(EOuTltl) Wetog. Three Cents the Copy., INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XIII. COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 , 1907. NO. 14. iUiaBTM a fk bjtvH HrM A A t-E- A ROC fisc ill i Aferct i u i i aa e i mhiy - r. The News of Old North State Gathered and Put in Condensed Form. Big Kun on the Wachovia. " i Zcke Lewis Not Guilty. oai;s)ui v, special. tub run oai ""'i p j"a j " sa . - . J rasa nf , Zete T-fiwis the seeond of the tte Wachovia Loan Irust L,o. defendentg trfed - the Anson county Thursday morning made the State fcit iynching cases, brought in a verdict and take notice. Messages from of not" guilty after being out sections came and the stupid, if an hour and three-quarters. not malicious le, s ar e e e ay i judge Peebles requested the iuriors shows tnai - to take their seats and said as there Yvri.lf falsehood fattens at I nnlv fwn mvro Have rtf fliio cruiA. .I'll rt T 'ullean feasts. It took a long time lai term, tne regular term oi super- v.i a (Treat amount or wis- Vi cKxmiUS ui ..vmvi.Y tuuc IIUU1U UUl Ut tllXIC LU tl V til- DEATH OF SENATOR PEffUS But," he continued, "if find req i , . t s luslk n in a wuv i rfiom to lKuunv v . . other pase to hold the confidence of the depos- we had time j would not try another tWp was a whisper tnat a run one of these cases. There is so much xih Point Bank had been feeling here in favor of the defend i On & . , I anfs that tho tfl a 1 rvf fi n 17 mnro noaaa . - mi.., ,tnrv wfint on winsrs and I ' rstarteii. ol" now would be a farce. T surest to men and women spent uneasy hours. thft BoIicitor that he move for a rc. 1 1 wm -1 hiTfiAm ri.Tl 1 a i 1 j -r i Thev trere mere wu ujicnw mova; to some otner county. ijynen mg will never cease in North Caro lina until there is a strong, healthy sentiment against it. There is u. doubt that this lynching was commit ted and we have 23 men indicted here for the crime, yet a great many well- their permeates oi uupusiu uui vasu :flr Rhider and President Lee S. Over man were there with the goods and us fast as one man took out his gold, Hit men with faith came and back A mi t lie institution mat is bbuuw Alabama's Senior Senator breathed His Last at Hot Springs, This State From Effects of Apoplexy, With Which He Was seizeu . Friday Morning Entire Body Paralyzed and Consciousness Was Never Re covered. Asheville, N. C, Special. United States Senator Pettus of Alabama, died Saturday night at 10 o'clock at Hot Springs this State from the ef fects of a stroke of apoplexy with which he was seized while at the breakfast table Friday morning. His entire body was paralyzed and be never recovered consciousness since that time. Senator Pettus arrived at Hjt Springs about a week ago from Tate Sprinrjs, Tenn. Up to the time of the seizure he was apparently in the best of health. At the breakfast table Friday it is said he was unusually cheerful, and when he was stricken the guests of the hotel thought he merely had a fainting spell. Phy sicians were summoned from Ashe ville for consultation with the local physicians and it was seen that there was no hope of the Senator s recov ery. His relatives were telegraphed for and they are now on the way to the death bed of the deceased. Senator Pettus celebrated his 86th jtU the connaence Known citizens oi Anson county nave birthday at Tate Springs last week, of the City, xi is uouuui tuC uaua pamiueu nere an m stunu mm, iney and Qn thftt occasioil his unusual vig bas a cent less iuui it u wuu m naa coninoutea money to tne aeiense or was the- subject of comment. 