'iv' '. - j ' ' v- ' m . ' : . - . 'I - - 1 - - . v ' . - . - 1 J 1 ' A . i. J roo Cents tKo Copy. s '.IHDEPEMDEfvCE. IN ALL THINGS. Subscription Price; Sl.pO Per Year In Advan n '1 QLXV. SATISFACTORY YEAR. IMstreet, Eeviews Business Por tin ' . . Year .1909. New ' York." Snppinl- - "Rrfl!- Jret 's- veeekly review,, of trade , I Quiet shas folowed the pre eding. weeks, rush ef business -f retail , lines, while in whole ,e - lines salesmen are in rlrom d and inventorying is general. obtainable , information nts to i satisfactory in my sections, indeed, a record" -l'rtlnTVIO " tf ... . Knotnaco . Jinirtn i iv year just closed. The least siactory reports ; as to the : ys result , come ;. from those ' ions pf the South where crop lage 'has precented . fullest kntage being, taken of 1 the prices tf . cotton. - , In j wholesale i and iobhinsr a large if nott indeed roe- spring business ;has been edv.-.v Prices ot commodities r .andiminished strength' 'and e of the highest prices of the were made in the last week.- pn, for instance, reached 11 16 cents, a price never be- Reached at this date since piTESSEB GOE DRY. ; Breweries -Affected. -ile,v; Tenn.'. .Special' The ssed by the last Legislature mg the manufacture of in ns', liquor in Tennessee went Vet at midnight December :31. he distilleries and- - five big .i c , uueciqu v ana , an an a suspension- of operations ; close ', of the '. business, : day. pneeded, - however, ... that some them will cimmit a deliber- t act for the purpose of test- statute. 4 - ize to English Aeronaut, i ;s Sur Marne, -By ; Cabled aelin cup for t duration and covered in the air during to , Henry Farman, the ronaut who on November ed a ; since unbeaten rec miles in 4 hours, 17 min 3 seconds. The trophy is f. Michelin, -a wealthy the Aerb Club of France i of a beautiful prize . to be " competed for dur 1 of eight years. Each phy and $4,000 or one ijcash prize goes to the ng the longest flight in f ie trophy was first of 9f and was won by Wil 4 with a , mark of 76.5 in France in competition i and others. , i Oil Men Form ganization. an Or- i SpeciaL-Cotton seed .Tew York , have complet ization known as the Oil iation of the New York hange with la ' charter of one hundred,; Its ob xrther the cotton sed oil all parts of the world, tton sed oil on the New ce exchange last year ag 2,303,500 barrels. J. G. le American. Oil Compatiiy, d president, j : .. Birmingham a Reality, 'jam, . Ala., Special. At 1 of midnight December 31, orated suburbs'of Birmirc- large , amount of nnincor srritory automatically . . be irt bix the city of Birming ig the v city an- estimated J of 035,000. The Supreme kitly'M sustained the act reater Birmingham and to a of the new city is slightir i ss or iorty-two- square !,000,000 to Nippon. I Wash'., Special.-Sixteen I money orders payable in irth in the aggregate $1,-, ere sent' from the ; Seattle ' : during the -7 Christmas h; The money came from e ' of 'Washington, Idaho, and Minnesota and the fpf Alaska. ; :. - . : .. Watson to Public Debate. K Special. . Thomas W. Vs been challenged : to", a ate ' by representatives of I protestant churches of The challengers want the ,o held in Atlanta January. . e named as Watson 's bp lliam T. Ellis, a Philadel- aper man.. ' '.s Left Only. j $300. ''fv-'M k, " Special. William ". E. publisher who was slain iter . C. Hains, Jr., at, the 'Jit club, in August, 1908, ite valued at . "only $300 CQLUMBUb, mmm 1 11. Hamlet of Holland, Near ; Suffolk ' Practically; Wiped Off the Map ; RLchmondjV. ViL,-: Special. Fire de stroyed the. - Mjaiestic theater, . the postoffice and fall but one of ! the twenty-six - business places in ; Ham let of Holland,1 JL2 miles from Suf- folk, ; Va., on the Southern Railway Saturday nighty and rendered . half of the town two hundred inhabitants! homeless. There v was : only the ' crud est apparatus mm which to nght,'the flames, and aidlsked ef Suffolk - was rendered nugafttrjr by , reason' of the absecnece of water facilities. -. -t., v The total loss is estimated c at $115,000. - The ! total insurance . is about $63,000. More than $0,000 worth of peanuts, were- burned.' Only twenty-one homes are left . in the .