Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL XIV. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1909. A. NO. 46. Stiff (MINGS Of NORTH STATE NEWS flews of Interest Gleaned From All Sections of the State and Arranged for Busy Readers Taylorsville Train Wrecked. Statesville, Special. The mixed passenger and freight train from Tavlorsville, which is due in States ville at 10:10 o'clock was wrecked Thursday morning at a point about one and a half miles south of Hid enite. Two loaded box cars, the bag gage and mail car and the second class passenger coach left the track and were badly damaged, but no one was hurt. The locomotive broke loose from the derailed cars and remained on the track uninjured, and the first class passenger coach, which was at the rear of the train, did not leave the rails. As soon as the extent o Cloers' Victims Increase. Statesville, Special. Additional charges against the Cloer brothers Rohert and Joe Cloer, the noted check flashers who are in jail here awaiting trial, continue to pile up and it is probable that the number of their victims will never be known. There are probably many victims wno know that the Cloers are now in.iail, but they don't care to let it be known that' they cashed bogus cheeks be cause the telling will not bring back their money, and few of us are anxious to let it be known that we have been taken in or worked by a sharper. This is preliminary to say ing that Mr. R. F. Burton, cashier CONVENTION OF LAUNDRYMEN CONGRESS IN EXTRA SESSION oi a bank at Manon, was shown a the damage was learned the loco- photograph of Robert Cloer the one motive proceeded to Stony Point wno operate! most extensively we station, where an empty box car was other day and recognized him as the secured. Chairs were placed in the man who passed a forged check on car and it was taken to the scene of the Marion bank. This is the first , the wreck. Captain Rowland quickly case to turn up from the Marion sec transferred the passengers to the box tion. car "a side door Pullman" and the engine and car came on to .States- Pitt County Teachers, ville, arriving here on schedule time. Greenville, Special-. Pitt county The train which arrived here from has a teachers' association that ranks Charlotte at 10 o'clock was sent back with the best in the State. It has a to Charlotte and the morning train to membership considerably above one Taylorsville was annulled. What hundred, holds meetings once a , caused the wreck is not known and month and is attended by praJttca neither Engineer Patton or Captain all the public school teachers in the Rowland offer any theories as to the county. Through the efforts of the cause. association, led by the county super- intendent of schools. Prof. W. H. New Industrial Hews Deal. Ragsdale, educational interest has Greensboro, Special. Another turn reached a high pitch over the entire was taken in the affairs of The In- county. In addition to the splendid dustrial News Thursday, wltm Judge programme participated in by various Boyd signed an order transferring teachere of the county, a prominent the bankruptcy proceedings against educator from different colleges m the corporation to Mr. G. S. Fergu- the State is secured to address each ann Jt- wfoT-o in hn brant v j?f tweeting of the association. The ad- dress at the meeting last Saturday ing of creditors for the purpose of wfls by Prof. J. Henry Highsmith, of electing a trustee for the purpose of Wake Forest College, and is pro min tiio aflfo of fho hank, nounced one of the best the associa- nmi Tho nniiv Tn.inctrinl "NTpws. has ever heard. which was established here as the Re- f f . publican organ in North Carolina , . cer CIJr, early in October, 1905, was placed in Raleigh, Special. 