m JHB.POH COUSTT SEWS. VETS. t Ills a? SU "if a H R TT7 & T flA AT 1 s.ra a are .,t the t 1 1. Li JLV7 VJ JjL1 L aru 42 -re due here (u riiU'fr ,,'' ti 0 11 ber.son of Columbia, a trailed nurse, spent the pastfew, days in Tryon as the guests of Mrs. Joyner. The Tryou "Hosiery Co. yes terday " moved into therr new suite of office on the second floor of the Bank binding;. Fred Jackson as returned from a visit to relatives in Spar tanburg county,' The Tryon town ship executive committee met yesterday and A. L, Hill chairman to Geo. A.. Grsh, who did not stand for re election, The committee is com posed of Jas. C, Fisher, H. G. Cannon W H McFarland, A. L. Hill, G A. Gash. An election for five trustees for the Tryon Graded School has be n called tor the first Tuesday in May J B Livingston ;s the re gistrar. Tho TYionthlv meeting of the Board of Trade will be hdld Monday afternoon n the Mayors office. - k l:&y Sell It For Less." On Monday March the 19th we will put the following good on ale at the prices nrmrd below as long sa they last, or until futther Notice, Dress Goods is ivi 8 i I U I II U i 75c Panamas andTSrillian tines 25c Melrose and Cassimer es 10c Ameskeg Outing 10c cotton flannel A few pieces 7c checks. while they last A few pieces 7c calico 59c 19c 7c 7c 5c 5c 50c Reppellments and Henriettas 15 Double width black cassimere while it lasts Standard 12c bleach Straw Ticking 10c kind 7c white goods 28 m. 39c 9c 9c 7c 5c Notions 4 t Men's $1.00 Dress Shirts " 50c work Lrdies and 'Men's 50c Un derwear Boy's 50c Fants A few 50c fascirators Ladies and Gents' 50c Umbrellas Ladies and Gents' 50c gloves 39c Hareisafe SPECIAL values in towels and table linen. A few doz 10c towels to go 5c 50 in. Turkey red table linen 40c kind 29c Clark's "O. N. T" and Coats' Spool cotton 79c 39c 39c 35c 39e 39c! JETeri's 50c Dress Shirts and Boy' h work shirts 19c and Boy's 25c Under wear Boy 's 25c Pants Ladie and Gents'' $1 Un- brellas ilfon-s $1 Gloves Ladies Belts 25c kind 19c 19c 70c 79c 19c NOTICE- United States of America. Western Disfiic. of North Carolina. In the United State Circuit Court. Vtfted States v s, . T- freu Ti Fa EXCUTION SAt Bv virture of aFi Fa execution from Circuit court at Charlotte N.C.Jby H C rowlescleflcofsaid court upon a judge went rendered in the above entitled c fW one sd United Stnte, toethe ith inter, cost and pen.Hy fixed that, of the Rood, chatllf Wis aA te-lm.ntof said defend .borr :r;t l ost an nvned. The saia .n..nW to ne made. I will pursuant t Large towels 12c kind 60 in white table linen Trukey red table linen 25c kind 9c 19c 5 c Hats and caps Men's $3 Hats Men's $1 Hats Boys' and Girls' 25c caps r3 Pants ens $1 PAnts $2.49 iJfen's $2 Hats 79 Ladies' and Gents' 50c 19 caps F A N X S $2.49 79c SHOES Afen'i $2 Pants SHOES $1.69 39c $L69 We wish to find out and in order to do so, we make 7 and every reader and subscriber of the Polk County News, tfie following offer: Cut out this A OVER TI SEMEN T, ancf WE will allow you 10 cents on the dollar lor every dollar in cash " you spend with until March, !5ih, 1908. Just bring the clipping or Paper contaming'jhd aderlisemant with on whek you come to town, and say nothing about it, until you have made your cash Purchase, then Present the advertisement cliPPecFJrom. the Paper or tire paper containing it and g?t your 10 per cent czsh