-town, ?"and-; these are - housing the homeless. Five! of these caught fire but were saved. .. - HOSTILITIES CONTINTJE. Belief That Two More Battles . Must Be Ponght. Blufieldsi a Nicaragua. Hope r that the war should be brought to an end through the recognition of the pro visional - government ; by - the United States has been abandoned. J Many believe that two more battles must .be fought; one in the State of Chontales and the other near Managua.' The insurgent generals have sign ed a. solemn pact to the effect that they will stand as a unit with Esri trada until theJast vestige of Zelay ,aism is blotted out of the government of 'Nicaragua. n. . N v ' The peace commissioners which President Madriz announced that he was sending' to ' negotiate with Estra da httve not arrived. . r ' ' FIRST NEW YEAR RECEPTION. President Shook Hands With More ,Than 5,575 Callers.. - Washington, D. C Special. Pres ident , land Mrs. Tflf t held their first New" dear's' reception Jan. 1st, at the White - House. All classes passed in revifiw,,ijuid ,i wo hours iand flf ty- five minutes more . than 5,575 people shook hands with-jthe Chief Execu tive. Thediplofiratie, display sur passed afl previous ones, and all membererof the-icabinet were present, except Knox and Dickinson. . Will Wage Determined Fight. ' - Atlanta, Ga., Special. ' To wage an organized and determined fight against the methods of dealing in cotton- in vogue at the . New York cotton .exchange, N President Charles S. Barrett' of the National Farmers Union has issued a call for a meeting of the officers and leading members of the union to takes place in Wash ington during the present ; month. In the call, Mr. Barrett announces the determination of representatives of the union to remain in Washing ton until Congress takes some ' defi nite action in the matter.'; ' Greetings to All Nations. Washington Soecial. Precisely at midnight on Dec. 31st an-employe of the Navy Department pressed a but ton in the naval observatory. In stantly there leaped from it a spark that encircled the, globe. It lost only a comparatively few seconds, which did not discommode those who heard the news that anew year had been born. New York gt the word, both started from Washington and a few seconds later aftej rit had encir cled the globe. ; Banker Trask Only .Victim. . - i i New ' York, Special. t Spencei Trask, the 1 head of a firm of bank era, which for many years acted as fiscal agent of the late Queen Vic toria, was crushed to death by a rear-end i collision of a Pullman and freight train in 'hi private compart ment while returning to New " York from Yeddo, his country - place at Saratoga. ' - Florida Crops Not Injured. Jacksonville,- Special. The- dam age to Florida crops from the recentN cold weather ) is trivial. It was thought' the low .., temperature " had ruined early vegetablesr. but 'only, trifling, damages have been -wrought and this can be remedied by , replant ing. The orange crop had been mar keted, j. Kills Two and Puts Three in , Jail. Guthrie, Okla.rK Special. ' Five men who ' intended 1 to rob the bank and postoffice . at Harrah, Okla,, ran into a party headed by United States Marshal "Jack" Abernathy. As a ; result two of the bandits are' dead, ' one is in jail ; "at Guthrie wounded, andtwo others are held in jail at Oklahoma City as suspects. ; ; It ls Now Judge Lurton. , Washington, J). C, pecial.-: Judge Horace H. ; Lurton, the: new associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, was sworn Yiu Ust Monday at noon. .1 ' . , ' - . POLKiCOp'NTTi N. C, US It Labor 'Commissioner Shipman " on ,.- Textile Industry, in State. , Raleigh, Special.T-According ,tojre turns to the State Labor- Comiiis sioner, North Carolina ;has!:;312v4ot--ton, woolen and silk mills lwith43, 14311 spindles, : 55,692 1 looms; iJiO, 355 horse-poweri 55,12810 01 whom 23,358 are females, n Sixty ?six per cent of the millR report improve ment in general proficiency, financial condition and education of employes; 89. per . cent- report the ; labor jilws complied with; 84 per cent of opera tives read and" write.- The. avertge number -of . hours - in - a work rs davt is 10., Eighty-one mills-, -use elecnc power.; Sixty-three 'knitting mills report 74,440 J spindles, 6,954 ' i ta vt!hines,' 6,867 employes rGasJon county- leada with 48 cotton "m:ils, Mecklenburg having 22, Alamaitce 21. , . t A . The cotton, woolen . and silk inijUs return . capital stock - totaling ' $5, 083,550,' and: knitting mills; : $2,853,-; 004. . ; ! The. textile industry" represents hy far the largest investment in any ,Qie line in North Carolina also in nuii ber of , employes and amount of waips paid. ; Gaston reports $7,000,000 cdb ital stock in -mills, 452,000- spindl s, 5,550 looms and 17,858 horse-powti; Mecklenburg, ' $4,247300 capitjil stock, ,223,116 spindles, -4,957 looms, 3,955 horse-power ; Alamance $2,85 -715 capital; 136,448 spindles- 5,5 looms, . 