' I : : - 1 - 1 . , " ... l. - :: -- '-- 11 1 . . . 'JS"JL THE POLK COUNTY NEWS. 0DLUMBU5 HEWS AbJ Efiioj m Tie taty Seat Hon. HC Morgan was in town Wednesday. Mr J. H. Blanton, of Shelby, Was in town ttrs wtw. Mr.. Blanton is vry much impressed with Polk county. U. D. Raines, of Tryon, was in town Wednesday Sheriff W. C. Robertson, of Saluda, was a business visitor Wednesday. Curtis Arledffe, of Tryon, spent Sunday with his parents. Attorney Robrt 8. Eaves, of Butherfordton, was in town last week on leaL business. Attorney J. E. Shipman was in Spartanburg Tuesday on le gal business. Attorney D. F. Morrow, f Butherfordton , was a business visitor last week. W. R. Lisconib, of Gaffney, S. C. was in town several days this week. Hazel A. Petty, is visiting in Oaffney, S. C., this week. , C. B. Arnold, of lynn, was seen on our streets Monday, T. P. Moore, of Rutherfordton No. 2, was in town yesterday, Mr. Barrows, editor of The French Broad Hustler of Hen dersonville, attended the 3 peaking Saturday. C. W- Barber and family who have been spending several 'weeks a as guests at ths Colum bus Hotel returned to their home in Greensbero Su nday. S B. Tanner, President of the American Cotton Association, and tamily spent several hour? in town Tuesday enrjute to Forest City, NOTICE "North Carolina, Polk Co.iwUy, j In Superior Ctmrt Before the Clerk Mrs Lizzie Dringerrmo, Jenie Bridjsremun. and wife Mitred Bridgeman, Ha Barneu and busband Ean Barnett, Eber Bridgtnai Bessie Bridgemati, Boyad Bridgenian, and irene Btidgcman, being-infants arc re presented in ibis proceeding, by their next friend F. M. Uurgesc. Ex Part. By virtue of a decree of the Superioi Court of Polk county in the aboye ntitl d lro'-eediiig by which it v.'S ordered that a ale of land described below he made foi division among the above named petition ers, I will on Wkdnfsday, Octobfr 7th. looS. within the legal hours of sale, efftr sale t public auction to the highest biddei at the court houae door of Polk couiity, th following described lands lying in Columbu T w ii ship, County of Polk and SiaW ofJr ( l;itig on both Ridas of L-ua cree.. ; branch of Nonh Facolet) and- U.uiuiotl . - follow?: Beginning on apani.sh oak at m 1 dian gr.-.veyaro, thence a wesT"coure wi h ClfTeland'a Hue to a stake, fheus-e fWV.H Clpvelands line to a post ak, thence whf reions line to a" Spanish onk (SSnlltVal c rner), thence with Sulflvaus line rathe south-cast course to a l.ickfry, fKuce south coune to t! e beginning cui tainii i; -ne hundred and twtntj ftve acres more or W. 1' ss. i crms of said sale ols-half purchase piUt o.i day of sale, the balance to be paid s montltB from date of sale with 6 per cent interest, or lull cash payment, to be nia b at the option ol the purciiasti on theda-e o: sale or nuy linis susrquci t to April 7 f9 Crops now growing " W laru iicr. d bcd not to beuiaCe aiui uiiiv-ieu ui.tfi Jthe cnt.ie purchased pric is pu:d i 3, day f Sept 190S. J. B. PAGE, t ouiiuiisiuiie. E B Cloud Atl'y. J. B. LurneandJG. Page enters 7; acres of land more or4ss iu Saluda ' It yon Towuahii's Pola Co., N. C. 1 1 waters ol Jail Cicek joininjg L. VV. William b. t. uiues uud J. B. Lt rues iat-u and oihers. Entered mi the 3d day ol August 1 . M, bUi NOtlCE North Carolina, Superior Court, Polk County f Before Clerk. J C. Powell admr. Malissa Thompson ) Summons. Margret E. Ponder Lather Davis, Geo. A. Splawn, Plato Splawn BuUer Splawn Are- belle Henderson, William Splawn, J. R. bplawn hallie Pitman, Alice Grisaell Malis sa Ctdbretb, Demsir Splawn, Xate