Centi the Copy, INDEPENDENCE IN" ALL THINGS. Subscription Price. f LOO Per Year in Artwnca " VOL XIV. COLTJMBUb, N.C., TH CSSD AY , AUGUST 6, 1908. NO. 14. Iff dLiNGS flfjp STATE NEWS X l.oMrl r.!A9nAfl Fmmm Alt CjSm. Cl-l- J Arranged Fcr N?;ro Bank for Durham. urhr.ni. Special. Next Saturday Mechanics and Farmers ' Bank, 1 f . mi i i for business, inis oauK .nas a l P 1 A AAf Jill n id-in cnpuai oi iu,uuu una-aii oi stock is owned by negroes. This I be the third negro bank In North roliua. ! B. titzgerale is presi- - . I. 1 A it; John MerricK, vice president ; W (i. rearson, cashier. rue nk is in a new buildiug just erect bv the North Carolina Mutual and 1 i A iiAinfmn Tt- 13 a! aM m! equipped with quartered oak and rble furniture.' -The' vault is a 1 v , r. i-l si -r - rm tr Vk nil lex xt to tne DanK is a new negro i i j j i i i i jir store inai was openea mis weeK. is business has a paid-in camtal ot 500 and an authorized capital of i So. Two registered pharmacists ve the management of this busi- P" --- "-m - xux vv? 2 In this bunch of negro busi- red Insane at Goldsboro. ss houses tl:ere is wrapped up more $100,000 and the business cov- i i. l.i? 1.1U TK XT 1-1- rs anom a nan uiuuiv. iuc nurm Carolina i loviuent ana lviuiuai asso- L 11 1 . . 3 X I" A 1 Hl iatioi.. winch is a negro insurance jmnanv. owns all the real estate "and iCiotMLand all kinds of textile fabrics. Ihoso who back the insurance com- i kniv owh controlling interest in the 1 1 li TL ' - ' Various Dirsmess places mere, it is ;fIlftl siuca. ui. ui cuiupany is xwv, Haimcd for the insurance company i 000, of which $50,000 has-been sub- hat i: is the largest negro company n the world and during the nine rears w.iu n Has oeei in uusiness i , -i. i i l.- i ; lohn Merrick, the founder and pre sident says that it has paid out more than a half million dollars in bene- ts. With a very small beginning 4t .All 1 i lias now stretcnea out i.nu covers tne Etates of North and South Carolina, eeentlv when a $10,000 bond was eeded in South Carolina the corn- many promptly deposited that amount nn ca?h will, the treasurer of South Carolina "Wilmington, Special. At the of Mr. E. P. Wharton Eesigns. fice of Capt Earl L Brown, U. S. A., Gre shoro, Special. Much inter- i in charge of the corps of engineers L in bitsiiipti circles attaches to the resignation of Mr. E. P. Wharton as dredging the waterway from Pamlico president of the Southern Life and j sound to Beaufort inlet, the amount Trust Company, a position he has ! available for the work under the an--occupied since the formation of the J proDriation being $358,000. The low- company. He retires m order to de- vote his entire attention to the American Exchange Bank, of which lie is president, and other business enterprises with which he is connect ed. Mr. A. W. McAlister. formerlv vice president, becomes president of Southern Life and Trust Company. He is succeeded as vice coresident bv Mr. A. M. Sles, who has purchased Mr. Wharton's interest in the corpo ration. The Southern Life and Trust Company conducts a life insurance -and a trust business. Mr. McAlis- j ter will remain at the head of the Jiie j insurance branch and the trust de partment will continue under the con trol of Mr. Scales. Raid on Moonshine Plant. Du rham, Special. Revenue officers have returned from a raid that was a success in landing a moonshine plant on one side of the town and in ?fUim: a prisoner on the other. The distillery captured was. about nine aiiles southeast of Durham. It was found running in full blast and be iii i; looked after by --two negroes, fhey made their escapes by running soon as the officers came in sight. 