folk fhf.. cnu c. . VOL XV. COLUMBUS, POLK COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER i HrNTOX9 EMINENT DOCTORS AT YOUR SERVICE FREE. Hot a Penny to Pay For tho Fullest Medical Examination. If you are in doubt as to the cause of your disease mall us & postal re questing a medical examination blank, hi h you will fill out and return to Bs Our doctors will carefully diag nor your case, and if you can be cored you will be told so; if you can not be cured you will be told so. You arc not obligated to us In any way, for ihl advice is absolutely free; you are at liberty to take our advice or not as you see fit. Send to-day for a medl ca! xamination blank, fill out and ret ti to us as promptly as possible, and our eminent doctors will diagnose yc rase thoroughly absolutely free. Munyon s, 53d and Jefferson Sis Philadelphia, Pa. ! i n one has his hands turned to ward himself. Polish. So. 36-'09. RAISED FROM SICK BED After All Hope Had Vanished. Mrs. J. H. Bennett, 59 Fountain St., Gardiner, Me., says: "My back used to trouble me so severely that at last I had to give up. I took to my bed and stayed there four mouths, suffering in tense pain, dizziness, headache and inflam mation of the blad der. Though with out hope, I began using Doan's Kidney and in three months was com- III Kill IN W Great Loss of Life By Hood in Mexico. MEXICAN RIVER ON A RAMPAGE ?-JLm' Dccnding For Forty-Eight Hours, Causes Overfli w of the Santa Oatarina River, and Pos sibly Twelve Hundred Lives Are Sacrificsd. Mont Pil The trouble has never pletely cured. returned. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-MHhurn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Know pruiicin, cautious self-con-trcl is wisdom 's root. Buns. For Colds and GRIP. Hick's r.pcmic to the best remedy mifves the aihhig and feverlshnesa-curaa met old and restores normal conditions. It's liquid-effects immediately. 10a. 25c and Sic. at drug stores. mM Water For the Bees. Give the bees plenty of water. Thev need a ffreat deal an A miM fl distance to get it. If there is no running stream or lake of pure water near it is well to 'place a pail of fresh water near the apiary every day. Bees use water to dilute the heavy, thick honey left over from winter to make it suitable for the young larvae and also to make the cell was pliable. Bees should be protected from the Winl on thp nnrtri an A rocf kr n wv u Uliu ww l. ,) L alf i J close set hedge or high fence. All maoAo c-K.,U 1 I i. j - , - . i i n ill is- k f ill i ll r l in v vj is uv i? a i in ront of the hives. Mow a plot six eet wide and then cut the weeds and Prow .. . i -. ... Afl hour once a week sDent on the care of the bees will brine- larger returns for the effort th fin flnv ri ioy labor on the farm. A newspaper man of Chicago who Jives a few rrnlps nnt in tho vnimtnr tost year sold $225 worth of honey to wee big hotels. He savs he did not Spend more thin an tumv o woolr filled with A p-eat sraD mav be O 1 1. 1 1 I r.S. 1 TM Ml IP en prize a thing ungained more ian It is. Shakespeare. IT WORKS "'"""T H.ULS rooa mat would Wreck an Office Man. Men who are actively eneaeed 4t , . . i urn can sometimes eat rood rv "ma wrecic a man wno is more is illustrated in the following tuir Sto. Ral fas This 1 was for 12 years clerk in a store 0Kn)2r artfvelv and rlranlr offaa all 'me without much trouble until f J OntereH th fplocrranh aAviria Tilt.' re T COt vorv ll'ttla avalaa inking strong coffee, my nerves nsteady and my stomach got tnd I was soon a very sick man. meat and tobacco, and, in fact, ted eating everything which I : might affect me except coffee, H my condition grew worse and 11 but a wreck. finally quit coffee and com 1 to use Postum a few years ad I am speaking the truth say my condition commenced -ve immediately, and to-day I and can eat anything I want any bad effects, all due to from coffee to Postum. I my wife to-day I believed I "est a brick if I had a cup of r' go with it. make it according to dlrec r,5ling it full 20 minutes, and ' rich cream, and it is certain- ' 'His." . erey, Mexico. VTo It--. hundred persons drowned, 15,000 homeless and property damage to the extent of $12,000,000, is the result of a flood which struck this citv hi I and 2 o 'dock