s7T - at i COLUMBUS, U. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1908. NO. 23. - OLsf saW Am. Li ' . . . ibe ipulk fmmtii flim , ... - ' ! ggntsha Copy- INDEPENDENCE lit ALL TH1HOS. Subscription frtea . SLOP Per Yw ft A II STATE NEWS REPORT OF CROP CONDITIONS Arranged fW Busy Readers wiirh School Teachers. Lb Special. The State De- iccilPfl l51i "mmm teachers' certificates to 38 ap I, cnpmal certificates for ?s u t lear were issuea to a smau num- L receiving the three year eer- es are as follows: A Homaday, Liberty; Miss L Jones. franklin; Herbert f7 Macon, N. W. Britton, Win- C. M. uaiiamore, rietener; A Freeman, Dobson; Miss beth F. Powell, Lenoir; M. H. Innan, Abbottsburg; L. VL Hose, kmston; D. Z. Newton, Loncoln- Miss Emma DeLonne, An ail ; Horace Stewart, Wallace; J. leaden, Honea Path, S. C. ; Miss y. Wilson, Lenoir; Jkdwin P. a Tj;U. TeAmo T Ta.fnn 0r, .'lfll Xilll , IDaa jncniuu, fhunr. S. C; Miss Brownie bertson, Rich Square; J. 0. Aid- In. Tyner; Lonnie E. Osborne, penitence, Va,; Julius M. Weatt Kernersville ; Cameron E. Petj- ton, auireii; manu su. Dnvuw, pv. Va.; Andrew McNair, Fay- filk; John G. Viser, Walkertown, A. Patterson, Shelby; M. K. Hows, Lewisville; Andrew B. f, Brevard; Isaac Home, Swan frter; Miss Anna May Withers, jngton ; Emmett C. Willis, Trinity ; f; Lincoln, Elon College; Beaja E. Phillips, Aulander; Chaa. C. te. Greensboro; Wm. P. Henley, inprton; Earl R. Franklin, Merry (s; Miss Lizzie Moore, Burlaw; i. McKeown, Stanly; J. O. Good , Helton. Tke H. C. Peace Congress. Condition is 69.7 and Number of Bales Ginned 2,282,000. Washington, Special. Crop condi tion, 69,7; number xt bales ginned, 2,282,000. These are the reports is sued by the government Friday morn- IF MU 111 The President Addresses the Tuberculosis Congress ing, the crop condition being based -XI1C IlUrUl I C i. 1 nnil . Carolina p.... n . . , . I uut" oepiemoer zutn and numoer oi Carolina Peace Congress is to be inlk-i -i o . session at Greensboro October 12th Comnarwd with A T , U iflrV. i 1 Compared with the reports issued to 16th, in connection with the Cen- Ln . , . . , i , , j A. - . I onuxn uoio mot year me crop tennial celebration of the founding: Imhh. o - u:-u j it! of Greensboro and the programme number of bales ginned one nfflioa PRAISES GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS Orea Meeting of Scientists Adjourns to Assemble Next at Rome Presi dent Speaks. JfEWSY GLEANINGS. Washington, D. C, Special. The A Revolutionary monument was unveiled at Fort Lee, N J..' Fred D. Ynengling, son pf a brew. er, died In the prison ward of Belle nae, New'Tork'City. w The merger of the Andover Theo logical Seminary and the Harvard Divinity School has heeh effected, 'jg Dr. Robert Koch, eft Berlin, ar rived in Washington, D. C, to attend the International Tuber culQSis Con gress. Twenty lives Were lost m the wreck of the British ship Loch Finlas, from Port Pirie for Callao, on the Tasma nian coast. In London It is believed that the British railways will be purchased by the State as a result of combina- PROMTNENT FEOPLH. that has been lltf 1 1: m, . 5 - o , I less. ine rfTort;s hod an mannron-i. Tx i fL .... iuj .l attractive. United States Senator hu .u" " II nai ircuiosis uongresa lUonB now effected. Lee S Overman will Wn "Tt. I m, wmeh has been in session here elosed .Japanese bluejackets, who com- ie o. uverman will discuss Inter- The variance in tbe number of Saturday to meet next in Rome mltted an attack onCaSnese in Shanf. national House of Representatives" bales nned this ana W vr i. 3: hai were permitted to escape easiSr Hon. John Sharp Williams. "The .T L 7 T "7 T i " vu' W1 iac mu"v wrpuBtw by tne Japanese consular court. inu i, p ' ine Iacc inai ine weam" lb scenes of the congress Modern It was reported in Toklo that the ltr a . . i KtatfiH thftt ft In too riorf r9 Un I President