folk founts gCents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price. SLOP Per Year in awww. PYT TTWRTTW 1J P TBI'tiSnAY nfYTftRTSW IS Iftftft NO. 24. VOL XIV. if CULUNGS Of NORTH STATE NEWS of Interest Gleaned Prom AH Sections of the State and Arranged ror Busy Headers WAT EH WAY PROJECT FAVOREB 8111(11818' HNL DROP NEWSY GLEANINGS. Second Day of the Great Waterway Conference Addressed By Colonel Bryan and Others. Chicago, Special. Addresses by William J. Bryan and Gilford Pinchot rrviiig a Puzzling Case. Spontaneous Combustion. I the latter being chairman of the na- u feign, Special. A great many Spencer, Special. Upon an official tional conservation commission, the rhlCn l ... i 1 . . nr niffht warn tho foofnrAfl of t.hft fUC- "B00tS .I J X r P, T!'1? ond day of tte con7en7ion of the okto shot his Daramonr at Ision in Spencer last week, when three I T - ven y'81'" I I ijaaes-io-me-uruii xeep aiciwoja , " - n? her home on Carroll si- lives were lost and twentv or more I Amintirm "MV "Rrvan- who snoke Jg QVVl ' I -7 -i ,a southern Dart of this city, employes injured. It is certain that earnestly in favor of deep waterways, PJ' .. . i il. i mA.m, I n.: v.,4. u I not onlv from the lakes to the euli i l. a -j t ri i f l f m i iiiixr i.r i iur r i r vvi. iiiii.iiiiiv 1 1 1. mri.Hi i ti r i me w- he waeu , . , but in all other Darts of the country. ,as shot ana mei x uc construction ot the Dmiaing whicn to. iZLJi Hc.tion ww? flww Aip man TtfTrl contained the explosives, and the ex- ities were needed was an enthusiast!- nosnon i " " LAND WITH BUT SLIGHT INJURY Utching a trial for murder, the Southern Railway, spontaneous HiI1 short addresses by delegates, m . -i Wo th.f mm Vm ef i ic. j u 1 and a big reception at the Coliseum certainly unique here that J combustion is assigned as the cause bnestion . o.l ant omieA - tho ovnlncinn will Tirnh. I no Kr i-anaiva oo xaao W linn m H. OT IS 111 1 . T" . I U1 i i Ti. U Toft- TOrion Via nnpnorl tVlP convention smile nearly an tne time, it is bwj never ue mwhu. xi u me upw- -r - - UM Naval officials at Washington, P. C., took the first step toward pur- .v-t r floo nf nprnnlanes for mill- Aeronauts Experience a Drop tary use. TVa oivtipth anniversary of the Lit- O. TWO Thousand feet tie Church Around the Corner, New Y or K vjliy, was ouaeireu giving services. Philippine officials commenaea Rear-Admiral Sperry's precautions to guard the men of the battle ship fleet m nhniara at Manila. American Balloon Conqueror Bursts ... annpv tne Dr0TinCes at the Height of 4,060 Feet, Prccip- ftf Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it ts iteming the Aeronauts to the Roof believed thai . the or al- of a House in a Berlin Suburb. rfT" More than 2 5 0,0 00 persons marched through the streets of London to Hyde Park, where a resolution con demning the licensing bill was adopted. r tho tfiats ordered was the occasion of a thrilling acci- Dy president Roosevelt, walked from dent, two American aeronauts having Brooklyn to Coney Island, N. Y and a miraculous escape from death. The j hut Brown was by no means a I ion of some that a supply of the ex- u " i ii . i 2ti I I . . .ree nero ana mai mis man u plosives tumbled down inside the emblance to, mm. un tne , iHi . , , . . hftnd it has been said that ' " i . m I riTB !...- U n M O "l nrT nAOTI TI t H T I - v. . IrnffTl I) 1 Ul lie i o uou mvv vi" . ... A i A while-in lail, on the ground tnai theV fen ceriaiu ue was men uxwci , the previous day Mr. Bryan's Address. In addressing the convention ' Mr Bryan said in part : "You cannot give the people too eood facilities for transportation of their merchandise. If you tell Berlin, By Cable. The internation al balloon race which started Sunday from the suburb of Schmargendorf, me American balloon Conqueror, the only American built craft in the contest, having on board A. Holland Forbes and Augustus Post, less than two min utes after the start burst at an alti tude of 4,000 feet. For 2,000 feet it shot down like a bullet, and then the back, a distance of seventeen miles in five hours. The police of the entire country were asked to search for Israel Jans son, an official of a savings bank of Lindesberg, Sweden, who absconded with S23.000. The subway for handling frMght in New York City proposed by Will iam J. Wilgus was opposed by Irving T. Bush on the ground tnat u woum New Corporations. 