(Entwln. tfon Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XIV. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1909. NO. 43. Tlirw on ine uopy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL, THINGS. Subscrip BRIEF CULLINCS Of WORTH STATE NEWS News of Interest Gfcencd Prom All Sections ef the Stale and Affwtged Tor Busy Readers EDITOR V ABATER'S EXCURSION. Takes Train Load of Farm erg From Davidson County to sto Mecklen- burg Roads. Charlotte, Special. A solid train of prosperous farmers, some of them accompanied by their wives and children, arrived at the Southern de pot Friday morning from various parts of Davidson county, and spent the day taking in the sights of the city and having such a time as many of them have never exper ienced before. It is the only, time in the history of the town in all probability, when the farmers have taken it by storm The party traveling on a special train, furnished for their private use, and knowing that . they were the guests of honor and the centre of in terest wherever they went, could uot but feel jubilant and as they began to pour out from the cars upon their arrival here it looked as if they were going to cover the whole face of the earth around the Southern depot. A large nuouKsr of the people of the city wen. ii hand to see the novel sight of a train load of well-to-do farmers, some of them coming to spend their first holiday in a city, and to take note of the farmers in the lime-light, where they had been placed through the efforts of Mr. H. B. Varner, editor of The Lexington Dispatch, who had each member of his party carfeully tagged with a blue ribbon, so that the pub lic might be positive ;n its identifi cation of the members of the agri cultural excursion. The plan, of bringing as many of his fellow-farmers, as he styles his party, i o Mecklenburg, was conceiv ed by Mr. Varner several months ago, and the selection of fifty or sixty i i i i" I special guests was accompuanea through a newspaper contest. The idea to bring the fanners here at once became very popular with the farmers of Davidson and the trip for many weeks has been held in keenest anticipation by many of them. The idea, as planned by Mr. Var ner, to bring the farmers to the county and give them a first-hand view of the roads of this county, i considered the best method yet by which to increase interest in good roads and to arouse enthusiasm for better road facilities. The narty numbered more than 100; More than half of them were .designated by the blue ribbon as Mr. Varner 's prize guests, the others taking an equally deep interest took advantage of the time and occasion to see Mecklenburg good roads. After tiding ovnr the city in trolley cars and into the county in automobiles, buggies, etc.. and viewing the coun try around from the top of the Realty building, where they could view the Blue Ridge and .other inter esting scenes, they repaired to the Selwyn hotel where speech making was in . order besides a luncheon at 12 and dinner at 6 o'clock. The party left for home at 9 p. m. Ready to Develop Power. Hickory, Special. Col. M. E. Thornton, president of the Water Power Electric Company, of Hickory, N. C, has at last arranged for his company to acquire the shoals above his, and having options on the riparian rights above it can now pro ceed with the construction of the iam across the Catawba river at Hickory for the development of his proposed hydro-electric plant. The initial installation will be for $6,500 horse power. Col. Thornton has gone to New York to eomnlcte arrange-' ments for construction and equip ment to commence at once. Cotton Gin is Burned. Spencer, Special. A cotton gin be longing to Klutts and Linn, near Spencer, was destrovedby. fire short ly f ore daylight Tuesday morning, itailiog a loss of $2,5b$i with no insurance. The owners Tbelieve the re to