fhree Cuts the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price. SLOP Per Year in Advance" VOL XIII. m COLUMBUS, N. C, THITXSD AY, AUGUST 29, 1907. NO. 18. I0RTH CAROLINA AFFAIRS I News of OM North State Gathered and Put in Condensed Form. jjp WITH THROAT OUT. Martin, Business Man of cord, Believed to Have Been ordered ana a joswh jriacea m EaBd For uecepwm. , )ncord, Special. A gnastly sight fnnnd Friday morning at 10:30 Lk by Mary Stafford, a 12-year- the deaU IKUV ui mauguiu Mill - well-known business men of western part of the city. His t was cut and tour bullet inds were in nis uu. A jubi,ui Idinsr one cauim v iui C7 chambers was found lying EX in the left hand. He was ly- on Ins back; His ieei crossea wuu his riirht breast. tnjriU I aim v Martin leu j ho- about 8 o'clock, stating to a sou M lie would be back in a few min s, but did not return. Believing it something bad happened to their Ji?r. bis five sons began a search rbiin. in connection with the police ferities. The body was found t 500 yards below the boutheru t on the east side of the rail- within less than 300-Teet of thy k kilns at Brown's brick yard. I Martin left his place of business $400 on his person, more than being in gold coin A small fcet knife, a box of morphine tab- ar.il 70 cents in money were d on him when the examination is maue uv . uuu 0. um g , be I believed by a great many that tin was murdered for his money, the pistol placed in his left to make it appear that the man umitied suicide. This is one of the most horrif ying rones tlfat has ever been committer yu, . w vu autiiuiiiua. ' 4? -making efforts to ferret out. hs mvsrerv. Med a Conductor IsieviHe, Special. Joseph TV. , wa, Jr., a railway conductor Mifip between Asheville and Col- iia was badlv o-ashed nhmir. the and face by a knife in the hands I Ed Miller, a voiinc whifr.A man nf CitV. Brunson received five es. He knocked Miller down and the knife from him. Miller was sted. The indications are that ison will recover. The fieht was result of an altercation, started Br.inson asking whv Miller did ot pay a debt he owned him, it i3 Big Industrial Corporation. Asheville, Special It was learned on absolutely reliable inforam that a crreat commercial and in strial corporation is beinc formed this Section nf "Nnrtk CaKna 4.. establishment and develonment industrial enterprises. Tlie capital ok of the coiToration will . I W0. Of this amount more than o and one-half million dollars have prcady ben subscribed and it is be- peved that the remainder of the five wion will be subscribed in six weeks wo months. Mother's Peculiar Death. j Asheville. A sudden and j aar death occurred here Friday 7 r moon. Mrs. Effie Ingle, while Opting to administer a thrashing Fmr 12-year-old son, was struck by It became overbalanced and, k v? to the floor' p11 a valvc War nnd died in a fow ca. I-onds. Motor Comoanv. at Roek- mirn on? Anom4a onf atv- Whs y- . )iJUir xne same, etc., iu,uuu JWal stock, W. N. Everett and oth- ockholders: the Lenoir Hard- P & Furniture 'Co. at Lenoir, to Wholesale business, capital $123,- u- J Lenoir and others stock- Prs; the Wilson Marine ftmaov" 6 CCrs. (, m i nAA 7 vu.mcis, tic., capital jtu,uou. i! j -'iiiui iiat Vy L LUC 1U1 l V Ov jK . -" -m ot tne JNortn uarouna pewtural Society which holds lairs which rank among the t 1 successful in the entire South. r ooard of agriculture this year al i ' m tor special premiums for and garden crops and 14 special mjj; -vC ueen seiectea an staple n each case the first premium 41. The lUli S econd $15 and the thirl Wk l . VU1 als be a set of valu- fth ' ums tor truck crops. One uj. vne lalr DC tne Py Williama Jennings Bryan a', October iTih, .1 m mm Revenue Officer Shot. North Wilkesboro, Special. In a raid up in the Reddies river country on the Wilkesboro and Jefferson turn pike Revenue Officer John T. Shep herd was hot and painfully though not seriously wounded. Offiecr Shep herd with several other officers, were on their way to cut up a blockade still which had been located not far off the turnpike. Shepherd was in a buggy some distance ahead of the other officers and on arriving in the neighborhood of the still, he stopped to