folk Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XIII. COLUMBUS, N. Cm THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1907. NO. 10. mm. 1111 Citizens of Palmetto State Capture the Exposition City WAS GLORIOUS OCCASION Addresses of Day Received With Great Enthusiasm, Capt. W. E. Gonzales Deploring Fact That State Has No Building and Thank ing Goevrnor Swanson for Use of Virginia Building Celebration of Day Continued at hxnioit Palace at Conclusion of Official Ceremonies South Carolina Raised Tea, Pour ed by Official Ladies, Served All Callers by Japanese uiris. Norfolk, Va., Special. Friday was observed as South Carolina Day jit the Jamestown Exposition with Gov ernor Ansel, his staff, the South Caro line State commission, the Second Regiment of Infantry, South Carolina Rational Guard and several hundred THE V1KCT1CIA South Carolinians present to partici pate in the events on the day's pro pamine. The official exercises occur red in the main auditorium building and were attended by hundreds of visitine- .inrt rsirlnf Smith f!i-rliri- ians. The orineinal address of the ay Aveer made by Capt. William E. Gonzales of The Columbia State, Co lombia, S. C, Gov. Martin F. Ansel, President Harry St. George Tucker of the Jamestown Exposition, and Hon. Walter Hazard, of Georgetown, S. C. H. ST. GEOEGE .TUCKER. President of the The addresses were notable and er received Avith great enthusiasm. , 7 E. Gonzales, president of the ath Carolina commission to the "testown Exposition, spoke in part follows : Our State may be charged witli consistency in celebrating the land- S ot the English at Jamestown thr eo BlorvinT , w at thc same tim0 ; side of the palace. South Carolina Mdmwit0 FNid tea was served to all callers, PaK, 7 J,i0aitne m his little fort oi. . i wiLj' r W p gS to the advances of Sir ! bomS PourGcl bY l33 of the official 177 f10.1" on the 2Sth of June, ! South Carolina partjf and served by ifc oes not come within i Japanef j bills. II Mil my province to harmonize the ap parent contradiction. The South Carolina commission must deal more with the present. "In these times of peace we cannot indulge in Boston Tea Parties, or live entirely within the reflected halo of Moultrie or Sumter but it is some thing to have the only tea gardens in America; it is more to be endeavoring by precept and example to elevate the standard of our citizenship. ' ' Mr. Gonzales deplored the fact that South Canolina is without a build ing at the Exposition, and thanked Governor Swanson for the use of the Virginia State building, where he Paid, the South Carolina commission had violated a time honored tradition by inviting the Governor of South Carolina and the Governor of North Carolina to "clink glasses of water." BUIL-DITf G. In referring to the South Carolina exhibit at the exposition Mr. Gou zales said: "If that which has been accom plished here is gratifying to South Carolinians, if in viewing their State's first appearance at a great ex position they are given a larger con ception of that State's resources and made to appreciate more fully her in dustrial victories, if by the stirring of their pride these sons and daught ser are encouraged to greater endeav or and achievements, then the exhib- Exposition. it is its justification and those that created it are rewarded. Following the official ceremonies the celebration of th'e day was contin ued at the South Carolina State ex hibit in the State's exhibit palace where the Palmetto State has an ex ceptionally fine exhibit of its pro- dncts, occupying almost one entire in iii mm Acquitted of the Killing of Theodore Estes. VERDICT BASED ON INSANITY Every Hand of the Jury Went Up in Response to Foreman's Call for Expression by Those Favoring Ac quittal Verdict Returned in 41 Minutes After Jury Retired. Houston, Va., Special. After be ing in the jury room 45 minutes the jury Saturday evening returned a verdict of "not guilty" in the case of former Judge William G. Loving of Nelson county, and manager of the Virginia estate of Thomas F. Ry an, who was placed on trial here last Monday before the Circuit Court of Ilaiiiax, Judge William R. Bai'ks date presiding, for the murder of Theodoie K:v.-c, son of Sheriff M. v. Estes, of Nclbon county. Judge Lov ing shot and killed young Estes on Api"; 22 at Oak Rluee, iollowinff a hftggv ride Estes ha.4 taWi with the judge's daughter, Miss Elizabeth Lowng, who told her father that her escort had drugged and assaulted her. The jury le'ired at 4:45 o'clock and from teat time until the verdict was returned the defendant remained in the seat he had occupied since the triM began, and surrounded bv the members of his immediate family with the exception of his daughter Elizabeth, who Avas not present to day. At 5:43 o'clock a loud knock was heard on the door of the jury room and Judge Barksdale, who had taken his seat on the bench ordered the sheriff to preserve order and cautioned the large crowd that had remained to not give vent to their emotions when the verdict was an nounced. The verdict of acquittal was read by Foreman B. S. McGraw. Judge Barksdale thanked the ju rors for their attendance upon court at great sacrifices. He declared that he believed the verdict was in av