' TuT INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1,00 PerYear in Adj METHODiS i Ar POINTMEN S ppc ;-. cin:3 Tor the Current Oon feu"x Year Announced Where the Preachers Go. 'I'l : -ml session of the Western 1 2 ji ( i( na coiuerencc 01 me i.niscopal churcu, South, runout year, which Avas held : Miiry. closed Monday night ::c aunouneeaient of the a .!iis. The next session will be A -heviile. ' The appointments Mr: for i soil Chrriotte ns; Eider, District. F. Siler, Char- .on Si root H. K. Boj'er. i ity L. Bain. vr.ul Street Harold Turner W. Hays supernumerary) . ( i vary J. F. worth and . Surratt. .vortb and Totten. North Charlotte- Bis Springs A. j a. eoiil tlwit Park W. S. Hales, c and Seversville W. 0. ,A tisonviU Danta J -M. T. Steele. H. Bradley. I.ilesvi J. Pee. vial I news O. I. Hinson. V Station H.. F. Chreitz- i .Monroe ana lcemorle. ted bv A. W. Rootcn. nit Zion D. Atkins. : r.iviilc A. J. Burrus. rci't J. P. Hipps. IT (von J. A. Cook. Pineviile J. H. Bennett. i iktou L. J. Cordell. W::dosboi"C J. H. West, r- Waxhaw M. D. Hi V. aldington W. E. Abernethy. Missionary to Japan S. A. Stew art. . . j V Principal Piedmont Industrial i ol J. A. Baldwin; assistant; N. 5. Ogbunt Asheville District. Presiding Elder L. W. Crawford, Asheville. . . , ntral G. T. Rowe. Huvwood Street J. P. Rodgers. North Asheville G. E. Eaves. Bell? el J. D. Arnold. 1 '.il! more and Beaverdam G. II. chriUenbeiTy. SwK.inanoa A. H. Harrison. Tvtavervillc StatiouG. YT. Crutch- Beld. YYcMvcrville Circuit D. R. Provett. "Mnrslunil R. ,7. Parker. Hot Springs To be supplied. Hcndersonville Station J. W. "Moore. TI ndersonville Circuit Supplied by J. B. Hvder. Bald Creek Supplied by Irifnth. Burnsville Supplied by D L. H. C. Bal E. G. j. J. bird. ( 'ane Creek Supplied by Pnscy, Riverside Supplied by Brooks. Tvev Supplied by J. L Hickman. Trvon and Saluda Supplied by W. .. Edvi-ards. President of Weaverville College L. B. Abernatbv. Ftarktin District. Priding Elder R. M. Taylor. Franklin. FrapVlin Station F." ti Townsend. Franklin Circuit W. II. Perry. Vinson Citv-r.T. J. Eades. TMlIsboro and S-lva C. II. Neale fJlcnvilte A. N. Lewis, lliawaspee R. iu Bc2rett. "Macon R. E. Atkinson. Mnrnbv Station G. G. Harley. T 1 to nhv-Circuit J. R- Frv. Robbinsville Supplied by J. H Honting, VVir C. H. CWo. Whittier W. P. MGhee. Andrews C. S. Kirkpa trick. , v I'ayesvolp A. G. T-oflm. rJrepTo'boro District. Presiding Elder S. B. Tmrcntine. On PTboTN. West Market Street G. H. Det- w iler. Crnionarv A. T. Bell. Spring Garden N. R. Richardson. Wrdmit. Street L. A. Falls. (Jarraway Memorial To be sup plied: . -! Greensboro rA. S. Raper. West Gteenboi T. A. Bowles. Heidsville L. T. Mann. ; nViihvorth Sevmour Taylor. m inTm B. F. Fincher. iy!snnt Garden Supplied by E. r" Kiluore. liberty and Bethany W. L. Gris- (lerid!e V. Bamsenr and E. Edwards. ' Franklin viile J. E Woosley, Asi-horo Station C. A. Wood, 'nvbarrio Circuit J. W. Ingre. ''ifilpTnan and Naomi C. M rh,M .la " dolph R. L. Owcnby. shington Street, High Point J. E. Thompson (6. H. Crowell, sup ply.) ' South Main Street, High Point 0. P. Ader. Ashboro Circuit R. L. Melton. Editor North Carolina Christian Advocate H. M. Blair. Assistant Editor W. L. Sherrill. Secretary and .Treasurer Greens boro Female College W. M. Curtis. Professor in Trinity College J. C. Wooten. Morganton District. presiding Elder C. F. Sherrill, Morganton. Merganton Station W. F. Wom ble. Morganton Cireuit P. L. Terrell. Connelly Springs D. F. Garver ("R. S. Abernethy, supply). Marion H. H. Jordan. Table Rock W. F. Elliott. Rutherford ton T. J. Rogers. Henrietta