Ibe folk iottitti) ffM Dy. IMnrnrnnirBiri- : f jf kT , & Three Cents the Co VOL XIH. Subscription Price. Sl.oo p.rvM. ,n flfrrTlnrr CULUMBTJS, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1908. ywiirifiri,iJ)ttJ)l)itit)fc j NORTH CAROLINA AFFAIRS The News of Old North State Gathered and Put I in Condensed form. Board of Charities Meets. Winston-Salem, Sptcial Th ouar terly meting of the State 1Oard of Public Charities convened in -tho di rectors' room of the People's Nation aTBank at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday oignt. ine meeting was presided over by Col. William A. Blair, the shairman who has beeq a member of tho board for the past fifteen years. T"ha nf mm.L.- i il i vUcz uiciiiuera oi me Doard are Miss Daisy Denson, secretary ; Mr. Carey J. Hunter, of Raleigh; Col J. C. McAHster, of Asheboro; Mr. E. L. Haghton, of Jonesboro, all of whom were present at the meeting. The board was in session again in tfct afternoon the members visited the lonnty pail, convict camp and county home and will visit similar institu tions in neighboring fowfcs. Tho aoard has charge, of all the charitable nd penal institutions in the State. At night reports were received from the State insane asylums at Morgan Ion, Raleigh and Goldsboro, and of the deaf and blind Kaleigh. Reports were alsn kmTJ from the nine orphanages and sani tariums, the county homes, county mvici, camps and jails; the State penitentiary, State farm and all hos pitals. The board went over the list of the board of county visitors for tne different counties of the State. new Stele News in Brief. There is much feeHng against the Atlantic Coast Line railway people for their refusal to consider the com promise of the rate matter offered by tne estate. Charlotte will soon have bank with a capital of one million dollars. The stock has all been sub scribed and the charter applied for. A fine new building will be erected as a permanent home for the bank. The increase in the assess ed value of the property in the State under the assessment of 1907 did not pan out nearly so much as many peo ple thought, being about ninety-two mmion dollars. Some bad figured that it., would approximate two hun dred million dollars. The Council of State has decided to go ahead with the work on th railway in Hyde county, which is be ing constructed under a special act of MUNCIE UNDER MAHTIAL; UW Governor Hanly Issues Proclamation Declaring Martial Law For Riotous Town Brigadier General McKec Is Placed in Command of the Twieve Companies of State Troops. Indianapolis, Ind., Special. Go per nor Hanly issued a proclamation de claring martial law at Muncie nd placing Brigadier General McKee in command of the State troops assm. bled there, namelv. 12 com nnnie.' n-f infantry and one battery. The rrar- uai law order covers a radius of four miles from the Delaware county court house, and takes in the factory s tricts of Muncie. Assistant Attor ney General Dowling was sent to Muncie by the Governor to act as legal advisor for Brigadier General McKee. Governor Hanly 's action in send ing troops, supplemented bv the an. ergy displayed by the authorities and citizens of Muncie, resulted in cheek ing the mob spirit. Five hundred citizens; including some members of the Commercial Club, of Muncie. been sworn in as special officers to preserve the peace. These men will endeavor to control the situation bet will be backed by the soldiers. Mav- or Guthrie has closed all saloons &w ordered all women and children to NO. 3(5. the mm mi mm Remarkable Showing Made of Industrial Activity VALUE OF ITS LEADING CROPS The Rice Crop Five Times Greater the Past Year and the Corn Crop Has Inereasp.rl "NVuvHir viftr t. J. '1 UJ J, Dl 1 CeUt The Wonderful Growth of I the Cotton Crop the Subject of Ex tended Comment. To Rebuild in Rutherfordton. Rutherfordton, Special. A special meeting of the commissioners of Rutherford county was held in Ruth rfordton. The entire board was present. Upon motion it was unani mously ordered by the board that the wurt house -which was