rebate. We do this solely r"or ita purpose of testing the merits of tho Polk Crjnty Ne.vs as an advsrtising m(m. fYs .4iDVK4?H, BUILDING MATERIAL, PAINTS, OILS, TABLE or POCKET CU1LER WAGONS, BUGGIES, HARNESS, SADDLES SEE ING MACHINES, GUNS, AM MUNI T0N. we can supply you at low Pi ices. - .33.50 Kind 2.98 $3.00 Kind 2.49 $2.00 Kind 1.69 $1.50 Kind 1.9 $1.25 Kind 98c TRYON SUPPLY CO. Inc. GEO. A. GASH, Manager. TRYON. N; Oj INOtlCE Rsmember our stock is NEW. No old stock to offer. pw rs nven in -ici execution and fo It jgfc to these special LOW prices quoted you, there the purpose set forth above . arHWI Wp PATi't mention that will interest - f- TOO 1 lO IllCVIlV wiiui " itbHn first Hon; durng the hour of sale: 0uguch asneW dreSS gOOdS White gOOdS, laWS, 0 .v o,. co.m " " n.rt trandies. India linens, etc., tor the lames. X arming im- to wit. Bounary of w apposed By j. J piements for the men and for ALL two cars Newport Newman et ai- ; a n Q nrninpnt ficnirP. 1T1 OUT StOTS IOT the HCXt .ftTVfl , ' tlUUi Will tUK C pvuiiivx. lvt?l inu. . i . , &e -Richard 10 days. This flour was bougnt on urn lowest marKet :hat has been named in 1908 by any milL Don t be mis lead. Come and see us. Very Respectfully, Pdiritininc at a -comer (now HI N. Halls corner) and rur- ,rith hi, line S co E R pole- to a p,r Au- N 88 E poles to a pine, thence H nWitoaP. Oak the heeinninr rn, T.ittvtrat. thence with tlir -Corner ui it"- . , t the beeinrtner corner of tn r.Pi .old WRI. Hamilton to said Jas. T Gren, thence S8,W no poles to a ston in fild Tas, Hutherson corner tnence v i n Aw. h.innine. Containing 50 C i e onlfl VV IN. J tnoe or less pari 01 -t wmlHnn n TM. Green reeorded in Book 1 01 of the recorded of deed fer Poll. j f w county N, C. LOT VO. 2 Beinnins tt a pine corner of a sale to B L. Hamilton and runs S. 43 3 Poie 10 B Oak HmiUons (now Green own corner) thenreSSoEiiap-lestoa TP oak thenc K 102 pole to a pine thence to the begin ing Containsn.' 50 arces more or less beinp a tract sotd by .'T. Carpenter to Jas. T Green. The ammono of tax $208.47 nd in tersests penalty cost and to added. J M Milikan, U 5 Marshall T C Tsrael D Marshall This Mar., 23 1908. BOONE & LOGAN, "The Store That Sells It For Lees." LAN DRUM, S. Car. Ncw's the time to take Rocky Mountain Tea. It drives out the germs of winter, builds up tha stomach, kidneys and liver, ine most wonderful spring tome to make people wall. You'll b sur prised with results 35c, Tea or Tablets. A. b. McMurray a. Missildine.' If you are in need of cane seed I can supply you with two of the best varieties, early amber and improved khoemack. A. L. McMurray HAY A few Tons left, At $13. to $20 per ton. J. M . Williams. I North Carolina, " Superior Court, Polk County j Before Clerk. E. J.. Bradley ) vs. Notice cf l. Lewis Edwards. J By authority of a decree of the Super' o Court of Polk County iu the above entided Cause, I will on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 TH, iooS, at rh-post office in the town of Saluda, Couuly t.f Folk, and state ot iNorm va'o lina, at II o. clock, A. M., offer for sale a public, outcry aud seil to the highest bidden for partition among the to said cause all of that land described in the petition in sattj cause. tO A'it: v All that land k nown as the Same Brad- lev Old Place contianing sixty acres, wore .or less, lying and being