V U 'IT - " WTQf, Three Cants the Copy. 1HDBECNDCHCE m ALL THIHOS. Subscription Price. Sl.00 Per Year tn Advanvr '' VOL XIV. COLUMBUS, N. C, THURSDAY, JAGUAR y 21, 1909. NO. 37. MEETING Of THE LAWMAKERS Doings of the State Leiislature Con densed Interesting Items from Day to Day. When the Senate convened on, Tuesday after the inauguration cere monies, Hon. Francis D. Winston, the retiring Lieutenant Governor and ex-officio President of the Senate, af ter an appropriate and able, though short address to that body on his re tiring, said: "I surrender my office to the chosen representative of the people. I introduce to you lieuten ant Governor Will C. Newland. In the words of Dicken's purest crea tion, "God bless you one and all.' God bless our State." The Senate Judiciary committee has decided to report unfavorably a bill introduced by Senator Fry de signed to give justices of peace pow er to issue summons or other legal processes effective in any of the State. The present law confines their jurisdiction to the county in which they hold their appointment The bill introduced in the Senate by Sen ator Britt relating to leins and judg ments is designed to give counsel who procure judgments in litigation a lien upon the judgment for the amount of the fee. - Britt introduced a bill ta change Madison, county to the tenth congressional district. Haw kins introduced a bill for fire proof library and history building In the House on Tuesday the speaker announced a nifinber of com mittees with chairmen as follows: Petitions and Memorials of Corpora tions, Morton ; Corporation Commis sioner, Weaver; .Game, Pitt; Enroll ed Bills, Hafler; Constitutional Am endments, Privatt; Insane Asylums, Toy ; Institutions for the Blind, Bras- well. A bill to appoint justices ; of the peaee m Rowan county passed its- fin al reading and was sent" to the Sen ate. The Senate discussed at great length Wednesday taa -,,,Jbint up with unfavorable report from the I HanesAmend Sec. 2721 RevisaL joint committee on education and Koonce Create the State Associa- was tabled. It was designated to lim- tion of County Commissioners. it tho "taint of negro blood " that J Granfc Exempt from taxation per would bar children from the white sonal property to the value of $200.' schools to three .generations. I Want Exposition Appropriation. senator Starbuck was permitted I The North Carolina commissioners to introduce, out of order, a bill to to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposi amend the Revisal, Sections 3263 aniUion, to open in Seatle June 1st, con- 3264, in order to equalize the per-1 ferred with Governor Kitchin and emptory challenges allowed the twin recommend to the Legislature an State and the defendant in forming appropriation sufficiently large to in juries for capital cases. I Jure a creditable Showing . for the I Senator Manning offered a resolu- J Mate. The amount the bill will calif tion acepting the invitation of the 1 for is $25,000. The commissioners president of the University of North, are hoping for a hndsome appropria- Carolina tor the members or ine.i uon oy me uenerai Assemoiy. General Assembly to attend4 the Lee's To perfect the organization of birthday celebration at the Univert State Association of County Com city when President Woodrow Wil noners and i$ive it State sanction is H1I WR11ES mi President Vetoes- a fin and Tells Congress Why '6MAT WATER POWER TRUST" Submits Figures to Illustrate the Txttst-JWll Does Net Protect the Public Interest. Washington, Special The Presi- in his message to; the House Fri- the bill passed by Con son, of Princeton University, will b the object of a bill by Mr. Koonce. f XTIZ J ww lEiST lZ U.' A K,7 Canafny I Th ovn.,t kill .mvincr . U Jm8 nV6r M!Wt ST -jsrrz'i jsrrzi D zzrzzzd-Tzsz. tz i figures to muitrate the work A,nAr...amont woe maA hv tU rvn nArnnfil nrnnprtv instead of $30 ile 8y8: 1 return herewith Wlth- president of the Senate thaienator was introduced by Mr. Grant, the-. .