folk Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XIII. COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1907. NO. 11. 1 ON OUR Sill HOLIDAY I i CAPTURES 111 s "S AWFUL DIED VUI 1 death w a m mm NEWS HD ems of Interest from Many Parts of the State HNCR MATTERS OF STATE NEWS ripenings of More or Legs IiuporV wce Told in Paragraphs The Cot ton Market. Thirty-Two New Dentista. Winston- Salem. Special. Dr. J. Jones, secretary of the North irolina State isosra oi uental tLx- linations has given out the list Wa who nasscd the examination fefore the board at Morehead City week. Only tour out oi winy- nniiAiints failed to pass. Those successful were: Samuel E. molas, Raleigh; K. O. Apple, Madi-n-R G. Click, Eikin; F. D. Carl- n, Statesvillej Edward Greene, La- tt t nf: jji-i -n Iranire; n. ij. .uauu, luiuuieiou; i. L Apple. Madison; W. F. Clayton, irli roinr: . r, Purvis, Hamilton; G. Lee. C linton; P. U. Sinclair and . H. Brown, Asheville: A. P. Reed. It. Terzie ; D. S. Caldwell and B. D. Jorl, Concord; S. H. McCall, Marion; P. Baker, King's Mountain; N. L. berstrect, Whitakers : A. S. Crom- itle, Clarkton;' V . G. McAnnallv, Kehniond, Va. ; A. M. Berrvhill, Fharlotte; C. L. Martin'y Madison; 1. . Huntley, Wadesboro ; R. G. Rog s. Apex; A. K. Johnson, Durham; LB. Folger, Mt. Airy; D. R. Phelps. Scotland Neck; F. E. Hearn, Sylva; V. King, O.iKvulc: Claude N. inffbes, Cedar Grove; b. (J. rord. u. Lewis. Double Homicide in Wilson. Wilson, Special. Thursday even- ling about 9 o'clock on the estate of iMrj. A. Lamms in Cross Roads town- lsliip. occurred the homicide of two I negroes, the"' wife of Raeford Dew and Amos Dew, brother of Raeford. Foi som time Raeford has known that Jhis irffe and brother Amo3 have been ncring illicit relations ami, though Iwniucr them to desist and lead dif ferent live?, these relations have con- Itinned. The matter has been the Issbject of several magistrate trials the justices have advised them to their meanness, and the man and woman have promised faithfully to rdo so. Sunday Raeford 's wife left borne and so Raeford learned met his Ibrother in the woods. Thursday dur ing the day she returned somewhat I tinder the influence of liquor and be gan to cause trouble with the hands Raeford told her he had found out she and Amos had been to get her and told her to eome back home and behave herself. She spoke roughly and left the house. Raeford stayed at home until later in the night and then taking hi double-barrelled gun went to the house of a tenant named Pace. He empted one load into Amos and the other into his. wife, who were in Paee's yard. Both have died as a result of their wounds. A Big College Tor Women. Rfllpiirh- Kneeial. Mr. Beniamin N. Duke, the millionaire philanthro- pist of Durham, who had already giv en large sums of money to educa tional institutions of the State, es pecial! v to Trinity College lias add ed another donation. This is made j to the North Carolina Conference of i we Methodist Episcopal Church, Wh. the gift being Louisburg Fe male College, which is situated nt Iiomsburg, in Franklin county. This wttege was purchased a few years aobv the late Mr. Washington Duke unier of Mr. B. Is. Duke, wnen ri ?n about to be sold for debt. It now presented by Mr. Ben Duke w order that it may be maintained w voung women on a footing with Trinity College for voun men. This ?ift will add much to the educationr.l advantages of the young- women of Nrth Carolina. Stephens City Gets Square. Winchester, Special. The long-draMn-out litigation concerning the 0wnership and occupancv of the pub square at Stephens City, Freder ,( county, which Dr. Silas M. Stik- recently had laid out in building 'ts. has been decided in the Circuit cfrt when Judge T. W. Harrison n,1ed that the corporation of Steph js City was entitled to it for put le purposes Lord Fairfax many tens ago deeded it to Louis Stevens 7 ue in turn donated it to the wn. . Another Change. Greensboro, Special. Another Jnge is announced from the affice J Marshal Millikan. Mr. Walter C. wwt, a son of Prof. J. .?. Britr, late gjfwate for Congress in the tenth . tnct, has resigned as deputy mar- anrl left for his home at As;ie- mn m ll was appointed only a few Ktlis ago. He is succeeded by Mr. &- V Us'on, of Winston-Salem. Sunday Pleasure Seekers Get Into Serious Wreck 2 DEAD; 10 HURT, 1 JATALLY Jfu Heavily Loaded With Passengers Leaves Rails Just Ontside Clarks burg, W. Va., Going Over Embank ment Officials Cannot Explain Cause of Accident. Clarksburg, Special.