--- ; iiu H'TliSa'b TCgntsttieCopy. , - , - uwgnpimn VOL Tlr7 nuinunnir nctfn 1 rns r . im n m in hii i iiHiii i i II I ai ai sr m a maw mm i a as I f woman Swindler Ends In iw Lr I - Columbus reniioRiwry. . rinsnoial Transactions d.r lis'"'- : ioberlift (Ohio) Bank. mlnmJ'jc. Ohio. Mrs. Cassle L. . , i:.-7 in llio Star A Peniton. W- ... X . Oban' was sentenced on Ink 2, l00"' t0 ten y111 the C li a via tViA wlfA rt' 1 1 l." h nisi WBirinii itr -leveland- She rame into public no ire in 1SQ- wlren l5er B,nR ch.Un r swindles came to light. How rauth v cot was never learned, but it went H into the thousands. Her bor tiinff? from the Oberlin National Unt for "hich p'-e8idtt c T. Beck ritn was indicted, caused the failure She ira? refoonaible also for the in- idmenf of Cashtw H. B. Spenr, of he First National Banic, or ;onneaut, )hio. AH of Mrs Chftdwick's borro'ving fas done on $3,000,003 of bogus se writiep which wore supposed to be leposited in the Warlo Park Bank, of ttn-aco. with which Ira Reynolds waa vjnnecten Many pratBi$ltt men -tere swii'-dled by her, Pittsburg be ke the field of many ft her biggest theuier. Who Mr?. Chad wick wag. cauaed asertet! that she was tb" notorious At Ohio State Penltentftnr. VAVT STATEMENT BY tft MRS CHAD WICK WITHHELD Pittsburjr, Pa. With the death of rs. Cassie Cbaolwick every ejloit rill be made to keep from the public icr statement regarding money she rocurel from Pittsburg millionaires, jtrticalarly J. W. Friend. The state Wnt was made in connection whh the tuit of Mrs William J. Jutte against f'riend and F. N. Hofstott for th re ;overv of securities valued at mow ian 11,000,000. , Mrs. Chad wick's deposition was or ved sealed by Judge Skater, but in. Jatte appealed the case, and it vis ordered opened for use before ie Superior Court. That would Bftan it tilRaee v anrl ITrlan t unil Jlhers were trying their best to pre vent it. With Mrs. Chadwick dead 4erc wonld Ye no way to further ex tiain her allegations. It is said Mrs. Chadwick secured jom Pittsburgers as much as 1800, )0(. including $280,000 from Friend, DI E TO PROHIBITION. corgi a and South Carolina in One Kevcr.ue-CoUectipn District. . Washington, t, C. Prohibition las reduced the internal revenue col wctions in the South to such an ex tent that it has een derided to re luce the number ot collection dis tricts. Georgia and South Carolina are o e- consolidated in one collection dis trict and Micah Jenkins, the collector it Columbia, S. C, will, do all the urork. The Georgia collector will be lismissed. After January 3 Georgia will be -dry," but in half of South Carolina liquors will be sold under the dispensary laws. Oklahoma and Arkansas also are likely to be consolidated into dne col lection district with the collector in Arkansas. Three-fourths of thft State is; ilry" ai d the internal rev enue collections have largely fallen off. NEW JlOClvEFBLUSR GIFT. 000 More From Him Chicacro John Ti. Rock vt tne L'niversuy or unicago svpr m to erect the memorial library tnat university will dedicate to WtM 'Rainey Harper, first president of institution" ! I Thi gift raa;kes fr. Rockefeller's gifts to the university new ag- ffegar.e ;28,00C,00O. Oirard College is said to be the Jcon i wealjtbieat school in the United gtes, with 121,495,072; Leland Pinford Junior University, third, th lift. 000.000- Harvard, fourth. "!" iy,C36,025; Columbia, fifth. i KVNOLDS BANK FAILS, eyiudds Being the Man Who Took Yankee School Ma'ams to Alaska. Boston. The Reynolds Bank at al(i -f-, Alaska, headed by H. D. Key of Boston, shares of which are ned by many people throughout ew England, has failed, according :? dispatch from Seattle. It h JuKht that $700, 00) will cover all -res neld in New England. Jiie Reynolds enternrises in Alaska Jvo been widely exploited in Ne '"'gland. PStnotnlW in oVk.