have been of incendiary origin J the plant has not been operated Ior ten days. There is evidence that wglyt riders have gotten in their rk Rowan county. Durham to Have Paid Firemen. Durham, Special. Final prepara tions were made by the board Wed nesday night for the paid and par- ally Pai nre department, when a mhination hose and chemical wa- on and another 1,000 feet of. hose ere ordere. The orders were sent off Wednesday This made a of 17 ?eet ot hose ordered since the nt - inSmg of thQ new ar. The new dav' v WiU g0 on duty on Mon runn "r &t each station and seven r -t;! to a company, who will be P'-nially pai SETTLEMENT WITH SEMINOLE. Southern Life Insurance Company Baton 109,785 and Complicated Matter is AJurted. Faettevilla, Special. Consider- pie interest has been felt in a com plete transaction by which to the Seminole Securities Company, fon, defendant. South Carolina has contemplated the Doughton: Amend 4097 Revisal re transfer of a block of stock of the lative to the annual appropriation for Southern Life Insurance Company of education. this city. On account of misunder- Fry: Incorporate Southern Assem standings in the details of the trade Wy the transaction was canceled an de- PresideptaKlutta announced to the dared "off." The Southern Life In- Senate that the Attorney General ad su ranee Company: has now settled furnished, a ruling that f fie pOwSr and with the Seminole Company for the authority of the President Pro $ef. amount of money received from that to ratify bills in the absence of the corporation, by returning to the re- A i l . ... ceivers oi trie securities company $109,785. This leaves only the re maining details to be closed Up in order to complete the final settle ment and cancel the entire matter. mi. . 1 . .. . a i 1 i S I ine memoers oitne agency lorce or the Southern Life are congratulat- ing themselves on a satisfactory set- I uement ot this somewhat delayed transaction as it enables them to re- sume the successful execution of the business which was temporarily in- I terrupted by this unfortunate compli cation. Two Fatal Accidents. Selma, Special. Selma and vicin ity was the scene of two horrible accidents Monday. Arthur Hare, the son of Mayor Hare, and a young man of bright promise, accidently shot himself with No. 22 rifle. The doc tnrs snv his Knxvole xeoi-o norfnratnA I in six places, and very little hope is entertained for his recovery. Abra- ham Batten, an uncle of the man charged wKi tiro murder of Charlie Brown, was found dead Tueaday ftftftrnnnn. stint tVimncrh the hpnn . Hii Tf gLZ ff jn o il. j :i i tv.i l in I MH I H If l III! II I Ss I 1 I II II )!WI1 LI HL I in crossing the fence thi gun went off it falling on one side and the body on the other. nff on one side and the Cotton Mill Floors Settle. ..rT' 1 n J O T TTUU ana a siow aownwara movement, w , r : i 4v'ncn nnn k f.i rr r' . three floors of the north end of the through Section 32. f&JS5S? 9 . By Nimocks: To amend the big Gibson Mills, located in the northr Mr. Hayes offered the resolution issue to ffe $650 000 law and provide for a six months' western part of this city, sank to a fhat when the House adjourn it do so Agg STLT T te aEducation dopth of probably six feet Saturday m honor of George Washington. SJLtUtlwf ?y P611661 To rejnire a11 white Xrnoon caused by the crumbling On motion of Mr. DowaVthe rev- JlaSS H IZElSt the te cared of a Dillar which subseauently nue nd machinery acts were made mg for mi election on amendment to fPr at the State Hospital for the in caused the rivinl iwav of the beams order again for Tuesday. the constitution as to the homestead ,ane mt RlWgh. Calendar, undeleath Z At 2 :30 the House took recess till exempticm. : By MeanT A joint resolution pro affetinir tbfi foundation. There were 8 at night. ' . . . I: ' lading for the election of trustees of fonr hnndrpd hands