be ptf ;fjvxY HEWS. fit 4 "BI HAI . -I ; " - - : WMT. UULUS3. Hampton, ot W r apart of Atlanta. :'ir parents Mr. holiday Iampton. ville this Walker, eek. . , & W. C. Bosttc, OT i 1q4 f ova . .,,rr.. LUC iavvviu Forests . tt tt;ii rM in RutherfordttMK this Nolle Ishcrtby given that on the 4th' day of may 1908, at the Sheriff s le for the delinquent taxts fur, tikes year 1907 at the couit Ijouse in Columhu, N. C. I became the.Ust Hdder far the toHoing described real estate in aid county and state, to wit; tlity acres of land m iryon township the Property of M . D. PorUr estate. The time of redemlion of said land vt'u will expire On ibe 4th day of May 1909. B b'T'v'RNER. ni mm 'A J 1 Jitedhi-sbrothcrT & iv and Mrs. Prompt attention given to all orders for job .printing at the News offce. Legal Blanks for sale at the NEWS Office. ' , was in A. n wills, of Tryoi, town Tuesday. i.A Mr, and Mrs- Jno ArledcreonDedbthason. H A. Petty, is visiting in Shelby this week- tt a Ppttv. and CI H. ivirs. William Cherryville last week a -wt potato weighing 5!bs,' aa sent to our office by Notice North Carolina Polk ' Cuumy j " , Notice is hereby given tlat tthe under signed, N. M. Ponder, on the 6th day of My, 1Q7, purchased two axres of that cer fain tractor pnsol of laud inPplk county North CftioUtijK, known S fcp Malisa Thompson Taylor land, titurn Wliiie Oak Township, adjoining the lands of J, T waldrop and others. Said land was at said t me at the com t house at tolurabus sold ;bv the sheriff ol P lk county for taxes -fir Ihe vr 1906, minounth-g to $-9-53 then avd stitt unpaid, the sdd tan I was Ha-1 in tie naiVs of Malica Tbomi-scH ; and t ie right oi redemption expired on the sixth day of M I908. Notice is futher given that the t:nder signed also purchased on the 4th day ol May, 1918, 25 stores r f lard, in Polk count; North car jlina known as the Malisa Thomp son or Taylor land situ-tid it1 White ()1 township adjoining the lands of J T. W Jl drcp and others the same having beei ! sold by he Sheriff of Poik county for tvts "Scho jl.books at half price;" Public school and College text books furnished at onehalf the State price. Send money Order with order and we will send by first mail or express prepaid. All kinds of books bought, sold and exchanged, Southern Book Exchange, Raleigh, N. C." Money Raising and Christ mas Sale, We must raise a certain amount of money by January 1st, and you will neyerhav another opportunity like this to buy goods at such a low price. We are going to cut prices right and left for this sale with but one object in view; the immediate raising of ready cash. This will certainly be a grat money saving opportunity and the oppoi For sale, a , goodbuggy just worked over and newly painted Apply at NeWs office. ' tune tune to m a supply .,pf such goods ,as we handle. m SALE. ,Mc.;fA.'i in Shelby . and i for hc ver iq 7. Stittand was r,std V IJ""" - 1 - ' v - 'the name it Maltha IU m son. na tin time of ledciuntion under said purchase e nirea on the 4-th day of May. Iqoo. lie c .. - r - : price at which land was purchased wfc ii'JSitSft w Sale Coipreiices December lOtli, and will Continue EtScrhand, ana prepared, to 'M rM Mr. G. B. ill wrvJJJiiiwo uii tsiioii, liuiicc. Write for prices. E. TAYLOR, N. Carolina. Roach of FmsrervilHi S,C, ti7- OLD SANTA CLAUSE WILL BE HERE iSBg potatoes. Herman Walker, is visiting" in Spartanburor, S. 0., this week. We note with pleasure that Roon Arledge who has been :n ..."11 f v?T-vT-rki1 farai iq scriousiy hi win t-ivyiv av.v- still improuing. Yftes Arierlpre the. son of onr townsman Mr. J. P. Arledge' is confined to his room with pneumonia- Theyounjr people of tn en joyed a social giveti bT Mr. .ar.d Mrs. Roht I I jFarland las t Friday night. Warranty a ad Mortgage-deeds N-.tiee U given that nnles the owners ; s?id lands ai .