v -; : v ti n to mm. Tfrrae Cents the Copy. XV. NFEREKCE CLOSES tssful Meeting at Randle--es With Following Ap- ni. pc : in, Special. The Metho--rants closed a most suc--sjon Mondav afternoon, -tniioning committee reported Alamance, W. ML Rike; J. F. Hosier; Anderson, L. iier; AsheviUe, J. r. Wtf- Al . ; Buncombe, G. L. Curry; i, J. D. Williams; Caldwell, 11 ). i.anuan; Chatham, J. R. Hut to;u terfield, J. W. Self; Cleve V. L). Reed; Concord, A. O. I Davidson, ,T. W. Hulinf W. A. Ledford; Fairfield, F. V,. !:.! -.v. Fairvicw, D. A. Bvaswell; !"... R W. F. Kennett; Forsvthe. V C. assiter; Gaston, T. A. Wii liai -: Graham and Haw River. A. H. Bryan; Granville, J. W. Frenk; liroi si . T. J. Qgburn; Greenville, W. I). Foreman; Guilford, J.- H. Halifax, W. L. Harris; Haw River. C. F. M. Roper: Henderson, R. i drews; High Point. A. G. Dix ; Ivy. V. A. Lamar: LaGranye. J. 11. Al i rnatbfc; Lebanon, J. H. Mot on; rty, C. J. Edwards; Lincoln. T. F. McCulloeh; Littleton, 8. W. Tay- Mebane, G. W. Holmes; Mecklen burg, 0. D. Stacy; Mocksville. W. J. Hackney; Monroe, W. P. Martin; Mounl Hermon, J. A. Burgess; Oak Ridge, W. R. Lowdermilk; Orange, Homer Casto; Pinnacle and Mount Zion, T. L. Hunter; Randleman, T. H. Mathews; Randolph, W. F. Ashburu; Roanoke, C. L. Whit taker; Boeking l am. .1. E. McSwain; Rocky Mount, misuppHed; Saxapahaw, J. H. Bow man; Stanley, E. G. Lowdermilk; St. Paul, H. W. Braswell; Tabernacle, C. K. Cecil; Thomasville. Edward Suits; 1 wbarie, Thomas Plvler; Vance, R. C Stnbbins; Why Not, J. A. Led better; Winston Station, W. T. Millo way; Winston Mission, D. R. Wil liams: Yadkin College, H. E. Powell; Welch Memorial, Thomas E. Davis. , HyiBf Machine Company Formed. Albany, N. Y., Special. Capitaliz ed at $1,000,000 the Wright Compan if New York was incorporated Mon- lay to iperate " manufacture, sell, deal in and otherwise use at an ice or places on the North Ameri can continent and the islands adja cent thereto, machines, ships, or othe: mechanical contrivances for aeria! peration or navigation of any ant every kind and description and an future improvements or development of the same." - Pern- Davis' Painkiller should be take without delay when sore chest and tickling throat warn yon of an approaching cold. He who excuses, accuses. French. Doep-pa 1 ed ef;!d and coughs are cured hy Allen's Luna Balawft, when all other remedies fail Sold for over 40 years. All seres :an. are hardlv cured. Ger- Constipation causes and seriously aggra vates many diseases. It is thoroughly cured by Dr. Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar coated crannies. High able- birth irisl). a poor dish on the So. 48-'09. The danger from slight cuts or wonnda : always blond noi"nrog, The immediate pnlieatwm of tlandins Wizard Oil makes lood poisoning impossible. Held your tongue and you will pass or a philosopher. Italian. For COl-OS and CiKIP. Rack's ''iProiM Is the best remedy Tnevps the Brtiitu; onn Teverinness curea lie Cold and rt.-;ji es normal conditions. It I anJ IquW effects immediately. luc.. 26c attirui: sto:a. He that does not honor his wife dishonors himself. ---Spanish. Itch cured in 30 minute by Woolford'i Sanitary Lotion. .Never tails. At druggists. It is easier to prevent ill habits than to break them. German. MrB. Winsiow'fl Soothing t-hrrup for Children teettiing,sof tens the pum. "reduces innainmsr l km, allays pain, cures "-n-d oiMr '25c. a bottle. When the sun is highest :c least shadow. French. he casts lie conquers twice who dmself in victory. Syrus. restrains SE STIIENUTH FOR HAD HACKS. WOMEN'S Women who suffer with backache, aring down pain, di-zziness and that nstant dull, tired feeling, wil' find rnfort in the advice of Mrs James f. Wright, of 519 GolJsberough St.,.as ton, Md., who ?ays: "My back was in a very bad vay, and when not painful wa so weak it felt as if bro ken. A friend urged me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, which I did, and they helped me from the start. It made me feel like a new woman, and soon I was doing my work the same as ever.'' Remember the name Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, "N. Y. t P. C COLUMBUS, NO MORE LIVING MINERS. Water and Air in the Lower Mine Give Desperation to Efforts Num bers of Dead, Living and Missing. Cherry, tyl, Special. Efforts to reach men possibly still alive in the St. Paul mine were in vain Monday m two parts of the underground work ings. Although excitement was heightened by the finding of a dead miner who was at first thought to be alive, the net result of the dav 's work I was the recovery of 42 bodies. 