folk mm. 8 i Trea Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XIV. COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER;, W08. NO. 19. R CULLINGS OF NORTH STATE NEWS Arranged Per Busy Readers m APPEAL T0 PASTORS. L 0f Ministerial Band at Uni- rsity of florin uarouna writes r .i. tn "MiTiisttr nf fifr o apn JjCitci ---- - ft' are requfi--u w uuu;u mo L-;(t st.jf-t..nianaiory letter: He Ministry of the State of North rolina: ar Pastor: Hie calling and r . wt 4" r fill V -k -v - v ji'.c oi young nit" m owing number oi vacant pul- continuous interest. Umble way to show the students the University the importance of . . . . L. Ti l s ministry a a me wor. n unnsrs other all who have cfcosen this as L profession and makes of. them in-kins: and recruiting agency. fh;s letter is an appeal to pastors Psorth Carolina to stir up the Ms of prospective students of this other colleges to the present sag reed for ministers in all de- rinations. 11 there is a yqung from vour congregation expeot- to enter the University who has sadv decided 6r who you think rht be influenced to enter the sa- ministry, will you not write a l l: ZI.-L. J.I.- i 3 nuainnii lum wnu iuv iaci uuu ping any suggestions as to now band may be of heiif Yours truly, A. Rt'FUS MORGAN, Leader. Sapel Hill, N. C. brth Carolina Won't Take Leper. Raleigh, Special. This State re Bes tojreeeive from the Federal au- i t T 1 e bnhc-s the leper, J. n. rany, oi hiri. N. C. This action being, through State Board of Health, is based the ruling of Assistant Attorney ITT 1 ll a J , racial iriavaent iiement, to tne ci st that a State is not required by le State or Federal constitution or ptutes to receive citizens from be- i WAS HOERTBLE SCENE. The Colored Children Cremated in Home at Cameron. Cameron, Special. Sunday night about 8:30 o'clock, while the family was at church, the house of Hector Cameron, a worthy negro of this place, was burned, together 'with three small children, one of his own and two of his son-in-law's, Alex. Worthy. The fire is supposed to have originated from the overturn ing or explosion of a laaip which was left burning low. When it was first discovered the children could have been rescued had it been known they were in the house, but they were asleep and gave no alarm and when the family reached there, the house was enveloped in flames and it was then too late to save them. The grief of the terror stricken parents was touching to see and their cries with the flames leaping in air made the scene one of terror. LEPER SIGNS PENSIO J PAPERS Conscience Hurt Him. Winston-Salem, Special. A con science striken man in New Mexico has sent a letter to Mr. W. T. Baynes, a merchant here, writing as follows: "Dear Sir: Please find enclose 40 cents for some tobacco and water melons I sole from you several years ago, and I ask your forgiveness far stealing them. You may ask why I am sending this money for that pur pose, but the Bible commands me to straighten up our back life, just as much as it does not to sin. So I send this 40 cents, hoping you will understand it." The forty eents was enclosed and a man's name was singned. Mr. Baynes thinks he remembers the oc- Means Devised Whereby Early Signs Documents Without Transmitting Disease to Officials. Washington, Special. John R. Early, the leper, Saturday afternoon signed the first of the papers that will entitle him to receive a pension as a J soldier incapaciated while in the per formance of duty. He signed the re maining documents Monday and will receive back pay to the amount of $165 and a regular pe'nsion of $72 a month. His pension will be recorded as begining July, 1907. How Early was to sign the papers without passing on the germs of his disease to the officials who would re ceive the documents was decided only after a long consultation. Fin ally Dr. Thompson, of the pension agensy, tcok the papers out to Early covered each in turn with a sheet of paper in which slits had been cut to allow Early to sign the official do cuments, touching them only with the point of the pen. Early's wife has rented a cottage opposite the entrance of the work house so that she can be near her huband. Last Saturday night Early was en rolled by proxy as a member of the Army and Navy Union. William A. Hickory, who served with Early in mm n hike . , j Chishofm Minnesota, Entirely Wiped Out -4 FIRES CflECKED; GREAT LOSS The Town of Chisholm jwiped Ont and Thousands of Acres of Minne sota Land Burned Over Many Persons Left Homeless- and Desti tate Property Loss Bans up in Millions. Duluth, Minn., Special.f-After de stroying the town of Chisbolm on the Mesaba range, and burning over thousands of acres in St. Louis Carleton and Itasca counties in Min nesota, and in Douglas county, Wis consin, the many forest fires which have been raging in thjese regions were checked on Sunday.! Chisholm, Minn., a to4n of 4,000 inhabitants on the Mesaba Iron range 90 miles north of