POLK COUNTY NEWS. reWs In The Town Institute auu iov". Mr9 s. B. Edwards and child who has been spending a eJ days in Hendersonville, re- ,ed home ounaay. County Supt. W. M. Justice, of tjfl.Sprinff was in rown lues- Hiss Ysrbor and Miss Sallie lW8rt at fepartanDurg are .ntinffsfewdaysin town as e guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. fl. arbors. n, Kichols and daughter. iss Jessie, 01 iynn. was in Hi- nro. A ,me dental work for tho Colum- people. the Farmers Insti- ute, don't fail to come. v;fl Miller,, of Asheville, is isiting Miss Hellen Westlake. p V. Waldrope, of this Town- foip, was in town Wednesday. p Tgyor, of Pearidge, was in wn Wednesday. W. E- cole of Green River, as in town Monday. The members of the Presby- rian church met at the, church frd Monday, and cleaned up (the yard and ceunetry, and looks considerable better. I t C. Gilbert and wife, of Kelvin Hill, was in town Monday on legal business. nr TT TTT1 U U ill 1 -1. UT. w. n. vYaKueiu win ue at the Oak Hall hotel inTryon, Thurs day, August 15th for one day. His practeie is limited to deseaie of the eye, ear nose, and throat, on this visit the doctors fees for testing yes for I glasses vail be reduced so one half. A COMET. Tuesday, Aug. 13 Hon. W. M. Justice, our County Supt. of Public Instruction, was in town to-day and as his uual aptness in fore-seeing all calamities, dis- ' titers, and blessings told us of fa comet which appears in the East about 3 o'clock a. m. Mr. Justice is the first man in the U. S. to discover this comet, "so far as we know," as there has been no account of any of tue Washinghton Astronomies notic ing it. Mr. Justice wants us all to see it and says, say nothing about it unless we see it but rather than get up at 3 o'clock a. m. we are willing to take his word for it and know that readers of the News are willing to trust his word and look for it, after hear ing of his seeing it We know it is there alright but what is both ering us in how on earth came . Justice up at this unearthly flour. WEDNESDAY MORNING. Sure enough it is there two of 0Uf Columbus people saw it this ing. F. M. B. THE BLAKESLEE t Gas and Gasoline ENGINES Vertloal Engines 2H.P. 4H.P. Every Engine War ranted. An the Latest Improve- in ys ready for use. Safe, Reliable, Eeonom- Thw No,8e,- POSITIVELY SAFE. r'i taTm'n, "IPedally recommended foraen p to .bTI" th57 can be easily transported from ecnomiealS: and fniah the Bmt rellabU and ,niilU watf.rTver PowiWe tor running pompe for wcinrry r any kind rnirinK mallpower. uL. tor eauiotne and price 11. .BLAKESLEE MF6.C0.Birmtngtem.Ala. FOR SALE. 13393 acres of speculation timb ered land in Polk County N. O., on White Oak Mountain, Tryon Mouniain, Piney Mountain, on the waters of White Oak Creek, Alston Creek and Camp Creek of Green River. The same being in several tracts, as follows: Section one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 2024 3108 1350 981 1182 788 264 460 1101 776 acres it ft tt t eleven 1031 tt These lands can be bought in sections or as a whole, at prices that are reasonable and on terms that will be satisfactory. For futher information call on C. B. Justice, Agent, Rutherford ton N. C, or W. M. Justice, Mill Spring, N. C. Real Estate Brokers need not apply, as I am looking for actual purchasers. 1 also have some 4,000 acres on the waters of Big Hungry and Green River, on the west side of the Blue Ridge and east of the S. & A. rail road, in Henderson County. Parties wishig to see this land will call on S. J. Justice, or W. A. Smith Att'y Hendersonville, N. C. C. B. JUSTICE. Agt. Rutherfordton, N. C. June 24 1907. MILL SPRING HAPPENINGS. Written for The News. The new guest at the Mite Inn are Misses Alma Sicard and Eva McEniry from New Orleans La. Mr; Behenfrom St, Louis Mr. and Mrs. Benton and Mr. Leech from Beaufort S. C, The house is full of jolly gust. The young men and and ladies had a tramp to Skyuka Tuseday. They carried lunch and cooked it on a camp fire. Last Friday night a starw ride was enjoyed by all . the guests young and old. The drummers are in evidence "most always" Mill's Springs has has a great many inprovements in the last week 01; two, and hopes to have mort. Mr. Joe Walker, our postmaster, has had new rock wall erected in front ofhis resi dence, ant Mr Lewis one of our merchants has had a nice new front put to his store which made our town look a great deal better A little point helphs , things out. The Summit and Lewis house have a number of guasts. Our Baptist Mimister, Rev. Mr. moss will baptize a number of our girls and boys the third Sun day. Misses Lizzie Lee and Nellie Ross entertained a few friends last Satureay night was enloyed by all. We have been having a sing ing Shool at the Baptist church. A great many attended and we hope to have better singing in church and Sunday School here after. Mr. Owers is a very nice and compeutet teacher and tries to his duty faithfully. If wedi dn't learn, it was not his fault. This is the third summer for Mr. Benton at the Mite Inn. He is looking for young men Honest, upright, and not afraid to use muscles and brains too, money in his business for such. S. THE POLK COUNTY NEWg, and the Progressive Farmer for $1. 50 per year. Polk Conuty NEWS $1.00 pe year. W. J. Green, of Pearidge, was in town Tuesday. UN I V E R SIT Y OF NORTH CAROLINA , 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS. Coffeye, Enneerinf Graduate, Law, Medina, Pharmaoy. Library contains 45,000 Yolumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating syetem. New dormitories, gymnasium, Y.M.C. A. build ing, library. 