-Heavily laden with passengers who were enjoying an outing, an open trolley car on the Fairmont & Clarkesbuig Traction Company's system jumped the track on the Grasseli division, just outside the city limits Sunday and crashed over an embankment instantly killing two, fatally injuring one and seriously injuring nine others. The dead: Miss Grace Markerl, Clarksburg, skull crushed. W. T. Gray, engineer, Washington Carbon Works, Clarksburg, head crushed. The injured : Miss Maggie M. Rob inson, Fairmont, skull crushed, dying at St. Mary's Hospital; Jack Fuller ton, Clarksburg, leg broken and bruis ed ; Superintendent Eakin of Grasseil Chemical Works, Clarksburg, back strained ; Mrs. Eakin leg crushed and severely bruised; Mi's. Merchant, In diana, shoulder and arm crushed; J. A. Robinson, Fairmont, right arm mangled; Floyd P. Martin, Clarksburg cut and bruised; Mrs. Floyd B. Mar tin, leg crushed, injured interally ; Clayton Powell, Clarksburg, severely bruised; George Jackson, colored, scalp wound. Hov the car left the track is a mysteiy the traction company officials cannot explain. It was running up hill around a curve and going at a moderate speed. After bounding along the ties for a short distance the car went over the embankment and landed on its side, pinning the j dead arid injured underneath. Mo torman James and Conductor Fitzpat- nck escaped with slight injuries. Most of the injured were taken to city hospitals and some to theii homes. Several passengers besides those whose names are given were slightly hint. . Crushed Under Car. Raleigh, N. C, Special. In a wreck Sunday afternoon on the Sea board Air Line, 2 1-2 miles this side f Kittrell, Mrs. C. E. Harris, of Aberdeen, was instantly killed, by being crushed between the rear Pull man car and the side of a low cut on a curve. The train was 41, south bound, and its speed was about 45 miles an hour. In tberear one of the two Pullmans were Mrs. Harris, her husband and 8-year-old daughter. Suddenly Mr.JIarris heard a sort of popping noise under the car and in stantly the rear trucks left the rails and the car turned over. Mrs. Harris was thrown out of an open window. She had grasped the hand of her lit tle girl when the shock came. Conduc tor Cain and the train crew and pas sengers smashed windows in order to eet some of the-passengers out. Mrs. Harris head and body were mangled in a horrible manner. Fatal Street Car Accident. Schenectady, N. Y., Special. One hoy was killed, another was fatally aurt and two others seriously injured as the result of a street car accident lure Sunday. The victims were mem bers of a baseball team which played beie in the afternoon. Negotiating Deal For Navy. Mexico City, Special. President Cabrera, of Guatemala, is negotiating for the purchase of a navy to meet the anticipated attack of President Zelaya, of Nicaragua. It was learn ed from a high source, here that Ca brera had recently secured $500,000 gold on a forced loan and that with this sum he will purchase gunboats The Nicaraguan fleet iff the Pacific waters consists of three gunboats; she also has three gunboafs on the At lantic. Crowns With Niece. Glastoibury, Conn., Special. In on attempt to rescue Iris neice, Miss Jennie Baxter, of Hartford, from drowning in the Connecticut river Carl Eunck went down to death with her off Crows Point, Wrights Island. Both hfld eome down the river in a power 'boat with 10 others in the morning. Miss Baxter was IS years ld and her uncle 30 years of age. News of Interest Gathered From All Parts of the Country Paragraphs of Here or Loss Importance What tne World 'a Doing. The battle of King's Mountain was reproduced at Bristol, Jufy 4. Secretary of the Treasury Cortel you suggested at a conference with Al i T- , me jamestown Hixposmon governois that a director-general be appointed. The schooners Scotia and Harry W. Haynes "put f into Norfolk badly damaged by a severe storm which almost stmt them to the bottom. The contract for the construction of the Buckanuon and Northern rail road from Morgantown, W. Va., to the Pennsplvania line was awarded to the Brady Construction Company, of Parkersburg. John D. Rockefeller accepted ser vice of the subpoena with which' de puty marshals have been hunting him, but may not have to go to Cica go for trial after all. The prosecution in the Haywood case gave notice of the intention to move to strike out parts of the testi mony for the defense. A reward of $2,500 was offered for Chester B. Runyan, paying teller of -the Windsor Trust Company, charged with stealing $96,000,317. President Amandor, of Panama, arrived in New York while Secre tary Taft was trvins: to settle the Columbia debt trouble. Alleeing an attempted assault on his daughter, Edward Sweitzer hi ought 1 rank Sterner into York and had him locked up. San Francisco Japanese say their countrymet' who appealed for fair ness were wrong about schools. Joseph Micenbeimer, who killed Mrs. Martha Drewry in Lynchburg and then shot himself, was roughly bandied when caught by a