folk Three Cents the Copy. INDEPENDENCE IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Year in Advance. -5S5 VOL X ? xr COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12,t909. NO. 14. fatnti) mm. TAR HEEL CHRONICLES Happenings And Doings Cleaned From All Parte Of The Old North State. DISTURBERS SHOT BY OFFICER GLOUCESTER DAY PAGEANT Teachers at Windsor. Windsor, Special. The Bertie county teachers (white) have Been attending an institute here for two weeks. Prof. J. Henry Highsmith, of Wake Forest College, and Miss Fulghum, of the Goldsboro graded school, have been very busy instruct ing them. Their teaching has been very entertaining and the teachers and public have enjoyed them. They both stand at the very top of their profession. Superintendent Askew has been of great assistance in this excellent work. Hon. Francis D. Win ston delivered an admirable address on "Local History." He gave a great number of unknown but highly in teresting facts and incidents relat ing to this historic county. He urged the formation of a society in each county having for its obeject securing portraits of the county's useful men and women to be hung in the court rooms. He narrated more than fifty of Bertie's noble sons and daughters who, by the usual standards of great ness, would be entitled to adorn the walls of our splendid court room. Striking was his appeal for more local work on the part of our histor ical societies. He has given this mat ter much thought. It will be re called that he introduced the bill, establishing "North Carolina Day" in the public schools. His idea is that the great movements have all been written up ; that court houses and homes are full of hidden valu able material; that a study of each localitv will be the basis of a fine State history. He suggested a course of lectures at our colleges in the different counties by a person from eacli of them. The address was interesting and most instructive. Old Soldiers' Day will be observed here on Thursday next. A great crowd will be here. Generally about four thousand peo ple attend. Tanners' Alliance Picnic. Gold Rock, Special. Beaver Dam Farmers Alliance, at Powell's school house, gave their annual barbecue and picnic. It was a day of feasting for all present. Mr. H. M. Cates, of Alamance county. State Lecturer, was on band, who after dinner delivered an able address which made a last ing impression upon all who heard him. With his wit and humor, com bined with hard, plain facts, he drove things home. All who heard him enjoyed his address, for all ex pressed a longing for the time when be shall come again. When the speaking was over the Alliance met in regular session, taking in several new members. They elected to the State Alliance, which meets at Hills boro, Amrust 10, T. E. Powell, dele gate, and Dr. Henry Whitaker, alter nate. The Alliance is widening m its inflnpnro. Tt is bringing the farm ers to realize their position and they are beginning to grasp some of the manv advantages which it holds out to them. An Unruly Convict. Goldsboro, Special. News has just reached this city of a very unfor tunate occurrence that took One Died Sunday Horning Othex j . May Recover Officer's Story Ju- 9Skttth Annhmrc nf Cottlamfint tifies Shooting Negro Employe! Implicate Officer. Asheville, N. C, Special. Mr. John Bunting of Wilmington, a traveling salesman of the Chattanooga Medi cine Company, diedin the Mission by Pilgrims. Warships in the Harbor and Many Fishing Vessels Also Dress For the Occasion. tunate occurrence that took place .. , , ' , . jd Friday at the county home, situated I Hospital berc Sunday-morning, soorf seven miles north of Goldsboro. A gang of convicts is at work on the farm, and one, Will Snead, a negro who is serving a sentence for burn ing a house to gain the insurance, has of late refused to work, complain ing that he was not well. The sup erintendent, E. D. Williams, called in a physician to examine the negro. He was pronounced to be in a thor oughly sound condition. Upon such medical advice Mr. Williams ordered Snead to return to his labors along with the rest. The negro grew more and more obstinate, absolutely re fusing to touch an implement, when Williams, assisted