Nothing I Ate Agreed With Me. MRS. LENORA BODENHAMER. Mrs. Lenora BocJenhamer, R. F. D. 1, Box 55 , Kernersviile, N. C.f writes: "I buffered rrith atomach trouble and tndiges'.ion for some time, and nothing that I ate agreed with me. I was very mervovm and experienced a oonttnaal feeling oi. u ttfaslnev and fear, (took anedicme from the doctor, but it did me no tood. 41 1 found in one of your Peruna books description o my symptoms. I then wrote to pr. Hnrtman for adrice. He aid I had catarrh of the stomach. I took Vfcruna and Manalin and followed his di rections and can now say that I feel as well as I ever did. "I hope that all who are afflicted with the same symptom will take Peruna, as it has certainly cured mc. The above is only one of hundreds who have written similar letters to Dr. Hart man. Jnst one such Vase as this entitles Peruna to the candid consideration of very one similarly afflicted. If this be true of the testimony of one person what ought to be the testimony of hundreds, yes thousands, of honest, sincere people ? We have in our files a great many other testimonials. Peruna is sold by your local drug frist. Buy a bottle today. Boston's Old Home Week July 28 to Aug. 3 Reduced fare on all railways for trip to Boston and return. Family, School, College and So ciety Reunions, Historical Pilgrim ages, Military and Naval Demon strations, Monster Parades, Electrical Displays, Tournaments, Races, Carnival, Receptions, Free Exhibitions, Concerts and Enter tainments. A series of mid-summer festivi ties such as no city in the world has t-ver offered its guests. Write to OLD HOME WEEK COMMIT TEE, BOSTON, MASS. " 'Something Doing' Every Minute for 7 Days " So. 22-'07. HICKS" CAPO DINE CURES ALL ACHES And Nervousness Trial bottlelQc AUru stores There are subjects upon whieh we jcannot reason; we cau only feel. Ttoh cured iu 30 minutes by Woolford's rBanitary Lotion. Never! Ail. At druggists. Rhubarb Pie. The rhubarb pie is here once more, As pie plant some may greet it ; care not what its name may be, So long as I may eat it. To be on good terms with human nature, Be Well! ariield Tea purifies the blood, eradicates disease, regulates the digestive organs and brings (iood Health! Manufac tured by Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, M. )L, Cold ty druggists. Although there have been 300 years of Christianity in this country, there are still some people who want to occupy two seats in a street car. Baltimore Sun. AT THE CONCERT. "What did you think of that selec tion?" "Well," answered Mr. Cumrox, "1 must say, it sounded very much bet ter than the name of it looked on the program." Washington Star. BACKACHE IS KIDNEY ACHE. Cure the Kidneys and the Tain Will Never Return. Only one way to cure an aching back. Cure the cause, the kidneys. Thousands tell of cures made by Doan's Kidney Pills. John C. Coleman, a prominent merchant of Swains boro, Ga., says: "For several years my kid neys were affected, and my back ached day and night. I was languid, nervous and lame in the morning. Doan's Kidney Pills helped me right away, and the .great relief that followed has been permanent. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MHburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. wmsmmmmMmmmmi HOLl tfW Items of Interest from Many Parts of the State MINOR MATTERS OF STATE NEWS Happening of More o? Lose Import ance Told in Paragraph! The Cot ton Markets. A Monument for Federal Soldiers. Salisbury, Special. There is a movement on foot by the State of Maine which will cause to be erected a handsome shaft to the soldiers of the Federal armies who died and were bnried in Salisbury. The State had two visitors here this week making arrangements and they returned i make the necessary plans with the War Department. The soldiers who died here had many Maine men in the companies and they are to be given a handsome shaft, which will be unveiled in the fall. All of the Governor's staff will attend on that ocasion and it will be a big one. Meets Death Suddenly. Greensboro, Special. H. Turner Wright, a miller, who has a mill in southeastern Guilford, was sudden'y killed'early Friday morning while en deavoring to start a water wheel at the mill. His body was horribly mangled. Details of the accident were not available, but it seems that he must have been carried over by his clothing having caught in the wheel. He is survived by a wife and three children. Tax Hyoel Brevities. It is learned that while Fred Wood ard, of Wilson, has not personally an nounced his candidacy for nomina tion for Governor, this announcement will be made in a day or two by his friend, ex-Governor Aycock. The State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction is notified by the su perintendent of Sampson county that thee school districts there