folk I ' PUfl Hki .B jflssV mf 0 Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price. SLOP Per Year in Advance. VOL XIII. COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1907. NO. 15. 1 1 NORTH CAROLINA AFFAIRS j lithe News of Old North Slate Gathered and Put in Condensed Form. HNHWHNMggilWM Thirteen Post Offices Discontinued. Advices received at the Raleigh post office from the Department at i . il - i Xl i. 1.1. Washington are to me enect mat ui following post offices in North Caro lina will be discontinued on the dates named, their territory to be served by rural free delivery routes from rfnar post offices: Como, Hertford -.nntv. Aug. 15; .Clear- Rub, Samp an Dec. 14; Trilby, Person, July 15; nnsville. Sampson, July 31; Dob- L;th, Wavne. July 31; Cates, on. July 15; Union Hill, Surry, tniv H- Valentia, Surry, July 31; - :n Moore. Auc. 15; Poin- 2S? T3k Juiy ffi Yatesville, iexteJ:w t1v 31; Pantehr Creek, S ' lSi Gaylord, Beaufort, July SL New Postofnces. The following named post offices ,rpre established m North Carolina in July: Lundy, Mitchell county; Winatt, Jones; Bee Tree, Buncombe; Bovden. Surry; Millbranch, Bruns wick; Mayesvillc, Gaston. Warrants for the Southern. Lexington, Special. - Lexington still issues warrants for the Southern Railway for running its trains faster than six miles an hour through the corporate limits. The papers are Several PRESIDENT MOORE PLEASED CORD Launched Dozen Hew Warehouses Within 10 Days. Charlotte, Special. "I got about twelve new warehouses and holding companies launehed on my recent trip over the State," said President C. C. Moore, of the North Carolina Cotton Growers ' Association while relating his experience during the trip through the State on matters which are of in terest to the association at large. IBM (IE ON B Standard Oil Company Must Pay $2$ MHl.tMltJ NEWSY GLEANINGS. V PROMINENT PEOPLE. swrvfid on A stmt L. F. Barr. have been issued each carrying with This is ene of the most successful it a fine of $10 and the costs. Still I trips that President Moore has ever the trains, run as tbey list. This is made. He visited manv counties to JUDGE LAHDIS STANDING FIRM - (j- Standard Oil Company Given Largest Fine Ever Imputed in History oi American Jurisprudence More Than 131 Times Amount Received Through Rebatiug Operations. all because tram No. 34 is denied Lex ington. Thus far there has been u trial. The conclusion of the matter Philadelphia is to have a new 10, 000,000 art gallery. The Missouri State University now has a 44 chair of poultry." Japanese guards have been placed along the Korean railway lines. Japan's speculative bubble burst and many banks and business con cerns failed. The Rock Island Railroad an nounces that it is going to oust its political lobby. "Old Home Weeks" are growing more and more popular in the. New England States. The Venezuelan Government, re plying to the recent note of Secretary Root, refused to arbitrate the Ameri can claims. J. M. Bell, a New York tailor, de clares that London craftsmen now is not in sight. Kope Ellas, Jr., Weds Miss Eilgo. Durham. Special. At the resi dence of the President of Trinity Col lege Thursday afternoon his accom- Chicacro. SneciaL Judge Kenesaw the section to the north and west of M. Landis Saturday in the United Charlotte on his rounds, and found States District Court fined the Stan- .li ? . i i it. 1 AnrA nil flnmiMiiv nf Indiana $29.- mmfl to America for tbeir styles in everyming in gooa snape ana me cot- i " , rn r , ... o m r ,f t Din fct j n tUn laic I man c nttiro ton crop outlook fairly good -as accepting rebates from rail- President Mellen says the New promise as could have been expected. ads. ThePfineK fe the largest evei gnTto 'SSS'it f rom ?he New Mr. Moore is especially pleased with assessed against any individuals 01 York centrai. th momentum which the warehouse any corporation m tne history 01 iUm&m tho ornn mart hv the mvmp,f to Hp crntWin bk I American criminalgurisprudence, and Inter8tate Commerce Commission; it " . o I i;l4l k 1Q1 timnc o i j J in is BiiKUbiy uiuic iuoii - i js uuuuieu iuai xm Kilcro was married to Mr. Kone Elias. lfc progresses, and he regards this a? fc - reeeived by th Jr.. Rev. Dr. J. C. Kileo Derformintr most important matter before the company throueh its rebating opera the ceremony. Both these young farmers at this time. tions. The case will De carnea w me I . . . V J - rt 1 hignere courts by the aeienaing com- Ohurch Union Held Valid. pany. Te penalty imposea upon ine corn- people and their distinguished parents are well known in North Car olina. The honeymoon will be spent in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Fayetteville, Tenn., Special. In H. Harriman will be prosecuted. Tareet records with Whitehead tomedoes were broken by the sub marine boats Octopus and Cuttlefish at Newport, R. I Congratulations on