cordance with the conscientious views of th jrry. After the jury had been discharg ed. Judge Loving, his wife and other relatives shook hands with and thanked each juror. Team streamed from the eyes of the defendant and his wife. Judge Loving was congratulated by many of his friends present, though in ac cordance with the warning of Judge Barksdale, there was no noisy dem onstration. Insanity Basis of Verdict. Foreman McCraw, a merchant and fcii-n-cT, said that when the jurors entered the room, one of them did not exactly understand all of the in structions of the court, and these were read to him. Mr. McCraw said that when he called for a vote, he requested all who favored the ac quittal of the defendant to hold up their right hand. On the first bal lot every hand promptly went up. When asked what the basis of the verdict was he said "Insanity," and that he and the other members of the jury believed that Judge Loving was out of his mind at the time he killed young Estes. The stress, he said, had brought on by the story told him by his daughter. No Assault Committed. The following statement was given out by the counsel for Judge Lov ing: "Within half an hour after the rendition of the verdict by the jury and the adjournment of court counsel for Judge Loving were called on by two of the ."jury who stated that they had been appointed a committee rep resenting the entire jury to convey to Judge Loving and his wife while they believed that Miss Loving's statement on he witness stand of what she had told her father was a true account of Avhat she had commu nicated to him yet not for a moment did the jury entertain the opinion that an actual assault had been com mitted by the deceased upon the young lady, but on the contrary they Avere all fully satisfied beyond all doubt that no actual assault had been committed, but that there had been cn attempted assault. Counsel for Judge Loving upon being inter viewed in this connection said : 1 The conclusion of the jury to the effect that no assault was committed was absolutely correct." ' Quick Action Saved the Town. Fairburn, Special Thursday night the ceiling of the Masonic hall, on the third floor of the Young build ing, in the center of toAvn caught on fire from a hanging lamp. The prompt action and presence of mind of Hon John T. Longino, Messrs, J. L. Loon- c', Warner Vickcrs, and N. F. Smith, saved the building and perhaps the ( toAvn. Fairburn has no waierworKS? j and had there been any lack or j promptness and precision, the tow a j would have been a smoking ruin to I day. 2 1-2 CENT RATE ENJOINED Judge Pritchard Announces His De rision in the Railroad Rates Cases and Enjoins the Corporation Com mission From Putting New Sched ule Into Effect. Asheville, N. O, Special. Satur day Avas the most interesting day of all in the hearings before Judge Pritchard in the suits brought by the Southern Railway Company and oth er railroad corporations to enjoin the corporation commission of North Carolina from printing and putting into effect the new rte and passen ger fares law passed by the Legisla ture oi 1UU7. j At the conclusion ot argument Sat urday morning by W41ter E. Daniel, lor the defendants in the suit of thj stockholders of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway against the corpora tion commission, Judgf Pritchard an nounced his decision in the case of the Southern Railway Conmanv against the commission which was concluded Thursday afternoon. The court continues the Restraining or der pending a final hearing and re fers the matter to Judge Montgom ery, standing master gor the eastern district, to take testinjbnv and report his finding of facts ,$nd conclusions of law to the court alt Asheville the latter part of September. Judge Pritchard 's. Mernorandr.m. "It is charged in tie bill filed by the complainant that the Legislature of North Carolina, at its recent ses ion, passed an act reflating freight and passenger rates ard that by vir tue of the provisions of said .act com plainant is about to be deprived of its propertv without "Sue Drocess of Jaw. The complainantlseeks to enjoin Ithc enforcement of certain freight J and passenger rates prescribing the same is repugnant to ne constitution of the United States. It is contend ed that the lapse of a;iy considerable time would expose complainant to innumerable suits by shippers and thc traveling public as Aftell as subject wJi4tto the penalties enumerated in the statute. "Among other things the com plainant prays for jjan injunction against the railroad commissioners, the Attorney General during the pendency of this caus. On the 8th day of May, 1907, anf order was en tered restraining the defendants from enforcing the provisions of the afore said act and at that time notice was issued to the defendants to appear before me on the 26th day of this month and show cause Avhy the in junciton thus granted should not be continued until the fiijal hearing. "The defendants insist first that this is a suit against the State of North Carolina and Ithat the court cannot take jurisdiction of the same consistently with the- eleventh amend ment to the constitution of the Unit ed States. "Second. It is insisted that the compftinant has not shown facta sufficient