folk Three Cents the Copy VOL XIV. COLUMBUS, N. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1908. NO. 15. WW. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, Sl.00 Per Year in Advance. 'PC , .'. 1 Striking Miners in Alabama At tack Load of Strike Breakers THREE KILLED; ELEVEN HURT Ambushing a Special Carrying Non Union Men to Alabama Mines, Strikers Pour a Murderous fire Into the Car Windows. DEATH FROM BAD OYSTERS. I'EWITENTIARY FINANCES 5. K. SToung Man Dies at East Durham of Ptomaine Poisoning. Durham, Special. W. H. Jackson, a. young man 22 years of age, is dead In East Durham as the result of ptomaine poisoning. He had been ill since Monday evening. On Mon iay the young man ate a can of ysters and soon afterwards was :aken violently ill, lapsing into un jonsciousness. Physicians were sum moned but he remained unconscious nost of the time up to his death and oysters were evidently spoiled and fchis set up the poison that' resulted in his death. Birmingham, Ala., Special. Three I eemed to suffer great pain. . The mm were instantly killed and eleven injured, two of whom will probably die, when striking miners fired into a passenger train on the Birmingham Mineral Railroad at Blocton Sunday morning about 2 o'clock. The dead are: Coniluc-tor Joe T. Collins. Willard Howell, uon-uniori miner. The injured: f NEWSY GLEANINGS. Organized For Campaign the Directors Adopt absolutions of Regret at the Death of W. E. Cross land and Elect Capt. W. I. Everett in His Stead. Raleigh, Special. The penitentiary iirectors adopted resolutions expres sive of their deep regret at the n i j X " ' 'A Rrtr. r, - . " A bill has been Introduced In the Crossland, Capt. W. Ir Everett, ot efow Img Buffalo For Chicago, Portuguese Chamber of Deputies to The Sultan of Turkey granted a Constitution and Will call a Parlia- Chairman Mack Getting Forces I ment- j. ue nm steps lowara ine organisa tion of a national aerial society were taken in Washington, J. C. Governor Hughes announced he would accept a renomiantion if it were the freely expressed wish of the party. MEN ON FINANCE AND SPEAKERS Richmond county, who becomes direc tor in his stead was sworn in. The iirectors stated that the penitentiary was in very fine shape financially, Slaving a balance in its treasury of iDout $40,000, and having Jho debts. Chairman Mack Announces the Appointment of Finance and Speak ers ' Committees. Evervthia at the T ii n tantilrv lm " opeciai. f.nairman judge Taft declared that the mSVir NorD" E. Mack, of the Democratic prompt and cheap administration of m the Roanoke river is as fine as can nrr.yr.iH . w Justice was the greatest question now be. At this farm there are about natlnal committee, announced be- the publi 1,400 acred in corn ; 2,000 in cotton re his departure for Chicago the ap- The Tower Building, New York ind 800 in peanuts. The crops there pointment of a finance committee City's first steel skeleton skyscraper, were never better. No brick-making for tho nrnPrnri, a,. be torn down and replaced by a js now going on at the penitentiary, Moses c. Wetmoret of s juis, as because no sales ean b made. Tkere chairman, and John E. Osborne, of """Wyoming, as vice chairman, and expel the religious orders from the kingdom. It was announced that the author ized issue ot $500,000,000 emergency currency wouljj be ready by the time Congress meets. HOW WHIT ro 0L4EAN a FEATHER. Melt white soap to a jelly and put a tablespoonful into a large glass Jar. Fill with gasolene, then place the feather in the jar. Cover and let it remain all night. In the morning shake well and rinse in clean gaso lene, then hang up were the. air can reach tt. When thoroughly dry curl. Boston Post. thirty-eight story structure. The Textile World Record, a trade paper, sharply criticised the Govern ment for buying British and not American khaki for the army in the Philippines. The Traflic Squad, of New York City, started an anti-odor campaign