the victofy of the State over the railroads in the on Governor Centennial of Gate City Birth. r,rvnsboro. Special. As an illus tration of the interest already being taken in the proposed celebration next vear of the centennial anniver sary of Greensboro, and reunion of nonresident native North Carolinai ans. C. M. Vanatory, chirman of the committee having the plans under consideration, is in receipt of many iortpr from incide and outside the the State urging the culmination of the proposed function. He received the following from a very prominent divine: "I note the proposed celebration onalanre scale next year of the con tasial for Greensboro'. I am deeply interested in the plan and hope to be !p tn attend the celebration anti ff-nmon. My great-great grana father. Ralph Gorrell, owned the land upon which the city is built and sold it to the commissioners for $98. My ?reat grandfather Hugh Forbis, was one of the commissioners. My : ii : : nnAat I me uauv is me uiaiiiuitui uwiuincu uuux , , ......t, i tn his opinion delivered here on the the law, and it wa announced at the Gienn Qf North Carolina Presbyterian Church case between the end or a long opipon in wnicn m. Fiiipino students at the Cornell Getting Ready for Collection of Taxes Unionists and the anti-unionists, sin- "J? na PracPes OI ine University summer school declared Work has begun in the State Audi- volving the right ot possession in tne aeorefL Th -:uac in fact, declared would welcome a Japanese invasion. tor's office on the compilation of the I property of the Cumberland Presby jn njs opinion mat the officials of thai Commissioner Bingham ordered returns trom the various aomestic fprian nhnh. Chancellor Waiter Standard Oil ComiMtnv who were res- the police of New York Uity to stana Bearden held that the -union" w poaible for the practices of wbicJi at ntion wnen jx : v;i the corporation was iouna guutv, the Church constitutions but decid that under the deeds conveying t property to the trustees of the sever Churches the bill of the "unionists corporatins in the State, making lists to be sent to the Registers of Deed of the various counties that they may make out the tax lists of stock hold ers in these corporations and turn 1 hem over to the sheriffs for the col- lectics of taxes. The work is to be completed by August 15th. a citizen asKs a question, and touch his hat tne questioner be a woman. Will Report Favorably Bill on Negro Disfranchisement. Atlanta. Ga.. Special. House corn- Laying New Rails. . Hamlet, Special. About fif teen miles of the new rail has been laid on this the C. C. branch of the Seaboard and it is claimed that with good con ditions, the work from Hamlet to Wilmington will be completed by 'the first of the year. Charge of Manslaughter. Detroit, Special. Representative Charles E. Ward, Speaker pro tern ot the State House of Representatives and chairman of the ways and meaio were no better than countergeiters and thieves, his exact language being: "We may as well look at this sit uation squarely, fhe men who thus deliberately violate this law wound asking for exclusive possession in the counterfeits the com, or steals letters name of the united church must be society more deeply than does he who m:ttee on constituitonal amendments dismissed. Both sides appealed. Tueifrom the mail." J . aaa r-oort fnvorahlv the Sen- court refused to enter into the merits f Judge Landis commenced reading declded to rePort yWy ttie ben or demerits of the Various ecclesiasti- his decision at 10; o'clock and occu- Jite bill on negro disfranchisement, cal questions. pied about one hoir in its delivery. The bill is likely to come before the He reviewed the facts in the case House fr fbaal action late this week. New Corporation. ! took up the arguments of the attor- The pronjbition bill probably will be Raleigh, Speciah - The CM &&XES - Gove-, Bath's Reality Company filed notice with the th eoatfiany, which he declared vio- ture Monday, when it will become a secretly of theKf ate pF 1 JURUW ' lated -he lftW for t:be sole purpose of law, to be effective January 1, 190S. Joseph G. Cannon has served thirty-two years in Congress. United States Senator Hepburn, of daho, weighs more than any other Senator. Secretary Elihu Root, is said to have been one of the best' paid attor aeys in the United States. Ambassador Reid gave anotner great party, which was auenuea oy many of the most distinguisnea men and women in London. Friends of Senator Daniel, of Vir ginia, deprecate the suggestion that he snould be put forward as a candi date for the Presidency. Judge Uriah M. Rose, of Arkansas, one of the American delegates to The Hague conference, is regarded as one of the most scholarly lawyers In America. ' President Roosevelt has ordered: an annual or biennial test of the phy sical condition and horsemanship of all field officers of the infantry, artil