Saturday morning. Vord from Laredo, Texas, reached this city late in tho fA ot the most disastrous floods that has oeen experienced in northern .ico ransed by the overflow of the fcanta Catanna river. According to rdmors there has been great loss of hfe, estimated at 100 to 300, and the financial damage is estimated at any where from $1,000,000 to $2,000,000. tor the past 96 hours a varitable de luge of rain fell, which together with the flow of water from the adjacent mountains into the Santa Catarina river, so swelled the stream that it reached a width of a mil- and a half nu completely overflowed certain portions of the city of Monterey, and wrecking houses, and causing loss of life as it ramrmced nn its maA Keports state that the current in the river was so swift that it appeared to the stricken families who lived in Je vicinity to be a miniature Niagara Information reaching here through reliable sources states that so severe was the flood that tha inhabitant in the vicinity of the flooded stream barely had time to flee for their lives; that the onrush of waters carried away their homes and chatties and in many cases drowned the occupants of the Jacales or small huts used by th natives. It is said that a chaotic ran- iition exists and that the plazas are -rowaed with the poor homeless na tives who were providentially allowed to escape with their lives. Saturday nisht every effort was made by the kind-hearted citizens to shelter the women and children. Their homes were thrown open to the suf ferers; the police station, many of the hotels and private clubs as well as the rooms of several organizations were placed at the disposition of the authorities and for the greater part the women and children were cared for. However, many of the men were ;ompelled to sleep in the open in the rarious plazas. Many women had oeen separated from their husbands, mothers from their children, without knowledge of the whereabouts of ouj another, and scenes of the most pro found grief are witnessed on all hands. While as yet there is no scarcity of food and the citv is amply able to i care for its destitute, there is fear of a shortage in the near future. There have been several washouts along the line ofthe National Rail- I way between Laredo and Saltillo, Mex., and not a train has entered the city ef Monterery for the past 72 hours. . There has thus far been no attempt to inter the dead. They are being placed along the banks of the river, where an impoverished morgue has been constructed, and there await identification. The bodies are guard ed by soldiers. BOY KILLS INTRUDER Lad of 17 Shoots Man Found Rum maging in His Father's Hons.. Asheville, Special. Ben. W. Mor ris, Jr., son of B. W. Morris, a youth about 17 years of ago and well con nected in the county, who Wednes day night shot and killed Joe Capps, a white V wlinm ho maging in the Morris homestead l tout five miles from the city was ecquitted ly a coroner's jury on the grounds that he shot in self de fense. There were no witnesses to the affair except Morris-, who testified that he was out at the barn at his piace, tnere being no others at home. and hearing a noise at the house, he flttuea tnere and found a man, un Known to him, in the house destroy ing the furniture and chinaware, part of which he was throwing out w i"e wmoow. rfl fine Xirkrt nnH J 1 l ... -- tijjfjuareu to ce eitner urunK or in a frenzy, threatened to Kill him it he tmtiTA TAR HEEL CHRONICLES News Notes Gathered From All Parts of the Old North State: 2. 1909. PROMINENT PEOPLE, NO. 17. CONFEDERATE REUNION. Two Days of Greeting and Mingling in Joyous Reunion of North Caro lina Veterans of the Lost Cause. Charlotte, Special. Veterans be gan to arrive Tuesda nizht for the State Confederate Reunion held heAbbey London. TTT T -. un wacmesday and Thursday. Gen. Carr and staff were on hand and Ad jutant Gen. London was especially active and skillful in executing the program as published. At the morning session, in the Academy of Music the packed house was spell-bound with the speeches of Chief Justice Clark and ei-flovpmn, Nat Goodwin Is fifty-two. Major Mearns and Professor Lor ins will ascend Mt. Kenia. Ambassador Reid arrived from Eu rope to rest at his Adirondack camp. General Booth was operated upon In London for septic poisoning of the eye. Theodore Roosevelt, hunting in Kenya Province, killed a bull ele phant. Frederick Townsend M.