destroyed by Ire December 24th, 1907, be located and rebuilt at Rutherfordton, as soon as possible and practicable. It was Iso ordered that the matter of em ploying an architect and providing other things in connection with th Duildmg ot the court house be left apen until the next regular meeting l me Doard. The architects present n me meeting were Mr. Frank P. Milburn, of Washington, D. C; Mr R. S. Smith, of Asheville. and Mr O L Hitchcock, representing the Fail City Construction Company. No de tinue plans were decided on as to the location of the new court house, but those who are interested in the im provement of the i old county seat ant the court house moved about 00 feet north of the present site, on 'hat is known as the old Isothermal lotel lot. This is a vacant lot and s about 300x400 f eet and is the most levated lot on Main street. ! VT1 Ih dufectore of keep off the streets except on errands the road damr tHa Sfu t I j . m -" w pvxuiib ux necessiry. . tham to Mbstitute a bond for the The determination of the Governor o? Stflt?H 1 ' bf ST uCUncii t0 Cal1 ut the militia foUowed JJt t inH t0 t 1 t,he a riot at Muncie last ay after- eighteen miles have been built, leav- noon, when the police and the dep. mg twenty-five yet to be constructed, uty sheriffs fought with a crowd I LrfSST 3,000 men, wZen and chMren oompieiea Dy July or August. The The nnli oenitentiarv will ifca I " V" m"V ----- y vuw ijax o.l LIX flip lonrlftr oVi - J certificates. This matter was very leaving the city at the mercy of the fully discussed at Thursday's eon- unruly element. The Governor, there- tore, on the request of the Muncie authorities on the advice of Adju 000, making the sum total of the an nua.1 fruit and truck product of the South fully $150,000,000 xJuaner the last co'ton vpar we spnt ear. John Hill Reported Taken. j Winston-Salem, Special." News 's received here to the effect that r,m Hill, of the notorious Smith- - n settlement, alleged to be impli ed m the killing of Revenue Offi J. W. Hendricks at Smithtown .a v days ago, for whose arrest the ited States government offered a ard of $500, was captured about "clock in the morning at his home, : arrest being made bv Messrs. arkrader and Walker, citizens of ooson, burry county. It is also re nted that Hill was carried " to J eensboro and turned over to the leral authorities. Oscar Sisk, one the trio alleged to be responsible w the killing of the revenue officer, taken a few days ago. There is lev one more for whose arrest the g eminent has offered a reward, Jim vjth, for whom there-is a reward of '00. Operations Again Resumed at Wait- tant General Perry, who was caught ney. in the mob, ordered out the militia. Saliahnrv Srwii wi There has been no serious trouble UTlL pedal -Word come, at Anderson, Marion, Alexandria and from the Whitney plant that opera- Elwood. Twenty-seven employes of tions, which have been suspended the Marion lines voted to strike, bu during the holidays, have been r tne car service was only partly in- snmed. Htd that th ; v terrupted. prosecuted on a big scale The eree- At .Ande,rson a committee of citi- out of the country about 8,500,000 British Minister Will Visit Honduras turn of tba hi. h ;n tlZZ c"-nng jo induce the bales of raw cotton, fully two-thirds -p r " xiwuoc win uociiuu company oinciais to arbi- I of Chattanooga, Tenn., Special. The Tradesman Annual contains among its important features an elaborate review of Southern progress during 1907, in which the following interest ing facts are given: The principal crops were as follows: Hay of all kinds, tons 7,590,000. Wheat, bushels 91,433,000. Corn, bushels 959,743,000. Oats, bushels, 67,338,000. Tobacco, pounds 437,139,000. Rice, bushels 21,412,000. Two notable increases over the pre vious year are shown by these figures, the Southern hay crop being 25 per cent greater than in 1906, and the rice crop increased nearly the same percentage. - Progress of Agriculture. During the last five years, however, agriculture has made such progress in the bouthern States, that the' corn