posse. Reverend and Mrs. John Whit worth who were parties in a suit for their children after a divorce, were remarried in Roanoke. John D. Rockefeller is said to be at Pittsfield, Mass., with a search light and a big dog guarding him from subpeona servers. A movement is on foot for the o tablishment of a department of fine arts as a part of the National Gov ernment. Gov. John A. Johnson, of Minne sota, is said to be Henry Watter son's "dark hcrse', for the Demo cratic Presidential nomination. Bishop Henry M. Turner, senior Bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, attacked the country and the United States flag in a sermon. The Long Island sound steam r Puritan was in collision .with a schooner and rescued four A persons from the sailing vessel. All the plants of the United States Steel Corporation, it is said, are to be equipped with gas engines, the gas to be drawn from the furnaces. A' long distance telephone message says the town of Whitville, Tenn., u threatened with destruction by fire which is burning fiercely with little hope of controlling. The Colhoun building, home of the Condor Training School, near Huntrf ville, Ala., was burned Tuesday. Prof. J. E. Condor, principal and several students narrowly escaped. The building cost originally $50,000. wl Upon the .petition of creditors the Lindsay Chair Companv, of High Point, N. C, was by Judge Boyd, ad judged bankrupt. Mr. Carl A. Cline, of High Point, acting secretary and treasurer of the company, was ap pointed temporary receiver. Abbe Felix Klein, the noted French, churchman, is on his way to the United States. In the Haywood trial on Tuesday, the witness for the defence com pletely riddled the testimony of Har ry Orchard. Subpeoneas were issued in Chicago for John D. Rockefeller and other Standard Oil men. Edwin S. Holmes, Jr., admitted that he had gone into- partnership with Peckham, but says he understood they were ,tb dal in mining shares. An attempt was made in the Hey wood trial to prove counterplotting by the mine owners. The county of Lee, making the 9Sth North Carolina county, was vot ed on and carried in an electing, there being about 50 votes in op position. Sanford will be the councy seat. Steel-rail manufacturers and rail' toad men discussed the problem of a iafer steel rail. An insanity plea is expected to figure in the defense of Karl Hru, who is to be tried this month on the charge of murdering his mother-m' lafrr Independence Day is Fittingly and Generally Observed SOME NOTABLE UTTERANCES New York Governor and Princeton President Address Thousands at Joint Independence Day Celebra . tion and First Annual Reunion of Lineal Descendants of Singers of Declaration of Independence. Norfolk, Va., Special. Governor Hughes, of New Yorlc, and Wood row Wihson, president of 'Princeton Uni versity, were the orafors of the day at the joint Independence Day cele bration and first annual reunioij, of the lineal descendant of the signers of the Declaration dl Independence July 4th. The reuhipjn was held un der the auspices of ie Thomas Jef ferson Memorial Association, of which former Secretary of the Navy Hilary A. Herbert, is-the acting pve ident. w "One really responsible man in jail," he said, "one! real originator of the schemes aid transactions 'which are contrary j the public in- terst legally lodged ii the pen, would be worth more than thousand cor porations mulcted indues, if the re form is to be genuine! " What this country ijaeeds, Mr. Wil son set forth, is not government own ership of railroads, &tc, but laws that will attack andj) punish presi dents and general mfenaseis of rail roads, for evasions alid violations of the statutes. Stock tnanulipators he oalls "sheer thefts ' and says they should be punished a such. Failure to do so, in his mindl ri ' ' like o er looking highway robberies.' ' Every corporation," the eduea tetr stated, ",rs peKsonally directed either by some one dominant person or by some group of persons. Some body in particular is responsible for ordering or sanctioning every illegal act committed by itl agents or of ficers; but neither blur law of per sonal damage nor oir criminal law has sought to seek the responsible persons out and hotel them individu ally accountable foil the acts com plained of. We hae never attempt ed such statutes. W. indict corpora tions themselves, Snji them guilty of illegal practices, fine-them and leave the individuals who Idevise and exe cute the illegal acts free to discover new evasions." Such acts could be passed and should be if we are o better our in dustrial conditions, jMr. Wilson be lieves. Unless something of this na ture is done and done quicly, he fears Socialism will result.: It is just as absurd, he said, to in dict or dissolve corporations for of