by his seventeen-year-old son, Edgar, endeavored to place shackles on the unruly convict, who resisted to the extent of even at tacking the superintendent. Mr. Williams was obliged to shoot. The bullet missed the negro, but took ef tect on young Williams, passing through his leg a little above the knee. Luckily it is only a flesh wound and the young man is reported as doing well. after midnight as a result of a shoot- J Gloucester, Mass. With United ing scrape at the Gladstone Hotel, itates warships booming their greet Black Mountain, Saturday morning g ,1 at 1:30 o'clock, while Mr. P. C. Col- ,treetg and fully 25000 strangers in lins, a prominent banker of Hillsboro, the city eager to witness the gorgeous is also at the hospital in an adjoining pageant, "The Canterbury Pilgrims, ward with a bad wound in the right i "Gloucester Day," or the 286th anni- . i versary of the settlement oi tne town side. Ihe two men' received their Dy the Pilgrims, was enthusiastically hurts at the hands of F. C. Watkins, observed here. . . , I President Taft had planned to take town constable of Black Mountain, 1 part Jn tnereat celebration, but the a room at the Gladstone Hotel Satui prolonged sessions of Congress, with day morning about 1:30 o'clock. The the announced program day morning several hours after the he Taft came here the of shooting occurred and taken to the rjick Hammond, and Mrs. Taft, Rob- hospital for treatment. It was found i ert and Helen Taft and their aunt, that Mr. Bunting was suffering from internal hemorrhage. Mr. , Collins, while dangerously hurt, will proba bly recover. The officer tells the following story: I went up to the room," said the Mrs. More, arrived in the afternoon. Governor Draper and his staff came at noon and were entertained with other distinguished guests at the City Hall. Admiral Dewey's Manila flag ship, the Olympia, the scout cruisers Salem and Chester, tne cruisers cm- Let Train Run Over Him. Winston-Salem, Special. Suicide terribly planned and spurred on by fear that he had slain his wife was the fate of Harrison Cline, 22 years old. Tne young man s body was found cut to pieces on the tracks of the Southern Railway in Salem early Sunday. Saturday night he fired three shots from a revolver at his wife of a year, who had left but a few months ago, just before their child was born. Clinq went to her father's house, where she was staying, Saturday and begged her to return to him. one refused and he fired upon her at a distance of six feet. One bullet graz ed her fingers and she fell fainting. Her father, W. F. Gordon, grappled with him, but Cline broke away, leav ing his revolver. Apparently he be lieved he had killed his wife and this led to his horrible suicide. The foWmer's inrv found a note in his Docket indicating that he was des nTAtelv inclined beiore ne visnea his wife. constable, 1 'where the men were andleaeo and Hartford, the President's entered. The room was in darkness ; yacht the Sylph, and all the vessels and as I entered I struck a match to of the fishing fleet, tor which industry see my way and lighted a lamp. One the port if mou, had flags and 4.u t j ? i u- v. bunting wherever they could be die- of the men I don t know which one, UJS Bells on shTe and cannon asked who I w?as and I said a police n gea usmered in the day's celebra- orhcer tne town constable. Une oi tinn at noon. EWSY GLEANINGS. A new natent treaty was promul gated by the United States and Ger man governments. Women of Massachusetts planned a four weeks' trolley camfclgn for "votes for women." ' T The Hochl. of Toklo, says that force is the only recourse of Japan to solve her problems in China. M. Pelot Gaudart, in a Voisin bi plane, beat Mr. Wilbur Wright's high flight record by rising 120 metres. The dilatory methods of the recent Cuban Congress caused President Go mez to force through important measures. The Peary "relief ship," the Jeanie, began her voyage from St. Johns, N. F.. to Etah, Greenland, to carry supplies to the explorer. A house of retreat will be built at Fordham University, New York, for the men who seek rest in temporary seclusion from the world. The meeting of the Emperor of Russia and President Fallieres