crop has increased nearly 50 per cent George Eliot's Church. At a cost of 500 the three bells in hilvers Coton Parish Church tower are being recast and three others added. As a child "George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans), the famous novel ist, attended Chilvers Coton Church with her parents, and long afterward she drew vivid word pictures of the ancient building and its incumbents. "Mr. Gilfll" and "Amos Barton" were the vicar and curate respectively of Chilvers Coton, the "Shepperton" of "Scenes of Clerical Life." JLondon Standard. Greensboro Has, $45,000 Fire. Greensboro, N. C. Sninl ir; damaged the plant of the Sherwood Bobbin Works Friday night at 9 o clock to the extent of several thous and dollarsr-The alarm sounded at 6:30 from box 54 and the firemen responded promptly and did some very effective work, saving the main building, but the dry klin, containing a large quantity of stock, and the boiler room were destroyed. The en tire plant was insured for $63,500, and the estimated damage is $45,000. Postoffice Receipts Very Large. Charlotte, N. C, Special The post office receipts for the month of De cember amounted to $10,484.44 as against $9,613.17 for the correspond ing month in 1906. The total sales of the local office during the vear a . POLITICAL POT A-BOILIXG. Savannah, Ga., Special. Twenty- The rice crop is five times greater. two persons were injured in a col- while as already stated, the fodder lision of street cars on the West Sa- crop has enlarged 25 per cent, in a vannah line. The accident occurred single year. In 1900 the value of pro- fhrnilfru . , ,ri, " occurred ducts of vegetable gardens of the thrOUgh a large MlU Haven car slip- South was $13,000,000 ; at present the pmg lte ' lley. This plunged the annual yield of orchards anJ - vine- car iq darkness, rendering it invisible yards in this sectson is over $30,000,- I to 'a rapidly following small Secretary Taft's tour of the world Is to be put on the stage. A carload of snow is to be deliv ered daily to the Democratic Na tional Convention at Denver. Senator McCarren, of Brooklyn, turned prophet and predicted that Hughes could not be nominated for President. There are more than ninety mem bers of -the House of Representatives who are serving their country for the first time. Vice-President Fairbanks was en thusiastically urged for President at the biennial Republican "love feast" at Indianapolis. Judge Willard M. McEwen will open In the Great Northern Hotel- Chicago, within two weeks his fight for the Gubernatorial nomination. , Indications are that the Iowa dele gation to the Republican National Convention will support Governor Hughes for the Presidential nomina tion. Mayor McClellan, of New York, asked the Supreme Court to compel Jackson to submit a more complete bill of particulars in his suit to oust the Mayor. Senator Tillman attacked the pol icy of the administration in issuing Panama bonds and three per cent, certificates of indebtedness and ques tioned the authority of law for such action. The Missouri Republican State Committee indorsed William H. Taft for the Republican nomination for President and selected St. Louis for A a. -- l M it r . u 1Q07 wpvo maqcqqoi , I luw meeting piace oi me atate con- j-cwi, wcie qj.u,ooo., as asrainsi vonti hWfnS- 1906' TheI President Roosevelt told his-friends increase of $10,74o.65 is a verv ml . 1 that th nnmin9Hnn qm-.. lying one. I Taft is practically assured. His con fidence is based on the refusal of tho New York County Republican Com mittee to indorse Governor Hughes a President. Injured in Collision. wlneh was crowded with passengers, mostly colored. a a U. ' T i a . , II X m - aa . - uegm m a snort while, the excavat- irate. ine strike breakers brought the cotton industrv in tho TTnitPd Mexico Citv. Mex.. Sneeinl. T?p- the crop; but such is the growth of inald Tower, British minister to Mex ico, will sail from Vera Cruz on Jan- ms tUK power nouse is completed I """ft i ""suu auu ma- states that the Kouth now eont.mns and nothing is expected