H 'Pftk f omnia Sfetog. 1 -jhreents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE WALL TWMCS. Subscription Price, $1.00 er Yr In Advance. VOL XIV. MESSAGE IN BRIEF Substance of the President's Recommendations jo THE PRESENT CONGRESS Ike Fresident Makes Maty Bec ommendations to (tongress Con cerning the Country's Heads in the UTay of Legislation. . The message of President Roose velt to the second session of the civtu'ih Congress as read in both bouses was in substance as follows; To the Senate and Jlouse of Repre sentatives: The financial standing of the Na tion at the present time is excellent, and the financial management of the Nation's interests by the Government durinir the last seven years has shown the most satifactory results But our currency system is imper fect, and it is earnestly to be hoped that the Currency Commission will be able to propose a thoroughly good system winch will do away with the existing defects During the period from Juajt"! 1901, to September 30, 1908, there was an increase in the amount of monney in circulation of $902,091, 399. The increase in the per capita curing this period was $7.06. Within this time there were several occa sions when it was necessary for the Treasury Department to come to the relief of the money market by pur chase or redemptions of United States bonds; by increasing deposits in national banks ; by stimulating additional issues of national bank notes, and by facilitating importa tions from abroad of gold. Our im perfect currency system has made these proceedings necessary, and they were effective until the monetary disturbances in the fall of 1907 im mensely increased the difficulty o ordinary methods of relief. By the middle of November the available working balance in the Treasury had been reduce to approximately $5, 00.000. Clearing house associations .thorughout the country had been obliged to resort to the expedient of issuing clearing house eertifieatea to be used as money. In this emergency it was determined to invite sUtb scriptions for $50,000,000 Panama Canal bonds, and $100,000,000 three per cent certificates of indebtedness authorized by the act of June 13, 189S. It was proposed to re-deposit an the national banks the proceeds of these issues, and to permit their ;ose as a basis for additional circulat ing notes of national banks. The moral effect of this procedure was so great that it was necessary to issue only $24,631,980 of the Panama Canal bonds and $15,436,500 of the certificates of indebtedness. Continuing on the subject of fi nances, the hope is expressed that the currency Commission may report a iree-asure that will meet fully the needs 'of the country. In the matter of corporations, the President uses this significant ian- guage: ''As regards the great corporations engaged in interstate business, and especially the railroads, I can only repeat what I have already again and ae-ain said in mv messnsres to o T'oaoTegS. i believe that under I the interstate clause of the Consti- tut ion the TTnit.pd States has com- ph-tp and D3ramount ricrht to control I all agencies of interstate commerce, Mi i ueueve mat tne jNauonai wov- M ' r ' . I M 1 - I I.,, . r - i NMsuom ana errecuveness so as 1 l,"n to secure lustice from. an1 to justice to, the erreat corporations ""mi are tne mosi important lacvuro in modern business. l oeueve inai u is worse than follv to nttemot to Prohibit all combinations as is done the Sherman anti-trust, because such a law can be enforced only im- P' l teotlv and unenuallv. and its en- hardship as good. I strongly advocate that instead of nn unwise effort to pre ibit all combinations, there shall . e snhstitntoi a ioTO tV,;u cV.nl! P - "ll,M-Vl C ia TT TTlllVIl uijma. . which arc , " " - ,t- 'n the interest of the nnblic, but at the same time give to some iiov of tho XTo nol fiAnnramont ower of control and supervision er 'hem. One of the hief features of this control should be securing "hg publicity in all matters which pnt Or mil a ctnn t-. r.rw eAMVI 4 pubhc has a right to know, and represeniea a course ox poucy wmcu. the handg of GoilfSKiaBt. gome changes tiulhermore, the power, not by judi- if carried out, would mean the en-j are advised in- the Ugt of recent ex but by