7,103 ; horse-power; Cabarn, 15 mills, $2,415,530 capital, 243,174 spindles, 5,096 looms, - 7,670 horse power; Guilford, 12 mills; $2,117,5:0 capital, 204,580 spindles, . 5,26a loonrk ORDER BONDS . PRINTED, j Transcontinental Officers Authorise $50,000,000 IFirts Mortgage Bonds Printed. , - J Asheviler Special The stockhold irs ,und directors of the v South At lantic, Transcontinental Railroad held a meeting heer at which- important busmes matters, '.were transact Li. wnicu xena w snow inai construction work will soon be begun. A resolu tion was pased authorizing the print ns in French ; and Enerlish of $50- 100,000 first mortgage bonds of the transcontinental, which,, it, is said, bankers in France have arranged to 3oat. Another important matter was the election of H. R. Neikerson Df New York as vice-president of the railroad and A. H. Berry of New YoTk as assistant secretary. These two men are said to be repre sentatives of Mc Arthur feros., con tractors, who; itl is said, have the contract for building the road. The election of C. "J. Harris of v Dills- boro and Dri E. B. Glenn of Ashe- ville as members of the board of di rectors was confirmed. Colonel Jones' is of the opinion that early in the spring actual con struction 'work will be begun. ' . 61 Candidates Installed. Charlotte, Special. The Mystic Shriners met here last week in an nual session and after initiating 61 candidates, elected the following of ficers: Illustrious Potentate, H. . A. Murrill, of Charlotte; Chief Rab ban, A. J. Crampton, of Charlotte; Assistant Rabban, J. F. sRhem, of New Bern; R' H. Bradley,. Raleigh, was elected Outer Guard. ' -A 1 - , ' ,( Tar Drppiugs. . v The Anson Building and Loan As sociation, during its 20 years of life have not changed' officers. Dec. 31st 26 shares matured amounting to $200,000. ' - , The ' Charlotte postoffice did oyer $135,000 business in ; 1909. 4 , Mecklenburg issued 610 marriage license last year, white 292; colored 318. The Talcum Puff Co., of Asheville, the second largest talc concern in the " world, shipped 3,000,000 cans last year. An issue of $25,000 7 pei cent preferred stock is authorized. Sheriff Rides Into Clothes Wire; Statesville, Special. While class ing a desperate negro, ' whom he thought at the ! time had committed murder, ' Sheriff J; M.-Deaton ran in to a patent, clothes wire and - was seriously injured. . , . The ' Scottish flites Masons closed their session at Charlotte last Wed nesday. The event was one of, the busiest in the history oi the, order in this State. Falls Between Cars to Death. - v MorgantOn, ' Special. J. L. Davis, engineer in charge of through freight No." 74, was instantly r killed two miles west ' of Morganton.- The tires on the wheels of the engine, broke, due it is supposed, -to the cold weath er and Davis, thinking the engine off the track, started back on the train when the tender and the next car ad joining became uncoupled and he, fell between - on v the .jtrack . causing ihe train-to pass over him, - horribly mangling his body,' botlj v arms and legsbeing severed r and his : head mashed beyond recognition:-. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6,t910. NEWS OF NORTH CAROLINA! . THREE BROTHERS JAILED. Charged, With Obtaining Money on Bogus Bill of Lading for jCotton. - Wilmington, Special. .Sheriff E. W. Summersille and -Deputy W. Kellum, of Onslow ; county, . 