-aW ha jwiool circles, sbast year Reynolo to"red clrgymen and .professional w Alaska to see what they wert trivu iai i ui icaiucib, Taft Welcomed in China. secretary Taft was warmly wel- ruii'ea at Shanrh k nu. a r.. dinnp, f0eign merchants, and at a Polinv " a ayeecn on America s i-ry's hlovv;ard ChiDa and this coun X1IJU LOOTED FRENCH CHURCHES Wealthy Robbers Exposed by Theft of Historic Cope. ReveUtions of Scandal and Murder Stolen Works of Art Sold in Eng. land and United States. Tails, France. Astonishment amounting to consternation has been caused ny the arrest at Clermont Ferrand ot a wealthy barrel manu facturer named Antoine Thomas, with hie mother and brother. The imme diate charge against them is stealing a historic cope from the church at Blanaac, Department o Haute vienne. masitag discoveries made in con nection with the theft, threaten a vast scandal. Thomas was a rich and re spected local magnate to the public, but it seems that privately he was a practitioner of illegal operations, and even, it is alleged, a murderer. The whole country is now ringing with the story. In Thomas' house the police found an array of deadly poisons, a blood stained stiletto, illegal surgical in struments and a mass of correspond ence implicating some of the best known families in France. Numer ous Paris art dealers, some of them millionaires, are shown to have had dealings with Thomas as receivers ot stolen ' goods. Tbey had agents in England end the United States, and had formed a great conspiracy for the theft and sale of priceless relics secured from French churches. It is stated that Thomas alone re alized from thefts the sum of $400. 000. His mother and brother Fran cois were arrested on October 5. Thomas himself, who has returned to Clermont-Ferrand from London, where he sold a stolen reliquary for $10,0.00, surrendered to a magis trate. He fully confessed the syste matic theft el-works of art, but was horrified to learn of the poisons and corresnondence seised. , .. He told the Magistrate that he was without remorse so far as his dealings in works ot art were concerned, but the arrest of his mother and brother, who were innocent, and the possible implication of a married lady whom he had adored for years impelled him to. surrender. Her love letters, found in the house, would involve her rain. He implored the Magistrate to con ceal the lady s name. He further tdld the Magistrate that he did not care a straw about the other women, whose guilt was proved by the correspondence, adding: "Put they belong to a world you dare not asperse and when you know all you will be glad to liberate me to avoid a frightful scandal." Thomas ascribes his betrayal to a rich Parisjintiquary, to whom he re fused to sell the cope. He rends his alleged accomplices in theft merci lessly. He says tnat one or inese wealthy men proposed two years ago the plan of procuring Church treas ures. Many priests believed that the sep aration law would render them abso lutely destitute, as the Government had Inventoried all the Church valua bles... The scheme was to offer the oriests money to hand over their chief treasures and substitute cheap replicas furnished by Thomas and his friends. It worked excellently, and scores of supposed Church treasures Thomas says, will be found upon ex amination to be not genuine. I Move than thirty priests surren dered historic objects in the first fort night the scheme was worked. The most valuable objects, however, could not. be dunlicated, and the Paris deal ers proposed that they be stolen. To this Thomas consented. y riearrlhas various successful aids, the nroceads of which were ittsnnseifl of in London, wherel Thomas, accompanied by a friend named Faure. took them. He sayr ..'that a London agent who bought a- reliquary stolen atAmbazac.acted for :u American purchaser wno is await- iug its delivery. FOOTBALL STAR LOSES LEG. Mike" Barrett's Misfortune May In flnpiipp Suarthmore in Athletics, i Philadelnhia. -t-News has reached. here that may influence the decision of the authorities of Swartkmore on the problem of withdrawing from in tercollegiate athletics or rejecting the $1,000,000 bequest of Miss Jeanes, which is based on this condi- tipn. . . A letter from the West says that Charles P. t "Mike") Barrett, swartn- niore's star half back in 1905 and 190K. has. had his right leg ampu tated as a result cf blood poisoning following an in:ury tp nis1 anee re ceived in last year s swarthmorc-An- URGES THE SCARLET LETTER. Chicago ,i Pastor Would Brand Men whn Paiici Wnmpn to Drink. VI HV MW ww ' Chicago. Rev. Frederick E. Hop- trinQ tnirt a congregation, whicn jammed the Pilgrim Congregational man rtrhn Q sVr ft W O TT1 all tO drink. The address was a continuation of bis crusade against wom8ir armjung iu restau-ants and elsewhere ,Mr public. "The man who insists unon a wom an ArTtrinar afr sP has Sa'd She 'thought she shouldn't' this citiz-tfj should be ostac'sed by society, ine churJh ard the p-tbVc at la'g should onmnol him to war the sea' let lettei jr pinned