1 f XT I.'. Cciroiina Stat t E POLK CGUNTY 8SW3. Church Directory. 1 ro:.UM. US, it. C. r.- Baiytik -Key. A. I". ;.i:;.rc 1 WILLIAMS Publish' A'i. : ...nvi;.-. i ; ricicisiv. 2nd. Sundays .' 11 0 a e n e r a I O 3 n k i n g; JB u ln ill. at: on S.;tu: :lv v before at 3 p. uu Entered it the Potl ( filce to Columbus N. C. tfe'kecon.d class miter. Sabi aUi School very Sunday lo a. in; CI PiCBa. 1. Q HARROW; Prudent. (XC SOKNER, 15. ii- LANE, Cashitr. .. y - II. .: . . -.- - ! II I III I I II I - . iTHTirnfTHWWIFtf9SEI ; . Bank Yiee-fresidtat i J IREc ORS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: J. V. Afled, Siijit. Fix., 'vterjjin- f C.' Crqrtter, pastor. 1 qhing- jnl Sundays tfL 3 p.u. Sunday School Lvery Sunday 10 a. m C. C. Hampton, Supt. Ku'glits of Pythias J K. Shipn-i, Q. Q. J. l Arlelge, K. of R. and t. Ut.ts every Tues. night in hall over P. 0, DANID C. BARROW, Q. C.. SONER, b. O. STATON, ... W. C. ROBERTSON II B. LANE 4 On Yer, . . Six Months, . Three M..ntlis, f r.oo .2 Always in Advance. BUSINESS. W Newman, Prop. B THURSDAY. MAY 14 1908 DEATH OF Ml WALBROP. Passsfl Away At Her Home Sunday Allsf; Q30O A:tar Brie! Hisess. On Sunday afternoon last at the family home in Rutherford ton the death angle called for Mrs. Waldrop. For some days it has been known that she was dangerously ill; yet to a multit ude of her friends the news of her death will go as a distinct hock. Livery Stable J (joluuibus, NC Lawyers h B Shipmati and E. I 'oik County Telephone Co. - J . G ; Hughes Manager and MUs Kaiie Canm-j bel ,Ex. Operator Coluuii.nu N. C . Hotel J. P. Arledge Prop Colum bus,' N. C "j Railroad Station Tryon, NN. C Privatv Hoarding Mrs. C. C .Hampton: ,T. E. vWaiJcer. . J,umber Monufaclurers Ctoyd .& We$t Cof'iuubus ' C. Joh ;C. Mills, Rutherfordton, No Will Be One :of the 10 Ih pist Senators. fethorfordbn, N. C. May 4.1 Rutherford Democracy rnt'in tb- convention today an 1 elected delegates to the state congressional and senatorial conventions. The con Y0fcf$ w& attended bt raprontative democrats from all parts of the county anf was enthusiastic and har monious throughout. Ruth erf j;d's delegation was m- Exchange bought an sold on the ' leading .com rcercial centers of the world. Accounts of farmers, merchants, and ind;iviu&b solicited upon favorable terms. We have ample funds to loan to cur customer. - and invite you to call upon us. per cent Iniorcst ialcl DEPOSITS. on Tims ville township when ,a mre lad and resided .there the ,rsniinier of his life. In 1854 he married is9 Ga&h lina Case, who bpre Mpa U '.(H-Jstructed to cast her 12 votes in the ste te. convention icr Hon, Lccke Graig for Go vomer, Hon. W, T Crawford, wasunanimpusld endoi'sad -icr degress as was also Mr. John C. Mills for state senate. : s j 4ren 6 of whom are still ;liv:mg. He served in the civl war; from -beiiinning Jto its .Alpje, and 'fausfht for hia state. vyibh .pat-1 riotic zeal. Ti? serviyin ,m era- be-: r our loss mora sadly felt, ft Ug I M; M j i very prime of her young Mrs. J. A. Beam, Mrs. j J. A. Stepp, Hjir3. pvsar iiarn- ' Pprhans no. nn of lis rnnlH ! DSrS Ot Mr. uaitQnS WW.T havA hiAn mnrA flnrlv mifiSPn ide3 hi W.idpW. ar? G. M. D.al nor ihe f a loving wife, a tender ' moth er endowed by nature 'wit.h all the grace that glorify a splendid womanhood, the Master caXle.d her from lower o higherservice. She leaves five children the oldast not beyound the need of a m Cher's care and guidac. Face to face, with the mystery of these "sad dispensations the wiBr-ist of us i? but as " "An infant cryiiig in' the night; An infant trying for die li$;ht, ' An lw th uo la:ij ui oat a cry Her life Was MJ pf (Christi.a.n j graciousness. iier very lace baamed with behedictioni WeH. Mw. Carry 8P. Hill if. C. L)dton xh$ hoVt of grand Chiiiren, a1) of ' y$?n?