-W jW aPPJ?vl House biU 17707 to Latham had been relieved at his re- young Republican member; f" m horise WUham St Stanqlsh to quest from the chairmanship of the Davie. eonstruct a dam across James jiver, rmnmittee on commerce and Senator In the House the followine I lis rfeJJf!? P? n o V! Mar assigned in his stead. were introduced and referred t he IZlZ l!. !J.in! the bill gi'antee a number of challenges by the Stafi conduct within the State of . No th T-pSS2Si .Jy iS-S and tho defendant .in the trial oi Carolina interfering with trade a id M?W. 2? n? . 1 1 : Hi 1 l.fU f I .Iff I'l I f II 1 I llflllH UHH II I 1 11 I III Senator Starbuck was granted m appropriate committees on Satur y: 1 fj!f animous consent to withdraw his bifl Weaver, of Buncombe: A bill to 1. Th!T hill Tt offered Thursday to .equalise tta be entitled: "An-act denounc.og Jfc- mmmprw. PTPiTPn T.n inH .imii- i .... Senator Wrav nmt L.;- l protect the public interest. My rea- capital offenses. vcuavui winy preseniea pen uon i ciary L-ommittee. II v x, . , . I from citizens of Rockingham county Srry, of Bladen-, To benefit the bvm.nf f 11 T relative to child labor law and hours widows of ex-Confederate soldiers. lf2rni?aeJ15ntl ? i? Of work. Thev wpto snt tn th nU W QOf . "RW lUl""111 uwvicauie rxver, lias . - w vidaircui a. im uvo u . jl v. uw the v. provided for grants of coal lands in Alaska by the act of May 28, 1908. I will sign no bill granting a priv ilege of this character which does not contain the substance of these conditions. I esteem it my duty to use .every endeavor to prevent this growing, mo nopoly, the most threatening which has ever appearedfrom being fast ened upon the people of this nation. THEODORl ROOSEyBLH The White House, Jan. .15, 1909. NEWSY GLEANINGS. w iuv i uiasweii, uv icyuesi. rui iuo i . . - .... - committee on manufacturing. benefit of the State.School for the- E :J?Er ff!.? New bills introduced Thursday in- BUnd. ,7 w"y yrowc to u- i1 Harshaw: For. the reUef of die- c' "tf 1 Emple: Regulate the industry oi abled ex-Confederate soldiers. g 1 JSnS. ffrowiiur trnlr Ti,ia ic . Jn.iu.t. i t: i.. 18 legally essential td an enterprise nt KUiZTAlCr'ZZZ K.V.tl!rT of tWa character. It foUows tht Thursday by Morton, of New Han- Perry, of Bladen: to raise revenue ?n ZJtfL over, having the sanction of the for scbdols. on8ent' Behaving that the nat- Truckers' Association and the trans- The following bills passed final ift! WWJ portation companies.) readine- am convinced that its powe ongbt Pharr: Relative to filing of notice To incorporate the Board of Pub- S?- Ln 5f of hfti Western North Caro- L iSLVS ftr Starbuck: Relative to peremptory hna M. h. Conference. SJtSST ?I SSiuS hi MirM i im;n.i ot,D m- i. closer touch with their domestic and XU U1DVCUL UC1SUU3 11U1U Nil tmtm. I . . . . ..... a . . ... i ' Barringer: Create the State Ass- horses unon false representation. Inii me, than anytning Known eiation .of County Commissioners of T W&nate new biUs were intro- l..our experience. 10 give away, resolution by Senator ElUotT for the North Carolina and give it the sane- duced and referred on Saturday as Q1" conaitions, this, one oi tne General Assembly to adjourn sine die tion of the State. follows: JTv7 ? T ICOUUreOT, wuultt m February 15th, and after a consider- Bills Passed. By Pharr: Relative to persons en- n , y able "airing-of views, the need for Bills that passed final reading are: titled to pensions. Pensions- nd The total water power, npw in use l short session,, and "no session at To remedy a seeminjr conflict in Soldiers' Home. by-power plants of the United States all" deferred action until January l'&rsM&m W vtltorimtic i-- By Latham l To drain wet and " tmMtedI Bureau o 20th, when, in the ianguage of Sen- feting to the sale of real and personal swamp lands (two hundred copies of Census at VJMfiQO horse power. In ator Travis, who moved the continu- property under mortgage, the amend- the bill were ordered printed). Ag- formation collected by bureau corop ance, there will have developed some ment making. Section io42 apply only riculture. rations shows 13 large concerns o! idea of how long it should really take to the sale of Torsional