Soosevelt naid M notable r. piorns, or iMCDraska, A Practi- " ZlZlT y l L. "L. : Japanese Premier. Marquis Katsura, "'uw LO lBe awemDiage pi o many and fte Blder statesmen had decided Amnhv,.;, H . . " " . Ui enes ui me congrws Ma advices irom Berlin say tnat 1 j VUUU. I mr thic Foil V I ,1 . ... I J. ii.. uMn rLm r? T tit i . . i ucc" uiuou uuuic La- i was me anDearance tor tne nret timp I 1 1C uuobubd aji ciccu vrcimou Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the Uorable to the eatherimr of the stsnle ! L ! , States are threatens with extinction North Carolina Supreme Court. "The than at the same time last aaan. - prwcecQU1R" OE . and may soou pass into the hands of Tnfom.tinn.l Tj;-; ti. !In manv sections f tr,o n,frv if ; nuBvwi- ah a Cflaraciensiic auaress inenmperor. BLaiea mat a large Ml Plo Tt i r I- 6BkUClcu- a . ii a i i alii. rriimiiiiiiTfirMi"... , www -sm ... 1 i S . IT l I . . fnnio tt w. , t tj I uotton Ginned During Year. scienusis oi mtenaiionai reputation, upon noerai treatment oi uama in xiobson, "Arbitration anil Arma . . . , ., . menis." There are other special tV1107 jounced that lt is difficuU for ug realise the speakers including a number, of nmm- ELTZF "x to" extraordinary changes, the extraordi 1 ,uu JiZ t6 w".. .:Tay Progress-, ini certain lines of so- " JT", "T r ' Ppa witn i.oua iriii endeavor during the last two or Ex-Goveraor Charles B. Aycock is to the corresponding date last year.1thm Mnerations: and ia no other president of the North " CaroUna in oi active ginneries re I pjanifesUtion of human aetivit . . l nnrTi ntr ic 7 H'i . I . - . . ? . i - Peace Conterence, and the board of lr & ' v" I tee changes seen quite so far-reach- I by a Philadelphia shipper before the directors include James Snrnnt. Wil- Condition of Cotton Crop. I ing as m the ability to grapple with Interstate Commerce Commission I disease. It is not so very Ions, i More than 100 voluntary changes KT P" f.' vvlimmon A- T, T 0i statistics of the deoartment roriD time by histor since the in transportation rates during the Thompson, Raleigh, Hayne Davis, W. Tai atlS N towar3?'a disease E&jSjSSlfHfTS&M HJ. Molt, Julian S.. Uarr, Hugh G. I condition of th rn on SntfimW consumption was one I SSJSTS VV Chatham, Thomas H. Wright and 25th at 69.7, as compared with 7C.I Pf hlpw, g1? P ne, p . others; Thomas H. Wright, Wilming- on August 25th and 67.7 on Sep- w . fcH TrT w Z E m cemDer zotn, North uarolinn I " ' . v " w 69; South Carolina, 68: Georgia, 71, . ine sines ens w most giitea v- . SneeiaifJ Millard . m I mtRitxro rtT1 t M a mMiAi nrnTaoomii I 7 7 and rezas. 1 . , -.wi. K. v...,.. disputed matters. Mr. Chue announced that he was ready to open in' Chinatown, New York City the first Chinese school where children would learn the wis dom of. Confucius. Alleged rebates In favor of the Su- trnr Trimt trrmntnd hv the trunk lines etivity have from New York west were attacked A life of Sir Henry Irving shortly will be published. Leslie Carter, former husband of the actress, died in Chicago. . Andrew D. White is visiting Beribt for the first time since his retirement as Ambassador to Germany. 'Theodore' Roosevelt, Jr., decided to begin work with the Hartford Carpet Works at TOwmpsonvillev Conn. Professor Frank Parsons, of Bos ton University r author, lawyer, lec turer and sociologist, died in Boston. The Peary Arctic Club received a dispatch from Commander Peary say ing that he left Etah on August 17 his dash for the? Pew. Lord Northcotev Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, who is en- route from Sidney to China, arrived at Manila, P. L General George1 W, Wlngate, chair man of the committee on athletic fields, said he approved opening they four public pthygroumfs on Sunday and during school hours. v Dr. Frank Huntington Snow, ento mologist and ex-Chancellor of the University of Kansas, died