1 he North Caro the hands of a receiver November 14, 1Jna State officers are organising 1909, and the paper suspended publi- themselves into a social club with a cation January 29. The receiver made limited number of outside members, three attempts to sell the property. he indications being that the orgam not a single bid being offered at the nation will ccine to be quite a feature last sale, on February 15th. The fail- interest th Raleigh. The entire are to resurrect The Industrial News Woman's Club building, west of Cap means that, for a while, at least, Spuare, has been leased, except Greensboro will be without an Asso- the assembly room, which the women ciad Press morning paper. will retain for meeting purposes. It Mr. Walter H. Savoy, the represen- i been a matte.r of dissatisfied com tative of the Mergenthaler Company, raent for some time among the State v, officers that they had no place where linotype machines used by The In- they coul come together in a social dustrial News boxed and shipped to way and exchange views without the th .nmmnv'c o, ; umMvti formalities of some official session TJ V Mr. rk.i. n. ncn f or conference. To Hon. B. i. Uixon the Harrison Printing Companv, has State auditor, is due the credit for bfiPn ir, f oL-q anj having hit upon a solution ot the pare the machines for shipment and Ulffic.ulty in conceiving the formation Went in wrlr nr, fK -JnK Tkiiradnv f the ClllD. Third Annual Meeting of the Associa tion Meets in Goldsboro. Goldsboro, Special. The third an nual convention of the Laundcrers' Association of the Carolinas conven ed in this city Monday morning and is largely attended by representative citiitens from the more progressive towns of the sister Carolinas. At 10 J o'clock Monday the convention was formally called to order in the public chamber of commerce by its president, Mr. Cyfll Brown, of Ashe ville. After address of welcome by Col. J. E. Robinson, editor of the Argus and response by Mr. H. A. Smith, of Florence, S. C., the conven tion got speedily down to business. L'The afternoon's business session was opened at 2 o'clock, but adjourned at 3 o'clock to the Country Club, the members leaving on the train at 3:10 for that delightful location, where the deliberations were resumed at 3:45, and a barbecue was..tendered by Mr. B. H. Griffin, of the Kenrion. President Taft's Message "Bead Speaker Cannon Announces Im portant Committees. The second day 's session of the House of Representatives found the mem-Sixty-first Congress found the mem bers in a much calmer mood than on Monday. The tension was noticeably relaxed, and a feeling of general good fellowship was apparent. The draw ing for Seats was the first business. A number of the older members were allowed their choice of seats. Speaker Cannoltonounced the fol lowing committees Decision. Against the Killing of Sen. Carm 1 1 wo coopers tor ck 20 Years In the Penitentiary the Penalty. Nashville, Tenn., Special. Guilty of murder in the second degree pun ishment 20 years' imprisonment this Itules-The Speaker; Dalsell, i ? 3f SfESS Pennsylvania; &mith of Iowa; Clark "Ttf'l E m t t Coooer and Robin J. CooDer when the Committee on Ways and Means- 2E!fiSsfc Payne, of New York; Dalzell, of J ucquitted John D Sharp dieted Pennsylvania; MoCall Massachu- Tth th5T Ropers for the slaying of w;n n,. tiii former U. S. Senator Edward W. Car- of Illinois; Needham, of California ; mcK Calderhead, of Kansas; Fordney, of Michigan; Gaines, of West Virginia; Rush to Sign Bond. Although Judge Hart fixed ths bond Desire Better Com Crop. Gastonia, Special. To stimulate the growing of corn in Gaston coun ty, Mr. A. C. Stroup, who is in nha rota nf tVio ornvortimonf 'a fn-nnprn. o ' " " ww vmr. r Jn r m tive demonstration work for ' this """"J "l of Ohio; Cruznpaeker, of ldiana; ffiL? ZLZ? Uark, of Missouri; Harrison, of ,T "V". " . , "J ' New York; Broussard, of Louisiana; Underwood, of Alabama: Ori,. of L Th flr8t. to mv? .was : n. t'.. xt .il Ureener, wbo signed tor S10,0U on Several others had been Speaker Cannon did not consult .IgfiJ" and telePf gg nnnnt.v. will nflF' nrirAS mrcrrpfrn finer I nearl ' $200 for" & best yieldV of 'eader, Hon. Champ - . fewn n th. fk. a. " the appointment of com- SaftSTT. S3Fz3u a season. The number of prizes ajd Sffltilt. party far. the balance. I will sign for a tho rnioo end r0fmi0fin0 