1 lie V VP si ill nlivn A was the watchward of every worker, although evidence in support of it was meager. The first tangible evidence that the men in the east workings were not killed when the fire broke out on Sat urday was the failure to find any bodies where it was predicted a large number would be found if the men were smouthered in their first rush for safety. Many mining implements were found, but not a dinner pail was to be seen. From this it was argued that the men unable to escape when the fire was discovered, retreated to some extremity of the mine, carrying their food with theur. But this was the extent of inspiring discoveries for the day. The situation to date: Number t rapped in mine, 310; rescued alive. 20; bodies recovered Monday 42; bo dies recovered previously, 59; still unaccounted for. 189. An opening to the third vein, or lowest level of the St. Paul mine was forced late Monday night, and the re moval of bodies or the rescue of living men imprisoned in the level may be gin beiore daybreak, it is said. Tests showed presence of air in the lower vein. Thousands of gallons of water have been poured into the shaft tO extinguish the fire in higher levels. With air and water available hope for the rescue of any who may be in the bottom of the mine is strong, and extraordinary efforts to reach the gallery are making. The opening that has been cleared is a continuation of the main shaft. Gruesonp tokens of the futile fight for life made by the men whose bodies were taken from the mine Monday were found near the bodies. Boards torn from the timbering of the mine had been crudely nailed or tied as vanes about the handles of the miner's picks to form a wheel. These wheels the men had apparently turn ed by hand to draw air to them. Close to the fans the largest groups of the dead were found. STANDARD OIL CO. TO APPEAL John D. Archbald is Optimistic Thinks Sherman Law Too Drastic and Will Ee Repealed. New York. Special. To begin the work of outlining , the course of ac tion that will be taken bv the Stan dard Oil Company, as a result of the adverse derision in the government's suit against the company rendered Saturday, conferences of alhcials and leading consel for the company were heald in this city Monday. In speaking of the decision Monday, John D. Archbald, viey president of the Standard Oil Company, took an ontimistie view of the situation. He said : "I believe that.. the decision will re sult in legislation looking toward the repeal of the Sherma nanti-trust act. For under that law it is not only im possibly for practically any corpora tion to transact business but even co partnerships may be attacked. I be lieve hat te officials at Washington are coming to the view that the law is too drastic and that even Mr. Roosevelt himself shares in that opinion." Standard Oil stock was again affect ed on the curb market Monday by the Federal court's decision. The stocl closed at 690 on Saturday and the first sale Monday was 650. Strike at Spencsr. Spencer, N. C, Special One hun htv machinists in the tl- 'l Wivt ,7 Southern Railway shops here wont on a strike here Saturday, charging that tfan wmndhouse foreman had mistreat. the enndoves. The walkout ap- rdips to the shoos as well, as to th x . - - - . lounahouse Many efforts have been mane 10 an. usi u.uca-mc i,u. -m' t i I ..A. -.- 1 w. "l r 11; Till to Af,i,'o-,r aviiniiHv here were no results iuuiiuu ( - . . Pn forcing 'Anti-Bsttrag Law. Oakland, Cal., Special. The arrests in connection with the fcrcement of the Otis-Walker fits- Ci!