executive action, to pre- thronement of class privilege in it j perienegg. ,The highest efficiency pos- Troper favoritism or other wrong- Qomg. is very earnestly to be wished u,at our people, through their rep- lsentatives, should act in this mat- V r It is hard to say whether most Ilanage to the country at large would ffirrw. . .t w.. or from the exercise of the necessary ! governmental power in a way which would do injustice and wrong to the coiporationsT Both th eoreachers o anrestnetedlnd Dreaehe.rsh nf u J v. U VUUll 372? JLSHi Jfc - "?' "ossed the vere of timber fan, f Tf i i , fme this country, and to meaa try. To permit every lawless caoital-1 ,,,. ... , UC - . ist every law-defying corporation to uy acwiua, no maiier now un- 2i18,ln effort to secure an im- W?6I P UJ? P7T?- lege, would be ruinous to the Republic tu IZz. . m aoanaonmenx oi the eort to secure in the industrial world the ' spirit of democratic fair- wuuuig., Vu me umer nanu, to auaes these wrongs in that spirit of dema gogy which can see wrong only when committed by the man of wealth, and is dumb and blind in the presence of wrong committed against men of property or by men of no property. is exactly as evil as corruptl yto del fend the wrongdoing of men of wealth. The war we wage must be waged against misconduct, against j wrongdoing wherever it is found ; and we must stand heartily for the rights of every decent man, whether he be a man of great wealth or a man whe earns his livlihood as wage-worker or a uUer of the soil. The railways of the country should be put completely under the Inter-our state Gommerce Commission and re-1 moved from the domain of the anti- igable but navigated livers. We trust law. The power of the Com- have Spent hundreds of millions of mission should be thoroughgoing, so dollars upon these waterways, yet that it could exercise complete super- the traffic on nearly all of them is vision and control over the issue of steadily declining. This condition is securities, as well as over the rais- the direct result of the absence of ing and lowering of rates. AS re- any comprehensive and far-seeing gards rates, at least, this powei plan of waterway improvement. Ob should be summary." viously we can not continue thus to He continue by pointing out that expend the revenues of the Govern great harm may result to the general ment without return. It is poor bus public -by too stringent attempt tc iness to spend money for inland navi suppress all corporate aggregations, gation unless we get it." regardless of whether or not thej He also advocates the setting apart obey the law. In other words, h 0f the Appalachian and White Moun sets up the argument that under oui tain National Parks, and the re-for.-modern business conditions some estinir of worn-out lands. v: a - wmwDBuang ox cauxiai are nww meit of the governmet should bold oai j, uut 1 11a l mc CACkUknc u.ffv f f hot nvaAiitu.a t ane vf. I these under the most rigid over-1 sight. On the question of labor the PreB- ident says that some legislation look- ing to the protection of employes and the regulation of the hours of laber.T of child labor, is now imperative.! r, a-K-- " Ha onlAvno rha ctond rfllron TXTT enmo I labor leaders upon the nnj-wn t n o minu u win 1 needed, saying that to attempt to en act such laws would be to bring .about class legislation of the rankest kind. Also he deplores the apparent at tack upon the courts of the land by some leaaers 01 ldDor. xiis inesas 1 t J . H 11 TT - . - I ...:A..l1,r cfn eArm the I 10 ' . . . . WU. u: . 1J1 enactment or laws looJnng to tne pro- tection from injury of all laborers employed in hazardous work. At the last election certain leaden of organised labor made a violent and sweeping attack upon the entire judi ciary of the counry, an attack couch ed in such terms as to include the most upright, honest and broad-minded judges, no less than those of nar rower mind and more restricted out look. It was the kind of attack ad mirably fitted to prevent any success ful attempt to reform abuses of the judiciary, because it gave the cham- pions of the unjust judge their eager- ly desired opportunity to shift their ground into a championship of just i i - i i i, juages wno were uujunjf Last