1 officers (hen cut up the still and 01 fixtures, cuf down seme ten-or ' formenters and poured out ' gallons of beer. The still was i 75-gallon capacity. I ive Stock Killed by Lightning. . Special. Mr. J. B. Har- in was struck by lightning i It killed two mules, a cow, o dog and stunned a Mr. Harris-is a well ;mer living about two and a s south of this place. Increase in Charters. Special. The fact that 1 - a notabie increase in the 'n;,,:l,(T of charters now being graut hy th- State shows that there is heady improvement in financial con aston county will continue ! I'-a-l the State in the number of '(s ottou mills, these amounting to almost 50, two new ones having been chartered this week. Brracombe Robbers Bold. teoa tin- - ' n. Mil. 1 11 V, K ) MM -A A. A A v sjet1on iC Buncombe eounty was wn into a fever of excitement xv i it became known that three rob-- ,)H had occurred in that section, ' .mile. Lorn Asheville, dnrto the i ' ' and early morning and that u; one place, a home occupied by ' ladies, Mrs. Jones and her cous- s Chandler, the ladies were at-4(''-'cd by two negroes, a knife thrown ; head cf one lady and the oth ' ''i'ced into the yard and strang j rn-J thrown against a wire fence. Busy Readers CRIME UNHINGED HIS &NB: Nerp Committed to Cherokee County Jail , as Insane Confesses Murder Done in Georgia 20 Tears Ago. Murphy, Special. Robert Brown, colored, was confined in the county jail, because of an unbalanced mind. Brown claims that the cause of iiis becoming insane is that he has been worrying over a murder he committed ninteen or twenty years ago near Bold Springs, Ga. Brown says his right name is George Jones, and that he shot and killed with a Shotgun a colored man at a dance, whose first name was Frank. He says he can't remember the ether name. He says at the time of the killing Cross Mc- TT ,.. ,1 ire a i i " " d ?UCI'U' Appiicmuon nas tJIJ . . AWO -VOWon Mills. TV. TJIK. r i i. -win. j.uc iuuuui nuiity v. uuuii uiius, ui jiuuih xiuuy, vjrusioii county, was in A TT 1 1 L . A corporatea to manutacture yarns, also to buy, sell and deal in wares and merchandise. The authorized ...nU.l .U.l. 1 1 " A1AA scribed by the incorporators, H A. Rhyne, E. R. Canon and A. P. Rhine, all of Mount Holly. The Adams Cottorf Mills, of Mount Holly, were incorporated to manu facture j'arns, cloths, etc. The au thoized capital stock is $100,000 but the company may begin business when $40,000 has been subscribed. The incorporators are H. A. Rb.vne, E. R. Cannon and A. P. Rhyne, all of MountHolly. Contact For Dredging. for this district, bids were opened for est bidder was the Marvland Dredg- ing and Contracting Company, of Baltimore, at 10 3-4 cents a cubic yard for the whole. There were eight other bidders, including P. Sanford Ross, Jersey City; Atlantic Dredg ing Company, Philadelphia; Coast wise Dredging Company, Baltimore; John Anderson, Gulfport, Miss.; R. G. Ross, Jacksonville, Fla. ; Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company, New ! York, and the North American Dredging Company, New York. There were two classes of the work, but the Baltimore company was the lowest on both and the local engineer will re commend that the award be to the Maryland people. North State Items. A charter goes to the Duke Whole sale Grocery Company, rt Duke, Har nett county, T. H. Vebb and other stockholders. Yet another charter goes to the War Eaglo-Hydraulic Mining Com pany, at Golden, Rutherford countv. It is to mine and sell minerals, etc., and also manufacture chemicals, the capital stock being $200,000, the chief stockholders being T. C. Stone and E. W. Carpenter, of Greenville, S. C, and F. L. Plaissance, cf. Golden. A The State has re-printed volumes i 88, 92, 121 and 126 of the Supreme OUiL leputlB, all mcoc udiji annoiaiea uy " v-ldrK Governor Glenn appoints Capt. W. I. Everett, of Richmond county, to be director of the State penitentiary, in place sf Mr. W. E. Crosland, who died a few days agoJ The Governor reappoints the direc tors of the North Carolina Railroad, these being as follows: Hugh G. Chatham, W. H. Williams, W. C. Brown. T. H. Vanderford, J. W. Lam- j bert, A. J. Ruffin, S. C. Penn and L. Banks Holt. The Governor commissions C. D. Bradham, of Newbern, a member of the State board of pharmacy to serve for five years from April 23th last. State Beard of Examiners. Raleigh, Special. The State Board of Exairiners met in the office of the State F anerintendent of Public In struction to pass upon the examma- hti nanM-s of applications for five- year State teachers' certificates and for highsehool teaehers cert, Th am nations were held through out the State. July 9th and 10th. The members of the Board of Examiners are J. Y. Joyner, chafrmau ex-officio: a t