- ant i v Yoi tino-"!:! w were made at the riiicry- ville race track Monday. E. T. Mar tin, a bookmaker, and Charles Brown, a c'lerk, were taken into custody after they had already arranged a $2 wagei With a representative of the district attorney's office, it bcintr alleged thai money 'actually changed hands. Re corder Cohnrn accepted bonds pro vided bv the California Jockey Cft and the' men were released p::idui2 a prclin:i::i;ry hearing. INDEPENDENCE POLK COUNTY, N. C, W. N. C. CONFERENCE appointments Read Change of Name of Church Discussed Rev C. F. Sherrill Imprudent Rev. H. L. Atkins Desperately 111 Interesting Statistics. The Western North Carolina Con ference of the M. E. church South, in assembly at Hickory was saddened Monday by a telegram read at the opening session that Rev. ins was at the point of dei H. L. At- point ot death at Jttan- lers, Texas. Rev. H. M. Blair by re quest led the conference in interces sory prayer for him and family. A motive was made and discussed Favoring the movement to change the lame of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to Episcopal Metho list church. Rev. C. F. Sherrill against whom certain charges were preferred was suspended from the ministry for 30 33v, not for immoralitv. but impru dence. The statistical questions were call id and answered. In round numbers these figures show that the Church Membership in the conference is now 59,000, a gain of about 3,000 over last rear. During the year the conference 'as paid $19,000 for foreign missions, f 12,000 for domestic missions, $6,000 for Church extension, $671 for Bible cause. $71,000 for presiding elders salaries. $2,680.90 for bishops' fund, making a total of $151,116 for all purposes; The following appointments were read : ASHEYILLE DISTRICT D. Atkins, presiding elder. AsheviUe, Bethel D. J. Miller. Central G. H. Detwiler. Haywood Street T. L. Lallance. North AsheviUe C. C. Marlev. Bald Creek Circuit W. L. 'Ed wards. Biltmore and Mount Pleasant. C. H. Christenbury. Burnsville Station -A. F. Rutledge. Burnsville Circuit Rufus E. Brady. Elk Mountain Elmer Simpson. Fairview Circuit J. A. Fry. Hendersonville Circuit. C. E. Hypes. Hot Springs Circuit C. R. Aldson. Marshall---E. O. Lawton. Mais Hill L. IT. Griffith. Riverside To be suplied. Swannaona Circuit D. R. Uroffitt. Tryon and Saluda W. A. Newell. Weaverville Station W. E. Poovey Weaversville Circuit C. L. Keever. CHARLOTTE DISTRICT H. K. Boyer, "Presiding Bider. Charlotte, Belmont Park L. A. Falls. Brevard Street Ira Irwin. Calvary E. E. Williamson. Chadwick and Seversville H. H. Robbins. Dil worth .and Big Springs A. L. Co.burn. North Charlotte W. O. Goode. Trinity E. L. Bain A. W. Plyler assistant. Tryon Street G. T. Rowe, W. L. Nicholson, suernuraerary. Derita Seymour Tavlor. Lilesville C. H. Clyde. Matthews E. J. Poe. Monroe, -Central H. F. Chrcitz- burg. Morven To be supplied. Mount Zion J. W. Clegg. North Monroe and Icemorlee W. T. Albriartrt. PinevilleW. S. Hales. Polkton L. T. Cordcll. Prospect C. C. Brinkman. Union ville A. J. Burns. Wadeshoro J. H. West. Waxhaw C. M. Campbell. Weddineton J. H. Brad lev. Principal Wedington Academy, J. M. JDownum ; principal Piedmont In dustrial school, J. A. Baldwin: mis sionary ;o Janan, S. A. Stewart: stu dent Yanderbilt University, N. S. Ogburn. FRANKLIN DISTRICT J. E. Gay, Presiding Elder. Andrews tSation L. D. Thompson. Bryson City and Whittier A. S. Raper. Dillshoro and Sylva C. H. Neal. Franklin Circuit W. I. Hughes Franklin Station 11. F. More. Glenville Circuit R. L. Andrews. Hayesville J. R. Warren. Hiawassee Circuit Guy Bryant. West Market E. 'K. McLarty. ' Maco Circuit A. W. Jacobs. Murphy Stat'm- -W. E. Abernethy, Murphv Circuit i. 11. Hopkins. Pobhinsville A. F. Fester. Webster Circuit 3. A. Peeler. GREENSBORO DISTRICT W R. Ware, Presiding adder. Asheboro Circuit James Wilson Ashbore Station C. A. Wood. Coleridge R. L. Fruit. Pent oh H. V. Clarke. Pnt Greensbrro S. T. Barber. ( 3 reen shoro, l arawav iIen:orial- -S. B Richardson. Centenary- - D. M. Litakc C lissom, assistant. Spring Garden Street J W W. Penc; IN ALL THINGS. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, T909. Walnut Street J. W. Ingle. West Market E. K. McLarty. West Greensboro W. L. Dawson'. High Point, South Main O. P. Aden Washington Street J. E. Thomp son. Liberty C. H. Caviness. Pleasant Garden R. A. Taylor. Ramseur and Franklinville J. E. Woosley. Randleman and Naomi G. E. Eaves. Randolph Circuit L. E. Stacy. Reidsville Station L. T. Mann. Ruffing Circuit J. F. Hornbuckle. TTwharie J. A. Sharpe. Went worth A. L. Aycock. Editor North Carolina Christian Advocate, H. M. Blair, assistan editor, W. L. Sherrill; secretary-treasurer Greensboro College, W. M. Curtis; missionary to Korea, J. R. Moore. MORGANTON DISTRICT R. M. Hoyle, Presiding Elder. Bakersville M. A. Osborn, Broad River J. L. Meneer. Cliffside A. C. Swafford. Connelly Springs E. C. Puzey; R. 3. Abernethy, superintendent. Elk Park William M. Johnson. Green River W. S. Chqrry. Forest City J. F. Mose"r. Henrietta and Caroleen L. P. Bogle. Morganton Station W. T. Womble. Morgan Circuit E. M. Modling. Marion Station H. H. Jordan. McDowell Circuit D. S. Richard son. North Catawba J. J. Brooks. Old Fort W. C. Malone. Rutherfordton T. J. Rogers; J. B. carpenter, assistant. Rutheford College E. E. Cree. Spruce Pine- -E. E. Jones. Table Rock Albert Sherrill. Thermla City J. E. Wpmack. Hartland M. E. TutUa,. MOUNT AIRY DISTRICT R, M. Taylor, l'residmg bid Boone Circuit T. E. We Creston Circuit E. M. Elkin Station R. C. Tuttle. Danbnry Circuit D. A. Finkley". East Bend Circuit J. S. Mock. Helton E. L. Doggett. Jefferson Circuit F. L. Shore. Jonesville W. T. Carner. Laurel Springs Circuit O. Routh. ".. P. Mount Mount Noitth Airy Circuit J. Airy Station J, Wilkesboro D. Gibson. F. Elk. Station Z. Parris. Pilot Mountain Circuit J. C. Rich ardson. Rockford Circuit T. J. Houck. Rural Hall Circuit C. A. Swift. Sparta Circuit J. C. Keever. Watauga Circuit B. F. Fincher. Wilkes Circuit J. W. Kennedy. Wilkesboro Station B. F. Harsrett Yadkinville Circuit B. A Student Yanderbilt, W. O. Tork. Kudisill. SALISBURY DISTRICT J. C. Rowe, Presiding Eder. Albemarle Statiom E. C. Sprinkle. Albemarle Circuit P. W. Tucker. Bethel and Big Lick S. S. Higgins. China Grove J. J. Eads. Concord Central P. T. Durham. Epworth J. A. J. Farrington. Forest Hill W. L. Hutchins. West Concord W. C. Jones. Concord Circuit W. P. McGhee. Cot ton ville Circuit E. A. Wiley. Jackson Hill Circuit E. M. Avett. Kanuapolis W. B. Shinn. Lexington Station A. L. Stanford. Linwood Circuit A. R. Surratt. Mount Pleasarft N. R. Richardson, New London Circuit O. J. Jones. Norwood Station T. E. ,Wagg. Salem Sation G. A. Stamper. Salisbury, First Church S. P. Tur rentinc. Holmes Memorial C. M. Short. South Main Street W. (). Davis. Salisbury Circuit J. T. Stover. Spencer Station R. D. Sherrill. East Spencer, North Main C. A. B. Holderby; J. P. Lunning, "supernum erary. Woodleaf Circuit M. B. 1 Riden hour. Principal New London High School J. D. Rankin. SHELBY DISTRICT J. R. Scroggs, Presiding Elder. Bel wood Circuit W. V. Hunnient. pessetEer Citv J. F. Armstrong. Cherryville, Melton Crouse M. B. Clec:. y EI Bethel E. G. Kilgcre. Gastonia, Mam Street GL D. Her man. West End and Franklin Avenue J. C. Hnrmon. O-ark N. C Smith. Kags Mountain D. F. Carver. I'mcclnton Station F. L. Town- SC'.lH. Binccln Circuit J. W. Stridor. 1 owell M. D. Mix. Tcwesville D. P. Waters, McAde--'lh B. S. Howie. Afv.nj EbHv J. A. Bowles. t V. M. Boring. Central To b suplied; A. ;i, sv.psrnr.icrair-'. S'-'P-. Gar:? Subscription Price, $1.00 Per Lafayette Street T. E. Smiley. Shelby Circuit E. M. Crowder. South Fork H. G. Stamey. Stanley Creek B. Wilson. Wavesworth J. Frank Harrison. STATESVILLE DISTRICT J. N. Huggins, Presiding Elder. Alexander Circuit E. Meyers. Caldwell Circuit J. C. W. Hollo way. Catawba Cireuitrr-J. M. Price. East Monbo To be supplied. Davidson R. E. Atkinson. Granite Falls W. F. Sanford. Hickory Circuit P. E. Brittain. Hickory Station J. H. Weaver. Iredell Circuit J. P. Davis. Lenoir