'By lie began us .circuit, aii wu inere is a strong popular ieeimg nere Drimarv arrangement of last sum oiled on tne Dans lor ineir ueposiu loo in tneir iavor ana i aon t see any mer he win be succeeded in the Sea ver score m 10 IDE M III Mill 11 Governor Glenn I Succeeds in . ... M ' ,. Having State Law Enforced THE PEOPLE GENUINELY PLEASED Officials of the Southern and Atlantic Oo Line Meet With Governor Glenn and After a Conference of Three Hours a Treaty of Peace is Made By the Term s of This Agree ment the 2 1-4 Rats Law is to Be Observed After August 8th and. All Buckley and other Indictments and Prosecution Now Pending 'Against the Southern Are to Be Stopped. if Raleigh, N. C, Special. It can safely be said that Governor Glenn's office was the centre 4t attention not only of North Carolina but of the United States. The J ljne between State and Federal sdivereignty had been sharply drawn and the situation was tense in the extreme. The ten sion was as to whether the State should win or lose in; the rate case there was 'no happier man in the arrangement. "Eighth, the 6uit pending before Judge Pritchard at Asheville to be diligently prosecuted without the State's having any question of juris diction. ' ' No Contempt Proceedings. The Governor stated tfiat Messrs. Thorn and Humphrey, also, as coun sel for the Southern Railway, under take that it will not inaugurate con tempt proceedings because of any thing heretofore done by any of the State officers in connection with this rate litigation, and that the road will do what it can to prevent the inaug uration of any such contempt pro ceedings. ' ' This arrangement between the Southern Railway and Governor Glenn is also assented to by George Rountreai attorney for R. Nelson Atlantic Coast Line stockholders, complainants and by Alexander Hamilton, general coun sel for the Atlantic Coast Line Com pany, except that they do not consent that the Atlantic Coast Line shall be indicted in one case but as to tbr' leaving the State at liberty to do as its sense of duty may dictate, this agreemnt being signed by Hamilton and Rountree. There is a rumor that contempt pr- ceedings may be begun against the parties who are responsible for the arrest of Mr. Finley although noth-' ins definite is known on this score. Fifth Rioter Found Guilty. ; Roanoke, Va., Special. George Phillips, indicted by a grand jury for rioting, in connection with the smashing of Greek restaurants by a mob two weeks ago, Was tried in po lice court and fined $20. He was the fifth man found guilty of rioting'. Thomas Divers, who was fined $50 and given 30 days in jail for the same charge has given notice of ap peal to the higher court and fur nished bail. ARREST OF MR. FINLEY. JKU , . --- r - - TT.;. , mer he win De succeeded in tne oea- there was Ho nappier- man m paid promptly and after the nae in prosecuting them further here t b Ex-Governor Joseph F. John- cLuntrv than GoVernox Gier ore as over many returned their now." All the rest of the defend- stonwho wiU serVe until the Alaba- f thn Governor G4er sh to the bank again. ants were required to give bonds of legislature meets. Mr. Johnston at 7 clock in the ffemnS Only Female Deputy Marshal Greensboro, Special. While it is not generally known the Western dis trict of North Carolina has one of the fewpC;haps the only lady deputy marshal in the United States. is notmng to $3,000 each inside of 15 days for their appearance at the next January tenn of Union County Superior Court. ma legislature meets. Mr. Johnston was born in Lincoln county, North Carolina, and has many relatives there. There Murder and Suicide. Charlotte, N. C, Special. Mrs. Madge Powers, wife of Harry T. Pow ers r Morehead street arrocer was Run Through and Bulled By Pitch fork Prongs. Winston-Salem, N. C, Special. -News -was received here of a pecu liar accident which occurred at Ker nersville late Saturday afternoon, re sulting in the death of Mr. Dewitt Marshall the 19-year old son of Mr. A. F. Marshall a prosperous farmei living near Kernersville. The' young man fell from a load of wheat-straw and struck a pitchfork, the prongf of which penetrated his breast, kill ing him almost instantly. College Destroyed by Bolt Winter Park, Fla., Special. T!i music hall of the Rollins college was struck by lightning and completely destroyed. The equipment was par tially saved, but four pianos and the splendid domestic school outfit were burned. Tne building and its con tents were insured. President Black- in North Carolina and that the old il" " vot low Th man being in the North no statement State is the first in the Union which warrant for President Finley 's ar- respecting the