m0n,in and Mr. Clark and he had some con- I i- - , Jl lh the rules and regulations governing the contest will be made known in a few days. It is open to all farmers in the cdunty. Gaston farmers have heretofore raised cotton almost to the exclusion of all other farm pro ducts and it is desired to stimulate them in the raising of corn and other grains. Working on Big Bridge Across Albe marle Sound. Newborn, Special. he & S. Railroad is now running a train daily troversy. The President's message was re million for these men," he remarked In vain the clerk protested over and a kafi i. SLifW aain that more than enough 5bh ft. Kate adjouT ti - bnt - "ble xv: i answer was ' ' We want to put our Friday. name on that bond too." It seemed The following is the very brief, the nd. when there was no Dui cwar cui message irom tne room for names at the foot of v -rr document the new bondsmen t en- To the Senate and House of Rep- forsed across the face until it was resentatives : rlfffimilf ft HpmnVior tVi eiomAnres I have convened congress in extra When filed the bond totaled nearly a a- which is setting up material building the great bridge across Albe marle sound. About two years ago when work was first bggun on bridge hundreds " of piles, 'some feet long, were cut and placed on the railroad right of way between Wash for fession. in o? to enable it to give miUion and a half. The Jury's Verdict. At 9:26 the 12 men entered the room and took the same seats they had occupied for nearly 9 weeks. being placed in readiness to begin the work. m m . TT A. Hearing in Whitney Case. want jow. Salisbury, Special: For the pur- Raleigh, Special. Governor Kiteh pose of conducting a special hearing jn saVs he is receiving many letters m the litigation against tne wnitney from le in various parts of the Power Company, of Pittsburg, own- Stflfo r-in ff fn he antn;nt-d as in- iL .' ,1 4. J , ,....., . -rt ; "J- ''" L,ifi tutJd.c ciiiu I .ntnrc nf Is nut titr rlK Uncter A -.a. t -i: tt lv.j power plant being developed at the tt, ftrr,n nf tbp ant nassed bv , uHeafuwu. Narrows, on the Yadkin Bive, near & ST".!! J&. JS!4- oauiDDrv. a. n . rncc. ot mis ciiv. i : .. vrw nfw . , . w j"'6 vj. nui. went to New York Thursday. hlT Tfor ton ?' ' lakeland, of this place, some John S. Henderson, receiver of the : .' L Gys unearthed in plowing, an fsmnnnnnn Mi.(..h ni Rnrtm, ,. , Jli. x. ancient spear head, evidently of the $10,000,000 concern, and Burtoin j an-. 7 - . 111 N I 1 I.llt- I 11, V HJ1 t I I I M lj W I .a 1 . Craige, also of this city, are also in ceed $1'000 year. The Governor Ptem ed by tne soldiers of the Nw Ynrk for thn hParin?. whinh. it L. oa. Uof sixteenth century, particularly the 7 svs. nuwever. Ltit io m iu" i 0 -rr. - , , is said, will last ten days. . The prir.- - ointments are not to be made by ?Pxmsn rencI! ana "a"ttn' na? etp.1. .ssuem. the , over h-, but by th Sfote Department of - ZJffifTS a i-Hiw rmmnT fnr a hnl- ft" T ;. -n iu. ;-a. w probable that the spear and its . ...w.v. , . i onvp JU V I. aim will utxcaaiiow; xaiT i , , . . . ance of about $253,000 alleged to be rW nf all iltuminatinff oils offered e"er were lost oy verrazzani, tne j n ii ttti .. g- T..i r; . . i iiHiian urninrpr pmn nvn rw tho owe irom tne vvnitney uoenpany. ,i f sale n the State, the inspector's """" "--ir; a L c u rs believed here that all the differ- ta of approvaI necessary on 5? ?e J ien' the Spanish ences will be adiusted and woris re-1 i-0 ;i Kpfrtrp t. ran ""V" tuc" m I cvciy Lfav.xviiu vi. va xvw sumea on tne Dig pianc. i offered for sale at retail. immediate consideration to the revis ion of the Diugley tariff act. Condi tiont' affecting production, manufac & . s . .i "tuTerTHTd business generally have s changed in the last 12 years as to re quire a re-adjustment and revision of Uentlement?" ,a;a jU(1fffi Hart - 1 " " - l . i . - , . . C3 n ington and Beaufort. The company tne impon duties imposed by tnat act, ,We have," replied Foreman E now has an engine and a crew with luls lue pn" M. Burke hoarsely a steam