1 il 1 JJ l. irt nni J VATT T 1 - ' 1 CI 1 mt T 1 - A I ... .1 ' 1 J Hit on tne oiner uanu i nam i naieign, opeciai. xne raaK 01 i you want to improve tne mississippi did not fo to see mm Decause iuey HuUtersville, Mecklenburg county, I tell you that is all right, I will neip hrere convinced ne was ehartere with $10,000 canital. you improve it just as lar as, T 1 1 J 1 4-1 r. n I c " . -i I - . . ;s. , . i i I ri i TRnsriond that nostomce they had lormea an opimuxi tunt , as you please and as aeep as yuu eIrthf however, the basket smashes br doubled in year vou I nrove too costly. torn SUK UttiT assuiucu auop i ... , Vi o Enormous mails were sent on the parachute, thus cheeking the rapidity .fQ4o whir.h sailed from Liver- I1UVC It uo iuv w I ' - i .. - I juoi.i.nx..M. ' - - f . , ! i whs r nar pren w n n i. n cLiiLaj. i . x - . . , i . , i . ii i , , c ... v Lr it i all The lurors were wuetuei ' , I please, and make the canai as wiae oi tne oescem. vAimK '"c pooi, r.ngiauu, ' , c 1 , il i i 1 I I hnilnn ti' J 1 1 n -v -t- f ' O M l had formed an opinion tnat iae a-, vmit, A , . TJrtfc" Hrnmn I I . TTiftof C V A loTonHor onH nthpre I i 1 4- mnrr.v. I . - . V . . ., DU5ine wn m " Finn a s ui was nyjii uuv" jtw.... i v. k . inuwuv,. " " " " i iu i wueu wu kci i ij-uijiv. , . 41 ns hnnca tmr tnp rwn 1 . n .... 1 1 . - . 11 1 iiiiu iuc roui ui """""1 " - - iiTinfr iu new ion: Around the streets there was no end of Huntersville, are the incorporators, mg the Mississippi I will start out an . . Ttrnattonal Congress on Tu nf arenment as to whether the man T, , ... - . , ora. I alone if necessary to improve every - ; . .1. ft "V.. U V.Xr;rwaBhinrton. D. C, ad- was or was not Brown and a number . . river that empties into the Mississip- The race, in which twemy-tnree after going onrecord against of business men who knew Brown merciai business. . Watcr transportation is the nat- balloons participated, representing Dr Koch'g theory that bovine tuber- i ..1. . v. fr-iol woo nnt; h I TVic finnfliAm RfftrtV arA PnrminCT I ..! f,.n....nnrt.itinn flnr! mnilp the . . . -m 1 Viq lnolo la nnr fntnmunicable tO numan saiu nit iiihu uu " - - i - uuumviii -"- o i uuu lAnviiiyva. vvxvu. - i it re at xniaint, x mmc, acnuau,, . vmvra. , ,j . criminal. The most W of North Carolina, Inc., has rivers mar made the .railroads . nn gtates Switzerland, Italy, Bel- SntSTtt. tnre or rne aav was uc recved a charter. The principal nni!sU a tivei BU J Zhoh of the pnsoner himself. He swore . r commerce, or a canal upon wnieo that his name was Willis Wright, and office is at Brevard, Transylvania boatg can flogt make it possible that lie left his home at Ivor, not lar county, ine capital is sLto,yvv au- for a mail W1th small capital to ci while the railroads make it possible from Suffolk. Va., when he was 21 thomed and $3U,U0U subscnoed Dy years old and that he had not been B. G Estes, Charles M. Doyle and there since except to pass through on others, for farming, gardening, fruit a train. The woman who claims to growing, stock raising and general hp his mother swore the same thing, agricultural business, including the Evervbodv admits that the case is not sale of farm supplies. only novel and sensational in the ex treme but also very puzzling and nev er were witnesses more at cross-purposes than in this matter of identifi cation of the man. for men with large capital to act. Where