plans for the future it. There was a rattle of applause tain Lylerly at the instance of Po n a, .0 lice Justice G. S. Reynolds and was a a I ca,Tr.A Kit tnlla CiiYlOOr Kmtich VV ' I - cm 1 1 on Iiita n I . a. . Very Sensational Development in. North Carolina Rate Case Trouble. Asheville, N. C, Special. The cli max in the railroad rate matter waf reached Saturday morning when Jv. W. Finlev. president of the Southern Gienn when Railway Company, was served with . i x it h ii T 1 TTi- .1 evening be an- warrant at tne cattery ram. xiutei, nounced that the la was supreme charging him with aiding and abet ting in tne violation oi. me xuitu Carolina passeneer rate law. lbe declaration while he; liams. The news of tEe arrest ox Drew Money Out; Got Robbed. Spencer, Special. Following a run which was made on the Wachovia Loan & Trust Co., here a customer who withdrew SiNl was robbed oi . - , , , , i ilJi j i. j I , i' i?, tj prevent a marshal ap- the same within a few hours after toun.a aefa m . ner. Dea .ro" lu0l" Dy . pepi! P "T . " Resident imiey spread pointing a woman, but it is not gen- he left the bank with the cash. There -erallv considered desirable tor one. ;s no oue to the tmiltv nartv. H. T. The waan who holds that position m Haekett another depositor of the same -this district is Miss Nessie Myrick, a bank was robbed of $30 by a room ,-- 11 r " 1 1 II.. I . . ... . mmmm miAivi .-. - 1 1 o -rc nn ,vi i n tr q n i ww i w - i l i i i . i riu. . iuriT i'- .uui.-iuoi i.in.cu. mare v. no SKinnea ine coururv. xuc , n i. . , . a. . . . I ri - i . I nna1 trntn o minor, nn P in T.fiR iur WMJXsUk JtX UU1 w w " -" rick ireut to Salisbury to serve a res- run on he bank bdgan early in the framir.s order upon Mr. Mayuen tiei jav ana continued until noon, ail ment, Assistant Attorney General for J cnecks being paid promptly and with the State of North Carolina, lhe or- out the eBSt embarrassment to the der is ore of the many processes that bank. Conditions became normal in lave been issued since the beginning 1 the afternoon and many depositors of the ntisration relative to the en- returned to the bank with their money north end of the store building bar - abake his hand, the ?first being the fire and soon every one on the streets urday morning about 7 o'clock. Hard less president of 4e Baptist Uni- had something to say about it. It oy ner lay uei uusuauu, unuiv , , rq1o:v, T?ih- I w uue topic ui w,o-. and dying. A pistol lay withm a tew the sensation of the day. inches of Powers' ngnt nand. rsioou ert x. vauu. - Officials Arrive. . DIFFERENT PLANT. FriendsDo you raise egg-plant fa your garden? Amateur gardener No, my egg plant is in the henhouse, out behin4 the barn. Somerville journal. forcement of the State's new rate law Miss Mvrick recently served the pa pers in Reidsville in the case of Jas. P. Richardson & Co., against the Am erican Tebacco Company. Reassessment of Railroads. In Deep Water. Reidsville, Special. Dick Scales a colored man of Madison, was drown ed while seining with Mayor McMich- ael and a party of citizens near Madi son. The unfortunate affair hap- head of his wife and flowed freely from the wound back of his right ear Murder and suicide every bit of evi dence pointed that way. It was plain that Harrv Powers had, tor some whim of his own, shot his wife de.id in her tracks and then turned tue gun on himself. Dime novels, ciga- retts, cards and whiskey were among the ornaments of the pitiful looking Whiskey, empty bottles an-1 I nniiDl of fho nnint. whirf t.hft Dan and The corporation commission maKes & public a statement of the re-assess- stepped into deep water and endeav- ment of railroads other quasi-public orea to swim to the bank. The cur orporations. It shows that railroad rent however was too swift for him property has advanced from $70,077,- anj he was drowned before assistance 361 to $84,412,833. The assessment oi couia reach him. It is believed that Hie Atlantic Coast Line is made $30,- ne either died from fright or heart The incidents of the day began with the announced arrival Saturday of private cars on which were the tvo general counsel