Duluth, was com pletely wiped out. The damage to real-property is now estimated at $1,000,000 jfnd'that of personal property at $790,000. The insurance carried by Chfsholm mer chants was about $500,0 Governor Johnson Issues Appeal For Aid. St. Paul, Minn., Special. Gover- the Philippines, acted as proxy. When t nor Johnson Sunday issued the fol Commander Lee announced solemnly j lowing proclamation : that Early was mustered in, his new comrades repeated in unison the pray-' er that :God in His mercy and good ness may protect our comrade and his helpless family." A committee of four called on Early Monday and gave him the bronze insigina and but ton of the union. In1 Viav Vinvrlorc liovinf innfemAiic I pestilentious dieases, and even if i "A tuu VJ-L' "c WM1 h State were inclined to do this in i&t aa bU mau a le present instance it mould be iv'- Ksible, because the railroads would Five Hundred Indictments. fuse to cany the patient, and since ! Durham, Special. The grand jury hrlv evidently contracted the disease i maae a presentment, against neany (lie arrnv service, he was a leer "ve hundred delinquents tailing to Em discharged, whether the leprosy list their taxes the past June. There d shown itself or not. Therefore, is no special excitement over the mat- United States jrovprnment is mor- , ter, though fcherkfl Harward says it fly bound to retain and care for the 4s the first time such a thing has hap- btKDt. , pened on such a colossal scale. When With reference to the wife and the books closed the last day of June kid of the leper, who have gone tc i the listers prolonged the privilege of ' . ' i . il t i A 1 1 .r-ti Vk-vr aUa -tsw OfC AAnf n At, lasningion in tne interest oi nus- hs uj -"ait5ll6 uum au- and and father, Mr. Clement ad- gust 1st and half a thousand derelicts sc the State board that the board took advantage of this. It is said that lould write her in Washington and many of the number failing to list (quaint her with the fact that if are prominent and constantly tailing be returns to North Carolina she to put up their property. Ihe oflBcers KU be quarantined in Polk county j however, deny that they have been B the eountv authorities. This, he beaten lieretolore. this court will ' '1. ... .a ys, should be done not to prevent I take no action in the matter, other pr return, hut in fairness to her in ! work being so enormous that it can pier that she may know what to not be attempted peet should she decide to return, fi despatch from Washington says: PJioi i, i 1 l ' i i i. " 'ji;i? to ue a mica auuiu er.( If North State News' Notes. At Winston-Salem Mrs. J. J." Cofer fire a revolver at a negro who at- that it could not appoint a tempted to break injto the residence the other night, while her husband who is a special officer at the Sou thern Railway station, was absent. The intruders screamed, "Oh God, I'm hit ! ' ' and ran away. In 1900 the Republican Tote in North Carolina was 133,S81, while in 1904 it was but 82,543. Brvan's vote in 1900 was 150,792 and Parker's - asked for by his wife. Hav en refused this appointment If Mrs. Early prayed the court esignate the American Surety Company, but this was re 1. Judge Stafford expressed the on that according to the Jaws of hstnet such a guardian should j in 1904, 124,121 appointed only in case the man isane or habituatlv drunk. The p.iv 1 Iii the county primaries held at Asheville to nominate a successor to the late Judge Fred Moore, of the ible of discerning iany way ! 15th iudicial district, Judge J. D. er the money which its of- j Murphy, of Asheville, defeated the lare Early is entitled tof ; Hon. j. S. Adams by" a conventional they say, he is segregated j vote of 13. Mr. Adams' manager a2ble of receiveing and dis- says they will contest some of the money. However, the prob- ! precinct returns. Adams carried tne city of Asheville, but Judge Murphy led m the county. rely to be solved in Early's Dui BTr, 1 m- a M I I I ne i) he hi -scaped Insane Father. a in , Special. After escaping lN insane father, who, it is al !) ; it the house to destroy his ,1(therless children, Lambert 'viicr lives 15 mifp.?: from Dur- u"as held by the authorities ceived, five thousand bushels of corn vonnf chi mrpn wprp spnt to j r. rtn fKo r . . jum U lUIilC UlitUUIld Ul tUHUU VJU uio State faims were destroyed by the Damage by Flood on State Farms. Winston-Salem, Special. Chairman Hackett, of the State prison board stated that, according to reports re- id Orphanage this morning. e was burned, but the child- ped. fin. All Killed by "Unloaded" Pistol AsheviUe, Special The "unioad- . - - - - !;sl claimed anpther victim when Wm. Palmer, aged 16, l,:d with a revolver bullet in IB L -V ' . fc. l)- H 111. tirprl nv liic inmnoniAn Arthur, 1 Pa! m or qtim , "Ml, With T Oil r rkV Vxri3 liroro vhi I Artllur pointed the weapon Pah'' e Delicved to be unloaded, in ty. jl! 1 b face and pulled the trigger, i unit uttering a word, Palmer fell - 1 lit liic f r-ioMa -P A rr. . - 'i' x-v . in iuw . ' ' t ilUlUCSt a vprdiflf nf "hooA- uuuiio"' was returned. freshet of last week. New Station Opened Salisbury, Special The large new passenger station of the Southern Railway just completed here was formally opened to the public lues dav and the same will be used regu larlv hereafter. The building whieh was erected at a cost of $125,000 is easily one of the handsomest and most commodious on the Southern system. Capt. George Wiatt, of Nor forlk, has been appointed station master and is in charge of the station. The depot is thoroughly furnished in the most modern manner and takes Orville Wright Makes a Flight. Washington, D. C, Special. Or ville Wright made another flight over the drill grounds at Fort Myer, Va.. riday in wihch he encircled the field five times in addition to going its full length before landing direct - y in front of the tent which shelters the machine. The total time consum ed in flight was four minutes and fifteen seconds, the aeroplane being under the control of Mr. Wngnt throughout the flight. The wind was blowing at a rate of three and three- fifths miles per hour. Thirty feet rom the ground was the greaVst height attained. It was evident that he aviator had the machine under better control than vesterdav. "With each succeeding flight," said Mr. Wright, after he landed, "I will secure a better control of the aeroplane. The difficulty I now ex perience is that I pull levers too far. This is not surprising in view of length of time since my last fligfit, but with a few more trials I am con fident that I will have perfect con trol of the planes." An enthusiastic crowd witnessed the flight. The parade grounds was kept clear by cavalrymen and artil lerymen stationed at Fort Myer. Mr. Wright was greatly pleased with the test. Provisions for the Sufferers. Wilmington, N. C, Special. Three boats well laden with nearly one thousand dollars worth of provisions and supplies were sent on Friday by the Wilmington relief committee to the flood sufferers in the Canetuck Kelly's Cove and Holly Shelter sec- toins of Pender county. All will ar rive at their destinations tomorrow in charge of persons acquainted with local conditions there so that the dis tribution will be, equitable and where it is needed. The committee will not relinquish its efforts any further re lief boats will be ser.t out from time to time as the ned may appear. There wasno change in the flood sit uation here today. Reports come from nearly all sections of rapidly falling waters. - A great disaster hasf come to northeastern Minnesota J Chisholm, one of tho splendid cities uf the Mes aba range, has been totally destroyed a destructive forest j fire which swept over a large portion of St. Louis county. Every honte and bus iness house of that eonfmunity is burned, and 6,000 people iare sudden ly rendered homeless, tfie property loss amounting to million of dollars. Early reports indicate alo the total destruction of the minirfg locations of Shenando, Hartley anfl Pillsbury. The totai number of people rendered homeless will reach 12,006 and vast tracts of agricultural lands have also been devastated. "This disaster is without parellel in the history of Minnesota and in view of the appalling calamity, I ap peal to the generosity of? the people of Minnesota for liberal aid, and ow ing to the great necessity, ask that this assistance be as prompt as pos sible." The loss on the Buildings at Chisholm is estimated atj $2,000,000. Chisholm is in the center df the great est iron producing area in the world. Refuges poured into Hitibing until the population of 10,000 was almost doubled. Chisholm present! a scene of ruin and desolation. Blackened and smoking piles of charred fwood, little heaps of gray ashe, scorching gaunt skeletons of brick and 43rar' a canopied with a dense palf of smoke, comprise what Was one cjjf the most flodrishing towns on the great Ma saba iron range. The only remaining buildings are the new high school a graded school, a Catholic church, the Italian church and a &ozen dwel lings ia the southernmost part of town. TKOMIXICXT PEOPLE Senator Scott, of West Virgititp. was bruised in a fist fight at "Wheeling with a local politician, whom he had called a liar. At Cincinnati Dr. C. A. L. Reed formally launched his boom as can didate for the Senate to succeed Sen ator Foraker at a dollar dinner. President Roosevelt congratulated and slapped on the back individually sixty-eight members of the Olympic team who visited him at Oyster Bay, N. Y. King Edward entertained M. Clem enceau, the French Premier, and M. d'lswolsky, the Russian Foreign Min ister, at luncheon at Matienbad, Bo hemia. Not only did King Edward coax Kaiser Franz Josef of Austriainto a motor car during the lschl vislt but the report is that the old Emperor greatly enjoyed the new experience. James E. Hughes, eighty-seven years old. former member of the Mis souri