I il .SOPHIA 'KTTTLESEN HEALTH VERY POOR RESTORED BY PE-RU-NA. Catarrh Twenty-five Years Had a Bad Cough. Miss Sophia Kittlcsen, Evanston, HI., writes: I have been troubled with catarrh for nearly twenty-five years and have tried many cures for it, but obtained very littk help. ' "Then rav brother advised me to try Peruna, and I did. 44 My health was very poor at the time I began taking Peruna. My throat was very sore and I had a bad eough. "Peruna ha cured me. The chronic catarrh is gone and my health is very much improved. "I recommend Peruna to all my friends who are troubled as I was." PER JNA TABLETS : Some people pre- form. Such people can obtain Peruna tab- i lets, which represent the medicinal ingre dients of Peruna. Each tablet equals one average dose of Peruna. Man-a-Iin the Ideal Laxative. Ask your Druggist for a Free Pe runa Almanac for 1900. Peruna is sold by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. GASHiYOURFU no matter where you are. if you trap or bay i ur wnw 10-aay lot our new pum to paw ex golff Si CORRTHIDEAFBiCO.XOWT,l OFFICIAL STATE VOTE )CL ASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS) ASIXTIJgAjrrP FOB OOOD yiQQK A7 ANTED. AGEI-.TS to sell oar New Book. " Home Doctor, or Royal Road to Health and Happiness." Best commission offered. C.H.ROBINSON A CO .Charlotte.N.O. 'XKEH P1LBI BT ABBOBPTIOH IpKEE RED CROSS PILE & KISTULA CURB and book by mall prepaid. REA CO., Dept. B-4, Minneapolis, Minn. When will is right, law is ban ished. Danish. Hicks Capudine Cures Women Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness, and Headache. It's Liquid. Effects imme diately. Prescribed by physicians with beat jfssults. 10c.. 25c., and 50c.. at drag stores. A dog's friendship is better than l"his hate. Welsh. JTo Driye Oct Malaria and Build Up ih: System " Take the Oid Standard Grove's Tastx less Cuiix Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui nine and Iron in a tasteless form, auu the most effectual form. For growv people and children. 50c A pleasant thing never comes too soon. Danish. KEEP YCtZL ZHIV HEALTHY. Tsttebine has done wonders for suffer era from eosema, tettur. ground itch, ery sipelas, Infant sort 1, chaps, ehafes and other forms of skin diseases. In aggravat ed oases of eczema its cures have been mar velous and thousands of people sing Its J raiser . 50c. at druggists or by mail from .T. Bhuptwnk. Dent. A, Savannah, Oa. Some people give you a good handshake, and others forget to add the hand. So. 49-'OS. VSe Buy Hides and Wool Feathers, Tallow, Beeswax, Ginseng, Golden Seal, (Yellow Root). May Apple, Wild Ginger, etc We are dealers ; established in 1856"Ow half a century in Lotisville" and can do bettor (or you than agents or commission merchants. Reference, any Bank in Louisville. Wrist for weekly price list and shipping tags. M. Sabel & Sons, 227 E. Market St. LOUISVILLE, KY. W. Li. Dona-las makes and sells more men's S3.00 and 88.50 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world, be cause they hold their shape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make. Shoes at Ail Prices, for Every Member of the Family, Men, Boys, Women, Mieses & Children W.L. Douglas $ i . 00 and SO . 00 GUt Bdgs Shoes cannot bs saeaUsd at any pries, W. L. Douglas $2 .60 ani $2 .00 shoes are th best tn the world Fait Color Eyelet Vood Exolusivdy. OS-Take Ku Mtibatltut. V. L. Douelv name ami price is stamped on bottom. 8oM everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to aw W. U 1 Canvass by Election Board Shows That Kitchin's Vote For Governor Was 145,102 and Cox's 107,760. Halejgb, Special. The state board of elections finds the official canvass of the vote for Governor gives Kit chin, Democrat, a majority of 37,342 over Cox, Republican, the vote being 145,102 for Kitchin and 107,760 for Cox. The majority of Governor Glenn, Democrat, four years ago was 49,256. Then the Democratic vote was 128,761, against 79,505 for Har ris, Glenn's Republican opponent. The vote in the recent election for other State officers thus far canvass ed shows; Lieutenant Governor Newland, Democrat, 145,147; Toms, Republican, 107,851. Secretary of State Grimes, Democrat, 145,268; Thompson, Republican, 107,848. State Auditor Dixon, Democrat, 145,960; Wood, Republican, 107,S4S. The vote by counties follows: Counties. K i tchin Alamance . ... 2220 Alexander 793 Alleghany 643 Anson 1538 Ashe 1700 Beaufort.. .. 1914 Bertie 1328 Bladen 1213 Brunswick . . 671 Buncombe 3629 Burke.. 1353 SEEMED WORSE EVERY DAT. Cabarrus. . Caldwell .. Camden . . . Carteret.. . Caswell.. .. Catawba . . Chatham . . Cherokee . . Chowan . . . Clay Cleveland . . Cclumbus. . Craven . . Cumbeiland, Currituck. . Dare . . .... 