Thf INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance! r- t t " - ' " ' "' ' ' ' '- . .i ii imm : , VOJ, aha. v m. -i i . .. . COLUMBUb, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28,1907. NO.-3 1 R'-.;V:i iS-fl f AINU IMA AfIA anc i I el U The News of Old Noryi State Gathered and Put 1 in Condensed form. - I 01 i'i ' i aer of vhi br a eas in; i bur boa the ine be : tin: f to I for i nam eh th ool Board Meeting. special. Tlie State board ; i r and considered va The fact that 45,000 I i-liaps three-quarters n acres of swamp land, of board has control, are to !H.,i as an experiment, and in ;m object lesson to the entire ,1 ; of the State, is of much not only in North Carolina the other coast States. The lso lias approved the plan for , lored normal school build Klizabeth City. The cost will 100. The board devoted much the apportionment of funds row country high school. The i lature appropriated $45,000 plied in the way of State aid rh institutions. Eighty-one tie; - j more than the approprin- N'oi less than $250 was set any full school. State Super Joyner expressed his very ' no thst within ten months act was passed by the leg applications had been made i lie whole -amount appropri i fact, even more and that f the 97 counties, this being r cent, of the whole number, npplied for all and even more their proportionate share an.l - cured all the hisrh Ii were established. Thee eoun Wake Forsvth and Robeson, get schools each. COMMISSIONERS ABE INDICTED Orand Jury of Gaston County Re turns a Bill Against the Fit Mem bers of the County Board Relative to a New Court House. Gstonia, Special. The grand jury has returned a bill of indictments against the board of county commis sioners charging them with failure to comply with the recommendation of the grand jury made at the Septem ber term of court, that a new court house be built. It is understood that the case will be called for trial at the next term of superior court. The board is composed of Mr. A. R. An ders, of Gastonia; Dr. 0. G. Falls, of King's Mountain; Mr. N. B. Ken- ancK, ot Cnerryville ; Mr. John F. R. K. Davenport of Mount Holly. uh HynejuiMt Value of Our Manufactures is Beyond Comprehension applied and these get 15d Leper, of Belmont, and Mr. i no applications covered or K efi he mi Lumber Mills Affected. ilmington. Special. On account 1 e general financial stringency h and its consequent depressing r upon the trade, it is announced that practically all the lumber - in this section of eastern North ua m S. A. L. Train Kills Alvin Hineycutt. Wadesboro, Special. Westbound Seaboard Air Line passenger train at 10 o'clock Thursday morning crash ed into a covered wagon at Concord crossing near this place, and instantly killed Mr. Alvin Honeycutt, driver of the wagon, end se.riousl injuring his wife. Immediately after the accident the dead man was taken to Polkton schools j raid Mrs. Honeycutt was later carried to Charlotte where she was placed in a hospital. The 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Honeycutt was also an occupant of the wagon, but was un injured. He was left in charge of his father's remains at Polkton. It is supposed that Mr. Honeycutt failed to see the oncoming train on account of the wagon cover. The engine had just rounded a curve and it was im possible to stop. The wagon was torn into splinters, but the two mules were th; ,r plants will be shut down entire ly r that a reduction in the wage sr, will go into effect after the end nf 1 present week. The Cape Fear L her Company, the largest mill of it kind in this territory, posted no ii( - that effective Monday all wages r,i ': salaries from the general man aci c down will be reduced 25 per eei to this being the onlv alternative tutting down altogether on ac" of unsettled conditions. The :ig forces in the country have iven a similar reduction and mmber o men cut down -to meet curtailed product of the mills, 'ar reductions in the "wage of mills at Whiteville, in Pen eounty, "and at Newbern and sboro aTe understood to be ef- e Monday, while many of the ier plants throughout the east action of the State have closed : altogether. On account of the iation in business North all high e lumber has dropped down and has declined below a point of Late News BY WIRE ave either given notiee that ; uninjured. Mr. and Mrs. Honeycutt had been visiting relatives in Chester field country, South Carolina, and were returning to their home in Stan ley county, this State. Mr. Honey cutt was a prosperous and much liked farmer. It is thought that Mrs. Honevcutt's injuries will not prove fatal." Law breakers Arrested. - lisbury, Special. Game Warden luirch has been after the Rowan hunters and has bagged five boys 1 n who have been violating the laws. Three of these were fined he expects more before leaving untv It it his purpose to ap " some watchful man "unbe i" to the public and put a "i'im upon the job by paying him 1 every