lery and cavalry. King Alfonso is besought by the representatives of South American republics to visit mem this year, the idea being that he might nearly fol low the route taken by Secretary Root. Colonel William C. Gorgas, the Uni ted States Commissioner in the canal zone, told the Cornell medical grad uates that within the next two or three centuries "the centres of weclth, civilization and population wilV be in the tropics, as they were in the dawn of man's history. . Frank Steinhart, American Consul General to Cuba, has been in the ser vice of the army and State depart ments for twenty-five years. He speaks four languages and has been nicknamed "theconsul of all nations" because of his ability to help the peo ple of other nationalities besides his own. It is surprising to the Baltimore American, tihsut he altairenneats of the Chesapeake are not better known to owners erf snail pleasure craft in the big otties that pan reach the bay with out going outaMe. Ttte Chesaipeake abounds in attractions for those who journey leisurely in tfiouse boats or motor boats. grandfather, Rev. Amos Weaver, who I served one term in the Lagislaturc from Guilford, was the first pastor of the First Baptist church in Greens boro. These facts lead me to deeply to desire me to participate or to as sist in any way in this celebration I will be glad to comply. With all good wishes. "Yours faithfully, "RUFUS W. WEAVER." committee, was arraigned in the p-- corporators. oi capital irom iuu,uuu to jpow,. swellinff its dnrideids The Dixie Real Estate Company of The court held hat the railroads Greensboro was incorporated $25,000 have no more righf to make a secret authorized, $600 actual capital ; C. G. rate for a shipper than a board ot Wright, W. S. Lynn and others in High Point Tax Values. High Point, Special The board of assessors of High Point are hot in the collar in regard to Greensboro's insinuations that the property here is undervalued, while Greensboro is .paying her full share of the taxes The men who composed this board did their work well, so much so that many were made mad at the high val ue put on their property and all of them felt like they were paying enoueh. Considering that High Point is some smaller than Greensboro it is safe to say at she is paying hei just portion of the county's indent edness in the way of taxes, and has lo fear of comparisons. New Tobacco Sold. . Durham. Soeeial. The first new Mmceo was sold on this market iWsday afternoon. The tobacco from Chatham county and wa.s rha I.. - -. - FPl.. -i ,t . noin uc lower oriuiiiiis. iuc unvc 7 1-2 cents, for this grade of tobacco as such as to greatly please the m who had the weed for sale. lice court here on a warrant charg ing him with manslaughter in connee- ion with the death here trom a criminal operation in April of Mis3 Edith Pressley, proof-reader for the State Senate. Mr. Ward stood mute and his attorneys asked for an exami nation in the police court, which Jus tice Stein set for September 6th. The justice then fixed bail at $3,000 with two sureties which was furnished. Caught Almost in tne Act Winston-Salem, SpeciaL-fra Coos- assessors have to make a seaoncebant 1 the young adopted on of Mr. T. L. assessors would haVe to make a se- 'Cook, of Waughtown, is languishing - . I nrot nc.ccmotit on v nnrt 1 Pill liT 1 1--V.: 1 if tt Tvmcu-ti-i hare pVinrcrod A 1 i m ln fU. V ko I ""- J X I U6UWU WC WJ KJlov" " O"" Mining Company, Hemp, Moore conn- PieT of Property.. ; Wlth twice entering Hurley's salos i t t tT 5 Snn Mother.; The cOurt expressed regret that the in street and stealing money ty; J J Jones of Glendon an thers . more gerious in i gTwas ar- incorporators, ov,vw punishment than aj fine, but insisted ted about midnight Friday night Capital. .. . .v rxonolfv chonld hfl snfficientlv l t-i CVaP Pfof vohn nnncrUi arcfl to act as a aeterent ana not oi i 1mA cnn after h tnrnen out o n - nl 1 O- . - . - I Hie io" v - . ine vnarges oi rw. such a as to encourage the deten- Raleigh, Special. Judge Purnell der to persist in lawlessness. At tne conclusion oi nis opinion Extra Session in Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., Special. As a result of an all-night conference be tween Governor Comer and his law vers an extra session of the Alabama Legislature wll probably be called to look after certain railroad legislation. Owing to litigation the. recently en acted railroad curbing laws are sus pended and Governor Comer would Lave them repealed while undergoing examination of the Federal judicial pre be. Then Governor Comer will try a new strangle grip on the railroads at the extra session. There are fine prospects of a big row over the sub ject in Alabama. Nationalists Win Election. Manilla, By Cable The independ ence faction that united in the cain- uaien under the name of nationalists appear to have won the general