loader at work loading these n ?ner sources ot government rev- "Advance, Mr. Foreman, and read piles and taking them to Mackey !uue' """T.4" icuiue enoup the verdict." FeiTy. So far as can be learned the 40 Pay autnonzed expenditures, By a We, the jury, find the defendants actual construction work on the UV A nexc lne excess of expenses Dnncan B. Cooper and Robin J. bridge itself has not yet begun, but over receipts for the current fiscal Cooper guilty of murder in the second largo quantities of material are now JeT equal $100,000,000. degree and assess their pnhishment at rmny jrieugeu u revision. confinement m the State penitentiary v aaV ouvwsaui in i,a late ior a period oi twenty years. ' election is pledged to a revision of "So say you all, gentiement?,, Much Activity at Spencer. tne ian?- ine country and business "So say we all," in chorus. Spencer, Special. Not for more community especially, expeot it. The "I thank you, gentlement, ' 1 said than a year has there been as much" ProsPect oi a cnange in the rates of the court, "for yur patience and de activity at Spencer as at the present P01 duhes always causes a suspen- votiton to the State, and dismiss you time, the Southern Railway pay roll 81011 or halt m business because of the to your homes and to your personal having been greatlv increased this uncertainty as to changes to be made vocations. month by reason of larger appropria- and. tlrelr effect- 14 18 thefore Of the The jurors were tired-looking and tions for work in the biff shons hre. m&hest importance that the new btll disheveled, but with the conclusion More men are said to be in the ser- sh.ould m agreed upon and passed of this remark the entire 12 sprang vice in Spencer now than for two tn M "e sPeed as possible con- from their seats as one man and hur- years and many are moving their slsceni due and thorough nedly left the court room families to Soencer to live The re- consiuerauon. i. amine a tu opciitcr tu live. lue re-I ikiiTcra o-w m -rrr -ricii nmvn-r Aai . . wmm. tc w opeeay Acxion. Unil I LU 3l A I LCrNcUa KCrUK I VIH I fiL LUI IU(N LKUr Vaa ikaa. T 1 1 1 I jL-va mtoe icutuns j. nave aeemea i 450 bales. Sea island bales included are 93,848 for 1903 and 86,895 foi 1907. The crop by States, in running bales, including linters, follows: Alabama, 1,358,339 bales; Arkan sas, 1,018,708 bales; Florida, 71,411 bales; Georgia, 2,022,828 bales; Kan sas, Kentucky and New Mexico (in cluding linters, of establishments in Illinois and Virginia) 5,054; Louis iana, 481,694 bales; Missessippi, lr 665,695 bales; Missouri, 60,609 bales North Carolina, 699,507 bales; Okla. homa, 703,862 bales; South Carolina, 1,239,260 bales; Tennessee. 348,583 bales; Texas, 3,719,189 bales; Vi ginia, 13,013 bales. Verdict a Surprise. The verdict, coming as it did upon the heels of Foreman Burke's dec laration Friday that "we are hope lessly tied up as to the Coopers,' 1 waa a decided surprise. The defendants took it coliy almost without emotion. In a second after Judge Hart ceased dismissing the jurors, Judge Ander son, of the defense, was on his feet , exclaiming: "Your honor, we move that the case be declared a mistrial because of the verdict Friday we con tend that- Friday's verdict was the only one, and that it acquitted John Sharp but declared a disagreement on the other defendants. We also ask that the defendants he admitted to bond at once." A Bailable Case. "The verdict of the jury makes it a bailable case," was the court's re tori" 'Hence I will fix the bond o each defendant at . $25,000 unless there be some objection. In that event I will hear arguments." "It is satisfactory to us," said Attorney General McCarn. "And to us," re torted Judge Anderson. "There seems nothing left but for the court to pass sentence," added Judge Hart. "I do not think that necessary," said Judge Anderson. We move that judgment be suspended and that we be given a new trial. We will be pre pared to argue the motion later probably next week." "All right, judge," remarked the court. "I know you will not delay