at Bella field, Kan., aged sixty-eight yearn. He was a native of Fitchburg, Mass. President Roosevelt has designated Assistant Secretary of the Interior Frank Pierce to represent the Gov ernment . at the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress ia San Fran cisco. ' Banker Morosini's will1,, filed for probate in New York City, left only $7&,000 to the daughter who eloped. Three children get $15"0,000 each and Gitilia all the rest,: estimated at ' $2,500,000. Brigadier Scott Girard, head of the Iowa Anti-Suicide Bureau of the Vol unteers of America, who had dis suaded many from ending their lives, attempted to commit suicide with, strychnine taken from one of them. ton, being secretary. Forsyth Sunday School Convention. Winston-Salem, Special. The For syth County Sunday School Conven- New Georgia Railroad Opened. Valdosta, Ga., Special. The Geor- A Peculiar Accident. I :. . c ;i 1: . K.viU. w lelv .t- Ui. ft noAi. lUilWay. . newly con hit four o'elock, when the two Renters began work on the resi- if Mr. W. L. Minish on West n street. The street was raised I feet in front of Mr. W. L. bisi's residence. The aldermen bed to have the residence raised to the street and this was being )e when the accident happened. "he house had been raised and eked up and while the workmen Ire about their work thise after Ion the house gave way on the thwest corner and collapsed and a complete wreck. Mr. Minish 's oldest daughter, Miss trade was up stairs in the room over t corner where the sill gave way d was thrown against the window only saved herself from serious Sun- by catching to the window sill. emerged from the wrecked build with only a gash cut in her arm sed falling against the window fte "L" to the back of the house, as the kitchen and dining room, la total wreck, tables turned up side iwn. crockery and elassware smash B, canned fruit and everything reakable is almost a total loss. The hmsekeeper was in the kitchin. at pe time of the accident ironing, but ps not hurt. None of the workmen Nre hurt. As the house fell it Iwerved to the left and the front lorch and the "L" were torn from main building. Vienna, Ga., knew as little as any layman of the bheppard, fbe mgftt roreman at tne real cause of s disease like this, and I Vienna Gotten Oil Company, was j therefore necessarily of the remedies 1 oengfet in a belt at the mill early I to bp invoked to overcome it. ' I Saturday morning and instantly kill- "Take, for instance, the work that ed. The body was badly mangled, ended, quite an elaborate and inter- I structed line running from this place I the United States government is now I one arm being torn from the frame esting programme having been pre-1 LUU miie8 nonnwest to nazenurst, j aomg in rename, rne jsinmus oi i sno neany every q otag orvKn. a n... Ai- . I was formally opened to the oublio I Panama, which was a by-word for Younc Sheppaad was a member of a purea. Among inose laaing promi- i jx-i j a KUf nn Mmkd v.. Kna mfliniirfi I r.innf TTnTv cnuntv fmiv 'RnrI I neni pans m n convenwon wre representative citixens from points a sanatOTfton; and it has become ao had a mrsn circle of mends here. Mr. E. A. Ebert. resident of the I alone the line tn this eitv Work is hecaime th inveat.iirationR of certain j association; W. B. Broughton, chair- rapidly progressing with a view to I medical men Wnieh enabled them to I Pive KefTOsa Dxvk in the Tennessee man State executive committee : Rev. I unitinc the newlv ennatrnetetl mad I find nut the real causes of certain I KfVST. A. S. Betts. Mr. J. B. Robertson, with other divisions now in onera- diseases, esneciallv vellow fever and Chattanooga, ienn., especial. Rev W. A. Lambeth. Rev. E. S. Oos- I Hrm whiAh will oi boat containinr five negroes cap- land, Rev. W. K. Lowdenmlk, Mr. K line between Madison, Fla., and An- tosearcome them. The older doc-1 sued inline