Making Much Brandy. Raleigh, Special. Internal revenue officers here say that there has not been for twenty years so much apple Major F. H. Dodge, superintendent oranuy distilling m JNorth Carolina of saiery, lennessee Loal (Jompany, is at tne present time. Throughout wounded in hand and leg. the apple-growing sections of the L. r.. tux, sujermieiiuein, ox mines, C2f. Tennessee Coal Company, slightly Stte' IduhUmeB are m option wounded in knee. and others are being bonded. In A. E. Cross, chief clerk, superin- Wilkes county alone there are 115 tpmknt's office, wounded in arm and I apple bonded distilleries. There are ine, - forty & Surry and large number of S? SSS. "! J?"SL A. Culberson, of Tef.,, had been roZt lk?"lrrS. -w- 1 1 , I . 1 - . , . ,l vi u. viv,i;uiJU LA W LI YY llrlllrTI 1 1 I ,X 2 i- 1 T J rTk T71 I J. t. Jonnson, deputy snentt, cnem in otner apple counties. Tne um:nn. ifi wK, . " I K"1ll,eu " su?cea jjavia xv. xraneis, St. Petersburg and Moscow. lichtlv wounded in side. officers sav there seems' to be a eren- Uui c ' i or Missouri, as chairman of the ad- The battleshiDs Maine and Ala. ...... 1 ... " .. . 1 1 auuui "u ixiLies or il navp nppn trrnn. t i t 1 ... i 1 . 7 . . : A. C. Bryant, deputy sheriff, slight- era! desire among all who have ever U j 4 -;n k ;uj -l rsory commiuee. m mamng Known i bama, ot the advance fleet of the At- lv wounded in side. I in" the -past operated brandv stills. In,- "I .r. ZZ1 T the change Mr. Mack said: lantic battleship fleet, sailed from - - . 11 . - - - i j. iic wvfia. liik rtiH.ii in np mn in. (in -i -rr. . i n n. e cm j.i J. B. Cornett deputy sheriff wound- to have one more pass at the under-i L "" "i I ,omer governor Francis- accepi- ior oiagapore ou meir way - i . . . . ..... i "uo ui luuioc, ucot nun is mun u : , it . -li. i rnnnn ed in back. , taking before State prohibition jroes Ulowpr 1BUW UA tt rlttoe n'L W9 WUiUi.llLee-1 7 W. H. McAulv. soldier. sUeht in- into effect next Januarv. There can I was assured. l did not anticipate ...... 1 f"V r V S Vii . - -k t-. j- - j t j- l-v ha j-k TT s1 I r M A A I I atlM L 11V IV. Ill U U L w 11 U tj L, U T 7 I t 11 v JU!U'- ... uc iiw mwic uouucu uiuimv uiiui- FrOffTeSS Of Inland Waterwavs . -tri v. 1 Ofa It, HnnthAm flnina A Pearson, soldier, wonniled in I n tho Sfjito nftnr this snnson ns lonir w ' " I wngui aoroaa, out ;wirea mm. ne - ' I D I Tl 1 . .. 1 il i I -il l. 1 I - . ipfr -Imnldpr ns the nrohihit.nn lnw is in fore xvaieien, special. Tbat proflTess is I answers mat ne win do aDsent so Tin no- TTonor. Kv Cable. Renresen- - 1 - ... - - I v w -- v- i - i . ; r v n o 7 - x ' J. C. Martin, wounded in head, &ein& maae in the preliminary work nmcn ol the campaign that he ought tations were made to the government by the department of public healtlt hack and arm. The Golden Weed at Wilson. or cne miano water way along the n?t to oe cnairman, dui womo De that unless the officials here re- in this citv. as compared with similar rn ii cii. i '-v j - m Tvuiiiig, ao five vuauuiuU aim a ?n ? nt8-7 at w?'k speakers' committee, with John H. Wo t Ty? 75 SVthe Atwood, of -Kansas, as chairman and Washington & Vandemere and 7o on champ Clark, of Missouri, as vice the railway in Hi-de county ; another chairman. The finance committee is ,o uciug empio yeti on anocner roan, Uaade up of twenty-nine members, and arrested automobile drivers for oiiuw t-uuiraci i and tne speakers' committee is com- permuting ciouos oi smoKe to trail lulf J""1- rPia. wor , I posed of twenty-seven members. ' Lrom lueir es. oemg done on the road in Hyde I Annnnn io k The Government of Russia is ore counandover half of its 70 miles Chairman Mack that Senator Charles F!0. To Settle Rate Question. Washington, Special. During , the next month or six weeks it is prob- able that the inter-State" comerce commission will decide upon the question of the reasonableness of the proposed increase of freight rates