wait for them. He had got out of the buggy and was sitting on the fence beside the road when two un known men, led by a man named Mil ler, came across the field and sud denly fired at him twice with a shot gun, knocking him from the fence, several No. 6 shot struck him in the head and others scattered all over his body. His team, standing in the road below, was either struck by some shot or frightened by the noise and ran off, tearing up the buggy. Officer Shepherd recovered himself in tinv to fire several times at his assailants who were running back across the field, but they escaped, and by the time the other officers came up the still and all fixtsrueerus en-ofifiJPa still and all fixtures had been carried away. Mr. Shepherd was brought here his wounds were dressed and he is now resting as comfoitably as could expected. Miller and the men who were with him when the shooting took place have not yet been captured. Hermit's Hidden Money. Asheville, Special. The executor of the estate of the late "William Job Cleveland, the ' hermit," of Swan- nanon. townshin near Asheville. who ... , 7T; ... committed suiciae recently at tne age of 86 years, has filed with the clerk of the court an inventory of the cs tate. It is found that Cleveland left nearly one thousand dollars, all of which was found buried about the premises ; also the farm in Swannanoa and 879 shares of stock in concerns and corporations in Georgia, Alaba ma, New Jersey and North Dakota. The par value of all the stock U more than ten thousand dollars. Al though it has not yet been determined just what market value of the hold ings will be. The old " hermit' ' lived a beggarly life at his river home, sub sisting for the most part on canned goods. He was generally regarded as oueer and the finding of nearly one thousand dollars secreted on the pre mises causes no surprise. It is be lieved that there is still other money hid about the place. A Human Tigress. Bern, Special. News .New iJern, bpecial. IMews comes from Jones Bay or Hobucken, Pamli co county, of the brutal murder of two little negro children, by an infur ated woman. Saturday the two child ren, whose names were not learned were playing before the door of Bar bara Tarum who lived near their own when the woman came out and order ed them to leave. The children didn't leave at once, which made the woman mad, and she ran into the house and caught up a gun and deliberately shot them both down as they were running away. One of the childre.i lived about four hours after the shooting and died. The other still had life at last accounts but is not expected to recover. The woman who is a negro was soon arrested and car ried to Bayboro where sh is now lodged in jail. Brains Slicked Out. Lenoir, Special. Mr. James Hick erson was seriously and most proba bly fatally kicked by a mule late Fri day evening near Patterson. Thf mule kicked him on the head and quite a little of the brain was knock ed out. He is still living but uncon scious. He has charge of twenty or more teams belonging to J. M. Barn hardt, which haul lumber. Bar-Keeper. Uses Monkey Wrench Asheville, Special A nasty affray r - , , occurred here when Wiley P. Black, a local bar-keeper inflicted serious in juries with a monkey wrench on one J. C. Wallace, a well-known black Smith of this city. Wallace was pret ty badly beaten up. The trouble grew out of a debt which it is alleged Black owed Wallace. Wallace had done some work, it is said, on one of Black's carriages when the latter sent for the vehicle and Wallace sent back word that the money for the repairs also be sent. The trouble re sulted from this and a wordy battle. STATE HIGH SCHOOL TEACHEHb List of Those Recently Licensed By the State Superintendent. The State Superintendent of Pub lie Instruction announced the names of those who have been issued certifi cates as teachers in the new rural high schools. These have qualified themselves as principles- of such schools. One of the particular re quirments for the latter position Lj the knowledge of Latin and Greek The list follows: C. B. Alexander, Mattehws; Fred Archer, Chapel Hill; B. W, Allen, Franklinton; W. H. Al bright, Liberty; W. F. Allen, South