lenjiessee nvr H. Stockton, Mr. G. S. Norfleet, Mr. gusta, Ga. tors here when they- were medical the occupants ware arswnea. inree R. B. Horn. Rev. J. A. Hopkins, Mrs. I students would have treated the susr- of the victims were men and two wo- L. F. wens, Mrs. J. K. Norfleet, Mrs. Tjn-nlBtnn Men TntereateH in Kew restion of redJrding mpsquitos as men. The party had rowed across to . Fljarimth, Mrs. G. T. Lnmpkins, - rV the prime souree of diseaes like that Moccasin Bend, and while, ntaning and Rev. E. A. Sehenk xora uorporaaon. I .rnKW nf j-th The- ntterlv one of the women became frieghtened New York, Special. -According to I unexpected results have followed pa- and in attempting to jump from tho $17,500 Por Her Husband's Death, official report of the Secretary of tient lsborious. dangerous and extra- boat the light craft was overturned ... ttt t , State "The Mutual Farm Commis- ordinary skillful work tat has en- But one of the number eould switn Asuevxiie, opeciai. w nai, is oe- 81on of New York City," capital Ubled the cause of the disease to be The other four clung to mm ana ai dared, to be the bunrest verdict for I $10,000 has filed articles of mcorpora- fnnnA ann the diseases themselves to nk a death ever rendered in anv courtltion with the Secretary of State at be combatted with extraordinary sue i vv, Potvo wo. f,o Ktt I Albany with permission to increase cess. V-i""" J I A AOAA AAA IPL. JZ -A I - . . ... . ... . M , -r : i. a : , I to w,wu. ine uircctwis "At this moment in ine miaaie o a jury in the Superior Court here I i .- -n :i c I ., , , Ai , , , cuvscii bib unmeu a uuuiki jj. tne (rreai continent OI Anncs mere is , ii r. e,-! Tmm.b tt when an award of seventeen thou- Rkvne and James A. Abemethv. of I o naniiioriv ofai towiWe mdim Hartwell, Ga., fepeciai. James c. sand and five hundred dollars was Lincolnton, North Carolina, and I the sleeping sickess, a disease wpich Carter, a prominent business man made against the Southern Railway I Frank Guy Hull, of 1644 Nineteenth if it had been known to Our ancestors I while acting as a sjrxa poliseman Officer Kills One and Wounds An other. Shipbuilding Depression. The English shipbuilding industrw has shared in the universal trade de press ion. There was a tonnage of only, 799,000 constructed in the half of 1908, as against 1,250,000 the corresponding half of 1907. fHSmfc 4S. ji., i'ii SMtBS M Company and in favor of Mrs. Ma-1 avenue, Brooklyn. tilda Hough, widow of the late Con ductor Hough, killed at Swanpanoa Station several years ago. The case has been on trial since Monday, Mrs. Hough demanding fifty thousand dol lars damage. Locke Craig, who with P. H. Winston, represented the plain tiff, made the concluding argument. Warnine to Farmers. Baleigh, Special. Rev. S. J. Betts as just lost a two hundred and fifty mule, and Mr. Ben Sasser a PIC hursp. thoir siAnABS nnrl deflth favinsr been caused by eating com nt on rod on the stalk, not green pt not nrooerlv seasoned. It was Pllv a fpw rli7G oom t.Viat a rrmlp wns rolline on one of Raleigh's Pneipal streets, sufferinsr from colic. " is vurlorstood that many farmers failing their stock on such corn " mairv oi tneir uesi aiumais yu . . T suttenng from it. - Left Insane Hospital. Statesville, Special.- An attendant at the State Hospital at Morganton was in Statesville Wednesday searchr. ing for a patient who escaped from the hospital some time after mid night Tuesday night, but be failed to find any trace of , the fugitive there. The man who escaped is a Mr. Wil liams, of Yadkin county, and he ef fected his escape by removing the bars from a ' window of his cell. It. was thought by the hospital people that he would pass through States ville en ronte to Yadkin after making his escape. New Corporation. Ral(,;,rH, Special. The Smith's Artier jvuiyu,uy woo gmunvu - carter last week to Puiid a noiei d sell