havo voted for a special tax. The Supreme Court decides that ex-j press companies are liable for delay in making deliveries within a reason able time. The Southern Express Company contested this case on the ground that it was only one of several common carriers. In other words va&, involved with the railways in hand ling freight. The installation of the agricultur al exhibits from North Carolina at the Jamestown Exposition has begun. William H. Robbins of Raleigh, will assist In the work. Much of the col lection was made by him least year at the State fair and was shown at the Boston fair and then preserved for display at the Jamestown Exposition. The exhibit was one of the finest ever made in a county. It is now understood that the name of the new life insurance company with headquarters at Raleigh will be the Jefferson Standard. The charter is now being drafted, a meeting beinjr held early next week by the stock holders, when there will be an organ ization and temporary directors, to retire as soon as their successors are elected by a general meeting of the stockholders which will then be called The Bankers Convention was in ses sion at Winston last week. San ford suffered heavy losses from fire on Thursday. A sepecial from Spencer says: A report became eurrent on the streets here to the effect that Harry Shelton a wellknown young brakeman on the Southern Railway between Spencer and Monroe, Va., was instantly killed near Greensboro by falling between two cars belonging to a train on whieh ne was working. All efforts to ascer tain facts in the matter proved futile. The Charlotte assav office is now handling from $15,000 to $30,000 in gold bullion every month. A charter is granted the Kent Cof fey Manufacturing Company, of Le noir, to make furniture arvd wood no velties, capital stock $50,000, F. H. L-ottey and A. A. Kent being the prin cipal stockholders. The 29th annual meeting of the American Library Association was uciu lasi w ecu in Asneviiie. Commissioner of Agriculture Pat terson says there is a fair croy of ap ples in his seetion at the foothills of the Blue Ridge, but there is no other iruit. Bond Election. Gastonia, Special. It is quite likely that the citizens of Gastonia will be called upon in the near future to vote on the issuances of bonds amounting to $75,000 to go to street improvement, the water and light sys tem and an enlargement of the graded school facilities. Convict Gamp Consumed. Spartanburg, S. C, Special. The county convict camp, located on the Greenville road, across Fair Forest creek, was destroyed by fire late Tues day afternoon. All the tents, blank ets, bedding and extra suits for the convicts were destroyed. The origin of the fire is not positively known, ihoueh it is believed to have started by a spark from a pipe or stump of a cigarette or cigar. SULPHUR ftRMGS HEALTH. Purine the Blood and Cleeuw Up the Complexion. Everybody needs to take Sulphur at this season. Nothing like it to purify the blood, clear up the complexion and remove "that tired feeling." But the only way to take it is in liquid form. Hancock' Liquid Sulphur taken internally is the beet Spring tonic. Applied externally Hancock's Liquid Sulphur quickly cures Eczema, Tetter, and all Skin Diseases. Hancock's, the only Liquid Sulphur Ointment, removes Pim ples, Blackheads and Seres, and gives a beautiful soft, velvety skin. Your druggist sells it. It cured Edward D. Herring, of Frederick, Md., of a bad oase of Eczema, and he writes: "My face is as smooth as an infant's." All-about-Sulphur Booklet free, if you write Hanoock Liquid Sulphur Co., Balti more, Buyers are esteemed; good men dross are deemed. Chinese. FITS,tVitn'Dance:Nervon8 Diseases per manent ly cured by Dt. Sine's Great Nerve Restorer. S3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St.tPhila., Pa. IRISH HOPEFULNESS. Sure Things Are Never Se Bad but They Might Re- We roe. The Irianman fee everything through rose colored glasses, says a writer in tae Guidon. He is snp io$ed, too, by a simple, sturdy faith a spirit ot resignation and unwordli aosss worthy of the saints of old. " The dread blight had fallen on the fields in most of the district where we were visiting in Ireland, and the potato vines hung limp and brown. No word ef complaint was spoken, and when the likelihood ef famine was mentioned answer came; "Danger, (a'afti? Yea, there is, in deed, but God is good. He'll find a way." So, too, about the hay. The sum mer had been terribly wet, and for days the sew mown hay had laid on the ground. It was an anxious time. "What will you do," I said to Mike, "if this weather keeps up? Your hay will surely be ruined." 