to prevent nn Ve be?n sent 700 mills, operating nearly 10,000,000 uary 10th on board the warship Bril the Whitnev neonle from tnmin n F .. Z spindles and 1908 will add fully 20 "ant tor Belize to pay a visit to Col " jury Acauits Hfit.tihnnp ,- lf nnu oi.i.. -w , . , ... power July 1st thodato Wfnr I,, JTTT wtaies oi jNortn i onei owayne, tne U-overnor oi British 1Z . B1Se' Idaho Speeial-An end" of and South Carolina haye no less than Honduras. The Brilliant will visit ife tuc "ulluu. - une urosecution.nt th mon I 4uo n ants with fi .nn nnn cn ninU on,,.i r,.,-, l . ,r x - ".vu uuigtu i x - rvv,uvv i oi. v ci cxi. xtxc uswi uui lo eu route. JX1. witn the murder ot Former ftnvpmnv The Metal Industrv. Tnwr will ho oknt i. P 4- -mr . . r Vti i o, e , .Z ,7 m, . . ' . . 1 IT" BUUU' jfcfckuviiie xiow uonnectea WitnprailK onmenoerg, except the cases Ane metal industry, including the weeks. Bncknorn Power. 01 ?rry urenard and Jack Simp- mining or ore, shows a notable in A Pittsburg carpenter sat on the end of a board and sawed himself off from a trestle 30 feet high. That man was wasting his time in an humble ixade, declares the Philadel phia North American. He should have been with the similar special ists in Wall street. &TEIiPH0d ls Are a Necessity j Inno n o - r ti-m 4- V K. -.''-j' . 1 m I alfthn m . , ,1 - -1 "Favptfpvill Qbo.;. rpi i nUu me acqmttai oi t 5" wmpareu wim previous years. . . , " ' ' twMLreorge A. Petti bone and disehj Schedule of No. 29 May Be Very Ma terially Changed. Washington, Special. The South ern is contemplating changing the schedule of train No. 29 so that it ThA Atol ft, . - ; l .O . vwrvxAw turn lUOVUfU O I bvhuuqv vj- nun x JKX KXVjJDX ot the Cape Fear Electric Company of Charles H. Moyer, president of the H the Alabama furnaces during 1907 at riucRhorn Falls coming into Fav- esterri" Federation of Miners, both will aggregate about 1,750,000 tons. etteville by elctric transmission, and charged with conspiring with William i with a value of $32,000,000. This is OTT-rt-TriQf al il 1 . I I Uni,n. j i- 3 . Oi l I 1 fif fff il il i n I ... . - vvuuuvai wmwcuun is Deinir I liaJ ty to muruer otunenoert:. j-w,vvv ions more man tne recora ior wi pax-p hora of a.iz rtiu made from the sub-station with the Moyer will return with Pettibone in 1906 and about 150,000 tons more afternoon instead of 11 in the morn electric light plant, mills, etc. The a few days to Denver. Haywood was than the record for 1905, while the ing. This is to make connection with work will be in full blast in a few acquitted last summer and Mover will value has increased within the last n fact fro J mi i . . I , , , . , jt . . , ? I , . . - I lUltt 1UI jacs.- uay&. ine aistance ot transmission nt e mea. unly two men on the iw years nearly 50 per cent. sonville, Fla., to take the place of the to Fayetteville is 32 miles. The Dlant Pettibone jury voted Dersistentlv for In Kentucky the total tonnage of Fl CVtftl limito r-p forman vacate. TU which cost $500,000, now generates conviction and they finally ceded the Pig iron produced aersreeate over Mb f xr qn ii. 4,000 horse-power, 3,000 of which ii verdict to the other 10 jurors. 125,000 tons, a gain of fully' 100 per same as now. 29 would reach Char- oj. me nrst ciass power. i.ne case or urchard, confessed as- I cent, in two years, while the value lotte at 3 -25 d m i aaiu oa oLunenourg anq tjhiet wit- I 111 ouiput oi tne, smelters has ac- Bigh Point Doctor Tries Suicide at ness against Moyer, Haywood and tually more than doubled in two Greenville, S. 0. f etfabohe, is in the hands of Prose- years outing Attorney Vanduyn, of Conyon lennessee also shows remarkable i Necessity Country Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in iime and horse flesh. No man has a ngnt to compel one of the family to lie in agony for hours While he drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirtv davs' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. y aa lireenville, B. C, Special A man ta " t "7:71 1 rZJLl. mvintr Kic o r r T3 irfw) iuu- o laiemeni