ern Pines; W. J. Beale, Pendleton; W. T. R. Bell, Rutherfordton; N. B. Clayton, Chapel Hill; Miss Laura V. Cox, Winterville; Frank Culbreath, Fayetteville; Mark B. Clegg, Crousc; J. E. Crutchfield, Lillington; Miss, Emma Curbreath, Clinton; E. P. Dix on, Liberty; George C. Davidson, Fayetteville; J. M. Downum, Gaston ia; J. E. B. Davis, Pine Level; J. B. Everett, Robertsonville ; H. W. Ear ley, Aulander; B. L. Ellis, Clinton; W. R. Freman, Dobson; G. M. Guth rie, Englehardt; M. S. Giles, Fonta Flora; R. C. Holton, Atlantic; L. L. Hargrave, Lumber Bridge; Jackson Hamilton,. Marshville; George W Holmes, Henderson; John L. Harris. Lenoir; Holand Holton, Durham; 1 R. Hoffman, Lowel; Miss Pearl John son, Pittsboro; T. H. King, LaGrangc: Alexander H. Koonce, Roper; Mbs Meter S. Liles, Tarboro; 8. T. Lileo, Wiliamston; S. G. Lindsay, Dallas; Miss Elonor D. Mundy, Barboursville : E. L. Middleton, Cary; M. F. Mo- Canness, Chapel Hill; H. C. Marshal, Brysop City; Harlle McCall, Flor ence; K. H. Mclntyre, Holly Springs: Charles E. McCanncss, Trinity;, Miss Ada D. Michell, Lexington ; Mis& Clara M. Pegg, Madison; Miss Mar xi. Phelps, Scotland Neck; Luther B. Pendergrass, Durham; Miss Susan B- Kenny, Raleigh; E. M. Rawlins, Raleigh; William Robinson, Wilming ton ; H. E. Riggs, Dobson ; A. C. Shei rill, Stanley; A. B. Staley, Pittsboro; Preston Stamps, Parkton; J. I. Sing lctary. Plndnboro: M. SheDard. Or ruji;' ?. G. Settlcnyie, Granite EjH W. B.mlnn Ganite (5uarry; B. I. Carj-, Warsaw; James Templeton, Cary, Warsaw; W. W. Woodhouse, Whittoak; A. V. Wooseley, Pleasant Garden; L. L. White, Jamestown; Q. B. Wetmore, Woodleaf; E. L. Wag oner, Whitehead; A. f. Whizenliunl, Hickory. Meeting of Fruit Growers. Wilmington, Special. The eleventh annual meeting of the East Carolina Truck and Fruit Growers Association was held Wednesday afternoon and was well attended. President Wm. E. Springer presided and all the of ficers were present except Vice Presi dent J. A. Brown. The important business transacted was providing means for carrying on the work of the association in view of the de struction of the machinery for colect ing the 1 cent per crate tax on ber ries by "gepburn bill, and the fail ure of the bill providing this machin ery before the late session of the General Assembly. Increasing Electric Power. Mount Airy, Special. The city au thorities are increasing the elctric power at Buck Shoal power plant by putting in another big wheel. This increase of power will be- of great benefit to the city as the lights are not what the business men and resi dents are paying for. But these diffi culties will be out of the way soon and the city will then be the best lighted place in the western part of the State. New Enterprises. Charters are granted the Bank of Grover, Cleveland county, capital stock $10,000; the Universal Wire Box Company, Durham, $100,000, C. O. Ullman, of Chicago and others stockholders; Eagle Rock Manufac turing Company, at place of that name, Wake count;.$25,000 ; Carolina Amusement Compauy, Bryson City, to operate a skating rink, etc., $10, 000. Items of State Interest. There are 99 cases on the docket of Durham County Superior Court for violations of the prohibition law. P. M. Brwn, of Charlotte, has bought the Raleigh Acadaemy of Music, paying $36,000 for it. Mooresvifle's new three-story pub lic school building was completed last week. In a test case in Greensboro the new law requiring the payment of board bills was applied. Formerly one could not force payment of a board bill, but now colection can be made legally. HI MS in News of Interest Gathered From AD Farts of the Country Paragraphs of More or Less Importance What the World 'j Doing. Nearly all of the Governments rep resented at The Hague have instruct ed their delegates to work in favor of obligatory arbitration! The New Zealand Legislative Coun cil rejected the bill makirig.women eli gible to election to the uper house. Two Germans and 110 Chinese were killed by a dynamite explosion in a Chinese mine. . Attorney-General Bonaparte tele graphs District Attorney Parsons, of Alabama, that the entire power ot the Government f will be use to enforce the decree of the