in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Flor ida and portions of South and North Carolina in the Southeastern terri tory, and in Texas, m the Southwest ern territory. Two Policemen Beaten to Death. Metheun, Mass., Special. Covered with bruises, the bodies of Charles Emerson and Frank McDermotr, members of the Metheun police, were found in a meadow on the outskirts of this town. The two officers were sent out to watch for chicken and vegetables thieves. They failed to re turn and a search was instituted for them. There was every evidence that the two officers were beaten to death. J "' ' ' 1,1 ' .Decrease in Death Rate. ' Philadelphia, Pa., Special. A de crease in the death rate from the tub erculosis of 15 per cent, is reported A. J, Myer, laborer, wounded in leg. wile 5il tu Wilnn t.w j . V17011" coast 18 evidenced by Pleased xo De a memper oi tne com- lieve the suffering resulting from the Robert Sigmon, wounded in arm h"! T .I . SfUOT JQV me Sf7 i'hoinas K. PW.vgawa wa - typhoon wihch recently swept parts and breast. TnM ioftk T" 1 j 7vT Lurneu m rne federal (Jourt here f o accept me cnairmansnip ana of Southern China, thousands will dw Tho train was a sneeial bearing MV tor the assessment of damajres on accepted. from starvation. The work of th o I OA iln TtroAn io cnl linn Wn 1 1 TAr t no I t i a . - . - - - ... 1 non-union men to the Blocton mines & X? X V "i property along the Worth Carolina Finance Committee. government has so far been inade under guard of soldiers and deputies. J"f Ji S IfSfT S, f ay' NoM The finance committee appointed quale.. Army officers are making dis On the outskirts of the town the ?, . . - oeauxon, ine orders were bv Chairman Mnpk is as fo nwsr tributions Ol rice, DUt the WorK is engineer suddenly saw a lo across !"" YTZ? 2? In?tloJ1 0 Harry Skinner, Finanee Committee-Moses C. Wet- I reu x"S"er mau last .years. m United States distHof ntfnmAv nn I r: tu w United states district attorney, on more, chairman, Missouri; John E. vice chairman, Wyoming ; slow and thousands who have not yel been reached are now in a pitablf condition. periods last year. It is believed that the lowest morality ratels due to the educational campaign against the "white plague" which is now being carried on in Philadelphia. Father Kills Son. a rnu Wilson tobacco board of trade held Urhom the dutv of lookimr after h rwu ' nicvi iuiu ine ii am. x lie cut; nicci i A Ai ?...; I , , . " r - vsuuiuc, did not stop, but let the coal catcher "J fffl""! VC- ii!-. ir', erT for the ?overnment C. N. Haskell, treasurer, Oklahoma; throw the loir from 4he track and V "V. uevves- Anere were also orders I W. A. Clark, Montana: Thomas L. put on full spead. The place where .V w -V:. ' f'lV nm'W jrdians for a number of Ruhnson, . Ohio; Lewis Nixon, New . . . Pe- . - a U If , I i r (ill 1 1 I U a 1 I H V II 1 HI I .. I vv. 1 & A. - A s -V - 1 -a . tile ;ttfack Was made XU a cut, t If. u j itTA TTorTnrm. SUnprVlStfr t nnA''"' 1Aenr hWc nAonsA U I n ' "i-:-!.: T?o;c H. Mow. I Vttlr i i i ii ) hi. il. 11. . if a v a...,vv- - f fc ixu ov uiiii luiiun in l&o LUiiuuui lii vi ut i i m in i ih ii ;i it'll iv n 1 1 . i' i niiiiii i , v t- i . the ground beinar on a level with the 1 ioc ntv,- morVpt: hair'a stronelfh avArmmAnf nn tua i jT xt . wiii;wq s.,i.tirv I from a reformatory, where he served lower part of the windows. The as- ftn, ' rorm of buvers and the eminent domain. United States Dia- n.i..w. aIaV.oV Tmnn. f!on nee- a term for robbery, was shot and kill- sailant's behind the rocks above pour- , fu:. aatnT, re o-nrl I tri Affmav cvinna BaiA :.i. t:iu a tp d;,, s.nth ed bv his father when he went home. ed down a murderous fire directly ;;w ik a.... 1 ni . n WaoKinnn . He had been with his father only a into the windows and at the enpi- A -p--! -Rctate at Franklin. nrrW nreKn,;na.r-v 1, .otafi xr ni xj v-ir . TTiUcnn few minutes, when they quarreieo. . i fivHuiivj vm ww i j.. v .....i... ,v v.j vviiaviinuuu i jnaruu xx. mi, cn -a vi , i . - . . . , , .1 rracucaiiy every wmuow iu ; Tt-: of the waterwav. that sven orders TnW A rkansaa- M. A. Miller. Ore- ne iirne n w w wu neer. Franklin. Special. The United struck all parts of the engine and Land Company, a corporation the train was broken and shots JJranum, cpeciai. ine unu mAmnmmil 't uu anA ..