property. By Ellinott: For the benefit of the which the General Electric Company to dispose of legislation the State is House. gtate School for the BUnd. State and Westinghouse Electric and. Man in need of." Bills and resolution were, in part School for Blind. ufacturmg Company, are the most Senate Tulte Of general interest "Jtow : By Lockhart: Denouncing conduct 3"; J were presented by Mr. Elliott to Murphy: Resolution requiring ; the thm the State of North Carolma ..jfffSS amend Section 1566, Revisal, by re- va"0M Sa.te aepartments to send rt- that interferes with trade and com- afiE2fMJf quiring judges of Superior Court to jf8' Pbhf oth Slate roe. Judiciary. ! TT remain in the countfseat the full f???11 to aU Pbbc libraries By Gay: Relating to hunting. JSJ term of courts prescribed. th Statc- . Game Baws. ?b? 13 focerns directly and By Mr. Barringer, to amend Sec- Barnes, of Hertford : BiU for ejee- By Klutts: A joint resolution re- 7r tion 10420, Revisal, relating to the taction m the penitentiary at Ral- Uting to the Alaska-Yukon Exposi- power eqUal to more than 33 per sale of property under mortgage. eh of aU persons sentenced to pay tion. Appropriations. - . ceV President Newland announced ad- Vdty. Copy of the Senate By Manning: To allow the Regis- The wing amendment to an- ditional committee assignments as bin introduced some days ago. ter of Deeds of Durham county to ap- thorue tbis in national forests was follows: Education, Ray, of Hender- Harshaw : Provide for the election point a deputy. " inserted in last year's agricultural son; appropriations, Blow, Ormond, ?f county boards of education by Bills were placed on their third appropriation bill: Bassett; insane asylums, Hawes: the qualified electors of the counties, and final reading as follows: "And hereafter permits for power schools for the ,deaf, Godwin and Harshaw: Provide for election of S. B. To amend sub-section 15 of plants within national forests may be Doughton clerk to the finance com- ennnty superintendents of instruction section 1318 of the Revisal. made irrevocable, except for Breach mittee, Lane Brown. er tne several counties. S. B. To establish a board of com- of condition, for such term, not ex- Among the bills and resolutions Weaver: Amend Section 2021, Re- missioners for the promotion of uni- ceeding fifty years, as the Secretary were- Williams of Dare- Resolution vi8al relative to laborers' and. me- formity of legislation in the United of Agriculture may bv regulalioc instroetino- or' RpnutnTs ' nnd ron. chanics, liens. States. The bill directs the Gover- prescribe, and land coved by such mqixon: jiincourage ana protect in-1 nor to appoint tnree commissiuners perimw issueu m puuuucc m HUOUJ 1UI (iUWXU( UCI116B I1U MUU Willi 111 I III 11 J UajO UllCl lUC ynsoav ujimauuu wvu vvv vuvij, 'V L 0. T. King Sentenced. Boston Special. Cardenio Flavna King, former financial agent ar broker, who maintained palatial of fices in Boston and New York, and who for a short time was publisher of a daily paper here, was sentenced ly Judge Scbofield in the Superior Criminal Court to serve a term of not less than 10 and not more than 14 years at hard labor in the State pris on at Charlestown. On December 29, King was convicted on 27 counts of an indictment charging him with larceny and embeclement. i Tried to Bribe the Judge and is Sent Up. Leavenworth, Kan., Special. Act ing Judge 'Neidlingcr, of the District Court here fined Attorney Schwarti $15 and committed him to the conn ty jail for 901 days for offering. th iudge a bribe. Attorney Schwart2 the judge charged, appeared at the Neidlinger home last week and offer ed the judge $50Uo give a decision favorable to Schwartz in a case sel tor today. Bains Acquitted, Flushing, Special. The Thornton Hains jury, after deliberating since Thursday evening, nearly 24 hoursy Friday afternoon returned a verdict of not guilty and Thornton Jensfeis Hains is now. a free man. Hains was charged with the murder of William E. Annis, August 15th, at Bayside Yacht Club. A great crowd around the court bouse cheered as the