'Oh, please God, it won't keep up," he answered. "He'll send us a bright day soon, just to see how well we'll us it." "What a glorious night, Mikey," I said to the boy, as he and I and the donkey drove home under the August moon. "A fine night, indeed, ma'am. Thanks be to God for giving it to us!" They showed us, on the road to town, a gentleman's place where, in a stretch of what not long since had evidently been thickly wooded land, stood stump after stump of giant trees. Four or five years ago, when the winter was exceptionally long and cold, the peasants suffered from scarc ity of peat. They begged this landed proprietor to sell them wood, offering not only to pay his price but to fell the trees and carry them off. He fe fused. Again and again they begged, for the suffering grew intense, but he would not let his hand be marred. One night there came a wind so frightful that it seemed for a time as if the "big wind" were blowing again. In the morning the highway along this proprietor's domain was impassable. Huso trees, blown to the ground, lay across the road for a distance of two miles, and the forest beauty was a thing of the past. The town author ities ordered the obstruction cleared away, and the peasants got for noth ing more than they had been refused for pay. " Twne the hand of God was in that, ma'am," I was told, "for, with all the wind, not a poor man's cot was harmed, ner another tree on the coun tryside only those. God always looks after Hie poor." Jnst For Fun. Father My boy, you must never talk back to your mother. Boy You're speaking from expe rience now, aren't you dad? It is said the present liquor agita tion in Kansas has so tightened con ditions that in Wichita it is now nec essary for a man to walk as far as two blocks when he wants to buy a drink. Houston Post. Now then, if some will invent a summer shirt that buttons down the back we can get even with our wives. DR. TALKS OF FOOD Pres. of Board of Health. What shall I eat! is the daily inquiry the physician ts met with. I do not hesitate to say that in my judgment, a large percentage of dis ease is caused by poorly selected and improperly prepared food.' My per sonal experience with the fully-cooked food, known ae Grape-Nuts, enables me .to speak freely ef its merits. "From overwork, I suffered several years with malnutrition, palpitation of the heart, and less of sleep. Lest summer I wee led to experiment per sonalty with the mew feed, which I used in eoajnacUon wrth good rich cow's milk. In a short time after I commenced Ks nee, the disagreeable symptoms disappeared, my heart's ac tion became steady aad normal, the functions of the stesseeh were prop erly carried out and I again slept as soundly and as well as In my youth. fl look upon Grape-Nuts ac a per fect food, and no one can gainsay but that it has a most prominent place in a rational, scientific system of feed ing. Any one who uees this food will soon be convinced of the soundness of the principle upon whieh it ts manufactured and may thereby knew the facts as to its true worth. Read, "The 1M b Weilville," in pkfi. There's a Reason. itad Suffered Torture Frojn Rheu matism For 90 Years. :No matter bow long you have been sick, K9 matter bow discouraged you are from h-iving tried so many remedies in vain, mm . haoe m : a hope of a complete cure far yL .?ae MT ""T oanttfs remedy Rbeuma- e, has eared h ef eases m Koeu- tW, Sciatica, Goat, Catarrh, ImW . uonstwation, juver ana eucney xrou- LftiBpe aad Coatafiow Blood a, after all ude c J. of BaMmore, ot tern tism, alter aQ the thv Immtms Johns Ca lad. Rheemaeide cured W of Atkins. Ve.. after noted New tors tad failed. Here Is a esse ot a u hi haa suffereo tor te E "Hiak Point. 'After suflferiM for about to iBtammatory Rheumatissa I tarv a bottle of Rkeumaetde one Devne i save ten I am new m years rw,H to testify tkt I befit Rheumsotde cho best reatedy for jfblSiiiMhua. And "learlfly rseommend it te tn who are entering wHh any of the forms ef this iixmr E. t sells and There is never much talk of a thing but there is some truth in it. Italian, In improte the fftnsral hearth; TJrVe Gar fieri Tea daily tor a time; it purifies the blo:d, eradicates rheumatism and many chronic ailments, and keeps the health goo'l! Garfield Tea is made of herbs: it is Ea?anteed under the Pure Food and Drugs m. Garfield Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. A little rain stills a .rreat wind. French. A Lazy Liver May be only a tired liver, or s starved live?. It wenld be a stupid as well as savage thing to beat a weary or starved man because he lagged in his work. So in treating the lagging, torpid liver it is a gfje&t mistake to lash it with strong drertac drugs. A torpid liver is but an indication ef an ill-nourished, enfeebled bod whose organs are weary with over worh. Start with tho stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put hen in working order and see how quickly your liver will become active. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery haa yiade many marvelous cures of "liver trouble" by its wonderful control of the orja 16 of digestion and nutrition. It re stores the normal activity of the stomach, Increases the secretions of the blood-making glands, cleanses. the system from poi sonous accumulations, and so relieves the llverjof the burdens imposed upon it by the defection of other organs. If y$u have bitter or bad taste In the morn Ins'. Por orexlable appetite, coated tongue foul beath. constipated or Irrejrular bowels, feel wiak. e as 111 tired, oes pond eat, frequent heads -hes, pain er dis t resign " small of back." gnawi ig or distressed teener in stomach, 'perhaps n auses, aeSsK erSsoWx " risings" in throaefter eating, and klnoral symptoms of weak stomach and torpid lirs no medi cine will relieve you more promptly or cure ggaasEgsBE thn ISIS BI55 Goldeti Medical Discovery. Perhaps only a partlof the above symptoms will be present at opel time and yet point to torpid liver or biliousness and weak stomach. Avoid all hot bjead and biscuits, griddle cakes and other Indigestible food and take the "Golden MedicSl Discovery " regularly and stick to its use uixtil you are vigorous and strong. The f" Discovery " is non-secret, non-alcoholic. s a glyceric extract of native medici nal vooxh with a full list of its ingredients printed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under loath. Its Ingredients are endorsed and extolled by the most eminent medical writer 'ot the age and are recommended to cure the diseases for which it is advised. DonH accept a substitute of unknown composition for this non-secret medicinb OF K$OWX COMPOSITION. The path of duty is the path of safetyi -German . PFTwrry crAcnaje J The freed Which Spring Brings to 1 All, and Hew It is Met. That, after the long and wearing struggle with Winter, there is need of a revitalising agency of some sett, the almost universal demand for what is popularly known as a "spring medicine;" would seem to indicate. People feel, without doubt, that there has been a drain on their vital forces, and that they are not up to the standard of health aad strength required by the demands of daily life. They want a spur, a tonic, an invigorent, and they look forward to the coming heat of Summer with apprehension, dreading the further call that is to be made on their already impaired forces. In fact, they want a Spring medicine. And the want is natural, and, fortunate ly, as naturally supplied. Nature has pro vided the means, and science has applied them. In Yager's Sarsaparilla with Celery, is- found a combination, whieh, while of the greatest general value, is especially adapted to the needs of the weakened physical con dition vhich follow Winter and precedes Summer. By purifying and enriching the blood, strengthening the nerves, giving restful sleep, creating appetite, and aiding digestion, Yager's Sarsaparilla with Celery builds up the entire system and restores it to its maximum of health and vigor. So effectual is it, so unrivaled in its sphere, that in thousands of families its use has be come a regular as the recurrence of the seasens It is "par excellence" the Spring medicine. All druggists sell it, 50 cts. a bottle. I Made by Gilbert Bros. 4 Co., Bait.. XCd. Gen. Booth is making a great mis take ii- failing to retain Mr. W. T. Stead jp sporting -editor of the War Cry. Washington Herald. ECZEMA COVERED BABY. . i Worst Case Doctors Ever Saw Snf ferii "Untold Misery Perfect Oerre by Cut ten ra ftemedics. "My son, who is now twenty -two years ef age, when four months old began to have eesema on his face, spreading quite rapidly whtil he was nearly covered. The eesema was something terrible, and the doctors Haid it was the worst case they ever saw. Mk times his whole body and face were cowered, all but his feet. I used many kinds erpatent medicines to no avail. At last I decided to try Cuticura,when my boy was three years and four months old, hav ing had eesema all that time and suffering untold misery. I began to use all three of the Outienra Remedies. He was better in two months; in sin months he was well. Mrs. K. L. Ridey, ?lsront, N. H.f Oct. 24, 1805." Kfteumac F. S3in Die eases specialists at HeanitM bad . R. Hntrhes. York doe- S5bBP eteffcsl was tnoneea r After tek- tit years 91 ase. and f "M Year ingaiM mmmmm vyAXSH i MISS JirLfE FLORENCE these symptoms is Lydia E rHnkham's Vegetable Compound asvde freaa asstrre soots emd herbs. No other medicine in the country has received each wideepreed and unqualified endorsement. No other medi cine he iMktMM ef enree of female ills. Kiss J. F. WaStfc, e Ml W. seth St., New York City, writes: "Lydia B. Mwll fJlWt C??01imd has been of inestimable value In leUtenur ay health. I snffered from female illness which