and Caroleen L. P. Bo gle. Forest City J. C. Mock. Broad River W. S. Cherry. ThermalOity V. L. Marsh. . Bakersvillc Supplied by J. F. Shelton. Spruce Pine E. S. Richardson. Elk Park J. IL Robertson. McDowell A. P. Foster. North Catawba R. L. Fruit. Cliffside S. E. Richardson. Old Fort W. G. Mallonee. ,,.ChipTain in United States Navy W. E. Edmondson. ' Green River J. D. Gibson. President of Rutherford College W. W. Peele. Professors in Rutherford College W. E. Povey and O. J. Jones. Student in Vanderbilt University W. 0. Goode. Mount Airy District. Presiding Elder-W. M. Mount Airy. Mount Airy Station D. Price. Mount Airy Circuit Z. E Bagby, Vance Barn- hardt. Rockford J. Houck. East Bend P. D. Bridges. Yadkinville W. T. Albright. Elkin D. M. Li taker. Joncsville Supplied by T. Hr Stimpson. Wilkesboro Station J. B. Craven. North Wilkesboro Station Z. Paris. Pilot MonntaitfW. Stilder. Boone J. H. Brendetl. Creston To be supplied. HeHon Surmlied bv J. A. Houck. JofTrson W. T. Carner. Laurel Snrinsn J. W. Ccrdcll. Sparta S. B. Brown. Watnusra J. B. Dauliton.' Rural Kail J. H. Mooie. Daubury Supplied by D. A. Brink lev. x- Wilkes Circuit W. L. Dawson. Ssdi'Jnry Diftrict. Pvediug Elder A. W. Plyler, Sal isbury. F;rst Church, Salisbury E. K. Mc Lartv. ' South Main Street, Salisbury. A. J. Farriueton. TTnlmes' Memorial A. H. Whisncr (C. M. Short, supernumerary) Soencer R. D. Sherrill. Vacf SnMieer and North Mail! i - Mjirv v " Street J. P. T aiming. f Lexinuton Station A, L. Stanford West Lexington and Denton Sup plied bv J. T. Fo'srer. Linwood J. W. Clerg. Pri;shrv CireuH P. W. Tucker. Woodleaf C. E. Htpes. Gold Hiil G. A. Stamper. tpw London A. L. Aycoek. . Albemarle Station H. C. Sprinkle w0?t Aibemirle J. P. Davis Albemarle Cireuit J. T. Stover (C Gefitrv, sunernumerary). Norwood R. I. Courtney. Salem J. A. Peeler. Cot'onville T. T. Salter. Ps Tkk E. M. Aventt. TVfmnt Pleeant B. F. Hargelt rafvil rimreb. Concord J. C Rowe. Forest Hill M. M. Long. Epworth J. W. Long. Wt. Cword W. C. Jones. Pftnrord rireirt B. A- York. pofliel S! S. Ficsrins. CHna Grove W. L. Nicholson. Kannaoolis W. L. Hutchinson. Principal of New London High School J. D. Rankin. Student in Vanderbilt University R. A. Taylor. Shelbv Dirrlct. Presiding Elder R. M. Hoyie, tSbeibv. Sihelby Station G. D. Herman. Shelby Circuit B. Wilson. v.lKethel T. S. Ellington. Finn's Mountain G. F. Kirby Win Street Gastonia W. R. Ware. West End and- Franklin Avenue, Gastonia J. C Harman. Bessemer Citv J. F. Armsiroug. Lowell W. V. Hunevcutt. ' McAdensvUle and Ozark C. V. Caviness. Stanley Creek C. M. Pickens. Mount Holly- J. B. Tabor. LowesviUe D. P. Waters. COLTJMBUb, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Lincolnton Station J. A. Jay. Lincolnton Circuit C. R. Ross. Crouse "Circuit M. B. Glegg. Cherry ville A. C. Swofford. South Fork E N. Crowder. Belwood 1. E. Stacey. Polkville H. G. Gamm and W. M Boring. Statesville District. Presiding Elder J. N. Huggins, Statesville. First Church, Weaver. Statesvilhs J. H. Race Street H. H. Robbins. ctatesville Circuit J. E. Wa Alexander Circuit E. Myers arawba J. M. Price. Caldwell A. E. Wiley. Clarksburg Supplied by J. Brantley. Granite Falls A. R. Wo Hickoi-y station J. R. Scroerrs. R. - Hickory Circuit J. J. Edwards. Iredell J. C. Keever. Lenoir Station Ira Erwin. Lenoir Circuit J. M. Downum. Harden T. S. Cauble. Mooresville Station S. T. Barber. Moorcsville Circuit J. W. Jones. Newton-i-E. W. Fox. Troutman T. B. Johnson. Stony Point J. E. Weaver. - Rock Springs N. M. Mediin. President of Davenport Collesre i D. C. Weaver Financial Agent of Davenport