fenses against the public as it would be to arrest and confiscate automo biles because their owners killed pe destrians, k Former Governor" lioberts, of Con necticut, vice president of the Jeff erson Memorial Association frm that State, presided following en opening invocation hy Rev. W. M. V-ines, of Norfolk, and an. introduc tion by Lieutenant Governor, Ellisou, of Virginia. A brief- address by ex Governor Roberts yas followed by the reading by Wm.; (Shields McKean, of New Jersey, founder and secretary of the memorial association, of the list of vice presidents representing the 13 original States- and named by the respective Governors of these States. Georgia Aiding the Negro. cdfiith' thepu BGcd sw'u vbgjjqj Montclair, N. J., pecial.- Former Governor W. J. Nortjjien, of Georgia, was the orator at the Fourth of Julv celebration here, speaking to a large audience on the relation of the races in the South. M . "It is a great mistake." he said, "to believe that thele is no kind of harmony between thel better elements of the races in Georgia and at the South. Quite the contrary' is true." "The good class df negroes is in telligent, progressive'" and resorcef ul. Its religion is not a sliam. Its educa tion has not spoiled ,jit and its devo tion to duty is not inspired by the loaves and fishes.' Its ideals are good, "It will be best fr all parties if wholesome and elevating. If all American negroes wee of this class, there would be no 'nlgro problem.' "It will be best for all prties if the white man, strong and dominant, will look seriously find sympatheti cally at the weaker and the depen dent race, and seei him, " just as he is, intelligently mt about aiding him "This is just what we have begu.i to do in Georgia upn a plan based entirely upon our focal conditions, as, in my judgement all other people must be allowed to do. General MacLean is Captured and Held For Ransom ALL ENGLAND FEELS OUTRAGED Kaisuli Will Hold Him Prisoner Un til the Sultan Grants His Demands and Those for the General's Par den Action of British Authorities Awaited With Much Anxiety as Affair May Entail Gravest Conse quences. Tangier, By Cable. Caid Gen. Sir Harry Maclean, commander of th Sultan's body guard and next to the Sultan, the most influential man iv Mortocco, has been captured by Rai suli, the bandit chief. Raisuli has ajiounced that he will hold the gen eral prisoner until the Sultan grams the terms which he, Raisuli, demands for his own pardon and Maclean's re lease. General Maclean is now at Elkmes, in the heart of a wild mountain dis trict, three days' march from Tan gier. He is being well treated and has been allowed to Avrite to the Brit ish minister and send for his bag gage. . The capture of the gensral was planned carefully. He went out ti the rendezvous with Raisuli against the advice of his companions The incident is being discussed with deep interest in diplomatic cir cles here, and the action of the Brit ish authorities awaited with eonsid erable anxietv. as 4t is recojfnized that the affair may ential the gravest consequences. For some time past General Mac lean, acting in behalf of the Sultan, had been, trying to persuade , Raisuli alnTlhe bamrrtader apparently haff showed symptoms of willingness to meet the wislies of the Moroccan au thorities, with the result that Gen eral Maclean was entrusted with the task of taking some presents from tho Sultan to Raisuli, in the hope of finally persuading him to come :o terms. These gifts consisted of hous es and tents, and to escort them to his stronghold Raisuli sent 15 of iiis banditti to the general to act as a body-guard. Accompanied by these men General Maclean journeyed t wards Rouina, where he was to moet Raisuli. But on arriving there the General was informed that he Avas a prisoner. v Raisuli says he will hold General Macean until he is granted the fol lowing terms for his surrender : "First the reconstruction of his house at Zinat. Secand the payment of an indem nity of 100,000 douros, (about $200, 000. ( Third his reappointment as Gov ernor of Tangier and 'of Fahs and his appointment as commandant of po lice. Trolly Cars Meet Head-On. Washington, Special. A mistake in signals resulted in a head-on col lision in Alexandria county (Virgin ia) court bouse three and one half miles from Washington on the single track line of the Washington, Ar lington & Falls Church Trolley Rail way between a passenger car- crowd ed with government employes and jtwo flat cars loaded with steel rails and pushed by a motor, G. T. War rington, a Bailstou, Va., storekeeper, who was a passenger, died at a hos pital here and 32 other persons were in iured, many of them seriously, and one of the Motormen, William Mock, muy tuu. Troops Go On War Path. Norfolk, Va., Special. Five