there is a river any man who can build a boat can engage in trans nortation. and if he canmot build a big boat be can build a little boat and if you have a large number of little boats the big boat will have to meet gium and Spain, started at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the presence of at least 80,000 spectators. The first balloon sent away 4as the "Ameri- FBMIN1NE NKWS NOTES. Mrs. Norman B. Mack, of Buffalo, N. Y.. confessed that she would like to vote. Viscountess Moles worth started a lam factory on her estate near Mins-ter-on-Sea, England. In the Luxembourg Gallery, in Paris, the works of only two women sculptors are represented. Mrs. lsabelle Van Cleaf was killed and her sun, a broker, was hurt in a runaway in New York City. Dr. Cortlandt Meyers issued aft edict against the wearing of hats by women in the Baptist Temple. iirooJt lyn, N. Y. Mrs. Hetty Green, weary of hotel life, went to Hobo . en, N. J., and. tried to lease her old fiat there. She found it occupied. Bernard College girls are instruct ed on the subject of equal suffrage by a course of lectures giving botli sides of the question. Mary Johnson, a Canadian woman, hn. had dressed and lived as a man- for fifteen years, was lorced to dis close her sex at Ellis Island, N. Y. Mme. Marcelle Tinayre, author ot "La Rebelle" and "La Maisou du Peche," is among the recently elected chevaliers of the Legion of Honor. Over $30,000,000 was given by women to philanthropy in the last year. Mrs. Ru3sell Sage gave more than any other one person, with the single exception of John D. Rocke feller. Miss Esther V. Hassan, one of the best known nursss in the East, has been appointed chief hospital nurse of the proposed corps of women uurse3 to be organized by the Navy Department at Washington, D. t Miss Ruth H. Northrop, of Nor wich Conn., has won the scholarship offered by the iorwicn An biuuwhs Association. The work she suDinittea tonsisted of three groups of animals ted figures modeled in clay irom uie, Two Grades Eliminated. New Orleans, Special Directors of the New Orleans cotton exchange an Serious Shooting Affray. N. Gins Not Protected. Raleigh, Special-It was learned the rate that the Uttle b,at fi You M . 1 1 1 Will UUU It lilUUU COOK! vvr from a very widely known insurance rateg Qn water than on land beeause man that insurance companies are not competition can be much more active liable for the burning of gins by Gn water than on land. We are an . . . . . . - I . . . ttt i rt Qrrr, i er iini- Special.-A night-nders or that sort ot gentry MgT tJV0Tgn marie s, balloon in succession at intervals of try farm of who Are. classed aa rioters, a special uri Pr "ctV?.f0r w nnt. the national hvmn of the ca II, " under command of James C nQunced that they had eliminated" low McCoy, who was accompanied oy middlinK stained and strict low mid- Lieutenant Voghmami. ine Danoou stained from the list of tender was decorated with the Stars and aDu CTades. So mneh discussion re- Clrinao on1 if CD iUil awav to the united from the chanare that the direc o o ce. the oero- tors have called a special meeting of A SUM IN ADDITION. "Pa" boo-hooed the chastised son,, "tf I'bad let" Willie Simmonds lick me, instead of me licking him, would you've whipped me just the same? "Yes- but remember that in suca a case you would be getting two lick ings in plic of one." Judge. nauts waving their fiats. Dramatic Occasion. A representative of each of the oh- er nations followed the American the members of the exchange for next Monday to get their opinion on the matter. Washington, N. C, sficorinar anray on we aairy it"" m - - , - TOu--f nr nnt cort S. Femin, about one mile from this clause in all policies referring to this i.Ao4,tl th t ondon market its price is countries rineirie forth as city, early Friday morning came very matter. The insurance man went on fixed there Dy the competition