conviction. Birds have plentiful on the market recently it is believed that they were . like "dry" towns liquor, in the law and prohibition. Want Time Extended. Ashevillc, Special. Some of the sa loon keepers f Asheviile don't want to go out of business on January 1st, under the vote of the people on Oc tober Sth, and it is understood that they will apply to the board of alder men and county commissioners next week for an extention of time, hcy desire to continue in business until April 1, 1908. alleging that they can not dispose of their goods prior to that time. It is understood that for mal application will be made for an extension. The saloon men, it is said, have employed counsel and will seek to have the authorities grant them more time. Prohibition carried in Asheviile in October by more than 800 majority, and it is probable that the prohibitionists will bitterly op pose any extension. Killed by Falling Tree. Reidsville, Special Mr. J. F. Ward o former section master of the Dan ville & Western railway met a fright- Ilfui death Thursday morning about 9 o'clock, while engaged in cuinng down a large tree for use as limber at Martin's sawmill, near Stokesland. The tragedy occurred in the woods near the saw plant, and Mr. Ward wuf, caught under the main body of the-tree and crushed to death in an instant. Ida. )bbar Guilty of Embezzlement. inesvilie, Fla., Special. After crating 16 hours in the ease of v ip against J. N. Strobbar, for lileed embezzlement of $7,500 of ' aboard Air Line railroad funds, ;'i'.v rendered a verdict of guilty, a hard-fought trial in everal s in Canada, Georgia and Flor- $I5,0C0,CG0,GC0, EXPERTS SAY Chief Carson Makes This Estimate in the Annual Report of His Bureau, Which Was Made Public Sunday. 1vashine:ton. Soeeinl Tcif f lions of dollars represnt the -value of tne annual production of manufac tures in the United States. After care- im estimates were made by experts, Col. John M. Carson, chief of the bu reau ot manufactures, was nhle to make this statement in the aanual re port of the operations of his bureau, maae public Kundav. The fibres do not represent finished products entire ly, but include products in various stages ot progress. Last year the ag gregate value of domestic merchan- aisc exported was $1,854,000,000, an increase ot nearly $136,000,000 over tho preceding year, In this classifica tion "manufactures ready for eon sumption" are credited with $430, 000,000 and these figures are general ly accepted as the extent ofLthe ex ports of manufactures. The report of the bureau, whoever, groups tbL classification with those of "food 1 stufts partly or wholly manufactur ed," and "manufactures for further uso in manufacturing," the aggregate exports of whieh last year were $606, 000,000 and this amount added to "manufactures ready for consump tion " make the aggregate value of manufactures exported in the year ended June 30, $1,036,000,000 or more than 58 per cent, of the entire exports for that year. Special significance is attached to the increase of nearly 0,000,000 m the exports of com pleted manufactures, in view of the fact that the exports of cotton cloths declined more than $21,000,000, this loss being entirely in the cotton trade with China. The populah feeling aroused in that country growing out of alleged outrages against Chinese residents in the United States is as signed as a contributor; cause for this decline. Cotton Seed Products. The cotton seed product exports for the year were upwards of $40,500, 000, an increase of $9,500,000 over 1906. In commenting on these figures the report saysT j "Aside from its intrinsic value the relatively new industry has an eco nomic value and importance to the country, the beneficial results of which are especially felt in the sev eral States in which cotton in indig enerous, and in which the cotton seed industry is naturally located." The rmecess attending investigation by ex perts sent abroad has led to the adop tion of the policy of speculizfng inves tigation of trade conditions in for eign markets. One of the obstacles to the enlarge ment of export trade is the uncertain ty of transit between places of pro duction and the seaboard. Merchants in the Orient especially complain that calculation cannot be made as to when goods ordered in the United States will be delivered, and in conse quence orders go to Euroneau houses that should come to those of this country. The bureau has been in cor respondence with managers of rail way and ocean steamship companies with a view to securing more reliable and rapid transit for merchandise de stined to foreign countries. Demands made by business men for the extension of the parcels-post to foreign countries is discussed. It is claimed that this extension would open markets now closed to American bus iness men for lack of transporta tion facilities, but which are open to -their competitors Avho have advant ages of the percels-post