Federal courts. Mr. Bonaparte says bj has no in tention of resigning, bii is working hard on the trust cases, f j L J. D. Uzzell, negro editor who is held responsible for mulei of the re cent race trouble on; 'the Eastern Shre of Virginia, gave himself up at Oancock and was taken to Norfolk under strong guard and; locked up in the Norfolk jail. Uzzell; surrendered to Colonel Nottingham, f if Prince Wilhelm, of Sweden, had a busy day sightseeing at; Jamestown and attending social functions in his honor. He awarded the- trophies to the .victors in the boaf races be tween the American and Swedes. The "Black Elijah": and his fol lowers, -who have been cheating great excitement among the; negroes of Richmond have departed, Mr. J. N. Wilkinson, of Norfolk, was found drowned in tha Elizabeth river. President Roosevelt declared in his Provincetown speech that there was be no let-up in his trust and rail rlad policy. Senator Foraker in an interview, says there can be no pace between him and Taft. - Two mailbags with $250,000 were stolen from a train on tihe way from Denver to Chicago. Thearrest of a well-lown Armen ian in Chicago, it is thoug;ht may solve tte murders of Father, Casper and Tavshanjian, the rich Armenian mer chant, ft The submarine boat "Vfiper, showed her ability to remain ou at sea four davs and met every tesfa 1 f v The present Eddy siit has been dropped by the attorneys" for the next friends, who say they wil shortly be gin a new one. j . Senator Foraker made? a speech in reply to that of Secretary Taft. Jacob H. Schiff said if he Adminis tration's policies were Sot to blame for the financial situation but ascrib ed the changes to natural causes. Ex-Mayor Paul C. Bath of Louis ville, committed suicide-; because he had been legislated out ; pf office and chiticised. Julius Teich, in a fif; of jealouy killed his wife and hiipfelf in their New York fiat. Mrs. Lena Scham a widow was mtV dered' in her apartments in' Brooklyu. A rejected suitor is reported missing. Forest fires are doing great damage in Massachusetts and Michigan. William J. Bryan afteV a wreck at Rockville, 111., said he Av6uld soon re ply to Secretary Taft's speech. The grave of La Flora. S. Baker, a lumberman, was opened after 14 years to satisfy a partner he was really buried. I ; J. P. JMorgan returned from abroad and only smiled when aslijed if he had read the President's speech. The report of the Juge-Advocate GenciaJ shows that neatly half the enlisted men in the army have been tried on some change the ast year. if . An 8-year-old boy killed liis 2-year-old sister, in York, Pa., with a revol ver he didn't know was loaded. William Hicks was held up in the suburbs of Philadelphia by robbers who got $6,000 and citizens caught two of the three highwaymen and recovered the money. Emperor William toasted Emporor Francis Joseph as friend and ally and King Edward gave a banquet in honor of his birthday. Secretary Taft left Washington on the first stage of his around-the-woiid tour. Government officials afle wondering what is behind the mysterious de mand for an investigation into the early transactions of the j Chicago and Alton Railroad. Li Work on delimiting the boundary between Siam and French-Indo China wiil soon be commenced.' The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce gave a love feast to cement the friendship between ' the United States and Japan. The International Socialist Con gress began at Stuttgart, Germany. With the telegraph strike a week old each side professes to be as con fident as ever. Three persons were killed and two probably fatally injured when an ex press train struck an automobile near Great Barrington, Mass. A large water main in the Shenan doah Valley burst on Sunday and the people of Berryvillc are now without water, except what can be drawn from cisterns. It will be several day before the break can be repairexl. Major Hemphill, of the Charleston News and Courier, is boomed as a candidate for the United States Sen ate. Chaplain Harry W. Jones, United States Navy, gave bail in Norfolk for his appearance in court to face a charge of larceny. Mr. J. W. Lloyd, a prominent far mer of near Kearneyvifle, was struck