unnecessarily and I will take it up at your own convenience." How the Jury Voted. The jurors were not inclined to talk but one of them said: "On the first ballot we acquitted John Sharp and disregarded the con spiracy theory. On this same ballot we stood six for guilty of murder in the first degree with mitigating cir cumstances, five for murder in the second degree with 20 yeajs, the maximum penalty and one for ac quitttal. The ballots all day Wednes day and Thursday showed the same result. Friday the man who voted for -acquittal came oyer to murder in the second degree but demanded that only 10 years be assessed. The rest of us did not deem ten years as any thing like adequate, so we disagreed again. Of course, all this refers to the Coopers, not Sharp, whom we had acquitted. Early Saturday morning the man who was holding out for 10 years agreed to 20 years and the six who were voting for a first degree verdict agreed to this verdict." pair work on engines and cars ac cumulated during the past business depression will keep the employes busy for many months and this in addition to the regular work at the shops. the present to be an extraordinary oc- Washington, Special. Running casion, within the meaning of the bales of cotton numbering 13,408,841, constitution and requiring: the calline? p . it Knc of an extrasession. , ..... "In my iqamniral address. Is stated P0, ail equivalent to ld,0bd,W in a summaky way, the principles ut- 500-pound bales, with 27,587 ginner- qn which, in my judgment, the re vis- ies operating, was the final report of 1524 and 1520. State Banks Good Showing. Raleigh, Special. A summary of the condition of State, private and savings banks at the close of business In Trouble Again. Pasteur Treatment Successful Raleigh, Special. Fred Miller, the Statesville, Special. Mr. Fred young man of good family who came Abernathy, wlio was bitten by a wto the limelifrht some months threa weeks aeo thnough being arrested and held in and went t Ealairf. to take the February 5th by the Corporation lail some time on suspicion of being pasteur treatment for hydrophobia, Commission shows that there are 611 connected with the murder of Dr. W. nflficA throijrh Statesville Monday banks and they have aggregate re- Smith, of Richmond, last No vein- cvening en route to his home at Oak sources of $48,954,015, a gain of $1,- - . is in troble again, haying been Forest. Hi can now rest assured ol2QQ m oyer the report of a year ag0 ;dlieri on the charce of robberv. He L-. iuf ll tfftpts as a result of LL. j oco crn --- -- i uj . i n til ( nils aa'Lirnn; jjj.-u-.ui y. 1. . 1 'il it- J Am f -OO T bis expciyence wiin tue mu u. ,s accused by Gordon N. Morgan Fate Uncertain. . RaHgh, Special. Governor Kiteh- will make his order very soon as g whether former Sheriff Anion, of ampson county, shall serve his six ears' sentence for embezzlement of ont? l1nds m tne Penitentiary or Fr' a roacs Sampson county, thath tne risouer are .urging o "e be allowfid&-to remain in Pson and seiWk the roads. The Stat out of tv sentence to the sev 8 P"spn hat' been suspended ernor -i8' in 0rder that the Gov intn .fl"ht have opportunity to look channl anoerit8 of tfee appeal for ui sentence. ion; pf the tariff should proceed, and the ' census bureau Saturday, on the cotton crop grown in 1968. indicated at least one new source of revenue that micVit: ho nmnoriv stored in order to avoid future deficit The rePort inlued 344,970 linters It is not necessary for me to repeat counts round as naif bales. The what I then said. . final 1907 croD recort was 11.325.882 I venture to sfmirest that the vital haW onuivoinr tr. n Z7F.ak nn Knaini.aa i4-Ak.J. -J? iL. a I. 9 " - 1 Z Lf T r T 117 P?Dnd bales with 27,597 ginneries quire that the attention nf onncrrwa I t ' . t . . . Hi I nnaroiinrt in inis session be chieflv devoted to consideration of the new tariff bilL Included in the 1908 figures are 93, and that less time be given to other bales, which the ginners estimate- ! M m . . a - . 