-i harvest festival to children at Combs K'EVvSl -GLEANINGS. Jar vis, not to Eaentinn the Kb.- greetings in the welcome addresses and the responses. At the afternoon osirn tK. Kill mm It hO im.A,l iK 1 I Y l" iUI- vUkClcu me uousc, i "ir omcers were all re-elerted W 9 Morris secured the shot gun from a clamation. A JllMi a comminee to se'e vto; the neighbor, entered rh":T- A uu.'uon was carried tod v V j i - m m r i u mt ww-. i f- r v flfln U'fio mnf U. 1 11 l . I - ww mo met ui iuc nail v nnns i wnrir rt- enAMMH . i 1 , who had worked through the BK 4h wlwZ&iF5 Za& A scuffle ensued Affor ca I tt t r, , loe soldiers iVVl OUillC 1111 I JlUllir HI IT 'J OKV i I 1 . . I v xj. i o(j inp pnmmif. -w fc-w mmm -u a. ii - e utes Morris was able to throw Capps tee was cont nu d that has in' XI off him out of the hone rftn it WMi i.. Automobile Party Killed. St. Louis, Special. Five persons were killed Sunday when an automo bile in which they were riding was struck by a fast passenger train of he Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific Railway west of Vigues station, St. Louis county. All were residents of St. Louis. The dead: Theodore F. Witte, Theodore F. Witte, Jr., aged nli r.0A, n wuto painfully 1 ut rot ser-ou:-ly injured out ot the house. Tnnns tried to enter again, making threats and holdnig an open razor in his hand, a razor he had got in ran sacking the house, and would not heed warning of Morris, to leave the place, when Morris leveled the run and fired, Capps falling over and iied shortly. The house was badly ransacked and things thrown into ionfusion. Ben Morris Arrested. Asheville, Special. A warrant was sworn out Saturday afternoon by John Capps, father of Joseph f . Capps, who was killed by Ben. W. Morris, Jr., late Wednesday evening, charging Morris with the murder of Lapps. Morris who was the only wit ness before the coroner, made it a case of selft-defense, but other wit nesses are to be examined. Kattamuskeet Railroad. Washington, Special. A large delegation of citizens left here Wed nesday morning for Swan Quarter to be present when the Governor and Council of State are making their in vestigation in Hyde county and dis cussing the advisability of continu ing the Mattamuskeet Railroad, which the State is now building be tween Fairfield, Hyde county and Belhaven, from Belhaven to this city, instead of stopping the road at Bel haven. The continuing of the road jo Washington and making this city its terminal means much to Washing ton and her various commercial in terests and every pressure will be brought to bear on the State officials and every inducement offered by our citizens to get this road. the wn-rlr 1 L. i a , t , -tt- suuaoie monu ment to the memory of the women of the State, who bore so much of the burden of the great Civil War uStf ?,?4Qck the veterans and their families- were admitted to Vance Park and ecjoyed a treat of music, recitations and refreshments. On Thursday morning mustered for tne last time on i Charlotte cnil t,. I D. O. Mills decided to eelehrrrte hc eiglify-fourth birthday at his camp in the Adirondacks. G. W. Patten said he found Euro pean grain merchants keeping anx ious watch on the market. Judge Elbert H. Gary credits Pres ident Taft with inspiring a broaden and fairer spirit among America's business men. General. Rush C. Hawkins, return ing from a trip abroad, said that all England was affected by fear of war with Germany. J. M. Barrie, the novelist, on the occasion of the bestowal of honors on the King's birthday refused an offer Of knighthood. . Judge Richardson, of the Massa chusetts Superior Court, sajd in Bos ton that the idivorce court was an in stitution of civilization. Spnor Frederick Stires, .