4 passed through - the city on December 28th, conveying to jail r at Jacksonville, Carter Fisher, B.k B. Fisher and G. HJ 'Fisher, charged i with defrauding L ike banks x&t Hichlands and Jackson- vile, Onslow county, of about $460 on bogus bills of lading for cotton alleged toy have been ! shipped from Verona in-the same county., ,They were captured at Cerro Gordo, Columbus "county, by. Mr. C. S. Hicks,!' formerly cashier of the Bamk of Whiteville, who is said to have been defrauded by a fourth of the. Fisher brothers,' and Deputy Sheriff Ammons, of Whiteville. The Fisher brothers are said to be natives of Onslow, but have been living in Georgia forfsome time, and are said to be wanted in several. States for swindling banks in much the same manner as they operated in Onslow. As result; of the, trial of the Fisher brothers, charged- with conspiracy, two of the brothers are in jail in default of bond, also the stepfather, John D. Fisher, was placed in . jail, according to developments of the trial. . Rockingham Power Company. Wilmington, Special. It is an nounced here that at a recent meet ing of the bondholders of,., the Rock ingham Power Company;- in New York, at which 97 per 'cent of the bonds were represented the indepen dent bondholder plan proposed by North Carolina inteerst was substi tuted for the plan of the reorganiza tion committee and a meeting com posed of J. . P. Council, Hugh Mac Rae, of North Carolina, and Robert E. McCormick, of Chicago, was ap pointed to put the plan-in effect. It -is believed now ' that the 1 ob stancles to the successful financing of the development are out of the way and that the property will be speedily completed along the lines contemplated by the original pro moters. .-. Rifle Found in Hollow Tree Greenville, Special. Don Carson, a young man of Bethel, this county, while setting mink traps in a creek near his home a few days ago found an old rifle in a hollow tree. Inquiry "as to the gun brought out the 'fact that it was hid there in 186, by a Confederate soldier who was being pursued by ' a posse with dogs. The rifle also bore marks of having been used in the Mexican war,: and not withstanding the long time ". ifr had been in this hollow tree, with a Uttle rubbing-up it "wag ready for use again. . ! v i - . . v Our Industrial Conditions. Raleigh, Special. A showing of in dustrial conditions in North Carolina that is highly gratifying is reflected in the Department of State, the Cor poration Commission and the De partment of Labor and ; Printing. The records in the office of the Sec retary of State show that during the past 12 months there have been is sued 978 charters to new industrial corporations, 542 of this number hav ing been granted within the past six months. Thee were charters for 26 new cotton mill corporations. Of Interest and 'Profit. Winston-Salem, Special. Officials, division managers and North Caro lina salesmen of the "Virginia-Caro-Hna Chemical Company held a meet ing here and discussed various, mat ters relating to the affairs of the company, such as busines conditions, prospects for the ; coming year, etc. ! Judge Bynum is Dead. -Charlotte,; Special. Judsre Preston - LBynum;, one of North Carolina's strongest, men, died last Thursday. He , had served his . state as soldier, lawyer and judge.- He was I a native of Stokes county. . i Murders Kinswoman. . Wadesboro, Special. Jas. Smith shot and kiledhis cousin, Cora Allen. She . was ill in bed at the time.' Smith after committing the deed, mounted his horse and rtrcie away. i Car Line By Feb. 1st. - High.Point' Special. That High Point will have street car's running by February 1 is now a sure thing. j Murdered Across line.' --r. Asheville, Special.Sheriff Cole, of Madison, says, the Chinaman who was murdered across 4he line' in Terinessee, 16 , years ago supposedly by a Confession of Pardee Morris, is up toj the Tennessee authorities. Gigging Fish in Mountains. - - Canton, Special Mountain streams were frozen -over last week and sev eral parties engaged in the, sport of gigging 'fish. One party . killed 55, and another ",40. -, . - ,. The new phone line has been com piled to Elkin. , V PROMINENT PEOPLE. rrofessor,. Charles Le Verrier ar ' rueu iium raris iu imure, . , - .1 a. joqk. snowing, uiat. ne was ' in a General Wood is to receive another Norwegian city. -promotion, Hhe- last x one possible at- The ' administration building of present. - , j Santa Clara College, at San Jose, CaL, Wu Tins-fane: told a renorter for i the World of China's eagerness to build railroads." ' Mark Twcin returned - from Ber muda ill and saying: "My work in this life is done." Mayor-elec Gaynorsaid a thief had j entered his country, home and appar jntly rifled his' letters. , ' William Loeb, Jr., Collector of the Port, organized a new. police force, 300 strong, to prevent' smuggling. Frederick Greenwoods author,, and lournalist,' who founded 'Pall