strengthened the Franco-Russian al liance in the. direction of peace. W. H. Mitchell, of Thomasville, fla.. chareed with attempting to ab- 4 duct his relative, Miss Lucille Linton, was sentenced to tne cnam gang. Madrid sprinkled her chief thor oughfares with sand to make it easier for horsemen to maneuvre in ngnung mobs in the expected general strike. M. Vandervelde, the Socialist leader in Belgium, announced that he would go to the Congo to defend the American missionaries accused of libel. Count Witte's appearance at the imperial dinner for the King and Queen of Denmark is regarded as an indication that he will regain politi cal power. the men with an oath said in effect, ' Well, we take care of all police here. ' At about that time one of them kicked the door shut and then the light was snuffed out. One of the men jumped at me and grabbed me about the neck, the other at the time also closing in and clinching. The men were both of strong build; one of them had something in his hand but I don't know what it was. When they closed in on me and grabbed me, one reached for my pistol pocket. I drew my revolver, a 32-calibre Smith & Wesson and in the darkness fired twb shots and the men staggered back; one of them fell. When I went in there was a third person in the room, but whether he got out before the shooting I don't knew. I called for the door to be opened and it was opened, I don't know whether from the inside or outside. A light was secured and the manager came in. I assisted one of the men to a bed; the other one went out into the hall. A physician was summoned and in com pany with the physician the men were brought to Asheville for medical treatment. ' ' At the inquest over Bunting how- large I ever, two negro men, employes in the Thejageant was given at Stage Fort Park. As a prelude to the grand fete of the evenine a military, naval and civic parade was arranged for the early afternoon and included officers. marines and jackie3 from the war shins in the harbor, several compa nies of militia and Governor Draper, escorted by Troop A, of the Massa chusetts National Guard, the Lancers. These horsemen, attired in their dress uniforms of red, attracted no end of attention. The parade was reviewed at the City Hall by Governor Draper, Mayor Parsons and members of the Gloucester city government. The young members of the Taft family occupied a box near the reviewing stand and with them were four chil dren of the family of the late Presi dent Cleveland. Percy Mackaye's play, "The Can terbury Pilgrims," was arranged as a BASEBALL NOTES, PROMINENT PEOPLE. Magistrate Leroy B. Crane, of New York City, sailed for Europe on a health trip. Carnegie has spent over 351,000, 000 on libraries $35,000,000 in the United States. Dr. John Guiteras, the renowned yellow fever expert, has resigned as chief sanitary officer of Havana. The Wright brothers, in building their machines, work with their own hands and refuse to leave the ranks of mechanics or'TSTseek society. David R. Birch, United States Con sul at Alexandria, Egypt, and Mrs. Birch, have returned to America after an absence of nearly lour years. The Rev. Dr. Price, pastor of the Washineton Heights Methodist Epis copal Church, criticised Dr. Eliot's "new religion" as lacking the "vital note." George W. Gail, one of the wealth iest and best-known citizens of Balt imore, died following an operation for an intestinal perforation due to typhoid fever. The Rev. Dr. John Henry Jowetta visiting English clergyman, warned his hearers at New York City of the dangers of a religion of the head rather than of the heart. Charles Denby. formerly Consul General at Shanghai, ss an era of remarkable manufacturing activity is at hand in China, and that the door is open to American investors. Pope T-ius received in audience the Rieht Rev. Charles J. O'Reilly, Bish op of Baker City, Oregon, who pre sented John J. McGrane, of Brooklyn, and a pilgrimage of seventy-five per sons. g Augustine Birrell, chief secretary for Ireland, is quoted as saying that President Taft, in his inaugural ad dress, pronounced the doom of the hope for the disarmament ot nations. The use of the spitball is being de cried all along the line just now. Pitcher