Circuit J. 0. Erwin. Lenoir Station C. M. Pickens. Maiden T. S. Coble. Mooresville Circuit M. T. Steele. Mooresville Station R. M. Court ney. Newton E. W. Fox. Rock Springs W. F. Elliott. Statesville Circuit J. D. Rankin. Wrest Statesville Circuit E. E. Yates. Statesville, Broad Street Harold Turner. Race Street O. J. Hinson. Stoney Point T. B. Johnson. Trout man J. J. Edwards. Conference missionary evangelist, D. H. Coman; president Davenport Female College, C. C. Weaver; pro fessor in Davenport College, J. B. Craven. WAYNESVILLE DISTRICT W. H. Williams, Presiding Elder. Brevard Station C. S. Kirkpatriek Brevard Circuit R. C. Kirk Bethel E. D. Stabbeler. Canton L. B. Abernethy. Clyde J. H. Green. Haywood J. F. Staines. Johnathan T. A. Groce. Leicester C. H. Curtis. Mills River J. W. Williams. North Haywood C. E. Steadman. Spring Creek J. B. Parham. Sulphur Springs J. W. Campbell. Waynesville Station J. H. Barn hardt. West AsheviUe S. E. Barnhardt. Missionary to Korea M. B. Stokes. WINSTON DISTRICT T. F. Marr, Presiding " Elder. Advance L. L. Smith. Cooleemee W. Y Scales. Davidson Circuit J. T. Ratledge. Davie P. E. Parker. Farmington A. C. Loftin. Forsvthe J. S. Hiatt. Kernersville H. C. Byrum. Leaksville A. T. Bell. Lewisville J. B. Tabor. Madison and Mavodan L. W. Col lins. Mocksville- B. Margeson. North Thomasville A. B. Bell. Spray and Draper T. C. Jordan. Stockesdale L. T. Herndon. Stonesville J. H. Robertson. Summerfield C. F. Goode. Thomasville, Main Street Parker Homes. Walkertown M. H. Vestal. Walnut Cove J. H. Brendall. Winston, Burkehead W. H. Biles. Centenary J. E. Abernethy. Grace W .M. Robbins. Southside and Salem T. R. Wolfe. ' Agent Children 's Home J. P. Rod gers. tj CENT I BELOW any other A OO NOT tslm mm or on any kind of terms, until you have received our complete Free Cata logues illustrating and describing every kind of high-grade and low-grade bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable tO.w PRICES ana wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. IVZ SHIP ON APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Pay the Freight and allow lO Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other house in the world will do. You will learn everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. We need a RMmrn Agent in every town and can offer an opportunity to make money to suitable young men who apply at once. .50 PUNCTURE Price tSr .50 per pair Introduce Wo Will Sell You a Sample NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WON'T LET Pair for Only OUT THE AIR ft (CASH WITH ORDER $4.55) NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Pfn1t of n vearaxoerience in tire W$8 Rcaalar making. No dangef from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Jerious punctures, like intentional knife be vulcanized like an' other tire. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual 1 nil IHm Thousand Dairs sold tast yezv. nFSCBtPTIOM Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy ncling, very ouraoie ana nnea iusn arith rsoVcial aualft" cf rubber, which never becomes porous and which closes up small punctur without aSlowfaae the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters fiom satisfied customers statan0 that their tires hlveoulv been pumped up once : or twice In r wholeseason. They weigh no more the m orainaty tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several layers oT thin, peculJ ' annuel fabric on the tread. That "Holding Back ' sensation commonly felt when ndingon asphaft Llf I I m by i.patmt "Basket Weave" tread which prevents all air from &m SLved oit between the tire and the road thus overcoming all v-JCUon. The regular price of tkes S'is S3 50 oer tx-r out for advertising purposes we are making a special factory price to the ridel 5&S5 V& All orders ippldme day letter is . ece.vedV We ship CO.D. on approval, vrm dc not na' acehi vBtn you have examuieu and icund them stiictly as represented. We will allow a oisn discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 4.55 per pair; if you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this Jvertisemtnt. We will also send one nickel nlated brass hand pump and two Sampson metal puncturt closers on full paid orders (these metal SuctureserTto benrLi in case of mtentional knife cuts or h eavy gahes . Tires to be returned a ahd if frr quit rrtl thev are not satisfcicton' CCi examination. nr. a ru.t-t tt rp tank- ?"n nnnev 11 l lu ua u s iau. Banker hoc? ti Express or Freight Agent or ine oiw u mwm - ! . .. .