on hlF breast, for be is a debauche, a aevii.; COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 STORM ON ATLANTIC COAST I Most Vloleiit Gale in Thirty-five Tears Causes Great Damage. Many Vessels Driven A show am1 Crewe Arc Saved by Heroic Ef forts Rig Crop Loss. Boston, Mass. Enormous nronertv damage and loss ot life are reported as the result of the southerly , gale which swept over New England. It was the worst storm of the season, and. at some places the wind was the most furious in years. Shipping was scattered with heavy damage through out the entire extent of the New Eng- cease, urees and wire were blown down, pedestrians were in jured in the cities and late crops and nni in tne interior suffered loss. Two men lost their lives at Fall River and Henry A. Smith, a motor man, was killed in Maiden by a live wire which was blown in front of his car. The results of the storm to New England's shipping are: The barge Bessie J., from Edgewater, N. J., sunk at ner moorings In Fall River, Cap tain Allen W. Robbins and William McComber. drowned: the steamer Warren, of the Enterprise line, in th same harbor, dragged anchor and went ashore; she will be pulled off with little damage; the Stanles Coal Company's crane, in Fall River, blown over; damage 150,000. WAVES DASHED OVER TROLLEY CARS Newport, R. 1 The severest storm In years broke upon Newport just be fore daylight. The wind blew seventy miles an hour and tore down tele graph and telephone wires, drove small boats into the dbeks with moor ings broken and did much damage to trees and buildings. At Island Park. In Portsmouth, several small cottages were blown over into the Sacconet River, though, fortunately, they were rescued. Windows were battened in and flower beds, of which Newport boasts, were thrashed out and ruined. The surf at Easton's Beach and along the shore ran very high. At the beach it ran over the seawall and dashed against the trolley cars, leaving sea weed en their roofs. Along the cliffs the sea dashed high up onto the walks r.nd hundreds went to the bluff to see the glorious picture. The wind greatly damaged the trees on the summer estates, snap ping off many limbs. On the grounds of Mr. John Thompson Spencer much damage was done. HEAVY WINDSTORM RIPS UP NEW YORK New York City. A forty-eight mile gale hit New York. While it lasted it surely did blow. From one end of the city to the other rame reports of horses and wagons blown about and trees falling with disas trous effects to houses and fences. In the harbor the river craft stayed at their piers, their skippers not dar ing to face the high wind. It also rained some, the Weather Bureau records showing a fall of .68 inch. In Manhattan and Harlem the principal damage was in shattered plate-glass windows, broken signs and flooded cellars. Ii the harbor shipping was practically at a stand still. . y The gale also did much damage on the campus of Columbia university, "the tin roof of the Wilde Observatory in the grove being blown away, ana the telescope left exposed to the fury of the gale. After the storm tne tei escape was examined and round tp ue very little damaged. In the grove five of the largest trees were up rooted. : In New Jersey the stcry was tne oo mo in Katei'EOn one UUUse yas hlown away and another turned com pletely around on its foundations, while trees, shrubbery and lawns were ruined and shutters, windows and signs smashed. STORM CAUSES TRAIN WRECK IN PENNSYLVANIA Pottstown. ' Pa The high wind was resnonsible for a railroad wrecK on the Perkiomen branch of the Phil aAAiTihia and Reading Railway. I tree was blown across the track and a train of four cars, all crowaea, ran into it. The locomotive plunged down an embankment into the erKiomen Creek, and the cars hung on tne eag3 of the embankment. Edward J. Mil ler, fireman of the locomotive, le celved fatal injuries, and the engine driver, M. L. Gelssenhainer, sustajneu a broken., leg. HOUSES BLOWN INTO RIVER IN SEAFOaD Seaford, Del. In a cycloue which struck Seaford, trees were uprooted and roofs of houses blown off. Ou the water front many nousus wec blown into the river. Many tnouBana dollars' damage was done and noth ing like it wai. ever seen here before. People were terroj Stricken and many of them Injured. HEAVY PROPERTY LOSS ! MORTED-TOOM LEEDS Leeds, Ala. A tornado that struck this section caused the death of about fifteen persons, who were hit by fall ing trees and