which cast looge nearly resulting in a murder for one to say that gin owners who are count- it meets. If a bushel of wheat m sccond batch of eight balloons ployed on the farm, by -name ot VVH- Thig .g a yery fjdr London the farmer gets fifty cents a which reached a hierh nititud m an liam Haddock and John Williams, be- warning to the people to protect their bushel for his wheat. If you can so irf.ltdjDiy short period, .he basket came involved in an altercation over ng ftnd to eet any night-riders improve transportation that the far- . Tben ' almost in- a hog, and Haddock went to; his resi- witfa their own weapons in effect; that mer can get his wheat from his farm -3" J dence nearby, returned with ashot- ia. to nse buiiets and shot aeainst fire- to Li veroool for twenty-five cents you stantly a cry of horror arose irom gun and fired two loads of No. 8 sfiM bratlds. This is very plain 'advice. have added twenty-five cents to ttie the crowd, who .raw the svk ouap into Williams' Dreast. it seems mai j farmers price for this wheat, it is Waterworks for Lenoir. a fact that is admitted that the rail- Lenoir. SDecial. At a special meet- road cannot carry freight as cheaply intr of the town council last week the as the boat can, and thereiore every contracts were awarded for installing farmer is interested in estamihuiuK a wnerever tViprp was had blood existme be tween the two for some time and this was the final outcome. Williams fell in his tracks and other parties noti fied Sheriff Ricks of the shooting. ST Haddock on the , nEd U water and sewer system in Lenoir ter communication wher The Sheriff met Haddock on the road suecessful bidder was Guild & communication is possible Co., of Chattanooga, Tenn. The two Believer m Waterways. il l . i systems will cost approximately tfj believe in improving the waier- I v,,.rVi f Vio piavAlnnn. rreat ra'- tuc waterwavs are the rivers mat cu r' r.T , 1 : to town and arrested him, bringing Aim to this city, where he was given a preliminary hearing before Justice of the Peace A. Mayo, where he waived all the evidence and pleaded jruilty to assault with a dangerous weapon. He was bound over to next term of court and remanded to jail. and shouted: '-" he balloon z ripping r.p." The thousands who had gathered there stood fo.' a moment petrified, borne turned away fainting, as they saw the balloon faljing with light ning rapidity. At the same time, of sand and appurtenance? of the balloon shot downward with Villfc I , - J 1 1.4 .,.c . . a " tii i . r i i a n uu iu ir vvcin $60,000. The contract for a 500,000,- everywhere, no matter whetner spw t-ha I . 4-U mnavo 1 hnT. I COAn in rflllVIl IMC CISCVM.'V, iv. servoir was iucu these waterways are iuc "oiD "x " . i. ' ;v, Piedmont Construction Company, At- down the m0Un!ainsides into the ged edges ot tne sujl suuwiur uu For Supplemental libraries. Raleigh. Special. The State Super mtendent of Public Instruction is sending cards of notification to the various counties, showing how many oriirinal and supplementary' rural school libraries each is entitled to. In addition to what they have received out of the appropriation for 190. -OS They must apply before November 30th. There are now 1,925 libraries Each countv is entitled to six orig inal and six supplementary libraries each two vears. Every county has now Home of these libraries, though some counties have very few. ; ' i i LI li Vivr " " nntfl- tnr the va ves ana nvarani3 io arA ho wpst or tne waveiwayo C1 iuC. , . , - ine Fairbanks Company, Baltimore, conve in the Mississippi vaU "They are MUedg went j and for the piping to the uimmicK x and carry their floods to tne ea "TZZELZZ 0v done I believe that it is the duty oi tnose shortly a ; - TiMM Kills Wife and Suicides. York, Pa., Special William Ben nington shot and killed his wife and then committed suicide. Bennington followed his wife to a church with