Col lege H. H. Jordan. Davidson R. S. Hbwire. Lenoir Circuit M. H. Tuttle. Missionary Evangelist D. H. Co- man. Waynesville District. Presiding Elder W. A. Winiyf"-. waynesviiie. Waynesville Station M. A SniUhk Brevard Station R.A Tuttle. Brevard Circuit J. F. Starnes. BetheW-P. C. Battle. Canon D. P. Tate 'CVde J. K. Green. Haywood J. W. Kenedy. North Haywood Supplied by J. Parham. Jonathan C. E. Steadman. Leicester J. W. Campbell. Mill River J. W. Williams. r'4 Spring Creek J. L. McNair. ouiuhur Springs C. H. Curtis- est - Asheville - Station M. F. Moore. Winston District. Presiding ElderT. F. Marr, 1 ston. Centenary J. E. Abernethy. Burkhead E. E. Williamson. Grace and Salem W. M. Bobbins, Kenersville and Southside W. M Biles. Forsyth Circuit V. J. HyatU Lewisville J. T. Ratledge Farminaton J. G. W. Holioway. Davie--C. P. Goode. Cooleemec H. C. Byrum Mocksville J. F. Kirk. Advance W. G. Scales. Davidson M. H. Vestal. Thomasville Parker Holmes. North Tbomasville L. L. Smith. Summerfield T, C. Jordan. Leaksville J. H. Barnhardt. Spray and Draper Albert Sher rill. Stoneville and Mayodan A. Jacobs. Madison B, Margison. Walnut Cove and Stokcsdale W. R. Bell. Walkertown W. A. Lambeth. Transferred. E. 0. Cole to Montana Conference. P. T. Durham to North Carolina. T. W-Watts to Kentucky Confer ence. . R. H. enee. R. II. en cc. D. L. Hobbs to Kentnck Conter- Hobbs to Kentucky Confler Reid to West Virginia Con- ference. C. R. Canipe to North Carolina Conference. J. At Cook to South Georgia Con ference. News in Brief. The Duchess of Marlboro visited the Tombs Prison, in New York, anc talked with some of the prisoners. A meetinsr to start a boom for SUiviTipm man as President was held in Nashville, Tenn. Spfnr Tillman savs Cannon and Bryan will lead the opposing Presi dential tickets next year Tbp Wpst Virsrinia Supreme Court at Charlestown is in session. Charleston's Fall Festival Charleston, S. C, Special Charles ton's annual fall festival was inahgu rated Monday, and already hundred; of visitors are nlA ffcv bv the sea for a week of un ;nA -merriment: MaUV novel unique and fantastic pagents an hor Amusements have been arran? ed for the week and there is every in a;it.imi that the-ceieoranon wm b the most successful of its kind held here. eve The mi:nXcipal exrenses of Nev YerkL City are $14,703 each -hour. rnii ii. is h - : Another Cure For Panics and Hard Times THAT WILL STOP SPECULATION The Noted Single Tax Advocate Ad dresses the Conference at the Mur ray Hill Lyceum He Advocates the Postal Saving Bank System as a Remedy For the Financial Strin gency. New York, Spejeial. Henry George, Jr Was the principal speaker at the single tax conference at Murray Hill Lyceum. Others who spoke were Mayor Brand Whitlock, of Toledo, O.; Raymond Robbins, of Chicago, and William L. Garrison. At the day session a number of resolutions were passed and addresses were made. Tho conference will-con- elude with a banquet Tuesday night. y Mr. George prefaced his remarks with a discussipa of the late financial upheaySff' and as a remedy for cur rency stringency advocated the pos tal savings banks system. Even this, howev cr, or any other elastic cur- nev r.iaii. would not pi event busi- rer-3 depressions, he because "he cause of sueh depr.