1616 .... 1467 .. .. 405 1173 .. 87S .... 1961 .... 1594 .... 823 .. .. 658 .. .. 348 .... 2394 .. .. 2056 .... 1520 .. .. 2014 .... 721 .... 443 Davidson 2231 Davie 802 Duplin 1642 t)u:tr.m 1962 Edgecombe Forsvth 2G53 Franklin..- 2093 Gaston 256) Gates 750 Graham. 422 Granville 1743 Greene 915 Guilford.. 3948 Halifax 2285 Hr.rnett 155 Haywood 1483 Henderson . . 978 Hertford .' S80 Hyde 706 Iredell 2533 Jackson. . . . , 1928 Johnston 2816 Jones 631 Lee.. 012 Lenoir ... .. 1490 Lincoln 1286 Macon 940 Madison 878 Martin 1385 McDowell 973 Mecklenburg 4233 Mitchell 575 Montgomery . . , 1047 Moore.. .. 1219 Nash.... .. 1848 New Hanover 2110 Northampton 1691 Onslow. . . . 988 Orange.. 1077 Pamlico 671 Pasquotank. 1048 Pender 1019 uiznans.. 598 Pcr-on 890 Pitt.... .. 2500 Polk .. .... 536 Randolph 2546 Richmond . . 1106 Robeson 3005 Rockingham 2059 Rowan . . 2039 Rutherford. .. .. .. 2719 Sampson 2011 Scotland '. 752 Stanly 1537 i 1123 . .... 1820 614 600 e 3c)7 2036 1187 4149 U .. 1171 534 . 998 2274 1599 .. .. 1905 Cox 2150 1076 541 263 1701 1209 274 597 '774 3434 1315 1511 1685 141 998 323 2012 1428 1273 176 318 1452 A Dangerous Case of Kidney Trouble and How It Was Checked. Mrs. Lucy Quebock, Mechanic St, Hope Valley, R. I., says: Elght years ago I contract ed severe kidney trouble and my back began to ache con tinually. Every day it seemed j worse. The least pressure on my back brtured me, and 1 could not stoop without a bad twinge. The! kidney secretions passed irregularly with pain, and I bloated badly. My bend swam and spots flitted before my eyes. One doctor said 1 was incurable. However, I found prompt relief when I started using Doan's Kidney Pills, and the troubles I have related grad ually disappeared." Sold by all dealers. 50c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Experience purchased by suffering teaches wisdom. Latin. J f Hicks' Capudine Curea Mend the. Whether firm colds, heat, stomach or nervous troubles. No Accetanilid or dan gerous drug. It's liquid and acta imme diately. Trial bottle 10c. Regular sixes 25c aad 60c. at all druggist. A handful of might is bettor than a sackful of right. German. ; Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Srrub for Children . t I f. .1 T . tiim. allays iauli, cures viud colic. 23c a butlle But for the mistakes made by great men, history would be awfully unin teresting. I r 9100 Reward, flOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh . Hall's Catarrh Cure is the onl v positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con- fitilnlinnal idiuMdS ranitiMtJ jsrthSf ttatf inFlJsJ VIVMVUIII ViltTVfSO , VHC U SSFJSSSBBVSJ fSBSSi wm BJ I 1192 ( treatment. Uall'sCstSirheireisUlcefl inter nal , acting (.iret'iiy upon me uioou anu mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send tor list of testimonials. Address F. J. Ciib.xry & Co., Toledo, O. Sold hr Drucm!. 75c. Take Ball's Family Fills tor constipation. 340 1250 49 354 2481 1163 1139 1C93 392 2732 4S2 3820 278 461 592 504 2901 276 3012 1253 1487 200 I It Covers the Old Dominion. HAD BAD ITCHING HUMOR. The Times-Dispatch, of Richmond, is well night indespensable to all Virginians who desire to keep ! them selves posted concerning the: hap penings of both the State and the nation. With every faciliity for lathering the news while it is fresh, and then serving it in a dis criminating manner, The Times-Dispatch keeps its readers in touch with J the news of the day in a manner that is uusui pusseu. cesiaes giving tne news, this splendid daily has an ably onducted editorial department' to which its readers look for fair ahd im partial comments on the issues of the day. It contains also much mat- rer oi interest to each member of the household. Its circulation, while covering the entire State, is also na tional in scope. The subscription price of the Times-Dispatch i$ re markably low when the character of she paper is taken into consideration. the coming season will be crowded with incidents to make just such a taily almost a household necessity in ?verv well-ordered and intelligent family. Those desiring to keep post- d can do no better than subscribe for and read this great journal. 1746 1073 2596 272 501 896 1180 1017 2001 360 9S4 1385 1797 1047 976 1222 283 121 559 1014 478 265 2'A 427 847 811 594 Pert Paragraphs. Kindness and courtesy need jelbow room -and are smothered to death in crowd. . '" The girl who spends her time mak- ng angel cake and potato salad m- 2647 I tead of castles in Spain will df bet- nii I . . 