a horse and buggy and fired a load oi shot into her body just as she was about to enter the church. He ther drove across the State line into Maiy lnnrl where he reloaded the shot nn placed the barrel asainst his stomael 0j ,1W1 the trisreer. The crime - - , - ,! is said to have been promptea u.y 3 ousy. Fire Threatens White House Stables. Washington, Special. Fire of un known origin was discovered in the loft of the White House stables about 8:30 o'clock Sunday morning, causing fifteen dollars damage. But for the prompt work of the stable keeper aud his assistant the building, in which are boused several of the President's thoroughbreds, would have been de troved. The stables are at Seven teenth and E streets, some distance from the White House. m hjw-1 . awn- nurniEsI ipe Company, Birmingham cCreary & C lected for the city engineers J. J. if n 11. n Afiofo worn ao. 1 . , kin. xi. v..;c.a nf crnvpm- I annpared to take, nrst, a mcreary m . - chargea wimw. ZZZ A w transformed into W. 0. T. V. in Sesrion at Eeldaville. If the work should be done, and I I net and the progress oi ine tou . -, 11 xi -r-rr . i ka iAAi 'i w Piinsiciri mil v a i i v. u i v i . 1 11 ... -Mirororilv QTT"PSt" . -i mi ri i ri' i iv k i i i ii i. , r- h An in ti viiii ucu- i uaiiuuu " v vl . - Keidsvine, ispeciai. iu i"" i Deueva mi ni:uu1"' r, i I , 0iar;anfi lnwer mean- Carolina Woznan Christian Temper- p,e ,ho helieve it J W tZ SSSS ance Union opened us iwenty-aiAwxi snouia agree uyun tu I. .rA finnllv disappeared annual convention in the Main Street by which to do it. But I repeat that the south-east and Methodist church Wednesday night, yJu must not be frightened because n"trow" and the convention wiU hold three it my require an invesuiiiu ru. BnffiW minutes later , . o..j. i-iit It oii .ov resolved that terrible. tJut a lew minuies iicx daily sessions, uum ouuuoj "6" i uoms iook . . 1 . . , wftH received mi. - nnt;r, ttto o n-roeidpd over bv ?innnnn nnn snent m improving tne a telepnone me&K . 5, , X lie lliCCllllg ' Jf A --- I iK"vv,"7 r . , Are a Necessity I in the Country ) Homo. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station," the more the telephone will save in time and horse ilesh. No man has a rieht to compel one of the family to lie in asrony ior nours wnue ne drives to town for the doctor. Tel-1 ephone and save half the suffering, Our r ree Book tells now to or Denize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadli, Ohio. State News in Brief. Federal Court convenes at Newbern TMnnriax- OotnKor 9.fith. There is a lare number of cases on the docket, many of which are blind tige cases. The oyster supply at Newbern just now is practically nothing. Very few oysters have been brought in to that market and they have brought a high price. The retail price at present is from 40 to 50 cents a quart. i UlamKuvwu. j . A-iOA ArtA AAA a VTAflT I lnnne WATO RPTlt lltt. alter a UJ iromerv in gracious terms weicomea amounting to $iou.uuv,vWv 7 i , "I T 4? ,v,A aoolamt the convention to Reidsville. Why, my friends, if it only saved lay, without further accident. $50m000 f year 1. TJoes. Rcnrisals by Servia, per cent, interest on teprisu-is ay 1 f , , , should be I . til o 4ol :A vt.p- . . ... 1 ucueve niou m t"- . Montgomery, ai., opcuai. - Tiena, By Cable.-Servia is retail- commenced now. I believe tha t i JJJ Tuscaloosa, Ala., says: A ating for Austria's occupation of the houid be a compreh e-an, hat e roads and bridges on the Bossnian jerf and e by border ,where Austria is yet unpie- lft the foundationer the future persons a band of horsemen al- pared to offer resistance. Lieutenant 0f this country, in the leged to have been organized with the Field Marshall Oscar Potiorsk has 5evelopment of these natural re- intention f driving the negroes out been appaomtea commuuuci ui sources, these (iod-given waici wuxo- Q tne community, are sam w u. of ours." HTM nm WS8 1 ILL IT WILL tOST Y00 r sicr FREE HICYCLK cataloftue I BBIOW any other manufacturer or dealer m ine wotio. 