at work in the immense structure and when they realized what was taking place - ?a - - . . J J .HI 1 1 sustained the slightest injury, though two or t oung women fainted WomaM- Was Blacklisted. for Wadesboro, Special. Suit ai. UUlfc J.VM. hlZ hYnnvht hv Mr Frnma T Rich- SuS-fcT S&J r il . d;n Ann v. MaliSE? hvS! Retail Merchants" blacklisted by the Retail Merchants Association wroogiuiiy ana damagea from Mr. Rhyne, a meat dealer, because of -bMK resulting. Tbe oaaif ia a hamI Ana t-'Ua fl-isst nf thai suit is a novel one, vttie nrst ot tne IrlnA iT.rtn.V,f Ua.. Tlia Pofoil Mor. R,"u uluu&"v iUC . A1.MiV., AaanUi4!n ii, n n Anr nnMH Nation iZFttitiTZt 1 zafaon ror tne protection or local m..Al,afa on a ac r m o c tn rofna credit to those whose names appear . Kionviief TVio atonal nf a J S will lrZtv Anl tne association win mriy uep On Hl.IWHn;Ul Dm-. Dunn IAwyer Killed by Train. Dunn, j&pseial. On Broad street crossing ftTY:30 Saturday freight trains, Shifting and backing, ran over Hon. W. A. Stewart, a prominent at torney, crushing him to pieces. Twenty Pound Baby. Wadesboro, Special. Wadesboro v.ie the hWost babv vet reported in ii oi-x- mU; uoiaar ia tkA -hii. of ine oi-aie. j Walter Little and wile, wen nown colored Deople living here and weigh- A OA nnnnds TtrVlPTI horn last Mon- Tt.. hild is aopearentlv doing wSi Trip mrents are the produest wen. J.ne pmcuta io " " couple in the town. . . o A i nf 2a8tin7$S & ia nlWed to be part of the money oiltgou v i . stolen from the Forsyth Bank and Trust company of Kernersville, N. C, was dug up from bneath a dwell- ing Wednesday wnew . u s buried m that city oy ine a ceo advices reaS detective bureau new. wy ; J Sheriff Robert Flint of Kernersvme onenix - w,r" Wa4. leit nere ior ixwm nesday with Gaitber Bodenhame: vonnc man who was arrested bj bv the it5Yh! ith hav- Washington police charged with DOINGS OF THE LAWMAKERS Doings of the State Legislature Con densedInteresting Items Day to Day. The following are some of the new bills offered in the Senate Monday: Ormond : Amend article 8 of the constitution, relating to corporations other than municipal. Ormond: Amend Chapter 100, Re visal, relative to domestic insurance companies. Starbuek: Permit judgments on appeal bonds where bankrupts are Lieutenant Governor was ample and sufficient. utZt Ten The S Mr. Scott that when the Senate ad- JOUrn it dO SO m nOnOr OI WeOlge journ Washington. xnis was put upon its . mma3sma an Aonn ""T1"?, STT . . . me lonowing new oiiis or general intereat were introduced in rVio TTmiM I A jitA jim- . tive.to W imoeatm M detens, bonds in cities and counties. Graham: Regulate the distribution of samples of proprietary and patent medicines from house to house. J Dowd : Amend Revisal 2870 in re gard to building and loan associations so as to limit their authority to bor- row money to an aggregate equal to one-third of the capital stock. McNeely: Make all roads now traversed by rural mail delivery routes, public roads The revenue bill was, on motion of Chairman Dowd, taken up, the House going into committee of the whole for " ROTse.v. Representative Koonce " reached, there Was a discussion over- nersons not attornevs beinr tax- 'M drawing eoda and ootet. " I Py Dut " was aeama ro aaopt the section as it is now in the Jaw, several amendments being voted down. At 12:30 o'clock the committee )f Am whnl aroaii and reported nrocrese The on of the House I of stationery nets in Neuw and Trent rivers, Pamlico county, was sent back to the committee; and the Buncombe bill of Mr. Weaver, I tightening the prohibition law in that I 1 ill. 11. i n.A...nf . , .,. i i couiiLV witu iuc uuipwc ui k"-""" the near-beer establishments of Asheville from selling i intoxicating nder cover of their legiti- I mate business, was tabled amid ap- t . jrtrtrT,K0 fcill Mibn1 t,t from Mr. nfl(ini;nt. nf tha