system. WASHINGTON. President Roosevelt has forbidden federal officeholders to promote the third term boom. Plesident Roo3evelt received the new Turkish Minister to the United States, Mehmed AH Bey, the presenta tion being made by Secretary Root. A decision was reached at the War Dejstartment to graduate the first class at uie West Point Military Academy some time between February 1 and 1&. A shortage of officers in the army is the reason given for the ad vanes tn the graduation. The President sent Secretary Taft a hurry call to return home for a conference in view of the de velopment of the third -term boom. Eight thousand men is the estimate placed by the Navy Department upon the number of discharges of employes which the departure; of the Atlantic fleet will make necessary in the east coast navy yards. It was reported In Washington that the Government armory at Spring field, Mass., is likely to be transferred to Hock Island, 111. The United States Government will asg'ime the cost of labor and service, about $20,000 a month, in aiding San Francisco to combat the bubonic pi..ue. OUR ADOPTED ISLANDS. Major-General Wood will retain command of the Philippines Division until February 1, then he will be given six months' leae of absence to aliow him to return home leisurely. Major-General Weston, will succeed him, The Cuban census shows about 2, 000, $00 inhabitants. Havana has 2dj&00 population. Senor Alfredo Zayas opposed early elections in Cuba and upheld the American provisional government in an interview in Havana. Americans in the Philippines agree with Mr. Taft's "forward" policy. The new railway bridge over the Pasig R4ver, near Fort McKinley, fell, injuring three Americans and twenty PROMINENT PEOPLE. Govenor Deneen has submitted a 10,000-word message to the Illinois Legislature. Moncure D. Conway, the well known American author, died sud denly in Paris. Professor Charles Eliot Norton cel ebrated his eightieth Cambridge, Mas3. Senator Foraker reports that his interview with the President was de lightfully agreeable. Thomas Taggart declared that William J. Bryan will be the Presi dential nominee of the Democrats. Denman Thompson, of "The Old Homestead" fame, has returned to West Swanzey, N. H., and has opened His home for the winter. Admiral Sir Francis Leopold Mc Clintock, retired, an Elder Brother 0 Trinity House, died in London. Ho was eighty-eight years old. President Woodrow Wilson, of Princeton, wants to stop action against the trusts and to proceed against the men that compose the trusts. Accounts of Grover Cleveland's condition vary, but a personal friend in Princeton, N. J., says that the for mer President is as well as most men of his years As president of the National Civil Service Reform League, Joseph H. Choate is the successor of George William Curtis, Carl Schurz and Dan iel C. Gilman. Rev. Harvey Des Brown, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Kenosha, Wis., announces his conversion to so cialism and his retirement from the Baptist ministry. Former Governor James E. Camp bell, of Ohio, who is a member of the State Tax Commission, says he is a receptive candidate for United States Senator to succeed J. B. Foraker, ZEWSY GLEANINUS. China is said to be on the verge of a revolution. President Fallieres will visit the Emperor of Russia next year. Maine leads in various phases of grange progress and development. Emperor William declared in Lon- birthday at Ldon that world peace is his steadfast - aim. Admiral Sir John Fisher said that the British Navy had never been bo strong as it Is now. The first subway t ain v. an under the East River, half way tbs. ough the tunnel to Brooklyn. France will lend $30,000,000 to Morocco in consideration of changes in the Algerian frontier. There is a marked falling off in in dustrial orders in Paris from the Uni ted States and Germany. The Japanese Foreign Office is con sidering a plan to stop all movements to the United Sptes and Canada. Leading railway and industrial cor porations of America report a record breaking number of new sharehold- er8 The destroyer Mobawk, of the British Navy, in an official trial de veloped a speed of forty land miles an hour. D. 5. Imboden suggested a system Senator Thomas Wins right. Montgomery, La., Special. In the Senato Friday Senator Thomas won his fight to kill entirely the bill to prevent sale of liquors, to clubs. An effort was made to have the oody hold over to next week in-order to give time to prevent and adverse re port. By a close vote the Senate vu cd to adjourn. Kills Father in Defense of Mother. New York, Special. In defense of his mother, Peter Lindermeier, aged 17 years, grappled with his father, Frederick, and during the scu3Ie the elder man was shot and killed. Young Lindermeier had seen his mothei knocked down and fired upon when he interfered and he was attempting to of State clearing houses to create a new currency to aid