vear. before the House Comrait- tee on the Judiciary, these same laboi leaders formulated theid demands ?tecifvinsr the bill that contained them, refusing all compromise, stat Ung they wished the principle of that diu or. uouuug. uvy ubicu 1 r I l . i a nnA lmunciion snouia issue exceut iw teet a rjrorertv nffht, ana specmcaiivi " ... , 11 provided that the right to carry onl 1 Dusmess snouia not oe cousuueu property ngnr; ana in bccuuu pru- I vision their bills made legal in labor dispute any act or agreement by or between two or more persons that would net have been unlawful if done by a single person. In other words this bill legalized blacklisting and boycotting in every form, legalized for instance, those forms of the sec endary boycott which the anthracite i .... . 3 lcoal stnke commission so unreserved - i ' I lv condemned ; while the right to car - I . ... .. ... , -j lTona business was explicitly taken out from under that protection which tne law tUlOWS over pruuerty. i demand was made that there should e h'f Jurv m contempt cases. thereby most seriously imparing I . . " I - I 4.1. m. authority of the courts. All of this I crudest and most brutal form, ana tne destruction of one of the most essen- tial functions of the judiciary in all civilized lands., The protection of our forests and te conservation of our natural re- sources, as weil as the most speedy and intelligent improvement of oui . . Uk nil-It tha COLUMBUS, N. C THURSDAY, DECEMBER blind,! tn rv,a v a 1 future by de8ire td m Wy ?! Prefien sometimes speak as if ?LldJ D un,"uc"UJi our ior- of business th the arguments of these persons, illative andlTbi,v t - vi . argument, of the 'person,, for many yearS undo the mischief that has already been done. But we can prevent further miseLief bei-g do;,p; an ifc wou be in the highest degree reprehensible to let any eou- sirieration of temporary convenien ;a or temporary cost interefere with $uch action, especially as regards tho National Forests wh eh .h nut ;.,n cou now, at this very moment con trol. It is pointed out that our nation is doing practically nothing to foster education. This is deplored. The Indian agencies are fast be inS abolished, and thus these wards the government are being' taken "TP tne realm or aenve politicians and put under the management, of competent administrators who come tinder the civil service. The President declares that ''Action should be begrm forth with, during the present session of the Congress for the improvement of inland waterways action which 1 will result in giving us not only nav Tho n.T.kli.hn.nnf KfV, 1 iniS B?? the ES! " ,Tr . . s Vi at first on trial, and their scope en larged ag they pwve successful, or abolished if, after trial, they prove a faiinre. m, , , , A wiiiuij; icucioi bciioiu aiivuiu . u.ij u u civil service employes. w It is urged that the government printing office he placed under the department of Commerce and Labor. It is highly advisable that there should be intelligent action on the! nort - a iL "vr i j.l j.- a of the Nation on the question o rai i,"u" w nrftservino' thA bpnlf h nf t.hp. nnrmfrv I x Jal aid should be extended to the board oi puoiic neaitn. j a ii i tit I . Tiie President strongly urges the immediate aamission into siaxenooa vx uutu new mtJAicu ami tiz,uiia. i In relation to foreign affairs the message says: "This Nation's foreign policy is based on the theory that ricrht must bo done between nations precisely as between individuals, and in our a AfiAo 4V- f Vi n loaf 4-ayi iraa ro vtta Vi qtta uvtivixa a. j jl viiLi iuob ivu v wuao v u ' v in this matter proven our faith bv our deeds. We have behaved, and are bohavino-. towards other nations. as jn private life an honorable man wouid behave towards his fellows." Wpt have A t A with the Latin-American republics, and should foster and enlarge it. Regarding the Philippines, the pro gress of the natives under our gov ernment has been wonderful. In p R. , inflnerrce has been I felt towards progress in every way w v WJ. T 11 ni.in rt 1,0 0 those islands is apparent, and the need of improying developing their resources is urgent." "The work on the Panama Canal is being done with a speed, efficiency and entire devotion to duty, which make it a model for all work of the kind. No task of such magnitude has ever before been undertaken by any nation; and no task of the kind has 1 , iu. th.,.,0 rrAal I I f I - 1 1 1111 IIIK I r L i I ill Ll 11VU1 VvVTAVi-- 1 follnw nTnTniRsioners I uvvvuiui aim - ; ..