RflvwiAk. Raleigh, secretary-, John'w. Graham, Warrenton; W. w Woltpr Chanel Hul: r. Li Stevents, Raleigh, and Z. V. Judd Raleigh. BOASTiD OF HIS BLOODY CRIRHf Sensational Shooting in Raleigh She Murderer' Flees But Is Bull Dow by Members of His Own Bace anC After a Trial Placed in JaiL Raleigh, Special. The combination of a jealous negro, a gun and a dead woman was the sensation here Thurs day. At 12:30 o'clock SimoLove joy, very black and aged about 40, who has. been a hard-working fellow and who for the past nine years has consorted with Annie Martin, a ne gresi; aged 35, and who has a son about half her age, went to the wo man's house, quarreled with her about another lover and then shot her, using a repeating rifle, inftwhich nc naa only one cartriage. .xne bul let took effect iu her head, making a most horrible wound, and as soon as he saw his victim dying tfie mur derer dashed out of the house .nd made a run for the country. George Lane, a well-known negro in east Ral eigh,, saw Lpvejjoy running and heard the shot and he haised the hue and cry. He and .other negroes pursued and the man was ehaed through a truck farm, where Irfifhrew away his gun. presently -getting rfd of his coat 1 A i 1 1 ana ne was next seen- m tne pona in the old granite quarry. The quarry way surrounded. Lovejoy was in the water up to his neck. He was forced to come put .by his captors, who be sides Lane were Ernest Riddick, Alexander At water and William Wal ton,; and those brought him in a hur ry to the court house, followed by a great number of other negroes", feel ing being pretty high against Love joy. On arrival at the court house the murderer was instantly taken before Justice Harry Roberts, who commit ted him without bail and in a few minutes he was in jail. The police had been telephoned of the murder and that a man was making his way toward the northeastern part of the city, so they went out on East Martin street Meanwhile Lovejoy had been taken on South street, about a mile from' the Capitol, .after he had 4 run several hundred yards. Lovejoy exults in his crime. He laughed and said he killed the woman and was glad of it. When "the sher iff told him to stop talking and that he did not know what he was saying, he replied that he had fed and cloth ed the woman and that she had wash ed and cooked for him but that a man had come between them and that he was entirely willing to be hanged for his deed. Gale Hits Wrightsville. Wilmington, Special. The popu lation of Wrightsville Beach, resident and transient,- had a bad fright with the fuller development of the north east storm that swept the coast early Thursday morning. The wind blew a gale for most of the night, many de claring the velocity fully as high as when the railway trestle across the sound was swept away and much danage done to property in Septem ber two years ago. The disarrange ment of light and power wires on the beach early in the night added to the general confusion there and no elec tric cars Avere operated across the sound after 11 :45 p. m. In order to provided safely for. all on the beach in case of an" emergency, the Tide water Power Company, which owns the traction line to Wrightsville, chartered a three-car steam train from the Atlantic Coast Line and this was operated continuously all night, connecting with the electric cars on Wrightsville. sound. There was considerable excitement Wednesday night .and many people came up to the city. The storm did not reach tire Height of its fury .howeyer, until between 9 and 10 o'clock Thursday morning, when the tide was piled high on tbr beach bv the strong northeester and he surf broke over the southern end Hi the beach.. The trestle remained intact during it all, though the steam traiu operated across it up to an early hour in the evening had to move with : extreme caution. Practicallv all the inhabitants of the beach were off by 10 o'clock Thursday mornin? and many of the visi'ors are quar tered on the sound side cf'the beach and at the hotels in the city. Thurs day night there were only a few per sons on tflt beach and these mav leave at any time on the train which is kept in waiting in case of an emer gency, it is believed, though that the worst of the storm is