1.1 1 i i Stokes . , . . Surry Swain .... , Transylvania Tyrrell.. .. Union Vance .... vVftk Warren ...... . Washington Watauga .... Wayne Wilkes. ... Wilson . . Yadkin - 718 Yancey.. .. .. .. .. 1002 366 1115 1,883 1728 1739 2423 47 1630 167 2781 902 579 345 701 578 2585 191 526 1279 1450 3331 1831 1649 912 'er execution in after years. LIVING ADVERTISEMENT. Glow of Health Speaks For Post urn. Total. . ,145102 107760 Farmers Year Book. The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company has issued a handsome Farmers Year Book that does im mense credit to the enterprise of that progressive corporation. The Year Book contains a vast fund of valu able information that will interest and mstruet every farmer. It is not a mass of advertisements of the pro ducts of the company nor yet a lot of testimonials but it contains really indispensable information. The out put of the Virginia Carolina Com pany, with headquarters at Richmond, Virginia, is too well and favorably known throughout the country to need much in the way of advertising, so the annual is more in the nature of a handbook of useful information. and can be had free of charge by addressing the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company Richmond. Va. Every live farmer should get a copy. It requires no scientific training to discover whether coffee disagrees or not. . ! Simply stop It for a time and use Postum in place of it, then note the beneficial effects: The truth will ep- year. . i "Six years agb I was In a very bad condition," writes a Tenn. lady, "I suffered from, indigestion, nefvous- j i ' :ics3 ana insomnia. j "I was then an inveterate coffee drinker, but it was long before I could be persuaded that it was coffee that hurt me. Finally 1 decided to leave . w v. u v-. uu;a uuu uuu UUl UJf 'ruth. I "The first morning I left off feoffee ( had a raging headache, so I decided I must have something to take the olace of coffee." (The headache was caused -by the reaction of the coffee Irug caffeine). - 1 "Having heard of Postum through a friend who used it, I bought a pack age and tried it. I did not Ilka it at arst. but after I learned how to make it right, according to directions on pkg., I would not change back to cof fee for anything. "When I began to use Postum weighed only 117 lbs. Now 1 weigh 170, and as I have not taken any tonic in that time 1 can only attribute my recovery of good health to the use or Postum in place of coffee. "My husband says I am a living ad vernsement for Postum. I am-glad to be the means of inducing my many iriends to use Postum, too." Name given by Postum Co., fiattle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Well vllle," In pkgs. "There's aRea :on." nrver reaa tlio above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true and full of hu man interest. LJmbs Below the Knees Were Hat Feet Swollen Sleep BroKen Cured In 2 Days by Cnticura . -Seme two months ago I had a humor break out on my limbs below my knees. They came to look like raw beefsteak, alt red, and no crie knows how they itched and burned. They were so swollen that I could not get my shoes on for a week er. more. I used five or six different remedies and got no help, only whsn applying them the burning was worse and the itching less. For two or three weeks the suffering was intense and during that , time I did not sleep an hour at a time. Then one morn ing I tried a bit of Cuticura. Prom hc moment it toushed me the itching was gone and I have not felt a bit of it since. The swelling went down snd in "two days I had my shoes on and was about as usual. Georfr B. Farlev, 50 outh State St., Con cord, N. II., May 14, 1907." The squirrel slaughter W Russia amounts to 25,000,000 a year. ANTIDOTK KOE SKIN DISKASKS That's what Timiisi is; and it is more. It is an absolute oar for eczema, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and a I other itching eutaneous diseases. In aggravated oases of these afflictions its earns have been ohe nomecal. It gives instant relief and effects permanent cares. 