THE POLK COUKTY HEWS. C H. WILLIAMS Fubt.ishfr. Entered at the Post office in Columbus N. C. m second clan natter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Yew, . . . Six Months, . . , Three Months, . , r.oo CKureh Directory. COLUMBUS, N. C Baptist Rev. T. H. P$ty fastor, Preacirng 2nd. and 4th. Sundays at II a.m and on Saturday before and .at 3 p Sabbath School every Sunday 10 a. m m, w N. T. Mills, Supt. Preabyterian T. C. Croker, pastor. Preaching 3rd Sundays at 3 p.m Sunday School Kvery Sunday 10 a. C CL Hampton, Supt. m. ILL ffHK DEWS. Always in Advance. wo. a. THURSDAY. DEC. 9, 1909. Will Sae THe Toxmy Compaof. It has been learned that Mr. George W. Fisher, a prominent farmer of this county, claims that he is the rightful owner to the property now occupied by the Toxaway Company and that he will bring suit against the com pany for the recovery of same. Fisher's claim to the property is based on the fact that when the deed was obtained from his brothers, he was in the asylum at Morganton and that he did not sign the papers nor did any one who was legally acting as his guardian, for there was no guard ian appointed for him and in this, the records show him to be right; won wm Special To The News. Sim EHETT. Mr. D. H. Swarm surprised his many friends last Sunday morn ing by marrying. The fortunate bride was Miss Sudie Bennett, of Hendersonville. The ceremony was preformed by the Rev. W. A. Newell in the Methodist church at Tryon. After the happy pair had re paired to their home in Lynn, the young people of Lynn gave them a serenade. Ike Frus, tm tour's Best Friend. In a public meeting in Alaba ma recently, a member of the Farmers' Union spoke right out and told to his audience who he considered the farmers' best friend and gave wholesome ad- 5 vice. He said: "As a rule the farmers ha no firmer friend than the press. The home paper is distinctly the farmer's own paper, supported dirercly by farmers who com pose the backbone of the sub cription list of the printer and largely for what the enterprising merchants advertisises. Now bretheren, let us not forget to see that our subscription is paid a year in advance. We can do it. "The man or paper that fights my battles shall have my support. Another thing, the merchants ad vertising are the ones that make it possible for us to get a good home paper' The man or local firm that is too penurious to ad vertise and help support the local press has no right to the farmer's patronage, "I promise hereafter to go to the live advertisers and the man who does his share supporting the local press, thus contributing to my support, rather than buy of a man who purposes to take all give nothing back. If farmers as a class would support their friends, the other fellow would soon get out of business, "Ex. Special to The News. Mr. Paul Shankle made a busi ness trip to Rutherfordton last Thursday. Mrs. 0. T. Baynard and son, Otis, visited relatives and friends here last Sunday. Among the young people who sDent Thanksgiving at home were: Misses Daisy Rucker, Mollie Arledge: Messrs. Otho Lewis and Henry Shankle. We are glad to see Miss Annie Foster in her school room again after a two weeks absence, due to the illness of her mother, Mrs, J. R. Foster, whose condition we j are glad to note is much improv ed. Miss Marie Alien, of Ruther fordton, visited her sister, Mrs. W. L. Hampton, several days last week. We are pained to note the ill ness of Mrs. J. C. Walker and we wish for her a speedy recov ery. Mrs. J. A. Rucker and child ren visited her father, Mr. Robt. Dodd. of Fingerville, S. C, )ast week. Messrs. Judson Bishop and Al bert Waldrop made a flying trip trip to Rutherfordton last week. Miss Mabel Cherry and broth er, Hix, visited friends at Chim ney Rock last Thursday and Fri day. Misses Daisy Rucker and Liz zie Lee Ross visited Miss Annie Mills Friday and Saturday. Mr. Hubert Foster was in Try on last Friday on business. The members of the Methodist church have purchased a lot from Mr. J. R. Foster for the purpose of erecting a handsome church in the near future. Mrs. R. M. Foster, of Land rum, S. C, and Mrs. E- P. Cle ment, of Hendersonville, spent last week with their sister, Mrs. J. R. Foster. The young people enjoyed themselves at the home of Mr. James Thompson last Wednes day evening at an old time cot ton piching. Dr. Norris. of Rutherfordton, was in town last week. t Little Kate Rucker is attend ing school at the Saluda Semi nary. Success to The News. Tryon, Dec. 8 Mr. F. L. Weaver and family have moved into the Joyner cottage, near the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Sizemore nave moved into one of Mr. Gaines' house, expecting to keep board ers. Miss Fannie Cushing spent a few days of last week in Spar tanburg. Mr. CP. Rogers, of Flat