timbers. The damage to property was enormous. t " "EFORMATORY IS NOT LOCATED Trustees of Proposed State Reforma tory Hold Lengthy Meeting at Giiensboro But Come to No Defi nite Action. Greensboro, Special. The board of trustees of the Stonewall .Taek-nii Manual Training and Industrial school were in session here from 8 :30 o'clock until after midnight for the purple of adopting a set of by-laws and selecting a site for the proposed referaaatory for North Carolina. Nine out e the fourteen members of the board were present. Propositions were neard from a number of towns in the State, seeking to induce the board to locale with them, among: them Con cord. . Statesviile and Greensboro Alter considering the nrooosition it was decided to leave the matter to the acting and auditmsr committee with power to act. It is thought the site W4H be located within the next 00 days. Bonds Carry at Newbern. Nfcwbern, Special. ? The special election held here Tuesday for a bond issue of $50,000 for street improve ment was carried by an overwhelming majority. The vote was light, but the result was unequivocally in favor of betfer streets; The provisions of the ordinance adopted were relative to sidewalks, but it is believed that an appropriation will be .made in the fu ture providing for the future pave ment of streets. The majority was 333 votes. The campaign was very quiet.. Many citizens realizing the im portance ot the step regard this as the step toward a substantial munici pal improvement. There is great re joicing. New Enterprises. A charter , is granted the Lattimore Lumber Company, of Cleveland coun ty, capital stock $25,000, J. P. Latti more and others stockholders. The Citizens' Life Insurance Com pany, of Jventuck', a new company, applies for admission into North Carolina. The commissioner of Insur ance says that a new company, a mu tual life, is being organized at Fay- etteville and will apply for license aod ch&rle in a few days. The Highlands Realty & Improve ment Co., of Keidsville, gets a charter, the amount of capital stock bein' $50,000, Fred A. Silver, of Greens boro, being the principal stockholder. Another is to be the Marshijlburg Hunting Company of Tarborot to hold lands for hunting, fishing, etc.; to sell erame and fish, operate steam- boats, etc; capital stock $25,000. A company with the old name oi Rose-O-Lowe Medical Company, of Charlotte, gets a charter, and will manufacture A. Thies-German Salve, the capital stock being $25,000, th stockholders being A. Thies, E. A Thies, and W. L. Wohlford, the latter of Winston-Salem. ; State Items. Ruoerintendent Goodwin, of th-3 State school for deaf mutes at Mor ganton, reports that 212 pupils arc alreadv present and that there are daily arrivals. A very close watch is kept to see that the deaf mute child ren come into school, as for these there is a compulsory law, while this is not in existence so far as the blind are concerned and hence there are at the very least 100 white blind child ren who are getting no education whatever, though the State has made every provision for them. The United States government sends M. O. Eldridge, of the good roads department, to this State, where he will do special work. I and a number of other experts have been in the coungressional district in Georgia of which Savannah is the centre, conducting meetings, thes covering forestry, plant industry, soil tests, good roads, etc. Smithfield Goes Forward. Smithfield, Special The town com- misi oners appointed N. M. Lawrence, V ftrsntham and E. H. Brooks a mmmm committee to investigate into the cost of installing electric lights, water and sewerage and they were authorized io employ a civil engineer to survey and nlnt the town estimate the cost of jiv i Putting in these systems. It begins to look as if Smithfield will soon get out cf her old rut and move forward. Gate City Votes Bonds. Greensboro, Special. The quietest election ever known in Greensboto was neld here when the citizens were ealled uobn to vote on the issue honds amounting to $125,000 to pay off the floating indebtedness of the eitv. The election was easily carried, there being only 8 votes cast against the issuing of the bonds. So slight urns the interest manifested in the own that onlv 518 out of the 2,000 qualified vpters registered, and 339 of these east their votes in favor of ths bond issue, while it required only 261 votes to carry the election. Price, SLOP , 