-ve rcde;us t aaine a req- infd by law the v der3ignc wili demand of Oie Sheriff'of ToUc uus;t a,od thcrfor as proNidcd y itatutc iu o tax sales. TUia Dec. 15 I908. N M PONDER. Entry uoiice. I have for sale one wheat irill one corn planter, have oeen UBed some but good as iew. Will sell partly on ame. Will make price right. R. V. Tallant, Colurnbus, N. C. With a full lins of presents for all ages, sexes and colors, A present will be given every child under 10 years of age, who comes to our store , with parent or guardian and makes a purchase. G. W. FSsher and . W. Mstier eftier loo acres land mori or lesa in Coluuilu sewnship l'olk Cwntji N. O. on water rC6!e1 River adjniir.j; the lands cf ?e ver, Kccter atd tlitrs, bcginmng on ches'iait the okt Biuce coiner, - Eutricd m ise 4tl day of Nov 191 ! Kr.ti taVef, CUESSiNG CONTEST for sale at the News office; ileport of the condition o fin? PARhUka 5T11E Mi . "Ambitious younir man and . for, since the now 8 hoar iaw De- i ., , ' ' -t j. j sees Nev Li i-0i. tame, effective .there 48 a short-: RHsoukces. 1 ag:e of many thousand telegraph-! ers. Positions pay frOin $50 toj lxwinsand .Isdounts...... .- - 4 1:8 - $70-a month to beginners- Thej 6vd secured; Natbnol Telegraph iBstJtirte of JUn- h Columbia, South "Carolina -end' Soo n i2;o co; Ir'ur- supervision of R. R. Officials and v.ttoic od Fraefj $1 100 DR. LITTLE JOHN y r DENTIST, Will spend Monday and Tues- lay oi'very week at Ladpxm, Jffet at the Randolph House. NOTICE, W. VV. Wamack- 2nteres"20 acres .or land more or less in Cooper Gap tow 1 ship Polk coun- j !5-SaiS a Cj purchaser to a pess is ta wMtour CASH SALES will fer JJecembw, 3yar, ?Jge rton. The Speculation ' irnaiiffifiit nafiact tn mil rsoh ealoc Will ho flWRMld Every-one entering tMs store mtidsf a purebasa, will la Mnlifl a carfl entitliig "o's. and his own. Entered Nov. 11th 1608. F. M. Buries s Entry taker. stuaen an quaii.'id. ticulars. ts are pjnced wrlien Write them for par- BEATH 3? KOMBSS Mr. Wad Rhodes, died at his home at Lynn Tuesday morning December, 22nd, at 6 o'clock of consumntion. Mr. Rb des been suffering with this dreaded diseasa for sometime. He was about 30 years of apre and hasj been one of Polk county's best citizens. Demand h ns. . , - " Dee f ui r-i ts and liaiO--rs. : $5 545 2. 0:sh itemi... 039 2 GoUlOnnl'. - 5 IU c' Silver coin, including all minor coin cusrency 54 - NarlonAl batjiE nots awl oiner ,' U.. notes Je--" 57at ToUl $29 57 3 I.1ABIL1TIKS. .Capital stock...- Ui divided profits, less cuncu. c- i . oil S 67682 reuses a'.m wa 1 .- 1 Time Certificates ol Deposit.. $1 993 "4 ikt-i .o.rV Sai 888 55 j Cashier s Checks outstanding-. $ H" ( Total $29 570 30' j Ada.inistrabr's Notice Having qualified f s the ad:ninitrator of ,lrp 'T.izz-.'et,Wtaer detease.l late of i'oik County N, C. this is to -i.tify ah uer ,ons. havi' claims aainit the estate of iaii deceased to thtm to the uu- dcisiguel on or bef. re ihc 26th , day of Nov, 190901 tins nocice wi;' be pl.d har jf their recovery. A 11 persons indthted to iaid estate will lea wake immedsste pay :iient. . L- Weaver, Admini$tr4tor, $5,00 in pM. Tte sseoifl Barest I4.C0 worth cl men Um yt selection, third $3 mm, Icpth 2 wsri fittii 1 wortli. Ml cards' fpi be property filled oat and returned by January 1st. Wl Here is only a pratial list of cut price BARGAINS. NOTICE tf ntHCnRTH CAROLINA, He leaves a wife and several Ct Anty of roik, as: 1:1 , , , . . Ar it w ifinc. ciil.iercf the hpve-rtn 1 ' I I I 11 Ahl hi v - ri-iy-l T" rf" T . 