jury, tired out,- filed in. Charter Granted. Raleigh, Special. The' State has issued a charter to the Goldsboro Traction Company, the capital stock being $150,000 and E. T. Oliver, of Raleigh, the chief stockholder. This is the company which is building the street railway at Goldsboro, this be ing a very important development for that town. - Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, was inaugurated as Governor of Ohio. In the State of Minnesota it Is es timated there are 4620 automobiles. The New York City tax list showed a smaller increase in assessments than last year, .and the rate was esti mated at 1.75. An extraordinary session of the Italian Senate was held to consider the relief measures recommended by thejGovernment. Thrrkey is not satisfied with Aus triafs offer of 2,500,000 Turkish as indemnity for the annexation of Bos nia and Herzegovina. ; A .decrease of seventy pupils In Harvard University is shown in the Official enrollment. The total regis tration this term is 6107. The Public Service Commissioners of New York told the Metropolitan Street Railway receivers that they must 4bey their orders or quit.? Jose de J. Paul, the special Vene zuelan envoy, arrived in Paris, where he said that the Gomes government would settle pending questions with America. Sit million dollars of imports from Panama and $60,000,000 of exports to Panama represent the trade of that republic with the United States dur ing the past five years. 'Secretary Root and Ambassador Bryce signed a treaty at Washington. D. C, providing for settlement of questions In dispute between the" Uni ted States and Canada. Immediately after the opening of the Delaware -Legislature a bill was presented making the wearing of the emblem of the B. P. 0. Elks by non members illegal. The bill is designed to prevent negroes' from wearing the insignia. A man was rescued alive fom the ruins at Messina, Sicily, after thir teen days. gressmen to favor pensioning men employed at life stations. A bill that will make people, gen erally "sit up and take notice V was introduced in the House by Turner, of Mitchell, providing that any per son who creates a debt on promise to Morton : Amend Chapter 674 Pud- I of this act. to confer with, similar lie Laws -190T increasing pensions of J boards representing other States, and x-Contederate soldiers to $8 a I make reports to the Governor to be month. . J transmitted to the Legislature. Mr. Koonce: Provide for an intermedi- Manniner explained that the labor in- pay out of money of assets due him late ense between assault with in- volved is one of professional love and and fails to pay on receipt f such wfJ w wmim "ipe - ,not or, reara. xnv wugiw v.u specified assets shall be gfailty of a sa- . . ' missioners woiild recommend after misdemeanor punishable by fine of J' Koonce, of Onstew gets the examination of the subjects legisla $10 to $50 or work on roads ten to Chairmanship of the committee on m- tion on marriage, divorce, insolvency, thirty days each offense surance; Mr. Gotten, of Pitt, on pen- the descent andrdistribution of prop Lee: Provide different uniform al itions-, Mr.ian, of Rowan, erty, the execution and PbatoJ garb for persons convict of inis- Printing and Mr Rodwell, of tall; and other subjects. ?Poh wcb demeanor from those convicted of fel- Warren, on liquor trafne. uniformity of legislation m the van. onies r- Bolton reported to the House ous States and terniories is desirable. pJi xi. tt " that wrtb Dr. Gordon, he had attend- S. B. To amend section 2028 of the tu?T W6T S d the conveption of the North Caro- Revisal, relating to time of filing no- Mot ex-Representative Donald ,,0 for the Prevention tice of liens, striking out the word incKackan, of Columbus. , - of tuberculosis, which met in Char- "twelve" and inserting in lieu there- The following committee appoint- me Tuesday and Wednesday. They of the word "six." Z a If! annoa by the Speak- been aske4 by the association to WalWd "Z nZt"; iSfe 9B& Shoot. Hi. We, Then Kills W. Henderson rehairm. . Pitt XniZn A1 OZ " "e .?r?" "S! Atn n - Albert aiuuuwv w7 rWWM""" Lazinwood, 50 years of age, a farmer living near Bergesola, shot and kill ed his wife, 55? years old, and then himself on the road near Annapolis Friday night. Jealousy is supposed to have been the cause. ... Laanwood and his wife had been estranged and liv ing apart for several months. 