-.ions go. s dtepei' goes to the root o.t produc tion, the land.'; Iron and Steel Chattanooga, Special. The Trades man says this week: " Southern steel and iron interests feel the general flurry in business and financial circles as well as other ec lions. The iron and,. steel market is very dull. Manufacturers are hope ful that there is soon to be an im provement in conditions. There is a curtailed production In the South, but the inq.arv for iron shows a splenrkl condition in this region. Several fur naces are eld in Alabama. Other states Teport a-curtailed production. There is some complaint as to car shortage, so that the blowing out of furnaces cannot be ;liarged altogeth er to the flurry throughout the couu try. Some good orders are being worked by the cast iron- pipe manu facturers, the largest consumers of pig iron in the territory. "The steel interest in the South appears -to be in splendid shape. The Southern Steel Company (in the hands, of receivers) has all of its plants in operation. With the excep tion of the new construction work, the plants of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company are also producing large quantities of steel and the various shapes arc in good demand. ' ' Germany in Tronble. fiondon, By Cable. A financial cri sis is impending in Germany now, British financiers think. Commercial authorities liken the situation to the one whidi caused the recent flurrv in the United States and fear the storm may be more serious in Germany than i. Over-capitalizing has gone, farther, while the country lacks America's recuperative powers and wealth. It is pointed out that several j German banks have recently failed. Financial houses are trying hard to conceal the fact that stringency al ready exists, and greater difficulty is being cxperienced-in. finding outside capital. $TeW3 Notes. The trial of John R. Walsh, former president of the Chicago National Bank, on the charge of misapplying the bank's funds, was begun. Extraordinary heavy deposits in New York savings banks is taken to mean that the publicis satisfied as to their solid ity.- The Philadelphia Mint is working overtime turning out gold coin. Secretary Taft to Out Trip Short. Washington, Special. Secretary Taft, in a cablegram dated Vladivos tok, to Major Mclntyre, acting chief of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, di rMi.ed that aeeomomdations be' en aged for himself and party on the President Grant, sailing from Han burg December 7. It is understood that the secretary will make a hasty ourney from St. Petersburg to Ham burs and not see either Emporor Wil- iam, King Edward of President l?al- lieres. 21, 1907. NEWSY GLEANINGS. The Statue of Liberty, In New York City Harbor, is twenty-one years old. Lord Minto expressed the thanks of King Edward VII. to the troops for their loyalty. The Legislative Council of India has adopted a bill for the prevention of public seditious meetings. Prance has ordered the withdrawal of four cruisers and nine torpedo boats from the Moroccan coast. Sixty business concerns in Pitts burg, Pa., paid $100 each to an al leged labor organization to prevent strikes. v The Legislative Council at Simla passed a bill empowering provincial authorities to prohibit seditious na tive meetings. Harry Levey took a 105-year lease of a Long Acre Square corner. New York City, agreeing to pay a total of 112,000,000 rent. The. Hack Hundreds at Odessa, Russia, have renewed attacks on the Jews; a mutkiy of sappers at viadf vostok fja quelled. Merchants in Kansas City closed their -stores, following wholesale ar rests for previous iolations of the State Sunday" closing law. Captain C. P. Johnson, U. S. A.r after a visit to the discontented Utes, criticised as harsh the treatment of them by Indian Agent Downs. Herr Harden, editor of Die Zukunft, was acquitted in the suit brought in Berlin against him by General Ccunt Kq.no von Moltke. The Treasury officials took steps to increase the