1907. NEWST GLEANINGS. Germany has a treasury surplus. Canada was still a seller ot Can adian Pacific. Kansas is now moving for a two- cent fare law. The taste for bull fighting is grow ing in France. Polar explorers report that there is no land north of Alaska Greece, for the third time, will es tablish a legation in Washington. American built automobiles are successfully invading principal Euro pean centres. Leading agriculturists of England are against the embargo on cattle from America. London, indeed all England, as well as the Continent, has been affected by the erase over the game diabolo. London, England, is preparing a scheme of emigration to relieve Brit ish distress that may affect America. The Mexican Ambassador to the United States- -attaches great im portance to Secretary Root's visit to Mexico. Crowds paraded in the streets of Paris to express their indignation over the escape of Soleillant from the guillotine. Wrecked, condemned or posted by Lloyds as missing, the sailing vessel is vast disappearing from the face of the waters. A Russo-Chlnesu telegraph conven tion signed at Pekin restores to China all her former rights to lines in Rus sian Manchuria. , President Roosevelt, In a speech at St. Louis, declared himself in favor of Government control of all interstate industrial corporations and their! products. Major Henry B. Hersey, chief in spector of the Weather Bureau, ad vocated the establishing of a war bal loon department by the Government. ' Lacked Mentality. Harold's mother was a devout fol lower of mental science. The two were crossing a field while in the country, and when the lad saw a goat in the distance tee sheldecb himself in stinctively behind his parent's skirt. "Harold, I'm ashamed of you," she told him. "Don't you know there is no such a thing as pain and that the goat can't hurt you?" -Y-yes," he admitted ttaddly. "I know it and you know it, but the goat don't know it." Kansas City Times. TEN YEAR8 OF PAIN. Unable to Do Even Housework Be cause of Kidney Troubles. Mrs. Margaret Emmerich, of Clin ton St., Napoleon, O., says: "For fifteen years I was a great sufferer from kidney trou- JtT, bles. My back pained m me terribly. Every jfl mr turn or move caused pains. My eyesight p. was poor, dark spots f J onnoornl KafnFA vna 'WAS'' and I had dizzy spells. For ten years could not do housework, and for two years did not get out of the house. The kidney secretions were irregular, and doctors were not help ing me. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me quick relief, and final! y. cured ma They saved my life." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. BELOW any other DO HOT EM . or on on kind of terms, i log-nes illustrating and bicycles, oia patterns ana PRICES and wonderful nriiTJS BIT" n to i direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. ME- XHIR OH APPROVAL -without a cent deposit. Pay the I US allow IO Days, Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get mud , able information by simply writing us a postal. rkvrrv mm rw We need a AfcflsM to make money to suitable lQ en DiiNnTliRg.DRnnc tidcco n ly FliUiVVI vnviviiis I HVVI IlllaiVa i 'a .80 MA . . 4 Wo WIN Sett "WOflT LET IV OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER 4.. 55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of k vears experience m tire making. No dinger from THORNS. S8.50 To tt TU5, rIN. i avna or uiyioj. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanised like any otner wt. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now tn actual Snorty-five Thoosand pairs sold last year, ft Made in all sizes. It is with a special quality of rubber, which never -.v-t olinwinr the air to escape, we nave that theirures have only been pomped u.r tmce an ordinary tire, the puncuire rcsiwg uuaiiiira "s """'"JT" ",.JV',a Ki-'7 Jreoared I ablT" on tne treaa. laai noioiBgDiu kiimuuu tumraomy icu wnra numg an tuuaan L igft roads is overcome by the patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents aU air from w ing saueezed out between the tire and tne roau mus overcoming an suction, i ne regular price of tuese tires is 18 v per pair, but for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the rider of onlv YlSd per pair. AU orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C.O.D. on approval. Yon oo nox pay a -u , y . jrrri7 Will SHOW a rata Ul0UUfc Ul 5 WUl FULL CASB WITH. UKUE.K ana enclose 3H WITH ORDER and enclose dated brass elated brass hand pump ana two Sampson metai puncture ciosers on iuu paw oraers t,mese metsi r . . t in n( ifitMitimul ktiif rats nr him mthMl TIbpm tt 1 iptiii nl puncture closers mincturc cio1 w- w. rr7nR if for anv reason thev are w ore nerfectlv reliable and money sent to Banker. Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about us. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they wiU nde easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any pnee. "Ve know that you will be so wel 1 pleased that when you want a bicycle vou will give us -jour order. We want ftn to send us a small trial ance. hence this remarkable tire offer, order at aatx, nence ullt-np-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and GQASTER BHA nOj everything in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual rTehamdhv dealers and repair men. Write for our big SUNDRY catalogue. lll JJL-m . -ilijre butrite us a postal today.DO NOl THlrfk OF BUYING s DO rrOT WWJXiF bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new an wonderfnl offers we are making. R only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it 10 W. MEC CYCLE C0RP1MY, Dept. "J L" C H ICIfiC? ILU, Per Year in Advance. NO.. BABY WASTED TO SKELEHHt In Torments With Terrible Face and Bod v Tore at Cured by Cuticura. 'My little son, when about a a half old, began to have sores on his face. They began to co arms, then on other parts of his then one came on his chest. the others. Still be srew worn end of about a year and a half of he grew so bad I had to tie hk cloths at night to keen him from in the sores and tearin the flh to be a mere skeleton and was hardbr j. ii ..... " to wik. i sent to the drug store a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box cura Ointment, and at the end of two months the sores were all wd has never had any sores of any kind and 1 can sincerelv m that l the Cuticura Remedies my precious would have died from those terrible 1 used only one cake of Soap and three boxes of Ointment. Mrs. Sheldon, R. F. D., Ne.l, Wood vine, pril 22. 1906." Five Haters Suspended. Wake Forest, Special. At a ing of the faculty of Wake College lucMiay afternoon five dent, three sophomores and two jea iors, wen suspended lor thirty dava k mi ror hazing. The charge brought against them was making dance. There is considerable ment among the students on ion of iLe faculty and many nf tha boys are thinking of leaving. Asheville, N. 0., Votes "Dry. Asheville, N. C, SpeeiaL- vuie has "gone dry" and tionists are wildly enthusiastic. veidict of the people was rendered language plain. They literally the city clean and sent the its death beneath an avalanehe of votes. The prohibitionists every voting precinct in the eity won by a majority of 348. The test was one of the most wildly citing and withal novel and la i elections in the history of the eity. 22 warn TELEPH01 Area NecessBy in the Country Home. The farther vou are scinaeed from town to railroad station, the more the telenbone will save time and horse flesh. No man 1 a right to compel one of the fanaV to he in agony for hours while lie drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the sul Uur free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days trial to responsible parties. TIE CADIZ ELECTBtC CO., 201 CCC Build!, Cafe, ILL rr WILL COST YOf write for our biz FREE BICYCLE showing the most complete line of 1 BICYCLES, TIRES and SUNDRIES at manufacturer or dealer in the world. BUY A BICYCLE SZ. until you have received our complete describing every kind of high-grade ai latest mooeis, ana learn ot our remai new offers made possible by selling Aamnt in every town and can offer an young men who apply at once. A.SO CAC- use. over ft) east ridihg. lively and easy riding, very durable and Used becomes porous and which closes up small punctures nunoreas oi letters irom satisnea customers or twice in c whole season. They weigh no more than u -.TLTu IZTu.LI -a u , IW" - "? m.iuj yi iv-c lV I jmii 1 u ,uukuu tnis aavprcisemeni. we win biso sena one motet una advertisement, we will also sena one nickel j r. " - - not satisfactory cu examination us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaster. body.aav At tb eta ESI ecS aiaiia i fnw ? Notice the thick rubber tread "A" and puneture strips"" and "D," also Hsu trfp "B" to prevent rim cutting. This tire wiU owtlast any otfaw