1 CENTI A DO MOT BUY A BKS YGLE p& bicvcles. old patterns and latest models, and learn ot our remancaDW k mm , bicycles, 01a paixems anu lihi. k- viiinr from factonr PRICKS and wonaenni new uucm o direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. . . , wsMidis: otnirnhweiOT Se L tle worlldrS wUl learn everything and get much vain aWe formation by ainaply wriimg us a postaL - "m nii.rtfr We need a Mtof Aamnt in evtowa land canojer an opportunity fn maVf monev to soiiaDie youiig -rrj M PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES ? " X f PES PAli .80 Yet Another Victim Dies. Salisbury, Special. W. Fletcher Stafford, who was fatally hurt in the powder magazine explosion at Spen cer last week, died at a hospital here Friday from the effects of his inju ries, which resulted in blood poison, this being the fourth death among the victims of the accident. He was frightfully torn bv the flying dehris from the magazine, his body being pierced in several hundred places. Mr. Stafford was 33 years old and is survived by a wife, two children, three brothers and two sisters. The interment will be at Graham, Ala- Austrian army. Items of State Interest. .v Mr. Q. W. Garrow, of Valdese, Burke county, has succeeded Mr. R. Russia Getting Her Fleet Ready. St. Petersburg, By Cable. Fearful w aw intends to take advan- L. Poplin, Ugr. 'JSTmiUwi the cjmmtotHm in Servia to of ti Stateaviae Kmting JGJL Mfe . .... . . f allannexa- ftnrrow has been employed Dy tne 1 ueai mWv 2?V2 ;V Die Company. Hon of Servia-the Czar has ordered of Franrim r aus, " 1 the moDiiizawou ui. experienced mill man. I flftt. Russia still insists upon an in- Mr. H. L. Bush, of Newport News, I ternational conference to completely Va.. has become manager of the Pos- . th treaty, while the tal. Telegraph Company at Newbern fr0m England is that she ton. D. C, where ne wui do con-1 that oniy cxibvuhs nected with the postal. 1 consiuereu. set fire to the church and hall. To Increase Bank Examinations, Washington Special. Comptroller of the Currency Murray has fco increase the number of national bank examinations, in many cases twice to three or four times a Tt im not his purpose, he says, to examine all national banks four or even three times a year, but the new rule will be made to apply to all national banks that have in the oast shown a disposition to violate r Z " 4 f 1iq ' rsn fMottoe the tnUfcrabbfrtwajg "A" and ponetuae aMpa and "D," also rtaa atry to prevent rim cutting. TM viu a Samalo I P wwdnt let Pair for Ony out the air IT (cash with onogft tA.0s) NO MORE TROUBLE FROB PUNCTURES. 1 a. - trnarc pytipi inn r: 111 lia w TIFFINS. NAILSf TACKSor CLAS& Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any ther tare. Two Himtres Theasaod pairs nowta actaal use. Over k. TkAiisand nair Sold ISSt VSar. W ww " -T . ,t ic bwW and easy riding, very durable and Used -ak ntrSCRlPTWMi Made in all sizes. Jy ftnd Jhich closes up small punctut with a siecai.quaury 01 - have hundreds of letters from satisneO customers without aiwwiag me rrrr-Ar,onceor twiceiar wholese-oo. mcy KASY BIDINGk that their tires TrxUtim Qualities being s me by tne pie rrr iven by sereral layers fKKWi per pair. All Yon do not pay a ccqi . . . - fcaial nrnnn and ? -1 n Cnifd In ease of PRXni if for any reason they oraers OBDU' eTeomhgsncJereg TSSeV is re3ve3rwe sWpCOon of thin, specially .riding on asphalt aU sir from bring 'the rider found them strictly ai (thereby makmg the pnee van order a airOi. last longer and look I nnASrrra.BRAKES. Sh&j tion J b.nk4 1 or the iatatim MOT WMT jJjiSS tuSiweu eawilY DaoL J Ln SHHMO, lkl ; in the line are 1 SUMDB1 today. DO M prescribed y the ComptroUe Currency. nance county. mi

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