money in circulation by the coinage of bullion and an in creased issue of national bank notes. Indianapolis gas interests were taken over by a company organized by popular subscription, which wilt reduce the price from ninety to sixty cents. THE NEW SLEEVES. Harper's Bazar, which "Sets the Fashion" in the Special Autumn Fash ion Number says: "Really long sleeves are 'in' long er than any that have been worn to two years! Some of them, however, are developed from the mandarin- or other wide-armholed form. One Of these, made in tucked voile, continued Hull "to the elbow, where it began to be fitted in with graduated pleats un til it became a practically tight wrist form. Where the bell sleeve continues to be made, as to some ot the new jacket forms, it is almost plain over the shoulder, but massed with velvet bands or soutache lines of braiding, and so made to appear ample and even heavy. In jackets, however, this s1eeve 1s now provided with an under sleeve of white or ecru, tan or khaki cloth, according to the vest, with which it corresponds. Some decided ly smart dresses are given tinder sleeves of Suede or dull glace kid. These are thinly interlined, fit close about the forearm, and are usually bound at the wrist with black satin or silk braid. This touch of black satin, by the by, and a free use of Pompadour ribbon and sashes, are especially fashionable accents in the new gowns." PAIRS IN PEARS. "Pop!" i "Yes, my son." "It was natural that there should be two worms in the Ark." "Why, my boy?" 'Because worms nearly always come in pears." Yrnrs Saesman. 1 CENT A nn AfSft'T" ny kind of terms, or on at logoes illustrating and bicycles, old patterns and patterns and d wonderful PRICES am MR mm itah Ml AHKI direct to rider v,-ithoo middlemen's profits. WE SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit Pay the Freight allow lO Days t ree Trial house in the world will do. awe micrmauoa &y siKpiy wrumg us a poswi. We need a RStSar AaitMtt in every town and can oiler an op; to make money to suitable .SO PtJMGTURE Rebates Frico m O f $3.50 per pair. J m&J To Introduce ME Wo WiSI SeiSamxlt You m Sample am XhT let Pah fop Only outtheais & (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO BORE TROUBLE FROM . PUNCTURES. pachH rf tc -wears exnerience in tire WS8 making. No danger from I HUKNa. VAV. TVS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual use. Over Sventv-Hvs Thousand pairs sold last year. Q r.trcr.FHPTSnX i Made in all sizes. It is rr, r r " r...i, n.r which never Z-X";KXXZZTX:Z .Tr tnWt. We have lha theirtlres hive only been pumped f.??r0lfn- Ain aTordinarv tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin. specMBg J,.Hf3irir m Tthe tread That "HoldiHg Back1' sensation commonly felt when tiding on aspaafe Tbf the patentSasket Weave" tread which prevents aU air jnK Z&mlstKt' Thcregular prfccrfg WconSnS but for advertisasr purposes we are making a speol factory once to the rider oY" fvrrl cslWp ship C.d.D on appwsal. oi otiiv t-i . iMrVnriiicd and found them stiictlv as represented. Wellalaeaah frTcASH WITH OEDER anTenclose platld brass hand pomp and two Sampson metal 1 iun ct ur e closers to be used in case ot tmesraooai al" SESS" relUble audi oWSt to BaSerJress-Freight Agent orCte Editor, of this paper fZZirZ witl find that thev wTQl ride easier, rm faster. finer than any ure you nave ever usco. j K when you want a bicycle you will give us order at once, hence this remartaoie COASTER-BRAKES, everting HEAL 9 CYCLE QOVUV,9 ealSbuTwt l?