by a Baltimore and Ohio eastboud fast freight Sunday while walking on the track near his farm. He is said to have a fair ehance to recover, although internally injured. On Track Drunk; Is Killed. Kinston, Special. Eastbound pas senger tarin No. 4 on the Norfolk & Southern ran over and killed a white man named Loftin Barfield Friday afternoon shortly after leaving La Grange. Barfield 's home is at Le noir Institute, this county. He was drunk and sitting on the traek. His neck was broken and one le? cut off. He was brought to this city and turn ed over to undertakers. The remains will be sent to his family at Lenoir Institute for burial. Will Be No Tariff Revision. Washington, D. C, Special. -There will be no revision of tariff in the next Congress, said Chairman Payne of the Ways and Means. Committee of the House. "In my opinion, there is a tacit agreement among thb Re publicans, that it would be unwise to agitate revision on the eve of a presi dential election. I don't anticipate any depression in the industries of our country and I am certainly not at all worried by the so-called finan cial panic.' ' Peanuts are beginning to form an Appreciable and rapidly growing item in the foreign commerce of the United States, especially in the import trade, notes the Farmer's Home Journal. De spite the fact that the United States produces probably 12 million bushels of peanuts per annum, her exporta tiens have been in such inconsiderable qua.h Li lies that the Bureau of Statis tics has only recently found it neces sary to include peanuts in Its list oi articles exported. Meantime the im ports have also rapidly increased and the total foreign commerce in this arti cle in the year about to end will ag gregate nearly one million dollars, the imports having grown in value from less than $6,000 in the year 1900 to about a half million dollars in the present year, while exports for the year will approximate about 300 thous and dollars. It begins to look, declares the Dallas News, as if the Czar's promises are subject to as great discount as Rus sian bonds. Dallas News. CENT; BELOW any other nn urmr or on anv kind of terms, mm logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grad bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of oar remarkable LOW PRICES and wonderful mew offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP OM APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Fay tne Frelgbt allow lO Days jrree Trial ana make other liberal terms wmcn no i house in the world will do. You will learn every thiOK and get much able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Ridm Agent in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. .50 PUNCTURE Regular PpIco &8.SO per pan- To Introduce Wo Wall Soil You a Samule 4 JAILS, TACKS OH to LAS 5 WONT LET Pali for Only OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ADER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of w years experience in tire W$8 making. No danger from THORNS, CAv TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Swenty-nve Thousand pairs sold last year. BFSCRIPTUTK l Made in all sizes. It is . . V . . . ... with a special quality oi ruDuer, wuico ucm without alio wine the air to escape. We have v..ir tir. havponlv been namned uoonceor an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back" sensation commonly felt when nding on asphalt or soft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from bnag saueezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular price of tliese ?tc sr. m Tnir hut for ndvertisine purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of only 4-So per pair. All orders shipped same Yon do not pay a FULL CASH WITS we will snow a cent until vou neve chuuuku uu ivpuu. h.iu 3un.u xo ituj cash dlaooant of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 84. 