732 STUDENTS. 74 IN FACULTY The Fall term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Address Francis P. Venable, Pres. CHAFEL HILL, N. C. Land Entered. J. F. Bridgman enters 25 acres of land more or less in Tryon Townahip Folk Coun ty N. Ii on waters of North Pacolet joining lands ot Ballenger, McCrary and others. En tered on the 26th day of July 1907. F. M. BURGESS. Entry Taker. La&tt iiaterel. Alexander O wens enters 20 acres of land mure or less m baiutla Township, Polk. County N. C, joining lands ot A. B. Thomp son, VValace Thompson, Wm. Morns and others on water of Green River beginning at A. B. Thompson's corner. Enlered this the 1st. day of July. F. M. Burgess. Entry Taker. Land Entered. Josh Hodge enters 15 acres of land more less in White Oak Township, Polk County, N. C. on Walnut Greek adjoining lands of Wouiack, Oriswell, Hodge and others be giumug on Hodge's corner. Entered 8th, of July, IQOjr F. M. BURGESS, , Entry Taker. Notice Of AdxidnEtratloxi. Having qualified as Admiuslralor of the estate ot Mrs. L- R. Carson deceased. This is to notify all persons, owing the said es tate to make immediate payment to the un dersigned Administratut. This is also to notify all persons naving claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned Administrator. Duly verified within twelve months from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in the bar of their recovery. C. A. CARSON. Admr. 1 This the 18th. day of July 1907. KOTXGS OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, 1 Polk County, Superior Court, Fall Term, 1907 Bellzora Jones, vs. t Notice Of General Lee Jones. ) Summons The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Polk County to obtain a decree of absolve divorce from the bonds of matrimony on the ground of fornication and adultry committed by said defendant subsepueiit to his marriage with the plaintiff; and the defendant will further take notice tuat ne is required to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of Polk County to be held on the sixth Mon day after the first Monday in September, 1907, it being the 14th. day of October, 1907, at the court-house in Columbus, N. C, ana answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Phis the 15th. day of July, 1907. S. B, EDWARDS, Clerk Superior Court Folk County. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Polk County, J Superior Court, fail ierm, 1907. D. H. Swann, j Notice Of vs. I Rettie Swann. J Summons. The delenuaut in the aoove-entitled ac tion will take notice that au action entitled aa above nas been commenced in ttie Superior Cmrt of Polk Couuty to obtain a decree to annul a marriage between tue. plaintiff and attendant on the grounu ol a prior marriage ol me deiendant existing at tiie time ol lier marriage witn the j Uintirt"; and the said de iendant will further tp.ke notice that she is required to appear a l the next term of Super ior Court ot saiu County to ue held on tue sixth Aionuay after the hrst Aionday. in ocptembvr, 1907, it being the 14th. cay ol October 1 907, at the couu-house of said County in Columbus, N. C, una atsvrer or demur to the complaint in said action or the pla.utiff will apply to court lor the r!fef de manded in the complaint. Tnis -43rd. day of July, J 907. S. B. EDWARDS, Clerk superior court Polk County, N. C. E. B. CLOUD Attorney At La COLUMBUS, N. C Office in the News office build ing 1 GEO. A. GASH, Manager. I Get voir Job' Printing done at the News Office, The Cheapest place cn be found. GiUje us a trial. X Jesse C Jones, JEWLEfl Dealer in watches clocks and pictures. Also fine repairing. Patronage solicited I and work guaranteed. I . JESSE C. JQNES, Lynn, IN. C. HELP IS TO WORTHY YOXJlf G PEOPLE We earnestly request all young persons, no mattr bow limited their means or educ a tion, who wish t obtain a thorough business trailing and grood posi tion, to write by flret mail for ogr git half W offer. Success, independence airobartortaa are STieranteed. Don't delay. Writ today. Th imimm 'Mrntmm Coi. IUni, HOLLISTEFi'S Rocky Hountain Te a Hufgets A Busy Medicine fjr Buvy People. Brings Goirfen Health and Renewed Vlffor. A specific for Constipation, indigestion, Liver and Kidney troub.es. Pimples, Eczema. Impure Brood, Bad Breath. SlusrKish Bowels. Headache and Backache. Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form. 3n cents a box. Genuine made by hollister Drug Compant. Madison, Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOh SALLOW PEOI ECZEMA, Old Sores, Itching Piles, Skin Diseases, ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMIT SALVE, nsD7i KiniDv vox. I Sold by all Druftria.. ' Take aoother. Old h'amVy HvrntdrW yeara. "i - a sionatnTA la ou every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qtlimne Tabieu 1 the remedy that cau-w. a eW in eaeaay if R YON OFFERED m - ' ' ' . - -M' ' - - - , For the best Hardware of all kinds go to the I - ' : . ' - ... ' .; . -7 , ; ' 1 " " - " ' . - Utt 4. SUPPLY" CO., 2. . mi 1 Cloud St Deaers ROUGH AND- LUMI SHINGLES ORDERS FILLED ON NOTICE. Columbus, North Carolina, Log Cabin OPEN ALL MRS. M. E. STEVENSON-Proprietress, Columbus, ou may not you can find the very suit of FURNITURE At THE Ezell Daniel Near depot ' v Cbattle Mortgages For Sale At THE NEWS OFFICE. TRYON; N. Ci Wmst In AND THE-YEAR. North Carolina. think it but that you need LANDRUM, So. Car. LATHS ' Ffcj mtt COMPANY 1 V ' ti - 4

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