1 f 1 T I VV T J a Wish to join other friends in ex tending sympathy. The interment took place at A 1 i 4 1, - cd Ur.k, do. solemnly Sar ia stM)Ve statement is lre to tl Lest ot y knowledge and belief. v uhscrihedand sworn to before me this the Trvon c.m6tetv where the ; cf Dec. 19 I. D. M'.-KKIS, Notary Public. funeral exercises were coiiductto by Rev. T. C. Ooker. BEATS OF Ml SlffiB Mrs. Mattie Edney, died of dropsy at her home last Thursday and was buied Saturday W tiie CDlumbus Baptist Oentery Mrs Edney had reached the Hp .old age of 82.. For candied, cakes, nuts, apples, oranges, bananas, Prunes anrl raifiins uro to A. L. McMurray's, Columbus, N.C. $65.00 Sewing Machines at" $40. 00 $35. 00 Sewing machines at $20,00 $45.00 Sewing machines at $30.00 60,00 Spach wagons at $55.00 $55. 00 Spach wagons at $50.00 $45.00 Spach wagons at$30.0o $4.75 Shot jruns at $3.50 $8.00 Shot Runs at $6.00 $400 Carving sets at $3.25 10c; Wash pans at 8c 5c Ws) pans at lc 1.00 Pocket knives at 80c $3,00 Razors at $2.00 $2.00 Razors at $1.00 75c Pocket knives at 6oc $4-00 Lap robes at $3.25 $2.50 Lap robes at $2.00 $3.50 Carving sets at $2.75 Notice is hereby given to the nnhlic that no hunting, fishing or other trespassing is allowtd on the primes as tn ess shells at 60c; 50c S. & w. cartridges at 45c; 65c S. & W cartridges at 6c. v $1-35 bowels and Hotel property 'V; o i ha a i.rlntinn fmm 10 to 90 npr fATit on all enameld. crlasi and tin ware- rlnVh vrntitV IS Sliuatttu -im w,iicioov.vv, . Loaded shells for the bey at 43c per box, black powder; 75c smokeless shells at 70c; 65c smoke- the south sid of Try on Moun- nAlni.ircr fands of F. M. V.M"'I " ' , Correct A Ut st: W. C. ROBERTSON, Q C. SONNHR, S. D. STATION- y Director. Fire works forthe little bovs; dolls for little girls, express wagons for both. f all rKsa cmrrc romoH onr? manv mnw (AlTl Stearns Peak heirs, Speculation j. .g wat t jj to get thege unheard, of low prices. So pleas don't fSWes- ask us to charge, except at regukr prices; for if wedid not need cash, w$ would not idLing fully described slaughter prices. inrWd from J. biupmaa, Notice. 1 will sell at my ho'lse near Mill Spring, C, on Satruday Janury'9. 1909. rvuk- rnliowins: property to-wiU 2 mules, 1 two horse wagon, 1 milch cow, farming utenwls .ldis i ,1 wAPtler 1 two horse harrow, 1 weeuer, x . rin7. vairous oiaer farming tools and hoise hold und kitchen furniture. ... -McPayne, Commissioner, to A. B. Calvert, which deed bears date Oct.. lotft ioA and is of record in book 24 at page 426 of the records of j Deed for Poik county, A reward of twenty five dol lars is hereby offered for the ap prehension and conviction of any ; DersontrespaasuiK f -r . ses. This Nov. irai it. A. B- Caiveit-Owner. Sv v RY0N SUPPLY CO. Inc. GEO.-A. GASH, Manage TEYON. Ql T E. B. CLCUl nir-.rrrev A. t Law Legal blanks for sale at The M - Mm Legalblanks for sale at The ews oice. f'News ofilce.

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