5 )o. at druggists or by mall from J. V. finer raws, Dept. A, 6a veauubh, On. Corruption wins not honesty. Shakespeare. more than Itch cured in 3D minute by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. Envy sets the stronger, seal on de sert. Ben Jonson. This woman says that sick women should not fail to try luydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as she did. Mrs. A. Gregory, of 2355 Lawrence St., Denver, OoL, writes to Mrs. Pinkhaxn: " I waa practically an invalid for six ears, on account of female troubles, underwent an operation by the ioctor'a advice, but in a few months I was worse than before. A friend ad vised Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Jompound and it restored me to perfect health, 'such as I have not enjoyed in many years. Any woman suffering as i did with backache, bearing-down pains, and periodic pains, should not fail to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Jompound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink aam's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands oi women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it K Mrs. Pink ham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. MJ&P Dr. Wlin fteratton wtki 'rue sianuaru ttemeuy. WUIVICnl AT DBUOOI8T3. sseuU lor book. "Iteliel tor Women." FRENCH DRUG CO., 30 W. 32a St., N. Y. City. Nothing New or Mysterious. "ASK YOUR GRAND MOTHfeR." For many generations Qooite Urease no- been recognised a a irondrfnl remedial median In treating and curing Pneumonia. Grippe, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. RICE'S QOOsl GREASE LINIMENT is mads from pure noose grease, with, other, raiua&le ouratlve ingre dients added. Try it. 5o At all -Druggists and Dealer 25o. GREENSBORO. WE GREASE COMPANT, Every writes Mrs. E., Founder of Lake Cbari t I last I took Cardui, and now I feel good all r It Will Help You Oardul is a medicine that has been found t upon tne cause oi most women's pains, strengJ, UW . T VIIIWIIIJ QH.U.Oy t licit SHffl W am mm mm m Jftm. nmmmm n a1. m m T mm Wmmmm MM m, '. M m t X 1 m It is not a nam "Hiuer." but a j perfectly hansss.and recommended for all siot; moUf VU s7 UUXijj. xijr vtuuui. VYOmeil S AT ALL DRUG ST0KS3 nc r X. WAIKMSME WINONA. MINNESOTA Mnke 79 Oltteront Artlelc-i Konuhoid 8,771 Ktmtm all Kind., Toilet freratio.., riTTt H BEST PROPOSITION Eve 0Zq i ' FOR MEN Many people crowd their feet into shJ in an attempt to make their, feet fit the shoal Don't choke your feet in that way : wear SKREEMEill I bey at your feet. Look for the label, and, if you i find tneje sboes readily, write the makers for directions how to secure them. FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass For Sprains m wswl .: -mi. i Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for spr and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to i tenderest Dart, without hnrfinor Hvaii;eit doesntne to be rubbed all you have to do is to lay it ngntly. it is a powerful preparation and peneiraw instantly relieves any inflammation and congestion and reduces the swelling. Easy Road. A fellow has to work like sin ' And never stoo for olav : To get a hero medal in The regulation wav. So round the pawnshop door I" wait And get one at a bargain rate. Sloan's iiinimen is an excellent -antiseDtic and i,;n A.lliV.1 ltUO LUIS, UUHIO, V w v.- contusions, and will draw the po1 from sting of poisonous insects Price, k, ttec, and $1.00. Dr. Earl S.Sloan, Boston, Mass., U Sitfeji's book on bones, cuttle, sheep anl ponltrj B.B Cures Through the Elood Pimples, Itching Humors, RheumatisrnTBt D r wioviij bjrjuia, Done ruiin. r .wB w? L- B?nic BUodBalm) Id ihe only lood remedy that kills tne vc isoT,1 the blood and then purifies it sen dins a flood of pure, rich blood dhect to The sartaee, Bones, Joints, snd whererer the disessa Ts located. In this vuv m Ulcere, Pimnles. Ernntions are hAlHnnH ivhm.i ,. ,,r hit CfllM. lv llnm anhaM. T T T 1 . ; .1... condition, pivinp the skin the rich worst old cases. Try it Sl ODncr " uume cure. S-niJt'L.i . h.,.!tb.'Vi .red fane of per feet health. B. B.B ciuh V Urce bottle at all lrnfr S'ore? with h !';:'' ( ujr nituui Mnjjij atimmum v. . PUTNAM FADELESS D 'Yj WUOr more OOOai Mirhtr and foliar nnlnn f hn.. n . , . n n V 1 1 oan dye an? saraisot wlthat Trii TT" ttm'ZXJl J7 Pkags colorj all nber. They dye in cold water better t" luCf. : ww w ljjo, DMtwoix aau mx totora. Ji u ' it. u i- 1 Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite Tbe Old Standard GLOVE'S TASTEISS CB1U. TONIC, drrm out Malaria and builds P stem. You know what von an tolr no- Tv,, vi.. . . ui ?how " m a ut&teiess, ana me most enectual form. For adults and cj 80. 49-'08. CURED 61 vet Quick Rem ore sll swelllns? in 8 to as days ; effects permanent curs mjoio ooQin. Trial treatment et iree. Notmnj can fee fairer Write Dr. H. H. firsea's ftass. Dropsy I HE CO-OrtKATll nimril A SlMl iu Of Washington, D free of charge It 1 zjtt and slve you attention a-iven to ordon. loj ptirchase anything aiiv CO OPERATIVE PIK' SotskJists. Box B AUsnU.0f 621 ista SU, .

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