nrovision V " - r 1 ilUWlUg BCOitvil Ul picuiioto, .... , - ammaA I A UtJ DUfHB CWUUl-jr urn ii h" u;u:i.; ,n0i cola nf nnnr offer I UlVlUHlVtUK IllCgOl OHIO vJ. ujuv. life S011 had removed the oetten UMi, rtf mi for nos- I aaffVaUB f-T " r".: ses81uu VJL mwiC mou - gallons. Mr. Weaver offered an amendmerit to his bill that made a Tem&r search warrant necessary in 1 a-haaa 4-nr onH a h A It I . nmio offor anm. uruer iu cuiuiuq ji cmio wa- plaint made, but still the opponenw were not satisfied , and after long bo - bate kilted the bill. The Senate discussion of anti-trust legislation, "teeth" and no "teeth," or rather what character of ' teeth" shall be given the present anti-tnist act, began Tuesday, continued ior tw 'bourn and then went over until I Wednesdav. when it was resumed ad infinitum. There were two speeches Senator Lockhart for his original i H .... , Senator! pftBctttf. nf the 1 Blow-Bassett aub- ofitto ' which Rimerseded the Lock- hart bill in taking favorable report at the hands of tho judieUry com- ... . miftee. , a mnn iY,p hill introduced m the canta who one hv Senator Lockhart. I anthrriaintr the ComoratlOn COffi WVH""U " ' .. . I sTon to regulate hydro-electric com- panies aaa l-r I. ..mmitfaa nf t.VlA whole again most of Tuesday on the Vain oni the first coiner-over ine jaouse was iu tuumiivi.v- is not finished yet. The most impor- 7 ."7 were taxing automobile m "T;r, itl,indina- ffiSTS. SU taxini ' Tf. h0 tax on snip 1:1 than v i;Vervmen who sell more than ye i r " . il. . horses in six months; increasing the I was enlivened with spicy debates on votes cast m its favor to 33 against rhe resolution provided for a joint I i. a n - j 11 -"....;-' , IfW I 'i 1 iii 1 1 a It i? 11 J I i n i , c . i T-r - I local nsn ana liquor qucsiwuo, " i it, BUD-sfcuun oj. ine piuyuscu ueeung oi me oenate ana xiouse at I .a ii ii .i ii uiii i tlia 1 i? i. l i -1: i j I n i 1 i , . m, i rnp rpsnii inaL Liie uiii tu ickuwic nic anii-Lrusa letrisiaLioii. went uuwxi xu i la o ciopk to pip.pt. Tn rmsr.pps np tax on sewing machine manufactur- joint committee, including the Repub- 1 and dS from $350 to $450 and lican,! and is of great length. It era and dealers . pntnA t,t. all the Auditor's warrants the 50-cent fee for each agent raising to $2 applying the peddlers' tax to li i It - j ' ?i i I an mose naving iree or paia snows to draw business, and exempting blind peddlers from the tax; reducing the tax on lighting-rod agents from $50 to $25 ; reducing the slot machine tax from $2.o0 to $1.50 and exempt- ing those" where drinking water is sold at a cent a glass; including un- I der packing house tax of $100 all I wholesale dealers in meat packing ame pirwucw cold storage plants in the State and exempting all not handling over 25.- 000, nnnJs a vr- rmttirur nn Atkm. i a i i j- - gr w ir J - j f "o w w- era in beerine, near-beer and all I W . m "m - 1 dnnks containing as much as one- uoix oi jicr pi aiTOiiui a . $20. Mr. Hades' bill for the division of me acts OI IOe Legislature into pUD- I . - . Jt - . . - I lie, private and public-local was pass-1 ed on final reading. It i -understood I that it will save from $2,000 to $4,000 TO ine Swaie in Dinaing. I i ' ii mil i I fne Senate on Wednesday passed many local measures, received a fcrea' number Of new local bills and snent I fwt tionx ;o,.: lU. i: i I slaTiorT beTrcLTasTakert; u . enti-trnst bilb were , VI . , uiiuci uiacusBion atram. oenaior ur- i , T A , . mond, fo the Lockhart bill, auJ Sen- ator Travis, for the Rssl-Blow substitute, were the speakers. ... - - aior jjocKnam stole a marcn on tne opponents of his sub-section it A " Kill , . OT1 aMmimMf S -i.aSTL Bassett-Blow substitute. ---- r " Among! the bills largely of local nature wjts one to incorporate Caro lina Railway and Power Company. The House, after a spirited discus- "on, voted 52 to 48o