- " . i. n.a. rrtnnp,t . and the father shot thrice, killing a acquired . .L.-m ... . 1 1 J ..Ml.nVk1v i-VMlAi- r P 1 o rt A hi and the dead and injured were re- iarp u va uau. -- -3 fort harbor, a dlatanee of mteen fi Tr, TTlnria. W. R. O'Brien. turned to Birmingham. Dogs were and is spending a large amoun. ui , . ... "iZlZTS KI'iJ; Tii;rt;a. v 1 rnrnnrfttmn of lwl vvuWuiuWu aouua aim ooocoo- iron jueiucii x. wcj, vutvMwu.j . . . , . 51 . corporation oi . . -iiM -u ?,--' tj toi1:J1- xtuJ I his son instantly with the last bullet. cab. The train proceeded to' Blocton Georgia, s recently acquired a to Beau- .Th MaareTw. He claims self-defense. " . . . I mi pa and rhnr wnrt will neonn nn I TJ:.. . XT TT Unnln 1 linma h,. hurried to the scene and took trails money in the work pt development. -- LET ZLlZa2tt-'JZ.T--Z . . fa a rc !. luia i Ba i, T I nr.,r tt: t " - tj I Tax on "jNeariseer ia u-eoiiji. . . I Ti. : J m.ta rViio nno ftf wlu wccmjB. All I r. VV HU, niSCOUMU; WBf iiccoo, I - tnrougn tne wooop. directly to tne n is - faet that the contraeta for the eon- . T T.vW Fllvsnn. Virginia: ATiot 0 Rneeial A hill was union quarters. Eight negroes were the most desira pie residence secuous - - - - - - rrr . -. w . arrested this afternoon and other ar rests are expected. of the town. A force of more than tnetion of this section of the water- Thomas R. Brown, Vermont . ; W. E. ed b the lowcr bouSe of the leg- fifty hands has been at work for " -J.!T.,,W!:.T. TJVPT""'4Ira,,li S ! islature imposing a tax of $200 on all snmp time, and a imblic sale of lots "IB . " Maryland and xuugene xvm, x.ctt cni,: .MT. will be had on the 27th of this siart UP worK- The Results in Illinois. Chicago, Speeial. Illinois Demo- month. The company offered a re- cratic ticket Endorsed for United States Sena tor, Lawrence B. Stringer. Nominated for Governor, Adlai E. Stevenson. Lieutenant Governor, E. A. Perry. Secretary of State, X. F. Beidler. Auditor, Ralph Jeffris. Treasurer, J. B. Mount. TTnmnshire 1 saloons ur resiauiauia "iufi u-a Speaker's Coinmittee. beer" and prohibiting manufacture Th nWs' committee is as fol- of "near beer" unless the manufac- A rv --' w -0A, A. XT -Pi - nrarA Oil O in th- nftr?on sutTffest-1 T -wewu lwms. in? the best name for thbttoroperty, The Winston-Salem Athletic Asso- lows: John H. Atwood, chairman, turer pay a tax of $300. According which was won by Miss Mary Siler, eiation is chartered to take in hand Kansas ; Champ Clark, vice chairman, to the prohibition law now in force no " Bonny Crest" being the name sug- the Carolina League ball team of the Missouri; C. A. Towne, of New York; piin be solj in te gtatc con- iwm City, the capital stock being R. B. Glenn, North Carolina; a. it. tainins? more ti!an 2 per cent of al $25,000 authorized and $950 paid in Tillman, South Carolina; R. E. Lee, TTT T "W-fc m TIT TtT J TT I - . T WT 11 LI I w -w Dy w. Li. u orien, t. w. w arson, n. Mountcastie, Tennessee; uonn . n and others. Lentz, Ohio; Augustus Thomas, JNew Push Roekintfham Forward York : T. H. Alexander, Colorado; gested and selected. TtttTRUmsl Are a Necessity 1 in the Country " Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. , No man has a right to compel one of the family to he in agony for hours while he drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. . Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 20! CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. Tar Heelotes. Rcoorts coming to Washingto Y. Shelton and others. H j9 4-Ua Mimfv arufo frinfl Tlio ""Pncl-i "Rrlrino irnin i h f 1 1 1 r i n ill iuc lvuiiw t ovv v-w w Attn rney General, R. C. Hall. - . -( y r luvw vxMkv. i v. 1 1 1, .1 ; i; i 1 1 i 1 l - r ' , - c-j . - , - - . . VAA Cnfna Sana. I 1 1 cf tKAnoht anil if I PS.t of Tnembflw nr? thp. nHvnnppmflnt neota: VV. U. JJunphy, W asmngion ' ' 1 oL U 1U1 LUlicu uvtai-co UfcUB- nut CIS 00 uiob iuuu. 1 . -- 1 ' - - - . mi . tor, Albert J. HoDkins. or George E. weather conditions are- favorable a of the industrial interests of Rocking- w. a. naiaeman, ivenay , Foss. J nr00(1 ror will be realized yet. JT ' v.nanc3 to. iciiccu r he outJOOK ior iomuas ii siuus. , i i r . ' ; ' t, ... ti- tj.i in t turns ninmnWoN . I aa aaa .tt m; 11 among the incorporators. o. uonneuy, luanu, . u. VuCO, - I COmuanv Ui xuu,wv xwi Wl,vu I . . w l J. TU Ca. n NouarlO Ueatanant Governor, J. G. Ogfcsby t High Point, is good. The Meeara There is also a eharter for ,tha KSgi 3TS fc i ui inn n nrrin urn i irri iiu n v 11 1 nil iy. i W LA 111 II JL - 111 L Hi W V- V1X1 LM41J V X. xa I abeth City; capital $10,000, by C. W Quinn and others. or F. L. Smith. Mini who have the matter in charge j Quinn Furniture Company, of Eliz- SpnvofaTnr rt Cfofo Tom oo A T?Ace I ao rnf i-X, nmonnf in Viari1 hViofli PitTj" Onifol ill fl AAA bv P. W. " ' ' x i.iuij vjx kjicaucj caiaa-i a.a.. aiuvi JjgVG pOtJjUVV7 Oi L11C dlllViailv aaa aa... Auditor, J. S. McCullough. Treasurer, Andrew Russell. Attorney General, William Stead. H It is felt that such a diversion in the industries is needed there. Crops in Surry county have never been better than the present and the 'pi i . a n , a t I UtJCIl UCktCl vaauaa f The result of Saturday's primary of corn from present indications will be the largest that has oeen raw ed in this country for many years. election as far as it is accnratelv known in regard to the State officers friven in the foregoing list A New York Sunday Tragedy. New York, Special. Mrs. Bertha Hi od, 32 years old, was shot and in sl autly killed at her home in Brook Sunday night by Ernest Seitz, 24 years old, of Manhattan. Seitz also and seriously wounded the year an i-a-half-old daughter of Mrs. Hood, a 'id then turned the revolver on him-s-lf, inflicting, a probably fatal wound. Aeroplane Makes Good. Lemans, France, By Cable. Wilbur bright, of Dayton, 0., made a flight variously computed at from 21-2 to 3 1-2 kilometres with his aeroplane here, in one minute and 46 seconds.. throughout the flight Mr. Wright had perfect control of the machine. No attempt was made for a record, the object of the flight being to try out the aeroplane. While flying through the air Wright demonstrated Or so it annearefl tr the anee.t.ntora. r-f " f 7 tnat he was absolute master of the airship, first soaring, then shooting Peacefully downward and then mount nig again at will, until finally, after completing two circles, he came down Whole Family Kille by Lightning. Sparta, N. C, Special. Frank Mur nhv a respected farmer living at Edmonds, Sparta, Mrs. Murphy and their litle child were struck by light ning and instantly killed Wednesday The three were in the field stacking mm when a violent storm came up and were stricken down while they were seeking shelter. Charged With Abduction. Ttarham. Special. Charged with abducting 'little Bennie Ashby, of Greensboro, four white people, Ken Rurratt. Walter Ashby, Beck Wooer son and Jennie Taylor are under ar rest here. An offiecr will take them a cKrn The men and woman claim to be married d deny the Ravmff that the boy, a brtheTo! Ashby under arrest, fol i .i mv. frnTY. Greensboro, ine tOWeU nicaaa - , eriL 4TomTied all the way here. The boy is being held and says he came of his own accora. Cashier R. B. Roberts of Internal Revenue Collector Brown's office, at Statesville, reports that the total col- ections for July, 1903, amounted to $188,340.48, an increase over the col lections for July, 1907, of $6,009.29. The postoffice receipts for the Wil son office for the month of Joiy amounted to $1,215.81. The receipts for July last year amounted to $1, 147.99. The site for the public building for which an appropriation was made at the last session of Con gress, has not vet been decided upon. Severs sites have been offered the eroveTnment, and there is a great dif ference of opinion among the people here as to the proper one. FayetteviUe Negro Shoots His Girl Fayetteville, pectal.