Use A NEW PERFECTION Wick Bine Flame Ofl Cook-Stove SULPHUR BRINGS HEALTH. m B Because it's clean. Because it's econom ical. Because it saves time. Because it gives best cooking results. Because its flame can be regulated i instantly. Because it will not overheat your kitchen. Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because it is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. The 2k T mmm mr cannot be equaled WL JLj M I ip f or its bright and steady light, simple construction and absolute safety. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Every lamp wan-anted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED) - "- . w j llvwc in utiiiu room. Bit'tpinu - room aid all places where fli-s are tronblfsome. t'le;in. neat, and will not soil or mjuie anything. Jry them once and you will nev er be without them. If not kept bv dealers, sent npAiuiitl fur ofU' ..tKOLD SOilEHS. 149 Dekalb i.e. . Brooklyn, H. T. Are 5ou Tlupturod. ? Why not Uave it t'ureJ f Send at once letter mm postal, with your address and p inclpal facts. WewlUauul trial ireattncnt.without cost to vou, hat wilt ( liuni dlate relief from the effects o.' aimbersome and dangerous trussc3. We also nend wr free boo on the 'Cause. Care and Cure of aUirure. This explains how you may be En air:H t tsred by small cost hv th Kerala Healer to., 4 -59 V. S, Erie, Pa. Rash presumption is a ladder which will break the mounter's neck. German. a una a sbkk i ssDiecBiaiBoiai IB SMDAEDTffiSOimi "?Srt I MOID :0 Mi LARD lS.OVERNMENT- INSPECTION IS SWfflERN-COTTONOILCa Deafness Cannot Be Cnred bylocal applications as thevcannot reach the diseased portion of the ear." There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed yon Lave a rumbling sound or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken evil and this tube re store.1, to its. normal conditio:), her.: g will be destroyed forever. J hie casej out uf ten arecausu 1 bycatarrh. which is nothingbutan inflamed condition of the.mucous surfaces. We .. ill give One Hundred Dollar? for any case vt Deaf ue ( earned bvcatarrh) thatcan not b caredby Hail s ( &tarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. P. J.Chk.vky & Co.,Toledo.O. bold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Let us fulfill our own parts and await the will of Heaven. Chinese. Ifcch cured In 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails, At druggist. There are subjects upon which we cannot reason; we can onlv feel. irovidence for the mot part sets on a level. spectator. Argo Ken Salmon furnishes mate rial for the muscle and brain and loes not heat the blood. Look in rour grocer's window for the trans parencies of Argo Red Salmon. The inducements to ruiopt Nature's per 'ect Laxative. (Jarfield Tea, are many! It is made wholly of simple Herbs and is Saranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs lw; it overcomes constipation, regulates fae liver and kidneys, purities the blood arad brings GcrWt Health . There is never much talk of a thincr Jmt there is some truth in it. Italian. Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, I Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo, Argo. He who abandons his poor kindred, God forsake him. Spanish. Spring always brings into special favor JJature's bleoa purifier, Garfield Tea. It is made TdwHy of clean, sweet Herbs. It purines the blood, cjeanses the system, clears the complexion, eradicates disease aad promotes Good Health. For young .awl idid. Two watermelons cannot be held tinder ODe arm. Turkish. He lives in fame who dies in vir tue 's eause. So. 20-'07. People often ask what is a good arand of Salmon. "Argo Red Sal mon " is the best possible answer. In spite of great expectations, de natured alcohol is running1 a poor sec ond to molasses. St. Louis Democrat. BABY'S ECZEMA GREW WORSE. Hospitals and Doctors Could Not Re lieve Disease Cuticura Remedies a Speedy, Permanent Cure. Eczenia appeared when our baby was three months old. We applied to several doctors and hospitals, each of which gave u something different every time, but noth ing; brought relief. At last, one of our friends recommended to us Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. A few days after wards. improvement could be noted. Since then we. have used nothing but Cuticura Uoap and Cuticura Ointment, and now the tiaby is six months old and is quite cured. JM1 that we used was one cake of Cuticura iJoap and two boxes Cuticura Ointment, casting in all $1.25. C. F. Kara. 343 East 5th Street New York. Mnrch 30, 1906." About all some good people get is honorable mention," and even that comes after they are dead. Dallas News. DOES YOUR BACK ACHE? FITS, St. Vitus' Dance : Nervous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. S2 trial bottle and treatise free. Ir. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Of course there must be peace be tween Tammany and a Democratie city government in New York. Can the nursing childi' live without nourish ment1? Can the flag grow without water? Can the tiger thrive without meat ? Buffalo News. Profit by the Experience of One Who Has Found belief. James R. Keeler, retired farmer, 4C Fenner St., Cazenovia, N. Y., says: About fifteen years ago I suffered with my back and kidneys. I doctored and used many rem edies without get ting relief. Beginning with Doan's Kidney Pills, I found relief from the first bon, and two boxes re stored me to good, und condition, ft-y wife and many .f my friends have used Doan's Kid- jwy Pills with good results and I can earnestly recommend them." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. yoster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. . If You Read This It will be to learn that the leading medi cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, in the strongest terms possible, each and every ingredient entering into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It is also Specific remedy for all such chronic or long standing cases of catarrhal affec tions and their resultants, as bronchial, throat and lung disease (except consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so good for acute colds and coughs, but for lingering, or chronic cases it Is especially efficacious in pivvducing per fect cures. It contains Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Frof. Bartnolow, of yjefferson Med. Col lege: rrol. Hare the Univ. of Pa.; MHThgwood, M. D., of Ben Hege, Chicago; Prof. John Cincinnati ; Prm. John bt., vi viuviiiuaui , riOl, . M. D., of Hahnemann Chicago, and scores of ry eminent in their several racticc. 3T M-jHate eo-eal ICjJC, I. 1U1 Prof. Finle nett Med King, M M. Seuai Edwin Med. C other BCD I" is the rain orm u?& more than Tiriv nnrphf r nf RTnTXK Onen nuDiicitv o is the besi possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no poisonous, harmful or habit forming drugs and no alcohol chemically pure, triple-refined glycerine being used instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjec tionable and besides is a most useful agent in the cure of all stomach as well as bron chial, throat and lung affections. There is the highest medical authority fer its use in allsuch cases. The Discovery " is a concentrated glyceric extraet of native, medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. A booklet of extracts from eminent, medical authorities, endorsing its ingre dients mailed free on rsouest. Address Dr. &. V. Pierce, BuffalpN. Y. Purifies the Blood and Clears Up the Complexion. Everybody needs to take Sulphur at this 3eason. Nothing like it to purify the blood, clear up the complexion and remove "that tired feeling." But the only way to take it is in liquid form. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur taken internally is the best Spring tonic. Applied externally Hancock's Liquid' Sulphur quickly cures Eczema, Tetter, and all Skin Diseases. Hancock's, the only Liquid Sulphur Ointment, removes Pirn- pies, Blackheads and Sores, and gi,ves a beautiful soft, velvety skin. Your druggist sells it. It curpd Edward 1). Herring, of Frederick, Md., of a bad case of Eczema, and he writes: "My face is as smooth as an infant's." All-about-Sulnhur Booklet free, if you write Hancock Liquid Sulphur Ce., Balti more. A little rain stills a great wind. French. There is nothing nicer packed than Argo Red Salmon and yet the price is within the reach of all. The strength of empire is in relig ion. Ben Jonson. Argo Red Salmon is rapidly becom ing a household word in this locality. t all grocers. Cherry Brown Betty. Put a layer of finely chopped, well sweetened cherries in the bottom of a baking dish; cover with line bread crumbs dotted thickly with bits of butter. Put in more cherries, more sugar, etc., continuing until the dish is full. Have the top layer of but tered crums. Cover and bake for nn hour, then remove the cover and brown. Serve with bard sauce flavor ed with nutmeg. The Delineator for June. Grains of Sand. When Marcus attempted to Caesar, By her smile she showed it would pleasar; ' When he swor-i by his honor He doted upon her, She coyly allowed him to squeasar. Life. Gen. Booth is making a. great mis take in failing to retain