THE POLK COUNTY NEWS.! . LOCAL AND PERSONALS. Misses Lillie and Lizzie Weav er spent Tuesday night in Camp- Att'y J. E Shiprnan, was in Rutherfordton last week, on a legal and pleasure trip, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Arledge spent Sunday, with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Arledge. ELECTION CAfTRlEO TOWNSHIP. IN TRYON N. B. Hampton Esq. took in the Old Soldiers reunion at Ruth erfordton, Friday. Misses Eliza and Blanche New man, visited friends and relativ es in Rutherfordton last week. Mrs. Joe Hodge, has returned to her home in Rutherfordton; she iwas accompanied b y her father, Mr. C. C. Hampton. Voters To Be Congratulated Upon The rhnd THey Took Good Work Done At Re ' Polls. Written for The News. Tryon, May 15. Yesterday was a great day for Tryon. In the in orr 1 1 g every body , re gard- jiess 01 political creed or station in life came out and voted for rue '. rood rCoads Bond Issue and in the afternoon every body took in lu cucus at janarum, or were " 'taken in," as it reported that the show didn't show. The bond election for Tryon township, which provides for an issue of $12,000 in bonds for macadamizing the roads in Try on township, was carried by a majority of 33 votes. A special registration is necessay for a bond election and the number of LYNN NEWS, Written for The News. Kart Metcalf is at last recover ing from an attack of rhenna tism. Mr. G. New:vi?n and wife ;mer,r u. many with W Jrv. Cannon and registered voters was 151. The Mrs. McSwain and Mrs. West- j vote stood: For 92; against 43: not rating, 10; total 59: majority 33. This was certainly an agree able surprise as considerable op posion had manifested itself and it looked last week as though it might not cary. lake, are spending several days, on the mountain at the Ben Craig eon cottage. T. Ellis Walker, had the mis fortune of having two sheep kill ed Sunday night. It is not known what killed them, but he thinks it was neighborhood dogs. Buford F Williams left Thurs day, for Wake Forest College Commencement. The show at Landrunm, was a fake from every point of view. Miss Sallie Arledge, left Tues day for Charlotte, where she will visit her aunt, during the 2Gth of May celebration J. G. .Hughes, our entergetic and efficient Manager of the Polk County Telephone Co., is erect ing a direct line from Columbus to Tryon. This line will not be Vmdered with any phone con nections at all, but goes directly to the central office at Tryon. Monday last, work was be gun on Skyuka road and grounds; under the supervision ol Mr. David Sterns. This road will be conne :ted with the new road to l og Cabin Inn. From these improvement we infer that Skyuka will be opened this summer. It is to bad to see the people who go from day to day suffering from physical weakness when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea would make them well. The greatest tonic keown. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. . For sale by E. E . Missildir'e, Tryon and A. L Mc-Murray Columbus. family. W. F. Swan vho received some painful injuries by a frightened horse last week, is able to bg out again. Miss Minnie Nannie of Ru ford county, who has been ivith us far a few months; and Lit Durham of Tryon, were mairied last Sunday. n er- DON'T RAISE CHICKENS. t J molest and annoy your neighbor, but buy our Poultry Netting galvan ifd after weaving. Fence your chickens, and thereby prevent neighbor hkd quarrels. fb wire, Wire fence, and Builders Hardware, and Oliver Chill Plows, we v carry in stOCK. TRYON SUPPLY CO. Advertise in the News. He meet her in the meadow, As the sun was sinking low; They walked along together In the twilight's after glow; She waited, while gallantly He lowered all the bars, Her soft eyes bent upon him, As ranient as the stars. She neither smiled nor thanked him, For indeed slieknew not how, He was just a farmer's lad. And she was a Jersey cow. Hx-hange. GEO. A; GASH, Manager. TRYON, N. C. H??f'IIIM'WM Subscribe for THE NEWS and get the news. He that is" wise will advertise in the Folk County NTew, A CAR LOAD i-'it OF BUGGIES yes, a car load ol Buggt bar VieidsJbp r- Tfcs BEST of every thlnd m Wt 1 jj j IA ri will arrive