Mall and St. James Gazette, died , at Lon ion. ' . ; Professor Trevor Kincaid, of Bos ion, is now on his way to Russia to sollect parasites for the gypsy and brown-tail moths. .' ' - Commander Peary expressed grati Ication at the rejection in Copenha ;envof Dr Cook's claim to have dis covered the North Pole. - . Representative F. W. Mondell at. Washington, D. C, warmly defended Secretary - Ballinger's administration f the Interior Department. Rival flocks" of Drakes are ln quest 5f the golden .nest egg of $125, 000, ) 0 0 more or less accumulated from the estate of their" great kinsman, Sir Fracnis Drake. The congregation of the New Tab srnacle Baptist .Church, New York; bade adieu to the Rev. Dr. George E. Jtees, its pastor for thirty-seven years, it a public reception. Ernest W:"Gerbracht, at one time general superintendent of the Ameri zan Sugar Refining Company's piers,' pleaded not guilty to a charge of con ipiracy in connection with fraudulent sugar weiihing. . ' ... Fish Famine in Charleston. , Charleston, SpecialJ Bad weather kept fishermen from - going to sea, thereby a shortage was occasioned on the market,, which Wasted several days causing even hardship to poor families in . Charleston and along ) the Atlantic seaboard. Fuel and coun try, products was also decidedly scarce, eggs were 40 cents per dozen; - The Pelzer Cotton Mills have re seived two bales of' cotton from India for experimental purposes. Labor to Raise Large Sums. Washington, D. C, Special. Officers of the - American Feder ation of Labor have issued a call to the 1,540,000 members of the organi zation calling on them to subscribe to a fund with which a bitter fight is to be i begun against ' the United Steel Coropration. Georgia Town Wiped Out By Fire. Crawfordsville, Ga., Special. The business section . of Crawfordsville has been almost wiped out by 1 fire. The loss is $80,000 with insurance of $25,000. V HARMLESS COMMENT. -"The Salome dancer has nothing Kan" , , "Horrors!" "Lemme finish, will you? The Sa lome dancer has nothing on the new classic school when t come to aban-, don and grac;." Louisville Courier Journal. , . ' BELOW any other DO NOT PEW or on otp kind 0 terms, until you. have received our complete Free Cata logues lUustrating and describing every kind of .high-grade and low-grada bicycles, old patterns and latest models, and learn of our remarkable LOW PRICKS and wonderful new offers made possible by selling from factory direct to rider with no middlemen's profits. , . v WECHiP Oil APPROVAL without a cent deposit, Paythe Freight; and allow 10 Days Free Trial and make other liberal terms which no other UHH. house in the world will do. You will learn, everything and get much valu able information by simply writing us a postal. ; , . . . .1 II VII U If f uxuucjr aiuutuxc -W 7 11 11111 Rnm PiiriRTiinp.pnnnc tiheq o n ly Vva7W a whi La .80 GQmEQ oer cair. v, To introt5uc0 ( Wo Ym SoU ( NAILS. TACKS OR GLASS WONT LET Palp f op Only OUT THE AIR O (CASH WITH ORDER $4.65) NO NORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES. Result of . is years experience in tire making. No danger from THORNS. CAC TUS. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knife cuts, un be vulcanized like any other tire. , Two Hundred Thousand pairs now in actual use. Over Swenty-fivs Thousand pairs sold last year. Q - BESGSUPTIQStt Made in all sizes. It is lively and easy riding, very durable and lined msir with a soecial oualitv of rubber, which never becomes porous and which-closrs no nnnll rmnrhir without allowing the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters fiom satisfied customers statin Chat their tires have only been pumped up once or an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given by several, layers of thin, speciall" prepared fabric on the tread. That "Holding Beck" sensation commonly felt when riding on asphatt or soil roaas is overcome oy uie jjulcui xs-ci. Von donot nav a cent until vou have examined tires is $3.50 per pair, but fcr advertising purposes we are making a specUl factory price to the ridel ef only &.80 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship CO.D. on approval We will allow a rash, discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price S4.55 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WITH OICDEK and enclose this tvertisemeat We will also send one nickel . V. plated brass hand pump and tvro Sampson metal puncture closers on full paid orders (these metal puncture closers to be used in case of intentional knife cuts or heavy gashes). Tires to be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory c.i examination, r.