a the Southern Railway', Alfred P. norn and Alex ander P. Humphrey, and President Thomas )M. Emerson I General Coun- m Alexander naminon, Assistant ,fty fche states Federal General Counsel George B. Elliot, of TBufldin instead of Justice Reynold's iw arinnnn i nasr. line hi hi iieorsrc i . i i ii.. rooom. wnisKey, empty Doities - rr , ,7 , court, me warrant servea uy tuo a half-filled glass sat on the little ta- fvouniree wno ;.nu tue officer ch d Mr Q hie bv the door. The entire affair Lme ftocKiiomers. inese oraciaib ant I president of the Southern Railway is a vW tragical as well as mysteri- ey erf Company with aiding and abetting in 1 11 1 I -. 4- K I IX I'll 111 Mil V r tL IjUlllCl Clllju TV llil President Finley, however, did not pay a visit to the citv police court, as was iu- tended Before the officer serving the paper could execute the command to "Have the body of W. W. Finloy in police court " a United States dep uty marshal serted a writ from the United States Circuit Court on the police officer and Mr. Finley the mar- ehal and the patrolman iound tneir lill tnX Are a Necessity I 1 m the Country " ous one, and whiskey coupled with domestic troubles is doubtless the cause. 00O a mile; the Seaboard Air Line $20,424; Southern Railway (all lines) $25,572; North Carolina Railway di vision of Southern $47,373, giving this division a valuation of $10,573,762 against $6,680,000 by the last assess ment. Ninety-nine other quasi-public corporations are assessed $7,072,616 against $6,173,42S by previous assessment. Girl Drowned While Wading. Kewbern, Special. A distressing accident occurred near here in th?, jkowning of Bessie, the 7-year-old fcashter of J. J. Rhodes, captain on river steamer. Rhodes had taken family to Wilkinson's Point for a Ws n'ntinor and thev were having a & eniovable time. The little girl it m wading and stepped in a deep tole and sank immediately. The strong pnrrent took her down the tream and it was with considerable faculty that the body was recover d- The body was in the water an aor and a half. failure before he sank. Verdict for $5,000. Asheboro, Special. In the case of M. W. Parish against the High Point Randleman, Asehboro and Southern Railroad for personal injuries the jury has just returned a verdict for five thousand dollars m favor of the plaintiff. No motions made in the case yet. Lawyers Spence and Moffitt and other parties to a supplemental bill in equity with a reference to the rate bill, were served with a second installment of orders and an aneil liary bill. Court will continue next week. Coast Line Acquires Fayotteville Property. ' Fayetteville, Special. Thursday afternoon Harry Walters, of Balti more, 4pe of the largest stockholders in the Atlantic "Coast Line Railroad conveyed twentv-f our pieces of valu nVIn nmnarfv in fVllO Ptt.M t.Ct frhft Mil- road company. An Historical Event. t Norfolk, Special. In commemdrn tion of the establishment of the house of burgesses, or legislative assembly in America at Jamestown, July du. 1619, there will be held at the James town exposition on July 3U, next, tne two hundred and eighty-eighth an niversary celebration, one of a series of many historical celebrations at the exposition. The programme includes addresses by Former Vice President Adlai E. Stevenson of Illinois and Representative J. Warren Keifer of Ohio, former speaker of the house of representatives. Governor Glenn at lli 'o'clock, but his attorneys, ex-Governot Aycock and Speaker Justice, of th House of Rep resentatives, were not present, so the time was fixed for the afternoon. President Emerson had to leave two hours belore the conference. Tha meeting vas in the Governor's office. The Governor desires- that reporters should be present, but left the matter to the railway peoplef, who objected, so he lequested the j fiewspaper men tov retire. ' (I A Three Honr3 Conference. The conference lasted three hours each side withdrawing to prepare pa pers for signature. At 6:30 6 'clock the conferees left the; Governor's of fice, all smiling. Speaker Justice was the first to announce the result and said to the eager reporters: "All the violation of the State rate law by collecting more than 2 14 cents a mile nasseneer fare. The warrant I o - was issued under the common law. During the hearing on the writ of habeas corpus before Judge Pritchard considerable testimony was had rel ative to whether or not the applica tion for the writ was made before the warrant for Finley 's arrest was serv ed. Mr. Finley was sworn and gave testimony. He said that he verified the application for a writ for his re lease after the officer had appeared in his rooms and served the warrant. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to he m agony ior hours while he drives to town for the doctor. 1 el ephone and save half the suffering. Our rree book tells how to or- gamze, mma ana operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' krial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. Bad Head-On Collision. n-i. i -r o:i a Vinrwl returns, v - . eceDt the three law suits on colision occurred oaiurtray mg-n f OC! about 9 o'clock a short distance noiih and the 2 ! 1-4 rate goes into effect as of Stoney Creek, Va., between Atlan- soon as the Souther and AUanfcM Zf 3 , L T- JL a tmAa Coast Lane can figure out the sched- be CM Line tnmi Na Florida jf w later the gpecuu,-"'lmor came out and read to the 80, northbound. Both engines wrej nan v uamaneu. iuc man 101 , .... in and the head express car on No A Hint to Hurry. Goldsboro, Special. An official t has been served upon the several breads centering here, by. the Cor Jwttion Commission notifying the.n that the union passenger station for yoldsboro must be completed accord- to the plans submitted by the rail T?ad.s and approved by the Cominis sin last January, by November 26 'er penalty. Found Dead in Road. Newton. SDacial. Monday morii- 1 x about 9 o'ekk Mr. J. P. White f Mountain Creek township, left hU We near Denver to walk to the Vise of his son, Mr. Locke White, al)out a mile and a half distant. About ii "o'clock the farm hands of ;lr- E. D. Bamble, on their way to Qner found Mr. White lying near ge path, with his head in a branch. e was dead and the supposition is at while bathing his head in the en- dLTJI' to 0001 the intense heat, he Uled or fell and was drowned. Girl Burned to Death. Morehead City, Special. Tues day morning about ten o'cldek the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Guthrie while in the act of starting a fire in the cook stove took the half gallon kerosene oil can which was filled, and began to pour oil on the wood, when the oil ignited and ex ploded in the can. 80 derailed. Engineer Bradshaw on No. 85 assumes the blame, saying that be forgot his orders. One man was killed. agreement which is signed by Thorn and Humphries: The Agreement. "First, the railway puts the 2 1-4 cent rate into effect ; net later thaa Aucrust 8th. next. 1 f Second, the State; to appeal trom HIHll W MIL WS8 ILL IT WILL COST YOB write for our big FREE BICVCLE catalogue showing the most complete line ot ingn-eraM rCLES, TIKES and SUnuniM ai -.l.mx ninvrrr.KS. tires BELOW any other snanuf acturer or dealer in the world. nr cm anv kind of terms, until you have recdved our complete rr loan hlttstratlng and describing ever bicvcles. old patterns ana laiesx moucm, trome. at any price. ing every kind of high-grade and low-grad models, and learn of our remarkable AXW BJU NV1 BUM icycies, oia pani "r. "11"" , '"ir." C.T.-n: PRICES and wonderiui new oners maae pwjiuc ujr xu.6 direct to rider with no middlemen's pronts. t -SHIP OM APPROVAL -without a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and SnWie DarT FreTrtol and make other Uberal terms which no other house totheWld wUl do. Von wiU learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. ' .u. to- o mtH-m Anmwtf in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. .90 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ? " kl "ff PER PAIS An Adventuress. t J T3 -i,Wl f t-q TrcorTiiTlP T"un w Prichard's order discharging lCSlie LUC ilLLlcI itau uxuuu " . ... ; .. n i t -1, I- T?