-u ih(t list of emolovees wbo faithfully doing their duty, U. nn 4l10;,- ,-;o4it tr thp nnirriirt reswect and ffratitude of the Am- rjeonle."4 I F- A ' I mi - i The army and the national guard should have the pf attention at sible is the aim to be sought. The navy should be strengthened bv the immediate construction of j . . the North Atlantic fleet around the awmw: -. - . - r . 1 11 has de four battleships of the largest and ory 0 Senator Allison, who died. dnr most Dowerfurtype. The cruise ofj tho House terminat- CONGRESS IN SESSION SECOND SESSION OF 6QTH CONGRESS. Opens December 7, noon Closes ..March 4, noon '8enaeT Republicans 61 Democrats.. .. J. '. 31 Total ' 92 HOUSE. ReDublicans. . .. ..221 . . .163 , . . 2. , . . .391 Democrats. . Vacancies. . Total..., If the Republican ' Leaders Retain Present Views Thjere Will Be very Little Else Done , by the Congress Except Appropriate Money Tor Various and Sundry Objects. Washington, Special. If Republi can leaders retain their present views the legislation of the session of Con gress which began Monday will in elude very little efxeept the appro priation hills. These bills will carry in the aggregate abojit $1,000,000,000, and the general opihion is that in the tin?- that will be allowed, the two houses vili find thev can best serve the country by gMng proper atten- -tion to these appropriations. There will be n - general effort to hoi, the appropriations down to the lowest possible limit. It is generally understood that there will be a bill for the improvement of rivers and harbors, to carry not less than $25. 000,000 or $30,000,000, Provision must be made this year for the cen sus of 1910, and this will require not less than $10,000,000. There wfll be other exceptional demands, so that as it looks now Congress will do well if it succeeds in holding the appro priations for the second session of the Sfcdtieth Congress to the dtnsen- of OBe &rst 8e8OB- Phe House committee on appropria lions already has begun its work on the sundry bills. The fast that the managers desire to restrict legislation will not pre vent other members of the Senate and House from exerting their efforts in behalf of favorite measures'. The first effort in this' direction will be made in the Senate by Mr. Foraker, wj,0 wiH renew his attempt to hwve r,flsawl th bill authorizing th . - L ..liL v enlistment 01 ine negro soioiers tu- Qn aewmt rf . 1 . j ... r the Brownsville riot. This measure This will be the special order for Decern , zZn tw,i wil uci JLUtii. ucnatui jjcvciiusc . 0 . . i i f orXv deration of his child labor bill, and Senator Carterj o the postal savings an It is quite certain that the recent I agreement betweeii the United States and Japan will receive early consia eration in the Senate. Already , a number of Senatolrs have privately expressed disapproval of the fact that the 5omnact!was entered into i b without consulting the Senate. Monday at 12 p'cloek both houses of Congress convened for the begin ning of the second session of" the Six tieth Congress. Practically no bum ness was transacted in either Bouse Monday. In i. he Senate eT-Govemor Cummins, of Iowa, took the. oath of office as the successor of Senator Al lison ,as did Carrtol! SV Page, of Ver mont, as .the successor of Senator Stewart. In the f House the seven members who 'were elected rir Iferefn ber to suceeed niembers- whe bare died or resignedyjare Henry A. Barn hart, Democrat, vrfco succeede the Iste Mr. Brick, Republican, fent the thir teenth Indiana district ? Albert Esto- Iaie - "J".1 Z iana district;- Of to G. Feelsrer, Ke- publican, successor to Mr. Dunwell, Republican, in tbe thiro New York district ; Ffeanfr E. Guernsey, Repub- Uean. successor to Mr. Powers, Re- nnblican. from the fourth Maine dis- trict; Eben M. Masters Republican, Mr a Parker. Renublican, cjh ntvf larmr O. C. I 1 11)111 UUUIU AJ t is. V t. M r5 T 1 Wilow Ttowmivrafc. successor to his i - " T hrnrbfrr-. A. A. Wiley. Democrat, from the