5 Al. 1 A J A- i .M? . suojects or legislation in tis session, 6(1 mey wouia turn out alter tne time ox tne jviarcn canvass. Round bales in the report are 340,- is better for the countrv." 'WILIJAM H. TAFT." Spdbial Tax For Schools. I Lumber Flume 17 Miles long. Raleigl, Special. The election for Winston-Salm, Special. Wilkes special fax of 15 cents on the $1,000 eounty is to have the longest lumber vaJmition and 45 cents on the poll flame ; North Carolina. It will be to -maintain the schools of Raleigh 17 mileg iengt and it is being in- township for nine months, in plaee stalled by the Giant Lumber Co. The of six, was Tuesday won by the men &t the head of the flume wm schools, which polled 1.154 votes out bggin worfe ftt 6 a m putting in the of 1349 registered. The opposition . mber whiie the employes in North voted onlv 345. The deficiency in I wilkpsbnw b'eirin receiving three funds was caused by the voting out hours lator, it requiring this time for of the licmor dispensary and for two iRni, in floaf down the river. years the schools have had only a e flume, already constructed for six, months' term. The increase ap- severa milest is a fine and expensive plies to next year's terms, as the -ce of worL and js frequently used U 1 1T. .InaAil . . . . l a 1 i senoois aie uw liuocu. , 0tuer mipDer aeaiers For four bourse the House Of Rep resentatives Friday listened to the reading of the tariff bill which was the only business transacted. It was perhaps the dreariest legislative ses sion of any held by the body in re cent years. The census bill was received by the Senate from the House and referred to the committee on the census. After being in session eight minutes the Senate adjourned until Monday. There is a general disposition in the House to eliminate as far as possible an v academic discussion of the tariff. Members on both siddb are desirous of having as little general debate as :vi .1 l : pubbiuit: aim a muuu iiuju as is prac ticable for the consideration of th bill under the five minute rule for amendment. WRECKED IDEALS, So he has ceased to be her Ideal? tHe has. MWhat disagreeable thing did he dot" "Married another girl.- Louisville Courier- Journal. DECLARE ALCOHOL IS BEING ELIMINATED. Medical Study of the Temperance Movement in the South;" Howard A. Kelly, of Baltimore, on "The Alco holic Problem in Every-Day Life?" Washington, Special. Alcohol practicality has no therapeutic uses, judging from the discussion at the semi-annual meeting here lhursday of the American Society for fthe Study of Alcohol and Other Drug Narcotics. Some of the medical scientists contended that alcohol has no therapeutie uses; others that on the whole it has few such uses, while another declared that alcohol grad ually is being eliminated as a drug. Papers were read by Drs. Henry O. Marey, of Boston, honoarary presi dent of the society, entitled, "A T. D. Crothers, of Hartford, Conn., on "The Future of the Alcoholio Problem;" and W. B. Parks, of At lanta, Ga., on "The Effects of Al cohol on Temperament as it Relates to Race and Nationality." The night's session developed much in terest among the scientists as indi cating the necessity for laws relat ing to the care and protection of inebriates. THE HOUSE PASSES AMENDED CENSUS AND HEALTH BILLS was agreed to provMing that the ap pointments shall be made in con formity with the law of apportion ment among the Stajtes, under the civil service act. In order to prevent Washington, Special. In itsemend ed form the House took Thursday for f consideration the bill providing, for the taking of the next census. The bill was passed at the last sessiou, t but was vetoed by the President be cause of his objections to the pro- ! visions which took away from the Civil Service Commission the power of appointment of the clerks. An amendment by Mr. Steiling (Ills-.y the spread of tuberculosis among zovernment clerks, an amendment by ?r. Bennett (N. Y.) was agreed to, requiring that each census applicant furnish with his or her application a certificate of good health

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