Legislature, who was impris oned during ike reconstruction days in Missouri for preaching, died at Osborn, Mo. Gabriel d'Annunzio, the Italian poet and dramatist, takes more pride in his fame as a Beau Btummel than as an author. His greatest achieve ment is the carrying of deep violet tinted umbrellas. Lawrence Parsons, fourth Earl of Rosse, who was born Nov. 17, 1840, has died in London. He was a repre sentative Peer for Ireland. since 1868, and was Chancellor-qf the University of Dublin since 18S5. X Edgar Allen Forbes, one of the edi t6rs of The World's Work, is visiting Africa to make a first-hand study, from the American point of view, of the white man's Africa and how he got it. He will be gone two years. Remarkable Airship Flight. Le mans, France, Special. After a flight of nineteen minutes forty eight seconds the Wright aeroplane was partially wrecked Friday morn ing on the Auvonrs military course, after the second flight of three min utes, twenty seconds, the rebreaking of the left wing of the machine be ing responsible. The first fligfht traveled fourteen miles at a height of forty feet. The average ppeed was fortv-two miles an hour. The exhi bition was considered remarkable. A'EWSY (i LE ANINGS. Eoslcn merchants indorsed the-prt posal for an alliance with China. Person nationalists, at Teheran, are holding out defiantly against the Shah. Song Piung-Chun. Korea's Homo Minister, favors Japanese rule in his country. t Japanese immigrants in Brazil proved useless for work on the coffee plantations. Cardinal Vannutelli, the Papal legate to the Eucharistic Congress, left Rome for Ldndoc. The Portuguese Chamber of Depu ties passed the budget, in which the deficit is estimated at $2,000,000. Monroe, "be Ulster County, N. Y. desperado, fooled the police by writ ing letters announcing his own death. Word was received in Wall Street that it would be a felony to conduct a bucketshop hereafter in New York State. Chairman Hitchcock announced that . he would ask Republicans to make campaign speeches without re muneration. Li Sum Ling, editor of the Chins Mail, declared .japan, if she felt able, would shut the "open door"' in the Far East againsi the world. Governor Fore won his fight for the closing of saloons in Atlantic City N. J., on Sundays, and side doors at well as front doors were locked. To Dorothy May Trib.e, of New York City, attired in a sheath gown, was awarded the grand prize hi the As'oury Pari:, N. J., baby parade. Advices Jrom Casablanca tell ol victories won by followers of Abd-el-Aziz over the torces of Mulai Hafig; the former Sultan says that he may return to Morocco City. Tax on Circnses Not to be Raised Winston-Salem, N. C, Special- Following a little agitation of the project of raising the tax on circuses in this city from $100 to $500, tne board of aldermen has decided not to make the chanere. There are three circuses scheduled for this city with in the next few weeks. Ringling's, Coles and Gentry's Dog and Pony Show. Collections on Spirits Decrease. Statesville, N. C, Special Cashier R R. Roberts, of Internal Revenue Collector Brown's office, reports, the following collections for August: Lists, $461.50; spirits, $25,519.89; cigars, $49.50 tobaccos, $206,263.77 ; special tax, $727.20, making a grand total of $233,921.86. The report shows a decrease of $21,404.46 in the collections on spirits last month com pared with, the collections on spirits during August, 1907, but there was an increase of $27,260.43 last month in the collections on tobaccos over Over $4,000,000 for Charity. Oswego, N. Y., Special. More than $4,000,000 is left to charitable in stitutions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Yale University by the will of Frederick Cooper Hewitt, who died at his home here last Sunday. To relatives and friends less than half a million is left. The largest bequest mentioned in the will is the gift of $2,000,000 to the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital. FIRE SWEEPS RAWHIDE. Three Thousand People! Rendered Homeless, f Rawhide, Nevy., Specialt As a re sult of a disastrious fire "wfhieh ravag ed this city on Friday three thousand people are homeless and Iproperty is destroyed to the amount I of $1,000, 000. The fire started in the Rawhide Drug Company 's building land fanned by a gale the flames swet eastward over the town until they Reached the People's Hospital. As a last resort tons jjof ' mining dynamite were wheeled info the town square in truks, placed under the block of buildings and toulehed off by short fuses. The hospital was saved. Miners from surrounding mnes aided the fire fighters. So far as known no onjje was seri ously injured. Presidents King, of the Rawhide Coal and Iroh Company, ordered a special train tol bring lum ber sufficient to erect five! large tem porary buildings at Rawhide. The ruins were searched to recover valu ables lost in the flames. Reconstruc tion work will occupy five hundred carpenters, commencing fnext week. Laborers are being imported. Thaw Stays in Jail. Poughkeepsie, N. Y Special. Jus tice Morschauser refused to grant an order traneferring Harrv K. Thaw from the Dutchess county jail to some other institution. Application for the order was made by counsel for Sheriff Robert W. Chanler, who alleged that the jail was not a proper place to keep a prisoner who was committed as insane. Judicial com ity restraining him from interefering with the order of the justice who com mitted Thaw to the jail was the reason given by Justice Morschauser Nerro Chairman Arrested. Atlantic City, Special. Jesse Jack son, the negro chaiiman in charge of the chair eontflln'ng Charles Rob erts and Mr.'