farmers to move the crops. Excavation on the Panama Canal for October amounted to 1,868,72 cubic yards, surpassing all previous monthly records. A committee of 100 of the Ameri can Health League met in New Ha ven to urge the Government to estab lish a national health bureau. To copy Gettysburg ideas Into a proposed military park on the Plains of Abraham, Quebec, Sir Frederick Borden and General Lake will visit the Pennsylvania battlefield. take the revolver from his father Filipinos; the damage is estimated at whcn the weapon was discharged. The 1100,000 The Hawaiian Realty Maturity Company, an alleged " get-rich-quick" oonern, has been declared insolvent. The liabilities are placed at $0,000. The depositors are mostly natives. James K. Taylor, Supervising Architect of the Treasury Depart ment, arrived at San Juan, Porto Rico, on the revenue cutter Algon quin and has been conferring with the Federal officers who will occupy the projected Federal buildings with re gard to the plans which Mr. Taylor has brought with him. All ere high ly satisfied with thiein. Governor Maeoon issued a decree annointing an agricultural advisory commission of thirteen members to draft laws to relieve the agricultura" depression -in Cuba boy surrendered himself. Armed Men Guard Virgin Gold. Seattle,, Special. One mil lion, two hundred thousand dollars worth of gold w lying at Summit, on Thompson Pass, just back of Val- dez, on its way from Fairbanks, Alas ka, to Seattle. Several armed guards are watching the gold d.y and night. Of this amount $450,000 is in dut and the rest in bricks. It is the larg est shipment ever sent out over the trail from Fairbanks to Valdez. "The 1)one-shaking," says the "Christian Advocate" of New York, that Bishop Moore got in springless DOMESTIC. Peking carts on the Chinese roads The president, vice-president and prompted him to send out two Ameri can top-buggies to the presiding eld Scotland County Man Loses Life in a Cotton Gin. J-'imWton, Special. There was a ' accident at the cotton gin of h Butler in Howellsville M- 12 miles from here, late ';(hiy afternoon in which Mr. s Kinlaw about.. 65 years old, While engaged in load hW V;, His IK 1 wagon with cotton seed his caught bv a screw in the id before the engine could UCtn teiribly mangled. Statue of Nathaniel Jacobi. Winston-Salem, Special. Nearly all of the Odd Fellows in the State are taking great interest in the pro posed statue to Miv Nathaniel Jaco bi, founder of thej)dd Fellows' Or phanage arGoldsboro. . The , i Wfaai movement' was started JJJJ-y and the local lodge has received much "commendation of their efforts to ke?p the memory of this .-good man aHve. Judging from the interest which the various lodges are taking in L matter, it will be only a short time before the statue is erected. New Masonic Temple. Shelbyville, Special. The new Ma sonic Temple, at this place, is very near completion, and will soon be ready for Masonic purposes. It stands on the west side of Court Square, and presents an imposing appearance. When entirely completed and furnish ed it will be one of the finest Ma sonic building in the State. treasurer of ihe Title Guarantee and Trust Company, o Portland, Ore were arrested, charged with having accepted deposits knowing that the bank was insolvent. Delegates from: fifteen Atlantic Coast States organized at Philadel phia the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, with? Congressman J. Hampton Moore, q'f Philadelphia,-as president. It became known? that a company of which C. T. Barnfcy was president, and in which Harry Payne Whitney is interested, borrowed a million of the Knickerbocker Trust, of New York Citv. of which $500,000 has been paid. The money famine continued m spite of the Washington plan to issue bonds and certificates. The Ohio League of Republican Clubs indorsed Senator Foraker for re-election and afc a candidate for President. Mr. Yorys. manager of the Taft campaign, immediately is sued a challenge fjr a primary. Attorney-General Bonaparte,. in an address at Providence, made an at tack on subsidized newspapers. Storm Bull, professor of steam en gineering in the University of Wis consin since 18 84, died of cancer of the stomach. He was a nephew of Ole Bull, the famous Norwegian vio linist. A receiver was 'appointed at Bos ton for the Enterprise-Transportation Company, of Worcester, Mass., run ning a line of steamers between rrov m . 1 mi J. 2 ers of anan-nai-quan ana liemsin. The natives stare at the modest char iot as if it was a ninety horsepower Mercedes cr Panhard. An old man darin said to Mr. Brown, of Tientsin l 'It is a foreign toy. The ancient is best." Boston Fashion Note. A local tailor has made a hit with a large number of customers by in serting a secret pocket in the coats of married men who trade with him. As he broadly advertises the new trick, it is for the purpose of enab ling married men to hide their change from their curious wives. Already he T'rne more help. Boston Record. TELEPHONES! Are a Necessity in the Country Home. The farther you are removed! trom town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to ne in agony lor nours wmie ne drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering-. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO,, 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. 01 m mm w W$8 to 1 CEHT! IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU write for our bie FREE BICYCLE catalogue showing the most complete line of high-grade BICYCLES. TIKES and SCNDKIES at PHICES t BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. a, DO NOT BUY A BICYCLE $ or on any bind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cata logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn ot our remarkable LOW PRICES and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP OH APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Yoy ttoe Frelgbt and allow 10 Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rldaf Aatsnt in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once RH HliysTnBQE.9BAfll? TIDEC O N LY ar Price m Q f t per pair. "'Jl .OU introduce BM We Will Sell ffJLiX : i You a Sample wont let , Distiller Indicted. Danville, Special. The Federal grand jury, which has been investigat ing for the past ten days the frauds on the government returned three in dictments Friday afternoon against G. W. Richardson, large distiller of Henry county, charging him with removing and concealing spirits, il licit distilling, and for failing to make prooer returns on the books at his distillery. B. L- Howard, the storekeeper and guager, was also in dicted on several counts for -collusion to iefraudthe government. for OffSiV OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER $4.36) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Ppwilt ot k vears experience m tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAW- TU$. PINS. A1L9, 1 AWM OF UlilJJ. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any otner ure QS1 Notice the thick rubber tread "A" and puncture strips "B" and "D," also rim strip W to prevent rim cutting. This tire wlU outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY AIDING. Weave" tread which prevents all air from bring mm . m . a " All -v I M m rtM4t Mr AMa A I I ftMm saueezed out between tne tire ana uc roau umbuch.uuu.i8 mi ohu. . -'fy- ri" :.- q ,ir iM,t for nrivertisinsr ourDoses we are makine a special factory once to the rider CO.D. on a nted. We will prese also send pproval. if you send one nickel Twa Hundred Thousand oairs now in actual use. Over idence, Fall Kiver, isewpon ana ew $wn)y.fjve Thoosand pairs sold last year. York. I M. a0nmvruim m u! in all sizes. It is Uvelv and easy riding, very durable and lined inside Thomas Dugan and Edward Yeazon with a special quaUty of rubber, which i never yJJlZ!SI! were arrested at Gpffeyville, Kan., on ?.Z!Z7' r ,rnTn ortwk inr whole season. Thevweiirh no more thai a charge of passing old Georgia Stat ordinal the ructure resume Plank hills. I orenaredtaoncontneireaa. inai "u "',rSKr2 I f. J - 1 - m Kit TTTIT i or son ro&us is ovcjwiuc jmT J FOREIGN. German bankers decided to refuse any loan to Japan Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the British Premier, will go abroad at once for rest, and there are rumors that he may retire from the leade ship of the Liberal party. The treason of Ensign Ullmo in revealing French fortification plans to Germany was fgjly estabiisneu An article published in the Paris Temps favors the extension of Preneh aid to America by shipments of goia; the establishment of a central bank is again urged. nf nnlv ti.8o ier oair. All orders shipped aanw day tetter is reasved. We ship , ri . asI mA tmtnrl thtn ctt trt n ac You do not pay a cent ui you J"rTsTa.jii we will allow a easn uiscouu. oi sjjw v "7. "Sr wttt.t. HASH WITH OKUKK ana enclose mis auveuib.mrai plated brass nana tmnctnre closers to . 4-k.T. - - (1 .... pump ana two aalupsua njcidi (inuuic .iiio vu viuti. vum. be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned reason tney ore not wisaciurr g aamuauw; tt ot- rJrfrrfii, reliable ar.d monev sent to us is as safe as m a bank. Ask your Postmaster. 1 Banker Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about n. If you order a pair of ? .KLi: !rlii VJLi6. ill HH. easier, run faster, wear hotter, last lonaser and look nthanTUr Fce- 1e know that jWwiU be wenptejaed t when you want a bicycle vou will give us 70W order. We want you to send us a small trial oSJsTS tui-whaeU. saddles, pedaU. pert, and repair and COASTERBRAKES9 evervihing in the Kcyde line are solctby ua at half the usual IIhuTwritrus ?L?X$i fgS&Or BUYING UU 19V I TTHM1 bicycle or a pssr ot tires rrom urwum you now ine-ne. It Omy COWa a puaun w wia trojinn. rr uh. -r-' tare making, E1L CYCLE CONPIW Dept. "4L cmwatrnu I I