in t'ae town of Sa - uda. County of Polk, state oi N. C, and adioiwng the lands of J.hn McMurray, th James iNewman iand, Nun Arledge, and other" Term f sale one-hird cash, balance in two payment ot one third each, due in six and 1 2 months, respectively, with mterat ai 6 per cent from date of sale, witfr privilege 4o pay entire amount bid when either pay ment falls due, with interest to elate 01 pay ment. Crop now on to be reserved. - ' This,, the 17th of March, A. U. 190 v Michael Schenck Commissioner, m 1? m DEALERS W ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBERS, SHINGLES AND LATHS " - is. ORDERS FIL.L.B.D ONSMUK NOTICE. Ooiumbus, North P.arnlinai B a il l of T rvot Legal Blanks for sale at the NEWS Office. Aanted. Parties to take Loff Cabin Inn in Spring 'Mountain Park- For particulars Address, b. Stearns, Columbus, N. C IruH; The County Board of Electku of Polk county met March 30th, and appointed the following gen- J tiZmkti registrars and judges for 4 the Prohibition election to be mm u W gST held on tne zxn uy ui jggy g JT ZZZ s EX ECTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as oecutor of W L P.ince, deceased, this js to nuiity all per sons having claims agtsina the estate of said deceased to present tutm to Ue undersign ed on or befoie the 7U1, day o; r cbruary. 1909, or lids notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said' estate uill please nuke immediate payment. This 3oth,day ot J, i9. Ihos, L. Prince, Executor. Capita! $10000 Surplus and Undivided Rrofito $3.od orncsas j JOSEPH K0RW00D, Pres T. T. BALLEKGIR, Yit-Fff E. E. MISSILDINE. Vice-Pres. J. B. HESTER, Cashier. JOSEPH NOP WOOD IK E. CONNER, f. G. HUCHEb . P BACC'N J. li. HESTER, E. E. MISSILDINE, J. O. WILSON, B. L. BALLENGER. T. T. BALLENGHL K. C. WILCOX, W. C. ROBIRTSOJI APPLIES, PEACH, PEAR, Etc. Fine Trees, Healthy aiid True Stock. Fine 2-year Rose Plants. WRITE FOR OUR CATAL08 and Pamphlet on "How to Plant and Cultivate an Orch ard," Free. We ship to My PC,B? Urect w y0a Prompt acd satisfactory lervice. J. VAN UNDLEY NURSERY CO. romo.ia, N. C. "etnhllhe11866. 400 Acre. PRECINCT REGISTRARS Colunibae a J- p Arledge Mill Spring F.C.Jackson Gren Creek J- A. Feagra Trvon W. H, McFarland Pearidge H. T Green Jackson's MiM Moe Jackion Big Uvel J C Powel1 Saluda Q C -0-.- JUDGES J. E Wilrims & A. Jackson J. J, Lambng'it & W. J. Wilson W.M. Hines & J. M. Robins C. M. Howes & W. J. Ford N D Moore Hc Gibbs C E Justice & Lynch Wbitesides jerry J-ckson & W G Eerton J J Johnson & G W Peatson Jf T .MILLS, CUairman W J GAINES, Secretary A4miTiiE,ur..is Notice. Having qualified ps the administrator of Tdbsfh Liles deceasea i c PoiCounty N. C.tbisiBto uocuy an v sons, having claims against the estate of said deceased to pressnt them to me un- A-rJinei on or before the first day ot xvlarcu 1909 or this notice will be plead bar of their recovery. Aa persons indebted lo said estate will please make immediate pay ment. B. B. Lancaster. auminisuix, Read Boone & Logans', hand some advertumtnt which ap pears in this jssie. Your Business Is Solicited 1 REAL ESTATE AND INSURAJ I have some good BARGAINS in REAL ESTATE to offer prospective PURCHASERS. If you have any real estate to LIST it with me. 1 represent several good Insur ance Companies and would like to INSUR1 YOUR PROPERTY. I: J. F. WILLIAMS, Columbus, N. C.