Mr. W. T. Stead as sporting editor of the War Crv. Washington Herald. A iew ork man claims to nave read every copy of the Tribune since 1841. He was recently asking when the War of the Rebellion would be over. Atlanta Journal. DON'T GO AROUND GROANING It is Your Own Fault If You Continue to Suffer. v An rrm cro around the house com- pkining, making yourself and everybody e miserable? It is your own fault if you Hfer from Rheumatiam, Sciatica, uottt, or her painful troubles that come from bad lood. Science has at last found a com pete and palatable cure for all these dis uses. After years of careful study of the cause id cure of such diseases, Rheumacide as discovered. Rheumaci&e has been used t thousands of cases that were deemed curable and has performed complete res. Rheumacide has cured after famous ecialists have failed, and has cured a mmber of sufferers who spent months at fte noted Johns Hopkins Hospital in vain. The reason Rheumacide cures when lini- ijents, oils and all other remedies have tiled is that it goes right to the seat of the fsease, sweeps the poisonous germs and 0ids out of the blood, and removes the tiu8e. It "gets at the joints from the in &le." Rheumacide builds up the entire system, aid "makes you well all over." fMrB. Laura D. Gardner, of 1301 James reet, Baltimore, was cured after she had Offered the most terrible tortures for six teen years. She writes: "People in my neighborhood, where T flkve lived for more than twenty years, will testify as to my condition before being qyrau by Rheumacide. At times my suffer ing was so great I could not bear to be lynched, jina my clothing had to be torn jntota me. I write you thw letter bcane I f&el so grateful for the benefit I have re ceived, and am daily recommending the Medicine to my friends." a t-t - . A firm of business in Oxford street, Upndon, has just insured for $1,000,- Perfect Womanhood The greatest menace to woman's permanent happiness in life is the suffering that comes from some de rangement of the feminine organs. Many thousands of women have realized this too late to save their health, barely in time to save their lives. To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her hus band, should be a woman's constant study. If a woman finds that her ener gies are flagging, that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, she has backache, head ache, bearing-down sensations, ner vousness, irregularities or the "blues," she should start at once to build up her system by a tonic with specific powers, such as M ' Dp) :igai.'si eartii-.piake. Lydia E. Piokham's Vegetable Compound the great woman's remedy for woman's ills, made only of roots and herbs. It cures Female Complaints, such as Dragging Sensations, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements. Inflammation and Ulceration, and all Organic Diseases, and is invaluable in the Change of Life. It dissolves and Expels Tumors at an early stage. Subdues Faintness, Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole female sysem. It is an excellent remedy for derangements of the Kidnevs in either sex. 1 1 HICKS C-APU DINE CURES ALL aCHES And Nervousness Trial battle 10c At drua stores WOOD, IRON AND STEEL afc KINDS OF BELTIWG AND MILL SUPPLIES Umbard Foundry, Machine and Bailer Works k Supply Stci AUGUSTA, GA. NT T Side and Centre Crank Engines LflRGF STOCK I AEDAP AT ! vri V Atlas ot ndry, Machine and Boiler Works and Supply Store, . AUGUSTA, GA. An average fertilizer for cotton should contain 3 per cent, nitro gen, $ per cent, phosphoric acid and 4 per cent. POTASH " Cotton Culture" is the title of a book of 90 pages, full of "meaty" suggestions for the cotton grower. It discusses the proper cultivation of the cotton plant, and gives valuable hints on fertilizing necessary to secure the greatest yield. It will be se'nt free to all interested. GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Ga. 1224 Candler Bulldinz One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the Welivlnformed of the World is to learn as to the relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of medicinal agents, as the most eminent physicians are the most careful as to the uniform quality arid perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well known to physicians and thc Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of its correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the. high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company has become a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to the Well-informed, in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standings therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and the use ot medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the California' Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the appoval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy! hds been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained ito world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as its '"purelaxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicis:ns and thjl Weil-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, we have adopted We more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be cailed for by the shorter name; of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when" purchasing, the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front ffef every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of Figs or by the full name gyrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same heretofor known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given satisfaction to millions. Trie genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty cents per bottle. Every bottle la sold tinder the general guarantee of the Compan-, filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, at fWashington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within tha meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. TAGER'S HANDY HEADACHE TABLETS Stop it why will yon suffer with Headache, Neuralgia, or Nervous ness? Especially when so simple, sure, safe and convenient a cure is within your reach. Make note of the name of these tablets and get a bottle at once, and have relief they never disappoint. If your dealer does not have them, send to us direct by mail. Don't fail to try Yager's Handy Headache Tablets. PRICE TEN CENTS. Sold by all Dealers and Druqgists. or mailed en receipt of price by the makers. GILBERT BROS. & CO. 9-1S N. Howard St. BALTIMORE, MO. 1L T? w CALIFORNIA SYRUP LouisvrWe, Ky. San Francisco, Cal. U S. A. .London, England. J, N. Y. 0i PUTNAM FADELESS DYES KOR THIRTY yIB STANDARD OF THE WORLD. The Official Ball Wherever Base Ball is Played, $1.25 Each Boys' Official Base Ball, 75c. Each. BASE BALL UNIFORMS FOR BOYS. No. 4 tonality, oji team orders, $4.01 per Suir. No. 9 Quality, on team orders, $3.00 per Suit. SPECIAL. No. 6 Quality, $1.00 per Suit. Our Special No. 6 Boy's Uniform consists of shirt, button front with one felt letter, In sizes up to M Inch chest, padded pants in sizes up to 30 inch waist, peak cap, web belt, and either plain or striped Ktocktogs. ORDER NOW DON'T DELAY. Spalding manufactures everything for the ath lete. Uniforms and equipment for every aihletio sport. BOOKS YOU NEED--10c. per copy. Postpaid. No. 1, Spalding's Official Base Ball Guide. No. 202, How to Play Base Ball. No. 223, How to Bat. No. 232, How to Run Bases. No. 230, How to Pitch. No. 229, How to Citch. No. 225, How to Play First Base. No. 226, How to Play Second Bae. No. 22'., How to Play Third Base. No. How to Play Shortstop. No. 224, How to Play the Outfield. No. 231, How to Organize a Base Ball League, Man age a Base Ball Club, Train and Captain a Tea and Umpire a Game. Send for list of books on every athletic sport. Ne Base Ball Catalogue Free to any address, Free. Mail Order Dept. A. G. SPALDING ft BROS.. 126 Nassau St.. NEW YORK. If afflicted with weak eyes, use Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any othe4yy e. One 10c. package colors all fibers. Tiuy dye in cold water better than any other dye, dye an garment without ripping apart. Write for tref booklet How to Dye, Bleach and Hix Colora. MON it OK UEUti VO luionrille, 3 You can ttliasoiirl Thompson's EyeWater So 20-'07. AO Sign B7 Irregularity is bad in every department of life, in meals, in sleeping hours, but especially when it is a question of womanly habit. Not only is it a sign of female disease, but, unless cured, it will cause dangerous troubles, because of the poisons thus allowed to remain in the system. If you suffer in this wav, eei a bottle of 3, Cardui Mrs. Lucinda Johnson, of Fish Creek. Wis., writes: "J suffered for fourteen (14) years with Irregu larity, causing great pain. At last I tried Cardui. and now ! am cured." At all druggists, in $1 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-page Inastrated Book for Women. If you need Medical Advice, describe .your! symptoms, stating age. and reply wW. be sent In plain sealed envelope. Address: Ladles Advisory Dent.. Tbe Chattanoo Mrdkirve Cr.. Chattaaoora Tenn.

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