-bf Hayti, eaio; hvited the United States to buy. a, ship to add to that country's navy, w naan't found the right one. Alexander Millar, confidential man of E. H., Harriman, declared on his arriya from Europe that, Mr. Harri man. ijs not seriously ill, but needs onjy rest at home. Two Die in Collision. Glenwood, Mo., Special. Two per- march to the notci-ci "Divi." QrA FOns are dead and a s-ore are injured, iiic run oi arumsifan the wake of xaiierec banners eloquent of martial conflict, 1.086 Confed em to cnlilioi-c . uuiuitl ,7 ieil into line behind thei- mtA vuii tVM leaaers astride spirited chargers and ireaiea a large crowd td an n'nufmnl spectacle, eliciting cheers from men and hand-clappine and 'kerohi waving from ladies onlooking. With General Carr was his staff. on the left beins Brie-aHi H. A. London, of Pittsboro. and nn the .right Col. W. H. H. Gregory, of I Statesville; Major Ashley Home, of Clayton: Lol. J. H. flnrrie nf "lvear-Beer" Was Plain Baer. Durham, Special. W. T. Rigsbee. the richest voun; man in Durham, was fined $500 Tuesday fcr r tailing liquor. Other cases against him were nol-prossed. Rigsbee owned a near beer stand, whereat Detective May tield, of Roanoke, bought drinks, which analysis showed to be rom-uer-cial beer. There was a conference with City After ev Everett, who agreed to accent. 1; e settlement men tioned. In tjie trial of the case. Fernie Foster, a negro, had made affidavit that 4ie was promised im munity for turning State's evidence. Attorney W. B. Guthrie, represent ing him, asked fr his r-Iease. As sociate Counsel Helton, fcr the State, interposed a remark whi( h provoked hot words, with the nsult , . that Guthrie struck Holton and spat in his face. Youh Shot by Accident. Hamlet, Special. Halbert Stewart, a young man riort 18 years of a?e. wis atcid?Rtnttv shot and I The men were brothers and officials of the Witte Hardware Company. Mrs. Klinge was their sister-in-law. The party had been at Creve Coeur lake, a rescrt 12 miles west of the eity and were speeding homeward when killed. If Tit .. - w - v v t t v ii liic a a Hf,i"tle book, "The Road to Well- 1 nore'q OV 7... A new a Reason. acl the aboveletter? 8-nur:rntime.tot"ne- Tlx i... i "w. ann rnii rr ,... "uuiuu Dynamite Explosion Fatal. Key West, Fla., Special. As a re sult of the explosion of 700 pounds of dynamite at Bocachka, 12 miles from Key West on the Florida East Coast Railway, ten men are dead and ten others probably fatally wounded. The explosion was caused by a mem ber o fthe railroad construction force carelessly throwing a lighted cigar ette into a box of fuses. Nine of the workmen met instant death and the I tenth died while being brought to the hospital here. The men were hurled high into the air and the bodies the dead were almost beyond recegs tion. Sunday night. The nccidert occurred in the cab of fF. B. Hall,, bf the Seaboard, wb L' the revolver was in his (cat pocket. It is sup posed the hattiTrr of thrt rt1 became entangled i "the lining of the pocket and was distbnrd. . Counterfeiting Charged. Winston-Salem, Special. Counter feiting, although on a small scale, perhaps, is charged against E, R. Butner of Tobaccoville, this county; also W. G. Lane, his brother-in-law, is in the toils, suspected of being an accomplice. But trviug to pass bilLto $10. When Butner was search ed another bill was -found upon him which had been "lifted" from $10fto $20. Clippings from Confederate bills had been used to turn the trick. Butner claims to be a cattle dealer while Lane says he is a laborer. etteville Major George H. Hall, of Red Springs; Major Shakespeare Harris, of Concord, who rode with little Miss Ruth Porter, who wa, dressed in the Confederate uniform and colors, and Major J. Y. Young, of Winston. By actual count there were 1,085 veterans in the parade, many not participating. In the First Brigade were 382 men, in the Second were 453, in the Third 88, in the Fourth' 0 and in carriages 92 infirm. Among the big features of the re union was the great barbecue given near Latta Park after the march un doubtedly ranks high. A crowd esti mated at 4.000 persons, not- all vet erans, partook of dinner there. Tables were spread in the grove. After much work of preparation food for this large assemblage was got togeth er, cooked and served, much of the work being done by the ladies inter ested in the cause. Just as a matter of mathematical curiosity, how much do you suppose was eaten at that barbecue? Twenty-one -hogs, averaging 70 pounds each, 7 beeves weighing about 400 each and three Croats. The guests did full justice to the repast. Equally