elec tion for both independence candi dates. It pr iUbly will be ten days or two weeks before the coplete re turns: are received. Swannanoa Hermit a Suicide. Asheville, Special. William Jobe Cleveland, 86 years of age, and known hereabouts as the "Hermit," committed suicide some time Thurs day night at his home on Swannauoa river hy drinking carbolic aefd. The remains were brought to Asheville ad relatives in Salem, N. Y., noti fied by telegraph. No word, however, "as yet been received from Salem. .Japanese and Koreans Clash.. Washington, Special. The dis armament of the Korean army by the Japanese provoked hostilities and in the fighting that followed 40 Koreans were killed or wounded. The Japan ese casualities were light. The infor maiion comes to the State Depart ment from United States Consul Gen eral Sammons at Seoul. To Discontinue Trains. -.' - Winston-Salem, Special. It is be lng talked among the railroad people tllat the Southern has decided to take off the night passenger train operated between this city and Greensboro the one leaving there at 8:30 and re turning at 12:30. It is argued by those in a position to know that this . ain is not paying even the operat es expenses. "If the railroad loses t in its fight against the 2 1-4 cent Passenger rate you will see trains Jken off branch lines all over the tte." remarked a well posted rail otd man. ' K , ... . . . , - rti! and after announcmg the amount ol day he will begin a special term of ftdik directed that the Federal District Court for the a speciai grand jury be called for the trial of the peonage cases. A man purpose of inquiring into the acts of named McNeill who is construction the Chicago & Alton , Railroad Lom- superintendent of the Norfolk and pany, it having - ben proved in the Southern Railway will figure as t'he case just closed that the oil company chief defendant. The cases will oe acecpted rebates from that corpora prosecuted by Assistant Attorney tion. This juiy is ummoned for Au General Russell fromWashington, as- gust 14th. sisted by the district attorney. Much The decision ox Judge T.anriis interest and importance is attached aroused almost as iiuch public inter- to the trial. est as did the presence of John D. Rockefeller and otiqei officials of the Convicts on the Railway. Standard Oil Company in the court I vAAm rr Till xr fif Vi . TVin nmcrl TTQ 2 CD Raleigh, Special. Governor Glenn . . . ; f f a . and council of State took up the mat- marshals had much difficulty in con- ter of using State convicts on the trolling the crowd Ithat was enxious Mattamuskeet Railroad and decided to force its way info the court room. nTO ha .ko f convicts in con- The government 1 was represented struction work in Hyde county, the in the court roonv J)y United States State to accept as pay for the con- District Attorney Sams and Assistant r: r.u u v, wri TIia District Attoniev S Wilkerson. The victs seocis. m uc xv.. - - r' y . , .in road made the deposit required by the; attorneys who tried; the case for the new law to guarantee completion of Standard Oil Company, John S. Mill- construction. This is the first roaa er, mertz rtoseumiw auu aiucu . of five to accept the State's offer to Eddy were not present the company tv roiiirflv r.onstmction in this beinff represented by Mernt Starr a B1U tt-t- nf Mr Mil er nnd Ghauncov the alley leading to the rear -of tin saloon. He made no attempt to denj the fact that he entered the saloon. Kill 8?4s re a Necessity i 111 in the Country IDEAL WIFE FOR A POOR MAN. He Marry me and you shall want for nothing. She But I don't want to want for nothing. I want to want for some thing I want. Philadelphia -Press. The trouble seems to be to the At lanta Constitution feat, Japan didn't whip Russia long enough. Are a Necessity in the Country Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save m time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family if i i ?i t. to lie m agony ior nours wine ne dnves to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone knes and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 2d CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. rnin nuiia d i m mm mi mm m WS8 Reauiw &8.SO 1 GENTfl ILL IT WILL 60ST Y00 write for oar big FREE BICYCLE catalogue showing the most complete line ot hign-gjaaa mrvi fr.ES. TIRES and SUNDRIES at PRICES I BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. m tTT futmJ fWf 0V Mm mMm0 m at any t 7 j- j . ..nfii mn hsm rmvivpn our commae rnw OT on any kw uj - . . . , , j logue. Ulustrating aaa iLCrus anu micsi uiuucis, uu a v wm. t -- les, old Forty Killed or Wounded. Washington, Special. A dispach received at the State Department from Consul General Thomas Sam mons, at Seoul, Korea, says that for ty Koreans were killed or wounded Friday in a fight precipitated by the r i t -TT t Price per pair To Introtiuco We WIU