-r. iA all Snniotv ."n parties in Asneviwe on writ or naDes a Wiue swarm xxi j - I Rcsuu ui J -r- -s4-n1kIC f the strength of the professed friend- coyP it Jl . making. No danger from THORNS. CAg- .7 ..P . i "Third- the South?rn Railway to Ttic 6dim NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. ship witn weauny Amenuaus, u "-.r-o.... 't I " vWtits. can cflinSf whom J. Pierpont Morgan appeal w me oune pwu1, x ius pnncxxxrc. ' fc i-.i Wolro ftnnntr nneMflnri IT Tne ease TT C vfc.wv T Regular Prlco To Introduce Wo Will Soil You a Sample Dain fni flftV sJK (CASH WITH ORDER .oo MOIIORE TROUBLE FROW PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years expeneiii" am .80 NAILS. TACKS Ok glass WONT LET OUT THE AIR Bond Refused Rowlands. Raleigh, Special. The application for release bv Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Rowland, under habeas corpus pro ceedings, was refused by Associate Justice Conner, of the Supreme Court He announced that as the burden was n the Rowlands to show their inno- cense of the charge oi the murder cf ' testified was sentenced to five years in prison on the charge of obtaning a larare sum from Miss Annie Rlmint an Irish heiress under false pretenses. Bank President Swindled. South McAlistej, I. T., Special. J. J. McAlister president of the Am erican National Bank, paid $10,000 is decided against it j to take it by writ of error to the United States Supreme Court. ' r 1 Jourth, that both ' sides co-operate to have said cases advanced and argued together and speedily deter- Notloe the thick rubber tread "A" said puncture strips "B and "D," also rim strip to prevent rtm cutting. This tire wiU outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY. RIDING. oA ii v nnv other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual use. Over .tw.fiu Tttaneand nairs Sold last Year. W fry, Meal K5SSs22a we haw hundreds of letters from satisfied customers statinf; without allowing the r JPlJ 7 ortwice in r whole season. They weigh no more thaa that their tires have only been pamp 'P fSbeine aiven bveveral layers 3 thin, specially an ordinary tire, the prepared fabric :on J!SSw" tread which prevents all air froming or son roaa r, th ov-rcomine all suction. The regular price oi lueaer to be a miner. for sale, was appraised at the government ome and found to contain 80 per cent oi rmre ffold. When the deal was com 1 I UI BUU ' " . . " a. minea. l; n,,ezed out between theure anu - vT;.ifrto,nri. to the rider "Kltll, the State, at its option to Ses is ? 5o perpsir but fordvnmw . JBS . I f nniv ti.So oer oair. All orders anrppcu a" 4 rMmratid. indict the Atlantic Wst Line m one Sondriy actunmyi We will allow actn "'fi' ihiV ,lvertimrnt: We will also send one nickel awotompsoVmet U""J - r co examination. as in a bant. ASK your rosnnaaccr. case. Charles R. Strange, Mrs. Rowland 's P h' McAlester banker got a 1 1 A nnA l,of ac this had a f1 . I . .... n A, i i i lOrUlcl llUBUttUU, aiiu buuv not been done, he remanded them to jail for the next term of court, with out any prejudice to either them o;' to the State. . time the new 2 1-4 cent rate IS put finer than any tire youhayeeyerusedOTse into effect as far as the Governor can JiSK control the same. "Seventh, the Governor advises all persons against bringing any penalty snit nendiner final determination oi. worthless imitation of the brick the appraiser had examined The swin- eStion involvelf and asks the d e was aiscovereu a lew uuuis uj.c . t i i fh? the transaction. fnd renairs. and. us at hall the usual whpn offer- and no Otfiers to De lnguiuiea xor any We areperfecUy .-"t piof this paper about us. If you order a pair of 1t!Lw2L. alleged violations of Slaw up to the v iao.ou w . . o 1 A flonf mtd is nut I v".ll" Z. everused or seen ai y- - T "r., - . 11 f-I von want a bicycle you will give us your order, we wan, y , order at once, hence this remarkable maa saddles, pedals, parts m eTPa OD A ir f -.V. .v.o- in the bicvele line are sold by us SfiKSSSwaSKSgjf-; ?&gF8S!'Bi8B?ei BUYING. do not "Mivar wonderful offers we are making, it oniy coi A . am iuleYCU COIIMMYDepf'JL" CHIC16C?ILU M ffl

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