--Tank Coun cil, a young negro of bad reputation last week shot his sweetheart, Hat- tift. Newell, though not seriously, be cause she chose the escort of anothex man in preference to himself. After a negro performance, Council offered to take his girl home, when she refused and walked off with an other man. Council followed untO thev reached 't he vicinity of the Con federate monument on St. James Square, when he frred two shots at the woman, one taking effect in the right knee and one in the left thigh. Brady, Oklahoma; M. A. Miller, Ore gon; Frank K. Nebeker, Utah, and J. E. Burke, Vermont. The chairman of the two com mittees will probably make their headquarters in Chicago. Chairman Mack lett here for Chi cago at 8:20 o'clock. CMW Mm ran Wis 1 GENTfl ILL IT WILL COST YOB write for OCT big FREE BICYCLE catalogue showing the most complete line of high-grade I and suwxJKxiss at riwmm BICYCLES. TIRES BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. f ron. every kind of high-grade and low-grade iels, and learn of our remarkable LOW or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free caaj loeues Ulustratme and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest moaeis, ana learn oi our ramrpw PRICES anIwonderf ul new oflfera made possible by selling from factory Cleveland Memorial Committee. New York, Special. Mayor George Prloe t To introduce Wo WW Soil try 1-ir.f-r onfh tin middlemen's orofits. WE SHIP OH APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and SllowlO Bays Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other bouse in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much vahv able information by simply writing us a postal. . xv. nml a PMm JUtmnt in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. .50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ? " kX Pali for Only m 1 - PER PAIS NAILS. JACKS I OR GLASS won LET OUT THE AIR O.IBH WITH ORDER S4.55) B. McClellan announced the names NO MORE TROUBLE FROM POIICTtlRES. of the man he has aaked to? J"? NorJ THOR. CAO- tne tirover L-ieveiana memorial cum- i XUS, find, nail9, a vna vM mittee. The committee is headed hy Berious Icttires, like itonal knife cuts, can Two Hundred Tbousajid palrt row faatteal iise. Ovor SweatHNe Thousand pairs sow lasi year, Francis Lynde Stetson and its office will he arranged for a memorial meeting or other puhhc tribute to tne late statesman and runner president. Notloe the thick rubber treat AW and puncture strlpa "B and "D," also rim strip BP ETkFTlC EASY BIDING. Mm Made in all sizes. It is lively ana easy im&. yery ourc Big Corner in Cotton. n" imiiLLUic x wn-&uw - " - x tha rrran. a mu nvram 1 New York, Speeial.-The entire cot- no i thin. broker. In the last two weeks cot- vmJL ncttr clo8cre m fan paid orders (tj iaetal . .j a i tui, .rrot Plated bm hand puopj Pl.L, teavv gashes). Tirei to be retarnd ion nas avHuc u ure -not satiHictory 00 examination. per Dale ana snons arc wiun- 1 refiinie and money aent to us is as sale as in a nap, a on panic. Believing that there I jSSSSjeSA Sf B SS??J would be a Dig crop, eonvra .u"", shorty na prices were uepicosw. Consequently the stock was bought and shipped away, maning tne avau able suduIv the lowest in years. Livermore is said to have acquired, every bale not under contract to spinners. too ocoer a oatr ot last loneer and look h. vi will he so well oleased ihat when you want a T" " order at once, hence this remarkable Ufe offer. -.x oodale. arts and repairs, and iiaC CYCLE COMPANY Depta " 1 L" 0HIClflt?ILL

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