Rock, was a visitor here Sunday. Rev. D. Atkins, of Weaver- ville, the presiding Elder of the Asheville district, preached at the M. E. church Saturday morn ing, Sunday morning and Sun- dav evening. His sermons were much enjoyed by the large audi ences. Mr. H. E. Stillwell is in Phila delphia this week. Mr. Frank Wilcox is in New York this week on business. CHRISTMAS The Yuletide season is now upon us and we are better prepared than ever before to supply our many Customers with HOLIDAY GOODS. COMMISSIONERS REPORT. The Board of County Commis sioners meet Monday December, 6th, all being present and the following business dispose of to wit: Ordered that Wm. Cash be re leased of poll tax for 1909, untft revoked. Ordered that J. R. Calvert be released of poll tax for 1909, un til revoked. Ordered that John Morgan be released of poll tax for 1909, un til revoked. Ordered that Tate Morgan be release of poll tax for 1909, until revoved. Ordered that J, J. Ruppe be released of $100 valuation on real estate. Ordered that J. M. Henderson have a reduction of 49cts- off his taxes for 1909 by error in num ber of acres. A number of warrants were is sued but for the lack of spaee we are unable to publish them. Ititsrti to the Brack. The youtn naa let nis passions cool Toward the maiden he once caressed; But the maiden pressed her suit, And the jury did the rest Natatorial. Mayo r reerress: one was a typo's darling fair, he was her lover true; said he: "You are the 'type' for me. I'll always 'stick' toyou;I'v had a 'chase,' but now, my own, my 'take's revised, I guess; and now that love Is justified why let U3 go to 'press.' The maiden hung her shapely head aud whispered in a 1 l l i l his ear, wnue ootn cneeks were rosy red, "Th? form is ready, dear." After La Grippe "I had suffered several weeks with LaGrippe. Had pains in my head and eyes. It felt as though there was a heavy weight" on the top of my head, until it seemed that my brain would burst. I was so nervous that I could not rest or sleep. When I dozed off I would awake with a sudden jerking of my whole body. Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Remedy and Nerve and Liver Pills cured me. A number of friends have since realized the same benefits." MRS. ALVIN H. LOCKS, Seabrook, N. H. The after effects of LaGrippe are often more serious than the disease, as it leaves the system in a weakened condition that invites more serious troubles, such as pneumonia, etc Dr. Miles' Reatorative Nervine should be taken for some time to thoroughly restore nerve -strength Or. Mites' Nervtne It sold by all drug gists. If the first bottle does not benefit, your druggist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, In. Dolls Galore Little Girls gaze on the varied collection in wide eyed amazement. From the big Mama Dolls to the wee Infant Dolls are here-Doll Carriages, Doll Tea Sets and all kinds of DOLL FURNITURE. f Legal blanks for sale at the News office. STRAYED OR STOLE. A dark bay horse, about 10 or 11 years old, heavy set and about 10 hands high, had a scar on his back caused from harness. He left my house Wednesday night Dec. 8th. A liberal reward will be given for his return, or any in formation leading to his recov ery. Address, MRS. MARY SMLLY Sandy Plains, Polk Co., N.C. For Sale A gray mare, about 10 years old. will weigh about 1000 pounds, and work anywhere. Also one -Henderson open buggy been run but little. A bargain for a quick parchas er. Apply to B. F. Williams Or The News Office, Columbus, N. C. Fire Works We have the largest shipment of Fire Works we have ever had before. Fire Crackers, Roman Candles, Sky Rockets. &c. all sizes and prices. We are prepared to furnish de corative material for Christmas trees and parlor receptions. Toys Little Sftoves, Express Wagons, Games, Horns; Toys, Balls Drums, Velocipedes, Tricyclei, Rocking Horses, Little Rocking Chairs, Tables simply a superb and endless array of TOYS that are too numerous to try to describe. We have many useful and appropriate articles, suitable for XMAj GIFTS such as CARVING SETS, POCKET CUTLERY, SILVER WARE, COOK STOES, RANGES, LAMPS, &C. Don't forget too, that we are looking after the interest of the Sporting Frater nity. Our stock of GUNS, LOADED SHELLS and CARTRIDGES &c. has never bttn more complete than right now. Never were we so well fixed to supply your Xmas wants. Bring the Children, if you can't bring them, send them. There will be a hot debate at the Society Hall of the Colum bus High School Friday night Everybody invited. The ftirlr shoppers set the cream of the Holiday foods, and we would adrtse early shopping, for youthen have all the time you need and can be served to hotter advantage. COME EARLT aud AVOID the MSI TRYON SUPPLY CO. Inc. GEO. A. viASH, Manager. TRYON, N. C,