seeoncr- Alabama district, and T-i t Cnov Ronnh hem. suc- rpSRftr to Mr. Littlefield, who resigned a,, the last session from the sec- I W fc wrm-m- tt I onA raine district. Th two houses appointed commit tees each to notary the other House and the President that the two bodies were organized land prepared to go forward with the business of the ses- mi n A.' i. T n1iM,moJ Tftf si on. rne oenatts tueu oujvuu the day, oiit of respect to the mem- d ita bref session with resomtions lis ID, t908. - : NEWSY GLEANINGS fcecretary of War Wright suggested , a trosr "nigger' in the sugar tariff woodpile. Italy, aroused against Austria, is a new and disturbing factor in the Bal kan crisis. Charles M. Schwab and others. were sued to recover the rich San Toy mines in Mexico. Th withdrawal of the State mllltla from the nisrbt rider districts of Ken tucky has besrun. President Roosevelt Issued a state ment denying that thr is any feta tion with Japan over China. The StatJ)epartraent confirmed the news ofRn agreement between the United Slates and Japan. tt was deddM by the Charter Re vision Commission to advocate a uub hospital department for New York City. The directors, of the. JMaroond Match Comnany reduced the dividend rnto from ten percent, to eight per cert. A fortv-three-story building, with sir Rtnrte's under ground, is to be Parted in lower Broadway, New York W. TJ. GUlard. asserted that New York Citv is entering unon its most imnortant era in real estate develop- The Vew York Bourd of HealQi an iourced a decrease in the number of fatal tuherculosis cases during the last, quarter. Pear-Admiral Capns made a spirit ed defense of our battleships at a bannuet In Chicsgo, seconding his re .marks by letters from Admiral Dewr and Rear-Admirals Evans and Schl Russia warmly approves the Am-Ican-.Tapanese agreement regarding the Far East, and leading French newfinaoers regard the convention as a master stroke of diplomacy for tho two countries. For Betterment of Postal Service. Washington, Special. Recommen dations for the readjustment of post-. master 's salaries, re-classification of fourth class postofflces, the extension of the annual leave of postoffice em ployes from 15 to 30 days, the abol ishment of the present bond system of postal employes and the inaugurat ing of an indemnity fund as in the Canadian service are a few striking rxints in the annual report of the First Assistant Postmaster General Garfield. Tennsess Feud Resulted Fatally. Trague, Tenn., Special. A feud of several years standing is believed to be responsible for the killing Sunday of Dr. Cnllen Collangen, who was found mortally wounded on the rail road traek near his home. Sam, Gus and Jeff Moody, brothers, are under arrest charged with the killing and Levi Jackson is charged with being an accessory. Fleet Passes Singapore, Singapore, By Cable. The United States Atlantic battleship fleet pass ed through here Sunday. The scout cruiser. Yankton, which has been here for a few days, kept in constant com munication with the fleet during its passage but otherwise the battleships did not communicate with the shore. The flagship Connecticut, when abreast, saluted the port and the so I BELOW any other JL DO MOT I or on amy kind of terms, atid is and lerrol n PCilTfis u n u cost yos aW mtmtL. I IV U tS" wHte T t ntB BICVCLK catalogue direct to rider with no middlemen's profit. hbt SHIP OB APPROVAL without a mtt Apatd, Pay tbe Freight an ir,TVft oiVU Trial and make other b3el terms which no other bouse in the world will do. wmii is able information Dy aunpiy writing us apaaa We need a flWaf Aamnt in every, taws i to make money to suitable .50 PUNCTURE -fsf m nn per pap:. fiuiinina m h aaaa 0 B MAILS. TACKS awac wmm gfH- ftD CLASS 1 womr let Infv OUT THE AIR ASH WITH ORDER S4.S6) NO MORE TROUBLE FROU PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years erpenenainure making. No danger from THORNS, tgP!NS. NAILS. TACKS or C tferkms punctures, like intentional knife De vulcanized use an- uiua Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual Seventy-five Thousand pairs sow last year, ' Made in all sizes. It is without ijt their tires h W$8 M8M TO We o wa rmalirv of rubber, which never become poeons uiowiuk t-u -r . ave