'iwn enairman). Kir.r.. vvi son. i j -nw t.,i.- il.i iL. tt Cnttn t i VA t I er assurea uv. rtouon mat me xzuuse 1 nvAioa tj - J t was deeply appreciative oi ine av- BrlslveU J9J- tendance "of the gentlemen upon the Hamnton Davenport, meetih md ftgked him to hi- S2'MJy' R8' HahaW- remarks.to writing in order that they Weaver S . 1 , r. Knapp, of the United States Z Seman ft Y?t Department of Agriculture was in- Henders T Mw vited'to address the House on agri- "ibbTKiliir ' CX Pltt; cultural subjects. In tht 4 - v Bills were introduced in the House Speski, o2S tanfnoeme,ni by Friday as'follows: . n? to Mr W w TT'. J ST Comior-Amend Sec. 4993 Revisal of he nfw'r H'Klhin mr for reUe of widows of Confederate 4 h the forrrV f11- BoldiersT Admits those married prior joint Ns 1st, 1370, instead of signed S Aprt K.liW. vass cf votesfor "her son as Governor" Weaver-Amend Sec 5313 Revisal ami tw, Cft. lner son as governor, . . a.. wna-ip-. Al. , " Mlrtl oracers preliminary to t iH .X"J-04CI1VC fcV v -T uie lnaneTimtion , J ... i lows Aovprnor to nrosecute suits in a as receivea who i . .- o... omosy mountain aireeny iu tu ou preme tldnrt of the United States. Martin Amend Revisal, Sec mtorest. bills on Thnr,..?. 1 - .""-..niroauced onnr was tne hill to amend fW school i nn i, xi - i .7 ui.v-i Lue wmte schools,- oQQn V) - . " "" lu amena occ. I . ; , r ovjv KpvisqI a. i . . I in Mflpfl'ni tn finnncfi committee. t.ii. a:. ,rMUB lo scnoois ana rc:r r, -w ",ivrz : HUH .U1 An Atf nA UA persons witfc Crumbier For relief of prisoners in mil flvflirmor mm ft I " " e Jeff Moody Acquitted. Bolivar, Special. Jeff' Moody was on Tuesday acquitted of the charge of murdering Dr. E. A. Cottongim at Teague. The jury was given the case this morning and the verdict of not guilty was returned this after noon. Dr. Cottongim was snot ana killed several months ago during an altercation which followed a dispute in his store, the tragedy occurmg a short distance from the store on the railroad right of way. tion, or application, subsequently approved under the act of June 11, 1906, shall in perpetuity remain sub ject to such' j-permit and .renewals thereof.". I repeat rhe words with which I concluded rmy message vetoing the Rainy river bill: First. There should be a limited or carefully guarded grant in the na ture of an option or opportunity af forded within reasonable time for de velopments of plans and for execution of the project. Second. Such a grant or concession should, be accompanied in the act making the arrant bv a' provision ex pressly making it the duty of a des ignated official to annual the grant if the work is not begun or plans are not carried out in accordance with the authority granted. Third. It should also be the duty of some designated official to see to it that in approving the plans the miximum development of the navi gation tad power is assured, or at least that in making the plans these may not e s developed as ultimate ly to interfere with the beter utili sation of the water or' complete de velopment of the power. Fourth. There should be a license fee or charge, whieh, though small or rational at the outset, can in the future be adjusted so as to secure a .control in the interest of the public. Fifth. Provision should' be made for the termination of the. grant or privilege at a definite time, leaving to future generations the power 6r jthoritv to renew or extend the con cession in accordance with the condi tions which may prevail at that time President is Considering Several Name. For the Judgeship, " Washington, Special. At the White House it wag stated that the President is considering 'the names of several men which have been pre sented to bim before sending to the Senate the nomination for Federal judge of the eastern district of North Carolina. No action will be taken on the matter until Monday oi Tuesday. It was expected the Pres ident would send the nomination of H. F. Seawell, of Carthage, N. C, to the Senate on Thursday. . Potato Turnovers.