hun dred soldiers, members of the Second South Carolina and First Kentucky regiments in camp at the Jamestown Exposition grounds, became riotous, threw off all discipline, imitated con cessionaries and took charge of shows on the war path, and when the Powhatan Guards interfered, a riot followed, several being injured. Suit Against City of Frisco. San Franeisco, Special. Suit against the city and county of San Francisco was filed in the Superior Court for the recovery of $2,575 for damages said to have been sustained by the proprietor of the Horse Shoe Restaurant and a Japanses bath house at Eight and Folsom streets on May 23, when a row caused by an at tack by labor union men on two non- nninn TVW.11 wllrt WPVfl 1'flHllir ill fchft UliWll ' " - - -' i restaurant, resulting in the fronts of the two places uaing smasneu ov stones and clubs. The suit was j brought in the the name of J. Timo , proprietor of the bath house. Young Wife Burns Her Hus band to Death WANTED TO MARRY OLD LOVER An 18-Year-Old Scranton Woman in County Jail Charged With Inhu man Crime Police Say the Wo man Has Confessed The Lover Also in Jail Charged With Having Been Accessory to the Crime. Scranton, Pa., Special. Mrs. Kin- dra Howrsto, aged 18 years, of Dun more, is in the county jail, charged with having burned her husband to death that she might be free to mar ry her former lover, Ignaz Hutro, who is also in jail, charged with be- j ing an acessory. The police say that Mrs. Howrsto has confessed. , All the parties are Lithunians. Ac cording to the story told the police by Mrs. Howrsto she and Hutro were lovers before she married Howrsto in the old country two years ago. Hu tro proceeded them to this country. When they came here they settled near where Hutro was living in the Nay Aug section of Dunmorc bor ough. Hutro renewed his attentions to Mrs. Howrsto and frequently was at their honae. According to her con fession ITutro came to the Howrsto home on Monday and suggested that she do away with her husband so that they could be married. Following Hutro 's suggestion the got her husband drunk and when he was stupified in bed she went to the room with the kerosene lamp. She poured the oil from the lamp on the bed and then she says the lamp drop- ted on t.h hoA. setHnir it nfirp At. X . 7 O " - - ' the sight of her husband roasting -WUinmn-fcW fWiad- she became horror-stricken and rush ed from the house crying "fire." Neighbors extinguished the flames,, and had Howrsto sent to a hospital, where he died without regaining con sciousness. Hutro denied all knowl edge of the crime. Both are being held, pending an investigation of the woman's story. Where is Rockefeller? j. New York, Special. While Mar shal Henkel and his deputies are seeking everywhere for John D. Rockefeller they were equally zeal ous in their efforts to serve William Rockefeler, a brother of John D. Rockefeller, with a subpeonea, re quiring he presence before Judge Landis in Chicago July 6. Marshal Henkel relates that William Rocke feller is as difficult to serve as his brother. A report has it that Wil liam Rockefeller is in Rome; and re port has him sojourning in the south of France, while another states he is in the Adirondacks. Marshal Hen kel says he is convinced that John D. Rockefeller is not in the jurisdic tion of the district but he is not so certain about William Rockefeller. One Killed; Ose Wounded.' Newbern, N. C, Special. A nerce thunderstorm occurred two miles from here Tuesday. Four men who were working in a field sought shelt er from the storm in a housed Light ning struck the house and killed ope of the number, James AvcretLoiid severely wounded his son. XeRoy Dixon and a son were stunned by the shock and were unconscious for more than an hour. Their horse was kill ed. The house was burned. Tele phone and telegraph wires have been 1 yrecked. The Earthquake Not Located. London, By Cable. No news has been received in London that would locate the earthquake recorded Tues day by the observatory at Laibach, Austria, says the oscillations began at 2:22 Tuesday afternoon and last ed for 2 hours and 18 minutes. The distance of the disturbance is esti mated at 6:300 miles from Laibach. South Carolina Farmer Ki? Negro Tenant. Columbia, S. C, Special. E. T. Cbappell, a farmer residing near Edgefield, shot and killed an old ne gro named George Griffin, a tenant, on his place about 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. At 9 o'clock Tuesday night counsel for Chappell appeared here before Judge Dantzler and secured bail for bis client in the smm of $1,000. It is said the killing grew ouc of a dispute over a labr contract, the negro making sn effort to hit Chappell with a rock. - i 1

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