only been pumped up onoe or iwnm f Pf, Wrcomebv thTpaten"gaket Weave" tread wbich prevents all air from brin l anczoBd thus overcoming all suction, Jhe regular price of tUeee redfahrk oh the tread. That "H Ses is 5? per pair, but f of onhr $.8o per par. igaeraa ?ttATA fonnd Iheatrietlvasreoresented. You do nor pay a w e wi u ai V nonvn ..HnriMf Bt,d ounio and Iwo Sampson Wneture closerstobe used in ease of intentional knife cuts or nea,y gasnes . iires 10 oe P00!?" CAOSCJT-i Jr .0. hr r net satisfrictorv oil examination. at expense ivi j rTT -.T ! We are ute nliaMo mnA ninef sen' - . T" V . . . i, i.a . . . . r . .1 Tlr "rf find tnat tney win JSTt whrahtbcte you.wiU give a, order at once, hence tbia remarlcanie jSTo - or rreigni Agwi w .-Trivii nOASTER-BRAKES. everrUimg in the bicycleOine are sold by us at C2S-ra a IlW,fade.or a pa.: NO.32. FEMININE NEWS NOTES. Mine. Curie has been appointed chief professor of physics at the Uni versity of Paris. Mrs. Eleanor Merron Cowper, act ress and . playwright, shot herself an died in New York City. Miss Ruth II. Northrop, of Nor wich, Conn., has Won the scholarship offered by the Norwich Art Student Association. Two Brooklyn girls startled a mag istrate by threatening to horsewhip a young woman If she didn't "leave father alone." Members of Dr. Parkhurst's con gregation in New York City approved the doctor's objections to "Merry Widow" hsts in church. Jane Addanis, Dr. Cornelia De Bey" an(t Mrs. Emmons Blaine, whose terrfts on the Chicago school board expired, have not been reappointed. A men's league for women suff rage has been formed in Holland, and the J-itheran Church in that country has aiven women a vote in all church f.ffairs. Miss Mary E. Cheek, of Toboso, Ohio, is the only regularly appointed woman rural mail carrier in the State. She has served in this capacity for six years. A Hankow newspaper states thai two enternriffins young Chinese glrla bave left that city on a pleasure trip fo Fn gland and America. They wttl stdy domestic life. Miss Tiertha Tmppler. secretary to four Chicago postmasters, and said to have been the highest salaried wom an in the postal service, was married to iacob Baur, a prominent business man. Miss Julia Morrow has charge of the work of establishing a school te train young mew 'and women .to be come reseu .u Pv wo1kors Is Cincinnati, Ohio. She is-the corre sponding secretary of the Nationar Purity Federation. Farming in New England. , The statement- that no one New FHampshire farm recently the hay was cut by a 38-year-old mower, drawn by a 30-yearold horr driven by a 63-year-old man will be read with peculiar interest out In Dakota Boston Globe. THENHB Are a Necessity in the Country Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a fight to compel one of the family to he in agony ior hours while he Ji a m .f j . rr i i. anves 10 town r tne aocror. l ei ephone and save half the suffering. Our Free Book tells how to or ganise, build and operate tele- pnone lines ana systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. TIE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., Cadiz, Onto. manufacturer or BUY 4 BICYCLE pk until you have raxinAonx complete Free Cita deacribing every 1 latest model, and: Mam of our i ble LOW new off era made pftlc br aeUins from factory Yon will learn everything and get much young men who apq - PROtf TIRES N J us 1 cuts,, use. win :eSO KAST KLD1NO. lively and which closes up small punetut I com aausnea customers statin. whole season. They weigh no more thaa en Oy several layers ot tntn, speaaire t commonly felt when riding on asphafk JJi lon AS this Kvertiaament. We will also send one metal panctun, closers on full paid ordera (these m i. .nf- a ; . hank Ak vear .f this tvf.r about "a. If yon order a pair 'JT 1Sr' r.e- ht.i la ki Innfffr ana looK. "VC kawwttot Vou wUl be so well Plee4 tout ordex . We want yya to send us a smau tra wheels, saddles, pedals, pacta and thei pil today. 56 NOT THINK. Ol dealer in the world. can TAX ead "D." also rim strip MH O' mTkeFT?lSLaSC0tS3 a sasx tuuANUi m metal OF BTJTCW ftv ot area in of tires fro-u anyone uruil yon know tne new icam everyuimg. wiw tne public to a vuuuc 1 11 urn unrtm.fai mm k vaw i rivnra mi lib j i u