as to HJS'csa, iui me tonnage or pig iron SS"5i? S n f; B' ?amsey. the future procediire in that case has made in this State in 1.905 was bat Tr v -' attemptea suicide been made, but it will ooUnA Ai- 372.fi92. wIhIp H , ; at the Blue Ridge Hotel, of this city, inff the next term of ronrt about io rAnnt. weii, wnen it win ,pro&ably be mriWffl1. a vame ot about $7,500,000. disposed of. Simpkiusjl . still a ;r P3'f idb of capital in led by His Sister-in-Law in West Virginia. -s Tount Airy, Special James Mo land, colored, was shot and-killed Goodwill, W. Va., Saturday by his er-in-law. The remains of Mc Hand reached this place Thursday !ing and were buried at colored letery here. The deceased was a ot Joseph McClelland, one of int Airy's old-time darkies. by drinking the contents of a botth of laudanum. The attempt will prob ably prove unsuccessful, for after working for several hours the attend- i mg pnysicians succeeded in reviving the old man, and it was announced that . he will probably recover. He appears to be about 65 vears of ae-e It is thought that despondency over his finacial condition was the cause of the attempt at suicide. tive. Heavy Loss By Fire. Burlington, Special. The Ossipee Cotton Mills Company, eight miles north of Burlington, suffered a heavy loss by fire, seven houses having been destroyed. The fire originated in an unoccupied house, and completely de stroyed three adjoining houses. Three others were partly burned and torn down to check the spread of the flames. d Attempt Made by Negro Boy to Rob a Store. ? Durham, Special. Late Thursday fternoon a negro boy made a bold :mpt to rob the" store of W. R. jwn, in the eastern part of the j. Mr. Brown was out and his ; j was looking after the store , in a negro boy entered and after I ng for something to eat darted nd the counter and tried to get cash. He was nearly grown. The ims of Mrs. Brown and others ed him to run and he made his ipe. Two Murders at His Door. Wilmington, Special. A jury of inquest empaneled by the coroner to inquire into a double murder which occurred at the house of one Jose phine Pigford, colored, in which she and her paramour, Slocum Williams, also colored, lost their lives at the point of a pistol, in the hands of a jealous rival, Will Richardson, col ored, returned a verdict placing the responsibility for the double murder upon Richardson, who probably made his escape on the early morning Sca- board train. Residence of Maj. Micah Jenkins De stroyed by Fire. Columbia, S. C, Special. The resi dence of Majj. Micah.- Jenkins, col lector -of internal revenuey .wjas de stroyed by fire at Ridgewood suburbs, practically none of the -furniture be ing saved. The building which was the property of Mrs. Watkiris, was worth $7,000 and was partially1 in sured. Major Jenkins ' furniture was also partially insured. The fire re sulted from carelessness of the ser vant in leaving hot ashes in tbe kitch en. The sword presented to Maj. Micah Jenkins, by the , people of South Carolina, through President Roosevelt at the Charleston Exposi tion in 1902, for gallantry as a mem ber of the Rough Riders in the Spanish-American war, was destroyed in the fire. miscellaneous industries m the south ern States increased no less than 50 per cent, in the brief period of five years, while the value of the manu factures has increased 25 per cent and in 1905 exceeded- the- total in vestment m Soiithejn- industrial plants by the sum of nearly $200,000,- wuwuwr mar $8?50 To 1nriiTs, ?ll it w,ll cost you IT II wte for our big FREE BICVCLE catalogue W Um 1 V .tlje most complete line of high-grida BELOW My other&'nSlff8 " DO NOT BUY A BICYCLE Ir?; ot on any mna o terms until you have received our complete Free Cata logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grate P&nfilnT"1 3 a?d learnofour remarkable low a-kxcks and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. SHIP OM APPROVAL without a ant deposit, Pay the Freight and allow lO Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms wbichnVor house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get mu valu able information by simply writing us a postal. 