over. Step' and beard walks about seine of the cottages have been washed away and i small cottage on the extreme sourn nAtf the beach, eccuoied by the era farmlv of Mr. A. A. Naihan since the roming of the Oecan View Hotel was blown 'dowrt. The damage will not "xcced $500. The Tidewater Power Crmpany announces that the regular schedule of electric cars along the en - ire beach front will be resumed on regular schedule in a day or two. five ran nil A Car on Fast Southern Train Goes Down Embankment - - SLOSE CALL FOR PASSENGERS Palatial New York and New Orleans Limited Wrecked Near Bessemer City Sunday Night, Tender of En gine and Postal Car Rumbling Down 25-Foot Embankment. Charlotte, N. C., Spial. The Southern's New York and New Or leans Limited solid Pullmstn train No. 38, which is due t o arrive in Char lotte rat 9:25 o 'cloek, en , route north, was wrecked four miles; this side of Kings Mountain and one mile below Bessemer City Sunday night at2 o'clock. The tender and a posrmail ar left the tracks and were hurled, down (he embankment which at this portijhr at least 25 feet high, ive ma-'l clerks were more or less badly injured. Their names follow : E. W. Hortt, of Atlanta, Ga., in jured about head and body. Thomas McRae, of Atlanta, Ga., badly injured. C. L. Dean, of Atlanta, Ga.f bruis ed. E. H. Dawson, of Atlanta, Ga., bruised. D. P. White, of t GainesvihV Ga., bruised. ' ' . - . .tAll i of these clerks wre in the wrecked mail car which was not only tflaown down the embankment sks considerably torn up by the im piet with the heavy tender. It is a nprvcl that any escaped with their lifes. Airwere more or less badly brttised, one or two perhaps intern ally. The extent of their injuries could not be ascertained definitely owing to the inability to. get in com munication with tbo?e in charge at the scene of the wreck Two surge OAs went down on a combination wrecking train which left the South em yards here shortly after the news of the accident was received. -.The engine did not leave the tracks nor did any of the sleepers. Sir Killed in a Riot Uniontown, Pa., Special. Six dead and 25 others severally injured, some of them fatally, are the result of a riot early Monday between Italians and Slavs at Gates, on the H. C Frick Coke Company plants, near Masontown. There have been fac tional differences between the two races for a long time. Saturday was pay day and until after midnight a large quantity of intoxicants was con sumed. Jacob Furnace, leader of the Italian faction, went to the gate of the Slav boarding house and defied its 25 inmates. Immediately Fur nace and Molanski, leader of the Slavs, were engaged in a fight. An tillo Ronco, another Italian, went to the assistance of the former and this Was the signal for a general fight. Revolvers began to crack and Ranco fell dead, struck, it is said, by a misdirected shot(fired by Furnace, to whose assistance he had gone. The injuries of the 25 men consist of bullet wounds through the body, arms and legs. The most serious wounds, were received by the Italians. Young Couple Drowned in Lake. Jamestown, ..N. Y., Speeial. Miss Elsie Green, of Savannah, Ga., and Porter Parish, of Memphis, Tenn.. were run clown in .a skiff about 40 rods cf the Chautauqua pier on Lake. Chautauqua by the steamer Chado koin and both were drowned. The bodies have not beenriecovered. The captain of the steamer say 3 none of the crew saw the boat and the first they knew of the accident was when they heard the girl scream. Woman Shoots Husband Who Whips Her. CfKionsburg, Pa., Special. While whipping his wife daring a domestic quarrei early Sunday Frank Taljtner was shot through the abdomen by Mrs. Talmer. He ; was taken to a hospital probably fatally injured, while the woman is at her home in an unconscious condition from her injuries. Four Negroes Strang Up. Russellville, Ky., Speciat. Four negroes were taken from jail here early Saturday and banged to a tree pn the edge of town; The mob was composed of about fifty men and the people of the town knew nothing of ( the affair -until daylight revealed, the I four bodies dangling from a tree just outside Bussellvilie on the Nashville pike. The following note wad found pinned