table the Em- pie om tnat nan already assed tne Senate to rohibit selling quail in the State, etc. ine consideration oi tne rvenue bill in cbmmittee of the whole for UUWUSIMIUU Ul H1C JtCllUC I second reading was completed and tk. Kill CTttiki. aA fi,Q final grind of third reading. The graduated tax on cigarette dealers and manufacturers was raised so that it will be $250 for 250,000,000 cigar ettes and range up to $1,500 for 500,- 4)00,000 Cigarettes output. This was I ... a J .m hx.v y Huw . ! ?a gro ed y n- animous vote to recommend the en- alrgement of the Capitol building at a cwi nov 10 exoeea pouu,uuu ana me erection ofAa new agricultral build- . With the unlucky number of 13 defeat Jnursday afternoon in the State Senate after the biggest argu- mentative contest that has character- j iied this session of the Assembly and J not infeHor to that of the famous I i i .L ll 1 nftT T 1 1 U I 1 1 ll. mn7 T rtnlplnlmft aarViAn i uuiitest tii luc j.c7vi ucrioioiuic ""cu, under te leadership of Hon. Reuben Reid, I Rockingham, sub-section ir'A" was expunged from the anti- trust legislation on the narrow mar- XI L. tu &nat. n. nn ftn.l minff tv,a mh i0.t i. r.rrvinr JZ clZ lY' .717 1 UlttCilllltsljr 1U1 special UU 111 oil tuuu- .. j HCS, W1BU lUIXWCtt DWW oupupiio- 1 k fi rtfV.Q 1 L1UI1 . 1W 1UC111 1 OllllllK lUUl-lUUUI.ua faehool I every school district in the Qf F ' "WW. E I mi. TT rrv.,,1 ,T . 4-U iue nuuse uu luurtuouiwcu calendar, of a goodly number of local bills oni third reading. The two fol- lowing are of public interest : I mi T mi j Ui n.eB.JJ: iv.i 1 il. . . 1..-11. v. 1 J - xne sautisc j. uuibuhj uiiii pooocu jthe! firemen 's relief fund bill on final I reading! after discussion. . Tla a Hill tn iaisna Krn ra in that finm of $500000 for carrying out the pur- poses of the Biekett act of 1907 to enlarge and equip the State hospitals! for the! insane was laid before the 1 House, i Several members of the mi- j nonty began to asx questions about it and Dr. Gordon for the committee ) explained that it would include $250,- 1 000 obligation already incurred in en- largingthe hospitals at Morganton and Rileiirh. and leave enoueh for I some aDroDriations to the other in- stitutions for Permanent improve ments; I then no further sums would be needed for improvements for the i next ten years. There were some questions by way I of objections asked that brought out a. a a l . 11. a;a, a mostf foreeful defense of the bill ( by Sector Doughton. The biU pas- 'f 'sed itsjf second reading. I I. I In bbth branches of the Legisla- I ture Friday was read the report of the sejeet committee appointed to considel- the sensational report of the anditinb (Hmmittee of the last Legis- laturelhat investigated the offices of State Treasurer, Auditor and Insur- ance Commissioner. The report is ance commissioner. signed J by all the members 'of 'the ' finds tfiat all the Auditor's warrants criticized by the auditing committee I lt it s 1 i I were iuny auiaonzea oy law, ana as to the voucher for the Goldsboro Hos- pital for money to repair building, it states that no such warrant and no such voucher number can be found on the Treasurer's and Auditor's books, that the hospital owes nothing for furniture or repairs, but does owe for supplies authorised by the Governor and Council of State. In the matter meeiuns nom- mg secret dishonest or disadvantag- ious to the State was done. As to the Insurance Commissioner x- ct; u 1 : : tr j - il i 1 i the report finds as a fact the state- . . 