7 We need a Rld&p Aaprrt in everv inm - .. to make money to suitable young men Vho apply atVnoe. .50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES 21 kX Earthquake in Jamacia. ' In crcf nn lomaiio finAiol An J -"'""o 7 uwuiuiuui L1U1. -fa, Earthquake of moderate intensity oc curred in Jamaica the morning of January 2nd. It was one of many slight shocks, that have been experi enced during the past few months, and way felt here and generally throughout tjbe island. The govern ment seismologist declared that no damage had been done at Browns town, Stewarttown or elsewhere and that there had been ;no loss of life. . North Carolina 'Makes Good. ' ' Bockland, Me., Special The ar mored cruiser North Carolina, built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Gmpany, arrived here Monday. While running for a short time under forced draught the cruiser averaged nearly the required speed of 22 knots. The standardi zation trial will be held later on the Rockland course. per introduco We Wili Gelt You sa Satnaie Pain for Only Kansas Bank Dynamited. ICansas City, Special. A bomb was. exploded in the basement of the mag nificent three-story marble building of the First National Bank at the corner of Tenth street and Baltimore avenue, in the business centre a few minutes after the noon hour. The forces of the explosion was terrific and caused much damage; eight per sons were injured, none fatally. There is no due to the person who placed the bomb and st it off. NAILS. TACKS OK GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. 9 jSSz jgiSg'PP" PAIR MN99w9Uh 1 t Ip jh' . jSmAmmm III -vv- bira win omuut tnT other No tic the thick A and puncture strip B and D," also rim strip "fl" to prevent rim cutting' Thin .iru win outlast any o make SOFT, ELASTIC M8I xtJLDLNG. DESCRIPTION Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined .side a fpeoal .qt&Uty of robber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctures without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers statin that their tires have only been pumped up once or twice in r whole season. They weigh no more than bu uiumaiy mc, iuc uuutiuic KMSUUK uuaiiiics ucme Riven DV Sfvrrn! avm nf n.n 1 1 prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holdiag Back" sensation commonly felt when ridm on asohaft weave" tread which prevents all air from brio or soft roads is overcome bv the patent "Basket squeezed out between the tire and the road thus overcoming all suction. The regular orir. oi tn tir.c a tSt rrt furfoir Kut fnr eln.riicin i. mmm ....... . ... , 1 T , ' .. ml . K Ures is 13 so per pair. Dut lor advertising ourooses we are makinca Krwi .i fQ, : j of only $fM per pair. All orders shipped same day letter it received. We ship CdjYon atnrovaL Ton do not We FUIX plated brass hand win anow a casn aisconni oi S per cent itneretrv matinr the nHr-p .i ks CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement wP will U iV if you send one nickel pump and two Sampson metal pancture rlrari nn f,,n naiA , i 1 P"?!6 cIoscTS tobe used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned uon. alt OCR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory en examina wc arcpci iccny icuaow auu money sent to us is as sate as in a bank. Ask y&tt jui, &Aic3yi ncigoi rtgcui m ioc jsuiiui oi mis paper aoout "vs. jf you order a tnese ures, you win nna tnat tney win nae easier, run taster, wear Kttr- Postmaster, pair of longer and look finer than any lire you have ever used or seen at any price. "Ve know that you will be so well pleased COASTER-BRAKES, "1"! yiivouwKcu uy wcaicia auu repmimen. wne lOIOOr Dig SISUKK ca Hit mUTBT WAFT lTrite 118 Vfi today. io NOT thikk of buying a rr,f hJpde ot a pair of Ures from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are makiuT. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. EM CYCLE COiPiUY, Dept. " 1 1" fiHICA6Cf ILU 1

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