this week and they must be sold. the celebrated Cranf ord & Henderson Buggy I 1 he best made. fr aud the groatost quantities of every growing thicg can rea-iiij be pro dueed wish the liberal use of Vireiniar j-i Carolina Fertilizers, together with TJ Cfimf 111 (TnTtfvatinn 'Diannfs.i, jicii i uoy are maao; oametbemto en- neq the land, and the plants to come ap rapidly and rr?om nrnlifln. TTs VIrglnia-Carolhm Fertilizer on yc u"! fruits &nd fruit-trues of all kindB, corn, wheat and uil trucks. For. at hrvpAt time, you will havfti hn i:i.,.Bt tutinj wiu increase your yield per acre") and H?k- crops yon eve raised in ail your farm lifo. Dou'tbuy zh . taferior substitute that sny fertilizer agent may try to per suade you to put on your luud. V!Sa!??&-CAaQL!Kfl CHEMICAL CO., aumnoaa, va Burfoiic, ya., flGrhan, H. 0., Chtriesa, S. C, KUtuuore, Md., Atlanta, &t.. S..7&cjr.h, Gi., Montroiaerj, Ala.. Mcsiptls, TLii., Sirevepcrt, L. Qu. For a few dnys. Call and see me at Tent near bridge, at Lynn, W. A. ATKINS x 1 NOTICE. State o N rth Cnrolii a In S Conrt County Polk.. i Ftfiv Clerk. E. J. Rrr,(:iey Bring Along Your Cash and Examine Our STOCK, For They -Must Go: prices AWAY DOWN, Ranging From to $ 100 THE TRYON SUPPLY CO tryon, n. 9 1 K. J. Bradley 1 Louis Edwards S Service by Publicalio u E. B. CLOUD Attorney A. t La isj COLUMBUS, N. C. Office in the News office build ng. Cloud & West DRESSED Dealers In ROUGH AND LUMBERS, SHINGLES AND LATHS ORDERS FILLED ON ?ufORT NOTICE Co North VThe aroisna. AT T t ISF El 8 r s Groceries, Shoes And Cultivators etc. Everything in a ' first class General. MDSE STORE. T. E. Walker, Columbus N. C. HONE 7. . FREE DELIVERY 3 . . The defendant aVqv namea win take notice, that a special proceeding as entit led above has been brought amst him by the plantiff above named in the Sup- j erior Court of Polk County, North Caro- j ina. before the Clerk; f"r the purpose of btaining ati order to sell th. e land know I as the Sallie Bradley old place, contain- 4 1 tng sixty acres, more or iess. lying auo being in the township of Saluda, County of Polk and State of North Carolina, and adjoing the lands of John McMurray, tin James Newman lands Nun Arledge ana others; for the partition between the said plaintiff and defendant. And the defendant above named will take notice that he is required to appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Sup erior Court of Polk Count' North Caro lina at his office in the Court House in Columbus, North Carolina, on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1907, and answer or demur to the plaintiff's petition on file in said special proceeding, r therelief pray ed for in said petition will be granted. This, the 24th eay of April, A. D1907. S. B. Edwards. Clerk of Snperior Court of Polk County Legal Blanks for sale at The News Office. DUBER-HAMPDEN WATCHES 1 v.:-:. . YANKEE NOTIONS BARGAIN BULLETIN in j 1, DIFFICULT REPAIRING EYE-SIGHT SPECIALIST Silas P. Houser JEWLER and OPTICIAN Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry CLOCKS AND CLOCK REPAIRING BOOKS AND STATIONERY SILVERWARE, CUT-GLASS. CHINAWARE, BICYCLES AND SUNDRIES OPTICAL GOODS, TALKING MACHINES, MUS'CAL INSTRUMENTS, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. CAMERAS, ETC. RUTHERFORDTON NO. CAR NOTICE TO PURCHASERS. Ihave been instrncted by the owner of the Speculation lands to close iip all outstanding contract wit bio the next two years or by Feb. I 1909. All persons holding contracts for any of said lands will please take notice and communicate with me in regard to thes6 matters at once as tbey must be closed up by the expiration of the time herein speceified. C. B. Justice. Agent or the Heirs of Branson, Hoyt and Mclntire. 4 wks- Our Line of uyankee Notions" 1 attrtive that has ever crossed the POND LADIE'S COLLARS AND TIES, BELTS. BELT 1 ' L i a BUCKLES AND SILK BELTING. We also piave a most beautiful line of RUSHING and white waist goods. Organdies lawns, Irish finished linens batiste, mercerines, applique and dotted swiss. Also a nice assortment of laces and veiling. We have a full line of Poas egg dye3 for the Children. Yours Very Truly, TRjYON B. HOSIERY CO. Geo. Logan, Manager, Lynn, Is C.