mineral water, with a capi tal Stock nf &Kf AAA Tka JnnArnnr. ifvuvv. xuc are Mrs. H. T. Smith, R. T. tors mmi h. W. Starke, W. B. Shaw, of foril, and J. B. Mayes, of Stem. Cotton Gin Burned. Raleigh, N. C, Special. Fire de clared to be incendiary Thursdav night destroyed F. R. Gray's gin, 43 bales of cotton, several mules and two buildings at Cary, near here. Ru ral Free Delivery Carrier Ivery says men told him that notice had been sent to Gray and also posted, telling him he must shut his gin down but Gray has received no such notice. Shot at His Wife, iison, Special. H. D. McDowell, ha) had negro, who has caused no 2 (,i double here, filled up on dis js:.ry booze, hired a horse and" armed himself with a breecb j1 shot gun and went to the - emanded admittance. The cou ' ave been separated for some When he reached the woman's JJJRfi be knocked and demanded ad . ' lance. The door was slammed in s lace, when he raised his gun and dnve perforating the door in eral places To Extend Trolley Line. Spartarrburg, S. C, Special. The street car company will soon begin the work of extending: its North Chur h trolley line to the fair grounds. Preliminary work is now under way and a large force of hands will be put to work shortly and the laying of the rails will be rushed The county fair will open November 3rd and continue until the 6th. f ; Indictment of T. Jenkins Hains. New York, Special. District At torney Dorrin appeared before theJ grano jury m Queens county and de manded the indictment of T. Jenkins Hains as accessory before the fact in the murder of WiHiam E. Annis, who was shot and killed by Peter C. Hains. The principal witness against him before the grand jury was Mrs. Annis, widow of the victim. Four Billed on Ohio Central. Toledo, (1, (Special. Four persons are dead and two fatally and threee seriously injured as a result oi n wreck on the Ohio Central Railroad at Suaar Ridger -when an extra freight train plunged into the rear of a special passenger train. The dead are Georee Gosler, Richard Rideout. Thomas Crane and Leslie Fuller. 4n the middle ages would have been 1 Fridav shot and killed John Teasley, spoicen or as tne niacx ueam wu ftnd getionsly wounded William Hafl, spOK 2 "LZlIIZZ" both negroes. It is said Carter fired scourge oi. vruu, puaiuxj m . jaOT1BO np noornes havim? connected with a comet, or some sini- -7-7' r , - 1 ntA .oo Koon made an attack on him. Me has sijrr j tit- .11 u t.4. ; Ano. rendered to the sheriff. vanceu. ttb an &uvn uiv to the carrying of a small and deadly blood parasite by a species of biting fly '?And the chance to control that disease lies in the work of just suHi men as. and indeed, of some of the men who, are assembled here. You who have come here, however, have come IsBmbat not a scourge connii ed to tittba-opies, but what is on the whole the most terrible scourge of the neoiile throughout thee world. But a few vears aaro hardlv hn intelliirent effort was made or could be made to war arainst this peculiarly deadly enemy of the human race. T.he cnance successfully to conduct- that war a- rose , when the greatest experts in the medical world turned, their train ed intelligence to the task. It re mains for them to find out mst what can be done. 4 "I feel that no aratherihg could take place fraught with greater hope for the welfare of the people at large than this. I thank von all. men and women of this country and you, our guests, Wot what yon have done and are doing. On bhaJfLof the nation I greelTyou, and I hope you will un derstand bow much we have appre ciated your coming here.'" , h. a riaL Willi Fatal Fire at Llorganton, AshcviUe, N. Special Mull was roasted to death' in the flanjes that burned his residence Tues day morning at Morganton, this State. Eddie D. Mull, a cousin, who was with him at the time, 'jiarrowly escaped a like fate. The deceased and Ms cousin