to justify thj? court in con tinuing the injunction-until the hearing- .; "Much has been properly said by counsel representing tfte State in re gard to the sovereignly of the State and its right to deal vifch this ques tion through its Legislature. That the Legislature of the State has the authority Avithin certain limitations to fix freight and passenger rates is undoubtedly true, and; is universally recognized by the Federal Courts. The courts of the United States have at all times acknowledged and re spected the power of tiie State in th? administration and enforcement of its laws within the i limitation of the constitution is trtie, it is equal ly important that . an right guaran teed to a citizen by . ess constitution of the United States-. houH be fair ly and impartially enforced when ever presented to the : United States courts for consideration. Bonds Required of the Roads. Relative to this mater of prospec tive penalty suits ajd jurisdiction Judge Pritchard this Ifternoon from the bench submitted thfe following re marks which were listened to with interest: "In view of; the discussion between Judge Shepherd and Cap tain Thorn this morning in regard to the enforcement, of tie restraining order which I have t entered, I deem it my duty to w that in con tinuing this order, I 'have adopted ample and sufficient m)ans to protect the interests of the public to the full est extent by rcqmririgj the complain ant to file a bond to guarantee the payment into the registry of the court a sum of money equal to tho difference between th$ present rate and the proposed rate in the event that the act of the Legislature should be declared constitutional. I have not passed upon, the Question as to whether the act of the; Legislature is constitutional, and cankot do so until the evidence taken m the master shall have been reported to me to gether with his findings of fact. "The court having assumed juris diction of the parties, as well as the subject matter of the controversy, it necessarily follows that it has the power to preserve and protect its jurisdiction until there shall be a fin al determination of the matter in issue. Under the circumstances, it is the duty of law abiding citizens to refrain from interfering in anywise with the order restraining the en forcement of the act, the constitu itnoality of which is involved in this controversy. I cannot believe that any citizen of North Carolina will undertake to interfere or an,ywise attempt to hinder or obstruct the court during the progress of this tri al. The people of this State are not ed for their conservatism, and I am sure that they will in the future, as in the past, conduct themselves so oc f maintain the high reputation which thev have justly earned for being patriotic and law-abiding under any and all circumstances. A North Carolina Tragedy. BakersA-ille, N. C, Special. J. C Randolph killed Anderson Burleson at Glen Ayre Thursday afternoon. Mr. Randolph was tax-lister and Mr. Burleson accused him of listing h.'s nrnnprt.v ton hifldi. Burleson slann-d I f J o rr - Randolph a time or two with open hand and then struck him on :ne side of the head with his first. Mr. Randolph drew a- pocket knife and cut Burleson three or four times, kill ing him instantly. Sues for Wife's Recovery. Augusta, Special. A. L. Anderson has begun habeas corpus proceedings for the recovery of his wife of a few hours, who was taken from him at the point of a pistol by the irate fath er of the bride, D. E. Morgan. The matrimonial ambitions of the young couple had been forcibly A-ctoed by the father, but while he aa-hs seeing on the jury Anderson and Miss Mor gan went to a minister and were mar ried. Torn Up By Bulldog. Atlanta, Special. Little Bcrkham. aged 11 years, son of Mrs. Charles I. Heath, of 187 South Forsyth street, lie3 at his home his life hanging by a thread, as a result of wounds inllicfc ed by a A-icious bulldog in East Point The "dog Avas the property of Fred Clemment, foreman in one of the de partments of the Blount Buggy Com pany, and it took four men to makt the dog turn the little fellow loose and five shots to kill the dog. News Notes. An alleged plot to steal $50,000,000 of Government funds is reported from Russia. The Fredericksburg Democmtic Committee has fixed upon August 6 as the time for ; holding the primary to nominate a candidate for the House of Delegates. Lawrence Wallace and Fred Lowe while bathing in the James river im mediately below the Richmond Cedar Works found the body of a baby boy which had been nailed up in a box and set adrift in the rivex. 1CENT bicycles, old patterns ana PRICES and wonderful tz m m HU M WE SHIP OH APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and allow .10 Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rid Agent in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. SO PGR3TURE To tntpodaca We WW SoU Yasa a Ssratsss Pair fat GnSv NAILS, TACKS OR GLASS WOH'T LET OUT THE AIR & (CASH WITH ORDER $4.65 Kb MORE TROUBLE ROM PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire makiae. No danger from THORNS, W88. i tmM 111 u mm us TUS. P5NS. NAILS, TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can De vulcanized nice any omer ure. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual Coventy-ftve Thousand pairs sold last year. BFJeatHPmmtt Hade in all sizes. It is with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porcus and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stating that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in v whole season. They weigh no more than an ordinary tire, thc puncture resisting qualities being tjiven by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on tfc e tread. That "Holding Back" sensaUon commonly felt when riding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from bring squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of these tires is $3.50 per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of oulv$4.8o per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CO.D. on approval. Veil do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them stiictly as represented. We will allow a cash discount, of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 84.5 5 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WI'.H ORDER and enclose this advertisement We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump end two Satnpeon metal pancture closers on full paid orders (these metal punctaTe closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or b-avy gashes). Tires to be returned at ODK expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory ou examination. $ We are perfectly reliable and money seat to u3 is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster. Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If yon order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finr than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us ycur order. We want you to cend us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkabl - tire offer. mv a sur w built-up- wheels, saddles, pedalr, parts and repairs, end &M&SriSK.Suii9 everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual orices char-red bv dealers acd repair men. Wme for our b:j SUNDRY catalogue. jaa fB-'iiar' but a Kstal today. DO NOT THIKK OF BETING n B2$J SvaT UFaJtf bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and vrondtfrf r ' "ffers we are making. It only c- - a postal to learn everything. Write it Jf" "t. lE&ieSYCLE eOVUI,9 3ept."J L" GHICft6l?iU. The Interstate -Commerce Commis sion and the Department ot Justico could not employ their time and tal ents to better advantage than to call railroad companies to account tor wrecks caused by defective equipment, overworked crews, or other factors which might bring the offenders with in reach of the law, Insists the Wash ington Post. The public is not suf ficiently protected by individual dam age suits, occurring after the disaster. The government should be able, some how, to reach and punish railroad com panies for permitting preventable wrecks involving the loss of human life. If the law is not now sufficienlr ly drastic when rigidly enforced, pub lic sentiment would unquestionably approve a law which would inspire a wholesome terror among corporations guilty of wholesale homicide. Charged With Peonage. Greenville, N. C-, Special At the instance of Special Agent Hoyt, of the department of justice, warrants Avere sworn out before United States Commissioner King, of this place against E. A. Kline, a contractor on the Raleigh & Pamlico branch of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad for peonage, in violation of Section 5526 of the revised statutes of the United States. The basis of the prosecution is the arresting and returning to the State on four different occasions of a number of foreigners working under Kline in the construction of the rail road. Thousands of Japs Waiting to Slip Into America. San Antonio, Tex., Special Immi gration officials here have received information that there are 4,000 Jap anese in Mexico awaiting a chance to slip into the United States. The news comes from the constructio-i camps below Tuxpam on the Man zanillo extension of the Central Rail road. Already 800 Japanese laborers have left the work, deserting in bunches with the intention of enter ing the United States. Are a Necessity, in the Country Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to lie in agony lor hours while he drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. .Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines ana systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADfZ ELECTRIC CO., 2M CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU Bteib nllllfX Are a Necessity j to write for our big FREE BICYCLE catalogue showing the most complete line of high-grade MMn.mMuo, m. inno ana oununico H raivu BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. Q .none. at anv frriu. have received our complete Free Cata- every Kina or mgn-graae ana low-graa ie atest moaeis, and learn of our remarkable L.OW new offer made possible by selling from factory - PR00F TIRES ?aN kX Notice the thick robber tread "A" and puncture strips "is" and "D," also rim strip H" to prevent rim cutting. This tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDING. m use. Gver Q lively and easy riding, very durable and lined ...side r.AC. 11a n in ii 1 i"