55 per OKOEU and enclose this advertisement. We will also plated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncture closers on tun paid orders these metal locrc tn he n.ed in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy crashes). Tires to be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are We are Banker, .1. .40? tl, i., : , how ovpr n sm) or seen st that when you want a bicycle you will give us order at once, nence ran remarxaDic uicu". ei-Att amtm atAV UMfT but write us a &0Ut F9MB wwma bicycu inri nair wonderful offers we are making. It only cos Eat CYCLE COMPANY,9 Deflect Jv re 1 1a d te ana moucy scul uj ua ia v. aj m yau. . wotma , , Express or Freight Agent or rue aoihh ui ia uuui un. i juu uiua a iui t ..-, i tinrf thnr tiifv will nae easier, i uu lisiti. won uciici. liiai iuukci auu wwm. 60ASTwmH-BRAKE9 everything In the bicycle line are sold by us at half the i Aer.iorc r T-ri veT i'j ?t ti ti wm i ilc ljxicl . xo-ioitj. A MECHANIC-PRIEST. Cure Mends Motor Cars When Not Engaged in Holy Offices. Near the northern coast of France, on a route much (frequented by mo torists, lies tiie village of Grainoooit. Here a beautiful little church is set high among tho trees, with a tower re flected tranquilly in a lake that sleeps beside the road, and a vumotery thai is buried in verdure. Close by is the home of the priest and around it a strange litter of bicycles, motor cycles, automobiles, oil cans and tools, while the open doors of an out-building re real on one side a kind of garage, on the other a repair shop. From this building, as the tourist approaches comes a tall figure, with the body of an athlete and the head of a mis sionary, with bright eyes and a griz zled beard, a kindly smile and mus cular arms bared to &te elbow, to this the cure of Graincourt or is it the village mechanic? He Is both. Times are hard, since the law separat ing church from State went into ef fect, and one must live, explains the cure. M. le Oure is no martyr, however. His father was a smith, and he grew up with a passion for tools. When the bicycle came in he became an amateur specialist, and the fifteen years he has been mending punctured tires and re pairing broken pedals for his flock free of charge. Then came the motor car. With its mysterious life, so powerful in its frail envelope. The motor car won the heart of the cure. He loves it and thinks he understands it. HS has even built a car and a motor cycle for himself. And so the fame of the mechanical cure of Graincourt ihas gone abroad throughout all the country, and at last he has decided, without any scruple, to make a "business off what has formerly been a pastime. . He be lieves in his simple soul that he can be just as good a priest, can administer the sacraments and hear confessions just as well, while he earns his living with his ten fingers. New York Trib une. Are a Necessity in the Country Home. The farther you are removed rrom town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in lime and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to lie in agony for hours while he drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. I Uur r ree Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele-? phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days? trial to responsible parties. THE CA0IZ ELECTRIC CO., 2d CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. IS ILL IT WILL COST YOB to write for our big FREE BICYCLE catalopwr snowing tne most complete line oi mgn-graos BICYCLES, TIRES and SUNDRIES at PHICJEl manufacturer or dealer in the world. m dibit m dih wf sr fro. at any until vou have received our complete Free i - PROOF TIRES 9 -N " Notice the thick rubber tread "A" and puncture stripe "Hf and "IV also rim strip "St1 to prevent rim cutting. TUs tire win outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC -mmM EASY RIDING. A lively and easy riding, very durable and lined - - - - - . unvues iw,uus wu uwks uy uuui yu hundreds of letters from satisfied customers twice in r whole season. They weich no more day letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approvaL pair) if you send one not satisfactory oa examination &nv tnice. We know that vou will be so well pleased your order. We want you to send us a small trial atalotme. postal today. IK) NOT THINK OF BCYINO of tires from anyone until vou know the new a postal to icarn everyumg. wrae u w . Mill St re a Necessity i fill Wtt ,n the Country V e Ttmal a art" ear Dept. "J L" CHICaGCTlLU,