- d-caply m jurn his lo?3. The facjily wish us to thank the friends and nei.- ighbors who cme for wared ana rendered such kind .assistance laiji symDathy to Vtbem in their Dereavement. ' ' ' A Friend. . Sprtasiliili GcLcoi Closes, The Commencement t x(ercises of the Sparta High School dosed Tuesday night with a play entitled "Emc- i i- 1 t 1 T v? J.T 1 gene,- oy tie scuuenLs ana miZKieca oi x-icuity. The sale which began on April 6th, was a most success ful one, seven of the lots sold were to people living right in Tryon who know, and can appreciate the value of their investment. Preperations for improvement of the pro perty has already begun, lumber is being piaceds on the The play was very good considering that it was rendered otherg wiU go up as soon a3 materiaI can be maced on by ameture performers, ana arew a large number oilgroa. this will greatly enhance the value of adioinin? people irom the surrounding country. It was also at-j property, t0nly a few more lots in thia subdivison to te tended by people from Trycn, Lynn aNd Coldihbus. Isold at the nominal price of $125.00 each, $10.00 down and $5.03 a mont, no interest. on defered payments. Tryon, a ! S OD. Reward the metropolis of Polk county is growing v more rapidly man y town m tne up country, and its suburbs are held in the MethodjajL .nqrVh very busihes? house in ' &m wa3 clossd. Rev. Mjr geag)e, pf t ie Episcopal church, "and Eey. Rodgers, of tle Metlipdisit church jointly officiated. This' was wf41, for whi)f "a member of the jSpjs- copai enurcn, Mrs- wajarop ,was a 3 broad in er churcij'yie. " ' 'Christianity itseft.' Tle $eyavd familyhfs" Tbe Sun?3 ' sfneere symparnies.- itutnerioruton bunf ah ftLD mm m n mt, &i till :i..t v-V '- .u :. , Special to The News.- hpr t-vl l i no , (u Tue-sdav May th at JP;30 J). m. jccuwcJ the dath pi an bid ahoT nonerejl citizen pi Henojerson jGo-Vr." Toiliyer ' al'ion, ajt the iom el hi son ' r.'' "poiamDus Ipalton. of Slic'lt Rock Inn.' ' $ he, 3cese4 haJ been in poor jalih ioj rnore $an yar feut sesmea to -be jroproying, when The fqneri seuiQW were, held U Mt.'lftriah Church, of wnich MF: mm 881 member tosiwiM)' w p. Bsi fiftm8 f?e ma address llfeQl fill qea3e4, his attri 81 a lvin9 husband and frtHer, His laviib hospitality, his Btr4ing qualities and ' his ever ready hand to help ail worthy causes. At the burial th favorite by m i of Mr, iMtQYi Were SUUr and the church waa filled with grief stricken relatives and fri- fcnda. The pali bearers were Messrs. H. fi. Haydock, J. S. Lyda, J.M. LydaWillard Lyda, W. V. Burn well and J. T. Lyda Tolliver Dalton was 80 years of age, waa born in Gren Cove, this state, but came to Edney- Tiir nm v paiiutu dtiot cnunw ! TVn ncnnlo r.f thf ail1r01irfliTU I TvTa.; it .Atr !ia fkn T -J 1 1 w -v i x ,1 i. ' . Li ii s t ijc rw Mwai J oA4io ounun i " " r. ,1,! la uwcu.v icn wc.w x jumping iii pi ic v vii ic,y, taiiiiw Oi Lne increase W illfl 'school association. u',try f joyd 8 o-l foz chf.3e j a pay one handed dollars rc- the past five years, and 'imapir.e the possibilities of 'the ' ' edr.saay morning, A '-ea fox ; ward ior tbf arrest tad eonvx- nextfive buy or more of th kts and share in its 'ino lytn. session oi tne -:oiK " w s '!Ti u u.iv. duj. iiu Vi yewwuo rn. ? . ' . " : i i i. j i is.. i. aim vua tuiueu ivusc tvcu, g-Ll)iUT OI a. m m r m i: mormnsrat vv. j. taam- woods on mv lands in rolk Co... "vt uarwuv.wici urvc iu r ive uuuars a monui V This Aoril Gth 19C8 in Tfyn real estate will be the most profitable savings F. M. Stearms. pcwmit ver started- me lots are locate! on the prmci- County Baptist Sunday School ! aday xr j Aisociation will be hald With the vclaition Church at Green River May 30th and 31st 1908. The following is Jhe program; y may 30th Jl a. m. Introductory Sormon 1 by VV. H. Wall. " 12 ra. Noon Recess. 