-riMlx 1 pint of joashed potato with 1 egg and salt and pepper to taste. Add about 1-2 cup flour; make It into balls and roll out thin. Put a tablespoon of finely ground and seasoned meat on one half; fold over and press the edges togettojer. Ttrwn on each side In butter or ff. TELEPHONES Are a Necessity In the Country Home. The) farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the. family to he in agony for hours while hie drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering. .. Our Free Book tells how to or ganize,' build and operate tele-H pnone lines ana systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. TIE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 1201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. r 4 PCNTJS HL rr will cost yob imr mW o write for our big P&EE BICYCLE catalogtM ULI1 showing the most complete line of bigh-mdt " BICYCLES, TIRKS and 8 CNDRIBS at THICKS cc on ; una v m, III W$8.50 I BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. ML ngn Mdfl V Dfflf M BirtWII MT from oor complete Free Cant any xtna or terms, until yon illustrating and describina ea. old at any nave recetyea c everv kind of and latest models, and learn of ohr remarkable PRICES and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory aireci 10 naer wiin no mxKuemen's pronts. WE SHIP OK APPROVAL wUktnU a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and allow 10 Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Alrfsjp Auutit in every town and can offer an oDDortunitv Prtoo 1 tvaii wo win veil You m Somnto Pmip fop Oniy Oj (cash with oi PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES 9 " v s v 1 condition The licfense shonld be forfeited np- I on proof; thaf-the licensee has joine I in anv ccmsniracv or unlawful com-. binationsV m restraint of trae, as is ? wSff Ms323EE ORDCR a4.es) HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of is years experience in tire T US. PINS. NAlLrS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can De vulcanized like any otner trre. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now is sstea 8w(sntynvo Tboasasd pairs ssM last ysar Tmm I Made in all sires. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined quality ot ruDDer, wrucn never oecomes porous ana wmcn closes up aw tne air to escape, we nave nunoreos or icnexs irom sausne that their tires have only' been pumpednp once or twice inr whole season. They at ZrJ mods is overcome bv the aef&rt "Basket Weave" tread which erevents all sir smaupunctnr brtns? ont between the tire and tlie reed thus overcoming an gsstio letter is recwvedTwe sbioCd.D. on anorovaL examined and found them strictly as represented. cent (thereby making the price Sa-SS per pair) if you send ner nair. but for Of only -8o per pair. All orders Yon uo not pay a cent unm you We will allow a cash FCIX CASH WITH ORDER plated brass hand pump and nuncture closers to be used in it ODB exoense if for any reliable ana mis wJvertfsement. we win au pnncture clasenTon fun paid orders (these metal te nickel knife cuts or heaw ea3hesl. Tires to be returned they are not satisfactory cj examination. these tires, you will find that finer than any tire you have ever i wnen you want a oi at once, nence uiw i lave ever used or seen at any price. "We know that you will be so well pleased bicycle yon will give as 70m-order. We want you to send us a small trial Further. reflection suggests a sixth OOASrk-0BKE5 tSTSS ndltion. -VII : I prices charged by italcrs ukI 5im Writ to oartogetJNpai M)TK- " mf siAf Uarr wm us n pwwi looay. w wv DO HOT WW AWT bicycle or a paVof tires from anyone until you wonderful offers we are making. . It only costs ajiostal to learn everything. 1 MEAL CYCLE COMPANY,9 Dept. M 1 1" CHICAft ILL, OF BUYING n .the new ana it NOW.

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