Sallee, of the Cardinals, seems to be considerable of andiron man for work. The New York Americans sold McConnell, one of their pitchers, to the Rochester Chib. President Dovey has prohibited sea-water bathing in the morning by the Boston players. It is said that Ned Hanlon, of Baltimore, is negotiating ior mo controlling interest in the Boston Club. Tf is said that Roger Bresnahan will not be able to catch again this vear because of a torn ligament in FINE FOR THE NERVE. Invalid Is this a good place for the nerves? Proprietor of Heanh Resort Is It? Why when I opened up here I only charged $2 a day now I've got th nerve to charge $10 -Town Topics. New Bridge Over Tar River a Big Undertaking. 'Rocky Mount, Special. For the - i A " past several days tne American D!J rrnn,. VlOC IrOTtt 1 J1T?6 force of hands at work putting into mnw, tw."rr." 77" Being Carved in Italy. RaWh. Soecial. The Secretary of the North Carolina Historical Com mission has received a letter from Mr. F. W. Ruckstuhl, the eminent New York sculptor, who is executing the marble bust of Governor William A. Graham for the Commission, that he would sail from New York for Florence. Italv. where the bust is be imr nnrvf. to nut the finishing touches on the work himself. It wil hp P.nrvpd from the best Carrara mar ble, will be one and one-quarter life size, and will cost when completed, ho nPAstal. $1,000. It will be shipped to America about September 1st, and will be deliver ed to the Historical Commission about the middle of October. Cotton Oil Mill For Whitakers. Rocky Mount, Special. Mr. S. S. Toler left Tuesday for Whitakers for the purpose of beginning upon the work of the erection of a cotton seed oil mill for the Southern States Cotton Oil and Refining Company, in accordance with a contract recently received by the irm of D. J. Ross & Co. The contract calls for com pletion of the three mills in time to handle the fall crop. i.u ,r,H( whir.h ine ouieer was xiwt jubmhou h raSr buid for the men showed no dis- Atlantic Coast Line across the Tar position .eiu river near this citv. The contract is bond m the sum of $o,00U. onite a ?arge one and it will reqnire He said that when he reached the qevpral weeks beiore tne large aouuie "vci v, rrv trick bridge is placed intoposition. their night clothing, barefooted and The bridge company has about sev- irigmeiicu. entv-fl? T carloads of material at Various quests of the hotel, men enty-nve cariou WOmen, testified as to the dis- South Rocky Mount and created by Bunting and Col unloaded and put into p in their room about midnight, fast as !5J2a3K Several of them stated that the two oneither be r"d S men re shouting and using profane SfSr-constable to quiet dude a putting into commission of the disturbers. the new bridge during ui.y and it is expected to put the double tracking from this city to Battleboro into use before the winter. Sunday Merrymakers Drown. Toledo. O.. Special. Two men and one woman were drowned and seven J -rUl-, Uffiimlti7 men were resuueu --j when a launch containing a gay par - T-i n Heavy ' men.vmakers capsized in Mau- Kinston, Special.-The heaviest feet off c? the Casino, a rainstorm of the summer passed over thgat at 4 0ciock Sunday this city Sunday afternoon wnicn mornn& AU were residents of To- tined until early Monday morning. f tfa drowned, was The total amount of ramtall was.oa. q and took out Since June 1st, tne ioia xu amounted to 21. 84 inches. To Protect Young Boys. Winston-Salem, Special. A society has been formed here to exercise su- the party of ten men and one woman over the earnest protests 01 mo Congressman in Fight. Washington,' Special Representa- his right shoulder The Washington Club has signed dramatic pageant and produced under the veteran outfielder Jimmy Sebring the direction of Eric Pape. Tne on the chance that he may snow some music for the evening was especially Qf nis former ability. composed and arranged by Walter If Hans Wagner cannot play his Damrosch. The play was enacted best me for tne rest Df the season under the leadership of Charles Dou- tne pjttsburgs may find it a difficult ville Coburn and in it there were tn Vpen the Cubs from passing t-133 TELEPHONES! nearly a thousand