1 p. m. Organization. I 30 p. ra. The death of Christ- I at lare; by Elbert Jackson and T. W. - Arledge- The Board of Education will 2:30 p. m. Evangelistic work in I met here on May 18. the Sunday School-by T. P. fiELp OFFERED uovmgton ana &. r. Jackson TJ -- -r, ; . . .. V MAY 31ST pion's house. 50 or 60 people, and about the same number of dogs made 'up the company. They gav the fox about an hour start and then the pack was turned loose on his frail and far a while they made the woods ring and looked like the fox's chance was "mighty slim,'.' but the last report is that he is still etting fire to t Pr?nf7- Jjon t let tms opportunity slip awav, you may f lands iii Polk Co.,. never ave another like it. Five dollars a month planted . - uarmwjge. j an mose aireaoi3T Yo i ci i loav yoar, a vnig down icide promptly. pie of the toyn, and ar just as desirable in every respect j as those already sold. Study .this proposition, then de- proposition, then de- 10 a. m. Sunday School Lesson, "Jesus Risen from hedead." John 20: 1-18 taught by. E. Sljipman. 11 a. m. Sermqn Foreign Mis sionby J. B. Arledge. 12 m. Noon Recess. 1. p. m. short Talks by all Sup erintendents and Teachers ' present offering suggestions pr asking questions; follower x edby short speeches -by any j one. m 2. p. Miscellanoui matter. T WORTH! "STRONG PSOPS-E We earnestly recteGtifly6Btig pcraon3, no matter I how limited thei ui or ed action, vao wim to i obtain a thorovjf. business traififaB and good posi pon.- to write by first mail f or our great half -rate Set. Succe.;r . inde-'a aunfreani.' probable fcriune ro uaractaeJ. Dr.i.'t;u;l.y. Writa today. Tiio Cu-Ala. Usiaca College. Kecoa- Co. Use the coupon below in ordering one or more lots. As the lots are nearly all sold, not more than three will an hour; the "sparrows build a nest- HPl.i : u 31 j j? i Aiia iicig;iuuiunuuu ior 5IIUWS U 1 J . t(ly 8com-, they neve.- stop tof" Person- reit. You may proceed to fume and 1 oooctd99e90o99oeto j-tuwiii uiiu r ii we spanowB rb.'drt seetinr. g" the EE"3T al SIBI LS TRAININQ Wrta immediately for information. THIS b tha opportunity cf your life. GrabA-ansjaji susiss coilese, mscob, a chida, -m But if you want your awnirg down they'll an eg? in- Mr-. T. side. 1 5 Your awning up you roughly 5 take then let it down once moi e Ar.oiiier nest the sparrows J make as quickly as before. ! 2 The sparrows are a pest and J bans and have . few friends I fear. ' - . jg Cut man might watch them to ! 3 hh g an, and learn to per-; 2 ft The Great German Goach Horse. ! C. Mills, Tryon, N. C. Dear Sir : - Enclose, find . Dollars first' payment on ... lots in subdivi sion of Tryon. I agree to pay $125.00 each for the lots, at the rate of $5.00 a month on eachlot, you to charge no interest until the purchase pripe has beem paid in full. Send contract for decdv ' (Signed) ; . . . , . . FALSTAFF 4229 will make ; the season of 1908 in1 Polk and Spartanburg counties. S During the Reason he will have four stands at Mill Sorine. Gowansville Saluda: W. M. Barnett will have charge and at his own stall at Hill & Rion's stable in Tryon. of 'the music. Everybody in-' mi i , , . vited to come Every Sunday1 , serV1ee fee ha? been reduced to $25, so as to School in Polk county U request- &?? W"'u ? thef of, ewryiman who owns a mare 5d to send . written report to g3t & C flm the fine hor33' ( J. B. Arledge i We believe that we ean give you perfect satisfaction. j u. . oiiipman ana we solicit your trace! v o. .x. vjriuua. 9 j Town Date 1908. H0LLI3TER Sdcky Kourii !n Tea irgsSs l Busy Mtdicln for fi-iy ftaji Irini f 'Idt Heelth tr4 Rmw Vlftr, A tMeiflo for OoMtipation. Inv!1irtion. Llm and Ktdnar treublaa. i'imple. Kotomn. lmr,ur Riood. EkI Bi-eatb. 91uatiH BowoJe. ae.Uaeb? iiiu Bac -ttOe th Fookr Monair Ta ta tb- Tryon Germatr Coach Horse Qo e ! ! 3 T. C MILL S, Advertise in Tite News.