. Williams, principals in the boardwalk shooting mystery was placed under arrest Saturday under $500 bail. Whether he is wanted as a witness or on the theory that he was a confederate is a mvstery. Jackson repudiates the published statement in which he scoffed at the highwavman theory. m WWR&k Are a Necessity I Are a Necessity in the Country Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to lie in agony for hours while he? drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele-i phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohie. Emm I II Ml v hi nil y-m W$8 Rsauiar To ALL IT WILL COST TOT write for our bijr FREE BICYCLE catalogn showing the most complete line of high-gr&de BICYCLES, TIBES and SUNDRIES at PRICKS BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. Utll I showTc the place of one erected before the August, 1907. The total collections Civil War. I for August, ltfv, were vv,ov.v. The Visible Snpifly. New Orleans, Spccial.1 Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton issued last week shows the total visible to -be 1,691.549 against 1,710,59$ last week and 2,211,364 lastyear. pf this the total of American cotton is 969.502 against 966,546 last week! and 1,288, 389 last year. And of alliother kinds including Egypt, Brazil, j India, etc., 722,046 against 744,046 last week and 922,975 last year. Of the world's visible supply of cotton tfiere is now afloat and held in Great jjBritian and continental Europe 959,000 against 1,310.000 last year. Prico t Introduco Wo Will Soil You a Sample for Only or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cater logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns ana latest moaeis, ana learn oi our remarica Die mjlw PRICES and wonderful new offers made-possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. WE SHIP Oft APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and allow 10 Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much vatos able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rldem Aaont iu every town and can offer an oppoil iinHs n mate mraicv tn snitnhle vounc men who atvnlv at once. .50 PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES N X m n m m .80 NAILS, TACKS OR CLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR S (C1SM WITH ORDER S4.56J NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. "D oiilf rf re tMaf-e pvnpn'prinp ill tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over a I J la Siventv-nve inousana pairs soia iasi year, w . . . - r Vntlm th thick ra bber tread "A" and punetupe strips "BP and "D," also rim strip "H" to prevent rim cutting. TMfe tire will outlast any othssr make SOFT, ELASTIC aadt I - DESGHIPt lum S ftiaae in an sizes. i is nvci, " -r "s. - with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small puncture withoatingthV air to escape We have hundreds of letters from satirfedcustomers state A ivi nntniwl noonae or twice m r whole season. They weigh no more than. ud two Sampson metal puncture closers on lull pain orders itnese metal Duncture closers 10 dc usea in tasc ui micuu j f.""-"-- - " at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory cci examination. We are oerf ectlv reliable and money sent to us xs as safe as m a bank. Ask vow Postmaster. Banker Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about ns. If you order a pairOk these ti'res, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better; last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. Veknow that you wiU be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give as -jour order. We want jou to send us a smatt trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. . , n nnnnrr'A iullt-up-wheels, saddles, pedals, parts and repairs, and COASTER" BRAKES? evehrag in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usual Arises charged bv dealers ard repeir men. Write for our big SUNDRY catalogue- . intrfte us a postal today. DO NOT THTNR OF BUYING a 7(7 v7 f WW All bicycle or a pa"'-- of tires from anyone until vou know the new and, wonderful offers we are. making. It only cots a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. MEAL CYCLE CONPaMY . Dept. " L" RHICIBCflLL, j