persons including the Coburn players, an adult mixed chorus of 200, 600 school children and a sixty-five piece military hand. GUILLOTINE AGAIN IN PARIS. them. The best throwing outfielders in the American League are Ray Dem mitt, of the Highlanders, and "Dode' Birmingham and Bill Hincnman, oi the Naps. The most effective major league pitchers, including Matnewson, Wiltse, Erown, Keuioacn, ammiz, Summers. Mullin. Bender, Plank, rWiTcris Gather to See Man WHO Killed Mother Suffer Death. Paris. France. A sudden official ine would take place at 4.30 a. m. in Smith of the White Sox, Scott and the boulevard fronting the Sante Pri- others, ao not use inv syitici . son created a sensation in Paris, Several American Association men which had not seen such a sight in have heen looking for grounds in fifteen vears. Immediately immense mMnr which has caused a re- crowds eathered at the scene, in rival of several war rumors, mciua view of the revolting crime of the I jng one to the effect that John Kling man executed President Fallieres re- and Jimmy Callahan will' run an As- fused to commute his sentence to life imnrisonment. The victim was one Duchemin, aged twenty-three, a butch er. In 1908 he stabbed his mother, and this not resulting In her death quick enough he finished her by stran gulation. The motive for the crime was robbery. sociation club in Chicago next year. Are a Necessity j in the Country , Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station., the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel one of the family to he m asronv ior hours while he drives to town for the doctor. 1 el-1 ephone and save half the suffering. Gur Free Book tells how to or ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. CASHIER'S SHORTAGE $50,000. Rural Carriers in Nash Hampered by High Water. Rocky Mount, Special During Tuesday, and Wednesday the rural letter carriers were forced to go out of their regular route on account of swollen streams and the streams and the river as well were swollen beyond their banks and the roads in many parts of both counties are impassable. All of rural route No. 4 could not be served on account of the fact that ' "mpass creek, near Mrs. George Battles, about five miles from this city, was so swollen as to be impassable. . a aiiv over voung boys tive J. Thomas Hell in, ot Alabama, who become enmeshed in the toils of became involved in a personal en the law, in order to prevent the lit- counter with an automobolist, whose tie fellows from becoming name is said to be Johnson, on the criminals. The society is streets of Washington Tuesday after- outcome of the eftorts ot ney. v, arrests were made the ford Jackson, general sec rewiy VSumtHv of Mr Heflin's antagonist the Juvenile Protective LllK who has been here several clays. Still Another Circus Booked For ST Mrs Dim TOWnn-Salem. Annapolis, Md., Special. Mrs. Winston-Salem, Special. The third james N. Sutton, of Portland, Ore., circus to be booked for W-inW- and her daughter, Mrs. Rosa button Salem this season is maS l"Tr Parker, of St. Paul, Minn., wun Shows, which wil JjWgJg Henry E. Davis, their counsel, arrived t m SS the here Wednesday night from Wash- big 11C tfUffmn ig :x Ant oT-minPfl. thev said, to figbfc sbowmen. apparenuv, - - mucTspeWlaUon ns to whether there thft end to.rem0ve the stig- wiU not be a suspensjun - md q suicide fr0m tne name vl after all. Otherwise, it is teaie a y gfe of the marine showmen max Mrs Qutton's son, when tne methods 10 KcMr? . . TPSnmes the & rrrsU w . SutWs Calhoun Harris, a Society Man, Ar rested in South Carolina. Anderson, S. C- Calhoun Harris, secretary and assistant cashier of the Orr cotton mills, here, was arrested, charged with breach of trust. Ex pert accountants who are going over his books announced that $5U,uuu was missing. Harris, who is socially prominent, says the apparent short age will be found due to clerical er rors. In the cotton company's vault the accountants found between $8000 and $9000 in old checks, currency and silver, which had been stored in bags, some of it for eight years, and appar ently forgotten. Some of these old checks had been tendered in payment for accounts with the company and apparently