Catalogue gives i uuiupuiiime crop results, DOin as tQ.earliness and yield, with Maine gisown and Second-crop seed. It aJiio contains much nthpr nfl P atid valuable information about Potatoes. Write for Catalogue and Social Potato Price List. Wood's Descriptive Catalogue for 1902 gives rl iible. practical, up-to-datje l information about all Seeds, pivinc no&only descri ptions, but the best crops to grow, mcst successful ways of grow ing different crops, and much other in forrhation of special interest to ererv Tracker, Gar denerlan d Farmer. Mailed fretj upon request. Wood & Sons, Seedsmen. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Truckers and Farmers requiring large quantities of seeds are requested C P V C M A 0ld Sore8' ,tchln9 Pes, LU LlT i A? Skin Diseases, BSHJTELY CURED. HERMIT SATvr ... I2? ND 60 CENTS A BOX. J ooia y?aji ijrugrsnsts. Take no otw. r II 1 I a - . - - - I Wood's Seeds' Bank of Trvo Capital Surplus and Undivided Rrofits 3 Qc TClTTiTkTT TAnitrrtT dworirn lNurvW UUJJ, i'res. E. E. MISSILDINE, Vice-Pres. J. B. JOSEPH NORWOOD, D. E. CONNER, J. G. HUGHES, P. P. BACON, J. B. E. E. J. O. B. L. Your Business Is Solicited. CENTRAL INSTITUTE Located in Columbus, Polk County, N. C. A preparatory school, an ideal location, health ful climate, fine natural scenery, good pure mountain air and water, buildings and other equipments good, board rates reasonable, splendid dormitory furnished, seperate primary and inter mediate departments, Library and reading room, musical instruments in good repair. Principal and teachers desired for next term. September is the usual month for opening school. For further information call on or correspond with J. E. Columbus, REAL ESTATE AND I1SUPa.CE ' I have some good BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE to offer prospective PURCHASERS. If you have any real estate to sell LIST it with me. I represent several good Insur ance Companies and would like to INSURE YOUR PROPERTY. J. F. WILLIAMS, Columbus, N. C. e Have Just flecived. A solid car load of FURNITURE. Ever thing needed in a home in this line Prices are right. THE Ezell Daniel COMPANY, Near depot Log Cabin Iim OPEN ALL THE YEAR. MRS. M. E. STEVENSON, Proprietress, Coluintus, North Carolina. For Sale. I have some fine PIGS, and COWS for sale. You had better see me before buying. J. TERREL GREEN. Mill. Spring, N. Car. HCLLISTEFVS Rocky Mountain Tea Nugggfs A Busy Medicine for Busy People. Brines Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion. Liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath. Sluggish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form. 35 cents a box. Genuine made by ilOLLiSTEB Drug Company, Madison, Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOI i $10,000 T. T BALLENGER. Vw. d. HESTER, Cashier. HESTER, MISSILDINE, WILSON, BALLENGER. T. T. BALLENGFR E. C. WILCOX, W. C. ROBERTSON INDUSTRIAL - A SHIPMAN, Nnrf.h Pqv LANDRUM, So. Car. Jesse C Jones, JEWLER Dealer in watches, clocks and pictures. Also fine repairing . Patronage solicited and work guarcnteed. . JESSE C. JONES, Lvnn, N. c. i HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLC We earnestly request all young persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and good posi tion, to write by first mail for our great half-rate offer. Success, independence and probable fortune are guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. The Ga.-Ala. Business College, Macon. G. Legal Blanks News Office. for sale at the

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