- . . - We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a "bank. Ask -your Postmaste , 1 Banker, Express or Freight Agent or the Editor of this paper about ns. lf you order a pairoV 1 these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look : t finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. "Ve know that you will be so well pleased that when ypu want a bicycle you will-give as "jour order. ; We want ou to send us a small trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer. ' f ,.v , i ; . m a.-k . jb )uilt-up-wheels, saddles, pedals, naiwl and repairs, and GDASTn&fsA6l&&m everrthme in the bicycle line are sold by us at half the usua tinces cbarsrea cy fieaiers ari repair men. - w w uui vig oua m . niwr - r V S 'WA rr it wrke us a postal today. DO HOI TUlKK OXT BUYING llli I Ail LZli I vhWel or a na'.r of tires-from anvone until you know the new and 'wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a CUE'" 0YGL5 Gn'J?c:V,r NO. 3C 5T- IvEW&Y GLEANINGS A letter was received from was destroyed .by :Hre. Thomas OHarden was elected to succeed the late State ' Senator" Mc Carren, of ' Brooklyn. y , v , 1 a.u vau. tuitA ucaacx ioi.AiiV4 iLi new I York City that there was a good profit ln ' tho eight-cent price The American baseball players left f Cuba, allegeing unfair treatment on the part of their manager. , The AOantic battleship fleet, with; 10,000 sailors, anchored In New York. Harbor for the Christmas holidays. John Burns and Joseph Hart1 died while attending early masses in Ro man Catholic churches of New York City. - Kentucky wool growers met at Louisville to form a wool pool, mod elled after that of tshe Burley Tobacco Society. A Senate resolution calling , on President Taft ior all papers bearing Ott-pthje Balllnger-Pinchot controversy wafs adopted. t , . , - Prince Albert's title to the . throne of Belgium was held impregnable by friends of the late King, says a Brus sels cable dispatch, r '. The completion of the new $1, 000,000 trestle of the Norfolk- and Southern Railway across Albemarle Sound was announced. ' Timothy P. ( " Little Tim " ) Sulli van; Vice-President of the Board of Aldermen and Tammany "leader In New York City, died after a long ill ness. . -. - . .. The contact with Fritz Brodt for providing , food for 1 immigrants at Ellis Island was cancelled by Govern ment officials, who found the charges that he did ' not provide contract grade supplies proven. . A BUSY BEE. "Father thinks 1 ought to go in for fcusiness a bit,' remarked - the gilded , youth. - . ! j . ' l, - "Made a start as yet?". "Oh, yaas. I've ordered three busi ness ; suits and1 had me name- put up. at a . commercial club.M-rLouIsvilla Coui'ier-Journal, -, Lsf Are af Necessity Jn the Country Home.0 - The farther you are removed from.tow.n to railroad station, the more the telephone will " save in time and horse flesh. No man has a right to compel oneof the family to he in agony for hours while he drives to town for the doctoK Tel-: ephone and save half the suffering.' uur rree Book tells rioveto qr ganize, - build and operate tele phone lines "and systems. . : Instruments sold on thirty davs trial to responsible parties. : - THE CADIZ ELEGTRIC CO., 20I CCC DuIIdbg, Cadiz, Ohio. olS ALL IT WILL 60ST Y03 llfcv Are a Mecessity to write for our big FBE -BICrCLE caUlogo showingr -the most complete line of higfe-er&d BICXCXBS. TIRKS and 8CNDBTK8 at PHICE manufacturer or dealer in the world. r Q BUYA mOYGIUZ2ZZ we need a tifae Agin m every town and can oner an opportunity yuuug xacn wao appiy- at once , 1 iiub llibpW O !' l. 80 SpIgPAiJ Notice the thick rubber trea4 "A" and puncture strips "B jand "D," also rim strip ir to prevent rim cutting. Thin tire will outlast any other make SOFT, ELASTIC and KASYBIDINCk. f twice in r. whole season. Thev weiirh no more that. wre ucou wmcn prevents ail air from bcina and found them strictlv as -represented. postal to learuverythiag. WriteitKOW. C::I. L C D IOflK- lit, O r r r ; 3 Dr. F. tl I 4 -I - 1 'r I : 1 - '!i 4 i1- i, t i 1 A 1 1