1 All 1 i 111 1 1 . I mem or tne. auditing committee wiat ZHTTT m L 1 honesty is disclosed on the part of any one handling the funds or securi- "w, anu mai uiere is no suggestion I JS " i any aucn. The statement of the expert ac- countant that he could not make an .L..l.t 1.1 1 A it. uuiuteij owexvb siatemeni. ot inu account without going back and checking up the entire business since the establishment of the office is er- roneous in its belief; that the state- mpnt. nf tbn ornprt that nn ieh Vnnlr I bad 'been kept aiowing lSffS ceipts and disbursements of funds is ran: mloolino. tl1Q .nrnm;ooinnor does keeP ft day book in which is a v" j we, ..c .n vuu. record of all receipts in detail while bis bank book as Insurance Commis sioner shows all disbursements and a separate ledger accoun shows dis bursements of the fund for the inves tigation of fires. The Senate consumed some time on 11 i 1 . , . , J, I to change the i county seat of Kill J - 1 lUU - I . i iium Ui local interest The House, in committee of the whole, on the revenue act, decided -to increase the pension ad. valorem tax from 4 to 5 cents, and the poll tax from $1.29 to $1.32 so as to be able l? lue appropriation xor pen- ,1 ,. A r' " . , -m v , . 1 he special order Was the bond is ... j, . .... ... n sue bill for an issue of $o00,000 for carrying out the purposes of , . L 1 1 3 Biekett act of 1907 for enlargement ef the State Hospitals for the Insane. With an amendment by Speaker Gra ham the hill passed its final reading. I.The following are among the new enate bills Saturday. Dockery: To call a constitutional I A-monAmonto By Nimocks: For the prevention of the snrend nf a PiiKli- Htlftfc fte University of North Carolina. resolution was placed on its imme I diate passage J The following bilb are among I those that passed their final reading : 1 S. B. To authorize the merger of I 11 3 1 1 , , a a a I ;i J 1 1 j 3 1 L . a i lomuaus io oe ormtmzea in Asne ana Alleghany counties with the Virginia" Carolina Southern Railway. H. B. To authorize the issue of State bonds to pay off the present ef- i L)o Tnw in iqia 6 tu fu2;- a "I. T v" " ..5a. 1 iuiiwUCCU BUU reierrea lO I UK HU- la . -n.. ... tt. t UlUUnaiC CUOlUlULee in IHO XlOUSei I c... I UOIUIUHV . By Cox of Wake: For relief of Ifk n-ui the night watchman of the Capitol. I Tk ' Tl 11. rp J il mien: 10 amena me pension law so as to provide semi-annual pay ments. By Mitchell: Resolution provid- inai no xurvner oiiis oe lnirouuc- ed in the House after 12 o'clock I Tuesday, March 2nd, except bv un- I anlmnns nrxn can f By Underwood: Joint resolution I relating to pages of the House. By Underwood: To regulate the writing of deeds. j By Stubbs : To call a convention of i the people of North Carolina to re- I vise and amend the Constitution. J Mr. Dowd, chairman of the Com- mittee on Finance, when the special I order, the Revenue bill, arrived, stat- ed that he would not ask that the I House eo into a committee of the - I whole, but that the House consider the bill in regular session, so that it iebate became too prolonged the pre- n,f;nn ,a u iij vious question could De caned. The many phases with amend- I ments, etc., were considered and vot 1 j ed upon Tho. bill creating a Daniel Boon Association passed its final reading. A number of bills were considered I and passed involving local interest I anly. ALWAYS AHEAD Tm afraid we have a dlssapolntr ment in store for us," declared the ernlorer "Not at all. can. We'll reach the pole in an hour i find ' -,P: And something tells me that we'll a man there aeinng poswrus. - ... . 1 ' -Pittsburg Post. TENNESSEE SENATORS LEAVE Thirteen Members of the Tennc Sonata Leave the State in Order to Defeat the Purposes of the Election Laws Passed Over the Governor's Veto. Nashville, Tenn., Special. That 13 members of the State Senate have fled the State in order to defeat the parpo8e of election laws , , ' - P886? OVer Go Patterson veto is believed in well informed circles. The 13 members were Friday after- neon declared in contempt of the """" 7 F Senate by .that ?3dy and the aer- Bifc-v-iD nos iii on. uccu tu gu ut pursuit of the absentees. It is declared further that the ab sentees will remain away during the remaining 22 days of the legislative session, thereby leaving in the handa 0f Governor Patterson the election m.