SoU You a Sample tor amy at any price, e Free Cata- ing and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grada patterns ana latest moaeis, anu kbiuui ' 7 , . -- PRICES and wonderTul now oners maae posstotc ay cuius direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. . . WE SHIP OH APPROVAL u-iihout a ctni deposit. Pay the Fvelght and iTloWO Days Fre Trial and make other liberal terms which no other hous thVworldwill do. You will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. , We need a ffsfpr Affonf in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money, to suitable young men wno appiy at once. M PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ?" & NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER SA.5B) fint of the Korean army The casulaties on the Japanese side, erea!t rapjdity and ihe crops are be- the, dispatch anas, were siigui. in destroyed The Boll Weevil in Mexico. n i j " Qnaaial A kM. . I "U7 - . mnTiinrP special from Durango, Mex., to The NCT MORE TROUBLE PRONi nnvV I u x f nvtwripticp m tire Express says: Consternation reigns .j among the cotton planters of this XUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. State Cuencamo diltrict, of what is Serious punctures, intenUonal kmfe cuts, can . . .rfilam-7r1 llfcP atlV Other tlTC. generally supposed 0 De tne 01, -gj Over ivoan I ri I1HSSL rT 1 1 1 ill LI V i TW VVy v aai w r' , ; ' 1 a Notice the thick rubber trend "A" said puncture strips "B" and "D," also rim strip "Hrt to prevent rim cutting. This tire win outlast stay other make SOFT, ELASTIC ad EASY RIDING. M) ing, very durable and lined ruside -Si- Will Try to Enjoin Duke. Sommerville, N. J., Special. In junction proceedings are t be begun soon by the Baritan Woolen Mills to prevent James B. Duke, the tobacco king, pumping the Baritan river dry to make his two thousand acre park look like fairyland for his bride. Snspected Strangles Held. New York, Special. Two ansoects were held in a police court for the alleged strangling of two women here. One is believed to be implicated m several other murders. Ponr Men Crashed to Death. Injunction ic Granted. MomrJiTB. Tenn.. Snecial. -Federal 4U.VM 'J 7 3 . Seventv-five Thoasand pairs sold last year. i ...J. i ii .o. Tt 4a liwlv and easv DEWKiriW"' -rubber which never becomes porous and Which closes up small puncture E a fP,.1; to We have hdreds of letters from satisfied customebstaflng without allowing theair to jescapt w e mvc . . . 8o weiah no more than that their o.'f," qualities being given by several layers an ordinary tire : the PAfnu tlon commonly felt when thin, specially riding on asphalt n Dnng these an ordinary tire, tne nrerjared taDnc on tne ireau. x "'rv. V? .7 w;:" . ,a v.;i.' .n .ir 'rnn. I 5r soft roads is overcome by we.patem - . -f JZZ. -Ti-rLTi San Pedro, Cal., Special.-u our Ju(j McCali denied a petition or pai i av j- I- i . ..An itt-iinn lit . . v rrv l ' i -v -t- rvi r ra at on v . aj i i r ja.' men lost iucu . lne (jenrxat xrusi, yuiupaujr i z;'Aa v a cent unUl of the trestle leading from the wharf ycrk holder; lot the Memphis of the Pacific Storage Company col lapsed. The dead men were crushed by car loads of rock or drowned in J the harbor. Four others who went down with the teams were rescueu. All were Greek laborers who were, put to work and liheir names were not on the pay hU. The trestle collap sed as a train of 20 flat cars laden with rock backed- off the wharf. vou nave examincu buu iuuuu -j-r- r . ah.rehv making the orice S4.55 OCT pair) tW""" VHrtipnt we win also end if von send one nickel street railway bondf asking an in junction to restrain the city of Mem phis -from inaugurating 2-cent street car fares. The caSeghad been appeal ed to the State snpreme court from ing the constitutionality of the city the State cireuit eoirt, the issue be injunction. The suit, for a federal in junction waa entered pending a de cision of the State supreme court Wff will allow a casta. FULL CASH W ""fV-"" ,rrture closers on full oaid orders (these metal plated brass nana puropu Tf7nIeVtiomil knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned p. Tne it forknrreason they are not satisfactory on examination J9y"yj?.lrZrit to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster, .r7rHtent or the Editor of this paper about .us. u yon oroer - .:. , -y.-. .i riA- earner, run las nair ol aster, wear better, last longer and look these tires you g We know that you'wlU be so well pleased &7S.1,h We wt.yon,..aman trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer aax t. .nrl rertr. and nnASTERmBRAKES, everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual DO NOT WAIT bcTTore 11 "iow" an4 wooderfnloffer. we are making. It only U a postal to learn everything. ?' EaC-CTCLE C0PiiY,Depl.MaL" GHIClBCf ILL .3

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