Hawk, Perry Reed, Schench Reed, Cobambus Reed, Walter Reed, Grover Reed, Mattie Mills, Ida Reed, Lathian Reed and the heirs of John Splawn. The defendants Geo. A. Splawn, Plato Sptawn, Buder .Splawn, Arebelle Hender son, Demav Splawn, Catherine Splawn Kate Hawk, Perry Reed, Scheuch Reed, Walter Reed, Columbus Reed,Grover.Reed Mattie Mills, Ida Resd Lathan Reed and heirs of John Splawn, will take notice that a proceeding entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Polk count)- Worth Carolina to sell the following described lands belong, ing to the estate of Malissia Thcmpson, de ceased for the pnrpose of paying the debts of said deceased. The said lauds being situate in the state of North Carolina and the county of Polk. Adjoining the lands of J. T. Waldicp, D. V. Rhodes and others containing about 160 acres and known aa-the. Matlissa Taylor place and the said defendants will father take notice that they are required to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of said county at his office' in Col umbus, N C, on the 25th. day of Aug. 1908. and answer or demur to the petition in said proceeding or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in the petition. This 4th, day of June 1908 S B EDWARD.-, C. S. C. WANT COLUMN. Hihst ab pricet paid for good beef and mutton, apply to Garmany and Sherman. Saluda, N. C. Prompt attention given to all orders for job printing; at the News offce. Legal Blanks for sale at ' the NEWS Office. ' 'Scho j1 books at half price . 1 Public school and College text books furnishe at enehalf the State price. Send money Order with order and we will send by first mail or express prepaid. All kinds of books bought, cold and exchanged, Southern Book Exchange, Raleigh, N. C." NO t ICE. Notice hi hereby given to the public that the county bridges aie now marked "G Q S Iv O W,M and any person riding or driv ing any vebie'e iaur than a walk over said bridges, shall upon conviction be fined not esi than $5.00 nor no more than $$-oo or impnsioucd not more titan 30 days for each t ff ence. The board of County Coms. offer a reward of 1.00 for the apprehension and conviction of any person violating the law. By wdtr ot the li. ol C. C, of Polk Co. N. C, on the 5th day of May iao8. M . Burgess. Cieik U U- C. C For sale, a good buggy jut worked over and newly painted will sell at a bargain. v Apply at News office. FOR SALE. 1 have always a large stack of Heart and Sap SHING LES cp hand, and prepared to j fill ORDERS on short notice. Write for prices. -E. TAYLOR, .5 I I" I BU OOlbS! BUGGIES! Pearidge, N. Carolina. y fl iV R S I T.Y Ol NORTH CAROUNA I78S..908 ' v.. ' Head of the Staters Educaticral DEPARTMENTS. Jollege, Engineering. Jrsiduate. i-aw, JVitaicine, Phaxiacy Library contains 48,000 vol uint s. New water works, elec .ilc lights, central heating sys lerii. New cormitorie, Kym liaaium, Y. bu C A., builaing iibriry. ?b0 Students 2 in Facalty. The iaa term begins Sopi 7- xwld Address FRANCIS P. VENAELE, Pres, Chapel Hill. N, C. Szecators ITctice Having qualified as executors ofj. C Camp dsjeised, late of Pol k Couu ty, N C, this is 10 notify Ul ersous hav ing claims against the estate of the said decea sed to exhibit them io the undcis;gu td on or Oclrc the 2tst day-of May 1909 or this notice will b". pleaded in bar of their recovery. All pernoris ii.debtcd to said es'ate will j iease make immediate pay ment This the 21 day of May 1008, John P. Abrami l xecutor cf J. Cu:p. j We have a few nice jobs which we will close out at cost for cash or