-hinerv nf At nl feftin. Z.T Z h houses m passing over the-pro- fpt of tVlo finvomnr Iowa rlocicmorl fv deprive him of this authority. - v. uu.ft..u vv The joint resolution providing for a joint legislative session Friday for the purpose of electing the members of the State election boards as pro vided for in the recently enacted laws, and a State Treaurer and State nmntrnllor was vatnul Vv Haitaotim uuvi, ti tviuvu WJ UVIOlUWt pattenjon Friday. There wag no ifAtlKl r 4r 4"t VaaAMA nifntt liin wa4a WmV i Fao8c " Ck" the action of the 13 members of the Senate in remainina: awav from the day's session, thus preventing a quo rum, renders action on the veto mes sage impossible. If the members remain away until the end of the regular session, it would then be necessary for the Governor to call a special session to I ononr annmnnariAn lam anj olont m I aaav nyinvuiuiuvu isamo uuu ticti ca mmanZT a PnmntiL, Tk I . VUL. 1IU VVUlUVtVUV.. 1M special session would be prevented, under the constitution, from consid ering any matters not specially, men tioned in the call for the extra ses sion and of course the Governor is not expected to refer in his call to election matters. STRONG DEFENCE OF PRESS. Governor of Kentucky Pardons Louisville Paper tnat Scored Offi cials. Frankfort, Ky., Special. One of the strongest defenses of the freedom of the press in criticism of public of ficials ever delivered in the South was written by Governor Augustus E. Willson Thursday in granting a par don to the Herald Publishing Com pany, of Louisville, publishers of the Louisville Herald, for an indictment in the Calloway and in Trigg Circuit Courts of Western Kentucky, charg ing the paper with criminally libel ling Judge Thomas P. Cook and Com monwealth 's attorney, Denny P. Smith. The two officials preside in the district in which the greater part of the night rider troubles in West ern Kentucky occurred, and the pa per vigorously scored them for fail ure to perform their duty in prose cution of $he lawless element. Gov- eor Willson wrote upoii pardons to the newspaper company this reason: J o this district, which have not been punished under these officers' admin- I . ,. , ., istration. make it necessary for the ... . ... 4 ' , , . press 10 cr press to criticise all who can be held I" ... ?sle "If the Courts do not put an end to the rule Of crime in the counties in which the Judge and Common wealth's attorney are selected to up hold law and order, the only hope of permanent relief from such condition is in ebghtened public sentiment aroused by the press of the country. and instead of punishing the news- Wf make a fight againat such conditions, it should be regarded fulfilling its duty." Bill to Help Prohibition. Washington, Special. Following the prohibition agitation in Tennes see, Representative Brownlow of that State Saturdav introduced ia House a bill to enable the Statea bore effectively to enforce their laws. the prohibition of the sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors. I The biir provides for a surrender to fjie States of full control of tho I honor traffic. I "4UU1 llttm' - l The Ohio Won the Steaming Trophy. TTI . , TT . O I B1L. ion 'xaonroe, va., opeciai. a. no battleship Ohio sailed Sunday for New York. The third squadron, which met the returning battleshippa one thousand miles at sea, sailed Monday for Guantanamo whence it probably will go on a West Indian cruise. The Ohio sailed away tho proud winner of the "steaming trophy' ' of the voyage around the world. The rules for the contest, which was one of economy in coal and water consumption for the entire trin were ia: j jown ao0n after tho l I A . . Snips lett Hampton Koads fourteen monts ago. ing stolen more than $2,000.