never had been cashed. Harris is thirty-five years old. He was married a few months ago. ROOF GARDEN HAT ABLAZE. CENT ALL IT WILL 69ST Y00 write for oar big FREE BICYCLE catalogue showing the most complete line oi nign-graa i nvfTT.KS. TIRES and SUNDRIES at PHICEi 1BEL.OW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. DO HOT BOY A BICYCLER? -238 t j s i .. ....'l nmi itm nwrel rynr comoiete CTce . lone, illustrating and descnbing every kind of high-ffrade wld low-grad. Prfoo &8.50 per pair To Introduce Wo Will Soli You a Samalo Pair for Only bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learnoi our remarKaDie : PRICES and wonaerrui new oners raaae posiuic uy scums num direct to rider with no middlemen's profit. , . . . WE SHIP ON APPROVAL v.nthcmt a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and JlowlODaj" FrtVTrlal and make other liberal terms no other v, in ihP wnrirl will do. You will learn evervthifiK and eet much valtt K able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a Rider Agent In every town and can offer an opportunity rto tee money to suitable young men who apply at once. i0 PUNGTURE-PROOF TIRE&?.N " many, the own "btrong arm the people to pay TTnwever, witkal. I death Girl's Dilemma Calls Out Part of the Atlanta Fire Department. Atlanta, Ga. A fire upon the roof garden of a hat of a pretty girl trav eler in the Union Station called out two fire companies, a hose cart and a score of willing amateur firemen, de layed a fast train thirty minutes and destroyed finery worth $30 upon the hat. The young woman, on her way to New York City, rushed into the sta tion for something to eat. In paying her check, she swung the hat too close to the cigar lighter. In an in stant the orchard which adorned it was a mass of flames. A dark-skinned waiter turned in a fire alarm and every available male guest tried to rescue the affair. The train was held until the victim recovered from an attack of hysterics. NAILS, TASKS On GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR O.ASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. r -,,1 nt tc vmi-s ernenence in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUSTPINS. NAILS. TACKS or CLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, can be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sow usi year, Notice the t hick rubber tread "A" and puncture strips "B nd "D," also rim atrip B" to pre v en t rim catting. Thin tire win outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY BIDING. $ nwmnmmOMi Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding ,yy durable and lined uU fffSeriaTottaUtv of rubber, which never becomes porous and winch closes up small punctur fSnthla to epe. We have hundreds of letters from satisfied customers stGn the patent Basket weave" treaa wmcn prevents an air nam Drong or soft roads is overcome by squeezed tires is JS of only $4.80 per pair. yon ao nut ynxy We will allow FUIX CASH WITH patent ra.prmminf all cnirtion. The regular mice OX tk out at.SirZZSS3fii a 8oecial factofV orice to the 50 per pair, uu... rvtl.-fer r t: - f w, . in Kri r All orders SniTJPea biuuc uay :cu-i v . v.. " - w. . y ,.o,i Viqvp examined and found them strictly as represented. j.f fm.r,-pnt therebv tnakinsr the orice S4.55 oer oairi if you a mil uiavti v o t-- - . J. ;r. " - . " ... - r resented. rider approval. send fckej V1 h hd Dand two closers on full paid orders (these metal femlaSe kmfe cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OITR exoense if for any reason they are not saiiswciorj ciauuuauuu. We are wrfelv reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. Ask your Postmaste. Cker EtS or Frright Agmt or the Editor of this paper about ns. 2f you oroer a patro; zESr&JZrZZmiU finA that thev will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer end look pSeverSedWwat any price. Wc know that you will be so well pleased a then ylv ( wantTbSU Tyou will-give as our order. We want you to send us a small trial or4 at ooce, hence Ls rernartable tuoffer and ir8 aa(J CO ASTER" BR AKEOm everrhuig in the bicycle line are sold by us at halt the usual MUC CYCLE CCHPiNY, Dept. 4'L" RHlCftCCTtLL. talk of the insistent sort,