went into the house and after building a fire went to sleep. Ed Mull was awakend by the roof of the house falling in and made his escape, but his cousin, who did not wake tvas burned to a crisp. the' Quarantine Against Cuba. I tiufdus Are a Necessity I in the Country name. i The farther you are removed! I from town to railroad station, thef more the telephone will save m I time and horse flesh; No. man has a right to compel one offthe family to lie in agony for hours while he drives to town for the doctor. Te ephone and save half the suffering. Qur Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems Instruments sold on thirty days trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC GO., - t eCCBulMtac Cadiz, t- . ,. Ui .Hi. i Austin, Tex., Special. The State from Johnson City says; I. A. Bay health department, through Acting State Health Officer J. H. Florence, raised the yellpw fever quarantine Tennessean's Brutal Crime. Tenn Special. A special less, a magistrate attacked his broth er-in-law. Berney Bayless, while the latter was asleep in bed at his home flvWB Hails4 mm m u mmm huh lf$8.5 StelM tn Onv BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. DO MOT BUY A BICYCLE or on anv kind of terms, until you have recdvrf ourroomplete locue. Ulutinand describing- every kMm. fciAiofl Aii nanemv nnn ainu mmiEia. unu icaiu jm su vifirKH .n Jwondfirftil new offeVfl made oossihte by sellhur from direct to rider with no middlemen 6 profits. mmtr euio mM 4KDMf without a cent defiasit. F -Twin niw TWud make other liberal terms house in the world wlU do. Von will learn everything and information bv simolv writine us a postal. We need a tUiimr Aomnt in every town and. a to make money to suitable young men who apply at 0 PUNCTURE-PROOF 80 rbTlSw Mdi P- ASX BXDINa as eair ridine. vry durable and lined which has been m effect against HaJ. off Vith an H(J vana and other Cuban points icr some time past. This" action was based on a message received from the surgeon general of the marine hos pital service conveying the informa tion that the government had raised the embargo existing at Havana. then attacked Bayless'' wife, fatal?J . n ' Vu-4m 4-Via naaniin I wounding ner. 1 iiimu vuc wtp.. upon his own wife, who was in th house, he struck her several blows inflicting probably Jlntal injuries Bayless . wa arrested ; nd half ar bour later was found dead in his eel having hanged himself. RAILS, TACKS MMTT LET OUT THE AIR ft (CASH WITH ORDER S4.BBS NO MORE TROUBLE FROfl PUNCTURES. r -,.if n( ic vpan; pmenenoe in ore making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. 6erious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can 1 mimImm1 life ativ other tire. - "' . Swmt)-i Thousand fairs ow m jor. w . arAJ. I .11 BivM Tt 1 HWIT aZKl -r .ki.h nmr hrmmM ttorOMS and Vf UUTOl IHUUC'i . . . . . m without alWwing the air to "j" - that their tires Wave onry neeiipunTj - af thrtrd KardBa5 felt when riding on asptaft ?Terlifebv1K tenfSWeav: tread whh prevent .11 air rom 65. " J."rn theirVand Ae roawuorreonafng ail soclxm. yne regular price 01 u wucvuv.. " -r---r -iMv tmnnsMwe ae makine a sneelal ractory pnee 10 ine TT XfiXZZ HltViSrcenT (thereby making the price 0)4. So per pair) tf yon mrrrn PASH WITH OBDEK and enclose this bvertisememt. We will also aeno one 1 !SS bCrat hdI p?m?and two Sampson, metal picture clow, os 1 Pf den rin. rkers to be used m ease of lntenuonai dujcuu ui sf ffUS?etotffSy T-son they arenot -tW ory p. .yliriot this paper about If you order a ."byoraS.o. Wew-tyotoa.auul order at once, hence this remarkable ttreoner. by several layers of thin, speciaUV mewj trial - - - m matm mt write us a ponu nj. mwv w DO NOT WJUT bicycle or a pa'.r of tires from anyone untn yon Vg" TaJZIZk are mfllcinc. Itonlv coats a postal to learn everything- Write IrIWW. IEAC CYCLE COiPMYi Dttt. " 1 L" eHICICC, ILU