interesting in, this connec tion, are the figures of Capt. W. B Taylor, who, in chargvcf the com missary department , toiled early and late to provide for the material wants of the visitors. He furnished food Tuesday afternoon for 700 man. Wednesday morning for 800 men. Wednesday noon for 1,200 to 1,600 men, Wednesday" evening for 800 men, Thursday morning for 800 and Thursday afternoon for 250. Thus it would aopear that approximately 5, 000 meals were served free. Drowned in Lumber River. Maxton, Special. Mr. R. M. Forbes while .swimming in Lumber fiver Thursday afternoon was drown ed about 5 o'clock. Mr. Nolan White, who was with him at the time, was nSabte-to account for the unfortunate mau 's accident, as Forbes had told him he could swim. H3 was a Scotch man and ' had just arrived recently to make his home with Mr. James McBride and' to learn farming. six dangerously, as the result of a head-oil collision between . a heavily loaded Wabash passensrer tran, No. ")15, and a freight train one mile -o'tth of here Saturday. The dead: TTcnrv Lodwig. Queen Citv. Mo.; R. ''. Thompson. Moberly. Mo., freight '-n"i firman. The serioudv injured : v. W. Warmoke. Centreville. Ia; 3. Z( : ler, mail clerk: V. H. Cappler. T . Carnav. Grove Clark. Mrs. Ida on pson. America Has Lion's Share Rheims, By Cable. A twiiight vis ion of Par.lhan's graceful "monoplane, so hi?-!' that it seemed to rise above the yellow harvest moon just rising above the distant hills, and the fleet ing "gddn fl-er" as the Curtiss ma chine has l-een dubbed, smashing an other world's record of the Prix de la Vitesse were the closing alories of aviation week stives tbe United States a lions' share cf the Loners cf the' meeting ACTIVE AS PHYSICIANS. Dr. Dora Martin of Oklahoma, na tional oreanizer of the Anti-Cigarette League, has returned from Manama, where her work is said to have been highly commended by the Govern ment authorities. Dr. I ucy Waite of Chicago has resigned her place -as head surgeon in the Mary Thompson Hospital for Women and Children. Dr. Mary Dennon of Manchester hag been appointed ass'stant physician at the Norristown (Pa.), State Hos pital for the Insane. New York Sun. District Attorney Jerome annunei lis iutention of seeking a re-election In New York City. Walter Wellman's balloon was lowed back after an accident to Soitz iergen, where it burst. Investigations inr the Mvll affpfrs 3f Montreal snoW( that millions have seen lost in public contracts. The non-raanetic yacht Carnegie let S3il on her way to begin her first jruise in the interest of science. Five deaths in Butler County, Ala., 2nd 100 cases and several deaths in C!a-ke County were reported due to pellagra. President Taft issued orders to the Secretary of War to reduce the army by ten per cent., or tc a force of 80, 000 men. , The gentry of the province of Hoo Peh, C'iina. threatened not to recog nize the imperial edict if the Hankow railroad loan is granted. About 1,500,000 acres in North and South Dakota will be allotted in October, according to a statement is sued in Washington, D. C. Beekman Winthrop, Assistant Sec retary of the Navy, witnessed target practice with the Atlantic battleship leet off the Virginia capes. The Chicago Great YVestern Rail road was sold at St. Paul for $1.2. 0,000 to a syndicate formed bv J. Pierpont Morgan, the only bidder?. Representative Fowler, of New lersey, savagely attacked Speaker Cannon for the financial and tariff legislation that he jammed through. Revolutionary Albanians havin? refused to open peace negotiations, Turkish troops carried out a move ment to sweep the bands out of the tountry adjacent to Verissowich. THE MODERN INDIAN. "Did you succeed in getting that Indian to smoke the pipe of peace with you?" "No," answered the agent. "We were just getting to a friendly under standing when I made the pipe of peace proposition. He got angry and wanted to go on the warpath because I didnt offer h'm a cigarette." Wash ington Star. 1 I rr rm nnim i m twmJmjmii rmm 1 n hi WWW Retmiat $8 To Are a Necessity j .in the Country Home. The farther you are removed from town to railroad station, the more the telephone will save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to comnel one of tb fnmilv to lie in