on one of the "bodies: 'fLet j this be a warning to you niggers to I let white people alone or you will go j the same way. Hugh Rogers better shut np or quit." NEWSY GLEANINGS. Mexico has ordered the deportatloa of 600 Chinamen who recently ar rived at Salina Cruz. Honduran Government troops re captured the town of Cholutcca, prac tically ending the revolution. The Irish university bill, establish ing two universities in Ireland, passed the British House of Commons. W. J. Bryan was initiated into the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. a secret so ciety of Omaha and Nebraska busi ness men. Ah apostolic constitution issued hf Pope Pius. X.. at Rome, mattes sweep ing changes in the government of 'the Catholic Church. The battleships Maine and Alaba ma were suddenly ordered to inter rupt their cruise Ground the world and remain at Manila. AdvertistnR--6llgion in the daily pre by means of a free-for-all para graph competition is the latest in church missionary work. Bridge, the card game, has been tabooed by Ministerial decree in the f casinos of French watering places controlled by the Government. Senator Federico Varela. a well known philanthropist and one of the rifehest .men inhile, is dead. He left the bulk of his great fortune to charity. ; The Interstate Commerce Commis sion deeided that .small quantities of freight combined were entitled to the transportation rates applicable to large shipments. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion announced at Washington, IK C, that It would investigate, ad ranees in freight rates without awaiting complaints by shippers.' .The Prince of Wales visited the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre, Que bec, Canada. There was a dinner at the eUkdeU .Vice-president Fairbanks being among the guests. Fires Invade Towtfs. Winnipeg, Man., Special. As a re sult of bush fires that started Satur day and still rage for many miles, Fernie, B. C, is -wiped off the map; Michel, fourteen miles distant, is in flames and the fate of Hosmer, jOlsen and Sparwood, intervening towns, is in doubt, as thev are cut off. from communication. More than 100 lives wrore -reported lose, seventy four at them iu Fernie. A territory 100 miles square in extent is a seeth ing mass of flame?. Lynched Negros Victims Diesr Pensacola, FlaV1' Special. Mrs. Lillian Davis, the victim of Shaw, the negro who was lynched Wednesday night, died Sunday night. Thedeath of A. N. Knowles brings the total of dead up to four. Knowles, it is said, was one of the attacking party on the county jail and one of the first to be shot down by the deputies, the deadly fire from the Winchester rifles of the officers wounding him as well as many others. - - THE OLDEST QUESTION IN THE , WORWX Seating hdnweff on the porch, he wiped his pertprrTng brow. "I am girtog to ask you the old, old question," e said to the girl at his side- "Never mind asking It," she said, wiping her brow in turn. "Yes, it is hot enough for me." Philadelphia Ledger. 4 PENTfK M-L IT WILL e0ST IS I to write for our big FREE BICYCLE c UIhII showing the most complete line of bii I W BICYCLES, TIRES and SUNDRIES at J BBXOW any other M DO MOT or on any kind of terms, Whps ill ii st rati ner and bicvcles. old patterns ana fn km mm nm 1 V in BHA BOH I PRICES and wonderful new offers rnadf possible by selling from direct to rider with no middlemen's profits? . j : . , , ; .j tattr jsuto eea A OPtMt VA I w ithout a cent dttosif. Pay the Pre! allow lO Days Free Trial and make other liberal -terms which no house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get mud able information bv simply writiae us a postal. IMP W3L We need a ?Mbp to make money to suitable ma v h w $8 JO n fSOTURE-PROOF TIRES .N S8.50 per pair To introdssGO Wo Will Sotl i NAILS. TACKS Sft GLASS You a Sam nmo n wont umamr i pt faf far OaSv M out the air fc (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result Oi 15 years ciuciicuc xi wi- moVino- Nrt d.-nder from THORN". TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Gerious punctures, like.iHtentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other .tire.- Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Smitv.five Thousand pairs so!1 last year, ft nraCRlPTOM t Made in all sizes. It is "C - I prepared - ""'"-'ft "y - or son rt squeezed out ??reTte r paTbut fsrb . . a t I! a l-m A -Ani-T milK KThas. oSnp audi wo Simpson Sr soft roads is ovarcome by ihe patent ''Basket .weave wn?n;P eu iau..;.uU ..5QcVt ww" tread which orevents all air froo 7nciire closers to be uied in ease of intentional Knu-i cut or oeavy gjne5;. P01"?! CM?eJf-lTe "l JirzZ-. i . m-rr- not sat if . ictorv en examinaUon. P Ur7nAmni to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask - W reJIIS2IZ. H?J!hnt Wrthe Editor of this paper about If yo 7Z tirS CwUl fiudthat they will ride finthlanrii youv or seen KiTa WSe i giye that when you order at once, this remancaoie lire offer. dealers and reoair men. DO MOT WAIT bicycleor a pav'oftires frorn anyone nmJl you Jr te U, . JvSr' JLirSitlv'costo s postal to leam even thing. Write II WOI MEIT CYCLE COMPANY,0 FEMININE NEWjNOTl Washington was visited daring June by 2400 newly married from all over the country. Mrs. John B. Stetson was In Philadelphia to Count Santa lta, Portuguese Consul at Chicago Dr. W. T. Power, of New Tortandf Miss Esther Redmond, daughqfe of John E. Redmond, were marriflB in London. Jn filing her petition of bankrupt cy Miss Sophia Kluber, of Trenton, M. J., included in her list of property "one gold engagement ring on the L finger of her petitioner, value $Er Because she thinks that defective plumbing in the apartment house caused the roses in her cheeks to fade out and make her sallow, Mrs. Albertina Isaacson, of Chicago, haa brought an action for $1000 damages. Queen Victoria of Spain, who frankly dislikes bull fighting, is Re lieved to be responsible for King Al fonso s decree prohibiting woi toreadors from participating In fnrm n coc formances. Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon, for merly a State Senator in Utah, has moved to California, and the women of that State are counting tin her tow ing of great assistance to them is their fight for woman suffrage; Miss Eliza Nash, who-died at Nor well, Mass.. recently, was a "real0 Daughter of the Revolution, and iu two months more would have been s century old. She had lived under every Presidency excepting those f Washington and John Adams, having been born September 2, 1808.. Miss Gurid Laate, a Norwegian girt who is working her wy through the University of Minnesota, can make her own clothes In .their ' entirety, from the spinning of the thread is the cutting and putting together ot the materials. She learned spinning and weaving in. her native country and dressmaking in the United States. erjMETHINCk IiA,CKJNI. "I ain't .satisfied with the way tk3P printed this speech,- declared Oss gressman Wayback. "Why, they sprinkled in plenty of fewighter and applause." ".Yes. BuOiow "about all them tures?" Washington Herald. TELEPHORESl Are a Necessity iii sup wunuy Home. The farther you are removed! t . i 1' J - . 1 I irom town to rauroaa station, roe more the telephone will save time and horse flesh. No man I a right to compel one of the family to lie in agony ior nours wnue ne drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. Our Free Book tells how to r- ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and. systems. Instruments solcton thirty days' tnai to es. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, manufacturer or dealer in the woria. m BUY A BICYCLE S until you have received oar complete FS describino everv kind of hieh-erade and low latest moaeis, ana icara oi vn icmjii.uic Aoent in every town and can offer an oppt young men who apply at once. 80 CAC Notice the thick 1 "A" and nuneture and "D," also rim to prevent rim eat tire will oatlast make SOFT. EAST RIDING. lively and easy riding very durable and Umed T . . ' ZZil-LZ- -:-C --- we are makingoecfactory prfc flUfTrilllllllv tm I I auLLiUU. 1 IJt A V. K. UM1 W metal puncture closers on full paid orders (the easier, run faster, wear better, last longer at any price. Ve kiiow that ycmwitfbf sell Tour ordei. We want you ufm a sm in the bicycle hue are by us at! write tor our mg ounum atalosMl sold by us a: nau.e wuh. cataloVoe. trTIKC Dept. " L" C HICI6C7 ILU ' s raj -: - i