&ly:ZS ?OV BUYING DO NOT WAIT bTcVcTTo r1 tires front anyone until now the new aa , ZaJIZtL .n makinif. It onlv costs a postal to learn everything. Write NOW. NO. 30. TilOMINENT PEOPLE. Senator Gore, who comes from Vbt new State of Oklahoma, is blind. Secretary Taf t decided to retura to the United States by way of Europe. . Lord Avebury, of England, W3 the United States needs s central bank. M. Loubet, formerly President of France, has announced his predilec tion for a iuiet life. The Rev. Newell D. Hillis is one of the many American pastors Who have arranged for appointments in Eng land next summer. The Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, T Toneka. Kan., reached New York re cently on the steamer St. Louis, after a four months' tour of Great Britain. Professors William H. Scbofield, of Harvard University, and Arthur T j Hadley, of Yale University, have be gun their lectures at the University of Berlin. Grover Cleveland visited New York for the first time since his recent ill ness. He transacted some private business and returned at once to Princeton. Frank James, once the most noted bandft in the United States, has bought a farm fn Western Kansas, and pronoses to spend tho remainder' ef his life in farming. Some alarm for his health was eaused in Berlin by the announce ment tb at the Emperor would remain a fortnight In the Isle of Wight dur ing bis visit to England. The three living war Governora of the United States are Frederick Holbrook, of Vermont; Samuel J. Crawford, of Kansas, irnd William Sprague, of Rhode Island. Dr. Robert Snense Watson, presi dent of the British Peace Society, and single arbitrator of more than a hun dred Prii'sh labor disputes, has been msde by King Edward a privy coun- cuicur, HIS CHOICE. "Why don't yea try to get thing to do? "Mister," answered Meandering Mike, "I ean't find nothto suited to me." "What's your choice of occupation f "I want to be a- wine agent." Washington Star. Are a Necessity j in ffaa fniinm Q MVW VOUII1I J Home. The farther you are removedl from town to railroad station, the! more the telephone will save mi time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compelone of the family to lie in agony for hours while hei drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' I trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. 'S ALL IT WILL COST YW to write for oar big FREE BICYCLE catalog shnwing the most complete line of high-grads mvivijj.?, xiniui ana suniutuia at n ttiTW BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. A Dm Wf gT fron. at any until you have received our complete Free aescriDmg every Kind ot hi and low-srrada latest models, and learn ot our remarkable mw new offers made possible by selling from f acton latest models, and learn o; ana maice other liberal terms wmcn no You will learn everything, and much young men wno apply at once. - PRQSF TIRES ? " kZ Notice the thick rubber trmi "A" and puncture strips B and "li," also rim strip mBP to prevent rim catting. tire wUl outlast any o make SOFT, ELASTIC EASY ELDING lhrely and easy riding, very durable and lined , becomes ootous ana wnicn closes up sxnatt poi hundreds of letters from satisfied customers theprieefio per pairt tfyon. this advertissmcnt. We will aisosend one ni pancre ciosers on rjuu . pain oroe , ,jx rail cuw. or u --ivy puro umw c is fe as in a bank. .Ak your about "S. If you order a pair of wear better, last longer and loolt -our ordei iTe know that you wiU be so well please We want you to send us a small trial. rdala rrts and renairs. mm i? the bicycle Ime are sold i by, athah the usual Dept. "J L" CHJCIBCMUe us :3m oiner 1

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