agony for hours while he? drives to town for the doctor. Trl-i ephone and save half the suffering. kjut r ree book tells how to or ganize, .build and operate ' tele- pnone unes and systems. Instruments sold on thirtv davs trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Bullrilnff. Aarii ftkU 4 PXIIT.IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU me the most eomnW. ISn nt ht. mwrwrnr nr. - "M vm ".km DivivLaa. iiKJSS ana supmRTRS at ; CE3 Peico ' Kmf nor noii introduce Wo Wili Soti You a Samnlo Pah for Oniy BELOW any other manufacturer or dealer in the world. A DO NOT BUY A BiGYM F f, ?I ?,Jtti?ftermsi tl1 J?u nae received our complete Free &t loffues illustrating and describing every kind of hwh-grade and-grade rCnld P"8 nd, model, and learn oroumariTable oW BRICKS and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factor direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. s rory WE SHIP OSt APPROVAL without a cent deposit. Pay the Freight and allow IO Days Free TrUl and make other liberal terms whtehiVofJier house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get mucn vain- nuuuj UBU pUKBl. . We,nced a Agmnt in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. 7 SO PUOTaJRE-PnilF TIRF.Q Q N ly oo$s of $4-80 .80 PER PAlf HAILS. TACKS OB GLASS WONT LET OUT THE AIR (CASH WITH ORDER $4.65) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. -NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Uerious punctures, like intentional knife cuts. &. be vulcanized like any other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual use. Over Seventy-five Thousand pairs sold last year. Freight Wreck Near Gibsonville. Durham Special. The eastbound passenger train between Asheville and Goldsboro was delayed five hours Wednesday evening owing to the wreck of a freight headed to wards Goldsboro near Gibsonville utner is charged with the afternoon. Eighteen cars a crudely "raised $1 1 ... t . . yiifu Lueuif-fivtis m pans aiunj me tracks, the wreck being- caused by broken trucks. Barrels of flour were scattered by the way and the track was badly torn up. One brakeman, whose name was not learned, was bruised badly. Notice tho thick rubber tread "A" and puncture strips "B" and D," also rim strip H" to prevent rim cutting. Thl tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY BIDING. ii EEEvKlPTtuN i Made in all sizes. It is lIvvW anri mv ta;-, a ,t j with a special quality of rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes un miii SLffZ? without allowing the air to escape. We navt. hundreds of letters from satisfied wTZZSrlT. .- ..u.wuij TOup-.uuu.juu-.xuj twitcmrwaoieseaion. They weiirh no more th?n an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers of thin s&edallv prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back' sensation commonlv felt when riding S r soft roads is overcome by uw patent "Basket Weave" tread which prevents Mi au f nm fi55 arniPP-roA n,i Min fV.. ttm ).. I .1.... 77. .. .vc"u' PU SIT IrOm Ming TT -. Z, "rlrS , : . uiu.uvojiain aji auction. The regular orice of tlies tires is 8 ;o ner npir nni fr nf vert r.ti rr-.n w . , . .ttt' . "."-cyI '""e . ... s f - - special iaciory price to the rider ihipperfpame day letter .weceivedT We ship &6.D. on ipprovaX tires is 050 per pair, out for advertising 01 on:y J4-o per pair. All orders s r- win i;.S- ,7.1Z7"-- L7"l ". "?rtJr "-prcsenieo. FULL CASH WITH (HI - 14 - I itH smc hor. ,TT,r c.mnn r. "Tr:r: " " .v- .a.iaj .bcum one nscKei r zl , r r -". r""" ; Ff-1-'-"1 users on iuii naic orders (these motel puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or b-avv t?a.hesN Tire. r . VlT L ison they are not satisft'.ctorj' oi examination. " at OUR expense if for any reason that when von want xni-o; .-o -,aL. r7riZ lw1" "Cl0 weu Pca Arrr of r,X. v, O . Ci ' IILT "n"" wau-. j ,u. u sena us a small tna ' nd usua pnees charged by dealers ar-3 repair men. Write for our biz SUNDRY eatuinVr u" DO MOT WAS? TlUe . t0ay- DO NG1 Tunftt b buying fw.5 bicycle or a pa.- of tires from anyone untM you know the new an! wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write ltVW. I HEAD9 CYCLE COMPANV,' Dept. "J L" CHICQt?ILL.

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