caused ajsmlrnf heaftaefcee, etteshseeh, end dull peine in my back, but your medicine eisaa ereuffct about a Change in my general condition, built ap east sMs see perfectly well." eeh3 y K. Ptstkheja s vegmtue ae Vaehsxewe. PmJVav an Displacements. Infiammatlon and Ulcera- vteto.emd eegjwaie dtseaeee. It n invaluable m preparing for child-birth nt dwijyr m Ohansm ef Lf. Itenres Nervous Prostration, Headache, flsnssal jBeb&ty, anl rnvbgesctee the whole system. JUt. Ptoktmm's Standing Invitation to Women Weenen papering frees any form ef female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Flak baas, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free. We can't all be rlcK There ts no, undeHying; But this fact, though true, Won't keep us from trying. Light SAW KILLS LATH ANfl SHJNSLE MACHINES, SAWS AND SUPPLIES, STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try AVOCSTA, WOOD, IRON AND STEEL all xuma or bxltiko ajto MUX SUPPLIES iMsirs Foundry, IftashJne and Bailer Warka 4 Svpiiy Star AUGUSTA. GA. THE SWISS SCYTHE KAKIIT THE KIKSOrALLMQWKO BI.AftH it" lJfTKBESTED WBIfBTO TH K M A R I GO CO-. Trtj City Tenn. FREE To convince any -woman that Pax tine Antiseptic will improve her health and do all we claim tor it We will send her absolutely free a lar ree trla. 1 box of Paxtine with book of instruc- tlons and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address on a postal card. J VLaX UAiiiO OUU tlUMlt. PAXTI cleanses and heals mucous m e m -braae af fections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic catarrh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills ; sore eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles is extra ordinary and gives immediate relief. Thousands of women axe using and rec ommending it every day. 60 cents at druggists or by mall. Remember, however, IT COBTS YOU NOTHIKO TO TRY IT. THE K. PAXTON CO., Boston, Mass. at Thompson's EyeWater with eyes, A Summer Vacation in Your Kitchen Don't swelter this summer with the tem perature at 110. Get a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove and have a cool kitchen. The NEW PERFECTION Wick Bine Flame Oil Cook-Stove produces a working flame instantly. Blue flame means highly concentrated heat, no soot, no dirt. Oil is always at a maintained level, ensuring a uniform name Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. of brass throughout and constructed ; absolutely power ; an ornament to any room. fLvery lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY, tWlntersmith's CHILL TONIC VHI 69 VIHIIS abb Mi f Hal tTial Fevers WOMEN SUFFER Majxy women auffer ia silence and drift along from bad to worse, know. Immediate assistance. Botv nanny women do you know who are perfectly Trell and strong? The cause may be easily traced to some feminine derangement which B&anif ests itself in depression ot epirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do inythiag, backache, dragging sensations, flatulency, nervousness, and sleeplessness. These symptoms are but warnings that there is danger ahead, and un less heeded, a life of suffering or a serious operation la the inevitable result. The best remedy for all Compound cures Female Complaints, BASE BALL--SPAW Official Everywhere, $1.25 Each. For Thirty Years Standard ef the World. ZTcrrtbiag for the athlete. Uniforms and equip, saaat far evarjr athletic fpori. Six new catalogue Vree to any address. Free. BOOKS TOO NSED lOc. per copy. Postpaid. So. i, Spa dtes's Official Bass Bail Outdo. Xo. Xb, Boyr is Play Base Ball. Me. m. How to Bat. No. 233, How to Ron Bam No. 280. How to Pitch. Mo , How to Catch. No. a. How to Play JTIrrt Base. Mo. Z, How to Play Second Base. No. BIT, Hbw to Pla? Third Base. Kn. a, How to Play anoruurp. No. M, How to Play the Outfield. No. an, How to Organise a Base Ball Leatne, Mat. age a Bate Bait Club, Train and Captain a Team and Umpire a Oetne. bead Cur new Miue .oall Catalogue FRKF. Base Ball Goods for Boys Especially. BtaUl Order Dept. A. Q. SPALDING & BRO&, tap jasjsjoaasj St., jSajs) York. SCVNDAKDoFTiSSOVTH H0GLESS LASD US. GOVERNMENT- INSPECTION TfiSpilffiN-COTrONOfLCO. THE DAISY FLY KILLER cent, n iSs Qlesanu affords comfort to evei y uouiz -ia iim;ut room. bh-e iDi.K room a-d all places yihev flu-s in tro ubirsome. L'leun, neat, and Ui not soil or injure anyminjt. lrv them uncf and ru will nev er fee without thpm. Jfnot kept bv AMlers. pent prepaid f r 80c. HAROLD SOMEBS. 149 OoJOiib At.. . Rneklva. B. V. So. 22-'07. is me uesi j dill p i tn all-round house hold use. Made beautifully nickeled. Perfectly safe ; unexcelled in light-giving ,,Ke quinme; pleasant to taxe; cniiarcn liKe n. seldom falls to make permanent euro. auaruniceu unucr rooo iib wrwBB ci ui June SO, 1906. At your druggists; or sent prepaid CO.. fiaal kmH. LuvHI.