bankable paper. i - - This is the opportunity of lifetime to purchase a good buggy at a low price- We mean business. CALL AND INSPECT OUR sTOCK. :ryon supply m. inc. GEO. A. GASH, Manager. XRYON Hri ' G. W. FULer J B pautuer John Funer enters 150 acie of laud more or leas in i'ryou ami baiuda TovnhipPolk Couuty iS'. C. ou waUr 01 of N. Pocal t Kivci a. joining Pae Rolbin Bale Panttrs Whintey vj W i'lhcr una the Mill estate bcginuiuj; on the Aubtin Newman preperly Known as the Bear Lreek properly to the siatou Hue tnen down lut rivci witli J B Pinter dne runuiny vith the old Jcc K.iuacs ii..e. lroju the G W Fisher pK-pcitj. i.nUrcd on the 0,11 day cf ju'y 190S. Entry 'ikc;.' Carolina State SALUDA, H.O. Oenoral Banking Biislnos 1 r a n b a c i o d . Bank 7 D. C BARROW, President. II. b. Q. C. CONNER, PANE, Cashier. Vlce-Preik DIKC10RS. x DANID C. BARROW, d, I. SrATON, , U. ft LANE. Q. C. SOONER W. C. ROBERTSON Exchange bought and sold on the lekding jeom mercial centers of the world. 1 Accounts of farmers, merchants, andf individuals solicited upon favorable terms. " We have ample funds to loan to ourj customerif . and invite you to call upon us. A- per cent Interest Fjaldjon Tim DEPOSITS. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I have soma good BARGAINS in REAL E3IATal t? offer prospective PUBC!HAS2!R3. If you hive any real estate to U LIST i with me. I represent several good Inur an;:e Companies and would Uk .to IKSUR1 YOUR PROPERTY. J.RWILUAMS ColumbtiB, C. Get the Most Money Out of Your Lands KOTtcE. WW W'aiuui-Ck. tuitrri .,5 acrcsofia; d more ..r lv-si in coopm Gap 'i uwJ.-liij' Polk toi. -j N. C, on waitvsol Green liver aUj-u., j.cciilUonib's i.ntered July loih, l$u8, F M Lurgess, L1..1 lukcr TheGreatGerinan Coach Horee. FALSTAFF 4229 will make the season of 1908 in Polk and Spartanburg counties. During the season he will have four stands at Mill Spring, Goansvi lie Saluda, and at his own stall at Hill & Rion's stable in Tryon. ' The service fee has been reduced t4 $5, so as t0 place it within the reach of every man whjo owns a iar to get a colt, from the fine horse, J We believe that ve can give youjperfect satisfactkn, and we solicit your trade! j Coach Horse Co.. N. c. L by making thorn yield the biggest possible crepa. Grain matt get the nourishment that makes it grow oat of the soil aad the more plant food there is in the soil, the quicker and bigger sad more plentifully the grain wHl grow. But yon must first put the food into the soil by liberally using -Carol Tryon German For Sals ... '- ... s .. ' .4 ' ,- . ' ' For cala seventy five fectd barrels. A J. L eMort, i Theft a Wg bumper crop Is as sured, bstause these fertiUsers contain tLe necessary elements required by the soil to prop erly and fully mature toe grain. Farmers invariably find that the more Virginia Carolina Fertilizer they use, the bigger is the crop, and the sweater their pront. Havevou rotten the latest Vir- ffinia-Carolina Year Book or Al- manac, the most usjcful and valuable book anv farmer of-grbwer can read? wGet a copy from your fertiliser fieaicr, or one write to our nearest sales office and will be sent yod free. VirgfefeCarolina Chemical Cob HlrJunond. X Ket fc. Vk. Cal'iwW, S. C AUaatt, Ga. VuikCA. K. C Cclunstrw, C. llmatgrGnmir, Um. - L 19 auu ! ies 1 V hue vKia uf Gi n . er a til ifiinir Ian of his ow 1 .j. ai.U vfcU.ie joc weuviu a . " . KuLd juiy 6th 1908. (TRYOM, For hodactie Dr. Wile Anti-Pan: Wife i . M. Buige ,j Entr Taker.

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