-in AtiH t,?, thov will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last finer than any tire vou have ever used or seen at oy P that v,hen vou want a bicycle you will g'.ve us -naur orde order at once. 11 iiiii i i Mimi uliV'trrr nffnr ii ;! mwwmm. iuilt-up- Gi$4& f&Hixrf42ZLf every ;hinp in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usua, rif-M charged v dealers' a'l repair men. Write for our trig StJNIiF.Y catalogue, prices c' Vl?te us a postal today. DO KOI THIlfK BUYING VSJ IwOa WvAHS bicycle or a pa'- of tires from anyone mu"t you know the new and wonderful c2ew we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it KOW. CYCLE COMPANY. Dent. L" HlCftaC, ILL Year in Advance. NO. 29 West End W. A. Lambeth. Transferred: W. W. Peele, J. a Wooten, F. S. Love, M. Y. Self, C. R. Ross, M. A. Smith, to North Caro lina Conference; J. P. Hipps, to East Columbia Conference; V. L. Marfeh to Virginia Conference, and A. H. Wish ner, Baltimore Conference. Gen. Clarkson to Lose Out. Washington, Special. The positive announcement that Gen. James S. Clarkson, surveyor of. the port ol New York, will not be reappointed to the office was made by Secretary oi the Treasury MacVeagh Monday. Thf decision against the retention of the former political warrior from Iowa ij one of the choicest billets in the Fed eral service in New York State will not surprise those familiar with poli tical conditions n that State. RACK FOR MDS. The tidy housekeeper finds tbe many lids of pots, pans, and kettles needed in the kitchen a problem to arrange with any degree of order and neatness. fThey cannot be hung up, many of them, owing to the shape, and will not lie in a pile, and they are woe fully unhandy in the dresser drawf ers. A bright woman, to whom the lids were as the hosts of the evening, has now solved the question in a way both easy and inexpensive. She got a length of strong wire, strethed It across the pots and pans shelf bv means of a couple of nails. I and on this the lids accompanying all t the cooking utensils are neatly ar ranged. The wire supports them perfectly, and the even row of shiny tin things is by no means unornar mental, in addition to its handinesa oston Herald. A fellow with a naturally discon tented nature talks a whole lot about his "ambition," but the fellow with ambition, muses the Augusta Chronicle, never lets it get out of his system by talking. Are a Necessity i in the Country , Home. The farther you are removed from tcwn to railroad station, the more the telephone will' save in time and horse flesh. No man has La right to compel one of the family to Tin in agony for hours while he drives to town for the doctor. Tel ephone and save half the suffering.1! Our Free Book tells how to or-1 ganize, build and operate tele phone lines and systems. Instruments sold on thirty days' trial to responsible parties. THE CADIZ ELECTRIC CO., 201 CCC Building, Cadiz, Ohio. IS ILL IT WILL COST YOU to write for our big FREE BICYCLE catalogue catalogue ieh-erade the most complete line of high-grade LES, TIRES and SUNDRIES at ! PRICES manufacturer or dealer in the world. BUY A BIGYCLE lrt 23 - PROOF TIRES 9 " Notice the thick rubber tread "A." and puncture strips "Bn and "1," also rim strip "H to prevent rim cutting. Thin tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and EASY RIDING. ,3, cuts- ui use. Over 6" 1 order a pair, lonsrer and looli e knew that you will be so well pleasea V.'e want ou to send us a small trial tvneela, taddlcn, pedals, ?a.j and repairs, nnt

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